anil) Crfbmtc. VOL XIV. J B. SHKRRILL, Editor and Publisher CONCORD. N.C, FRIDAY. JUNE 5, 1914 40 Cents Month I Ceota Copy. NO. 239 MM WJMIKG- FOSCARGO Of ARIIS IMITATING FATHEK. &TATE DEMOCRATIC I PLATFORM ADOPTED Little Girl Gets Hold" of a Kazor, ... I mi QMUct rouow its ttsu actom oh ssonuis bcbooi u livery uounry. DELAYING HIS ANSWEJt THAT ACCOUNT. on And I Furaiahinf a Critical Els Bent in th Mxican Situation. An Attempt to Blockade General Carranxa, Who la En Root to Saltillo to Establish a Temporary Capital, Will Bo Made. President Is Away and Secretary Bryan Rt fnsoa to Talk. Washington, June .". Tlie Ward liner Antilla, with a cargo of muni tions, furnished a critical clement in Her Face. like father, like son" uiay be changed to "like father, like daugh ter" in relating an incident which took jdare in t lie Melclior household on Simpson street a few .In vs ago. Mr. Ed Melrhor, custodian of llie Hrst chair at the Si. (loud harb.-r shop, tonsoriul artist extraordinary and maniifaelnrpr of M.piorn -r i - -lettea on t lie side, ha.-, a daughter. i Myrtle Meleln r. A few days airo !! earned a razor home ;m.l leit it 0:1 a table. A short time later l!ie li!'le daughter of the household enuie in ning up to her mother with hl. '. trickling from an assortment of m'. places on her cheeks and sni i. 'Mother, it's too sharp; it cuts." Since that time the custodian "f the first chair at the St. ( loud toii- sorial establishment has been keep- fit Mexican situation today. It jsjing razors at his place of business believed General Carranza is delaying where they behave better ami dou'i is answer until he knows whether h receives arms or not. Commodore Acuta, with a federal fleet, it is expected, will attempt to blockade General Carranza, who u en route to Saltillo to establish n temporary capital, "Republic of the North." President Wilson is on .1 week end visit and Secretary Bryan, who is in charge, refuses to talk. Consul Silliman arrived here from Norfolk, but refused to discuss th Mexican affairs until he has sccm Secretary Bryan. His wife cause fancy gashes to follow 111 I ie' trail. NEW PASTOR ARRIVES. SUte-wide Primary Law is De manded. Raleigh, June 4. North Caralina Democracy tonight, through the adop tion by the Stale convention of its platform committee's report, declar ed for a legalized Statewide primary for national. State, district and judi- jcisl olhoers, the investigation of in- Isiiiaiire and freight rates, revision of tiie Stale penal system in accord with modi rn i.u as, furtherance of educa tion, liei.lh and prohibition and for extending all possible aid to the farm ers n! the commonwealth in better ing 1 iicir condition. Tl e Peinocratie administrations, null :,; and State, were endorsed and . 1 niucnded, special mention being mack . President Wilson's foreign policy, pleasure was expressed in the lidelity of the party to its tenets and it was pledged o the continuance of good iveinmenl through adherence to cardinal principles. W01. an suffrage, which reached the lloor oi ilie convention in the form of a resolution, irot no further. A niin- 1 . ..-.Iv ,-. uiil.n,,! I.. A .1 M,. Kev.ueorge v. iwey anw Kinnon. of Mnxtoii, for himself and day From Chapel Hill to Begin n'f'x. ,. Hrooks, of tireensboro, declnr- New Work as Pastor of the First cd for a legalized primary extend Tlaniiat Church U" tlie counties, but this was defeatec Hr Cpoimn. V. Tillev. the ne.v ,:- -,is- stor of the First Baptist Church., 1 he plal torn, committee reixirte, 1 xi t;ii.... ......;. ..I wi..i..iv -.t. IhrrnKH lion. ( n.neron Morrison as HOO mm. 1 mi,,, m.i..-. 1 . c-.... i'i,..,...i 11:11 ,,, ciuin mini us luiiovvs from Brownsville. Texas, but had not Mrs. 1 illey were met liy s.acial,,mcm seen him since he was taken t hers of the church, mi. I an ipani-.l jail by the Mexican federals. to parsonage on splint: street, wlnr'i .. ! i..i !.... ..I....... I in i-i.-.nliii. .... fnr ll'eir , lion rejoice 111 ine lar-e ineasuic Mr Tillev is a native of ( hat., i ' success with which Democratic prom Hill He is a graduate of the l iii-!""' been enacted into law an. v of Xarth Carolina and lh.-''.th which Democratic principle Bnntist 'Rieoloincal Seminan at 1'iivo been apidied in restoring. e.iia Louisville. Ky. llelbas served .1 nut..