gDaitn VOL. XIII. J. B. SHKRRILL. Editor and Pubiuher CONCORD. N. C, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 18, 1914 MIERS WERE EXECUTED TODAY OSE HUNDRED AND FORTY-NINE WERE SHOT. iiuiivr Mia viiiita tuui I DESTROYED IOK WICKEDNESS POLICE ACTIVE. Wrstt of God if ETuled From Ewnn Axkiost Uifodliness. Charlotte News. Trinity Methodist Church In Squdi of a Down Each They Were Executed. Huerts Ordered tlti Strictest Discipline Enforced at An Garrison. Hnerta Will Go to Front When Hie Successor is Be dded Upon. Mexico City, March 18. In squad Police Unrelenttnf in Their Effort to Trail John Barleycorn to Hit Lair. The police are unrelenting in t!ieir trail of old John Barleycorn I his week. Ad testificandum wrila and mJA ..; I... :i.. , I""""" u -i-iirc -.arranw nave erowdedinJaatniwUhplel ,0 " "" "' th. il f !nJilf r 8'M'ake,:,atlod on tl"' 'k '" k on the h!!0l.',UeruefU, 'n''t I charge of being intox.ented has had mere. me meetings ,l.l;t.,l are eonstantly growing in interest and much good of a tangible nature has already been accomplished. A feature in connection with the meeting ig the open-air serivce held evening at 6 o'clock nt Inde pendence Square and which is listen ed to by a great crowd each time. f a dozen men each one hundred an j i many of whom could not be reached forty-nine mutineers were taken from otherwise, since they do not attend the federal barracks at Jojutla, lined the meetings. The singing is a spe- tip against a stonewall and executed Huerta ordered the strictest discip line enforced at all garrisons. It is -stated that when Gov Land will have a ehance to size up the man selected by Hnerta to become temporary exec utive head of the government, should he decide to go to front. Minister of einlly attractive feature of these meetings. Familiar hymns are sung and enough of the crowd usually joins in the singing to raise a great volume of sound. Preceding the "ennon last nisrht at Trinity, Dr. Plato Durham, pre siding elder, made a call for volnn- Foreign Relations Kojas will meet teers in religious work. "Such hosts Gov. Lind in Vera Cruz tomorrow. It was said here that the plans for the meeting are the result of the recen conference between President Wilson and Sir Lionel Carden, 60LDSB0S0 BANKER CHARGED WITH OVER $70,000 SHORTAGE Shortage Discovered in Two Banks in the Town. H. 0. Smith is Ac- ; rated." ' Goldsboro, March 17. For several ,days past an expert bank examiner 1st been in the city inspecting the looks of the Goldsboro Savings and ,. Trast Company and the National Bask, being summoned here by Geo. A. Norwood, president of the National Bask, who had suspected something wrong was going on, nut so quietly had the affair been kept from the public that not until only today was shortage of the two above banks given to the stockholders and the pub lie in general. This afternoon the , stockholders of the twoHMnka gave at the following statement: -"That the Goldsboro Savings and Trust Company had discovered a shortage of $50,000 and some few lundred dollars, and the National Bank a shortage of $25,000, a defal cation by H. C. Smith, an employe of the National Bank and for two years cashier of the Goldsboro Savings and Trast Company." The first shortage was discovered in the National Bank but relatives of young Smith promptly made good that sum and the affair was kept quiet. Today an inspection of the books f the Goldsboro Savings and Trust Company disclosed a shortage of $50, 100 but the loss will only be $40,000; since Smith was bonded by an insur ance company, for $10,000. DEBATE AT MOUNT PLEASANT. Churchland High School and Colleg ite High School to Hold Debate Friday. Much interest centers in the debate between Mount Pleasant Institute and Churchland nigh School, of Linwood, which will be held at Mount Pleasant Friday evening at 8 o'clock, at ths auditorium. Messrs. George S. Cow den and Z. Lester Edwards will rep resent the Institute and C. F. SpraugH and H. C. Beid, Churchland. A small fell will be charged for admission to defray the expense of holding the de bate. , Mr. Edgar Pharr is at Work for Mr. , j Webb. Charlotte Observer. Mr. Edgar W. Pharr, of the local bar, has been appointed