yam Ml i i i VOL. XIII J- B- SHERRILL, Editor and PublUher OYMSOF . C11Y OF COaCORD ; : ( HO CIOAXS 0&. SOFT DRINKS . . -;' u CAW BE SOLD.''- , ' Tbi law in Tnll . Which Strictly ' " T . Prohibit the Sale of Cigars and Te- bacco, Sods Water. Etc, on Sun- . ' --,. day. Fino f or Conviction U $50.00 w Auyiuviuuvui IVI tfV- w V Ico Allowed to Bo Sold or Diatrib- . mod on Sunday. Many People Do Hot Boom to Know We' Have Snch ' V The 8unday laws of the rilj are '-'., - being violated every bunday, .un--t' I knowingly on the part of nianyj who , do not know that the ordinances of J the eity strictly prohibit the soiling of . . cigars, eigahwttea or tobacco : in" any form and soda water, cot a-eola and :y"M other soft drinks. We publish tie sections in full aa follows: ; - - wora on oonoaj rioiuoiiea. . ''v... ." . 144.. Any person who shall -on Suit- ' - V: ' . wr,t "l iriun vr railing to " other business, employ another to do ' . J ao, except the ordinary household du- ,'--: tiea and other work ot duty and nee ""easily, shall be deemed guilty of. a . misdemeanor and upon - conviction - ' "'- fined five dollars, or imprisoned hve i ; r BWe uiosea.on sunaay. .-, - -.-.?!- : ' - Imv naMnM mlm aTinll nn ftutv. , day keep open his store or alto), or '- 'f buy or sell any articles Tr ' goods, a ' " wares or .merchandise,jexcept; modi-' cine, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor . - ana opon conviction iinii ue unco live . . V dollars or imprisoned for five days. u Barber Shops Closed on Cunday. 146. That nny barber who shall .; within' the corporate limits of said . eity,ot t.ncoro: carry on or exercise " his vocation on the Sabbath day, shall ' be deemedeuiltV of a ' misdemeanor. . ond ?npon conviction thereof shall be for each and every offense fined five t' dollars or imprisoned for five days. . ''X"147.'B it. ordained that any mr ' " Bori, firm or eotporation wlio-auaH svll a cicar cheroot, cigarette or tobacco corporate limits of the city of. Con- - ' cord ahall be guilty of a misdemeanor and npon conviction thereof shall be - fined fifty, dollars or imprisoned thir t ' ty days. . . Ko Soda Water, Etc Sold on Sunday 148., That any person, firm or eor- y , poration; "whoBhall sell on Sunday ' soda water,; lemonade, limeade, eoea--' " eolaft'malt, ice eam,- sherbet or " other drink or preparation, of lib! -T. - olmroofar nitliin the cornornie -limit!' " of thU city of Concord shall be.guitty r : 'm miaJnmiiAiinr anil iinnli pnnvitf'- - ,T tion 8hall.be fined fifty dollars or im- - prisoned thirty days. . - ' - -r , No Ice Sold on Sunday. Except. . t ' 149..That any person, firm or ror poration, who shall within tho -cor-' porate Jimitg of said city sell or de ' Ui-ar antt im nn Sunday . after ' 10 . C o'clock a. m.j except in case of neccs - v sity, shall be deemed guilty of a mis- demeanor and opon eom-iction thereof , .shall b fined ten dollars or impns- - - ' oned for twenty days. ,4' ' , '' None of the Women Candidates Elec- ' V, t ted In Chicago Tuesday. i ' ' 7 Chicago, April7,-Early estunatf tonight indicate Miat between 75,00'J - ' and 100,000 of the 217,614 women " voters eligible to Trote here went to the oils for the first time today anfl " -' east their votes in , the - aldermanic election. The' male voters, of whom ',.- ''4.'w,283 were' registered, " Voted , in " about the same proportion.' None ot f h : nine women , candidate who oucht . to represent (Tieir wards iu the eitf council, was elected, and ex- ' ' , - eept in the first ward, where Miss Ma Drake made a spectacular fight " " ' against .John (Bathhouso) Coughlin, the women -candidates polled only a ' small fraction of the women votes, ? ' The 25th annual session -of the -drand' council, Boyal Arcanum of North Carolina, is called to meet in Oreensboro April 22 and 23. Every council has been nrged to see that it is duly represented. A reception com mittAA from Ouilford council '; will ' meet all trains to direct the Visitors . lo a hotel and hall. A; - . - BIO NEW EQUIPMENT , TOR TEE SOUTHERN Flxty Locomotives, S4 AU Steel Faa- senier Can, and 4075 Freight Cars Contracted. Washington, D. -C, Ajwil 8-Fol-lowing bis statement ot February 20th in regard to Southern Railway financing. President - r airfax Ham son today announced that with the proceeds of five million dollars "of equipment trust notes, Southern Rail way haa just- contracted for 60 loco motives, 54 all steel passenger train cars, aud 4075 freight train -ears, largely of steel construction. . - . r Of the locomotives, 45 will be of the heavy Mikado freight type, 6 of the Pacific passenger type,. 