o i i o i I o . t i s 5 t J Doff the Old AND Don the New SPRING HATS This is the chosen hat store for young and young thinking men, who want authentic styles. The newest blocks and colors while they are new. Your Spring Hat is here ready for your in spection and try on. Browns-Cannon Co. HATTERS FOR MEN WHO KNOW. See Our Windows. 13 U3 m 11231 Cooeord, N. C, February 21, 1814. WSATBX Fair aad tuatr touigbl aud tu- corrow. ttttttttt' NOTICE! Effective February 16th, 1914 We will pipe all Stores, Halls, Offices, Churches, Mills, Schools and Business Houses free of charge for Lighting, Fu el and Power purposes and also install Lights free of charge and maintain all Lights for a small monthly charge Get your orders in now CONCORD GAS CO. Phone No. 142 Union & Corbin Sts. "A Cool Proposition 77 Carload of White Mountain and Gurney REFRIGERATORS. "Just a little previ- But in time of peace prepare for ous. war holds good in more things than one. We have got the chest with a chill in it the best on earth at a price. "Nuff sed THE STORE THAT SATISFIES I Bell & Harris Furniture Co. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxXxxxKx LOCAL AKD OTHERWISE. "Two Social Calls" it tht feature at The Pastime today. Don't forget the Choral Hub re cital next Tuesday night. Make your plana to attend th Choral Club recital Tueaday night. King 'a Daughter will meet with Mrs. R. M. King. Mondav at 7:30 o 'clock. The banks of the city will be cloved Monday, Washington's birthday, which is a legal holiday. The members of Poplar Tent Pres byteria Church are installing a new organ at the church today. Hev. I'. 1. MaeLaughlin has return ed from Norfolk, where he delivered an address Thursday evening. The Juvenile Orphans' Club will meet this afternoon with Miss Cot trell Sherrill at the home of Mrs. N. A. Archibald. The 18-months-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dick Mabery, who was abet yesterday by her young brother, will be buried this afternoon at Rocky Ridge at 3 o'clock. Tha young men of the city will give a Washington Birthday dance at tho Elks' Home Monday evening. A Charlotte orchestra has been engaged and dancing will be from 8:30 to 11:30. Tickets are now on bale lor tho Choral Club recital which will be given next Tuesday night at the opera House. Oet yours now and avoid the rush. See the drug stores of our citv. Mr. Wlliaiu liostiau. who live-, about three miles east of Landis. died last evenine. He was about "j years of age, and was a Confederate soldier. Mr. Bostinn was ill only a few lnv. The funeral will be preached nt Mount Zion Reformed Church. The funeral of Artis Host, th-.-young son of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony G. Boat, who died Thursday night, was held this afternoon at Trinitv Reformed Church. The service was conducted by Rev. W. B. Werner and the iutenrent wa mode at Oak wood cemetery. Kefeniu; to the sketch of Central Methodist Church on payc two, the following fact is added : The lirst session of the Western North Caro lina Conference was held in (Yiitril Church November 'Jli, 1S!H. The tent'.i session of this conference also was held in the chnrch November, 1S09. FIMOXAL KEfTIOX. , Pestle Tnm Concord aad BatvWre Wa Com ami 0. Mr. T. A. Eraua, of Shelby, ia Coaeord visitor today. Miaa Sadie Smith in pending- the day in Charlotte with friende. Mr. B. A. Mayer, of Charlotte, was a visitor here yesterday afternoon. Mr. Jack Dea Portes, of Winnsboro- S. C, spent last night in the city with friend. Misa Jena Coltraue will return this afternoon from Oastonia, where site baa been viaiting her sister, Mr. D. A. Uamaon. Miaa Alice Brow u ill go to Salis bury Monday to attend a dance there Monday evening. Miss Brown will be the gueet of Mrs. Fletcher Smith. Mrs. T. W. Smith, Jr., who has been visiting at the borne of Rev. and Mrs. T. W. Smith, has gone to Lynchburg, Va., to