ribmt.- ) - VOL; XIII. J. B. SHERRILL, Editor tad Publisher CONCORD, N. C, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1914 40 Cents a Month 4 CcnU a Copy. NO, 477 V EX. HIGH SCHOOL ntticico:; 41 i BEOEPTtO YESTERDAY Mrs. Parks M. Left-arty Entertains U Honor ef Mn T. H. Spencer And ICm Ashly Lowe. Mrs. T. N. Spencer, en October bride, aod Miss Ashlya Lowe, who will become the bride of Mr. J. Rom Canaoa in the spring, were the hon oreee at one of the most elegant and largely attended aoeial events of the year yeatcrday afternoon a reception (riven by Mrv Parka M. Lafferty at ber home on North Union street. The spacious home was most attractively decorated for the occasion. . The hall waa banked with ferns, lilliea and potted plants. In the parlor, where the receiving party stood the color Contest Will be Held. Lis f Coavjrhe- pink and green and was prettily executed witn smuax ana NINETEEN 00UHTIE8 AND : 8CH00LS REPRESENTED. Win Be the Second, Annual Contest i i Declamation, Recitation, Compo sition, Spellinc and Track Athletics of Western Dirisioa of Public Hlfh SchoolsApril 10 Will Bo the Say TORRENS LARS SYSTEM KOW nr PRACTICE. tost and Prises. The second annual contest in decla mation, ' reeitationa, composition, composition, spelling and track ath letics of the Western Division of the Public High Schools of North Caro lina -Vill be held in Concord April 10th. - 8everal weeks ago the eonroit tee of teachers in charge of the con teat held a meeting in Salisbury to make arrangements for the meet and decide upon a place to hold it. A number of towns extended ' invita tions. Mr. W. J. Weddington repre sented Concord and urged the com mittee to have the meet here, There waa eonsiderabl rivalry among the towns and the matter was not decid ed at the meeting. Yesterday Mr. Weddington received a measage from Mr. W. W. Walker, State inspectoi of high schools, stating that the meet would be held here. . Nineteen counties and 41 . high schools will be represented at the meet. The following is a list of the schools and h t that will take place: .... . Anson Morveu High School, Lilcs ville High School, Polkton Hih School. , Union Marshville High " School, Unionville High School, Wesley Chap el High School , Mecklenburg Hunteraville Hi" School, Matthews High School, Pino- ville High School Stanly New Lopdon High School. Cabarrus Rocky River High School. Winceoff High School. - Rowan Mt. Ulla High School, China Grove High School, Woodleif High School . ; ; iiellilarnwnyHigfeSclippJ, Beotts High School. Davie -Cooleeuiee Jligh. ' School, Farmineton Hieh School. . Yadkin Courtney High School. Surry Dobson High School, Pilot Mountain High School, Rockford High School. Alleghany Sparta High School. Turkey Knob High School. Ashe Helton High School. Wilkes Wilkcsboro High School, Ronda High School. Caldwell Granite Falls Hinb School, Oak Hill High School. Alexander Stoney Point High School. Tavlorsville High School. Catawba St. James High School. Star Town High School. Lincoln Crouse High School, Den ver High School Cleveland Waco" High School, Fallston High School Gaston Cherryville High School, Dallas High School, Stanly High School, Belmont High School. Contests Athletic: . . Running high jump..- Running broad jump. Shot put (12 pounds). - Hammer throw (12 pounds). One hundred yards dash. Two hundred and twenty yard dash. Six hundred and sixty yards relay " raee. Pole vault. Contest in declamation. Contest in recitation. , ,-' Contest in spelling. . Contest in composition. . A cold medal will be awarded the . winner in each athletic contest and a silver cup will be given the school . winning the most points. . A ; gold medal will also be given the. winner . - in the declamation and recitation eon sweet peas, a large shower boquet be ing suspended from the chandelier near where the guests were received. Tbo library, where coffee waa poured, waa in red, huge bunebes of red car nations forming the principal floral designs. Welcoming the guests at the door v-as Mrs. W. A. Foil. Mesdames L. E. Roger and C. P. MacLaughlin pre sented the guests to the receiving party composed of Mesdames P. M. Lafferty, T. N. Sponcer, Charles K. Roger and Misses Ashlyn Lowe, Come Boyd and Edna Corroll. From the receiving line the guests were shown to the dining room, where sandwiches, tea and coffee were served by Mes dames J. 