VOL. XIV. J- B. SHERRILL, Editor and Publisher CONCORD. N. C FRIDAY, MAY 22, 1914 CO Cent a Monti- Cent a Copy. NO. 227. gastc:;l school TRIBUTE TO WOMEN -r - " or THE SOUTH BU1LDIKG KED .Morning. The With Only 117,000 Insurance. President WUm t Address Confed erate Women at Raleigh In Jon. I n i vt jt r nn : 1 t . . Wilson has promised to eome to TOTALLT DESTROYED BT FIRE t "Kth 10 "?ld tthe mBr' . . ..veiling of tho memorial in honor or ' OP UNKNOWN ORIGIN. th. Confederate women of North Ca ' jolioa. The unveiling will be a feat- - . ., are of tha annual reunion of the The Waaster Occurred Early ..This vetertn, ot thi, Sutefc Loss is $40,000, The visit of President "Wilson will be the Brat occasion ainee the evil - 'war thai a President of the United Tha City Council Will Take Steps 6tates haa eoma below Maaon and s Looldnf to Eebnildini"at Once. -Dixon' lino to participate in a fele- ., bration of Confederate aentimenU. Special to Tha Tribune. v;jIt wiu the flrgt , Pre- :.' Gastonia, N. C, May 23. The Gas- jdent of tho United Statea haa nn tonia central graded aebool building' veiled, exeept on tha battlefield at waa totally destroyed by fire of. an Getysburg, a monument to those sen unknown origin early tui morning.' timenta. - . , w . The loss ia $40,000, with only $17,000 jv xbe monument that ia to be un lnsuranee. The city eouncil will take veiled stands on the Capitol ground steps looking to rebuilding at once. , jn this city. It ia a gift from the - " " v . late Col. Aahley Horne, of Clayton, PEOP. MARTIN IS - ;. ' V k. C, in memory of his mother, who - ELECTED MODERATOR, tent six sons to Lee's army, three ' - " of whom were killed. President of Davidson College is Ac-! Col. Horne announced his gift - of corded High Honor. ' .,$10,000 for the erection of a memo " v. n: ix. 01 :n.Mi.1.J rial in honor of the . women of the ing"' U Confederacy only a abort time people, will kip on eoming to the ath, whwh occurred last Oeto ttie. to disturb worship, untU .f- He was a "t veteran . - u:i. 4W k .mtal hv an done of the leading men of North ponce." Kev. 4. a. Lyons, ot uuuis- ------ - . T - - , . vUle, ky.,- in the moderator's sermon North Carolina Infantry and h before the general assembly of the .-; the beginmng to tho i-v..-:. pl..-v -mm. ,..n.ni end of the war. Nearly all of hw mn . t,nff nlai foi aernce was with Lee m the army of hieher vision. ' ., Northern Virginia and he. was with "If the church, he said, "is equal h . aurrenaer. --; " to the opportunity of today, many I ' Turning his face homeward after : Hulta ntio-i it. war. young jiorne ionna a por- will find themselves breaking into, the Kingdom of Heaven, v-. ."'' ?,f : J Vhat is the vision today!" he - said. 4'Aae turn t othe world we see the same dnrk shadows which ap-t A CI7I0 LEAGUE MEMBER MASXS A STATEMENT Declares That tha League Had Unde sirable Places Photographed, Tet They Remain Unchanged. One member of the sanitary com mittee of the Concord Civic Improve ment League ia not satisfied with the result of clean np week and does not hesitate to say so. Speaking of the matter she said: "After a photographer waa kind enough to go out and make pietrfres ox undesirable places that , need at tention, without charging us, . the plaeea.have not been cleaned np. These pictures were posted in con spicuous places and "all who ran eould read," yet the eonditions they depicted remain" unchanged, II our efforts toward beautifying and clean ing np the town are going to receive this consideration certainly that is lit tle encouragement-m the work for us." -. . Those familiar, not only with the undesirable places that were photo graphed, but also other places, know that the charge made by the Civic League member is true. They know also that there is no excuse for such places existing. ,. BELK STORES POEM .. .. AN ASSOCIATION Manager of 10 Branches to Meet Monthly for Discussions of Topics of Interest. ' , Charlotte Observer. In order to perfect a closer rela tionship for the purpose of advising and discussing for the material bene fit of their 10 retail stores, the man agers of the various stores