C lt.u traT CONCORD, N. C, FRIDAY, MARCH 13, 1914 40 Cent! a Month 4 Cents a Copy. NO. 489 VOUXlll. J. B SHERRILL. Editor and Publlaher Will PREMIER DEATH OF DR. J. 0. DAVIS. WILL QUIT ON ACCOUNT OT IRISH HOME EUUB TU&HOIL ! Formerly Calored Eoctor of All! ?' Bainta Church Din iu Athens, Ga. j A telegram has been received here; the death ot Rev. Dr. J.! C. Davis, which oceurtd Wednrsday at the home of his sou, Mr. W. I. Davis, at Athens, (J a. No details .concerning his dcata were given in the metaaee. Dr. Dovig wan a native ot l'hila- , . j u . in delphia and was 8!) yea: cf age. lie AwmithWia on Monday Make a Fun -J .... . a n ' ... WM Exposition Of the Home Bule ' nrsMonnry to the Indirns for five' TanjleIrish NationalUta Object : J"- H Wnr enter,,! the minis-j try. Dr. Davis was ma nod to Miss, to Too Muck Concession Being 'Morgan, of Alexandria, Va., who! Made to tLe Utoteraen. It Is Be-!died about 18 months ago. J ! Dr. Davis served es rector or All; tiered Thai Something Momentous Saiu Episcopal Church for 18 i is Impending. - ' years giving up his work here several , , , ... years ago ou account of advanced London, March lX-Persistent ru-; d t Alhen(j o Hve Wltl, I. c. c. RAILROADS WILL NOW PRINT AND FILE NEW SCHEDULES. i Interstate Freight Fates, Principally ' That Adopted by 8UU Legislature j and Railroad Companies as Settle ; ment, Approved By Interstate ; Commerce Commission. Rates Will ! Go Into Effect In Thirty Days. Thousands of Dollars Will Be Sav ed to Shippers. Raleigh, Marcli 13. A telegram re n - rr a il- rv : i. :i,t. ...... .-I Mien as a result of the Irish Home i . , " . ti? r...:.. L....i , vn,.i. ;,.,., . !, f 7-0 - - - ,0i ma rewuencu uere ur. luvia nun cencu "u " nmuuwu 0 .w - .Rulo turmoil were afloat today. jnel.n duriug place in the love audi feet that the Interstate Commerce report was strengthened I by the ' esteem of many people A man of I Commission has approved the coin that Chancellor of Exchequer Llyod ' tiegs character, upright and Ood- promise of the interstate freight rate George was spokesiuau for the cabi-i, t,e mannered aml lovable, he I from western and eastern points, net in eouierenceg wu.i insn auon- . , , h ,j friod. to whoui ' nrincina lv those that "were adopted j his life was a benediction. jby the legislature and the railroad j companies, as a settlement of the I Annihilation Awaits Federals, Says light between North Carolina ship ftliita who obicct to the government making too sweeping concessions to TTlator. Also the Drime minister's announcement that he would on next Mnndav in the House of Commons make a full exposition of the Home I mil. tiers and tho railroads, the railroads Chihuahua. March'l3.-"We shal "U1 .now Pr!n.1 "schedules and uiBKs m urn ..-"I -------- , ,, . . gi tile tnem wiin me imersiaie irai- Rnla tancrln mud the nub ic Be icve nor oe nere ouuunv, vureieu ucu that something momentous pending. Bay Ryan and Dak Would End Cou pon By Big Federal Tax. Washington, Marcli 11 Thomas F. Ryan, James B. Duke and other big financiers who promoted thj American Tobacco Company the "Tobacco Trust" recently dissolv by the Government, are reported tr be secretly, backing the 'bill now in Congress which proposes to put a pro hibitive tax on tobacco' coupons. According to the story, Ryan, Dukb and their 'associates are angered' at the extent to which their former To bacco Trust subsidiary, the United Cigar Stores Company, is now pat ronizing tbe independent manufac turers of tobacco products, and they are taking this way of trying to "get even" by cutting off the pro fits of the United Concern. S, I 1 It v..,. . j . " j 4i,:.., ,i,a ,mcrce commission, wjnen snau pin Villa today as he stood watching w effeet a ,he pn( of m he7 cannon of the Artillery Corps ft bei fi,cd The Govcrnor being loaded upon flat cars for fc c ti CommxsHion portation southward. 