8. Lafferty, D. L. Bost, E. T. Cannon, E. A. Moss, R. M. King, H. M. Propst, B. M. Gillon and Misses Laura McGill Cannon, Mary Bing ham, Sudie Smith and Elma Boyd. During the calling hours a number of musical selections were rendered by Misses Nell Herring and Helen Troy. More than 250 guests called during the hours, afternoon from 3 to 5. TO GIVE BOTH SIDES AH EQUAL CHAfiCE New Act in Effect in North Carolina. Examiners Appointed and Blanks An Beady. Examiners have been appointed for this eonnty and Clerk of Court I xo FIGHT XT OUT TO SEB WHICH wiaennouse nas received Dianas lor those desiring to hsve their lend reg istered under the Torrens system e passed by the recent legislature. I Messrs. D. M. Furr. A. B. Palmer and J.m W. Hutchison have been appointed examiners for this coun ty. Speaking of the art Attorney Pal mer said that under the Torrens sys tem of registration the State guar anteed the title. - Anyone desiring to nave their property registered un der the new system can do so by se curing a blank from the Clerk of Court and making formal application IS "BEST MAN" This Was One of the Motives Actu ating President Wilson When Ht lifted the Embargo on Arm. Not Only Wasted to Eliminate Hurts Bat Wished to Boo Which of the Bniifsrente is Fittest e bersrn. HasrU's Confidential Agent Will Sail at One for New Orleans. Vara Tnn. Fob fl Tn viva Wi for registration. Anyone claiming 8ides jn Mexico fair chance -to fight title to the property roust be notified ;t 0t .nd demonstrate which is the stronger faction was one of the mo tives actuating President , Wilson when he lifted the arms embargo. Gov. John Lind is said to fakve told friends here. It is reported that Gov. and made a party to the action. A notice is required to be published in a newspaper published in the county where the land is situated1 after which the matter os referred to the examiner. The examiner investigates the title and recommends that the Lind said the President not only desired to eliminate Huerta but want same be accepted or rejected as the ed t0 Me wnicn of the belligerents i " " Frc I attest to govern. sented to the clerk and is orderea The fral gunboat Haragoza is mu.v rexisierru. i ne une is fcrii- mdy ,0 ga,i for New Orleans with a icreo in anpi caic. me owner Keeping confldential agent of Huerta aboard a copy and the register nr deeds a It u believed that be is going for 8 r"i". cargo or arms and ammunition TL . I'll- 1 ii. . T i ine ime, unner inn lorrens b.vb- tom, in effort n deed as under the a u..i : t M u .i Z, ,r. ili dwsry farce," was former Am "Bsme Old Dreary Faroe." New York, Feb. 6. ".The samt bv reason of the fact that after a title is duly rearistered under the Torrens system it is not necessary to trace further back than the date of roaiRtration to establish its validity. Expect Few in Football Death of Mrs. R, B. Morris. ! Mrs. "RvB. Morris died suddenly v VesterdaV afternoon at ber home on Vance street. Mrs. -Morris hsd been nnwell for several' idays but her con dition was not considered dangerous, She wasjiD and attended to ber house' hold duties yesterday, morning.: She - was taken suddenly, worse in, the af- " ternoon snd died about 4 : o 'clock, TShe was 30 years of age and is sur. vived by her husband. . ., -: The funeral will be" held t Forest : i Hill Methodist Church, of which iit deceased was a member,' this aftcr noon at 4 o'clock. Tbo service will " he condticted by Rev. M. T. Smathers. Changes Boles. : New York, Feb. A. Once again thoj members of the intercollegiate feet ball rules committe have gathered iu this city to do a little tinkering with the laws that govern the great Amer ican college sport. At this meeting, which will continue over tomorrow, the playing rules will' come' up for their annual revision, although the indications are that whatever changes are made will be of a minor manner. -The most important matter to be dis rosierimr tftled upon ;1se-'pTpos-al to number the players. This plan was introduced at the meeting last year, but was dismissed without seri ous consideration at that time, tho sentiment being then expressed that it was a matter for each college to determine for itself and was not a subject that would properly be in cluded in the playing rules. It is be lieved now that the proposition of numbering the players will be adopt ed. The proposition is regarded as especially reasonable in that it would facilitate the following of open plays. It