13 six wheel switchers, and 2 eight-wheel switchers! . They will be built in ac cordance with the latest and most im proved designs and will be similar to motive' power of the same types now in service on the lines of. the South ern Railway jrhere traffic is heaviest The all steel passenger equipment includes 35 eoaches of the largest and latest type, electrically lighted, 4 din in? rar5 combination passenger and HasKSge ears, 6 mail and baggage cars, and 5 baggage and express cars. The 4075 freight train cars will in clude 2200 thirty-ton steel underframe ventilator, box cars, 1050 thirty-ton steel underframe box cars, 500- fifty ton all steel flat cars, 200 cabooses. 100 steel Underframe stock cars, and 25 steel nnderframe poultry cars. v This large equipment order shows the belief of Southern Railway Com pany in the continued prosperity and srowth. of the territory It serves and its purpose to enlarge its facilities to) keep pace with that growth. As soon as it can be delivered by the builders this equipment will be placed in ser vice and at the disposal of the busi ness interests of the southeastern territory. . " .;' '' - ; , . , Pellagra ia Due to Poor Sewerage. Charlotte Observer. - .; - " , Improper disposaf ; of - human waste, because of lack of sewerage is apparently the most important cause of pellagra, aeording to Pr'G. 'F. Slier, who spoke last night to Char lotte doctors. He gave this as ono ap parently justifiable conclusion of- the research work of , the Thompson-Mc- Fadden Pellagra Commission.- poctor Siter'iB' a member of that commission and has the rank of captain in the the hospital -.corps of the United States army.''- The commission has conducted minute investigation of the disease during the past two years, in and about Spartanburg, 8. C. Doctor Siler is in Charlotte at the invitation of local physicians and he lectured at the Y. M. C. A. last night. The Divorce Court in Atlanta. .Atlanta, Oa April 8.4-This is Reno week in the Atlanta Superior court. One hundred and thirty-two former sweethearts are asking that their di vorce coupons be cashed.' The mill grinds rapidly and steadily. Five minutes is plenty for a case. The case is read, the evidence; submitted briefly, the foreman of the jury looks at his men, they nod, and the divorce is granted. , " After two days' of this work the jury has adopted a-signal system of thumb wig-wags indicating aumon.y or -none. - " " . "" Pineville dots Farm Life School. Chnrlotto'Chroniilo. - The question ' of: t!io , farm life school tor a Mecklenburg ommumt was settled bv the Board of Educa tion yesterday by a resolution to es tablish the hrst such school formed in the county at Pineville. For sev eral Weeks there was ,a fight - on b tween the communities ' wanting the school and this was aired before' th-j hoard; -. It was the unanimous opinion of hat , body, registered yesterday, that Pineville had qualified for first right, in the matter. , . . v . ' . w- Hu Large Poultry Farm.'" : Salisbury; April 7. One of : the most interesting places in Rowan eonnty is the poultry yards of O. T. Hallman located three miles south of Salisbury. Mr. Hallman haa leased the plant, yards and equipment ot the Red Aeres Poultry Farm, heretofore operated by C. Q.. Corliss, and has made many improvements. .. X he plant Las a capacity of -setting 5,000 eggs at one time and at present Mr. Hall man has 3,600 soon to hatch. ; He has about 3,000 chicks already in ; the brooders. : :;'":..'.'. , '-' ; -'v r'V. i LOVE' OF MONEY ' ; ' : makes misers and ' ; it " also '.r makes strong men who are able ,; r..to tare for themselves .' and other people. ' .' You should love' your dol lars because you worked harl , for them, and you should put them safely away so that they; . can later work for you. There is no better place to pnt them than in this strong. bank. ;.: J" - :;-:-':. . We will help you to jnako your dollars grow..' ' CONCORD, " 1CSS ENOLB MAT COKE. Lectum on Woman Soffrag Kay Come te Concord. Want League Here. " , Mrs. Archibald Henderson, of Chapel Hill, president of the Wom an's Equal Suffrage League of this State, has written a friend hero stat ing that the league - ts considering sending Miss