Er tbum. voL.xni. J B. IHKRRILL. , Editor 'and PuMUher CONCORD, N. C, SATURDAY, APRIL 4, 1914 40 Cents a Month 8 Cents a Copy. NO, 608 -1 ei:;;s win rat 'IIIIJIRERIIOM WIIX TELL WHO KILLED MAST . PHA.QAJT Of ATLANTA. . Tae ruwi pecTe Kaya He Will AiriM tat Atlanta Authorities Monday the Ruu cf the Guilty, atMk 8ay the Cam Wasn't Any - Mystery. The Slayer ia Beinz Watched And Cannot Possibly Get Away- KEWB FORECAST FOR -. -' . BKOKBfEOMISB. THE OOMDfQ WEEK. tlMhMglIIM -WMhington; D. C AprU 4. Dur- Makes Concord a Proposition And ng the eoniing week there will be Then Virtually Revokes It numeroui elections and primaries, the Tfae .nt to , redui tu a result of which will afford food for jn inaQrann) ntet bti received a Be thought on the part of the politician rioui Betbafk time (f0 ,le and public well. Southeastern Tariff Association wrote The long and biUcr contest for tin? ,p Prel!ident Kestler of the Merchants United States aenatonhip between Ai8oei,tioni if a fire alarm Conaressnian Oscar .. Indeiwood tpm WM jn8ncd and motor trupk and Congressman Richmond P. Hob- purfhBSC(J j0 per cent, decrease in son will be aettled in the Democrat!;! insurance rates would be allowed, primaries to be held u Alabama Mo,i.Now ,he MRO.iation h written Mr. day. At the same time a .United, Kwlter . ,clter gtatine tbat tl,e dc States Senator for the short-term, ten woulJ onW w an0wed on brick representatives in Conirress, governor 'ijyjujjj and other State officials, members of J. president Kestler and tile Mcreh the legislature and eonnty officers will antg. Ai80eiation nre '.ap jn armg" Deselected. , " . iabontlhe matter. They say that they eial elections to fill varancica in the) the twelfth district seventh district of New Jcreey and I ; nil , tll ,, ict of Massachusetts , . i,ron ih ffi.iin..v Both elections will be held Tuesday, jof iho fln department here that they Chicago! April 4. Detective Bufns will reveal the identity of the man wbdt be says murdered Mary Phasau, the Atlanta factory girl, Jo the At lanta' authorities de clared before leaving for Atlanta. 11 said: ' There was not any mystery to the ease after being satisfied that . Frank is innocent. The slayer is be ing watched and there is no ehiinc fc cape. ' ' " BUENS IS SURE HE KNOWS - WHO KILLED HAEY PHAOAN. "'There Was No Mystery About the Murder of MePlusW'; Detec tive Says. '.- ' ' ;f ' Chicago, w April ' .iWilliam J. Burns, the detective, declared late to day tbat he knew who murdered Mary Phagan, the Atlanta, Qa., girl,' for "whose death Leo M. Frank is under . aantence of death. Whether the mur ' derer waa Frank or some one else, in his opinion, Burnt would not say, but ha intimated from bis investigation' and comparing their results with the -conclusions of the coroner's jury, he did not think Frank the sort of man capable of making the attack on the ajirt alleged to hare preceded her mur- Burns, on bis arrival today from Kansas City, related the story of his investigation. He said his attention first had been called to it by a young man-from Atlanta, who waa a pas ' M-ngef 'bh steamer onwbich Burn waa returning froy trip to Europe vouwt man returning from Europe. The young man expressed his regret tbat Burns had not become interested in IBs case before f he arreatraim. rorv - ektion of ' Frank.; ThroughT ; him Burns read ill newspapers of the trial and concluded from the accounts he saw, that Frank was guilty. Later, wb it? fQtt- was. in Key Weat, three cit iicna" of Atlanta, including two per- 'Wnal mends ox. ran, saw me ue- tective and asked him, to 'mratigation of J the ease. At first, Burns said, be refused, in Strounds that i Frank Were guilty his, investigation! and. final conclusion to thaf effect co14 '0nly; hurt the de fendant, while i the investieation .tended to throw doubt of guilt on him it might serve to thwart justice! ' lFnnk's friends declared that they W ' jlil-vcd he had not been giver, a fair trials that? ho was innocent of the - wme, but that if giiilty they wanted indisputable Evidence of his guilt. ; Burns then took the ease, Ilis in vestigation soon showed liim, he said, first that public ' clamor," after a j crime wave,", had resulted in the i police making extraordinary efforts - adduce "evidence tending to convict TFYank," and second that a -report 1 Maktnir ont Frank a man of abnormal enaraeteriatlea wns commonly, cirui-. lated throtfgb the city, putting pujif. Canal act, will begin in Waslungton opinion ntrongly against him. 