a i - - r hahiest comnnoTT a omo InaUtat for roefcle Minded, Where 1900 Maul Defectives Are fW Columbus. CHiiu. Feb. 21. ''IM happiest Utile community in Obio" is Ike tern aplied lo the Obio In stitute for the Feeble Minded, vbciM 1900 mental defective are working ad playing. While refcrmett an. I many scientists are demanding steri lisation of tccnlal defective, Or. E. J. limerick, sujierintendent of tht Obio Imtitote ha apparently solved f. tba problem for bis state. "Segregation i the pror Way t eliminate ferble.niiinliirsK," aaid Dr. Emerick. "Thin isn't a hottpita'.. It'a home, a workshop, a play ground. These people ran never hope for recovery. They are not to blame, ao why sterilization f They are the state 'a wards, not burdens in our in stitute here. Then, too, the institu tion is their protector as it sheiM then from the sniffs and jeers of tV thoughtless." Large, airy, well lighted mora house dozens of little boys busy at . weaving, making lianv.TixkB or doov mats. For the older hoys and men there is training at blarkirxithing. carpentry, plumbing and painting But the girls are having the real fun. They are being made lionsekeeprs an 1 home-makers. "Every girl instinc tively loves to fuss around a kitchen." aaid Dr. Emeriik. "So we have fix ed up a model kitchen and dining room for them. They are give.i scientific instruction in the art of cooking. Then they serve the meal. Cur girls know more about getting things on the table neatly and in vitingly than many grown ups. "And it isn't work to them. It 'it play; You see, their minds haven'; developed past the childhood stage iu most cases and they take a child's ' delight in doing something." There is a well equipped gymnasium con nected with the institute and last but not least there is music to make thj inmates happy. Pianos and victrolas are scattered throught the buildings. A course in music is given those com petent to take it. They have n twenty-five piece orchestra. Curious Condensations. More than 4,600 miles of copper wire will be required for telephones in a big office building in Now York. Except in the Indian service, tin ish army nurses are not allowed to ( dance in the stations where they are at work. The order was issued tw years ago. A new trial was granted in a cat.o in Philadelphia on the discovery that one of the men who had sat on the jury was a deaf mute and hadn't heard a word of the testimony. Charitable persons of New York City are endeavoring to supply pure candy to the children of the slums in place of the poor material which has heretofore been in their reali. Most of the tornadoes of the Uni ted States are born at or near Yuma, Ariz., according to a German scientist whp has been investigating the pecu liar atmospheric conditions of that locality. rality. It is reported that during the last A " 1 A (1AA TnA I usuiug season iv,uuv oupaiirw nc employed in the industr in the waters employed in the industry in the waters the total value of their catch amoui ted to $4,000,000. Jlenry Martin, secretary of a cot ton manufacturing company at Farnwortb, England, has just com pleted 60 years' service in the em ploy of the firm, with which his fam ily has a record of 270 years' ser vice. ' The Hen A Boy's Composition. Hens is curious a-iimals. Thov don't have no ncse, nor no teeth, nor no ears. They swallow their wittles whole and chaw it up in their 'chops inside of 'em. The outside of hens is generally put into pillers and made into feather dusters. The inside of a hen is sometimes filled up with marbles and shirt buttons ana seen. A hen is very much smaller than a good many ot,hcr antncnls, but they'l! dig up more tomato pianis man an;'- thingthat ain't a hen. Hens is very useful to lay eggs for plumpuding. Bet yer life I like plumpuddinsf. Skinny Bates eat so much plumpud ing once that it et him into the col lery. Hens has got wings and can ' fly when they are scark I cut my Uncle William's hen's neck off wjth a hatchet and it scart her to death. Hens sometimes makes; very ;flne spring chickens. yi : ;v ;v; ! Birthday of Wealthiest Boy. Providence, R. I., Feb. 21. John Nicholas Brown, the "wealthiest boy in .the world," entered upon, his fif teenth year today. As an infant bo was known as the " Ten-Million-Dol-' l Ruhv." Todav his . fortune is variously estimated at from $25,000, 000 to $50,000,000. . Seven years - hepee, when he attains his legal ma- jority, be will come into possession of more millions that, are now held iu - trust and will then be numbered " among the richest men in America. , ' Safe for Babies, Effective for Grown