is at present very difflcuP to distinguish the players, and such a chnnge would tend toward a de- ided improvement, making it easier both for officials snd the spectators, In addition to this proposition it is regarded as likely that the meeting ill take favorable action on the proposal for the reinstatement of the field judge. The need or such an otn- cial has been felt ever since he was done away with several years ago, His reinstaten-eflt would mean less work for the other officials, who now have more to watch with the pre sent complicated tactics than they an very well attend to. Fourteen Million for . Buildings. Philadelphia. Feb. 6. Fourteen millions of dollars will be spent by Philadelphia in the erection of pub lic buildings to comprise what i claimed will he the most notabli group of municipal structures in the world, according to plans -nearing completion today. Starting -at the Citv Hall the buildings will be erec ted along a broad parkway with tne Municipal Art Gallery at one end. and A temple of Justice at the other, Other structures will be a central library, central traing school, Frank lin Institute, American Philosophical Society building and school of indus trial art. The Municipal Art uall cry . and the Temple of Justice will cost $3,000,000 each, and the central library 3,500,000. The school industrial art is to cost ' $1,000,000, POLICEMAN KILLED IN FIGHT WITH GUNMAN -Death of Mr. J. H. Stamner. Mr. J. H. Slamper'died iast higlii at bis home on McGill street after lingering illness. 'Mr. Stamper was 72 years of age and ia survived by his wife. , He was a Confederate veteras and was wounded during the war. lie The funeral will be held tomorrow morning at 11 p,'clock... . , f There is a great cry ena real de mand for some feasible pish or plsns of furnishing money at a fair rate to (ur farmers. President v ilson an members of , Congress are ptudying the subject,- and will no doubt work A GIFT OF LOVE. Mrs. j. p. cook or concord Gives a Commnnion TihU to Central Math, odist Church in Memory of the Late When He Was Captured Mob With Mrs. Julia G. Pemherton. Difficulty Was Kept Front Lynch Albemarle Enterprise. I Lag Him. Recently there was given to ten- vew York. Feb. 6. A policeman ii. i i A ail . . yai jiewoaisi cnurcn oi Aioemane knied and a fireman probably, fatally a communion table as a memorial to Bi10t ; runnine fieht with a ninman. the late Mrs. Julia G. Pemherton, for nne gunman was loafing on a corner many years a iairmui meimier oi and when the policman told him to Central M. E. Church. The table is mnv n he shot the fclueeoat. When gilt of Mrs. James Y. Cook, nueUhA irunmsn was captured the nolice MissMapaJflBeJL great difficulty -i- hepi-4he Airs, coos, prior 10 ner marriage, i mob f rom lynching him, augini music in Aioemane ior inrec ears and boarded with Mrs. Pember-1 Famine in Japan. ton. ' I ' The famine in the northern part of JIBS. IOOK, wnting 111 regara lo HAnHn nnil t be slAnd nf Y7.o is sa d Mrs. Pemherton, says that she loved t u- tua mnE RftVr vw known her as her own mother, for She was rnv nomnna have atarved to death so pure and good m every way. and otner8 conimited suiside and their A check tor tne table was sent to mses often lie unhuried for davs. Mrs. I. J. Caldwell, who turned it T,. , nf ,hn junior wn a cAln oei iu nt uuura -a. . ourrent from the northern seas which lentrai .netnomst cnurcn. MootrnvoH Wh pmnn fluhinw an ti. a .1.. i...-i. "r . I 11B BIH-irtv Dim Hie CUUiCU Ulic fh. inhohitnntu flootitnln this means of thanking Mrs. Cook for . j;f,.: i, .;.' the gift and pray that God may ever U ig that yotmg women from the DleSS Qcr. I nrvi no sAtvinn pro hainrr virtnollv arAA Confederate Reunion Dates Postpon- VTT- "XL' "XL . 'Z ed to May 6, 7 and 8. L h Anfl nr m aWio. fif. Jacksonville.a., Feb. 5. Acting toiu, -i-i. : !, f upon me re. urei ?l wb.i uo.mcn. . ..... lured t H. Young of Louisville, Ky. com- ffom their homeg- The Uce thoush manaer-m-cniei oi me unnea. uon-nt TO0 ,k;i, n, federate Veterans, . dates for the . , - . u,.u i. wenty-fourth annual Confederate re- it( for6th'6y w with II11UU HCIO wc.o Fi W An Ik. , no.nt. A ;i on OA J f... 1 . M... It 7 "" uu.cuvik iu,- aprii , .uy cording to the old Japanese ethical and 8, at a meeting here todw of code itB regarded J M admirable rcpreseniuiives ui nic f rwiaus am - . . , Boston -Journalist School Opens. Boston. Feb., 6 