Engle, a national lec turer, here to speak on woman suf frage. Mrs. Henderson is also anx ious that a league be organized in Concord . - : , ' There are a number of yonng ladies here who believe in equal suffrage, and yonng menj too, as for that mat ter. However, they have not perfect ed a local organisation of etaoinu ed a local organization or afliliated with any organisation looking to the furtherance of "the cause." With someone to open "the campaign" it is likely the suffrage league could en list many supporters, here. . INVESTIGATION BEFORE FEIEGHT SATE COMMISSION Cross Examination of Comptroller Plant Continued Today;. ' Raleigh, April 8. The cross exam ination of Comptroller Plant, of thv Southeru Railway, by Attorney Gen eral Bickett before the special intra state freight rate commission was. re sumed today and Mr. Plant was sti'l on the stand when recess was takci. this afternoon. Mr. Bickett sought to show that an application of the Southern's own figures to interstate movement of freight in North Caro lina on local trains would be showing an, overcharge against the interstate freight for April 1913, of $12,000 Also that the whole statement filed by the Southern showing the. unjust operation of proposed rates was base 1 on -false pretence as between stato and" interstate business on local trains. - " - ' . Reducing the Cost of Living. ; The Office Department at Washing ton proposes to give its aid in mak ing the parcel post system of substan tial service to the public in reducing the cost of living. Orders have gone to' postmasters in ten cities of the country directing them to receive the names of persons who are. willing to supply farmjoroduce in retail quan tities gy parcel post. Printed lists of these names will be distributed throughout these cities, thus bring ing producers and consumers into communication with each other. These ten cities have' been selected as the beginning of . a service that, if found satisfactory, will be extended throughout the country. It is a plan that should have the co-operation of the people who have produce for sale and the people in the city who .must buy. - ... . Argue for New Trial in Oleo Cases. Chicago, 111., April 8 In the fed eral court today arguments were pre sented on a motion for . a new trial in the eases of Juhn-F. Jelke, mil lionaire oleomargarine manufacturer, and eight of his employes and his as sociates who were f recently found guilty "of conspiracy to defraud the government by avoiding the payment of tax for coloring oleomargarine. In case the motion for a new trial is de nied and the appeals fail, the convict ed men are liable to a sentence of $10,000 fine or two years in the pen itentiary, or both, , ;. ' "' Maine Republicans to Meet. Augusta, Me., April 8. -The ad vance guard of delegates has arrived 111 the city for the; Republican Sfate convention, which will meet here to- morraw with Congressman Jorn A Peters presiding. - The . convention will adopt a platform and make pre liminary plans tor the .coming Mate Camptign. The 'btate and, eongro sional nominations will be made at the June primaries. : Governor Hains who u serving his first term, is so far the only Republican who has an onuncer his candidacy for the guber uatonal nomination. Murdered and Hacked to Pieces. - New York,; April - 6. Hacked to pieces, apparently with a hatchet, the body of an unidentified , man was found here today 'in the rear of restaurant at 132 Manhattan street. Every possible means of identifies tion had been removed from the body, which was that of a man of medium height, who apparently was in . tine physical condition,, The "-' arms s and legs of the victim were .wrapped in '.i..,!. -1 a . -.:i e 3 bris, while in another , hiding piece nearby the trunk was found. . ,-- couple of rather strange' appear ance disturbed the slumbers Of rest dents along West Depot street and in other parts of the town early this morning. The couple wanted, lodging and, instead of going to lodging houses, they called at numerous resi dences alonir West Denot street this morning about 1 o'clock. They did not get a place to stay but fortunately thev escaped unharmed by the sud denly-di'stnrbed slam be re rs ; where called. The couple are on the streets again today.' Since be joined the Cubs Bill Swcn ev, the former liosion lirave, nns n N. C. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 700 FRESQiT H RALElGli IIEETING HALF F&OM OUTSIDE RALEIGH AND WAKX.COTJNTY. Got. Craig ia Elected Permanent Chairman. Beading of Platform .Brings Cheers Only When Plank About Leasing Convict is Read. Secretary Daniels . and Senator Pomerine Present and Will Speak Tonight. -1 Raleigh, April 8. Approximately seven hundred were present, liult ol them from outside- of Raleigh and Wake eonnty, at the mass ntecim.' of progressive Democrats, called by Clarence Poe and others, which con vened in the city auditorium at 12.20 this afternoon. ';,- , The call for the convent ion wa read by Editor E. E. Brit ton. . tlu-j News and Observer, about tl nlv applause greeting this reading cdiu- uig when he read the section advocat ing the working of convicts mi the roads and denouncing the pnutive ot giving away their services for woi tli lcss railroad work. Following the jeading (lovernor Craig was elected permanent chair- mnn and Iia nfpnlor1 nlt.hninrli h.. I ht u-oa Biipnman at tl.A ' .1.1., -......( ...1 honor. He then launched foil h in a set speech on "Our-. Party and the Task Ahead of IV'- - I On the platform besides-the above were the reception comittees, with Secretary of the Navy Daniels and Senator Pomerene who came in Secre tary Bryan's place. John. D. Bellamy, of. Wilmington, was.also' a notable figure on the stage. Senator Pomer ine and Secretary Daniels .w ill speak tonight. ; ' :;VC;-. . Governor Craig endorsed all the proposed measures in the enll for l lie convention, except thev'.aegreirntion measure, which has been' withdrawn, and especially emphasized .the neces sity for a legalized primary law. He reviewed the history of the parly ami showed the necessity for - advance ment in progressive legislation f . in North Carolina. The anriBVih'eement of Secretary Bryan 's inability to be here caused a great fall off in attend ance, it was said. A resolution was adopted instructing the permanent chairman to appoint a committee of twenty-one to consider all resolutions which must , be pre sented in writing. These will be con sidered this afternoon and the way cleared for Secretary Darnels and Senator Pomerene to make addresses -Honight. v , A resolution by irancis L), Winston comenting on the national Democratic administration was 'udopU'd,.-' ' ; Goy. Craig brought up an .old fight which attracted widespread interest during the past session of the legis lature when he urged the creation of public service commission, leaving taxation as the principal thing for the. present Corporation Commission sion to handle railroad matters prin cipally. ' w , v' Bryan Is Prevented From Attending the Democratic Meeting. ' . Washington, April 7. On' account of a continued cold which has pre- ented him from leaving iiis homo for several days, Secretary of State William Jennings Bryan, who was to have been the chief attraction, at the Raleigh gathering ot progressive Democrats at Raleigh tomorrow, was unable to accompany Secretary 7 of the' Navy Daniels to Raleigh tonight. Senator Atlee Pomerene, of Ohio, was designated to take tlie Nebraskan's place. . ; Underwood, 34,478; Hobson, 23,004. Montgomery, Ala., Aprd .7. At 10 o'clock tonight with returns from 34 counties with a total vote of practic ally 70,000 votes, tho Democratic pri mary throughout the State yesterday shows the following total score: United States Senator Underwood 34.478: Hobson 23,004. Short term Senatorslnp White 1U.278; Kushton Govern Comer 25 J500, ' Henderson 17,594; Kolp 1360; Seed 11 ,369, - Fisher School Closing. School will close at Fisher school house on Easter Monday. The exer cises will(begin at 2 o'clock, with an address by' Rev. J. M. L. tyerly. also exercises by the children. ...There will be a ball game after the afternoon exercises and an entertainment, that night, r Music will be furnished. All are invited. ' . . X. Charlotte Observer: " Mrs. W, 3. Weddington and son, Wiljiam,return- ed to their home in uoncora yester day after a visit to Mrs. Charles W. Tillett. at her home on flortli xryon street. Miss Kstelle Webster is vis iting Mrs. Tillett en. route homo-to High Point where she makes her home home with her sister, Mrs. A. a. Cald well, Jr.' ' ;, , . ' ' ' man 11" m afimiirr-"-! 