'We . shall j , . a of thoMBndl ol not be here much longer. I le got j . d con8mners in toge her the best army ever seen miNorth Caro xllc Corpornti,in irrenter oart is further south, neare the scene of action. "Torreon is surrounlol as never a beleaguered city was before. "Utter annihilation awaits the ' Federals as a result of this cam paign, and the annihilation Will be- gin at Torreon." CTYIO LEAGUE ORGANIZED. Ladies of Concord Perfect Organisa tion the Purpose ef Which is to "Clean Up" tha Towb. Representatives of the variouv clubs of the city met on Thursday afternoon at tbe Library, for fie pur. pose of forming an organization to be known as tbe Civie Leaime of Con cord. Mrs. L. D. Coltrane wa called to the chair and stated tbe object of the meeting. : The business of clacting, i.ffiVcrs for the organization was taken up and the election resulted M folhm s: Mrs. J. F. Cannon, preiifnt, Mrs. W. D. Pemberton, ltt Tier -president; Mrs. J. F. Goodsoni 2nd vice-president; Mrs. G. L. Patterson. 3rd vice Dresident. and Miss Jenn Coltrane. seecretary and treasurer. Arrangements for the ounung or Miss Vsn Buren, (a national organiz er of the Civie Leagues) were freely discussed and the aeeretsrv ordered to write Mrs. Lingle, ,hltc chairman of civics, making a date for Miss Van Buren early in April. The Civic League is launched, with a most ex cellent corps of officials, who hope to enroll as members snd workers, every woman in the city, and they most earnestly request the eo-oioration of the public especially, the city coun cil in this work, for a more sanitary Concord. C. Kannapolis Personals and Hews Notes Miss Hortcnsc Butler nuertaincd a number of friends Monday nijlil nt the home of Mrs. G. O. .Minson ALDERMEN HOLD CITY FATHERS IN SESSION AT THE CITY LAST EVENING. w (North. Carolina, ihe Corporation I f ,.;,.,, ,.: Commission received a copy of Inter-. mu8ic and a m..s. inter- ;Slac Commissions order by tele- ' . , graph. ELKS ELECT OFFICERS. est in contest was enjoy lute hour. A delicious tw- luncheon was served." William I.lovd. of Cuill'oril ( ui;til a ciiirsc Ben Crawford, of the week end with Dr. W. D. Pemberton to Head Con- '.spont Saturday and Sundn .rd T-,dr Othr Officers. wlth ll,s M9ters' Mcsdames At a meeting of Concord Lodge ol j nn Hl . " . . . . I Klks No. 857 last evening utllcers tor Miss Eleanor Wilson and Medoo to , h p,ol,ted The Wad? I .. i....i . . Miiinv INK we e t:it-ri waslimgion, aiarc i i- nupe ii of another White Houst? wedding be came mote detinate toaay wun ne j persisieni renewal ui mo icuii. i-v . . Secretary McAdoo and Miss ueanor, , , Kniellto. u. .Vncn. Lecturins Knieht J. B. Worablc :e. in town Dnlioise xinsrton. ieiids in Exalted Ruler Dr. W. D. Pcmber- i ton. Knight Kdward Sai.- First Illness In Forty Tears. Salisbury Post. Dr. R. M. Eames, one of Salis bury 's oldosf and most honored eiti sens, who has been quite ill for sev eral day with a severe case of grip, has sufficiently recavered ta be able to m out, this to the delight of his manv- friends. Although more than 80 years old this was Dr. Eames first illness in over 40 years. Fonr Mora Bodies Recovered. St. Louis, March 13. The recovery of four more bodies, raised the total number of dead in the Missouri Ath letic Club fire to twenty-three. Seven more bodies are believed to be under the debris, Suffragettes are said to be revising the Bible and we expect to learn that tho snake and Adam really framed it up on Eve. Rondolph Wilson, youngest daughter ( of the President and Mrs. Wilson, j were engaged, the marriage to take ( place in June, there was no an nouncement from the White House, and when the attention of officials was drawn to the report they refrain ed from making any comment or de nial. Stanly County Schools to Be Ex tended 20 Days by State. I Albermarlo Enterprise. I State Superintendent