campaign manager for Congressman E. Yates Webb in Mecklenburg county and ho says he is planning an aggressive fight. Mr. phnrr admitted yesterday that in his opinion Mr. Webb will be re-elected by a safe majority and he will earry Mecklenburg- county, de spite the fact that it is the place of residence of Mr. E. K. Preston, Mr. Webb's only opponent. them for their wickedness jnst as lie did Sodom, Gomorrah, Babylon and other ancient cities. "What about San Francisco, Galveston, Lisbon and others that might he namedt" he nsked. The disastrous floods of the Mississippi and other disasters from natural sources were explained by the Bishop on the same principle: A little over 150 years ago, said the speaker, "when a great skepticism and deism, and dehaucherv had swept over England, Methodism was sent to VILLA'S FORCES ARE BEING HARD PRESSED Everything is Not Going Well With His Army. Censorship Over News. El Paso, Texas, March 18. That Gen. Villa's forces at Escalon are being hard pressed by the federals it . . i j il. redeem it, and later God took a little Pvas i e interpretation piuceu on tne band and sent them to the United !fuct i,at not s"?",eL word of news States to turn back the rising tide of j " ardln!? tl,e1ba"'e, .has ,been aJ,w French infidelity. Now there seems to ed ? e"me out of Chihuahua and the have come another time. God wants ,s,ouln, Ior lvt1?:1" -Vusl a Church that will go where men are : awpwencs sa.c mat tne leocrais irom dving; one that will not content iU -orrcon : are aucmpung u. gei, to uie self with holding conventions and .Wear of Villa s army and that there u,r, .;ti .,.. itj, vi.,., f!was desperate fighting. Constitu- Religion in Civic Life,' hut He wants tnli?t officials at Juared insist that rif...i. i a i, ' i , ,; there is no battle m progress. The tude to Jesus Christ. Is God calling censorship is very strict which is tak-lwere of transparent Nile green silk. jhcpn ven tilor;,,,M practice in hand the church again into the streets? It!en. lo Ll f ,u rrr. s Vainer and Page. ' GMMnsboro- Record. K Editor , Earner, of the Lexington Dispatch,. after '.'feeling" around for nm time, announces that he will .enter' the race against ;Pag for Con ' gross. Mr. Page is not smart. Why did he not eot Brother Varner a jobt r . Why-did he not hoke him with po- (.' J.- . Li tUmtH with isiuoir pyius ""-"" Httla work to dot :"He failed to even try and now he faces a calamity, for Varner is roint? to run. wna wui r happen to. Page will be plenty;? i Salisbury proposes' to put people's ' months to work. ' A new enterprise there is the Dixieland Gum Works, wbieH will manvfaetare chewing gam, of people have been swept into this movement that the ministers are no longer equal to the task of coping with the situation." Bishqp Kilgo announced as text for last night's discourse "For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unright eousness of men, who hold truth in; unrigneteousness," the text being from Romans, 1:18. It is an inspiring truth that God is love," said the speaker, "but we have thrown so much emphasis on the love of God and we have given it such unwarranted construction that we have made it an occasion of sin. Instead of making it a subject of fear we have made it an advantage of the cheapest kind of sin and have indulg ed in all kinds of looseness and license. '- v - ''No man can minimize God's love and no man is more consciously de pendent on it than I am, but there is nothing on earth or in heaven that I am more afraid of than God's Jcve." ' . "Answering an imaginary question as to whether or not God now destroy ed cities for their wickedness as he FROM THE NATIONAL CAPITAL TODAV 8ERIOUS CHARGES ARE MADE AGAINST A LOBBYIST. 