't Wednesday, and continue for several His inqutnes men ennvmceo nu" weeas. . ' The new - Federal lnausmai com mission has decided upon Monday for took the matter up with the tariff were The election or the Uemocratie can- j proDli8ed too and judged that the as didates is expected in Massachusetts.!.;.- m u ; In New Jersey the result w more eteeA to da They intend to pre doubtful, with the Democrats, epob-.j le matter to the omeen of the hcan Progressives and Socialists all aMOciation and ask ti,Cm what they making hard fights. - j intend doin(, and if thev intend Btand. Wide attention has been attracted . fcy what they BRreed , do to the municipal campaign. in Cluoa- go, where the aldermante elections j jgjj jTTON HOME will be held Tuesday. Great doubt T uBVTn m tt.-. exists as to the outcome on account ot ( the vote of the women, who will ex- -..., Pnt n,irfn ereise the right, of suffrage for the""-"" " first time. Several women are among! Residence by Unknown Persons, the candidate for places in the alder-. Charlotte Observer, 4th. manic council. I Whether for purposes of intimida- On the same day as the Chicago ' tion or as simplv au expression of ill election several hundred other cities 'feeline certainly serving to recall and towns of Illinois will hold their one 0f the moht distressing tragedies elections. The liquor Issue is being; that had ever occurred in Meek fought out from one end of the Stato i lenburg county the residence of Mr. tojhe other and it is believed that I R. Munroe Jetton in Davidson was the elections will result in n large in- placarded during flio -early hours of crease in the "dry" territory. yesterday during tlu early hours or Wisconsin cities also will hold their yesterday 'mornin;with minks anil spring elections on Tuesday. Most j splotches of bright red paint and like interest centers in themayoralty fight (wise the nniao "Jetton" that appear in Milwaukee, where the contest is'ed in the firm name on the window between the Socialists and -the sup- Lf ; tlio White-Jetton Company was porters of the non-partisan aqminis-f marked out, the ertsure. being done tretion. V. ' ': talso with red paint :'imd during the ( At the election to tie held Tudsdayjearly morning hours. The marks on in Superior, Wis., the voters will paesjthe Jetton residence consisted of ,i on the question of the municipal -own-. Djg cross, done in bright rod on the ership and operation of the . : street j front door, with the bars as wide ns railways. ' V ' ,j -man '8 hand and n yard iir length, Voters in the State of NcwVYor1c jand s0 situated and arranged as L will go to the polls Tuesday to t cast be visible for a block distant. A sim ilar cross appeared on the floor ot the porch and on each of , -the stcpfi leading to the porch were spIotcliM of red paint, oil affording a (uglily giuesome spectacle. Just who did the work is not known nor are there nny clue that might lead to the guilty person or persons. senator gets Hurrr Senator Kenyon Says Seem Serrioet of Senate Hava Bean Given Death Blow. . ' Wtsliiuglon, April 4. - Forcing throngli Winthrop M, DauicU a In terstate Commerce Corcmisxioner over the opposition flf the Senate "Pro gressivc" was characterized by Sen ator Kenyon as an outrage. He snid the secret session of the Senate been given a death blew. "Never again will appointment Iir made without the full knowledge of everybody coucerned including t it senator, recommending appointment. Then