met yes- acute mm- CIS'MICASf terday at the Charlotte store, and tion of Sherman's army still occupy-formed an association. Mr, V. H. inz his father's devastecK plantation. Belk was elected chairman, T. : B. Jhe blight of war - on the Homo Brown, of the Greensboro store, vice . , i , t j 1 i 1 -V - i r in rtii. . piece aid rcaaceu pieuij iv .cii...ciiBiriuan, nuu x. luuitucno, ow Of his Ave brothers three had been retary. neared in all the prophetie visions of, kilWI in battle and the ? other; two ; The most important matter trans- the pasf. We behow. conienain3 -w .. " - J; "V V w ir r . forces in all the varied forms v of negro boy he came in the night to) election of Mr. VV. L. WaUis, for economic, social and political foment the Union camp in Raleigh,. where! years connected with Belk Brothers and strife ' Moreover we see the,Sherman. had acmmulated a great, Charlotte storet as general assistant world crowlmr more and more weary' quantity of ; stock and succeeded in to the manager of each store. ; . , J; PRESSURE PROM CONGRESS POR ACTION BT ADMINISTRATION Inaction Haa Stirred Members Op posed to President WUaoa'a Policy. Army Officials Se In Evacuation of SaltOlo by Hnerta Confirmation of Their Pears That Hoerta is Con cantratinf Eia Troop Near Mexico City to Meet American Advance. SattUlo Could Hare Held Ont Three or Poor Weeks. 4 Washington, May 2& Pressure from Congress for action by the ad ministration in' the case of Consul Silliman is acute today, Inaction has stirred np the members opposed to the , President's . policy.-. . Promises were made by the State Department that Carothera would make an immed iate report on Mr; Silliman. The re port from Niagara Falls that it was at Secretary Bryan's suggestion, not on the initiative of the A. B. t. pow 1, that mediation was proposed has added strength to the opposition and an open oratorical outbreak can not be much longer avoided, Meanwhile army officials see in the evacuation of Saltillo aonfirmation of their fears that Huert does not ex pect material aid froto' mediation. They believe be is concentrating his troops as near Mexico '.City as possi ble so he can meet the?Anierican ad vance. Saltillo waa splendidly forti fied, well armed and provisioned, mil itary experts here Jsajf,1 and could have withstood Villa's .attacks three 01 four weeks. ' W: INTERESTED IN CREAMERY Numerous Farmers Proa Various Sec tions of the County Want Cream ery EatahUahol Interest in the establishment of a creamery for Cabarrus continues to grow. Business men and farmers are offering to aid in the organisation of a company to start a creamery and the indications are that in a short time the books will be open for sub-; seription for stock. . Mr. John W. Cress, a progressive and successful farmer of No. 6 town ship, waa here yesterday. Speaking of the creamery Mr. Cress said that he thought it should be started by all means and volunteered to aid in the work. Numerous other farmers from va rious sections of the eounty are evi dencing interest in the proposition and are anxious to have a creamery close at hand where they ean take their products. CONVENTION TOMORROW. Democratic Convention to Be Held at Court House Tomorrow After noon. The Democratic convention for the purpose of electing delegates to the State, Judicial and Congressional con ventions will be held at the court house tomorrow afternoon at 1 :30 o'clock. Senator J. P. Cook, chairman of the Democratic Executive Commit tee, will preside. The delegates to the convention were elected at the primaries held last Saturday. There are no candi dates to be voted on and the work of the convention will, in a sense, be cut and dried. SUFFRAGETTES RUIN VALUABLE PAINTINGS LIST OF CONTESTANTS GROWING HOURLY SCORES OP ENERGETIC RESIDENTS HAVE MADE UP MINDS TO TAKE PART IN THIS CAMPAIGN. THEIR' Now ia the Tim to Start Tour Campaign Early Starters WIU Ear De cided Advantage Over Those Starting Later And Will Gala tho Load From the Vary First And still they come, from every di-1 day one of the many inquirers waa rection and in every manner. Hourly J heard to remark that she was