Military Big Carnival Commencing Hareli 30 Llonday Monday The Tropical Amusemsnt to. (. G. BARUOOT, Manager Under Auspices of Company L, N. C. N. G. " PRESENTS " 6 Rlfi DAYS and A A High Class Shows RIG NIGTHS III Glean, Moral and IV Up-to-Date. Two Big Free Acts Angelo Mummola's Royal Italian Band give Concerts Twice Daily on Main Streets of Concord, N. C. Don9t Forget the Date JMARCH 30 Wait for the Big One. Hall Lot Location, the City HUGE FERRIS WHEEL and MERRY-GO ROUND. n4 fieaia u t satsu Tosn- How ananv women do jm know who are perfectly veil, ttronu ui healthy at woman should bo t Tb may not bo sick enough to lio in bod but they are run-down, thin, nerr out. tired and devitalised. Woiaea ara to active nowaday, and ao math ia ctpeetod of tbem. that tbey constantly overdo and euf- fer from headache, backache, nerr- osmees and kindred ills. Sorb women need Ylnol, our deli dona eod liver and iron tonic with out oil whieh win create an appetite, ton up the digestive organs, mak pare blood and creata etrength. Mrs. Walter Price, BJoxi, Mitt, says : "I waa in a run-down condi tion for months. I bad taken eseveral . . . . . iroeamnes oat tney seemea to do me no (rood. Finally Vinol was reeom niended, and from the first bottle I be pan to improve until I am strong and well as ever." Try a bottle of Vinol with the un derstanding that your money will be returned if it does n6t help you. Gibson Drug Store, Concord, N. C. P. S. For pimples and blotches try onr Saxo Salve. We guarantee it. ' adv. THIS DATE HISTORY. March Sk. 1771 Joachim. Marat, who married a sister of Napoleon and be came King of .Naples, born. Died in 1815: 1807 Parliament passed an act abol ishing the slave-trade in the British empire. 1820 Jesuits banished from Russia by a decree of Czar Alexander. 1865 Fort Steadman, near Peters burg, Va., captured by the Confederates and recaptured by the Federals. 1890 President Harrison proclaimed Bering Sea closed to unlicens ed seal fishing. 1913 Field Marshal Viscount Wolse ley, famous British soldier, died at Mentone, France. Born June 4, 1833. 25c Spring Pic torial Review Fishion Book and 15c Pattern AH for 5c Our Big Opening Sale all ihle week PARKS-BELK CO. April Pictorial Review Patterns Now on Sale a Pattern Countc JCcir.dJSc Now is the time to get ready for Easter and Hot Weather because after so much cold weather we are bound to have real hot weather when winter does break. So we have great bargains for you right now at the first of the season when you need the goods, and not high prices early in the season, and then like some stores pretend to give you Great Bargains at the end of the season when the Goods should have been sold at the end season price the first of the season Thousands of Dollars Worth of New Goods New Coat Suits and Dresses coming in everv dav. Coat Suits $9.95 to $22.45 Worth $12.50 to $35.00 Silk Dresses from $4.95 to 34.45 Reg. ular Price $7.45 to $45.00 New Low Shoes for the Whole Fam ily Almost by the Carload. Iufant's Slippers, 1 to 4 size, soft soles 15 to 39 cents Infants' Slippers, 1 to 5 size, Leather sales 49c to- $1.24 Children's Leather Slipers, 5V2 to 11 size, 49c to $1.95 Misses' Solid Leather Low Shoes from 98c to $2.48 Ladies' Solid Leather Low Shoes from 98c to $3.50 All Guaranteed Solid Leather. It will pay yon this year to bny your Low Shoes where yon can get all Sol id Leather Shoes as we bought onr Low Shoes early last fall before the big advance in all Shoe Leather It will pay yon to see ns before buy ing anything in our line. hfJ-eaa First Aid to Ikk Btoaacaa. " Distract after eating, belching cf fae and tadifested food, that lump l kad feeling ia the stomach, sick Icadarbe and bilioutaeea - in licit jxtpeptia. X.w t onr it to time to remove t'ue cause and atop the dulrrta. . Mi-o-nt h tve remedy. Surely get a box of thee VralU. restoring tablet t from Gibson Drug Store today. Be aide quickly topping tU distract' Vi-o-na eoothet the Irritated waUa of the etoaaaeh and Btrcogthena the gat trie gland ao tl at they pour out their daily tady f digestive jnaterials ywir fl is promptly digested .and aMmiltlcd, the entire tytteia ia prop erly nouriilie' von feel strong, ener