what is said on the floor of the senate will go out to. the country an' the blame be placed Wlifre it belongs by the people," he adsled. He said he did not' pnpose to be bound by a rule secret' as. lie did not consider tbat his oath ns Soniito binds him to adhere to' any rule which is not to the public4 Interest. B LEASE'S FRIEND BARRED Sims Can't Practice ! Law in South Carolina, Court Decides. Spartanburg, S.' C. April 2. j Charges that Charles P Suns, an at torney, accepted money from a poor widow and promise to : get a pardon for her convict son,-and then secretly, advised Gov. Cole L, Blease not t-j grant the pardon, were snstainel by the Supreme Court in a decision t -day arid an order was issued disbar ring Sitrs from the practice of law. Sims is a personal friend :uil polil ical supporter of Gov. Blca-o and lias been thought to have much influenc in obtaining executive lcmeney for criminals. When Mrs. Mary K. Thomas's son, Baxter, was sentence I to serve two years for stabbing a bar tender she employed him to inlcn e l with the Governor. Sims is a candidate for the Legis lature. HUERTA WHISTLING TO KEEP UP COURAGE Still Stoutly Denies That Torreou Has Fallen, Mexico City, April 4.lluerta their "ballots for or against the' pro posal to hold a convention to revise jne omie coiisiuiuion. " , A iRepublican' "get-together" din ner is to be held in Chicago Thursday under the auspices of the Hamilton Club of that city. Senator Cummins, of Iowa, Governor Tener, of .Penn sylvania, and other political leaders j of national prominence are expected un- stout- denied that 'i'orreon puis fallen or his aniiy met with loss.-. His man ner was ti'iat of a manAvIio expected the worst but did.not fojrit. lt was obvious that Hiferta had determine! to keep the news from the people as I Keprcsentatives MEETINGS MAY CONTINUE. make an, ,,, j. th' fMkn. I : Republicans of , Maine will hi!'' 'Presiding Elder Plato Durham Says their State convention tn Augusta on , t pouid Be Mistake to Stop. Thursday. The principal work of the A,o.,. . .:n -u t ; t . .Charlotte Observer. muvutiuu mil cv kiixs- iiiuiiik ui platform: -The party will make its congressional and State nominations at the primaries in June. A State conference of the Progres sive party of Colorado is to bo held Monday in Denver for the 'pm'P of planning for the coming State campaign.' ' ' . ' Important decisions may be handftd down by the Supreme Court .of t ho TTnitn1 Stnleii when if reconvenes Monday after a recess of two weeks. I or stopping of the revival . Hearings by the Interstate Com- wouiu, oe umue. norce Commission on applications of r In speaking of the matter, Mr. Dur railroads to continue after July 1 their holdings of water lines, under the discretionary 'authority conferred I'pcn the commission by the Panama long as possible. So completely cut of the lines of communication it h the north that not even the cou riers are able to get through with re ports to any place where they could be forwarded by wire. Bishop John C. Kilgo may continut the services held in Trinity Church acording' to the announcement madf there last night before the beginning of the regular sermon. The announce ment was made by Rev. Plato Dur ham, who stated that union services of the Methodist Churches will .be held again at 7:30 o'clock tomorrow evening and at that time the definite statement regarding the continuance service Voice All Right, Says Bryan Washington, April 3.