J. Y. Joy- ner, has informed County Superin tendnnt Eddins that money enough will be furnished by the State to ex tend the school days, it was an nounced some time ago that they would be extended twenty-two days. Secretnrv R. E. Clinc. Treasurer A. F. Uoo'linsn. Tyler Campbell Clino. Trustee for three years-E. H. Brown, Past Exalted Ruler L. T. Hart sell was elected a delegate to the Grand Lodge, which meets at Denver, Colo., and Past Exnlhvl Ruler A. R. llo.vard. alternate. Walter Murphy Lines Up as Progres sive Prohibitionist. Washington, March 12. Walter Murphy, of Salisbury, and Sol Gul led, of Rutherfordton, are here to night. Mr. Murphy announced to friends that he is for Clarence H. P,vo Tfonrv A. Paee. Dr. II. 0. Alex- .;n ..! .i.ilkinn.W nnd J. W. Bailey and their .. i. j- c.,.. rt. liic , nrnommivo movement alio lor me nnmss i ne room 10 uu iiu - - sister, but ne win sieiu e;,'j.'s i.. money, to take some other fellow's sister to the picture show. prohibitionists who want to bar liq uor out of North Carolina altogether. He is on both bandwagons, 0 7 il w j ' i : O '. if . 1 '. it I . i t i? - o i : i i S . " I t I ' . f ' i - 2nd. i at : t - I. SIX THINGS that this bank will be glad to do for you. 1st. RECEIVE DEPOSITS SUBJECT "TO CHECK. It will give you in exchange for your money a bank pass-book with your ; name on the back and the amount of your deposits entered therein, together , with a small check book so that you may write checks ' or orders on this bank, payable to any one. ISSUE CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT. Will give you in exchange for your money four per ' cent interest-bearing notes. These certificates of de posit are payable at any time on demand and will . draw four per cent interest if left three months or ' longer. : - LOAM MONEY to you on Approved Security. On notes secured either by good endorsements, real estate of cotton warehouse receipts. : KEEP YOUR VALUABLE PAPERS FOR YOU. We will place your deeds, insurance policies and other papers of value which you have ; in our fire prooi vaults, and keep (hem for you absolutely with out any charge-to. you. WILL GIVE YOU ADVICE. , Our experience in dealing' with the public makes it ' possible for us to give you valuable advice on finaiK cial matters and investments, which we will be glad , ; to do without cost to you. ' 7 : - SERVE YOU WELL. , , t ' ' We will at all times give you tne very oesi service ,: " and the most courteous treatment that it Is possible for a bank to give its patrons. ' . ; CITIZHiS BAIIK AND TRUST COMPANY CONCORD, NORTH CAROLINA. : A. JONES YORKE, - ' CHAS. B, WAGONER, " , . President. , Cwhier. - JOHN FOX, - ' A. F. GOODMAN, Assistant Cashier. . Teller. 3rd. 4th. 6th eth. Mr spent town. Mr. R. F. Morris spent Sunday In Charloltp. ! Messrs. .1. A. Butler nnd A. i Kleekley, of Charlotte, spent Sun-j day in town, (he guests of iss llor tense Butler. Mrs. YA. Isenhour, of Bethpage, entertained Mrs. C.'C-Myers and Miss Florence Doimella at a "spend the day" party last Saturday. An intesestine tiroerafenne - was rendered at the Piesbytcrian Church Sunday afternoon, wlien I lie liarnca Philatliea Cnion met. Rev. A. D. Wnuchonc. of Concord, Rev.. Mr. Stamper, of Salisbury and Rev. C. C Myers, of this town, addressed the larsre audience assembled. Miss Florence Dunnella, wlio has been the house guest of Rev. and Mrs. C. C. Myers returned to her home in Richmond Tuesday. Miss Donnella won manv friends in our midst, who will loke forward to an other visit from her i:i the future. Mrs I.lovd returned to her home in Raxapahnw Monday, after u visit here to her daughters, Mesdomcs Hicks and Dnboise. Mr. J. W. Litaker is very ill. The ministerial association, of Kannapolis, was reorganized last Monday by Revs. Beeker, Pool, Tucker, Myers and Mr. "A, L. Shear- in, secretary of Y. M. C. A., was