1 ', 'Will Walsh, Schalk, Chappell and a few lesser lights on tho hospital list, it looks as though the White Sox 8, 1914 FOREST BILL NEWS. Foreet Hill Firemen Right on the Job at Sunday's Fire. Personals. Mr. J. F. Broom Knt Sunday in Mt. Dolly with his father, who i critically ill with heart trouble. Mr. W. C. Walters lias -one to Unl las to spend several days with liic mother who is Keriouslv ill. Mr. J. F. Fredell Mnt Sunday Bessemer City with relatives. Messrs. Fred Howell, Juu. Beaver, Zeb Calloway anil W. S. Wishon spent Sunday 'in Greensboro an 1 Winston. Messrs. Vic Widenhonsc. ,1. t Cook, Robert BI kwelder. C. li. Watkins and Eugene ltolihins speat Sunday in Salisbury, traveling by automobile. Mr. and Mrs. .Iasier Morris and children spent Sunday in Salisbury with relatives. Messrs. Geo. I.. Fisher, Clias. Side:;, R. D. Mabry, Fred Kiz.ah and Kohl. Verbal spent Sunday in Salisbury. The Forest Hill Firemen were right On the job, Sunday w!ien the fire fighters were busy. Tliev made gool time getting their equipment to the of action, but were short on hose, a' though they fnrnishe! protection to several of the nearhv houses. Mr. Tom Johnson, of Knnnnpolis, spent Sunday in Concord with rela tives. Mr. Travis Moose recently purchas ed Wic old Burraire properly of Mr. Teeter on Meadow street and is hav ing material placed on the groun i preparatory to reu odeling the lions" on it. Fighting at Tampico. Juarez, Me.v., April S. . - According to official advices received from Car ranza's headquarters the constitu tionalists forces, commanded hy !en. Caballero, raptured a portion of Tampico Tuesday morning mid serious street fighting is now in progress. The attnek on Tampico followed a twelve hour buttle which resulted in the cap ture by the constitutionalists of Dona Cecilia arid Escucla Del Motjte, two important outposts. Meeting at Epworth Church. Rev. T. W. Smith will preach at Epworth Methodist Church Thursday night of this week; Rev. Harold Turner, Friday night, and Rev.-M. T. Smathers, Saturday night. Love feast Sunday morning at-10 oeloek-; preaching by the pastor at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. ni. Rev. !. A. Stamper is to preach for us every night not week. Services begin at 1 p. in. A: L. COBCRX, Pastor. Never mind about giving the devil lis due. He will take it. I SUCCESSES We are interested in you and your success, because our suc cess depends upon you and your success, and the success of the community depends up on all of us. Our interests are mutual. . CALL AND SEE US. Our certificates of deposit bear 4 per cent interest and are payable on demand. :Thc: Honcord National Bank I ASSETS OVER f 500,000.00 How to Invest Your - The demand for money with X which" to build homes is be- X coming greater every day. 4 Many people want and, need the money to build homes for themselves. Many, other -peo- pie have to invest. The two classes ought to be brought to gether. HOW IS THE BEST WAY TO DO IT t When you "buy stock in a ' good biulding and loan associa tion you are not only making a sure ante safe investment of your money, but through the (-association you are loaning it 1 n to the people who need it and if will put it to the: very best 1 ' possible use. -"V'.YjV:' 1 The 33rd Berieruf this asso- ' v ciation is now open. ; Drop' In ' today and get shares id this ' , series. If yon don't under - stand it coma in and we will be glad to tell yon. Now is I . your time for action. Cabarrus Ccur.ty Build: iMrY . LcaaX Sayings ASSvClutlvlla - Office in the Concord National ? - ' Bank. . 40 Cents a Month 9 Cents WILL ERECT MONUMENT. To Mark the Spot Where the First Church in Cabarma Waa Built. Wm Be Unveiled April 83d. A monument that will designate the place where the first church between Catawba and Yadkin river was lo cated in being rarved at Frieze & I't ley's. The monument will be lo cated on the hank of Rocky river be tween ttie mouth of Coddle creek and the mouth of Back creek. It will be unveiled liv the Coneurd Preshvterv April 2J. ' In this pioneer graveyard is buried John Kodgcrs.. who located :it 111. Will Heglar place in 17;t2. At that time his nearest neighbor was 1" miles away in Ifowan eonnty. The original ancestor of most of the Whites in this county is also buried there. The monument will bear the fol lowing inscription written by Mr. Morrison H. Caldwell, a native of Rocky River and member of the Con cord bar: "Here was erected in 1754 The First Rocky River Church A Craighead, pastor. The first church between the Yadkin and Catawba rivers." These words are inscribed on the rear of the monument: 'This spot