visit friends. Dr. J. W. Wallace will return to night from New York, where he boa been spending: a month and a half at the New York Post Graduate Hospital. IXVEXX WEATHER OK 00 AIT. K Tiding Fred Schooner Kin aal It I reared Crew in Lost. Norfolk, Va-, Feb. 20. With a sever nort beast atom raging en thu roast, the find refisteriag 43 soil x an boor at Cape Henry, no tidings late today cam in from the nv nasted acbooaer Knieo, of Bath, Mf, (ioic Port Arthur, Tex., for Provi dence, K. L, which two day ago we reported in diatreea and leaking, 1C0 miles northeast of Capo Hatieraa. The naval wireless today was with out report from the revenue eutter Onoudago, which late yesterday had to abandon temporarily the scare!. abe had been making for the Kineo, to earn in for eoaL With a heavy rain and fog on at Cape Henry noth ing today had keen seen there of the Onondaga. Unless the schooner Kineo 'a erew of 11 men were taken from their ves sel of picked up by some . passing steamer form small boats, in which thev probably took refuge, some marine men fear thev may have been lost. WITH TEE CHURCHES. Calvary Lutheran. Sunday School tomorrow at 10 o'clock. Divine services at 11 o'clock. First Presbyterian. Services tomorrow at 11 a. in. and at 7:30 p. m. Sunday school at 3 p. m. St James Church. Services conducted by the pastor tomorrow morning at 11 o'clock and tomorrow evening at 7:30 o'clock. Central Methodist Preaching at U a. to. by Kev. J A. B. Fry and at 7W p. m. by Re.-. Harold Turner. Sumou set ool at 3 p. m. First Baptist. Sunday School nt 10 a. in. Mum mi; worship at 11. Morning subject "Salt." B. Y. P. C. service at 6:1"). Evening service at 7 p. in. Subject : 'The living Christ." We want you. Forest Hill Methodist. Sunday School at 9:30. classes for men and women ing at 11 a. m., and 7:30 p. m. Brin your families and neighbors to all of these services. All are cordially in vited. W. R. ODELL, Supt. M. T. SMATHERS, Pastor. China Orov Newe. Rowan Record. Miss Ruth Blackwelder, who ha been in the sanatorium in Salisbury for a week or more, returned home Tuesday much improved. Uncle Robert M. Ritchie, hsu., at- ter long consideration and much hesi tation, made a trip to Salisbury yes terdav. Uncle Robert got mixed up with a motor truck and came near losing his gourd seed. The marriage of Miss Pearle Ed- dleman, daughter of Mr. and Mm Couis Eddleman of the Ebenerer neighborhood, and Gideon Kirk, son of Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Kirk, China Grove, took place at the home of the bride s parents, Sunday afternoon Rev. R. R. Sowers officiating. That China Grove is on one of those quiet, substantial and beneficial booms cannot be denied. Evidence o this has been and is cropping out every few days. With the numerous new buildings, business and residen tial, just completed, those now process of erection, the addition o more new machinery for the knitting mill, the decision of the Chinn "Grove Lumber Company to enlarge its plant and build a dry kiln, and the splen did campaign just ended which re sulted in securing the location of a farm life school here, China Grove Special ' has just reasons to feel proud of her i-reaciu achievements. Now is a good time tobuythatOvercoat and Heavy Under wear at 77 1 3 OFF HOOVER 'S PHONE I PUONEi $7.50 to $15 Mission Libra ry Tables Combination desk attached, with ink well, and drawer for station ery, A complete desk when you want it, out of the way when not in nse. Book shelves in the ends, provides place for books. Library table, writing desk, and book ease all in one for $15. Easy terms if desired. CONCORD FUR. CO. CONTRACTING EVERY THHG ELECTRICAL Peerless Mazda ' Lamps KOORE ELEC CO. r:.