- 1 . at Stale tfc CONCORD, N.G, TUESDAY, MAY19..914 VOL. XIV. j. B. SHERRILL. Editor tad Pttbliahet . 40 CcnU Uontb-4 Cents a Copy. NO. 224. cio EXETXiSES - iast rei;::g it. 1, or COK0OED HIGH SCHOOL AT : CENTBAL SCHOOL BTHLDIKa Exerdaes Witneaaed by a Large An il'. : dlence. Hedala . Awarded aad V . Scholarships Announced. Scholar f aM Medal Won By MUa Uaaia v Daltoa. Certiilcataa Presented by Ear. Dr. J. If. Drier. Twenty-Six Graduate. Scholarly Address Da liversd By Dr. William A. Webb, President of Randolph Macon Wo man's College. vi-rv-',-:'.--' The dosing' exercises of the com - w Ntcenoement of Concord High School ware held last evening at 8 o'clock at Central school. Like the previous ''exercises, they were witnessed by a !large audience.; The programme eon--leisted of the announcement of schol arships, the awarding of medals and flthe annual literary address, which ?$was delivered by Dr. William A. Webb, president of . Randolph-Ma- Won Woman's College, of Lynchburg, Wa. ii-V'v--." - Vv '4 The "exercises were opened with grayer by Bev. Dr. J. M. Grier, pas tor of the First Presbyterian Church, after which there waa a song by the '(graduating v1 class.-. Superintendent ' Webb then announced the following -Scholarships: .-. 'y' r' 'fA-'J, i For the best general average, scholarship to Catawba College Miss ' ixzie Dalton. - . -M Trinity', College Buford Blackwet er. - A ?-l . ' 'r'&. ' ' ; . Davidson - College James 1 Mc- :Crkle Caldwell.,: The .deelaimeraV.aMdaleby )tfr. Charles B. Wagoner, and won by Mr. Buford Blackwelder, was present- ' td to Mr. Blackwelder. by Dr.'L.. A. . fiikla..-; ;v y-.r .n-'.'Vi l-j: V " i The recitation medal, given ',. by . S. n -.:i r ol 3 1 IT swept through! tha auditorium aaJ was suatained for many momenta. It was a spontaneous outburst bnt it pnuineoesa waa unmistakable. . "I do pot marvel," eontinaed I Dr. Webb after the applause bad subsid ed, "at yoor great progress when North Carolina can lay hands on ber young men and keep them with such loyal devotion.'.' ' ! Dr. Webb congratulated Concord on ber schools sod the faet that $20, 000 had recently bean voted to build a high school and be expressed the hope that tha educational work here would continue until tha high school bad reached the point in efficiency where it would meet the demands of all the great colleges and universities. .. The human will, its development, power and application waa the theme of Doctor Webb 'a address. A speak er of force, an educator of renown Dr. Webb's address last night was scholarly, able and inspiring and be waa heard with manifest interest by the large assemblange. " ; " "Educators," ha said, "consider tha the fundamental core of a per- aonality is tha human will. If is the compelling, - dynamie' force that directs and governs. We no longer separate the faculties into water tight compartments but educate tha whole man. If there is any power stronger than the human will I do not know of it. ' All the processes of the development of the will, whether in the home, church, or school : have use at some specitfe time." Doetor Webb spoke of the neglect of the human will, emphasizing it by telling of Sir Isaae Newton, who said that the" difference between him and other ' people was that he looked at things a little longer than other. VICS FKXSIOEKT AS "Euro or socialist." Would Desert Any 014 Party Tor Bight One, Ha Says. . Washington, Maq 13. Vita Presi dent Marshall is a "kind of a Social ist," he told the' congregation of New York Avenue " Presbyteriaa Church.' More than that, he says, he stands ready to qnli the Democratic party. when the right kind of a So cialist party comes along. The "right kind of a Socialist party, be declares, "would be a Socialist-party that marched under the Stars and Stripea and according to the laws of Christian religion. ' - Marshall told tha congregation too much power in tha education of the children today had been surrendered by the church to the State, and this led up to the discussion of socialism.' " I am a Presbyterian,", be said, "and believe the best - way ia to teach our own' children under - the Lord's administration,-. In this most intellectual church there are , those who will . differ with me. . I am a kind of Socialist and stand ready to desert any old party- the moment a Socialist party comes along that is formed ip the Presbyteriaa