n ccncoRD daily ikisim TV 1 II I B4UM M ... itMCiimoi Taar is kfoataa Tbtm atoathe 14.IS I t 1 1 .ITlk -n, u4 kr mU 4a Saltaw- 6m afoata Hi afoatha I Jl 1... 1H .m.. nut for chaos muet ba la dj Cost (or chance CavraTaf TMmka. Kaeolutlons of R aaaol aa almtlar article aro chrl Tike rata of I conta por line rath In Bator: aa ncond claaa mall matter Lh, l. C under th act of March , KA1LK0AD CHEtCI-H ial a. am. .ay, Jaa. k. a, .aay. SOFTHBOrKO. No. II J:!5 am. Na II. 4:4S am. No. 45. 1:10 am. No. 17 1:16 am. No. 11. 10:10 am. No. 7. 1:15 pnv No. 15. I:0 pm. Hn 49. :46 pm. ALL TRAINS STOP AT CONCORD. JOHN W. OGIESBV. CI'T Wllor. Concord, X. ... April I"'-- R4MIT1IBOVND. Na. a, 4:11 am. f 44, : am. Jo. la. 11:0 am. fa, 41 1:41 pm. 11, : pm. II. 1:01 pm. la. II. l:ll pm. I. I. J1:5I pm CHASLSS 1. WAOOXXK Stetce of Coacord Banker la "lea raaaatatiT Uea ef Norta Caro- lt is Pit.-lit'ork " " i'-n Tillm. longer. The once iro)miiciii arts of war abandoned tlii -nous life for tin- gentle arc " gieue and nulil living. Tin' I" bottle thai sair (m.-iiu. u.' ator liis reputation in i i- earlier lias gone forever, and 1 1: . -:! i 1 1 oi liviuji rijjhf i ii" i" The Senator told l lie Senate .ill it the other day. He un di-ci his resolution to iro!uoit -nicki the Senate chainhci during exc. sessions. IncidcnlalW . i'i- tn.'id of the besl little sel liion on living t tint has been Heard b But it was a violent r! ;ii!'r I'm Ben Tillman oi on-, win. i breathe tiro ami adject Koosevelt, to the -i-nioi Carolina solon iUiell and elucidate Ins ihitfur I' He said: "'Since in v illin-- lour vcai huve learned more about the body than during the balance life put together In the Charlotte UWrm'i ruliuuu "Keprniitative Men of North Car uliua," we ttnd the following nkteh of Mr. C. K Wagoner: Wurn a mail "amies" home town it's becaune the good i have been delivered you can't put j a blulT over thme ho have known your fan ilv for two or three genera- i tiou. And white it ' true that' your own j-eople put vou under the' uiirroseojte wheu you do "arrive" yen : e there to stay, and, uo interlop ing itsider can even sliake the ped estal upon which home talent is plac-j ed. So it i, that in Concord, the biir-d towel -iii.iir.ifaetiirinR city ;n i the werldlaiid not all the towels) ma le lot t':c exjiort trade.) t'liarle-! B. Wagoner, a oiiii.cster ofNt7. has twice btH-ii !ii ior and would, in all ' prohahilitv. si ill hold that oflice if he had not declined to ran for the third' time. ' Tie C e:ir of Mr. Wagoner's j life have heen full years. Orowin.' . ti in Con. ord. when I I years of a?e , ! he entered Trinity College then loci- , ted at Trinity. Randolph county J Before lie graduated the college was noted to lbirlintn where he continued1 his studies, receixiug his degree ill ISP"). " After leiniiii: college he decided to, euua.ue in tevtile maiiufacturini; an.! vice president of the latter. He yave trills at Norwood and I.andis. heinj! TSIt DATS ZH KltTOKT. April S. I7.i Waaluiitrtuo Irviuy, the faiu utu writer, bora la K York city. Died at Irvimflou, X. X., Nov. 2S, 1959. l!Ul -The mutineers of the 'Boun ty" a ere executed at Port- i tnoutli, England. nw Kdaard Evervtt Hale, poted preacher and writer, bom in Boston. Died there, June 10, 1909. Lord Ashburtou, British mm ister exlraonlinarv, arrived in Washington to uejeotiate a set tieiuent of the Maiife boundary ijuestion. First pony express west of the Mississippi was established be tween St. Joseph, Mo., and San t raneisco. tiarihaldi, the famous Italian patriot, visited England. 1'idilic lirst admitted free to the Tower of London. An Aiiiilo-Ktiyptian force de feated the Dervishes at Kas sala. The " Vaterland," the liuiiesl passenger vessel in the world, was launched at llamhiiri:. 1MJ IXiO 1M s7; lstlli pil: DON'T TAKE THE WRONG MEDICINE. Lie llli- iiaiiihei' 1 1 mi ollld i lily ;e! 