40 Cents a Month 5 Cent Copy ; SiaUU NO, 493 an additional charse to answer by virtue of the fact tiiat City Attorney Maness invoked the ad testificandum examination. The examinations fail ed to reveal where the liquor was purchased. One person, it is reported, secured his from a person he met on the street who was so generous and free with his liquor that he naturally produced a bottle and gave him sev eral drinks. Strange to relate the generous person's name could not be remembered. Another had ordered his. The search and seizure warrants were issued against a number of col ored residents whom the police su spected of having more liquor than the law allows. The suspicion was aroused by the express books which showed certain people getting a -rath er large supply. ..The searches failed I to develop a case, although practical for tnoso President of Ship BuildiBg Company Says He Paid Deknight $1,000 to Have Provision Forbidding Use of Canal to Railroad Owned Ships Stricken From BUI Raid of Yaqn Indians on Ranch of American Near Nogales. Reports in Regard to Benton's Death Denied, Washington, March 18. The Stale Department is informed of a raid by Yaqui Indians on the ranch of an ! American named Dincfel. near N,i. i gales. Dingfcl resisted the raiders and is raid to have killed two. -I e State Department denied tin receipt of official advices that lientui was stabbed to death instead of bvut : shot, and that his body was bn ri. at Juarez and not at Chihuahua. UNCLE SAM PREf in -i b..un. The tr,H.p now Mti.n- FOB WAR WITH MEXICO , ,"'n" anJ o"'"- points in Tcxji, I I, -oiumj t am wrtioii (r Now Has 81,000 Enlisted Men Ore ,,u" T,'x border within " than 24 One Third Now at Galveston 'l',0'""" h,U' M"nt ,"" f,ir t!' GalveMon, Tc.xa,. March s,-'.,Ujil pti .I'lf , 'l" lrB"3- .. th,S time when., lilny f, d, iC" r'LT 2' , Z v. The lare trans ialvestn harbor can in uvi-ruL'c of :in,ouo on lioeni rations ullii are iriiivinir no in il... f; can situation then- iHrh;ins few ' d won-i-i p: (("lied u id lie t-iiiharkiii-.' I: port now i lllTO', iiK-ri nidi, i-.irrvii and t iiev are already st ,r -I- ihh i smirv rations. The he Kit',,, on board ii.ul l-'il .1 lew hours after orders ,,l,.,. t . einnlr 'homo , .. , i . " ""' received. - 1 "ii oinv oniside I In citizens of the nation w I iler liott viell our nrmv is f..- i ... iu,,i ii, mre -or it uouiil l,e forlsda1 ioiuai nariare ., t,v uiter ion .,. ...1 .: Mexico. The I'nlted States arn-y is ,,.,. ,., IIOU- 1.11IHIU..1.1I .. .1 . . ..r.,i.nn.i'.e,v t. ,,,,, iniu otticers am en hstei n n, ,,f the win li-. the the fnited Slat... hil,. ,u ;.. r " ,Mr ,aM" n-'"ll" jn .in-OOOare a, home s,at,,, ZJZZ . , ' lnel raised liv tin quickly available stundin- army iSjtiameii to tin o.. iiiooui.eii ai ,ai,ston and lex inadv as City w-hile there are s,-i'lercd n,s .noil- im- icxas iinnler many connan countrv. With mili niimher of 122.0t)'t for call and rountlesB thons f Miliinteers available ml !, II l-M 11.....'... t... . .1 ies of infnnlrv ,,,,.1 .. V .... .. ... . r'" "C1U mio III ,. .. , , '",u".'- ion Held within six months, in nrime .n Sam Houston the second largest dition and readv for fiZZ ?t is a brigade of the Texas X.Ui m! try. !uard, ready at a moment's notic, numbers 1.100 me The enliiv sec- Wants Wheeler's History Published nd division is mobilized here and has! Again been under canvas for one year. I i)r u u In case of n(,ii ...c ! 'Tv Ilernn- recently wrote ......... ...,., in- .... fm;.- (j. Lv...i t o.i ... v .... n-i, ,A. 1nis. in naieifi-ii. lor 71 ceru" Postmaster Johnston at Tecate. .uuuul w iiqur ,n u. ; An adlission that he paid ciir(.m.(i MEN BURIED BENEATH DEBRTR iW: Duk'1.1", n alleged lobbyist, a WHEN CLUB WALL TUMBLED . promised him a contingent ice if l,e , fiUC(MHi?f in lmvin.r Hi Another Tragedy at St Louis Athletic bidding the use of "the Panama Club Bnilding. Several Lives Are , to railroad owned ships stricken from Logt. the Panama Canal bill, was made to St. Louis, March 17. - At least 'hefSenateD Committee today three persons were killed, 15 buried b" t?vaelr Ra Admiral P. T. Bowles, under debris and 10 injured when the,'r??'