Church or other church, but not a party that denies God and would thrust upon us the red banners of anarchy. t "We are too cowardly to follow out the line of reasoning that con science suggests. So things go wrong throughout the country, and we have a red bag here and a red bag there, a bread line here and a bread lino thm . .. . -'- . : : Marshall also depreciated the cry of the : poor against the rich, saying Th nmltw flointd it tha neeessitr l"at the-sniritliest man ho ever knew of fixing tho aim upon some dettimte j w y u fD "le meaner verj object and striving to attain it and P00 ' f ' ' , . ' .'" not be turned away 'by.temetbinjl . J" close at band. - y V ' -. . ; MELLEN AGAIN ON STAND. .; - Arvnlvtnff fl nnvsr at tho will tni" '-'--'.- the moral world Dr. Webb spoke of M Morgan Dominated New Haren, the formation of habit, how by the L And the Directors Bowed at His repetition of thoughts ,and action f WilL. ..' wey ecama nxeu ana governeo .tut t Washineton. Mav 18.-Charles S. mmm shifts Ton fails THE MXDIAT0E3 WILL MEET THESE T0K0XB0W. American Cotnsilssinnars Left Waak- inftoi This Morning. They Think That WitUa a Weak It Will Be Known Whether There la Hope of Ultimate Baccara, Constitutional- lata Still Defiant, and Say There Will Be No ' Compromise With Hnarta. - 5 .;- Washington, May 19. Interest in the Mexican situation shifted to Nia- gra Falls, Ontario, today. The Amer ican commissioners' to the mediation conference-, accompanied by a subor dinate official, left here this morning. Commissioners Lamar " and Lehman are certain that there -will he no longer delay, and expressed the opinion ' that it. will possible to de termine within a week whether or not there is hope of ultimate success. In formation conveyed through them by President .Wilson was that the med iators are in sympathy with the gen eral contentions of the United States and would very probably use their inbuence to tave the Huerta repre sentatives make the necessary con cessions. Meanwhile the attitude of tha ' constitutionalist representatives here eontiues defiant They assert that there will be no compromise with Huerta. ; v.- -.-' - & - - . BIDS REJECTED. For Flooring and Electrical Equip ment for Court House. New Keep er of County Home. The board of county commissione'.s held especial meeting yesterday fur indivUhML't'I ' aometimea " think,' tw-ii.. reimBj h witniwa mtmnA inlth'imi-wia m.. ma. f- 7 . . " .7. T. rr-- .v. e y- , .w jthe - Interstate - Commerce ' Committee the flooring and rain ah TntnarK iwuir mitb I ? .... i . - . unauirv inte- ine secret o Derations or : ror the eonrt honae.-. Atter iromir VT. Ilrn htiuT - . - . i - o a said the speaker, "that we electrical fixtures After r - , vm v wan u uum uwaaaiah wv wm aJVJ UIUQ IUO UIHUU ICJCVlCU Oil neen wnen.we-werc i consianny re-. tt tear8 he wag head. He Mii that of them-and decided to advertise for M.. which was won by Mirt Bertie minded and eautioned -aa to avoiding Morff4a offered him tue Dresidencv in Irene Benfield Friday evening, was thia bad habit and that bad habit. B eonversation over ti,e telephone. He rOBXST HTXL NEWS. i Ootton Villa to Cloaa Down for the . XOth- Personals. -Mr. Jane Sspp, of Baleigh, ia vis iting rdativee here for a few days. Miss Lou Faggart, who ia in the Concord Hospital undergoing treat ment, ia improving nicely. Mr. Frank Graham baa gone tv Clifton Forge, Va, where he is play ing with the local league team of that piaee. (Mrs. J. E. Wright and Mrs, Ingram Littles have returned from a visit to friends in Charlotte. Mr. and Mrs. Joe MeCummins havj returned, from a visit to relatives in Mooresville. ' Mrs. Floyd Bangle and Miss Netta Watkins have returned to their home lnt Charlotte after a visit to their parents here, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Watkins. Mrs. Watkins, who is re covering from a two weeks' illness, accompanied them borne and will spend several weeks with Mrs. Ban gl. ,. Mrs. IL C. Kaimer and Mrs. H. A. Petrea spent yesterday in Charlotte to attend the funeral of their rela tive, Mr. Swain. Mr. Jno. Walters spent Sunday in Charlotte with relatives. Messrs. J. S. .Osborn and Rich Lowder spent Sunday here at the home of Mr. J. F. Broom. Mr. Paul Moore has returned to his home in Kannapolis after a visit to relatives in Concord. Mr. Mart Smith, of Greensboro, has accepted a position in