- Secretary Bryan to day requested the newspaper correspondents to send out a storj stating he is not losing his voice and that it is in just as line fettle a sev er. Hn sniil liis rcjisim for making1 the t ,. ,i,t .in. n.iri Charles Henderson, president ol k nnlto, thit. ihA ana nsinff .lilic niiniiiiu cimiiiwim.ii. VCVUU1V Lin uilinx v v r -" O his voice, Mrs. Bryan has been delug ed with letters telling cureB for lost that: Frank was a perfectly normal man. ? On the other hand, tne testi-1 . mony of physicians waa to the effect 1 thai the one who attacked. Mary Pbs--jjaV was- abnormal. Then' Burns in terviewed many of the witnesses who teatifled in -the ease. . At -the coneln i sion of 4bm phase of hia jnycarie--1 tion" he ..said he was convinced tM 'be; knaW the, murderer- ;" "There was no" mystery about the murta? df Vary Phagan," said Burns. I ligation congress which is to meet in llienver on 'lnursaay in response i 14l,A. mbII' : Snnnd 1iv- RAirAfjinr 'if the " !! tracks of tha murderer ero ; Interior Lttne. the congress will fol rtaittf Wd there ia po doubt as. to W; , ,b annuaj e0nferencc of western ebgitfning its hearings iiv Washington bam declared that he believed it would be a mistake to Stop a meeting which is continuing with such remark able spirit.' The estimate was pre viously made that the conversions from the meetings have reached as high in nnmber ns 800 or 1,000 peo pie. ' Bishop Kilgo stated yesterday that the meetings had been surpass ingly successful, viewed from the h nwtluWh . ' ndiafffir eiwindpotBt of the spirit with which a "-m . --'if.t u. 4 .-J ber of people who had been reacnea. -. TneTittendance last nignt was proo- voices. Mr. Brvan was somewhat hoarse today when he made the request. Hi said ho had a slight cold, but soon would be rid of it. oniwi twtwM emnlover and such as collective bargaining," ooncil in.w- -itlliv ' all V ably "the .Keavieat of all as aU space Br J: c...... L .u'a i available for seating purposes was 1 U ' ..VOW.... W.M.W ...... - ' a..i. ' ' v "a M the story will be clear in a few days.' I- have made, a eomplete re port to Franks attorneys in Atlanta and it will be given put soon. - :"t eannbt . anticipate my i, report, ana therefore cannot aay more defi 'niteV tban I have what the report will contain.- : The mnrderer of Mary -'Pjiaga, is known to- ma and be can 't -tfil.waV.V'rf)-V-vrf; '-V-- - S i will lay that, In my opinion,; . Frank wilt not hana; April 17 for the 5. murder of Mary, Phagan, .1 believe 1 the Supreme Court cannot ignore the '.evidence we have gathered.. ,t .Hearing "of an extraordinary ma- , tv .fon,n .new trial in Frank 'a ease . in wi toe April 16, the day preceding Ihal on.whieh Frank is sentencea to ' -Pi-ntt es aunenntehaent of a pen- rilf factory in Atlanta, - On April 27, 1913, Mary Phagan, employed in the f TMory, was found dead in tVe base- t ment of ihe plant. rrarK was aceo ' ' ed of !the crime, arrested and convict--ed, mainly on the testimony of James 'onlcy, a negro employe of the fae- t tory?; !- -..-:, "'v..' : y ", )it i ,, -V - ' .-. s. -' ' VThV alleged poise of many people : ,Hlreallv ba fcpellcd : without the governors, which is to be held in Den ver Tuesday. , ' i , ' , Louisville will be the scene of an used.1 VILLA SEEKS VELAS0XT The Latter ia Wholly Without Rifles ; v : and Ammunition. Cbihu!iua, April 4. General Villa left Torrcon at the head of a large u.nnrf.nt o..ihoHn nf kdnatnTa iliir; body of Constitutionalists to join Gen in n, 'a.k - Th m-cAaion be , etei Hemadez in an atack on" thji the first ioint convention' of r the forces of General -Velasco, trenched RdnnatinnKl Auncintinn nd in the hills, according to a message the Conference for Education in the received here. 1 he dispatcn saw South. " - . , ' .that Velasco has i completely snrround- ed. He- should prove an easy prey for fahe Constitutionalists, as be most wholly without artillery and is believed to have only a small amount of rifles and ammunition, villa hopes to annihilate his force, reaching ba' tillq Jo strengthen the garrison there f Juarez, April 3. -The rebel pursu ing force this morning engaged, thp rear guard of the fugitive federals at San Pedro, 26- miles east of Torreon killing 100 and capturing' 128, accord ine. to a renort received from Gen, Villa this afternoon, the path of the escaping federals is marked t with abandoned -arms and cartridge belts. Poitoffloa Safe at Sfler City Robbed. Siler City, April 3. Yeggmen en. tered the