i! ARE YOU ALIVE TO THE MCT THAT VC SUIT YOU BCST? OUR SUITS AKl EXCLUSIVE BUT MOT EXPENSIVE. BROWNS -C FOR MEN WHO KNOW. NOTICE! Our Representative is now in Kaonap olis securing applications for Gas, which will soon be supplied. Get your orders for Gas Ranges, Lights, Water Heaters and other Appliances in now, so as to avoid the Hot Weather Rush. CONCORD GAS CO. Phone No. 142 Union & Corbin Sts. xxttT:i(:i;:.ux;fc 1 C o i 5 i O ! i O i O ' ! o if o OUR PRESIDENT AND HIS HOME Have yon seen it? Call at the Store that Satisfies and have a look. A pic ture that should be in every Southern home. Our stock of Furniture, House Furnishings, Porch and Lawn Good are complete. Phone your orders to No. 12 if you don't care to follow the crowd. BELL 8 HARRIS HUE CO iK)icaca:)i:xa;a-.:::)Kxxxx(0)l(xx ft or MAKE EASTER THE TIME for that new portrait you have promised yourself io long. It's an appropriate time to ex- change photographs, and be sides, the ' pretty Easter hat and frock will show yon at your best.'-'- . ' Make Appointment! Early - r.ztihtws Gtudlo Opposite Courthouse. . ToTPTlOTICB7 ANNON CO. svr a r si ttw)i(w:)Ke:x o O f : O O i o a ; O ii o o it O ( i n O O i; O i; : O Dloch Carriages and Go-Carts Are tlie very latest in style and comfort. The body is large and roomy, upholstered in best corduroy. Reclining : back, enameled push bars. The Bloch lo-carta and Carriages 'are guaranteed from top to tires for two years. - , . . SOLD ON E. Z. TERMS. I tacrd facte C4 t.XXXS)acytlttJJKJt( CONCORD MARKET. . Concord, N. C, April 18, Cotton Marktt Cotton ; . 1814. 13'2 Cotton seed, per bushel ... Product Ifarkf Meal ' . 34Vi Am -2.75 - n Flour. North Crolin Cow peal .1" Concord, N. i. Apnl IS, 1914. WEATHER FORECAST. Fair lu'eaM and unsettled io west nnim It nielli and Sunday; proba bly liiral rains; warmer Sunday. LOCAL AND OTHERWISE. The Citizen Hank and Trust lo. hit a new ad. on the tirst paire today The ri-e of cotton ou the local market is l.Tj rents a ound There is a big three reel Mutual at the Theatoriutn today, "Do It Now" is the title ot an in teresting reel at The Main today. The Locke Mill baseball team left t !ii nt'teriUMin for Charlotte where they will play the Hornets. Mrs. I. H. Cult rime is eonhned to lier home on North I nioii street today i n iii'ioiint of siekness. Kin; Kawott in "Mr. ami Mrs. In nocence Abroad" is the feature nt The I'astiiue today. A number of Concord eople will attend the hojne coining services at Col.l Sprinjis Methodist Church to morrow. Salisbury l'ost: Miss Myrtle Suth- er, of Concord, is the suest of her sis ter, Mrs. C. M. C. Itnrgcr. on North Main street. Mis, Laura Mi-dill Cannon will en terlaiu a number of friends at her home on South I'liion street 1 his even ing. Mr. K. I. Ketchie, represent itii: I'enny Itios., of ( irrenstioro, is here n sik i tx vr arrangements for a sale of a number of lots on South I'uiou street v, Inch lf!:nv; 1 1 1 Mrs. K. A. Ilrown. The Ladies" lienevolcnt Society ot lhc Kirsi I'lvsbyterian Chuieli will meet Monday afternoon at 4 o'clock with Mrs. J. A. S.-oin on Georgia incline. The lieforiueil Church it I h'ockwell piipininu l.i entertain the nnnuiil meeting ot the North at'olnia Clas sic. Hindi will convene ill that church April J". About in h'lice al llu couples aHemlcil the KIL Horn I even a Sal- mil-. Miisii- v. as turiu-hcd by i-bury i'1-chcsl ia and danciii! was 1 1 "in :-Sn to 11 ::!ii o'clock. lhc iiH'Miliers of the lompanv thai will present "Powhatan" at Mount l'lcasani 1 1 1 i eiciiini; are requested to assemble al the Lutheran Church corner al ":l."i o'clock, where eon- eyatiees will be ready to take them to Mount I'lcasant. The ih uiee team and olliceis of Kl.n Camp. Woodmen of I he World, will to .Norwood tins attenioon to as sist in initiating a class of candidates in the Woodmen Camp there. The Woodmen will make the trip in auto mobiles. Xc vs has been received here of tin deal ii ol I'r. rranklin. w hich occur red several davs nan at his home at 1'nion Springs. Ala. IV. Franklin iad been a visitor to Concord on cveial occasions, vi-itinir his daugii- ter, Mrs. John M. Craven, formerly f this cit.v. now of