?ent f the Fore River Ship west wall of the Missouri Athletic I , ,m ??"P- Bowles testified club building, which was destroyed Ltha Dekf'gh' wrote him that he knew bv fire in which 30 nersnns lot th,ir tll(,tl:8 whK'h might prevent the meas- lives. wppV mm. nllnH nlr from ever reaching a vote in the high wind here late today and crash ed through a four-story building oc cupied by the St. Louis Seed Com pany. The wall of the Missouri Athletic club building which stood seven sto- ries high crumbled when a 35-mi.o !i0aX erda7 ? - A thorough search is beinir made innately 40,0(10 men can he iinm,.,li it. guilty of the murder ofi'' thrown into action in the Held aeeonlin'T to fiirnres obtained her,). The militia furnishes better fiuhters than volunteers, hut the militiamen cannot he counted regulars fur it Senate. MISS VAN BUR EN TO SPEAK. Will Address the Concord Civic Club Clnb April 1 at Central School At the meeting of the Julia Ba as nonnwest.. a . ie .v , ,,rfj k ... ... r. .. ... minutes before, tie collapse, Bnilding 7.7 T- l-l , 'ul Commissioner McKelvey, who was di-jv" " ' xr'C(incord on April 3, and remain over did in the olden days, the speaker de- Athletic Club, feared the wall would , " . .. "li 1 " r. !-vnr,ls' clarerl his holier that (,od did destroy 'fall and ordered his would require perhaps three months to get them in proper nirhtinir trim. That section of the regular army mustered nt Galveston now is in the finest kind of fighting condition. Liv ing in the open, under canvas, for one year the officers and men hnve laced summer heat and winter cold alike and are hardened to the ma-ei- mum point, while tedious and bril liant manuovers that are constantly being held hnve kept all of the bat- jtallions on their toes until thev are up to the latest war tactics. Kvery effort of the generals and commanders here during these maniievcrs has been directed toward simplification, effic iency and effieetiveness nnd perhaps there is nowhere in the world today a better trained nnd more alert army division than that now here. Great advances have been made by army officials. For instance the rifle now in use has a range of 2S50 more than one and one-half the purpose of finding where ho could secure a copy of Wheeler's History of North Carolina. Colonel Olds states in reply that, the price of tiie hoook is .10 hut that copies cannot he i-vjred at this price. He suggests having the book reprinted and is anx ious to secure the opinion of any in terested in re-publishing the rare hook. Mrs. Caillanx Refuses to Eat. Paris, March 18. While' sporadic demonstrations against her husband occurred in the streets, Mme Caillaux, who brought France to the 'verge of a Hlitical crisis by slaying Kditor Calmotte, sat in her prison cell brood ing and weeping. She refuses to oat The violence of the attacks made upon Caillaux arid wife aroused the sympa thy in some quarters, iioth are on the verge of collapse. debris. This action vented a heavy loss x me a . wo . .. ci.Uirc9ac especiallv for childreu. i"" 17 " . n o nneP men out of the;Mr WcW b(us mt off miles and ,t I aa t he ore i Drobahlv ner- i j v J m ... ran?es Ior various of life fi,i"Ied Sch",01 au,Iltor""n ' tlimiti,, regular infanlrvmen, .purpose. The amount necessary to ., ,,.., , ., aciray an expenses is .fa.uu. ur thisi, and th'j lave the same style and model l.i v- . f. ,7, , ; i j j i-,lns, wnereas (luring tne pnmsli- no i Ti. i i- t . P American war the navv had one kind, $A00, and the Julia Mcgruder $6 00. tlle army nnotllpr kjn;, ,, , . . a-, "-".ii."", pm aiiiem, i iotiamen were supplied with a lnlf dozen different model nnd calibn No Opposition to Senator Shively. Indianapolis, March 18 Many del egates have arrived in city for the State convention of Indiana Demo crats which is to Bieet here tomorrow to nominat a candidate for Unite! ' Stales senator in iiiiinriloini. mill. Ii.. necessary windi ... , . " i-c Tlie mili-1 amendment providing ior ine direct election ot united otate senators. It is expected there will he no opposition to the renominatioo of Senator R 1(. Shively. Civic League, will be glad to answer any inquiries in regard to it. CH'M PUB. COM The Slender Damsel With the Sea-i Green Hair. Atlnnta, March 18 A slender dam sel with sea-green hair tripped dain tily down Peachtree this morning, while the crowd stared in open mouthed amazement and with some admiration, for she was pretty. Her blue eyes had a greenish tone, and her hat was of the latest "Bbsiiv the" shade. Her silken hose, which peeped out at each step from the slit ;of a shimmery clinging green skirt guns. Various size cartridges had to he supplied with a half dozen differ ent model and calibre guns and one department