postoffice here this morning between 2 and 3 o'clock, cracked the burglar proof safe and got away with the contents, amounting to about f ouu cash and stamped paper. They made fbur or more blasts before they op ened the vault and the furniture of the office room .wan badly damaged by bits of flying steel. A large plato glass in the front of the postolnce building waa completely : demolished and number of small glass in the post o.tlce room smashed. -The robbers made good their escape and at this hour there is no erne.. -; ' - , , - ' From this on swat every fly yon f - Toit If tot time when they are c uig to do mischief later C . t your t kiUt rtiit and swat th. fly and swat early. ' ' "' Senator Simmons has been assign ed the duty of rounding bp the votes in the senate to-support the adminis tration in the canal tolls fight. When it come to rounding up votes Senator Simmons baa few canals and no in- periors Tisrlotte Ohnr. , ' MR. VARXER HERE. 8IXTT VISIT0R8 COMHrO Lexigton Editor a Concord Visitor To Participate in the Inter-EUfh Testerday Afternoon. Not in School Contest That WUl Be Held Present Race for Congress. Hera Mr. Henry IJ. Vsrnrr, of Lcxing-! Arrant.., i,..iv l. . . j . t .i i i. ' Arrangeuicntk are bemi! made for ton, editor of the Lexington llispatc'i v.,.a i,v .,, ..i,..- , " . and Southern tiood Hoads Maga,,,,...! U. hdj spent. .short tune.,, Concrd vrstcr-( ,ie ,.; Mr virTu e" '"h " h-r,",,-'C bore April 10th. The contests Mr. anicr was with partv "I uin I... i i l friends and they were trip in an automobile When vilest ioned bv ii tive of this paper as t Congress in the seventh Varner declared that lie leHe.ihlil rare t'u list riit Ml V.ilS 11-It .- es will In candidate. I he priiiinne: held in May and the lime is m-M-v.hen the Democrat-; of the district will select a nominee. Mr. Varner intimated that the selection of .1 dn!e so near nt band was one "f the rea sons he did not enter the nice. He also intimated Hint tv years from now would find him running for the nomination and running in great torm. However, tins wns onlv an in thnation hut a strong one. ;it 2 o clock. Mr. W. .1. We.-tdingtnn. who ha, elinr-e ot m . :i u.r, I'.ir r,ilei t.'iin-iii'- H e 1s1tor. t i the niter-Hub , School meet, rc.jue-t that all who will ei.tertnin a bey er gird during the tuo days. Tim: ,.';..y and Fudu.v, noti- , fy him. About sixty school boys and girls are expected to attend. fROH THE STATE CAPITAL TODAK CLUBS TO BE INDICTED SELLING LIQUOR. roK TRINITY COLLEGE WON Suits Will Be Brought Af ainat Three Cluba of Raleigh. Raleigh Wants a Sectional or Branch Bank. Wil mington, Charlotte and Winston Also Want It Complaint Against Southern Railway Dismissed. Kalcigh, April 4. The Anti-Saloon League today asked the solicitor to Defeated Davidson College Yesterday i 3 XVti gft in Hard Lurk Game; Score. 6 .llaleighs three sociol clubs, for sell t0 4- "'K whiskey. Indictments against 19 Davidson, A1111I ;(. Trinitv .lefei.i. i " ''"te men, some of them vcrv Drom- An.l ed Davidson here thin n ftoi.,,A., I "lent, will also be asked for. Thn an ' those who remember the manner ii ! exciting contest. The home team tookilloltor aBTeed to send the bills to the which Mr. Varner conducts campniims! the lead in the fourth, scoring three iB ana Jur' Monday if the evidence the Underwood campaign, for in-!ns, after Hnding Kanipe for a Panted is deemed sufficient. stance expect to see n merry race j uunoi ot Hits. 1'hc seventh proved onay cnterea tne Bght lor when he takes hold of the steering j to be the fatal inning to the Presby-! , e loction of a sectional or branch wheel of his forces in the seventh two "'nans, tne Metliodists makintr a "iIk u"er iue regional oank act. venrs hence. Iquortct of tallies due to an error bv Tlle Chamber of Commerce and Clear in 1 ing House Association at joint Kessler. a blocked hall lvsnltin 1 iiwo men advancing and a couple of , 1UIK aeveiopea plans Tor tue cam hits. Two more runs bv the