ad mitted as a member of tlie associa tion. Rev. C. C. Mvcrs was elected as chairman nnd Mr. A. T, Shearin, as secretary. The ohject of- the as sociation is to study the . problems that confront the town. Mrs. J. A. Parker has been mute ill for the past week. Tho new srirl's boardinsr house is about to be completed and the ap pointment oi a maironsnip is now pending. KOSENA. Kannapolis, March 12. Only Few Matters, Other Than Eou tine Nature, Transacted. Question of Observing Laws Governing Buildings in the Fire District Pre sented. Numerous Petitions for Cement Side Walk. Board AgTees to Aid Civic League. Matter of Permanent Pavement on Union Street Presented. The board of nldcrim-u In Id tiu .i regular monthly meeting at tie city hall last evening. Mavor Hartseil pr-- ided and Aldermen Love, Bust, Wnl- euhouse, Wilkinsun and lfitehir were present. There were few natters presented to the hoard other than the usual routine and the business of the meeting was quickly transacted. Attorney L. T. llail.-ell appeaie.l before the board and asked that ii.e Piedmont Cafe lie allowed to continue work on the addition that was sinn ed in the rear of the IniildiiiL', corn r L'nion nnd Depot streets, stating that it was being built ol sheet iron. Ihe work was slopped by tne building in spector, who claimed it was not in keeping with the lav.M applying I" buildings in the lire district. Maym llartsell stated that il the addition was not built according to law tliatj he was in favor of iviuiriug th builders to coinolv with the law. j Attorney llartsell pointed out a number of buildings that had been built along the same plan within the li'ie district. i The mayor stated tiiat if the mis I lake had been made in these buildings Ihe did not think other building should be erected because of the mis take and that he was in favor of a strict enforcement of the law. The attorney replied that the lav. held there should be a line of f2'J u day for every day l'6r a building in the fire district that was not built according to law, and if the taw wa ,oing to be enforced he thought it should apply to all the buildings. - The board decided not -to take, any action against the owners of the cafe until they had t".nc to estimato the cost of doing the work accoidir..' i' the law governing buildings n ' fire district. Petitions were received from iroi- ertv owners on the west side of Bell avenue, the south side of drove street the north side of West Corbin and the east side of South l'nion, asking .that cement sidewalks be built. Tin Inetitions were referred to the street committee with power to act. The matter of eouiimieut for tin tire department was not acted upon pending negotiations between th Merchants Association nnd th Southeastern fanf! Association on the matter. The board, upon motion of Ader man Bost. agreed to aid in defray im the ex-nenses of a sneaker here to ad dress the Civic League. The matter of constructing a pel innnent navenicnt on Union street was presented. Alderman Bost re uorted that members of the street committee had visited Statcsville and Salisbury and were favorably im- nressed with the permanent nave ments they found in the two towns rpnresentativc or a navinz concern was nresent and made a short talk on the merits ot the paving lie sold. SEARCH AND SEIZURE LAW j CATCHES A BLIND TIGER. Jesse Koonce Convicted of Havinj More Liquor Than the Law Allows And Is Sentenced to the Chain Gang. Jesse Kooticc, colored, was cotnict J ..r i . v mum; more inpior in Ins hps-1 session than the law allows and wa-i sentenced by Pol,,-,- .i(,ce Mi on- I uell this morning to serve ' m.,n::. n the chain -nrv. The seiircli ; I v.rti, law . (lie co'ivirttou n! .lc I'hief M been kcciin; n lh,,k ;iv a GENERAL VILLA IS SIIILUNDECIDQ) NOT KNOWN WHEN HE WILL LEAVE FOR TORREON. Bulk ( in ut on place tor some time. Vestenl; ing Olliccrs Kinlv Mini Sun; , assigned to search K n:, c "s h,,;iM. Chestnut street Tin ,r ..i. fruitful, eiglit tiottle- ran-jni-- ir. pints to gallons. smi:e liariK I 11 and others full, were secured.' I.i.ri was found in pni.