could not use tne same ammunition as the other, resulting i.i a great amount of confusion which is now completely done away with. Our navy now has 2$ modern bat tleships, 15 first class cruisers, .1 see on class cruisers, 14 third class cruis ers, 21 gunboats, 40 destroyers, .T2 torpedo boats and .15 submarines. The, best part of this force could h" quickly mobilized to effectively block ade all Mexican ports. Soldiers of the regular armv and the mililia have Dr. Turrentine Inaugurated. (reensboro, .March 18. Interesting exercises conducted in the presence of a distinguished audience atended to day's inauguration of Dr. S. B. Tur rentine as ninth president of the Greensboro College for Womenn. Governor Craig, Bishop Kilgo and the heads of many well known Southern institutions of learning were among the participants in the programme. looks !:k& it. We are 14,000 preach ers. Will we goT Jm you think wo cun stind the strain T You are no better than AVesley, you are no better than George Whitfield, you are no bet ter than Paul, and you never will be as good as Jesus. It would be a great thing to walk up to the judgment bar some day with a soul and say, 'I got him on the square.' I heard a fine little sermon this afternoon on the street by the Salvation Army cap tain. The greatest thing about the sermon was the captain himself. A finer, cleaner, sweeter face I never saw on this earth. It was a face that Jesus made. Christian people have a face that the world hasn't got. It's been so through all the ages." The bishop enjoined those who have church letters in their trunks to ex hume them. "You are living in one place and trying to serve God in an other and dodging God everywhere. Some of these days tne judgment tramp is going to sound and yon won't -have time to get those letters out and I'm not sure that they would be worth a picayune if you did." going well with Villa's array. Ikey Will be There With Bells On. Siler City Grit. T' e F.xecutive Committee of the State Press Association met in Rale igh yesterday nnd selected Wrights ville as the next meeting place and June 24th and 25th as the dates. This is entirely pleasing to this scribe ink and havc UPPn shown for i ! i-- ii :,l. r . .. .... In fact, she was a symphony green, a human blade of grass. In ! fact, she was a whole lawn. Freakish j as fie new style is, her walk down Peachtree street convinced a lot of folks that ome people can be pretty in anything. The appearance of the bright-colored wig on Atlanta's streets came as a surprise, though wigs of purple, and we will be there literally bells on. Webb Asks for Segregation of Negro Railway Mail Clerks. Washington, March 17. Represent ative Webb requested the Postoffice Department to segregate the negro railway mail clerks that run between Waslungtton and Hamlet and the Seaboard. There are two of these clerks, Bryant and Gordon the one from Florida and the other trom South Carolina. Master William Sprinkle, a six year old son of Rev. and Mrs. H. C. Sprin klo, on Friday gave an interesting "millinery opening" at the Metho dist parsonage m Spencer. His apart ments were tastefully decorated- and well stocked with hats by by him from paper, and the. innovation in millinery circles was great ry aaimrea The North Carolina Confederate reunion will he held in Raleigh this year on the 10th of June. 1 -( with i the with high-class elaborate I'l I liner n-nnc nnd firiioi" lllen" viflns. Hie amount of ride practice now given! each man being mnr cthan double: what it was a few years ago, so t hut j the men are all familiar with their j arms nnd 00 per cent, of tliem are! good shots at stationary and moving I targets, for nil kinds of surprise fir-1 ing has been latel yintrodueed. The heaviest obtainable type of automo- bile trucks thnt can carry several' tons of provisions, arms, ammunition, etc., have added much to the speed with which supplies, nnd consequent ly troops can be moved overland. Bost Mill Items. Miss Essie I.itaker, of No. 11, is visiting nt the home of Mr. F. L. Host in ('uncord. Mrs. Bertha Bylos and Miss Lucy Kriniinger have returned from Albe marle, where they have been visiting friends. Master V. (i. Coggins is quite sick at the home of his parents. Searching for Missing Persons. St.. Louis, March 18. Search for Hie six persons missing, and who are supposed to he under the wreckage of the St. Louis Seed Company build ing was sesutned today. Four are known to have lost their lives when the wall of the Missouri Athletic Club crushed a seed shop. some time past in stores here, to go evening costumes. T i I : .. 