'ell them and 1 I am sure 1 discovered some of the secret ture. The pity of it is I had t my health before 1 discovered things and learned h mi to live i ally. Had I lived ten years aui am dointr now, my health nrw r have broken down at all. ''I believe I could It-nut iu-ti l.i of every man in tin six to fifteen years if 1 e t.bem to believe what I t follow by advice. "'I owe what decree . have made ami I am c inp told I look a ureal and I know it is so t and self-control in eatim;: tin power to exercise my muscles nerves sufficiently to -jive them and keep the rust out of the i. but the greatest health help t health arises from the sclfn which enables me to keep from things I ought not to.'' .Iil.v ihollt I'leaal s,.,l M thx o S.ml '.. .-almh I'. alC auo. I un.au 1' my .f i'. i- vn-e ui : tun rea I and 1'iesideiit o ft 1 1 1' is work in a el to Concord c-tate holdings. eloped property ot town la uracil j w ill latter. Hi lorl time and to develop Owning in the western part nt town In- opened streets, built houses, planted trees and hedges, and by a steady process of improvements changed his holdings from barren lots. i many cases uninviting, to at traitne homes. It a- not a light ning c .ange. hut me result of a will j laid, i-oiiservntive policy . Mi. WagoiHi is by nature cousei :iat'.'.c. ami Lis ni i-s r.ctlts are re tlo.iic ol seasoned jiidgnient based Ion the idea that wnatever hmlds u'' I the eommunit liuihls up the indivi jdital at the sau.c time. To get some i tiling for nothing, or to enter into a j u arkct already cioude-;. s no part o' i his system. j In HMTi la ..luani.e.I the I illen i Bank I'nisi I'o., of which he is Icasi.iei . I inlci ; is management the If Your Liver Gets Laxy Too Need a Liver Tonic, Not Merely a Laxa tive for the Bowels. Many people take a simple laxa tive when their liver gets sluggish rather than take calomel, which tbej mere raxsipsxt WXUOX IS .- fTOTCKNO HU ITICK Bu(atiaQa frtroaao JfQ fff ttf Aa TeOa rUkt iToreu IrptAiatL ' Waahififton, April 2. To rallere ith vhom be diariuard tW Paaaara toil flirht U the Senate today, Presi dent VTUaoa made himself nanus- taxahly clear on several point, to wit : That proposals of rouipromiae bare been broached to him nd that be is uot eonaiderinK such proposal. That be does uot expect the repeal bill to be nnduly delayed in the Sen ate, but does expect Us passage in rainy good time and by an impres sive majority. That he bas uot sent any ''ultima tum" to the Senate, and is not at tempting in anv wsy to brine; the power of bis office to bear irjxin in dividual senators. Suggestions that patronage is being used or will be used that the Presi dent is trying to club senators into line not only is vigorously repudiat ed at the White House, but today lacks eonrorativc evidence. If it were not for their scurrilous charac ter, intimationo of the sort would be lightly regarded in the President 'i immediate circle. That is, resort to such is not necessary ; the repeal bill, the President is assured, will oe pas sed. WHY DRUGGISTS RECOMMEND. gave know to bo dangerous. But re laxative will uot start Vlnol for Rnn-Down People. If any one person shold know the a siuggisn , value of medicines it is the drucsnst who dispenses them and from our ex. up the liver without lore-'. perience we want to sav if people in nig vo" to s,av "l 1,ome am' losc this vicinity only knew the value of day from your work. Vinol, our delicious cod liver and ou have such a tonic in i i . i.iiui is uiaiiru ia ii ,unn t.itib liven institution ca jrowth and phi in tee lite ,, C.n.-o is a .'.ilectoi -t llll'.i iiicl'iding men-alitil nulls, trust inn! huihlii II,- is a stl- pie ol the cllJoyO' all irii a steady ortant pan Mr. AVagoucf his enterprises, lirms. cott.ni Hid iiisiiranee companies ami loan associat ions, i believer in the princi ; 1 1 u :i L buihling and loan in bodson's l.iver Tone. Dodson's Liver Tone must lie all they claim for it be cause they guarantee it to take tho place of calomel and agree to hand buck the money with a smile to an) person who tries Dodson's Liver Tone and is not satisfied with the relief it gives. j Dodson's Liver Tone is a harmless i vegetable liquid w ith a pleasant taste, J and is a prompt aud reliable remedy for constipation, biliousness, sour stomach, and the other troubles that come from a torpid liver. Gibson Drug Store give it their personal guarantee and if you will ask about this -umirantee you will protect yourself against imitation- that are not guaranteed. Large buttle of Dodson's l.iver Tone is "0 cents. otic of the lar. -lock in association am