-t.e,:'lv even i . . in the house. Ihis morning at the trial M ties were placed on the bar in i of the policu justice, and pro, i .1 of the most conspicuous rxhi'n; ol liquor tliat has adorned there for seveial mmns. '1 had it arrayed with iintieephlc , feet and it proved ,i M iioiu li.iini in .lesse s light tor Ireeilom. The lice justice decided that it was .i, ltllldll Ciif nno mull .. .. . 1 ing to law, and. as above s,.,,..,, I ';" h'-l"i'c daylight sentenced Jesse to the maiK year. Koonee was represented I S. Williams, who ;;ivr notice of ap peal and bond was placed at -Juil Maness & Carver represented I'm State. - l!., h b.;i siati I' of His Army is Already Near There, But He is Still at Chlhna hua -General Craostro Makes De nial of Report About Benton's Death Exact Situation at Torreon And Tampico Not Known. No Reply Yet From Carrania. Mes sage Atout Another Embargo? Tampieo Hospitals Filled With Wounded. lor Mr. !l Walter Kennedy Says He Shot Self-Defense. Albemarle, Marcli l-!.--.lohn M vi, nnty it tliesc towns for several I ilays but tiie department is anxious to know whether real decisive pftnihnt on, the vouii" man snot ai l K-'. ,-., ll:ls started. ast Saturday niuht In Waller Ken ! department is still without de- ledv. died last nivlit 'at :1 ,-,.!. ... ! mils of t arranza's reply to Mr. he wound. I'n to late vesterdav tV ,ir.v"n's demand that he recognize the iihvsieinns in attendance in.nn' l I "ig..t of the Uovernment to make. were in good heart and hopeful ,,i n'l"'esentatives regarding the lives us recovery, but mst nt ni-hl'-il! i , i :m property oi an toreigners in uddenlv e-rew worse mid ;., ,i,,, i Xorthcrn Mexico. early part of the night. ', Mexico City, March 13. The for- kennedy is in jail here and hi.sieiun olliee let it be known todav that il'eliminarv henrimi' will .-.nctil,!,- I.,., it nvnects n noie from Rprrotnrv :itld Saturday, when lie will a-d; t!:at Bryan tomorrow in regard to another Ik be released on bail, lie elaim.- Lat he shot Morton in self-defense. and savs he will be aeomil...! n-l..., ried by a jury. - - - llic negro named Smith win, shot ml killed Paul Lilly last Sat iirdav liuht was broueht to Albcma.I,. r,s. rdav and nlaced in iail. lie w-,s rreste.l in Mount CI..-,, I it., ;n 'lonbtless be tried at Marcli term of .Stanly Superior Court, which cues March 110. There are four oth- venses for alleged murder on tlt icket. Signed Alaska Bill, Made Brief Speech. Washington, March 12 President Wilson today extended what he term ed "the hand of read helpfulness and brotherhood' to Alaska," - when ho signed the bill authorizing the ex penditure of $35,ooo,uuo lor the first government-owned railroad, construct- il bv tliA United States. Secretary Lane, a KTOUD Of Sena tors and representatives, and mem bers of the Seattle chamber of com merce stood 'beside the President as hn affixed his signature to the act The President as was in a happy mood, and in laying one souvenir pen aside to use another, smilingly re markedt "IU ehancre eneines." . ' ' When tba bill had been sitmed the President made a oriel apeecn. Franca Has New Aerial Terror Put-ia. March 13 Successful ex. periments have just been carried out here with fire arrows Tvhich are in tended for use bv aeroplanes against d'rigibles. The arrow8,ii which are tha invention oi a Lvons mecnanic are- about 15 inches, long, and are furnished with small cylinders eon- . . its ... 