y VOL.XI1I J. B. SHERRILL. Editor and Publisher CONCORD. N. C, TUESDAY, APRIL 7. 1914 40 Cents a Month 8 Cents a Copy. NO, 501 GEN. VILLA DEPORTS 600 SPANIARDS POWHATAN BEFUGEE TRAIN LEFT PALACIO TODAY And is Due to Arrive in Jaurst Thursday. Spaniards Unlike Other Citizens Season for Deportation. Eighty Thousand Constitutionalist Operating Between Torreon And Monterey. Villa Will Attack Mon terey Next. Torreon, April 7. A refugee train carrying 000 -Spaniards, ordercr de jiorted by General Villa, left (lomer Palacio today, and is due to arrive in Juarez Thursday, den. Villa still insists that he is right in his expul- , won or Spaniards tiecanse they are unlike citizens of other foreign coun tries. The Spaniards not only ex ploit native Mexicans, lint also humil iate them whenever possible, lie said. While messages are being received constantly from the fnnimiindcrs of Su.OIHI const int ioimlist s who are op erating lichvceti Torreon. Monterey mid Saltillo, nut liinir is iiniilc public ilia told newspaper coircspond enls that Monterey would lie the next citv attacked ami lie said that he did not expect such resistance as was en countered at Torreon. j Historical Indian Pageant by Home Talent Orer 100 in Cast Very uetive preMiralioti have been going forward for wmi week in view of givinst a biir sectarul:ir Indian IV.'snt for the King's Daughter-. Xi i i- inti-ientiii!" ami attractive of fering could well lie imagined Cum this idea and ils present form of Paueant and Opera. The cast of characters is well cho-ci, and in the hands of very capable sint ers, the choruses are lieaut i ful, well rounded and effective, the special features for the papooses, leather girls, arrow girls and warriors ara PRESIDENT'S POLICIES ISSUE IN NEW JERSETt Defeat of Democratic Candidate Would Be an Insult to President Wilson. ratterson. X. .1.. April 7. The President's policies and personality were the issues being voted on in seventy new Jersey districts when a special election to seat the late Congressman Berner and asking thai the support of Wilson's Tolls and Tariff policies. Senators Lewis an 1 .lames in speeches said to defeat th.j Dcimcrntic candidute O 'Byrne would be an insult to the President. The Republican and Socialist candidates also claimed victory. Jk I'M " .K uniiue in character and well with', i the environment of the nation of the ideal red men of the Ions ago. an I are considered finished erfoniiaiices. The sale for reserved seats will open Monday morning. April 13th at the fiibson Pharmacy. The "production of this beautiful Indian Entertainment is well worthy the patronage of our citizens, and the price 'is reasonable for a hiirh class offering, Come and bring a friend to see Powhatan. niTr nniiiiiopfnu ! HAIL bWll&MUil IN SESSION TODAY SCHOOL CONTEST. FOR CROSS EXAMINATION RAILROAD OFFICIALS. OF With View of Breaking Down Direct Testimony That Justice Act Would Cut Revenue to Two Per Cent Array of Special Figures Asked For By Commission. Attorney General and Rate Expert Repre senting State. Raleigh, April 7. The social in trastate freight rate commission, to adjust rates under the Justice act, re convened here today for the cross ex amination of railroad ollicials with a view to breaking down the direct tes timony that under the Justice act the rates would cut the revenue to two H-i cent. However, no cross examin ation took place during the morning session, the time being given over to presentation, Ihoiieh Auditor I leant' presented a ureaf array of special Hu-' ures askeil I'-r by the commission. The attorney "cncral and rate ex perts are representing the Slate. By : I a iii ll e ' i 111 l ,li I. t ill i.i.i.v , In: .n HUGE EXPENDITURE OF THE PEOPLE'S MONEY Civic League Affairs. The president of Civic Improve ment League called a meeting of I lie chairmen of tin- various committees at her house at 1(1 a. in. today. The work of the committees was discussed and some nointiiicnts made. The day for the. regular inotil.'v meeting ot the League was fixed I. ; 'he first Saturday in each month. I p. m. in tlie graded school bw' . It is I especially desired that e.eiy Member oi I lie League wateli llie evening pa per for notice of the meting which will be inserted a day or two be IV re. The mi ii of town are asked to re member t'u'l their names and dues will be solicited as associate members. CHAM. PCM. COM. Illinois Saloon Contest Bitter Springfield. 