visitors PniK"- Wilmington, Charlotte and I sewed up the gave in the ninth. Kan-1 " mston-fealeui are also after the se? ipe weakened, allowing the bases tc till and forcing in a run when he gave up two bits and walked two in suc cession. It was strictly 0 bard luck gtnie for Ostccn, who struck out 11 mm miowea oniv six iiits. I lie sin- tional bank, which will cover the ter ritory of North and South Carolina,, under the regional bank at Richmond. The Corporation Commission dis missed the complaint of the Snow Lumber Company and seventy-five Alabama to Elect Two Senators. Montgomery, Ala., April 4 Demo cratic primaries to select candidates for two I'nited States senators will be held throughout Alabama on Mon day. The campaign which closed to day bus been one of the most exeilin ir. the history of thp State. The short-term I'nited Stales .sena tor is to he chosen to fill out the term of the late Senator Johnston. Owing to the fact that this term will expire next March eomnnrativelv lit- , 1 nt ,.,,1 ... lie lllieoiioil llllh 'reel! 11 1 1 ,11-1 en 11, 1.1c i;rtt. ... U-r 1. --J .1 . I in'iw a uiuiiut mm mi: luuucr was contest. Weather Rnrain rnniMili Unn OaIJ i I. 1 .1.- im.. .......... . .ivv.on wvi, vviu, IlL-illtl lieiC Si'VUlU llJUlllUS -QgV. I1T Weather For This Month. ; principal contention was . that the Washington, April 3. April frosts! contenllon was ,hat tl,e Southern tonight in Virginia, the interior f !'hnrSd "on ,mcs below mountain's North Carolina and the northern j r"w permitted in mountain regions, parts of Georgia and South Carolina, ITI,1S was disproved. were predicted todav bv the went Igle feature wns the pitching of (K. "tbers against the Southern Railway, ! teen. ' alleging that they were charged higb- I cr freight rates on inter-divisional I APRIL FROSTS FOR lines than is permitted by the law. NORTH CAROLINA. A petition for refunding several mil- Most interested centers in the con test for tlie long-term senalorship be tween Representative O-i-iir W. I'n derwood and Itepresentative l!ie!r mond 1. Hobsou. Hecause of Mr, I'nderwood's promineiue as Donii1- crntic leader in the House and frumer of the tariff law which recently went into . et'ect, much interest bus bc;-n manifested in his race. Today bit supporters confidently claim tiuit he .will deient Congressman liobsuii ley an overwhelming mnioritv. Interesting contests nre on in near ly nil of the congressional ilist icls. HIacknion of th- Fourth district, Representative lief- lin of the Fifth, and Dr. John W. Abercromhie, Congressman at large, are the onlv members unopposol. Contest nre on also for nearly all of the places on the Slate ticket. The fight for the governorship has beer, unusually spirited and has attracted wide attention. Former (iovernm !. I?. Comer claims to be iiiakinu' the race lor governor ngninst me rest 01 the field. His opponents include Waller D. Seed, now lieutenant gov ernor; R. K. Kolb, State conimisioii er of agriculture and industries, and the TAMPICO TRANQUIL " ! nTr I.; d;ii Tjn ir. n-n. t bureau. Severe weather conditions J i or mis season prevail in many scc- miiio-. oaius anil snows. ner:ut nv.iT the northern district east of the Mis-! morrow for Washington, r.issippi, and below zero readings Washington, April 4, A wirelee were recorded north of Lake Su- report to the Navy department from Rear Admiral Flebbcher at Vera Crux lx-rior. Several Seek Bacon's Seat. Atlanta, April 4 With today's meeting of the State Democratic exe ertive committee to make arrange ments for the primary the contest for the short-term senatorsbip be gins in earnest. The fact tbat the tenn of the late Senator Bacon would not have expired until 1019 and tliit bis successor therefore will have moie than five years to serve is ex pected to attract a large field of as pirants. Of most interest to the race. Congressman Thomas W. Hardwick and Attorney General Thomas S. Fielder have already launched their campaign for the