afraid the list of nominations in The Times- Vhat there would be too many in the Tribune's great circulation contest ia race and that her ehance for winning SURPRISE PARTY, Mrs. D. B. Morrison Surprised Last , Night by a Visit Prom the Mem bers of the Floral Clnb. Mrs. D. B. Morrison was happily " u 6 " . a - v77 . ii: :U, knmxu, nitVinnt t TUT, s prowe. ".' nopem. ev- T Z7TL Z .i,: wh surprised last night wlfen the mem- deuces that it is coming to, realize -.mT T.T..wUi of the Floral CluVcalled at her that the problem require, tor us so- "t ZJ SkoM and showered herjrith present ..i.mri. ro nnthetioallv trvinc to! After a long struggle Col. unravel the mystery of human misery got together a capital of $000. TTnrnP tnr the Bolk atores are for distribut- ments to give Here a surprise party tc;i. morni,oniiao Tjint vflar these and gifts as evidence of appreciation, 1 mo - -.v.:." . , . . a : j:.i:u..i.j 40 nnn nnn Kanv m toe eveninz a memDer 01 and sin; and everything from moral, this ne enter nusines. anu eveu.u. re. u. ; 7 the , V .sr. Mrg;M()rrison that :itn. nn Ranitarv environment 10 ally cecame one or -we weaiimesi , unu ,t - ., ., , . . folk dances, 18 proposed as a enre, The report of the foreign missions executive committee, presented to the national assembly, "upheld the policy of the national administration at Washington in the Mexican situation, nt mada an aoDeal that intervention in Mexico taking the form, of. Chris tian instruction rather than the force ftf arms. '':'''' -.i-fiA '---- . William j Martin, president: of ' Davidson College, of Davidson, N. C, Wtid moderator ., to sueceeu Rev. J. 8. Lyons, of Louisville, Ky. Professor Martin, who ia a layman was chosen on the second ballot. . .- 1 i t 1 11 ii. a ; . a i - .1. ' .A tnt nl mnMua,'. . ' lane wouio au sum evening, a. auuri s' xT.iu.r-. 1: t. ional . Thi ..anointmn hnd the rjleasure time after the , phone mesage the u. u' Tx..is- .-Mfo ap last rmna: nf hein- entertained at. member, along with all tha Wnt. wa.'JofMUit tsunner at the Central by its chair--members of , the club, called. i - . . . . a' t'-t l .- T-T- tT T 1 1 - ' Carranxa to Send.Delegat to Niagara Fall Meeting. ; w . Wa'shington, May 21. The cnatu tntionalists are preparing to send a representative to Niagara : Falls o ti confer with "the Soutii American med iators who are endeavoring to settle the Mexican problem.- This will be done with the distinct understanding that the representative is to give in formation as to General Carranaa s purposes, without eommittinv the con ;tiitinnaliata to anv vlan for the pacification of Mexico that the med- intors may determine up"u- ... NOTICE ,W. O. W. ' At the request of Maple Camp No. 'as hf rhina Grove. Elm Camp, No. 16. will Unveil the monument to' the lnt Roverei-rn C. A. Sides at Oak- mA metenr Sunday evening, May 24, at 3 o'clock.- All Woodmen who can attend are requested to meet at the Lodge room at 2 o'clock. , ; C. H. PECK, C. C. -.' J. H. DORTON, Clerk. -Th- -namn-inl whieh h bepn criv- man. Mr. W: II., Belk. kr. th Rtj.ti thrnnffh Col. Home's! - The out-of-town members in at- mnnlflcenee was designe dby Augustus tendance at yesterday's meeting were Luksman, the New York sculptor. T. B. Brown, Greensboro; A. W. Har- The 'memorial group depicts A ,ry, ssaiiBoury , u. x. rura, vuiicumi, -j-nth- f thn rrwifderacv."iJ. H. Matthews: Gastonia: J. W. u . h tha atnrv.Kirknatrick. Yorkville; Frank Stev " -- -il i, , T-r-,, o..4. f tha Sonth's belief in its idea anrt ens, Monroe j. v,. vuiiams, o..i., u. n fn. ih .-: whila thai A. m. Johnston, btatesviue: k. is, uA -ii KBi,n .. iiemnff a anAAtnad i vvamuu. vvuaiiow.'