subscribers In j state. lecoverv I ' In l""1' ami again m 1111 Mr. nstaiitlv I,,- 1 Wagoner was elciteo mayor of Con deal hell-i,i con!, lie declined to be a candidal. I1"' will im I Ullts. my nit i d at ing We may sometimes think it .s worse in Concord than in other places, but we gi.ess it is about the same in all towns. The Waihshoro Anson inn says : In nearly every session of com I here the disgrace of some lunti or hoy is laid bare w-eu the fact is brought out that be loafs and lives oil the labors of a poor wife, his children or maybe his parents. Sometimes, these fellows nre br .tight into court and are found to be professional gamblers, sort of polite luld-up men. if you please. Every dav we sec able- bodied, well-dressed young men who walk the streets of tnis town and live off the hard earnings of their moth ers, their fathers or some other mem ber of the 'family; We know father.' who are able to work, in the factory districts of the town, living oil the earnings of their wives and children who toil in the factories from ear liest morning till night. Think .if mothers ana little children going to work before a large part of our pop ulation is out of bed, and spending tlie1 whole God-given day in the mill? in order that they may live and sup port these worthless men and Isiys! It is a disgrace to this town, a shame upon our churches mid out citizen ship to permit such a i for a third tern:, (putting the oHitv juitii rhe coiitideiice of the communi ;ty. Tiii-. his activities are of a ! nature to retain. He takes an active I interest in matters of a public nature. provided t'i'y tend to develop hi- town and section. They nnist pro duce. however, for he manifests little I'egai'il tor politics oi a parasitic , order. As a bachelor mayor Mr. Wagoner was brought into public notice as op posed to woman suffrage but the aversion is to suffrage alone, this be ing the natural view of a man who lias spent the most of his life with a mother of the good, (dd-fashionel sort. Underwood-Hohson Fight Nears End. Birmingham, Ala., April 3. The twelve months' campaign of Repre sentative Oscar W. Underwood and Representative Richmond P. Hobson for the United States sonatorship will end tomorrow with political rallies in every riook and corner of Alabama The contest will he decided in the Democratic primaries Monday, when candidates will he named also for rep resentatives in Congress, governor and other Stale officials, members of the legislature' and countv officials NO. 5 TOWNSHIP. on: in mi in service is announced I. he held at Xew Cilead Faster Sun day at 11 a. in. Preparatory services Saturday afternoon, the 11 at 2 i. dock. Rev. B. I.. Stanley, of Mt. 1 leasant, will conduct both services. There will be preaching at Keller's Reformed Church next Sunday, the 5th. at 11 a. m. Some early com was planted in No. i last week. Mrs. John A. ISarnhardt, who has been seriously sick for several days, is improving, we are glad to nonte. C. MAKES GOOD HEALTHY FLESH Gibson Drug Store Offers to Pay for Samose if it Fails. Begin to use Samose today, and you will soon notice a gain in good, healthy flesh to all w ho are thin, weak and run down, this re.uai'kuble ilesh foriuing food promises plump, rosy, perfect health, vigor and vitality. Most peole eat enough to become fat; the trouble is not lack of food but lack of assimilative power. Samose mingles with the food that is eaten, so that it is assimilated h the blood and builds up pleasing plumpness aud good healthy flesh. Those who use Samose Tor a week or ten days will soon notice a gain in weight and an improvement in gener al strength and health. Samose is in tablet form, pleasant to take and is sold by one of the most reputable drug stores in Concord, Gibson Drug Store, under its personal guarantee to refund the money if it does not give satisfaction. adv. iron tonic (without oil) at this season of the year, we would not be able" to supply the demand. This is' because Vinol is a combina tion of the two most world famed tonics, namely, the medicinal cura tive elements of eo'dV livers without the oil, and iron for the blood. inol tones up the digestive or gans, purifies and enriches the blood, promotes healthful sleep and a normal