wtie, n I perfectly welL Mi-o-na r m l an experiment it not a core-all it's a scientific rente- 'dv reoin:EeftU3 tTij "T-Jt ttdlyestloV distress and oct-of-ordei "tUxcttka. Three he4Ub-prt4r and nfflftMlaV tat are a booteheld remedy keep tbea handy whether at fcoaat or trar eling. adv. lareoeana F4 at Oycten. England oata eta Bastred ton or trttare a year, Oeraanr tkree eea tred and any too. Hollas we Ired aad stity toaa. THIN FOLKS MADE FAT. Good, healthy flesh can- only be gained by the use of the proper food, together with naeural action of the or gans of assimilation. Nine people out of ten in order to weigh as much as they ought and be perfectly healthy, should use Samose, the great flesh forming food and health restorer. Weigh yourself before commencing to use these little tablets, and see how your weight increases from week to -week. Samose does not contain a particle of starch or pepsin, nor is it any nau seating .preparation, such as is usual ly recommended to make people fat and which does not build up good, healthy tissues. Samose has valuable flesh-forming properties, tones up and strengthens the whole sustem, helps the food that is eaten to be, assimila ted in natural manner and abso lutely restores . health to all the or gans. If you are not perfectly satisfied with the results from Samose, Gibson Drug Store will return your money without any quibbling. ' adv. : - FOB BALE CHEAP ' 25 seres line bottom land on Big Cold Water Creek, east of the Jacob Dove borne; five acres in ash timber. Prist f !2.S! per acre, a bargain. for sale. . 75 acres land 6 miles soutWeast of lineord, 6 room dwelling, stable, gnnary, com erib, cotton and amok house, 45 acrea ia cultivation, plent of timber for ee on the place, $2,"0, half eash, batata in, M rob" : 2,000 acres or level rAtrrra Land ia Moor County, fcand flay ;vfcdi Farms near by produoii-g . 60 bushels-corn per "'e or on 1 s ;' cotton pr acre. 1-ri.e I"'' J j i acrt in 1" f ; ' JS Will You Put Up a Nickel to Try a Hand your dealer a nickel for a boxof 10 Reyno Cigarettes. Strike a match. If you don't find Reyho Cigarettes are made from the finest tobacco grown in Amer ica, you can have your money back It's a case of ' heads you win7' any ' way you take this offer. L PARKS-BELK COMPANY CONCORD, N. C. CLUBBING BATES lc Cash Certificate in Every Package This cwtifkmU it givea OMraty aa a temporary . ' ' offr yoagel aaorolbaa - your alckaTa worth fat ' Uti Cigarettes tbem tave no equal in a domestic 'nickel 'cigarette.- They are mild, because we specially selected the tobacco for Reynos a long time ago anait has been allowed to rifien thoroughly. ' This asinrs toeether' withluUfui-blending.-secuxtd by ;''-vV-''-'Vi.-;-. .v our 39 years' experience in' the tobacco-' business 'accounts ' y: ' ?:.::iot the excellent flavor of. Reynos. These cigarettes are' -, ". - rolled only in genuine imported French paper. - , ILJ. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO;,Vbitca,Salcm,N.C Low Bates of Subscription in Connec tion With The Times or Tribune. . If you want to take any other pa per in connection with The Times or The Tribune we can save you money where the subscriptions are paid strictly in advancer Note the following : The Times and the Progressive Fanner, both one year for only $2.00. The Progressive Farmer is wortJ more to North Carolina farmers than any two farm papers published. The Times and the Charlotte Semi Weekly Cbserver, both one year for $2.00. The Times and the Home and Farm, both one year for $1.75, The Times and the Haleigh btats Journal, both one year for only $1.75. The Times and the lhnce-a-WeeU World, five papers every week, all for only $2.15. The Times and the Kansas City Weekly Star, one of the best papers published, both one jear for only 81.75. The Times and Farm and Hom!, both one year for only $1.75. The Times and Southern Farmer, published by the Ornnsre Judd Co., both one year for $$2.75. Call on us for clubbing rates for The Tribune in connection with the above. Stubborn, Annoying Coughs Cured. "My 'husband had a cough- for fifteen years and my son for eight years. Dr. King's New Discovery completly cured them, for which I