111.. April ti. Illinois goes tomorrow to the stillest test which has been made up to dale i the Stale between the liipior interests ami the nut i-suliMiii forces. Spring Held. Decatur. Moline. Danville. Mon mouth. Aurora and, in fact, nearly every city of importance in the State is witnessing today the elosig of a bit ter campaign. Chicago and Peoria are practically the only cities ot importance that are not involved in the contest. The leaders of the "dry" movement predict that several thousand saloons will be voted out of business when the .ballots are ci. anted. Charlotte Observer: Mrs. Plato Durham left yesterday morning for Fort Worth, Texas, to attend the oninn s Missionary Council id" I be 'out hern Methodist Church. En route .; -ne Mrs. Durham will stop off in Atlanta to attend grand opera. X&9 i"?-. -'ipi'i'i urn i r. -mum m immmmimmmfmi?? s5 .rr '.J JjSSSA 't i-J ' Condensed Statement of the " r $ if it n I f t J f CITIZENS BANK and TRUST ff "j C0MPANY If. 1 I ,"";i i April 6th, 1914. 1 I 'W ! . RESOURCES ''. p f J 1 Senator Clapp Comes Out With Se vere Indictment of National Extravagance. ashington, April (i. Senaloi' Moses K. Clapp, of Minnesota, came out today in a severe indictment oi national extravagance, and inti.iiiat wl the danger of "a general revolt among the people" against the huge expenditures of government money. Outlining bis views in a leter to Simon W. Straus, of Chicago, presi dent of the American Society for Thrift, Senator Clapp said: "'1 do not know how we are goinir to meet the. demand for appropria tions. "Everybody 'in this country, indiv idualfv, is in favor of lessening appropriations, and yet about every body is interested in sonic meritori ous rail for appropriations. Of course, then' are meritorious le .mands. but when nearly every citi zen of f.ie t'nited States is back o.i some piau which, to bis mind, is the one meritorious plan, il makes it al most i npossible for Congress to in sist the pressure. "I have sometimes fell that l!:i tiling would go on until, between I Im burdens of taxation and depreciation of bonds, we would lind a general revolt among the people. It seem as though it ought to be done before we reach that point. If the Ameri can people could once and forever he impressed with the fact that theiv I'e- Nomeroas Contests to Be Held High School Stndents. I lie lollouing is the pn for firs I minimi meet of ucsl division nf Slate lligti Scl.o cord, April Hub, 1!U4: Preliminary Contest. The following contestant please rcMirt at (he city ball I April in, KM4, promptly at o'cIim k, a. m. Patterson liralitley, Mt. I Ha . Kail Ciirrenl, WiMulleaf: Talmage s,,,,,, , lOakhill: Bailey Host. It(-k Um t : If. K. Daily, Harmony ; llciny Del linger, Waco: Ma.v Kitclue. China drove; V. X. Pool, Stony Point . .loin l.ittlcwood, Helton; Byron Keeier, drover: Luther Wineeoff, WiuecolT: Otto Clontz, L'nionville; Walden Weaver, Cherryville; Arthur John ston, Iluntersville. Recitation Contest. The following contestants will please rcKirt at the Elks' hall Kridav, April 111, at 10::t0 a. m.: Miss Joe Hanson, Iluntersville: Miss Lena White. Rocky River; Mis Kssie Hart, Mt. I lia; Miss M..na I!. (Jait'ier, Harmony; Miss Willie I'll as, China drove; Miss l.eoiui llan Stony Point; Miss Kstell Wail. . dranite Kails; Miss Vialo Si , Winecolf; Miss Mamie (iraybeal. lb -I-: ui; Miss Mary Sue lluert. !i . r; diss Wiltna Ilargett. Knionvilh : Mi-, Annie Lee Craft, Cherry vilh-. Spelling Contest. . The following contestant- will please meet al the court ri i of the court bouse on