-3 coo There's no picture more beautiful than a picture of the mother and hr children You want such pictures, and you can make that other mother your mother happy with a picture of her grown-' up daughter and grandchil dren. Make the Appointment today. Matthews Opposite Court lbcuae YOUR FRECKLES. PHONE OUR STOCK REPLENISHED. I Which makea it easy for us to supply your daily waota with de pendable merchandise at a fairness of price. Use Our - Telephone Service1 er 325 L CORSETS A model for every figure. HOSIERY All colors and all sixes. NOTIONS . All the little necess ities of life. GLOVES These come in long and abort. ART FLOSS Broad Range, D. If C's, etc. SPECIAL $3.50 16-bntton, is white at .... UN i CONCORD MARKET. Concord, N. C, February 21, 1914. Cotton Market Cotton . . j. ; ; Cotton Seed . . . . . . . . 38 f.t ; Produce Market. Meal. . . 1.18 Floor, North Carolina ... . 3.7S Cow pea .......... 2.26 Balk meat, tide . . . .... 3 Beeswax -, ..- . . 11 , Pork . -i . . . . .11 , , . r - ... Ernest Deal and Jeb Sherrill Swap Horses. Ron au Record. Monday evening of last eek E. . Deal, rural mail carrier, and Jeb Sherrill, colored, both of China Grove traded horses, about which there was notliiiif; out of tlie ordinary, and it was supposed by each that he had done the other. But along in the midnight watches brother Deal was wakeful. He had placed his nag in the barn alter an inspection, and no doubt had some misgivings, so as he lav awake, he heard a noise and he interprctt'il said noise to be the re sult of his new boss throwing a few tits, consequently he could not sleep, and finally arose in the darkness and cold to go and awake Jeb and George Davis, witness to the trade, and get back, if possible, his former nag. Jeb had given $.5.00 to boot and was sat isfied but Mr. Deal was mournful, yea weeping, and insisted upon the re-exchange of the besats, and al though Jeb did not wish to do so finally agreed to a trade providea Mr. Deal would pay him a difference of $25. This ought to have balked the most hardened trader that ever came down the pike, but Mr. Deal dup up the necessary cash and led his original beast back to tlie barn, minus the said $25. Sherrill got sus- uicious and refused to take a check, so the actual cash had to be found before the deal was closed. Just think about trading horses at 1 o'clock at night and scurrying about for the cash to close the trade. There is no telling what some folk? will do. Denounces Husband as Forger, A sensational trial is on in the Federal court in Raleigh. J. Sprunt Newton, a prominent citizen of Fayetteville, was interested in tint' ber transactions involving consider able money. His wife was Miss Mc Arthur, a .member of a wealthy familv. Mrs. McArthur, Mrs. New ton's mother, her brother and sisters had endorsed for Newton. There was a disagreement, which grew ont of these financial tranactions, it seems, and Mrs. Newton left ber husband The Citizens' Bank of Norfolk, Va,, brought suit against Newton on a nota for $25,000. apparently endors ed by Mrs. Newton and member of the McArthur family. It is this Suit that ia on trial. Mrs. Newton and the McArthurs say their signatures are foreeries. Mr. Newton say they siirned the note. In eourt Wednesday Mrs. Newton testified that when the note went to protest and notice came to the endorsers her husband tried to make her say abe signed the note, declaring tbat if she refused to do so his character would be ruined, that tbeir little on. would be disgraced and that he would certainly shoot himself. He tried to make er bring him revolver to take hi own life, declared the witness. . ; , ; r It v is rumored that William Ran dolph Hearst : plan to establish a residence' in Arizona with the inten tion of becoming a candidate for the United State senate to succeed Mark Need Attention in February and March or Face Will Stay Covered. Now is the time to take special Trinity Reformed. ? OI complexion u you wisa Mnmin. u-i .i ii o ... v t .v " ' 'ook w'eii me rest or me year. School at 10 . m. Foreign Mission T1,e r'ebrunry and March winds have service in the evening at 7 o'clock. I stronR Jendeney to bring out the K !, Sn. sl,l Sor,-; in I Freckles that ay stay all summer un charge of the pastor. SPRING COAT SUITS. Coats and dresses in all the new materials aud weaves. Let w Show you these. MORRIS f? e iirnir phone BUILDING f lOniLK O 3 25 All Saints Episcopal Service at 11 a. m. by Archdeacon Harding, of Salisbury. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Hundreds of Acres of Fine Farm Land in Catawba Reclaimed. Xewton, Feb. 20. pie dredging machine at ork on Lyle's creek in the Conover section is doing the work rapidly ami in a way that will prove substantial. The banks are giving very little trouble. Those in charge of the work on this creek are profit ing by the experiences of those who did the work on Clark's creek, the first one dredged in Catawba county. 1 he Lyle s creek boat was started about three months ago and already more than tlire miles of the creek has been ditched. There is more swamp land lying along this creek than any other in the county. When the creek is opened up to the Yount Mill place this will give to the farm ers along the creek hundreds of acres af the most fertile land to be found in the State. The farmers are ditching their bottoms as fast as the creek is dredged. . W. R. Hearst For Senator? Reports from Phoenix, Ariz., any that William Randolph Hearst aims to be the next United States Senator from Arizona. Mr. Hearst, it is said, will establish a residence in Arizona within the nest few months, and in due time seek the Senatorial nomina tion. It is said that Mr. Hearst has purchased a large tract of land on the Grand Canyon and is planning to erect a modern hotel tbat will be one of the most palatial and commodious in the entire west. - Mr. Hearst rep resentative admitted the truth of the land purchased, but said: "The hest of the story is merely presumption Mr. Hearst does not intend to leave New York. He bought the site of an old hotel merely because its sit uation on the Grand Canyon appealed to him." . Death of Mn. John Joyner. Mrs. John Joyner died yesterday afternoon at her home near Boat Mill after a week 'a illness of pneu monia. Mrs. Joyner was the daugfc ter of the late Houston Howell, of No. 10 township, and was about 7 year of age. She is survived by her husband and four:.' stepchildren. Messrs. Biven, David and Thomas Joyner, of No. 10 and Mrs. William DeJearnette, of No. 11 township, The funeral wa held this afternoon at Howell's Baptist Church in No. 10 township. , " . Davidson Commencement This Tear Starts May 17. Davidson. Feb. 20.-rPreident Mar tin ia in receip. of a letter from Rev. Hugh R. Walker, the pastor of the First Presbyterian Church of Atlan ta, accepting an invitation recently extended him to preach the Dacca- laureate sermon at the approaching commencement, May 17. Plenty of men was t a girl to be their very own, V. t t y don't wart less removed. Now is the time to use otliine double strength. This prescription for tlie removal of freckles was written by a promi nent physician and is usuallv so suc- ; eessful that it is sold by Gibson Drug Store under guarantee to refund th. money if it fails. Oet an ounce of otliine double strength, and even n few applications should show a won derful improvement, some of th! smaller freckles even vanishing en tirely, adv. Minnesota Republicans who are op posed to the renouiinution of Gover nor Ebci'hart will hold a State-wide conference in Minneapolis next month to agree on an opposition can didate. Whenever Yua need a Ueneral Toalc Take drove' The Old Standard Grove's Tasteless chill Tonic is equally valuable as General Tonic because it contains the well known tonic properties o QUININE ana ikuh . it acts on tne Mver, umes out Malaria, Enriches the Blood and Builds up the Whole System. 