Boston Univers ity, will be opened tonight, starting as a signal class, enrolled lor fifteen week s courses. Harry B. Center of a' local editorial staff, has been made instructor of journalism, and Las ar ranged a series of weekly lectures at which prominent newspaper men of Boston will outline different, phases of newspaper work, iv ; ; ': . .. . . i , ,i i . i" . The South Atlantic Quarterly, pub lished at Trinity College, Durham, ia an excellent publication .that is constantly growing better. The Quar terly ia edited by President Few and Dr. w. H. uiasson, or Trinity, and is devoted principally to the discussion of literary and historical topics and public matters or general interest, oat some good plan.- -' ; Some men lay out so much work of recent developments in Mexico ex pressed before the Baptist social Un ion. Gen. Carania is a 'poor, feeble, silly old man" Villa a "bandit and murderer','-and Zapata' an ''Indian thief." said Wilaon. act of devotion for a daughter so to sacrifice herself to relief the distress of her parents. c HXTEKTA SATS HZ ! HAS 189.000 MEN a And Will Add 60,000 More at Once. Says Gov cram sat Has Opened Northern Caapaixn With 150,000 Trained Troops and 39,000 Enlisted Men. Wants Operations Reported OoiTecUy. Refuses to Comnunt on Mr. Wilson's "Action." In a special dispatch to the New York World, Gen. Huerta makes the following signed statement : In reply to your question asking the view of the government of this republic concerning the proclamation of His Excellency President Wilson, in which he lifts the embargo on the sale of arms snd munitions of war of Mexico, I may aay ht neither the Republic of Mexico nor I personally will make any comment whatever on President Wilson's action. On the other hsnd, it affords me pleasure to reply definitely to your request that I give your important publication a statement of actual con ditions at the present time in this re public. This government has 150,000 regular army troops under arms, trained federal troops, snd 39,000 en listed men. With this total force of 189,000 men the government has op ened the northern campaign. With the sole view of hastening the pacification of the country, this government will tomorrow, February 5, issue sn order for the addition ot 50,000 men to the present force of the army. The only object the govern ment will have in thus strengthening its military power will be to enforce its policy of restoring peace to Mex ico in the shortest possible time. It is mv wish that tbe military operations about to be undertaken be reported truthfully and impartially by competent correspondents, for your own and other widely circulated publications. As an inducement tot the performance of such service, In order that real facts msy be known, tli government I have the honor to represent offers herewith to pay flr claas passage to Mexico for ten cor respondents of leading newspapers in the United States. On the arrival of those correspondents here this gov eminent will furnish them with mon ey, supplies and an armed escort, en abling them to (ravel in safely to the Adds of military aetion, whence they may forward to their several news papers' full and accurate reports of coridifions and 'events' of which they1 will be personal witnesses. DOPE SELLERS TJf NEW YORK. One Physician Purchased 92,600 Worth in a Single Month. New York, Kb. 6. Habit-forming drugs are sold in "appalling quantities," said Carl E. Whitney to day, speaking before the county medical society. Mr. Whitney, as an assistant I'nited States district attor ney, had the charge of enforcing the laws regulsting the sale and the use of these drugs. He ssserted that up ward of 100 dictors and druggists in New lork are ensairod in a dru traffic which threatens health and morals. One physician in a single month purchased on prescription .fj, 500 worth. "The drug habit," he said, "can be cured by legislation. It docs need segregation and socit4ies for social uplift." He recommendi'd that the manu facture and importation of "dope" drugs be limited and the traffic regu lated by a system of registration which would make ti possible to trace a container from the manufac turer to the disrynser. SMALLPOX VICTIM BREAKS QUARANTINE FIRE THIS MORNING. Two Houses Belonging to Mr. W. M. Conine at Younf-Hartsell Mill De stroyed by Fire. Fire destroyed two houses, one 5 room snd1 one 4 room, about 6 o'clock this