Friday, April Huh. al 11:110 a. m. This will be a written contest of two hundred words: Vera Turner, drover: Bertha lea gue, Stony Point; Essie Irene Smith, China drove; Pearl Carriker, Rocky River; Carey Heath, Harmony; Phil lip Hart, Mt. 1'lla; Richard Culbert son, Woodleaf: Charles Murph, Wiue colT. Composition Contest. The followinsr contestants will please report at I lie courtroom at the court house on Friday, April lllth, promptly at !::i0 a. m. Carey Heath, Harmony'; Mary' Klinl, China drove: Lois Wineeoff, Stonv Point: Patterson Hrantly, Mt. I'll:! -, James liarnhardl, Rocky River. Athletic Contest. lollowing vv ill THE M'ADOO-WILSON WASHINGTON AGOG OVER REPORT. ; COMMISSIONERS MEET. Numerous Matters Keceive Attention , Put Lid on Carnival -Will Meet I Again Monday. I The board ot ,-,.,,;, , , ,,. j '' Us r,-. i at ivoniah ibe curl l.on-i- (siel j'vde the Usual i, iimb, , liuatleis pcrtaiiiin- to n I el 11, g ,. Tlier. ' Isllles I lolls ill - Wedding to Take Place Latter PaU of April. Miss Wilson Busy Try ing on Gowns. Blue, the Predom inating Color. Washington, April 7. I'm- lapitol society is agog Willi Hie rumor thai Secretary McAdoo and Miss Eleanor Wilson will be iiiietly married the latter part of April. The rumor orig inated from the belief that the visit here next week of Mr. and Mrs. Say re was in order to be present at I lie cere mony. Miss Wilson is still busy Irving on gowns, selected on a recent visit to New York. Blue predominates. IK 'l.tlll.-l. , In ol'ill l-slolirl s I,, da v w ,1s s, ,,, " appointed IMolls 'oun-hl.s I'le town A ndrevv - the Ii-: l. FINAL HEARING On Drainage of Buffalo Creek Held Yesterday Report Adopted And Commissioners Appointed. I At a meet in- of the Ian, I o.vners along Buffalo creek ycsieiday e.ltei- Inoon Messrs. J. I". Allison, W. ". dooduian and .1. M. W. Wbiie were j appointed commissi -rs. It wa- the ilinal hearing on the report of the en gineer and and viewers, which recom- I mended that the creek lie drained, I w as adopted. I he commissioners w ill begin at once making plans for starling the work. 1 1 is understood that bids will be asked for and other preliminary arrangements made at once. IRISH HOME RULE BY JUNE 1. ptease icpoit at Tin the city hall with their athletic suits! al 1:4") p. ni., Friday, April lllth: Running high jump: Richard t "ill -berlsoti, Karl Current, Woodleaf;' Willis While, James Black, Rocky! River. I;. I". Itealv, Harvey Xicho Ulster May Be Excluded From Dublin Parliament for Six Years. London, April 7. The final enact ment of the Irish Home Rule bill by June .1, is predicted following the vic tory of the government when the measure was carried in llie House of Commons on second reading- by safe margin. Il appears certain that the government has made the last offer of consolation and the iinnioiiisl.. i must accept the measure in its pres ent form or consent o tin excluding Clstcr parliament for a Iron i period the I'lidmeiit Dublin x years. son, Ores Wii 1 Oscar I'ayne, s, I 'iii ! i v ille ecotl". inning broad Harmony ; William Very Kai'Mh.-'rdl. .1 p Kn Tvv i iiasn : Loans and Discounts... .$223,718.54 Real Estate 7,300.00 Furniture and Fixtures . . 4,000.00 Stocks and Bonds ...... 5,100.00 Cash and due from banks 119,419.3 359,537.86 LIABILITIES. . Capital Stock ........... 30,000.00 Surplus and Profits Reserved for Interest Bills Payable Deposits 9,706.19. 3,000.00 10,000.00 306,831.67 : 359,537.86 ( no such thing as "government sources," thai all that the govern ment can do is to take out of tlu poikets of tlie people Ibe revenues wliic-ir il disburses, it might lessen somewhat the terrillic demand for up. proprianuns. Woo. The American Society for Thrilt. i Xi.-li. with headiiuarters here and in Ch:-'n.ony .ago, has as lis object the promotion Hart of state and national thrift, its thea- Cress ry being that one of the great men aces of l!i is country is extragaganci both in its individual use and in na tional appropriations. 