- j'pp . rt unities to all sections and 11 -hor nf well known churues 111 GEN CARRANZA HAS SELECTED HIS CABINET i And Will Make It Known When He Beaches Saltillo. Reports of Fight ing Still Going on. Ve, the representatives of II Democratic pnrtv assembled in con Iveution under conditions of Demo cnitic responsibility iu State and 11a I ion Torreon, Mexicp, June 5. Consti-, State, (ieorgia ninl Arkansas, having tiltionalists offlcials in the confidence j i.en located in the latter States for of Gen. Carranza declared that thejtiip past 14 years, new constitutionalists cabinet had I Mr. Tillev w ill conduct his lirM been selected and would be aniiounc- ( sevices at t';e First Baptist riuin-ii ed when Carranza reaches Saltillo. ' Sunday. General Nutera, commanding the rebels in the central zone, reporls con- WATSON-BULLARD tinned fighting for several days on the outskirts of Zaeatncas, resulting n , Mr. Alvin Watson, Formerly of litis a nnifonnally rebel suecess, by (ien-l Qy to Miss Fannie Bullard, of Stedman. Mr. and Mrs. A. ('. Bullard request the honor of your presence at the marriage of (heir daughter Fannie Isabelle to Mr, Alvin lliiford Watson Wednesday inoriiing, luue seventh al half after ten o'clock at. home Stedman, North Carolina. erals Villa; t'aoner nnd Carranra. The railroads have been repaired ami tram service resumed. TO BE REPRESENTED AT PACIFIC EXPOSITION. THE MEDIATORS ARE kot wm - ( OVER CARRANZA'S FAILURE TO REPLY TO 0tE. It Is Belhmd He la Afraid to Test His Strength. It U Thonght That He Will Reply to Note When He is Secure at Saltillo. ' Niagara Falls, June 5. Mediators are not worried over the fuilurc of Carranza to reply to the note sent him. It is believed be is afraid to test his strength in mating victorious armies acquiese to armistice. It is thought that reply will be made when he makes himself secure at Saltillo. The mediators are proceeding slow ly, waiting for Carranza 's reply to America's note and have held "con tersation" since Tuesday. DR. SMALL TONIGHT. We lenfiimi our allegiance to the cardinal principles of Democratic government and ir.'ain present our cause to the people in confidence that 11 cm! lunation of Democratic control will result ill a complete restoration of the high ideals of constitutional L'overiiinent as established by the fathers of the republic and interpret PRESIDENT RECEIVES IMPORTANT MESSAGE t While En Route to Ankapolis. Be lieved Message Protests Against Ammunition Ship Which is Speed ing for Tampico. Anna)Milis, June 5. An important message from the A. B. ('. mediator vas received by Mr. Wlison on li. presidential yacht, while en route here to attend the graduating exer cises. It is believed the message pro tested against the ammunition ship which is speeding toward Tainpico foi the constitutionalists. The im portance of the message was indicat ed by the interception 'tif the yacht. "Srevice to humanity." instead of a desire to tight at tlie drop of the hat, summarized 1'iesident Wilson's speech to grailiiiiles. He said our men used some force at era Cruz, 1 ended his speech with, "1 iirav (!od thev will not have to use anv inon Magnetic Master of Assemblies Will Deliver a Prohibition Address at the Court House This Evening. Dr. Sam Small will sn-ak at the court house this evvning at !S o 'clock. Dr. Small will speak under the aus pices of the Anti-SaliMin League ol North Carolina. The famous Southern cwuiirclisl. editor, and lecturer, called "A l'rinre ot the l'latform," has given the full est satisfaction wherever he has lec tured, in courses or at Cliaiitaii.iius. Committees invarinblv reiMirl th'it bp made good " in every iarticular. Dr. Small is a man of exceptional attainments. He was bom in knox- ville, Tennessee, in the city founded by bis family forbears; graduated with high honors from Kmory and Henry College 111 Virginia, and after admission to the liar in Tennessee be came private secretary to ex-l'resident Andrew Johnson and followed that statesman's political fortunes to the I'nited States Senate. He holds the literary degrees of A. B. and A. M. from his Alma Mater; l'h. D. from Taylor I niversity, and D. D. from the Ohio Northern I niversity. He is a trained journalist, many years editor of leading Southern newspa pers, principally with the noted "At lanta Constitution." lie is the author of several books. By iipointinenl f ISPECIAL OFFER MEANS EXTRA EFFORT V0TE8 OBTAINED DURING THIS PERIOD WILL TELL LARGELY ON FINAL COUNT. Every Contestant