Tbat'i Foley Honey and Tar Compound1. It has the confidence of your druggist, who knows it will give you satisfaction. W. W. Nessmitb, Ststesbore, Qa, says: "I have need - ' Foley 1 Honey and Tar Compound iu mv family and have sold it in my store and it never fails to cure." Ro fnSe a substitute. For sale by Gib - eon Prug Store. " ;. adv. - The Moral of the Gore Cue, ' Baltimore Sun. , Senator Gore has been exonerated by the jury in the case against the woman in the case, and we are glad of it, because the blind Senator has rendered good publie service, and it would have been a pity to be obliged to think ill of him. But the moral is: b''ness with her, take your wifs J a ymi go to a lady's room to talk tbts r ati nr sistost. reentry tl. Kjrcutioo of Colonel Despe.ru for plotting to assassinate King Oeorg HI. Austrian warship "Radetaky" blown up. with low of 300 Urea. 1H7-I Ilenjamiu Disraeli became pre mier of England for the -second time. l.viV Dedication of the Washington Monument at the national capital. IHUtt Warships of the 1'uwers bom barded the Cretan rebels near Canea. 1SHX) Oen. Bulter crossed the Tugeta River and drove in the Boer rearguard. THIS DATE nr HISTORY. February 2Z IT.TJ-(ieorge Washington, first Pre sident cf the 1'. 8., bom in , Westmoreland County , Vc. Died in Aft. Vernon, Decem ber 14. 1799. I .SOU Funeral of William litt. the statesman in Westminster Abbey. H'M Mexicans under Santa Ann begun the seige of the Alam at San Antonio. 18.'t The firs railroad in Califor nia was completed. 1'fllH The War Department ordered the -moboliiation of 4,000 troops near the Mexican bor der. SQUIRE SHIFFItETT PRAISES IT Because It Cured His Boy's Cough in a Hurry. Bear's Emulsion Puts the Body in Snaps to Resist Germs of Consumption. 'Squire P. P. Shiftiett. one of the most successful farmers and business men in East Rockingham, writes: Mr. John D. Bear, Elkton, Ya. Dear Sir: Three years ago my little grandchild had a very bad cough and Cold. We gave her nearly everything that was recommended for coughs, but she appeared to b? getting worse all the time. My neigh bor, E. E. Coffman, told me of Bear V Emulsion. I bought a bottle and a fc.v (loses began to make such a dif- ferencc in the child that we all tclt , ceatlv relieved as we hod been un- easv about the cough for some tin. remedy not only broke up th ouch but toned up the system bei ter than anything 1 ever saw. I etui recommend it to any one wanting something for a cough or general tonic Yours respectfully, P. P. ShiflleU. Bear's Emulsion is good for obi and young. It builds up the run down system. Gibson Drug Store. adv. reel Miserable? Out of sorts, depressed, pain iu the back Electrie Bitters renews your health and strength. A guaranteed liver and kidney remedy. Money back if not satisfied. It completely rureJ Robert Madsen, of West Bur- flington, Iowa, who suffered from ! virpnt liver tronble for eight .. ... ' K , i 1. 1 mnnhs After four doctors gave nun on, he took Electric Bitters and is now a well man. uei a oouie i it will do the same for you. Keep in the house for all liver .and kidne complaints. Perfectly safe and de peniiable. Its results will surprise vou. 50 cents and $1.00 bottles H. E. Bucklen & Co., Philadelphia oi St. Louis. Salisbury Has Decided to Establish Military School. Salisbury, Feb. 19. Of the $35,000 Honired for the establishment of a military school in Salisbury $15,000 has been subscribed and committees the hard at work to secure the re Prof. A. S. Ford of the AiohnniA Ktat'o Normal is in Salis bury this week, conferring with local business men relative to opening the i i , -...twinstic meeting was held 'Wednesday night at which plans were 1)erf6ttc,i to continue t no cnori uh ; tll t,csci,00i is secured. Distressed Japan. Great distrees is being experienced in JaDan. The volcanic eruptions an J earthquakes in the south have cost the lives of hundreds, and have ren dered thousands homeless. In the north has appeared the still greater srourge of famine. This extends in to a portion of the district of Tokyo. There will undoubtedly be great suC feriug, and the aid of sympathetic Christian people is greatly desired. Contributions are : being received through the National Red Cross so ciety., - - Hearse Is Ablaze While Many Marvel New York, Feb. 19. The sight of an automobile hearse ;- containing e body and a blaze from end to end today attracted 2.0UU pedestrians on lower Broadway. Harry Duns, the chauffeur, swarthed in a big fur coat, also caught fire. The body was re moved from the- blazing hearse by tho police. Firemen then