lliriuinithnni, Ala. It is lepoilcd that ovvin; to the fact ll:at there were several hundred visitors in town today the usual Sat urday Ihioiiu and scores of school ildren - I he street sprinkler eonl.1 not operate during the morning hours. There was a parade and if the street sprinkler had been in action during morning the parade could not have kicked up anv dust, and what is parade wtihoiit dust? After all the people have departed and the town frets calm and quiet the sprinkler will probably be operated. The driver was possibly too busy looking; over the big throng to run it tins morning. ROWAN BOY A WINNER. J. L. Yost Member Victorious Roa noke College Debating Team. Sajein, Va., April 17. Roanoke College won the silver loving eup here tonight in the intercollegiate debate with KandolpVMaeon College. The question under discussion was: Resolved. That the United States should grant the Phillipine Islands their independence within eisrht years. 1), L. Snyder, of Romney, W. Va., and W. 8. Deyerie, of Singer, Va, represented Kandolph-Macon College a nd took the affirmative. I. A.' Har vey, of Floyd county, Va., and J. L. Yost, of Salisbury, N. represent ed itoanoKe and took the negative. ' Congressman Flood a Bridegroom. Washington, D. C, April 18. The first of the notable Easter weddings in the capital to take place in All Souls' Church this afternoon, when Miss A. V. Port ner, a member of a prominent Virginia family, f became the bride of Congressman Henry D, Flood of Virginia.'. On account of Mr, Flood's prominence in official life as chairman of the foreign - affairs committee of the House, as well as the bride 'a long residence in Wash ington, the wedding was looked pon as one of the most notable events r the neuron, y . , -... , :, ,., ; ? .-- ' " ' """" t' i .,, - MASONIC NOTICE. 7? v Special eoiumnnicotion Stnlnw I tub... no. 61 A. r and A. M lonlntr April 20, 1914, at 8 o'clock. Work in second degree. . PERSONAL MENTION People Press Concert ami Elsewhere Who OesM and Oft. Mr. IV P. Heiliff, of CliartoUe,. a member of the Ann of Stewart llrilur, owaerm of The Main and Pas- tin ptrture sbv. pent yesterdar afternoon Jiere on busiueak Mr. K. 8. Sanders mill return Io- nirht from New York, where he has been Rprndins; eevenil weeki on buni- ness. Mr. and Mrs. A. .1. C. Cottinxbam, of Dillon, S. '.. are vuitinir Mrs. Cottinghsn's mother. Mr. W. C. Boyd. Mrs. J. F. Cannon and guest, Miss Marie Starr, and Miss Laura MeOiU Cannou are apendiiiL' the day in Char lotte. Mr. Luther Heiulrix, who has been "-"'""tt """"" r.. Company, is at home for a few days. Miss Marguerite Ludlow, who has oeen riming ner sister, Mrs. i. r. Cannon, has relurned to her home in Winston-Salem. Mr. Walter IUaekmer, of Salisbury, sieut yesterday afternoon here with friends. Mrs. T. W. Smith left this morning for Atlanta to visit her daughter, Mrs. J. D. Hatchett. Mrs. Lloyd Miller, of Hickory, is sending the week end with her brother, Rev. M. T. Smathers, at the Forest Hill parsonage. Mrs. D. A. Garrison, of (iastonia. will arrive Monday to scnd several davs at the home of her father, Mr. I). H. Coltrane. WITH THE CHURCHES. Central Methodist. Preaching at 11 a. m., and 7:45 p. in. by the pastor. Rev. Harold Tur ner. Sunday School at 3 p. m. The public is cordially invited. CannonTille Presbyterian. Sunday School and Baraca class at !':-T. Preaching service at 11 o'clock and :30. Dr. finer will preach in the morning. Communion and Lord's supper will be observed at that time. Associate Reformed Presbyterian. There will be preaching services in the A. R. P. Church tomorrow, both morning and evening; morning ser vices at 11 o'clock and evening ser vices at 7:30. You are invited to at tend these services. First Presbyterian Church. Preaching service at 11 a. ni. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday school anil Bible asses at 3 p. m. Central Church. Preaching at 11 a. in. by the pastor, Hev. Harold Turner, and at 7:45 p. in. by Rev. .T. A. McQueen. Sunday school at 3 p. m. Forest Hill Methodist. w. Forest Hill Churih, where you are always welcome. 