morning at tbe Young-Hartsell mill. Ihe fire started in the house occupied by Mrs. Honeycutt, the blaze being first discovered between the ceiling and the roof. The flames spread quickly and caught the ad joining house occupied by A. R. Har ris. Both were consumed in a short time. The houses were the property of Mr. W. M. Corzine and were leas ed by the Young-Hartsell mill. Mr. Corzin's loss is partially covered by insurance. REBELS ARE CtOSL'G in ra TO DESPERATE BATTLE IS EXPECT ED BEFORE NIGHTFALL. The Federals Have Barricaded the Main Streets And Are Prepared for a Stubborn Resistance. Four American Warships Ready to Take Care of Americans And Other For eigners, War Minister Says Lift ing of Embargo Will Not Make Rebels Any Better Off. Mexico City, Feb. 6. The rehU are closing on Tampico and a desper ate battle is considered a possibility j-wv.c iiiKih ian. ine federals nave barricaded the main atreeta and hi v. prepared for a stubborn resistance. four American warships at Tam pico are ready to take care of Ameri cans and other foreigners. During the night the wounded fed erals were brought to Tampico from ruena, a suburb to the north, where hard fighting had been in pro gress. The is a ANOTHER BIG BLIZZARD IN MIDDLE WE3T, Chicago Blizzard Swept for Second Time in Tiro Weeks. Chicago, Feb. 6. The second bliz zard of a fortnight swept over the nest and middle west today, accom rcpresentat scciation, railroad officials and mem bers of the local entertainment com' mittee. Members of General Young's ft ah J kiiBinAaa " aanAni k t inil trrou'ut th7ry ii STK AW to Stanly County iwnnest that the reunion dates Del ucnoois. postponed. I Albemarle Enterprise. I Superintendent b. l . &ddins baa received information from State Sup- Washington. Feb. 5. That no at- enntendent J. Y. Joyner that twen temDt will be made to destroy thelty-two days will be added, to the wreck of the liner Monroe, off the length of the school terms , already Virginia Coast was recommended to I provided by the county. Committee the revenue cutter Service today by I men and teachers can determine thu Captain Chiswell, of the cutter Onan-1 length of the school term by adding dago. He reported that the .masts of j twenty-two days to t he lour months tho Monroe extend onlv six fathoms aireaay provioea ior. ocnoois toat above the pilothouse and that ' itjhave a toan will deduct inpayment would seem advisabgle to use whistl-1 on the loan from tbe amount trediteo ing and gas buoys to mark the wreck I to the district and will use the bel- scene insieaa or. reuiwiug iue uuHia.iaut-v w hn.. .vo Argue Bate Reductions. I Moving Picture Films Barred From Washington. D. C, Feb. 6. Argu-I Mails. ments were heard! bv the Interstate! Washington. Feb. 5. Moving Die Commerce Commission today on tneiture films made of lnnammabe ma arrolication of interstate carriers serv-1 terials are barred from the .United ing North Carolina to be allowed to! States mails by an order made public out into effect the reduced rreignt I toda v. Films made of non-inflamma- rates that were agreed upon by the I bel material, of which there is said to railroads and the State legislature I be limited number in general nse, some -time ago. Various cities oil may be (mailed. Virginia and eastern Tennessee are I Most of the film transportation opposing tbe reductions. ; I business is carried on .by express companies. . . - Negro Was Running Wild With tbe Fever on the Streets. Charlotte Observer. Cherrytown was the scene of one cf the " longest -distanced " conversa tions, yesterday morning ever carri ed on without the use of telephones. when a negro crazed with tbe fever incident to a good ease of smallpox broke from his quarantine at home and ran into the streets. Mayor Bland sent a number of health officers after the negro with orders to run bim in some way. Chief Amos Cook of the sanitary Department was the first to reach the neighborhood of the negro and it ought to be said that the merely stay ed in the neighborhood and not in the immediate vicinity of the plague- stricken darkey. "Get back home! shouted Mr. Cook, as he waved his arms in for ensic manner. "Yassah, ah '11 be right dar in mink!" shouted back the smallpox victim. "You may be; but I won't!" replied Mr. Cook, as be threw him self into high-gear up the street. After running around in this man. I ner for some time tbe negro got real close, about 100 