appetite. Old people, delicate children, run down, overworked and tired women should try a bottle of Vinoll with the understanding that your .money will bo returned if it does not help vou. Gibson Drug Store, Concord, N. C. P. S. For pimples and blotches try our Sa.xn Salve. We snarantee it adv. Kickapoo Worm Killer Expels Worms The cause of your child s ills foul, fetid, offensive breath The starting up with terror and grinding of tecto-while asleep The sallow complex roii The dark' circles under the eres-Ar all indications !j I'Lir 25c Spring Pic ana 15c Pattern AH for 5c far h tafji tofjtt neatly tor Etisr. Re ir Pntnu PARKS It i an i i r "ii Our Stocks are jhw complete in errry Department. Look oyt for our Jiig Easter Pipjay,and: gale all over our Big; Store. Our Prices are the ooly 11 fafaf about oufr bi$es Our Price will do a Jeaa pocket taek Sppd. -r it Qflly a few more day until Easter, s mow is the fiie t buy. of worms. Kwkapoo Worm Killer is what your child needs; it expels the worttis, the cause of the ehild's unhealthy eoudition. Por the iuui'jv al of seat, stomach and pin worms Kickapoo Worm Killer give sure relief. lis laxative effect adds tone to the general system. Supplied a a candy confection children like it. Safe and sure relief. Quara.itec.l. Buy a box today. Price 23c. All druggists or by mail. Kickapoo Indian Med. Co., Philadel phia or St Louis. adv. Beauty in the 8mile. A smile Is thevcolor which lore wears. It Is the light In the wjndow of the face, by which the heart slant lies to father, husband or friend that It Is at home and waiting. Heorr Ward Beech sr. Stubborn, Annoying Coughs Cured. ''My husband had a, cough for fifteen years and my son for eight years. Dr. King's New Discovery completly cured them, for whieb I am most thankful," writes Mr.. David Moor, of Saginaw, Ala. What Dr. King's New Discovery did for these men, it will do for you. llr. King's Kew-Piseovery should be m every home.? Stops basking; toughs, relieves la grippe and all throat and lung ailments. Money back if it fails All drumst. Prise oDs and. fl.ou E. E. Bucklea Co., Philadelphia or St. Louis. . a. "Secretary Bryan is another states i man who believes in the old fnshion ,,td simplicity. He stated before the .ApproprislfOBx, Committee that he ,wil) never ask the ; United Stales gov-: j ernment to b."y , , motor car for his offjeiaj use.. r irl? lias a horse and enr- '- nage - provided for making onu re- ) turning official calls, lie said, and for his own private use be owns an auto- mobile. Seereturv. Bryan, also told the Appropriuti .iis Commit lee th-il inasmuch as it was absolutdv bad form to make ollicial calls without .. footman he had been placing ft Slate Department messenger on the box, deducting his time from the gnvc.ru- meiit payroll and paving him from the Bryan private . pocketbook. : , PARAGRAPHS. . - t S Pi x ir I i--"i Loto Viillsrl There are Jots of;QP9(d tpfepga ;fl a Li. X i. 1..-.1 ,. : -II appoj iuck xo inci h . ; But the man who. once tries GTAQ'J; interested in no other tobacco. He's teacup th9(lrni8sdLtr.ii . : Convenient Packagesi The Haaey alf-8iie tOit TafW fult-Sira IQ-Cwt tin, the Poumf suit Hatf-Paaas Tia tWxfeft and tke Pf4 Clau Humklor. . . ' . ,'''' For Pin end Ci'ara". - " Dr'ain-LASTUiC-tY L'CQCD ' O.lt'.'j . . ' ....... . mi And you have the word of an old time skilled union workman that it's the most depend able shoe.on the market mmmmm. fat I -fii J '.--, V k.mmi ,M r 1 ( All are made of the very bestipa-; terialstobehad they are al ways comfort' 2-always ftdyance, jif style. BczcpnizQ F. M. rjQYT SliOE CO, Mm Sold V ,GPctfA 4t, - iV- v E Vtfc V j SANITARY u Iniwd ia practical (rat la tat '.nitrT Cili m we kali 3, 10 beautiful building lota fronting on South CroweA street at tbe',Jtolle ililly, 1x1 i1' 1"int largaywaterv oak shade ties. These are drrab!e -buil'ling iotjnd we will ael them si sntx.iai barssins during thf ti 3d. days.. ; 3 bnildinj; lots at enrner of South Crowelf and To'iiBg" Streets JJftil.W ft. ;r " hnP v 1 "t on Smith Crowell r . " k -""' li ' ... . . i A girl who has been engaged a bull dozen times looks ns careworn us a married woman. ... . r rid "o woman "a iiiin-1 . bv i i l-.cs her to make it np. ft ," -. t.