the ma chine shop at Locke Mills and will play ball with the Lockites this sea son. ". '- NOiMINATIONS IN CONTEST NOW COMING IN FROM ALL DIRECTIONS CAMPAIGN MANAOrB KEPT BUST WITH QUESTIONS Or SCORES" OP INTERESTED AUD ENTHUSIASTIC PARTIES. A Few ConteaUnta Are Already Starting Their Campaign. Now ia tha Best Time to Commence While Territory ia Still Fresh and Before Soma One Else Oets Ahead of Ton That The Times-Tribune Circula tion Contest is taking Concord and community by storm is very evident by the number of nominations that are coming in and the interest that ia manifested by the general public. All day Monday and today, up un til press time, nominations kept com ing in by mail, by messenger and in person. Scores of people asked a hundred and' one questions pf the contest department in their eagerness to learn all about this wonderful gift distribution and and just how it was going to be conducted. Many came to the office to get receipts, and sig nified their intention of getting out at once and hustling for subscrip tions while . the territory . was fresh and before onie one else, would get to their friends. And in this, as in every other com petition, the one . who start at the very beginning will be the one to have the advantage, for a little work now while the field is practically un touched will mean more than the same amount of work later. Now is the time to send in your i . - U 1. 1 . , i iiniuu "U get iwciJb uw& auu Mr. a. A. fetra spent fcumlay in -fa; VAtii Aamnaiorn Ttn hnt wait t see who else will be in the campaign, - Mr. and Mrs. J. Lee Stone, of Hick, or to see what this or that friend of ory,; are spending this, week at the yours is going to do. Make up your home of Mr. W. A. Stone. Imind at once that ydii want to take Mr. W. P. Holt, of Columbus, Ga., advantage of this wonderful oppor bas Deen in Concord this week at- tunity for yourself and that you tending the closing exercises at the want to start at once so that no one graded school, where his daughter! will be ahead of you. eraduated. ' Mr. Holt and family will I jTo matter what you may ' want, leave tonight for their new homo in whether it be an automobile, a piano, Georgia,. ... V,-::. or any of the other prizes, or even a The Locta Cotton Mill and Buffab -Httle extra spending money for;'your Mill will be idle tomorrow, the 20th. 1 summer vacation, here is your pppor- awarded, those who did not - have enough votes to win one of them, were left without any reward for their work. Hut in this contest it ia different. No one filial! be unreward ed no matter how much or bow little work they may have done. At the end of the contest all of those who have not secured enough votes to win one of the prizes will be given a ten per cent, cash commission on. 'all of the money that they have turned in during the campaign. That makes it impossible for anyone to loss and all are sure that they will be rewarded according to the effort that they put forth. If you have a minute of spare time during the day, consider this wonder- tul opportunity at once. Come to The Times-Tribune office and ask to see the campaign manager. He will be glad to go over the plan of cam paign with you and to explain, any thing that you do not understand. Get a receipt book and hustle right out . among your friends and let - them know that you are ambitious and en ergetic and that you are going to take advantage of your opportunities. Do this at once before some one else gets ahead of you. You will be sur prised, when once started, to find how easy and pleasant the work is and how swiftly yon can make your vote total climb. BrS ' ' Hall' Fisher, Helen Ruby Fnrr, Wal-' you . will be ready to do the ravo Tt " . -r tti . w:ii:. . Toitwh iA hprnia thine, but if Von' no not presented to Miss Benfield by, Mr. L HartseU.s;''-?; , The scholarship medal offered by Forest Hill Council No. 40 J. O. t. A. M. and for the best average in Scholarship was won by Miss Lizzie Nm mora iatetag said about deve he ,m p,ud ttf i known aa H fS? 1,,lH old'lf f'Morgan man" and enjoyed his eou toy'h,2U4,,l,',,,. br'-U ndence. h He was sometimes called ?n;Wfnf "''" we1 Morgan V office boy by the newspa "This is a eommencement-a be. - He aid that Mor dominat. nnmng, and I suggest to you that 1j u, t, tt h . m erviivasMKfu-c - - ' " 4 1' 1 P aiu uhicii o f wnn Dalton. The medal waa presented to .you form some porposc to took ton of t experience and the directors Miss Dalton by 'Mr. Jamea C. Fink, j those ttmgs worth while. : If wme- bowed at his will. Mr. Jed L. Blytbe, principal of where inyour hfeihere comes come, Meiien produced a remarkable pro-' the High School, read the names of. thing of the light that forms a dmne pnegV vritten in 1907. 