9:30 a. m. Sunday school; 11 a. m. anniversary 'sermon to Udd fellows; 745 p. ro. regular service. " :". . Representative Wjebb has arranged with Secretary of War Garrison tj send a band and a company of coast artillery to Charlotte to take part in the May 20 celebration. The soldiers will come from Fort Caswell, it is thought. VV-; v ' SLIM AND THE OUTLAW AT THE PASTIME TODAY. - fltennp Column Cedar posts for sal, 6 and 7 feet long. Suitable fort wire fencing. Ap ply to D. B. MeCurdy, R. F. D. 7, Concord, N. C. 20-2t-p For key chains, key loops, key rings . and key tags, with your name and address, see Kirkwood, the. new ; jeweler, i. - . 17-2U A good way to be identified hi to have a key check of your lodge, name and address on it. See Kirkwood, the new jeweler.. v 17-2t. For Sals Five-room dwelling, barn and good lot on East Depot street, close in, at a bargain. Southern Loan ft Trust Ca 17-3t-p For Sale Chrysanthemum plants', 50 cents per ciosca. Mrs. K. c Kiaen hour. . . . 16-it For Rent Six room two story dwell ing on Spring street, near graded school. All modern . conveniences. 3. Lee CroweU. 15-tf. ATTENTION, 013 FELLOWS. Ton are 'called to meet at thrlod'e room Sunday miming st 10 o'clock to attend the 94th anniversary of Odd Fellowship in tVs country. Fer mon will be pr'schi 1 1 v I' -v. 11. T. Smathers at Fore -t " ' Chttrch. I'v ot 1 r t f I .7. :'. DR. 3. R. RZXTZELt OP . H30H POINT, KILLED Met Alsseat 'laetant DeaU WUa His Ante Tumed Tnrtte la Oreeas Wret ". , ' Oreemkburo News,' 18th. Ir. J. K. Reitiel a prvoiiuent hy sician of High Point, met almost in 'ant death yeeterdajr worning at 11 'clock when his automobile tnrne-l turtle, pinning him beneath the ear. The fatal accident oeCured near the corner of Spring Garden and Dairv streets and came when the deceased was driving eastward at a rate of 13 miles an boor, and when he mad an attempt to pass a team which had stopped in the middle of the street. Miss Sallie Phillips, the only eye witness of the fatal tarn-over, spread the news of the wreck. Dr. 8. B. Klapp and R.'L. Sadduth were soon on the scene and after a few moments of hard lifting they managed to pull the injured physician from beneath the car. Others who were near rush ed to the scene but I hey could be of no assistance. Dr. Reitzel passing away in a few minutes after his car turned over. He did not utter a word after the accident. As he lay dying in the street, pro ceedings in Superior Court were sus pended awaiting his arrival from High Point to testify in the case of Haynes vs. Southern Railway. He had attended the plaintiff, who was asking damages for personal injuries In a few minntes after the conrt sus pended news was brought to the court that the witness w.inted was dead. A rather striking incident happen ed in connection with the case. An attorney for the plaintiff had gone into the trial of the rase with the statement that Doctor Reitzel was a witness, nht would be in court bv thc time he was needed, "'unless. Provident iallv intervened. ' ' Whenever Vow rteea a Ueaeral Toole Take Grove's The Old Standard Grove's Tasteless chill Tonic is equally valuable as a General Tonic because it contains the well known tonic properties of QUINIMB and IRON. It acts on the Liver, Drives out Malaria, Enriches the Blood and Builds np the Whole System. 50 centa. Thursday, Friday I and Saturday Nights I I We will have with us I McCreze & McCreze I An act that will be at the i Piedmont Theatre, Char lotte, next week. ROSE Theatre ADMISSION and 5c 10c Look Before You Leap ' Don't lake the first thing of- : fered you. .Clothes buying is important and should be done ..with care. . -, Tow good appearance de mands it and it up to you to ' improve our looks in every ' possible way. - r , ,. Let me show yon before yon "buy. M.n. P0UI1DS - "Cuitom Tafloriiif." Clothe that are made to you 4 individual measure. -., ' Allison Building Concord J ; NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. i T ' Clean Up Day All Week. ' I hereby give notice to all persons, who live within; the corporate limits, to dean up their back yards of all rubbish, which is liable to collect con tagious disease, such as tin - cans, which are liable to firsw mosquitoes, and all trash. I