- .t sword. The faces were selected by '..The members assorted with the iu ....ini. t-u. Tha o-Awit nf Charlotte store are- W. H. Belk, B. iu-- Jfjtu.. n..llA fnrm F. Matthews. W. M. Matthews and . .an't.Ma nnta-hpllnm examole. : G. H. McDonald, members presented : Mrs. other Each Morrison with a gift which was marked with a verse expressing the sentiment or Supposedly in Retaliation for the Ar rest of Mrs. Pankhnrst. London, May 22. Supposedly in re taliation for the rearrest of Mrs. Pankhurst at -the gates of Bucking ham palace, a suffragette smashed the Bellinw "Saint Peter," and four other paintings by the same artist in the Venetian room of the National Gallery. Restoration is doubtful. The suffragette was arrested. She refused to give her name. -About the same time another-- militant smashed a pic ture in the Royal Academy. Immedi ately both galleries were closed. SUFFRAGETTE THROWS SHOE AT MAGISTRATE. Pandemonium Reigns Supreme in Trial of Suffragettes. London, May 22. Continued Paiv demonium and uproar so uncontrolla ble that the exasperated magistrate was finally forced to order the court increasing, score 01 enterprising men and women from in and around Concord, have sent in their names and signified their intention of tak ing advantage of this wonderful op portunity. And some have even taken their receipt books and started out to see their friends and to gather the subscriptions that will make them the owner of a valuable prize on July 11. As soon aa it is possible to arrange this list and to set it in type it will le printed in The Times and Tribune so that the readers will have an op portunity of seeing who have enter ed and will be able to decide to whom they will give their subscription and their help. Now, if you have a little spare time and would like to be the owner of any one of the magnificent prizes offered; do not delay any longer. Come or send to The Time-Tribune office at once. Get a receipt book and have any points that you do not un derstand explained to you. Start out today and let your friends know that you are entered in this great race and that yon want not only their sub scriptions but their help in getting the subscriptions of others. It is of great advantage to anyone to have' their name appear in the first published list of contestants and to thereby let their mends know from the very start that they are in the race. If this is not the case, of times a person will pledge their support .to someone else, ; when you would have been just the one to have it had they known that you intended entering. . But, of course, after they have promised to help someone else, it ia too late for you to expect any help from them. . Send in your name today 80' that "it wil surely appear nth the first list and so that you will have every advantage that the con test has to offord. At the Times-Tribune office yester their appreciation of her work with le,afed. marked the trial of the 66 iu. -i..u ..a iu. u ,u. militant suffragettes and two male iua biuu caiiva nun c-ivviu miv luviuvvio 1 . , 1 entertained for her. . r During their visit the members of the club were served with fruits and other refreshments. L - NEW TRAINS SUNDAY. HAPGOOD SELECTED. sympathizers, who were arrested yes terday in noting around Buckingham Palace. One militant spectator threw her shoe at the magistrate, narrowly missing him. ANOTHER AMERICAN KILLED BY MEXICANS one of the prises would be too small to be worthy of the effort required. 1 nis is a very mistaken idea as the more people who are entered in the contest the easier it will be for any one person to win. There art just so many subscriptions possible in this territory and before the contest is over the contestants will have secur ed all of these. Now, if there are on- - ly a few entered it will mean that these few will have to get a great . uumber of subscriptions and work ' very hard in order to win a prise. But if there are a great many work ers in the race it will ent down the number of subscription that any sin- -gle person will have to get in order to be successful, and ' will also ent down the amount of work necessary. Of course the more entered the sharp er the competition will be but that only necessitates prompt action on the part of the contestants and if one . will get busy at once and take care of their own end of the eampaign they will find that the number enter ed will have no tendency to make it harder to win a prize. But the fact to be remembered and to act on now, is the fact that the early starters will have an advantage that those starting later will una it hard