senatorsbip. said that-situfttioii at -Tjrropico is tranquil. Ha anticipated" that the rebel reinforcement had not arrived and there was no immediate prospects of on attack on the town. The May flower will leave Vera Cruz tomorrow with Gov. Lind on board. He will come to Washington and confer with the President after which he -will take a rest. A State department dispatch from Counsel ('Brothers said that the Constitutionalists' loss in the eleven days' fighting at Torreon was twelve-'' hundred killed and wounded'. He made no estimate of the Federal car nalities, saying it is impossible now to obtain accurate figures. TRADE IN CONCORD. In Memory of Lafayette's Visit. Montoniery, Ala., April .(. in commemoration ot the visit o! the Marquis Lafayette to this city i.i 1825 a tablet was placed today in the Capitol Hill School, which occupies the site where the distinguished vis itor was formally welcomed to the city. The exercises at the unveiling of the tablet were under the auspice. he liner Olympic sailed of Peter Forney Chapter of the 1. . ork with 1,750 passengers I Governor O Neal delivered the principal moneys. Spring Rush to Europe Begins. The spring rush to Europe is un der way. This was indicated Satijr day when t'li from New York aboard. Of this number; four lmn dred were first class . passengers, one hundred and fifty second class an'l twelve hundred steerage. e -''-c yi(wi()t()K)))feyi:i()Ke))l(e)eXxe) H.L PARKS 1X0. Baraca Founder in Charlotte. Marshal A. Hudson, the.Baraca and hilathea millionaire president and founder of this world-wide movement, will aive a lecture on - the ; work .in Tryon Street Methodist Church, Char lotte. Thursday night, April . Alt Baracas and Philntheas -and their friends are invited. Balm for Champ's Oronch. A number of the stalwart Demo crats of Clay County, Missouri, have forwarded Speaker Champ Llarlf a can of carbolized axle grease for him to use in ereasine his sore sbota. The sentiment in the county is strong with President Wilson in the Canal tons' question. . It is-announced through the Wash ington correspondents of; the North Carolina newspapers ;that .'Senator Simmons is to be asked to take charge of the tolls bill for the administra tion and help push rt through tne Senate. If he cannot dd it, no nse U seek nlsewhere. The gentleman knows how beyond donbt. Greensboro Ke- eovil --.r':.u-'" ;: " Tim Statesvilie Unidmark boasts: "Iredell -ix C coontyv 'tbat does thirtM. It knocked nt botb Howan: and Cabarrus in the nigh" school de- hat. Fridsv. nieht- '"Ureal 7 gnns, muni W thought you bad started to leU something Henderson "Gold Leaf. Stick To It Stick to the job, that's all ol 1 man Just sliik, ami do the best you can ! However tired you get, or blue., Stay with your job and see it through ! A I erucss you 11 learn betoie you've done, That getting there is all the fun, And tbat you never do "AR RIVE!" So long as you remain alive. Of course you want to "Make a Name," But happiness is more thaa fame, " And happiness ia just a trick' To find the job you like, and stickl -. , ' , ... i-. ' t i . TJn Mmifibie' man ma"rriesor money Vnt there Js o:trni4rt lowing; where the a0Bj kf-.V..'".; ' nfMs ' THE 83rd SERIES -IS NOW " , OPEN r Cabarrus .Count) Building, : Loan & Sayings . ; ; ' Association. ' Office in the Concord National '" ' Bank. u r i i O n o i i i i I i! O it' f o i 1 1 3 o 1 o I rm I Correct Footwear Correct models for Spring in all that's new, in plain and colonial pumps. 'Satin, Patent Kid, Dull Kid, Tan and Gun Metal. Some with the new Kidney Heel. Baby Dolls and Mary Jones' for Misses. English Walking Oxfords and Pumps. ' ;..-'. PRICES $2.00 to $4.00 ' v ' .... .. ... There are other good Shoes, but they are not sold at anything near these prices. - Come, let " Ui Show You. I f i i : i I. I i l i ! Si i 1 !' i i i 1 i i i S ( i : . . n t If-' r'- ' S9-3I-J3 HOTJTH UX10X STREET. , iaef. ? no -'-V ,;:-'

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