feet, and asked: "Am youh a healthy officer T "Yes, I'm s healthy officcer, and I intend to stay healthy. You stand where you are. Naw don t neither, get back borne." They finally got the negro back in quarantine but it was decided to lm proviso a pest house while the regu lar one is being built snd to carry such victims to a place where they won 't be a menace to the rest of the citizens who haven't been vaccinated, only approach to the nil ivm-i nilroad causeway over the swamps, riie rebels are fighting for possession of this. War Minister Blunquett today said that lifting the embargo would not make the rebels any better off be "pusc they baii been transporting arms across the border for several months. Constitutionalists Occupy Bennijilo Chihuahua, Feb. 6. Bermijilio, forty miles north of Torreon, has been occupied by the Mexican Consti tutionalists, according to dispatches reaching here. This is the first town of importance taken by the rebels in their campaign against" Torreon. There is much skirmishing around Torreon, but a general attack has not yet been opened. Thirteen hundred more rebels left here for Torreon to. panied by snowfall that hindered daJ'- Gen- iHa changed his plana, railroad traffic and caused a rapid an( instead of going to Jaurez ro trmperature drop. At Aliance, Neb., "ained here on account of the eelc it is niuteen degrees below zero. There oration of Mexican Constitutional is a heavy loss among cattle and sheep day- - iBnNebraaknnA,da.nageJ,to. wh4.m . - feared. Two women imprisoned for wuMiiVAh TOanrar seven hours on a lonely crib, two miles out in the lake, when rescued Company L Has Booked Tropical were hysterical and half frown. Amuseaient Company for a Week Their three mule companions wrc in March. drowned. it w;in r,,.,.i,; .v. t - - .....,, . ' L.nukU L.l wig Han. SchmidtMut Pay Penalty for SZl, 1 He v i T u o L sined a t-ontrct with Capt. L. A. New York, Feb. 5. Hans bchmidt Brown for the shows to appear here today was found guilty of murder in for a ,veck beginning March 30th. the first degree for killing Anna An- The show was here at that date last muller, a young woman be had mar- year. The show will be given nnder ried through a self-performed cere mony while acting as a priest at St. Josephs Church. The penalty is death in the electric chair at Sing Sing prison. Schmidt will be sentenced Wed nesday. Schmidt, whose defense was msani , laughed bitterly when tbe ver dict was pronounced. He steadfastly Mr. Kemp Doughton is to Be Bank Examiner. Washington, Feb. 6. Mr. Rev. J. A. B. Fry, a former Trinity Kami)! student and for the. past several Doughton, son of former Lieut Gov. years pastor of the Methodist Episco- Doughton,. baa passed a most, saiis-ipsi vuuicu, oouiu, v farnrv minAtinn for federal hank I if ornia. the seat of the University examiner and will be appointed to of California, will deliver a lecture succeed Fred A. Hull in North Caro- at Trinity Mhrch 1. Mr. Fry is now lina. '' '- - ?-. ' I in fiurope, but expects to return in a v ?. , - -. rew weeks. Salisbury's first, nurse snatcher in some months made his appearance! If Messrs. Simmons and Overman shortly after dark Wednesday night really want Mr. Hammer made dis- on East Bank street and made an triet attorney the political wiseacres in unsuccessful attempt to ret a purse I would feel perfectly safe in placing the morning that they get all tired from Miss American' Aaron.- She held their last dollar on tne AsnDoro gen. nut ahnnt ft in less than half an hmir to the curse and the screams of her-.tleman landinir, the attorney general and are hot fit for anything the r4 self and her sister frightened the nan to the contrary notwithstanding. Ot lh day. '' '.v.- '. ' VWVJ.. . ; jvnwiawiu pw,a . . i .7 To Seek South American Trade. New York, Feb. 6 More than one hundred representative business men of Chicago and tbe Central West have arrived in this city preparato ry to sailing on tbe Steamship Van- ban tomorrow on a two months cruise to Buenos Ayres and return Tbe Ilinois Manufactures' Associs Hon has arranged the " excursion. which has as its chief purpose the stimulation of trade between the Uni ted States and tbe South American countries. En route to Buenos Ayres stops will be made at Barbados, Pa ra, Pernamhuco, Bahia, Rio de Jsnei ro Montevido and . several other points. From Buenos Ayres some of the party will make tbe overland journey