is Entitled to as Many of the Extra Ballots As They Caa Get, And On Their Effort This Week Will Depend Their Success is The End. North Carolina Board of Agriculture Appropriates $15,000 For This Pur pose. $50,000 Will Be Needed. Paleigh, June 5, As a result of an appeal from Governor Craig today to the State board or agriculture the Loard voted to appropriate fifteen thousand d"ars toward the ntty thousand expense for the installation of the North Carolina exhibits with a building at the Panama Pacific Kx sition. Mr. Cline to Assist in Lutheran Work in Charlotte. - Clmrlotle News. Mr. W. P. Cline, Jr., of Columbia Lutheran Seminary has been engaged k st . Mark Lutheran Church and flu? Home Mission Board of the Unit d Svnod to assist Rev. Dr. R. I. Patterson during the summer in the oat.hliahment of the East Charlotte Lutheran Mission. .The first work of Mr feline will be the taking of a "Relie-iouB Census" of East Char lotte and vicinity. Mr. Cline will have hii hnm with Dr. Patterson at the Lutheran parsonage. He will hold his first service next. Sunday evening at the Mission Hall on Central avenue and Peean street. Death of Mr. G. R. Austin. Mr. G. R. Austin, son of the late Brvant Austin, of I'nioii county, died Sunday night, June. 1, at 1 o'clock, after a brief illness. Mr. Austin was n resident of I'nion county until about ten years ago,"vhen he moved to tins county, in No. 10 township, where lie ived wieh his son, Mr. M. 11. Austin until his death. He was a Conledernte soldier and served, throughout the Civil War. He was HO years old and hud been a member ot the lSuptis. Church for 58 years. He is survived by his wife, two sons and five granit- bildren. The funeral services were held al TliiwpU'a Church Monday afternoon at 4 o'clock. A r It I KM Stanly Sheriff Active Albemarle. June 4. It looks ver much like tlie whisky inamitacttirin I to meet the needs of the progress industry will be crippled in this conn I' times. tv it Sheriff Forrest and his deputie We indorse the administration of are not cheeked in itbeir crusode Woodrow Wilson and the broad against that branch of Stanly s in statesmanship, high ideals, earnest- dustry. tjnly tins morning ueputy mss and application with which be Will I. Little brought into Albemarle is udiuinislerini: his high office. The a brand new still with full and com- Deiiiocralic nnrlv under brave and plete equipments. It was taken about wise leadership has merited the con- 8 o'clock this morning just as the lidence and support of the American suposed owners were fixing to re iieonle. It has restored the govern- move it to a more remote section. inent to the people and wrested the It was in the smoke house of one Kd government from the" hands of the Dry of western Stanly, whose name favored classes under which the Re- does not seem to correspond witli Ins publicans had placed it. The tariff doctrines and practices. The officers Iiiih been revised downward and the stale that it has been running full power to tax the people wrested from blast in the smoke house, but hearing the favored few. It has (test roved tnat tne otneers were coming me own the monopoly of credit and enacted er had torn down the furnace pre- ,1 Unnkin.r svstpm which will insure paratory to moving. It seems that equal banking facilities for nil the Dry. was not to be found and one Ed neoii e without resrard to section or iowucr wuo is mougui 10 u u 11 . j-i, it l : 1. , isu ine sun is uiso non est 111 v emus v,. ,.i.e..iiillv commend the iust this morning. A couple or uarrels 01 and patriotic foreign policy of the beer was also taken into "custody 'resident ot tne rnuea oiaies iu '-6. i.j;,i,r until tiflior nnltona. nnr conn- ,,.,-w n, o-nidance of Presi- xnomas' menus uiaim ne Dnouia To Resume Fir Insurance Xnvestiga tion. Raleigh, June 5. The legislative! . Ilia jtntiic! .t commission 10 invcoiis " v-"v--of fire insurance companies is to re sume its sessions pf investigation June the 15th here. Man Who Stole Hon LUe Sentenced Florence, Italy, June 5. Vincenao Perngio, who stole the portrait Moni Lis from Louvre, was foday senten ced to prison or one year and fif teen dsvs. fisra Storm in Ohio. rieveland. June 5.. Four dead, ' n..n iniurad and heavy damage to ' rros and wire service is demoralised, a the result or a most severe imnn in northern Ohio, the worst in years. . . o- - To Barel L W. W. F0rke7: ? Tarrytownj June 5.