'Writing of ttie graduates and - the certificates halo and awakens , great hopes and the now -notorious Westchester Rail, were awarded-by Rev. Dr. - J. M. aspirations, I hop you will chens.i - ay dea, -Mellen 8aid. drier. ' The graduates areu ; - Ufas a heaven sent tiureWheth- ,iM8ny reputations will be damaS , English course Bertie Irene Ben- er yon go to eoUege andto thCTMhool ad 4he New Haven. He was a man field, Mary Rockwell Brumley, lena sometimes cauea experience op8,He frankly admitted that this has Vnironn Furr. William . Leuieh Glass, Marvin Olivia Miseuheimer, . ' Iura Ina Moore, Nannie Lee Ross, Helen Young1 Suther. - - . . - Classical course Bnford Black 1 welder, Lela Barton'J Bruton Laltie Letha Bunn, James McCorkle Cald well, Marie Stuart Caldwell, Ruby - Edward CluMs'Lizzie Pearson Dalton, .,. Knmi Drv. Helen May Fisher, - Ethel Jamea Furr Lillian Estelle - TWnit n Estelle Honeyeutt, Beulah Tafinhour. Janie Rath KlutU, vM.tt VUhfir , Ridenhour. Annie irniinwinif t.h nresentation of eer- v tificates Miss Josephine Branner At ' kins rendered a violin solo aceompan-j ied by Miss Mary Hartsell- at the piano. . ' ' - ' ' ,1, -' v Prof. A. 8. Webb introduced Doctor Webb, stating that the school board v 'was keenly disappointed when a mes s sage waa - received from Mr. J. H. Southgate i of Durham, who had ac cepted an invitation ..'to deliver the address saying he could not be hen of illness of his sister, and iw in this difficulty he had turnei - t his brother for aid and that the "r eall sent up to Virginia waa reauuy ""V- mWMrti aul 4fl. ." -. 7;- - (Expressing his pleasure at havwi the opportunity of returning to North ' Carolina Dr. Webb stated that he was and heroie thing,' but if you' do not have this opportunity you always have the opportunity to do the right. I suggest that you make this a step ping stone to a higher life and go put into the world and do something for the advancement of the world and God's purpose." . ' t come true. HUERTA WILL 00 IT- HE CAN DICTATE WAT big again. The Concord Gas Com pany was; awarded the contract for installing-equipment for gas lights in 'the jail and court house. Mr. J, L. Towell wis elected su perintendent of the county borne to succeed Mr. A. W. Morgan, resigned. Farmer Shot By Farmer in Mecklen : burg County. ;: Charlotte, May 18. Alleging ' that Dillard Hooker, a young white man who works on the Wakefield farm east of the city, had ordered him out. of his own; home, H. 0. Williams, wno uvea on f ark road, five .miles east of Charlotte, drew his pistol and fired five times yesterday afternoon iust about sundown, four of the bul lets taking effect, one entering Hook er's breast just to the left of his heart, another grooving his right side, 11. ! J 1. 1 - t . . it a uura nis teir arm ana a iourtn nis right knee. He died fifteen, minutes before midnight. Williams waa w giving their operatives the opportu nity to visit Charlotte s celebration. BILL BROWN HERE. Alaskan Stage Driyer and Team of Iportunities. tunity to get it. You can win any one of these prizes as well as any one else. . It is not a case of luck or of popularity, -but a ease- of-"good -honest ambition backed by energy to get out and make the best of your op- Deplomat Receives Message Confirm ing Stories of Conditions. Wants to Run for President in July. Vr TW M.v IA Honprfll Vic- rested and brought to the city and toriana Huerta will step out' of the Mged in jail, pending the deterrfiu- COULD NOT KEEF, ; COUNT OF THEM. Provisional Presidency of Mexico pro- toi of the extent of Hooker in- iii '- U-MpH ITnitnd Statos will loan Mes- Jiries. - Coontleu Mszicans Put to Death in ; 40o.000.00O. will lease Mazdalena To W officers who arrived on the Mexlca City. - Vera Cruz, Mai 19.