put out the fire. It had caught from the mo tor. v ' ' Successful Everywhere. -Peocle everywhere are talking of the quick and fine results Foley Kid ney Pills give in backache, rheuma- tism. kidney and oiaaaer trouow You can not take them into your sys tem without good results. That ii be cause Foley Kidney Pile give to the kidners and bladder just what nature calls for to heal these weakened and innctive organs. or saie oy uios son Drug Store. . adv. , Six candidates thus far have an nounced their intention of going on the Demoeratie primary ballot for United States senator front Illinois, Former Cor rn is a Tnsn-Theobald Dt 'if ? ihe nomination for Tf.nynr of 1 ,1-Aaukco. A NOTE OF SIMPLICITY MOST , ATTRACTIVE IN THIS HOUR OF THREATENED FUSSINESS Despite the tunic and pannier, with the transparent and much befrille.t bodice that sceiti to be coming to the front, the plain little one-piece dress till holds a first place for day-time wear. Nothing Is more fetching or more comfortable or nils the bill ,iilte as perfectly. One of those printed silks in Art Moderne d-slgn Is used with 802.1. The figure, a dot with a circle, is dark red: the ground Is dull green. A buckled girdle of dark red crepe de Chine coin-' pletes an attractive little dress for In formal day-time affairs. This design may be made up for size 36 with 4H yards of 36 Inch material To obtain either pattern Illustrated till out this coupon and enclose lii cents In stamps or coin. He sure to state number of pattern and size, measuring over thf fullest putt of the bust. Address Pattern Departn.ent. care of this paper. NECK FRILLS CONTINUE POPULAR AND FULL IN THE BACK ': The low collar is youthful and becom ing to nearly every one; however the woman with the long slender throat and even bcr well rounded sister favors the upstanding, fluffy frill that gives such softening effect to the face." These have been mostly of white or cream colored Chiffon or net but the newest Idea from Paris Is to have your neck and sleeve frill match your gown or suit. Tbla Idea was carried out very attractively in a navy blue suit; tho frills were of chiffon In a slightly lighter shade of blue, edged with a narrow line of dull gold. It was most pleasing in effect. Another Idea which lias "caugiit on" Is the blouse or coat of a rather vivid color worn with a dark velours skirt. Number 8131 Is an attractive example of this. The blouse Is of Chartreuse crepe de Chine worn with a skirt of dnvetyn In a dark harmonizing green. To obtain either oattern Illustrated fill out this coupon and enclose 15 cents In tamps or coin, lis stirs to stats number of pattern and lx. measuring over the fullest part of I lie bust. Address Pattern Department, enro of this piper. ' BEND' TOUR PATTERN ORDERS toe sale. pi.r;. 120 acres land 3 miles north of the eodrt house, good dwelling, barn and out buildings, some timber. $25.00 per aere. . vv.:. . 305 acres of land on both sides of Chin drove and Organ Church pub lie road from three to four miles east of Kannapolis, Landis and China Grove, two story 12 room dwelling, two double barns, two tenant dwel ling,' several out building, rjnarter r to ri"d school, 2 ini 6 r- . i to eimv. ' .-'J, ?J a""1 5.1 m. , 13 acres ii t;olow, !,. a.'r.-s in I. v S 7946 These printed silks may be purchased from "5 cents a yard up. Tli. v rum. In several wldlhs Gray eponge Is used In tin dress, with collar and cuffs of embroidery and a wide hip sash other ulon-d f i iri- ental silk. The blouse shows a drop-shoulder with a long fitted sleeve. Tli.. skirt i In peg-top design. Fashioned aftij- this design a oress may be made in size 36 with I yaid of 36 inch material. Fponge averages "111 Inches in width and ranges In prir,. from $l.riii up Xo. 8023- sizes 34 lo . No. 7!MS -sizes 31 to 42. Fach pattern ir cents. No. ,. Name -HIGH' To copy this design in size 30 It requires for the blouse (8121) 2 yards of 36 inch material ; for the skirt (7968) 4 yards of 86-lnch material. . ; ' In number 8105 the touch of bright color so necessary for these dull days is brought out In the border on the mate rial. The costume shows a smart little bolero, a graceful skirt and a chic little frilled -guimpe. , .The material In which this costume Is developed is a bordered crepe with the border showing a Chinese design. This, Chinese Influence promises to be very strong for the coming season. This costume may he made in alee uQ with 4 yards of 36-Inch material. ! Number 8121 sizes 32 to 42.' -Number 7068 sizes 22 to 30. , 1 Number 8155 sizes 31 to 44., - Each pattern 15 cents. i , v. No. Nam .i. ' Address TO THE CONCORD TRIBUNE. gin pine and oak timber, 40 acres pasture wired in, good orchard.. The land lies well and produces fine cot ton and grain. ' 66 acres two and half mile out of Concord "fronting on two public roads, good dwelling, double barn and several out buildings. The cut tivated land is red and lies welL acres bottom and plenty of timber for use. ' , - JNO. K. PATTERSON, Real Estate Agent hot nil i,: ill aerial !tnv "i flyrn are it ion. irf'flrpifc t ' j l ..... Slz.....l Eoreet With Tails Eat V ore Paris, Feb. 20. "Horses witii durked tails may grate here for 10 cents a day; with luag tails, 20 cents." Atkcxl for aa explanation of thu rurioua ifu diplayed at the gateway of hi meadow near Diejpc. the owner replied: 'It it very situ ple. A dmked lior-v. irritated by flies, in constantly interrupting his grating to drive them off by swing ing his Iliad. The long-tailed horse, however, having full use of his tail for the purpose for which it waa de signed, is able to graze continuously ; no he eals about twice n much the other." Horrible Blotches of Ecsema. (juckly cured by Dr. Hobson's Eo zema Ointment. Y. I'. Caldwell, of New Orleans, La., states: "My doc tor advised me to try 'Dr. Hobson's Eczema Salve.' I used three boxes of Ointment and three cakes of Dr. Hobson's Derma Zema Soap. Today I have not a spot anywhere an my body and can say I nn eurd." It will do the iame thing for you. Its sooth ing, healing, antiseptic action will rid you of all skin hnvcr blackhea'.s, pimple, Lezema blot.' :e.'.. r;i utisig'.U ly or;s and leaves vo ir i-kin clean and healthy. Qet a box today. Guar anteed. All druggists, f0c or by mail. Pfeiffer Chemical Co., Philadelphia and St. Louis. adv. To The Rescue. An Englishman sat at a New York boardiing house table. One of the boarders was telling a story in whicn a "dftsclmnd" figured. She was un able for n moirent to think of the word. "It was one of these what do you call them? one of those long Her man dogs." The Englishman dropped his fork; his face beamed. " Frankfurters!'- Backache Rheumatism Away. Vanish Men and women having backache, ! rheumatism, stiff and swollen joints are honestly glad' to know that Fole) Kidney Pills arc successful every where in driving out these ills. That is because Foley Kidney Pills are a true medicine and quickly effective in all diseases that result from weak inactive kidneys and' urinary irregu larities. For sale by Obson Drug Store. adv. Senator Overman is al tempting t tret a job in the State for 0. F. Crowson, of Hurlingtnn, who has re signed from the clerkship he held in Senator Overman's office. Senator Overman lias filpl the vacancy o;i the mmmitttcp. Mr. Crowson wa9 unable In attend, to his newspaper work in liurlinsrtoii and spend any considerable time in Washington, so he resigned several weeks ago. Buying to Save Money. liuying Foley's Honey and Tar Comiwund saves money because just a few doses stops the cough and coli' and one bottle lasts a long time. It quokly heals raw and inflamed sur faces, slops tickly throat, harsh, rasping coughs, croup,' hoarseness, bronchial and la grippe coughs. Foi sale bv Gibson Drug Store. adv. Senator Hobert L. Owen of Okla homa is a direct descendant of a fa mous chief of the Cherokee Iribe of Indians. . ! mint PircAii n L. N. DUKLLIaUll. M. II. i Offers his professional services i I : : to the people of Concord and J : surrounding community. Office , ' ' in Allison building. Residence : Number 111 South Spring Street ' ; ' Office and Residence 'Phones ' Nos. 330 and 235-L respeatlrely. J IMPROVED SCHEDULE Effective Sunday, January 11, 191b, at 12.01 a. m. the Norfolk Southern Railroad will make the following changes in schedules between Raleigh and Charlotte and Fayetteville, N. C. n addition to train No. 31, schedul ed to leave Raleigh at 7:30 a. m. a new train to be known as No. 33 will leave Raleigh at 8:55 p. m. ar riving in Charlotte at 6 :10 a. m. Returning train No. dU leaves Charlotte at 6:25 a. on. arriviing in Raleigh at 2:20 p. m. Train No. 32 leaves Charlotte at 8:10 p. m. arriving in Raleigh at 5:35 a. m. affording double daily except Sunday service between these two points, at 4:25 p. m. arriving in Fayetteville at 7:35 p. m. Returning train No. 34 will leave Fayetteville at 7:25 a. m., arriving in Raleigh at 10:50 a. m. Train No. 30 will leave Fayetteville at 4:00 p. m. arriving Raleigh at 7 :30 p. m. These trains are to he operated daily ana without ehenge at Vanna aa hereto- Train No. 35 between Kalaign ana Fayetteville, will leave at 810 a. m. arriving in Fayetteville