call the attention el the stores to their back lots and un der said stores. " I wish same to clean up well and put the trash in boxes. Those who do not have boxes alreaJy built are requested to build thcra'and keep their trash iu same. This is in eon'jillnnce with ordinance , in code l,r, ma and 137. - 1 ' ids arc requested to place a'l 'i i V e ' s. Tho city v ! ! " i ' ' : i ' This Store is Headquarters FOR Spring Clothes mm IT PAYS TO TRADE RT- THREE The One Great Hosiery Apmi 20th HI IIIL Monday This is your chance for secure the Onyx f urn Values. The dittribator's way of - iotrodnciag "ONYX" qaaUtytoyoo. FOR 11 248: Women's ''ONTX" Medium Weight Cotton; Full , Fashioned; "Dub !" Top ; Reinforced Heel, Sole and Toe; Black only. Our Regular, 35e -3 for 11.00 Value: "ONTX" Day Price, 2Sc pr. 6607: Women's "ONYX" Boot Silk and lisle "Dub-1" , Top; Reinforced Heel, sole and ' Toe, black, white -arid tan. re- ' gular 50c and 75c' values. ' "ONYX" Day Price, S prs k'-v 409 K. K.r Black, 402 SWi White. 403 S: Tan Women's 'ONYX" Medium Weight Silk Lisle; "Doublex" Heel and . Toe; "Dnb-1" Top and. Rein- f forced Sole. Feels uA Looks Like Silk but Wears Better. Regular 50c Value. ';' k - v.. ONYX "Day price 3 prs. SI - Women's "ONYX" . Pure Thread ' silk; a fine medium weight in black ( ' only :, Dub-1 garter top of silk or lisle ; high spliced heel and double sole of :;-'ak or lisle. Regular $1.35 and SUO ONYX' Day price S1.00 per pair ry,M .' JW . E 325: Men's "CNYX" Silx i lisle inblack only ''DouMex' heel and toe, spliced sole. Has no equal. Regular 50c value.,f, ; 'ONYX" Day Price; 3 pri ft h 620 :-Men 's "ONYX" . Finest pure 'v' Silk, medium weight; reinforced heel, , -" e J, ' I sole ami toe; black only. Regular : ' ; r"w ; 1 :.L50 valna,- ..KQ;):-. iXiX .'.X "ONYX" Day pr 1.00- per fair ; ' U 1 a roRBora B 1273 :-Boys' ' ."ONYX -medium weight "Dub-1 wear" ribbed cotton in hlack itnd tan; ; Sizes 6 to 10; best Boys' Hose of its kind in America '. . 85e ': KZzU crCzra fT.7r j NOTICE TO VETERANS. AU who expect to attend the. re union at Jacksonville, Fla., on May 6-8, will please give in their names at once, so that arrangements can be made for your entertainment.' : H.B. PARKS, Com., - Camp No. 212, U. C. V. i " i - i t" r t i i r .... " FISHER'S ! it O JS o S : I ii O. it o I S , j s tl if o j f I I i i 991 "DAYS Opportunity of the Year 21st 22nd Tuesday Wednesday a bif money saTio to Top Notch Hosiery WOMEN. H 366.- Women's "ONYX" Gauxe Weight lisle; "Dub-1" Top; High Spliced Heel and Spliced Sole and Toe; Black White and Tan. ' Regular 35c 3 for S1.00 Tslue. "ONYX" Day Price, 25c pair E 970: Black. 962 S: White Women 'a "ONYX" Finest Gauze lisle; "Dub-1" Top; High Spliced Heel and Spliced Sole and Toe, Regular . ;0 Value. . .. "ONTX" Day Price, 3 prs. Si. 120 M: Women's "ONYX" extra site medium weight Silk Lisle; "Dub-1" Garter top, and double ' spliced heel, sole and toe; black only. : Regular 50c' value. . J'.. "ONYX" Day Price, 3 pw 1. MEN I 615:--Men's "ONYX" Purs ' y- Silk, fibre ribbed top. Spliced ; heel, sole and toe; iu hlack, tav navy, grey, purple and smoke ' .Regular- 60e value. i, ..':? A .'ONYX'iDay Price 3 prs. $1 i-kXi , TOR MISSES -uay.i X 46: Misses' "ONYX" ms dium weight 'Duh-1 , wear' lisle; fins ribbed,- black ana tan; sizes 5 to 10; best Misses bose.in America. 25c - crrra Czy resstved. illf sW AW s TsY s W & rsjnTFCyTSW Fony, cart and harness for sale or ; exchange for a good milk or beef cow. N. A. Archibald, Cotton plat-, form. 12-tt The Times and Charlotte. Semi- Weekly Observer, both one year for only 2.00, when paid in ad : vanee. Call at office for clubbing rate with Tribune. '; For Rent ' Five-room cottage on Church street, wilh electric lights and liiitli. Ai i 'y to .1. I!. Phcrnll ff ',' i.!l,wn (i and Trn t Co. tf o t : i I ' f . i S . I ! i .if II j r ' , IS - if (I f i I f : 'lis j i l I ! ir i ! . I S l i f : i I I E I i s; t II, i I i i I I P 1 1 i r O. 'ii (I . i I . I I 1 Stated convention of ' Concord In,1 -o No. 51 on ,T ri.lny ntjlit at 8 " r. c. J. S. LAFFERTY, Sec. ACTr3 IN T" ! 1 1 ' 1 -- ' - T n - r , :.. r..i -,. llu,.; T.8at,.!Jci C o. i .....