-"I did not keep count of them' Thia wai the reply of Dr. Aureliano Urrutia, . a refugee from the. wrath I iluerta, when asked how many men had been put to death in Mexico City during 1 the laat twelve months. The !"remov-j al" of countless Mexicans, of high and low degree, waa calmly discussed by the former minister of the inter ior with being Huerta 'a secret execu- tionar. He admitted that many bad been summarily killed, but denied all personal responsibility, When ask ed if be knew who, killed Madero, he answered quickly: "The. srods killed him, when., hia. friends tried to rescue him." Bay for . $99,000,000 and will bar Men snoniy alter tne Siiooting Ml Vwiut iiiA rorrAiutt fram th Vresi. iuouib omieu vuni ne naa snoi nooK deney, allowing Huerta some choice necause ne tuooRer) Had ordercj in the naming of his succssor. mm oUt of nis own home and, that - Reliable information from Mexico be didn't propose to stand for any rifv this nftminon Mid that Hnorta such treatment The two bad beeu .j .... . )..., . was today forwarding these instruc-1 uruu'm6 wgeiner ana we row is sup- tinn. hi moHiAtion dleMlfla. h.!Posed to have started over some tny proposals being a reiteration of die- ul affair, such as that detaUed by patchea from here last week, teuing IV man -.wno uiu me suooimg.. the conditions under which the dic tator would retire. I . Daclaimer's Contest. The contest for , the declaimers Wolf Dogs Spend the Day Here. Bill Brown, an Alaskan stage driv er, drove into Concord yesterday! j t :. i, " . : "otner limes were auu oftu. ouujg viiuo uciv, Diupjiug at- Brown Bros, stable. Brown did not drive a stage to Concord, but came in driving six big dogs hitched to a cart. He is on the last lap of a 2,500 mile trip. Brown is driving his dog and wolf team on a journey that will lead through every State in the' union, ivsiting each capital and every city of importance in the United State and Canada. He started from Nome, Alaska May 5th, 1912, and is due to complete the trip May 4th, 1918. Brown is considerably ahead of his schedule and, if he keeps up his pres ent gait, hopes to complete his jour ney in about six months. He is making the trip on a 810,000 wager, this amount being bet by gov ernment representatives and the min ers of Alaska. He travels at night and allows his dogs to rest in the day. -- ' . And, remember, this contest is not like contests that have been conduct ed in this section in the past. At were so many prizes and after these . had been BIRTHDAY SURPRISE. Mrs. R. A. Brown Presented With a Ylctrola and Given a Surprise Birthday Dinner. Mrs. R. A. Brown was happily sur-. prised today, when 'returning -from a drive to the country, to and at per . home a number of, relatives bearing a handsome -birthday gift and a ramp tuous birthday -dinner awaiting, her. Unknown to Mrs. Brown her ehil-' dren and brothers-in-law and sisters-in-law and their " children had ar ranged the pleasant surprise for her or her birthday. The gift was" a Vic trola and, following its. presentation, an elegant dinner was served. ; , ' SUliman Did Not Arrive. www ma- -t ' W B tSittC a."57 W ; I,8. Tie acuUul. IndusS una. ine s"" i v .. him frnin Ran I.niafl Pntoai. Mexico. educational progress mai made in North Carolina, he said, admiration of the challenge , the . world. ' ".', - ; ." ' ' , , peaking of the devotion and loy ally of the State's cit'aens Dk Webb most happily nd appropriately lllmv trated it bv telling . if an Incident .i,;h m-oni'-d several years ago; -"- - -j There was a onng man, ne sam, bad just graduated from one of the State 'a leading collegea and had ac cepted a position as teacher of n country, school at a meagre salary Knowing the young man and the con .i i . that made the pay of the teach- .mn .ml knowinar also, that out ih the fertile West where resided, " lis could secure a much larger salary, I wrote to lnm and oilcred to get mm a pov.tion with a much Inwrer salary 1 r 'v wpi something le tliis : rw U'ill! I know I am' making only f 10 a month, hut it is worth $1. f J a year to live in Korlh Carolina. "That yonng man," s;ud U'C K"': " i your sT ' " '." -i av;' trian from San Luisfl Potosi, Mexico, without Mr. Silliman aboard.. The State Deirtment professed to have no knowledge of the train's arrival and Mr. Bryan claimed to have no alarm. t of HuerU'i Whims May Prevent Peace. meda, ,t the Mount pleasant Colleg- :, nose close io rresiqent wuson ,ate Institute will be held next Mon- say tha question to be mediated is I day, May 25, at 10.30 a. m. Tho fol- nqt tne lauure oi luerta to eaiuiei owing will be the- programme: but the broad question of pacifying I Invocation. i, Mexico. . Musie. ' They declared Amencan troops! L. B. Barnhardt. Subioct Nation would not be withdrawn from veralai Character. Crua until a stable government is I Wngie. established or is in sight, in Mexico I i q. j. MBlume, subject: Regulus Uty. :-'". -'" I to the Carthaginians. n,: The three Mexican delegatea are 1 -Music - - said to be decidedly optimistic con-1 ; (j. C, Jones, subjeet: The National eerning the chances for mediation. I Flag. ' , - . 