at 13:30 noon, and train No. 87 will leave Raleign fore. H. S. LEARD, CK P. A. FOR' BALE. The Dr. Gouger farm, 158 acres, oour miles south of .Mooresville, 3 miles northeast of Davidson, dwell ing, barns, out-buildings., r 60 acres in cultivation, 35 acres in pasture, 16 seres meadow, balance in good heavy timber. Price $4,600, half cash, bal ance in 12 months. TAYLOR B. CLTNE ; FARM TOR SALE. ' 181 acres on west side of Big Cold Water Creek, about one and one-half miles east of court house, two five-room : dwellings, good barn and out buildings, good orchard, two good wells of water, one good spring, 3,600 cords wood, 80 acres of bottom. Price $7,600. This is a bargain for someone who desires a good farm near the City.- ' x:;5. x PATtricoN, T.-a t-tats A rant. If You are Subject to Colds This Editorial will Interest You. A Gmt Majority of People G-t One or More Colds Every Season and It is of Vital Ir.tt-r -i it All to Learn How lo Avoid aud Believe Colds Quickly. vim.o Colda are Said to be Contagious. Some people think eoldi are only can;ht throigh exposure. This in return is contradicted by the fact that Arctic eipkrtn are peculiarly free from colds. It is more fenerally accepted that co'.tl.s are the result of civilised life, due to super-heated rooms and a very rapid change in temperature which causes the nerve centers to be depressed, and still more largely due to con tagion one membei of a family imparting a cold to another by aneezinf or ooighing. ' - A cold means nothing if relieved quickly. That such a purpose may be accomplished, a quick aid to a cold is an essential A remedy especially devised to relieve cold quickly is PZBTHA. PEiUJTA contains such ingredients that have an especially beneficial in fluence upon the inflamed mucous membranes a- ,1 the quicker these mucous membranes are given the benefit of a remedy like PEETJNA. the quicker tho relief and the less contagion. A neglected cold may become a serious menace to one's own life, and far worse, may endanger one's family. We insure oar homes against fire, our lives against death. Why should we not insure ourselves against colds if possible by having a medicine in the family chest that can be used at once I PERITOA is a reliable household remedy for colds and should be in every home, for there should be a desire to combat a cold as quickly as possible. This is enlightened hygiene. People who are feeble and run down are wore eunjeot t cI'L than per sons in normal health. Such persons need outdoor life end 2U3A to help build up a strong constitution. If you have a poor appetite that is often a warning that you probably need a tonic like Fernna fcr Peruna aide the digestive organs. When your appetite is fair and woi'l: .-".d exercise do not quickly tire you, your susceptibility to colds diminish!-! :iy much. Persons who obiect to liquid medicines taa r.aw obtain PEBTJHA TABLETS. Boy Scouts This is the best shoe made for rough boy. Tney are nade of soft pliable leather and have the genuine Elk sole -buy a pair of theae for your boy and you will find that you have cuf your shoe bill almost in half. Prices: $2.00, $2.25 and $2,50. "GOOD SHOES THAT WEAR LONGER." j IF YOU OR . HAVE 1 Real Estate, to SaII Remember we reach interested Buyers in many parts of the country and would be glad to have you on our list. No doubt we have just what you want. Ii lu Will I! Come and lets talk JNO. R, Upstairs opposite )Kxx::xxxxa i FOR RENT DESIRABLE OFFICES IN MORRIS -BUILDING Also sleeping rooms with bath, heat, light and janitor service T free. FHONX 60. I P.: II l!:rris M YOUR FRIENDS DESIRABLE 4 Bi &ij M together about it t PATTERSON. Cabarrus Savings Bank. What a Dime "Will Do. Ten cents (silver of THK INDEPENDENT on trial. ine inaepentient is an illustrated forward-looking weekly now in its outu year of increasing success. The Independent stands for the highest aims m human endeavor in every field. It is a believer in race justice, sex justice and) international justice. One-half hour per week devoted to T A St,ory o the Week" Rive ail the knowledge of current events that is strictly necessary to the ordi nary person. If yon . want a paper which puts evervthinw l L?ndci?f.d Jhe Jn'depen- . . u tuu cenw just to cover par:,Lthe exP6nse for three copies or $1.00 for a six months' trial 28 numbers. The reenlar in)iBAn.n price is $3.00 per year. Address Tlw Independent, Desk A, 119 Wert 40th Street, New York, N. T. s 4Wt TOR SALE ( . 100 acrer on Big Cold Water Creek, known as part of the Ed Llpe hr 'i, fine meadow to be drainc.T, j' ' rf Hmhar for ni. Tmm , j- x r . . .