to Santiago and Valparaiso, Chile.' : ' ' ' ' Q,.y.fe Roosevelt to Stump Maine" for Pro- w v irestrrt Ticket. Portland, Maine, Feb. 8. Colonel Roosevelt will stump Maine next fall in behalf of the Progressive State ticket, according to an announcement by George W. Perkins, chairman of tbe national Progressive - executive committee, . the auspices of Company L, which will share in the proceeds. Mr. Hobson's Pay. Bullimore Sun. The suggestion that Congressman Hobson's salary should be docked for the time he has been absent from the House, campaigning in Alabama for had declared himself guilty and had tne Senatorial nomination, runs up pleaded that he be punished by death, j sgainst too many Congressional feel- Later he protested against the in- lnss lo nave any cnance oi adoption. anity defense advanced by his con-reoPle wno live in glass houses And scl, and tonight said he would noil" dangerous to throw strnesn and assist them in any way if tbey pre-1 ?ther Congressmen may consider it pared an appeal. i impolite to establish a precedent that .: I would rather die tonight than may return to plague them. Andper-3: tomorrow," he said. "It is as ill haps it is more economical to pay Mr. v should be and as I wish it." iHobson co stay away than to attend. It is cheaper for him to be campaign-' The Hand Organ. ing ineffectually against Underwood Literary Notes. I in Alabama than stirring up war with Helen Keller s ready wit is shown I Japan trom his seat in the House, by sn incident from her lecturing tour. In these days lectures the au- It is interesting to nhurv. hn th,. dience is given an opportunity to ask I succession is maintained Of those who questions which are passed on to Miss expect on any day the premillennial iveiier inrougn ner leacner, mrs. return or Christ to rnn n .: Mt Macy. I earth, such as were called Millerites "Do you play any instruments f ' seventy years ago. Thev axe aturdv was one of the questions put to her ! Iiteralists as to Scripture, great atu- the other day. dents of prophesy, and are given, like "Only the hand-organ, came the Miller, to setting the day s. ot wir quick reply throwing out both hands. I Lord 's coming. A conference - of Indeed her hands are very wonder-1 them is to met in Chicago this mont'i ful sny one who has ever seen them and we observe among - those an will not forget them. One of the nouncod to speak the president of most interesting chapters of "Out of Westminster College, a professor of tne JJsrk, ner latest book, dealslAema theological Seminary, the edi with "The Hand of the World." tor of the Sunday School Times and the most noted among revivalists. Danish Prince a Boy Scout. We also observe among those talked Copenhagen, Feb. e.-Crown Prince I of to succeed President Patten at Frederick, who, with; his younger I Princeton Seminary .one premillen- brotber Prince Knud, joined the Dan-lnarian scholar. The Independent. ub Boy scouts last year, today was appointed "English Translator" for (Urge Numbering of Football Players. that organization; He won the job I New York, Feb. 0 A determined by fulfilling three tasks: writing a effort to adopt a rule requiring- nil long and really clever essay in .ng-1 football players ' to wear numerals lish on the boy scout movement, trans-1 was scheduled for tonight when the lating an article from a London Intercollegiate Football. Rules Com- newspaper, and m conversing in (mittee meets here to discuss propoa English for an hour. led changes id the vlavinr rules. IE. ; K. Hall, chairman ot tha- earmnittM. It has .been decided that Judge! was to preside. It aut nrxiiiiM '; Long, the resident judge of this dis-. that few changes, in the rules will hj irici, snaii nave me nonor or noia-imade, ? : .- ing the first court in Rowan 'a new! "; , , .; , v " temple of justice, just completed. The ' An exchange tells us how to boil.' court i will be helud in March, thel water. This ; is, a. great . waste of ' ' r eoruary term being held in the old space. Toe way to boil water is to building. -v j 1 put it in kettle and set it no a hot " ... istore. A quicker method, has never a ur. xmeuie, of Texas,. has six-1 been discovered.. teen beautiful and. aecomtlishel I daughters only one ot whom is mar- It is announced that M'rV James A. ried. .This ia what the French would Robinson is an aspirant for the ofTTSs call an swoarrassraoTit : f Ritchie, of postmaster at. Durham. .