to overcome. A little work now will mean many more subscriptions than the same amonnt of work later, and a good start will tend to give a , contestant encouragement and will be a concrete evidence for them to ahow ' their friends when they are asking for help later on in the campaign. So : consider this proposition at once. Come to The Times-Tribune office and see the eampaign manager, no matter ,. whether or .noUronJiava decided to enter.. Talk it over with him and ho will explain all the point that you do not understand and will help yon decide as to whether or nbt you want to enter. No, 13 and No. 14 Will Be Operated Editor of Harper's Weekly Will Ad- Snnday.-'-No. 85 and No. 86 to Cut I dress North Carolina Editors. ; Ont Local TrayeL ".. - Raleieh, May 21.-Anhonncemeut n-nn;n KmMav' th Southern lis made that Editor Norman H. Hap- will operate two new trains, No. 13, good, of Harper' Weekly is to .be iuu..-j .a Va 14 nnrtlihound.hhe orator for the annual convention --: xta i a ;!! an-iim hara nt H.iuior tne iNorui iwuuun p, m. and No. 14 at 10.30 a, rnvvsy sociauon w " After these train are siarieu vino obku " " train No. 35 and 36 will cut out local ble fact that a straw ballot as to the work, making Concord the only "stop preference of the 1 editors f the S ate hatween Charlotte and Salisbury. as to who should be invited to deliver the address made some weeks ago ny r, 3 i. Pt.MinM Pni with Alorht AT Ears Again Fashionable. ;- . ... of national , reputation Atvanta. Mav 22. Ears are again I . from amons whom to express fashionable among the belle and del ....- resulted in an overwhel- butantes of Peachtree street, toeverai 1 min eTTjreg8ion in favor of Mitor pair, very pink and pretty,' were ys'-lHapgood. Ma tn tha afibAd ave dnrine the hop-1 , , "' . . , pinff district promenade thi tnorning.i Want to Put Burn Behind the Bar. With fie advent 01 tne nsn-nooar, : Atlanta, May 22. AUanta 1 ges enrl and the hair drawn tightly npt u- exceedingly dangerou place for Detective William J. curna to ro- Anman Resign From Ashboro Post- office. Dick Urban Ambushed in Hi House Washington, May 21. Ernest L. And Murdered.' Auman, recently appointed postmas- tir.i.:i. xc- ooT:fc TT.uw ter at ASUDoro, over me proiesi. 01 ' IwiAm nnrl Vila V rl 1 rnTAfl llflo TArlnPIOf1 Uld ItUU U1D V UJ UU9 Wvaauw - At. A I J U., 18 miles west of Nacozari, Sonoray ao- "P? - 7, Z eording to State Department adrices T JJ. a n i a a i(Aninm.. - 1 lci ucucim uunvqwu, "r3 ' xu,-vnSUr .ir tion was place din the hands of Mr. ed to MontagueHbat tne snooting was without provocation. Naxcozan ib in constitutionalist territory. Votinf Power of Subscriptions, and Price list of The Daily Tribune and tbe remi-Weeklj Timet ' THE TRIBUNE. Three Months Six Months .. One Year' .... - Two Years . . . Five Years . . . By Carrier , . .$ 1.00 .. -2.00 .. 4.00 .. 8.0a . . 20.00 By Mail $L60 3.00 . 6.00 15.00 Votea 2,000 5,000 12,000 30,000 75,000 THE TIMES. One Year L50 . 4,000 Two Year .. 3.00 10,000- Three Years 4.50 Five Years ... 7.50 30,000 If at any time during the contest special bonu offer 01 any kind are made, contestant will be allowed full credit on all iubaerlp tion of the class of the offer, which they have turned in pwion to that time. - MIDNIGHT CONFERENCE . . OF A. B. 0. MEDIATORS - Suffraeette Adopt a New Scheme, Tendon. May 22.-:-Chained to her seat so she couldn't be thrown out, a militant nearly broke np a theatri cal performance with tne King and nnment. V Release Mrs. Pank hurst." the woman yelled at the top of her voice., 'Other militants, scat tered through the house, joined in the uproar. ' '.; : ;, frra the side ofthe head, ear are acrain admittedly existentr and are regarded as really useful appendages which there is no reason to Deasnamea of. Just for a change, however, from old-fashionable are leaking their ear pink with rouge. ' Governor Samiel D, Fdker, - th first Democratic tvernor Now Hamp shire has bad in years, has declined to be a candidate for re-election. laid it before the postoffice depart ment and at the same time recom mended Romulu R. Ross aB the suc cessor of Auman. Ross will be ap- nointed in a few days. No reason was tnven nere lor an- . . .. r n .1.1.1 man's res12nat10n. -mr. raxB eiaieu that he bad received the letter from! Anman askinar that he be relieved as postmaster and that he had acted I as stated. : . - ; - Charges of gross immorality were I'- '.s y:zr it., v t:n!:2 Hit a turn to, - Yesterday he "was wamea simply on a charge 01 contempt oi court. Thi morning the police want Hm fn - violation of the law, ana will, in all probability put hira be hind the bars if they can get tneir ; hands on him. 