--Additional irmed oniards have been placed on " duty to repel the I. W. W. workers. Stone-McGee. Cards reading as follows have been received here: Mrs. William Patterson Met lee requests the honor of your presence at the marriage ot tier dimguiei Billie to Mr. George Allen Stone on the morning of Wednesday June the seventeenth at nine-thirty o'clock Trinity Methodist Church Charlotte, North Carolina. try, Can havi re than one of the ,"(I,(HMI extra vote ballots f Will any subscriptions sent 111 lor ine count on Ibis offer 1 and so on, are the ques tions that are being asked at The Tinics-Tribiuie office these days. Yes, as was announced at the be ginning of this offer, each contestant is entitled to as muny of these extra ballots as they can secure, and the number that they have at the end of the offer will depeud entirely 011 the amount of effort put forth. A for any subscriptions thut may be sent in for a contestant, they will count on this offer the same as any others. Each subscription that is brought in by a contestant or one of their friends is carefully recorded and as soon as anyone has enough for one set they will be credited with the extra votes. Imk. la.ui.v.i.i. 1111 1., yJ4 fj" j-t&n r V 7;. -. DR. SAM SMALL. paigu is not evident to all of the con testants. Now the Held is scarcely touched and subscriptions are very lasy to get. A little extra effort on the part of a contestant these next few days will not only mean thous ands of votes by the regular vote scale but also thousands of votes on this ex trs offer. No matter how much you may work later, no matter how many friends you may have helping you, you will find that there is no time like this offer to get the votes, and that later even though you do more work, your vote total will not rise nearly so fast. So if you are in this race and are in it to get everything that yon pos sibly can, plit forth an extra effort this week. Write, phone and cail on all of the people that you think you can get a subscription from. F.XIltnill thi nnVr In tlipm ami toll Nearly every contestant in the race It hem just how much more their sub as made some enmiiries concerning urinim,i ;ii ...o 1.. , ti , , , , . 'I'""" " ... IV j .... vuau later. See them at once so as to give this offer and all have signified their intention of getting busy at once and getting in their subscirplions. (let every subscription that you xssibly can this week while it will count the most, and see nil of your friends and enlist them in your support while tlie time is right and while their help will mean 111' most to von. them plenty of time to give you their subscription before this offer is over. And, remember, this offer will posi tively close on Saturday, June 13th. It will not be extended a minute nor will it be repeated at any time during the campaign. So if vou are in the 1 race and are alive to this opportunity, The importance of this offer on thejyou will turn in a good many sets final count of the votes in the cam-1 before this offer is over. LAST FIGHT FOR FREEDOM OF FRANK NEW PLAN OF HEALTH WORK President Hayes lie served as a secre tary of the American Commission in Pans in I8i.S, and as a delegate Iroiu this count rv to the International Lit erary Congress of-thai year, lie has served in innnv notable national con ventions of political, commercial, and rifnrmalorv character. While in In.- I'nited States army iu Cuba iu 1S!M he was military supervisor of Public Instruction, engaging in the reorgan ization of 1 he public schools ol the island. In 1H85 Mr. Small, then a promin ent editor and public ollicial, was con verted through the preaching of Rev. Sam Jones, the great Georgia evange list, and joined with him in holding Is Being Made Today in Atlanta Be fore Judge Hill. Atlanta, June 5. Backed into the lal ililcli, tue defenders of Leo M. Frank opened their final argument hu fore Judge Ben Hill of the Superior court, in the library of the capitol I liis morning at ten o'clock. It is the last light that can be made in the Superior court and from tho v ay it has opened will probably oe the must desperate. The defense it this motion is not presenting for consideration any question of wheth er Frank is guilty or innocent. They are asking that the verdict be set aside on a pure legal technically the allegation that Frank's trial attor neys had 110 constitutional right to waive his presence in the courtroom when the verdict was rendered. This is the point of law which John V. 