1 Cur rent, Oscar Benson, W Ileal"; Tal mage Smith, Oakhill: R. V. Bealy, Harvey Xicholsou, Harmony; Patter son Brantley, Steven Bart, Hoy (Ira bam, Mt. I lia; Murray Measiiner. Roller; I Jiggers, Roberl Klovve, Rocky liner: win. tress, lloke litekafl, China drove: 'erv Earnhardt, Wineeoff. undred and I went v-vartl II. tienson, Harvey William drove: "Marvelous Cures" in Atlanta. ' Atlanta, (la.. April 7 Thousands of Atlanta toil; are thronging the old Baptist Tabernacle daily to watch the "marvelous cures" of Mrs. M. B. Woodwortli Bitter, an evangelist who has been .preaching tliere for the past month, but whose work only recently began to attrat wide attention. Some of the throng are curiosity seekers, but many are faithful be lievers, who bring their sick, their crippled, even the dying, to sit in the "chair of healing" and have Mrs. Etter lay her hands on them. More than a hundred persons testify to ac tual eure made by the woman evan gelist, and the threshold of the tab ernacle is filled with crutches dis carded by men and women who walk ed away without them. The meetings are becoming the talk of the town. at; R. F. Bealy. Harmony; Oscar John Bostain, liaii-oii, Ilunlers- Underwood Plurality is Twenty-Five " , Thousand. Birmingham, Ala.. April 7. Com plete returins of yesterday's primary election will not be obtainable before tomorrow at the earliest. It is cer tain, however,-that Underwood defeat ed Hobson for the long term United Mates Senator, commencing next March, by at least 25,000 plurality. "A Leak in the Foreign Office" is the feature at The' Theatorium. The Mutual Girl will be there tomorrow. Karl Current, o leaf: R. K. !"... sonli Oscar I': Patterson Bratille Roy drnham, Mt. John TSostiaii, ( ; Karl Raii-on, Iliinlei -v ill... Four hundred ami foriy -yard dasl ; Riehaid Culbertson, Karl Current, O: ; cur Benson, Woodl I liirvey Xicholsou. Payne, Harmony; China drove; Karl ville. Pole vault: Richard Culbertson, Karl Current, Woodleaf: R. F. Har vey Xicholsou, Oscar I'ayne, Har mony; Lonnie Davis,. China Grove. Shot put: Richard Culbertson, Oscar Benson, Woodleaf: R. F. Bea ty, Harvey Nicholson, Oscar Payne, Harmony; Patterson Brantley, Mt. 1'lla; Lonnie Davis, China drove; Usa Karnhardt, Wineeoff. Hammer throw: Richard Culbert son, Earl Current, Woodleaf; R. V. Beaty, Harvey Nicholson, Oscar Payne, Harmony; Lonnie Davis, China Orove; Usa Karnhardt, Wine eoff. One hundred yard dash: Richard Culbertson, Oscar Benson, Woodleaf; Talmage Smith, Oakhil; R. P. Beaty, Harvey Nicholson, Oscar Payne, Har mony, Patterson Brantley,, Stephen Hart, Roy Graham, Mt. Ulla; Willie White, Robert Biggerg, Hubert "Flowe, Rocky River; Karl Ranson, Hunters ville; Very Earnhardt, Caleb Bern hardt, Charles Murph, Wineeoff. - Six hundred and sixty yard race, Teams: Rockv River Rubert Flows, Willie White. Mt. " Ulla Roy Gra ham, Stephen Hart, Patterson Brant ley. China Grove -Bittle . Kimball, John Bostian, Lonnie Davis. Harmony Oscar Payne,' Hubert Parria, Har vey Nicholson. ' Wineeoff -- Charles Murph, Caleb Barnhardt, Very Earn- To Marry and Go to China. Atlanta, da.. April 7. When Rev. Willord ('. McLaiicldin. of Atlanta, marries Miss Kliabeth Trent Wilson of Richmond, Va neM month. U bride will give up a life of luxury and society for a mission home in Chi na. The missionary and his hrid" will go to I'ekiu for lield work, leav ing early In the summer. Miss Wilson is he .laughter of Cal vin Wilson, a wealthy manufacl urer of Richmond, and Or. McLaiicliliu met her while ';e was a student at the I'nion Theological Seminary. Before stmliyng for the ministry- he mad his home in Atlata with .1. K. Mr l.anehlin. a prominent insurance man lie has m-enlly been engaged in mis sionary work in South deoigia. I ("aid any carnival com- paltlieiit- o! ' "Uniy tor iii , "'del and a hi The IoIIohiiij Jl-i'-el- ,:i ,. ,., mg named in t , i-nips: U. . Ha.,-, ,s. c. ( I-'. Bradford. .1. A. Wnieeotl", M I IMniin. .las,,,, Saint. W. i. !lirrin,.. I''1'- ' M. dreen. W. V l.,i,.,.,..". Pope. W. II. Slallimrs. D r ldl, C. T. Trov . A i: U..i ' -u-' M- Weddington. The hoard went ,i record against carnivals and notified the sheriff not io issue license I. pany. The Caldwell road near Harrisbiirg was adopted as a public road. Chairman YVc.idingt ,1H j j Barrage were appointed a committee to conler with the drainage commis sioners f llull'alo ,-reek in regard to I he assessment made the county for drainage work. fhe commissioners borrowed .