90 cents. FOR SALE A farm in Randolph county con taining 123 acres. Well watered. about 40 acres in cultivation, some oak and pine timber. Land partly level part rolling, soil light with yel low and red clay subsoil, suitable for general fanning. One mile . from church and good 8 months high school. Postofflce and general store, one-half mile front good water grain and saw mill, pood moral community. 4 miles from the town of Coleridge, a miles south of Ramseur, Good barn and stable but no dwelling. Dwell ing can be built very cheaply with timber on place. A One place for a family with children to educate. 160 acres one-quarter mile from tne new station at Bethel Church, very desirable. Will sell as a whole, ir eut th property to suit the pureb aser. JNO. K. PATTERSON. ' Real Estate Agent. NOTICE TO BUILDERS. - The County Commissioners of Ca barrus County, N. C, will receive bids on or before March the 16th, 1914, at 10 o'clock a. m., for the erection of a new jail building and the remodel ing of the present court house build ing. or further information ad- diess L. A. Weddington, Chairman, Concord, N. C. or L. A. Bellonby, Architect, Charlotte, N. C ::: L. A. WEDDINGTON, - : 18-10t Chairman. city taxes, ? . Please note that March 1 will make 4 per cent penalty , on all unpaid eity taxes for 1913. . The time for advertising ia drawing near and all property holders should remember that the law is no respecter of per sona. x": ' . '-, ; ..Your kind attention will relieve me of an unpleasant duty and your self from en ' .nrr.v 'nt. V. v r W s W st. W W A W Jt i t O S E o o o i if O :! i ! i if o Dig onipment dent to Us on Consignment From N. E. Haggar & Co. We invite you to a Special Sale begin ning today and lasting until Satur day night, February 21st, of the fol lowing : Silk Embroidered Crepe Dresses, Irish Laces of all Kinds, Ladies' Fancy Goods, Imported Gowns, European Handmade Laces, Center Pieces of all Kinds, Shirt Waists, Kimonos, Elec tric Brass Lamps, the newest thing' ; out. Persian Rugs and Carpets aSpe- .! CRAVEN BROTHERS FURNITURE CO. i wxxxxxxxxxxxxMmw (penny "Column For Sale Car load of horses and -mules. M. L. Brown ft Bro. 21-6t-p. - Country agents sell auto oils, lubri cating oils, greases, pure linseed oil paints, varnishes, white load, also many exclusive specials. ' Beauti ful samples. . Instructive litera ture. Salary or commission. AVar ren Refining Co., Cleveland, O. 21-lt-p. - , - - . MASONIC NOTION. F A C TS! Casualtv record of Aswtriean .' Kailwaya for- the last year, ia otlieial bulletin . of. Interstate Commerce Commission, shows a total of lOfidi person kill ed and 200,308 injured on th steam railroads of the United States during the .. put 12 mouths. " An Increase over tha previous 13 months of 397 killed and 30,770 in the num ber of those injured. , Special communication ' ot Stokos Lodge, No. 32 A. F. and A. M.r Mon day night, February 23, 1914, at 6 o'clock. .Work in third degree, V-?.: v J- 8.. Ufferty,. See.. NORFOLK SOUTHERN SCHEDULE Effective February 1, 1914, 12.01 a. m. , No. 30 leave Charlotte 6:30 a. m. Arrive Raleigh 1:30 p. m.. ' , -; No. 32 leave Charlotte 8 :10 p. m Arrive Raleigh 5:35 a. in. , -. No. 31 leave Raleigh 7 :30 a. m Arrive Charlotte 2:30 p. m. -'. , No. 33 leave Raleigh 10 p. m. At rive Charlotte 7:35 a, m. Trains arrive and depart 'station College and Six,th streets. I II. S. LEARD, O. P. A Are you -f Accident Proof? . The above figures cover railway accidents alone. The accidentia in the' United Statea happen' ing every day not connected , 'itu a railroad would astonish you- , . v : ;; OET A POLICY. Pay while able, .when disabled. Receive pay !;R.L McCOnisELL, jj o AGENT ; d -1 - ' i .ieefefei-Kemi s should be Very careful in se a i n - - y a 1 ' -r'v FC3 EAL3 3Ti acres land on hi, road one i '!e Korth of court lo." . 4 r'"n ' 1 1-m''.- slulile oii-l i ' ! ' a wife of I r V' ' ' .