1 tsining gunpowder sna , jnyammooie oil,-. Two of these r.iown irom me JB.1XX01 lower uu u wuuia vtw hieh I was ismited.7-Further e perimenta are ta be made from on board an- aeroplane. If they are onnalttr msAABsful the new invention is expected to prove a highly danger. ons weapon. j , , Currency Bill Discussed. Chicago, 111., March KS The West ern Economic Society, winch was formed some time ago to aid in the creation and expression of public opinion on important social and econ omic (mentions, ic d a conlerence in this city today tor a discussion oi the new currency bill. Director of the Mint C.eorire E. Roberts and other well known economic and nnnp.nl exnerts nrcscnted nanets dealing with the effect of the act on bank investments, its probable ef fect s noon wa;re. earners and various other phases of the subject. JOHN MORTON DIES. uahua. March .. Although 11; ..:' ihneral Villa's rebel - .:ln.olv near Torreon. Villn siii! remains here. When he nt with the troops remaining problematical, as Villa does i. to have decided. Every warns Ins chief lieutenant newspaper correspondents may be "called to the firinsr When he leaves nth Villa intends to leave i-and troops to he distribut ion! the State of Chihuahua as garrisons for the cities. Has P.eal Fighting Begun? Washington, March 13. Renewed efforts to get details of the exact situation at Tampico and Torreon was made by the Statu Department. l'.,eie has been skirmishing in the :iniv him-.-lt vill de here s i;..t see ;ni-'ht I land I In that t ti ! iV.ur t! i d t In i Walter H. Page is Asked to Explain. uashingion, Mar. h 12. - Walter ines Page, American ambassador i (treat liritain was mad.- th,. i.,,. ;et of inquiry today in a resolm dopted bv the Senate, colli ,., Secretary of State to invesl. -,i .,!. d tllll.lie assri-f i.,nu l.,- .1 ' ' .'-'.'-i .oe a lii- nissador relative to the M,,iu-,,,. n.. ...i t- t trine and the I'anama Canal. embargo by the United States on tbe importations of arms to Mexico. Clun-i.p ( VShnnfrhnesav refuRed to dis- I n- o nrtuss the matter and Foreign Minister lujas declined to give details. The Tampico hospitals are filled with wounded Federals, according to reports tioui there, lluerta 's recruit ing methods were exemplified again when hundreds of men were seized in the sheets and locked up until provided with uniforms and rifles. Craustro Makes Denial. El l'aso. Texas, March 13. Gene ral Craustro, president of the commis sion appointed by Carranza to inves tigate Kenton's death, and Gustav Bunch's disappearance, denied that the i o'limission has made any report in the matter to Carranza or any one else. He branded as false the report that the commission found tlii.t P.ent.iii and Bauch were murder- high officers in Villa's arm v. -fteieiivewitei(eiie)i::)l()liII It L PARKS & CO. Wilson-Brvan League of Indiana Mnt ion. Ind.. March 13 The il ann.Rrvnn Leairue of Indiana, which was formed recently to keep tlie Indiana Democracy in lino with the Dolicies of the national administ tion. has completed arrangements for a State-wide rally to bo held in this city tomorrow. The morning will be devoted to the business of tbe organization and the afternoon to a mass meeting in tne city nan. xn the evening there will be a banquet with addresses by several Demo cratic leaders of national promi nence. William Allen White it Converted F.mrviria Kansas. DisDatch. - i ' William Allen White professed fi;,muif a Christian here this after noon at an immense meeting for men conducted by the famous Gospel team f wtoliit Mr. White's act -was prompted by tha touching appeal of his friend,1 Henry J.fluien, eaiwr oi We have just receiv ed by this morning's express a shipment of new Spring Slippers. See them. 'Mi h . - i ! ; o ii - ' - " '' ' '" . " : i i 1 ' i j i , .. ....... . ... ,. - ., ... .. f . . V ..... t the Wichita tSeaion. As' man wai itlginally . made out Any fool can girt adviee aucn ai ' t , jl oi OUS1, II if any wuuuor turn u , jw tt4Mt4i( t',?"'X!t,rt3;-d till out for alt the dust ha Can tt; it la. of dust, u l any wonaor mat ne is .a.