'r They are said to realize that the I Mnsia. - present administration in Mexico City I Qt e. Kindley, subject: Opportun is last crumbling ana mat tne cnancejities of the Scholar. -of'soma one to succeed nuerta ia in- ; jfugi- - evitable.'- s:" v' ''v 'X"-v",5' I E. E. Starnes, subject ! Happiness Raleigh, May 18. ; The ninety. .Zt1: : " - - 1 4 JILUBlUe , ; , . 1 prominence or Js - obtaining power ' c w jxle, subject : A Scene on by arbitrary-force" should be per-Jti,, Battlefield. ' - ;; n Episcopal Diocese Meets in Raleigh U. S. IN BETTER HEALTH. Inhabitants Are Living Longer Than Ever Before. - Washineton, May 18. The United States is in better condition as tol health than ever before, and its in habitants are living longer, according to fleures riven out by the census bu- . . . i v.-i.i. 'i.i reau. wasmneion is me ueanmeBvi State, with eicht and five-tenths perl thousand death rate, florin uarounai ia the hiehest. with sixteen and eight-1 tenths per cent. The deatn rate oil the nation is fourteen and one-tenth. I .Mrs. J. M. Cell and guests, Mes-I dames F. t. Udell ana u. u. x ergu- son, are attending the Davidson com mencement today. Nomination Coupon GOOD FOR 5,000 VOTES. I Nominate Address District Number .....,. Aa a candidate in The TIMES-TRIBUNE Subscription Contest. Nominated by Address Name of person making nomination will not be divulged. This nomination blank entitles the person so nominated io Ave thousand (5,000 votes) if properly filled out and brought or sent to The Times-Tribune office. It is further understood that" only one nomination blank entitling the nominee to 5,000 votes- will be ; accepted by the Campaign Manager for each candidate nominated. Fill out the above blank at once and send or bring td the Cam, paign Department of The Times-Tribune. - - " eighth annual convention of the dio-" eese of North Carolina convened for three days session today in the Church of the Good Shepherd, Bish op Cheshire presiding. Jiity-eigut mminters are present Irom one Hun dred and ten parishes. ,..- mitted to take the reins of govern- mAnt.- '' V-' '- . . , It is admitted by all Mexican fae-l tions that hostilities may at any time! be provoked , by the Huerta troops! near Vera Cruz, which may generally 1 Music. - .-: Decision of judges. 1 Benediction.- Battle of Saltillo Today. 'Bfc'.i Csntaaca Coismuted. Kaleirh, ITy 18. Governor Craig commut'S to 1-fe iinprisonment lue dtath V -i '- 'O t-f V.'. T. JMXmaie, Of Kii- con..;-, -iitencea w "lfrio,, - Anntrnn. Mnt of the r June 12, for the " .. ... , .." . . entangle the -situation and force an- of 6altiU'0 ,g to fol,rrlt to.'ay. U!ii.-r ciioio. - - . UPAllnwinf ihia Tratann tar pa i.n Huerta 's- whismsical moods pointed to i by-even 'some' of are - his in the el liic C' murder of his ,v r-in-l.w. 3 C " 8 I In. Villa established a strict censorship, not a single message having been re ceived from correspondents at the front sinee early yesterday. Last Wowrs. J. C. Williams, of Sanford,news reports were that the advanc situation. T. r.-l iosn, of Greensboro, and A. 1 Tarry, of gnlmV- managers Of ;' : "t !-rr i i t . '" t- --"c'.Te insr const tntionaiists in fedoml ou'i'oosts. were sleeping t WANTED! VOTING COUPON Good For Ten Votes In the TIMES- TRIBUNE Subscription Contest. For .. Address District Number . . r" . t . These coupons must be clipped out neatly and brought or sent to Contest Department of The Times-Tribune. ., Coupons of this issue not good after May 30th. . ' ' et l it1! r uty decona nana Hones and Elsies. ViD x U kt Cori-Wadsworta ! f Stalls! ca Saturday, l!ay I 23, 1914. Wil bay aH Kbda. 1 ! ! S ! Oct Lost cf depositors and patrons lave chosen ti:s izzk because they reside czt strcr;iii tzi tie w-exccHed hzzlliz tmlzt tUt we are a-Ia ta r've. , ; . ' F: ; r i ' r i i e!l r; t the

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