am most thankful," writes Mrs.. David Moor, of Saginaw, Ala. What Dr. King's New Discovery did for these men, it will do tor you. JJr. Kimr's New Discoverv should be hi every home. Stops hacking coughs, relieves la grippe and an tnroat ana lung ailments. Money back if it fails All minriHtH. Price 50o and $1.00. K. E. Bncklen & Co., Philadelphia or St.Louia. av o : : O o O T n n O O O i AUCTION SALE I will sell at publie auction to the highest bidder, for cash, at China Grove, N. C, on Saturday the 28th day of March, 1914, time of the sale is set at 1 o'clock p. m., the Correll Over all Plant, consisting of one beautiful acre lot 200x200 feet, front ing on two streets located in one of the most desirable sections of the town of China Grove, including a comparatively new build ing 50x100 feet. j w I if 1 rl 1 Iron Safe, 1 Five Hors9 Power Electric Motor, 1 Set of Transformers, 1 Button Hole Machine, I Union Special Felling Machine, I Singer Post Machine, 1 W. & W. Flat Bed (2 needles), 10 Plain No. 31 Singer Sewing Machines, Shafting, Belting Pul leys, all in good repair, including Tables, Chairs, Stoves, But tons, Buckles, Loops and Patterns. THIS IS A TINT! OPPORTUNITY FOR AN INVESTMENT. JOHN II. PATTERSON E FOR SALE. The fir. Goueer farm. 156 acres, tour miles south of Mooresville, 3 mlea northeast of Davidson, dwell ing,', barns, out-buildings-. 50 acres in cultivation, 35 acrea in pasture, xo aerea meadow, balance in gooa neavy timber. Price $4500, hal" -ash, bal- Unea in 12 months. i HfH iai-m of land on both aides of riiin. firnve and Ovzan Church pub- lie road from three to four milet utn( Itannanolis. Landis and China Grove, 0 tory 12 room dwelling, h. Jnnhla barns, two tenant dwel ling!, several out buildings, quarter mile to good school, a and d miiet to WIim. 7S aerea in cultivation. 20 aeTes meadow, 175 acres in fine vir gin pine and oak timber, 40 acrea pasture wired in, good orchard. The land Ilea veil and produces fine tot- ton and grain. r JNO. K. KAT1 'KKSUN, I CONCORD, N. 0. )ree)t:)i()icei i i i o i ! o i s i I i ! I ! i i O i i I i i i o 1 1 i o I ! n . i i 1 1 IMPROVED SCHEDULE Effective Sunday, January 11, 191b, at 12:01 In. m. the Norfolk Southern Railroad will make the following changes in schedules between Raleigh and' Charlotte and Fayetteville, N. C. In addition to train No. 31, schedul ed to leave Raleigh at 7:30 a. m. a new train to be known as No. 33 will leave Raleigh at 8:55 p. m. ar riving in Charlotte at 6:10 a. m. Returning train No. 30 leaves Charlotte at 6:25 a. m. trriviing in Raleigh at 2:20 p. m. Train No. 32 leaves Charlotte at 8:10 p. m. arriving in Raleigh at 5:35 a. m. affording double daily except Sunday service between these two points. at 4 :25 p. m. arriving in Fayetteville at 7:35 p. m. Returning train No. 34 will leave Favetteville at 7:25 a. m arriving in Raleigh at 10:50 a. m. Train No. S(i will leave Fayetteville at 4:00 p. m. arriving Raleigh at 7:30 p. m. Those trains are to be operated daily and without change at Varina aa hereto Train No. 35 between Raleigh -and Favetteville, will leave at 9:10 a, ni. arriving in Fayetteville at 12:30 noon, and train . No. 37 will leave Kaleigo fre. H. S. LBARD. G. P. A. CABARRUS SAVINGS BANK! NORFOLK SOUTHERN SCHEDULE Effective February 1, 1914, 12.01 a. m. No, 30 leave Charlotte 6:30 a. m Arrive Raleigh 1:30 p. m. No. 32 leave Charlotte 8:10 p. m. Arrive Raleigh 6:35 a. m. No. 31 leave Raleigh 7:30 a. a, Arrive Charlotte 2:30 p. m. No. 33 leave Raleigh 10 p. m. Aa rive Charlotte 7:35 a. m. Trains arrive and depart etatiot College and Sixth streeta. H. 8. LEARD, G. P. JL CAPITAL SURPLUS AND PROFITS fl00.000.00 175,000.00 We respectfully solicit accounts of Corporations Firms Indiy IUALS We want your business be It Large or SmalL H. I. WOODHOUSE, Pmid'ent J. W. CANNON, V-Preaident C. W. SWINK, Cashier. W. H. GIBSON, Aast. Caalder.' )KeK)Kwet())Ke))KeS FOB SALE . 35 aerea land on big road -one mile -Vorth of courthouse, 4 room dwell -1-11. 1 . I I " .. ... tog, Kauie ann imivuuaings, lov Lam tbree-f ear-oh: 1 1 jit trees, $150. . JNU If PATTTWRrtir . Kal KttaU Ageat foil BALE

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