(10 -,,,MI from C. A. Webb .V Co.. f Ashe ville. The loan will bear live p:.r cent, interest and will l. paid at the '""I- "I" "-IHM the tils! of each April B"li l 1!C!!I and s4 ,111 III from 104(1 , PM7. The board will hold a call meeting Monday to consider bids for building a new jail and making additions to the court house. Oscar W. Underwood Defeats Hobson for Seat In U. S, Senate. Birmingham, Ala., April 7. Indi cations early today were that Oscar W. Crnlei-wood had triumphed over Richmond P. Hobson in the contest before Democratic primaries through out the State for the nomination to Ibe I'niled States Senate. Owing to the complexity and length of the ballots fomplctV returns probably will nut be received until tonight. The protracted si niggle for the nomination between the two dislm giishe.l candidate- terminated with a record breaking vole hy- Alabama I 'emocrals. Birmingham. April 7. As the conn; proceeds il is believed that I'nder- w I s total over Hobson will he nearly- ."ill.lllHI. Captain White's ap parent selection for short term, lill- ng place of bite Senator Johnston, makes Ihinl Cmfedei-ate veteran ,1. tile Senate. Hearing Will on Toils Exemption Begin Thursday, lington, April 7. Hearings exemption bill will be nter-Oeean Can- lasting for greed upon the Tolls gnu by I lie Senal. als Committee Thursday tiflecn days. This was by tiie .oiniiiitlee, .inly ing vole was east, thai liramlegec. one disscnl of Senator The a v era', big a liar as e gardener is almost the lishernian. F.dgar A. Woodell of Winston-Salem, formerly of dreetisboro, has been appointed general supeiinlemieiit of the mechanical depariment of The Christian Advocate in (Ireensbore and will assume his duties April l.'i. hardl: Iluntersville- Black McCau- ley, Fred Rogers, Kuril Ranson. Officials, Athletic Contests. Judges Messrs. J. V. Davis, F. L. Blythe, ('. K. Xorrnan. Starter Mr. Kay Patterson. Time M.r. Brice Caldwell. Scorer Mr. John M. Oglesby. Referee Mr. Caiupbell Cline. Judges in literary contests Preliminary declamation contests Rev. C. P. MacLaugblin, Rev. Har old Turner, Rev. A. D. Waucbope. (Opera house, Friday, April 10th, 10:30.) Preliminary recitation contest - Rev. C. K. Brown, Rev. W. B. Wer ner, Rev. J. R. Hoot en. (Klks' Home, Friday, April 10th, 10:30.) Composition contest Miss Con stance Cline, Messrs. A. S. Webb, L. H. Wilkinson. (Court house, Friday, April 10, 9:30.) Spelling contest Mrs. R. A. Brown, Miss Frances Alexander, Mr. C. E. Roger. ) Court house, Friday, April 10, 19:30.) Judges in final recitation and dec lamation contests at auditorium bf Central graded school building Dr. L. A. Bikle, Rev. J. M. Crier, Hon. L. T. Hartsell. Minor Events. Potato race, eg race; long distance throw. t Every Dollar i I You Pay for Rent is t Gone Forever 4 I he same money , or lerhap a little more, it applied on a 110MK through the medium of one of our LOAN'S, would pay the interest, and eventually I he PRINCIPAL also. Yo'i Would then have a " BETTER HOI" SI? to live in NOW, and you would be paying for a HOME, the full enjoyment of which would bo YOURS IN THE LATER YEARS OF YOUR, LIFE. Take out shares in the 33rd scries of this association ami get in line to OWN YOUR, HOME or SAVE SOME THING FOR A RAINY DAY. BOOKS ARE NOW OPEN. Come in today and get some shares and talk it over. ; Cabarrus County Building, ; ; Loan & Savings ;; : Association. :: i Office in the Concord National , , ' Bank. 1 . ' ' . . i 1

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