'V- ' '. Tha atand ntr of Detective Burns in Atlanta' collapsed when the police commission,, aftef investigation re voked the permit of the Burn agen- v to onerate in Atlanta, in ac tion of the commission was practical ly unanimous, there, being only .one rimaAntinff vote. It has now been charged mat uurus and his outside representative nave been at work in. Atlanta for week on the" Phagan ease without proper authority under the eity ordinance, and that they are liable to T fine of (T-00, and a thirty flay Sentence 1 t' 0 stodaile. Folowing Report That Rebel Repre sentative Are Soon to Arrive. Niagara Falls, Ont.; May 22. A hurried midnight conference of the A. B. C. mediators, following reports jej agt hira hut the department j that representatives of Mexican wb-jand genftte refused to believe them, els are toon to arrive here, and then I., scored tliem. and hi confirmation absolute silence on the part of th followed . He was r commissioned tnree ooutn American aipiomais, 1 .hnni Dm-ember 10 last and assume 1 opened up new possibilities of the tha dnlies of the' office soon thereaf- r . 3;-; , . T I . . . rr 1, juexican meaiauon eoiuereticea. ia-Mer jir, Auman made good omciauy, formal conferences were- Held taisun(j &6 matter was being forgotten, morninir between Huerta'a represent- ttowavaf. new offense." it is alleged, tive and the two mediator. ; : lwePa eommittedoffense , of moral nhlirmitv which were strenuously de- The Miceing American In Mexico niei. Coupled with the' admission of Nomination Coupon GOOD FOR 5,000 VOTES. I Nominate Address District Number As a candidate in The TIMES-TRIBUNE Subecriptioft Contort, Nominated by , . . . . .? Address ..'..,............,.....-....... - Name of person making nomination will not be divulged. t . Thi nomination blank entitle th person o nominated to five thousand (5,000 votes) if properly filled out and brought or sent to The Times-Tribune office. It ia farther understood that only one - nomination blank entitling the nominee to 5,000 vote will - be accepted by the Campaign Manager for each candidate nominated. ' fill ont th above blank at once and send or bring to th Cam . paign Department ot The Times-Tribune. V Washington, May 22. Report upon I indiscretion, which brought about his the investigation of the killing of Potf downfall and hi resignation louoweo firio Larel, an American, near Noevolas a matter oi cuurw. Laredo, who died at the same timel , . Benton was killed, was received at th 1 Sunday Baseball Cannot B Fronlb State Department today. It showed I ., ,; Ited. -? , that Laurel's body was taken across WMhinirton. Mav 22.. Sunday the American border and buried at bMebal eannot be prohibited ' here, Laredo. Consul Garrett reported that MCording to Justice Gould,' of the . . - ... . ... . - - ' " - apparently worn in ovon; ado oi- plftni are aoot to have game tran- appearaucs """"T f erred here. Ctpux lAiosst; uauoiivf i it iviui Buva Meralur, was the lubjcct of another inquiry by Secretary ISryan, Hi: Tetlira! Hooliig Tr T.nf'' .tada, Coftbu' , "2. (i y runner to I -ind 1 y v a to Torrc'vi .)- ..HO.- May . Jury Takes Becker Case. Tw York. Mav 22. The jury took the ease of the Becker trial at 12.30 today. . ' " . : '" r. TTf TT TrT.: 9 r-litwihi ft rfti I air. . n. - mi-", wi vvwiu VOTING COUPON In the TIMES- TRIBUNE Snbseription Contest. For' Address District Number , The coupons mtiBt he cV; 71 1 c t r t0C0Ct;i Ev, ' ' '-.t Of T: 9 - of Co 1 C- is spending t;e c&j nere on dusi- f .'I B' -

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