4 .1 tl.nt- thtk-a nrniit.t it v us iiicuwicu vuu ...j , IV lioopa van nv; i'i'"i - et.JJ4V soon be seen with evening toilettes, These trucks are capable of making j Death Postponed a Year for Schmidt hut right out on the street in broad 20 miles nn hour if such speed werej New York, March 18. Death in daylight with bright green hair ! necessary. Motorcycles have been the electric chair to which "Father" w.n iit.nin ic no vlllnire. hut she I fumlclio'd memhers' nf the aviation! Schmidt was sentenced "during the. did sit up and take notice. nnd other sounds which need to make ; week of March 23d," was postponed I (U K..1.1 ml nn.l llOOu I nil ! V for TirolinhlV ft VCIir. Tile TC- . 1 .. . , ,i - -I- I ...Ill, H.n Mr. James W. Waters, special rep- have ereatly shortened the time re roanntat.ivn of the Suartanbursr Music nuired for establishing wireless Festival, is in the city today, me Honor Roll of Monnt Gilead SchooL Clyde Cook, Thchna Misenheimer, Aubrey Misenheimer, Herman Misen heimer. Walter Patterson, Mary wai ter, Francis Walter, George Walter. Althoueh he made his fortune of considerably more than $500,000 in the wholesale liquor business, JacoD Friday of Pittsburg, Pa., had inserted in his will, which is being contested, a provision expressly stipulating that "nn honpflVinrv -who directly or in directly engages in the liquor, busi ness shall forfeit all rights and claims to the estate." Cleve to the good and nse a clever on the rest.' festival this year will be held on May 6, 7 and 8, this being the twentieth an nual season. This festival marks the completion of a long series of musi cal events of the highest order of merit and constantly increasing suc- - . r o ,l' cess, i in commemoration ui wn un broken record of artistic achievement, it will be made a gala occasion, and will be celebrated in a manner to cause it to become one of the most memorable gatherings the South has vr known in the cause of musical art. : Five concerts will be (riven, three in the evenings and two in af ternoons. - A ' ladv in Texas devote to the Lord's cause all the eggs laid by her hens on Sunday. This look? like dead set against sin. i"-'V - , 't5fj.;i'0.'". suite came automatically with counsel filing notice of appeal. camps anil caring ior aviators aim aeroplanes. So many nutomobiles, trucks and motocyclcs havc been al ready put into use that it is certain thnt in the event of i9ar with a for eign country the automobile would play a considers bl part but the hoise and mule would not ne eiiminnxca. The army at present is sadly lack ing in field artillery Datteries, that being its most striking edflciency, but on the other hand the signal corps is far advance of other armies as here will be found every one of the very latest discoveries in wireless telegra- Dhv. telephony and telegraphy as well as the most serviceaDie instrumental and the quickest possible sort of method for Betting from one place to another, the motorcycle. Our battle ships along the Gulf coast could effect a perfeet blockade of every port with- The State of North Carolina will receive $100,000 as a result of the death of George W. Vanderbilt, the corporation commission having esti mated that the inheritance tax of the deceased will not be less than this amount. The property ot the deceas ed in North Carolina, the Biltmoro estate and the Pisgah forest property is that upon which the revenue tax will be based. Recently W. A." Pegram, who lived in Vaughan neighborhood, Warren county, took his axe and left the house to cut timber.. He did not re turn and after a search of two days and nights his dead body was found beside a tree he had chopped down. It is supposed he dropped dead from the exertion of cutting down the tree. X.

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