was the first graveyard in Cabarrus county, N. (V I'HE WOMEN'S VOTE IN CHICAGO YESTERDAY. First Use of Ballot Works Radical Changes. Women Vote for Saloons in Springfield. Chicago, April S. Women's first use of the ballot as a weapon in Illi nois worked radical changes. Nearly complete returns show that the suf frage votes in yeaterday s election drove 1100 saloons out of the State and added great strength to the non partisan movement in Chicago poli tics. In Springfield, however, a ma jority of the women voters cast wet ' ballots, helping to swell the majority in favor of the retailing sa loons. Each of the eight women can didates for aldermen in Chicago were defeated. School for Feeble-Minded Will Soon Open. Dr. C. Banks McXairy, suieriut- ndent of the North Carolina School for the Feeble-Minded at Kinstou, i-. iiirident that that institution will l. opened within three months, lie is now assembling his staff. After sev eral weeks spent 111 inspecting simi- ar schools in the North, he is enthus ed by the work and predicts valuable results from it in North Carolina. When the institution opens there will be only twelve or fifteen inmates, and one or two will be admitted eae.i day until the capacity" is attained, this process of admission being deem ed advisable to enhance smooth ad ministration of the school during th: first few weeks. Dr. 'McXairy will bring his family here from Lenoir in the eary summer. DO YOUR EASTER SHOP PING AT li. L. PARKS & CO. I UNUSUAL SHOWING OF Ladies' Neckwear, Short and Log Kid Gloves, Skort and Long Silk Gloves, Lisle and Silk Hose in . all colors, Corsets and Underwear. Also Buttons, and small wear Notions. )! o i o 9 If 11 t 29-51-33 SOUTH 1 Cz'.l to 1 I'-'J ccd t:3 r NO, 502 Mate Ijbrwy lie mmwm f at i fBfe. fei tf AVIV I U NAVY THE OEEATEST BATTLESHIP EVER ERECTED. Terrible Engine of Destruction Form ally Placed in Commission Today at the New York Navy Yard. A Large Crowd Attends the Exercises. The New York and the Texas, Her Twin Ship, Side By Side. New York, April N. The huge bat tleship New York, the most terrible engine ot destruction ever built 111 the I'nited Slates navy yard, was form ally placed in commission today. The event was attended with simple but impressive ceremonies. A large crowd visited the New 101k navy yard to witness the exercises. A mighty cheer burst from the throats of the spectators as the Stars and Stripes were raised to the masthead of the new dreadnought. I he olncers and crew were mustered on deck while the, commander read the orders placing the vessel iii commission. The ship's hand played the "Star-Spangled Ban ner" and the ceremonies were con- luded with the customary salute. Within a cable's length of the New- York lav her sister, the great battle ship Texas, which recently arrived at the navy yard from the yards of her builders at Newport News to receive the final touches necessary for her ab solute completion. Not only in -size but in the calibre of the guns comprising their main batteries are the New York and Tex as the most formidable battleships ever built. Up to the present time the 13-inch gun, which has not been used on any of the newer ships of the navy, has been the limit in calibre of 11ns, mounted two to a turret. naval guns. The New 1 ork and Texas, however, will each carry ten 14-inch guns, mounted tw olo a turret, and so arranged that all of them can be tired in a broadside, or forward, or aft, at the same time. The arrangement of three turr?:s aft and two forward ol the bridge is the work-of the naval construction corps of rtJ-rs.hvtl-!.Ji.?t ' iaVY.;; (.at ri.ain has followed this de-' icr newest dreadnoughts, and onsidered one of the highest cuts over paid American d -and const 1 uctors. this is ou'plill signer;. Trade at Home. Kvery tiling. The mail order Iioiim's are coming into North Carolina with car loads of price lists. The parcels post is go ing to help destroy home merchants unless the people patriotically stand by them. Never send away for an thing if you can get it at home. Ira Thomas, captain .of the Athlet . . . 1 ..it t.i 1. :.. i 1 ics, says I'ltener r.imie .nana ia m jieady showing world's series form. Si ii O : O i i O 1 f I ! I f UNION 8TREET. 11G. cr a Codv. 0 ' 1 i - 0 1 i t 1 1 1 , 11 9. m i: it well over (he .HOO mark in the prac may be up against it ot the geta v-y. Ceo r

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