'I've, the eminent constitutional attorney, was brought into the case to press. This is the point on which the case will get to the United States Supreme court, it it gets there at all. Apparently it is the only thing that now stands between Frank and evangelistic services 111 in me ."- ,,. ,,allowg Jt ill not be denied er cities ot the I nite.i Males and ., . . ,.,.,, fn Fr.nk W9:..i attorney the right of the defendant to be in court, but it will be contended that such waiver was illegal and Jiot bind ing in fact that not even Frank him- Not Known Who Broki Into Bucking ham Palace Court, j 5. Suffracette olll eers of the women's social and polit ical union professed ignorance as to the identity bf the militant who Inst night broke into the court of Buck ingham palace. The Devil in Robes Tonight In nnen-air discussion of Cathrli-'- ism. Monnnnism, Kiisseiism mm .l J.wtr ines of rcllL'ton, UV I. r1- aiov 1 Krnrer. bov lecfiireV. on corner ot Buffalo and "Kerr streets. Any, priest, Mormon elder or Russelite desiring a tntwt disenaaion invited. -"' jw , - dent Wilson's great intelligence and Have Been Chosen. sincere love of justice, has acknowl- Newbern, June 4. Friends of dged no standard of conduct beneath Charles R. Thomas claim that the that demanded by Christian nations. Uominattion for Congressman of this "We heartily indorse the record district riehtfullv belongs to him. ol achievement and leadership in the What if the process of elimination of national Congress or our unuea une preferential primary had been States Senators ana Kepreseuiaiives, earned he would nave been tne candi. and lake pride in the opportunity date. that came to our State to furnish fr. Thomas is in Raleigh today their wise and seasoned leadership! and a number of influential citizens in the successful working out of the have sent him messages assuring him great problems of a nation's Demo- that they will stand by him in any c-nilic administration'. move that he cares to make and will We endorse the administration of assist him in getting a square deal Gov. Locke Craig and the other Stat.j if there is any possible way of doing officials, and especially commend the I this. successiul enons 01 ine general as sembly, the governor and the cor- -piie Choral Club invites you to the point ion commission tor too reaajusi- n,ourt house lawn tonight. ment ot intrastate ireigni rates anu express the confidence that their zeal Canada. Those were the most tarn- ous and successful religious meetings ever held in this or any other conn trv. Dr. Small has led campaigns re " , ,. ,, .1 1 '"pi 111 t-n V suiting in the closing or mine V,B, Uelf could have waived it 10,000 drink shops, aim is recogiu.eo m all quarters ot tne nation as one gtmhip Ashore On a Reef. ni t in Tovemosi anosiies 01 io tion. Dr. Small is an acknowledged ma Hookworm Dispensaries Give Way to Community Health Work. Chance to Have Yours a Model Community. The State Board of Health has changed its plan of lighting Hook worm disease. Instead of selecting 11 county and spending a short time there the dispensary method the board now selects a community and sends a member of the force there to stay until every case of hookworm is treated aud cured. In addition to that sanitary precautions are install ed in every home in the community which will prevent hookworm disease, typhoid fever and all other diseases due to said pollution. One community, Knotts' Island in Currituck county has had already the benefit of such inextensive work. Three communities, Salemburg in Sampson county, Castle Haynes and Wrightsboro in New Hanover county and I'liiladelphus in Robeson coun ty, are being worked along this plan at the present time. Any community in any county in the State may have such work done and the Board of Health invitee in terested individuals or officials to communicate with the office in Raleigh for further information. New Ixindon, June 5. Ashore on Bartlett's reef, on Lohg Island c t r L-i l;.- r. , ,,. ,....-1, Ho ul oounu. a aiaine meamsuip (.ouioauy s tcr of centime plattorm worn, lie is j . , i 1 , 1:1. i...i..,i I vessel, Northland, loaded her 7o pas- . - l .1 1 I.. , 1.1. .tn.rml one 01 1 ue ciuns i ........ ww...,.. ,...i,: ,.. f pt .. 1 i 1 ...:..;.. tl. . Ta . iacui:ci oil a wuruimis; m v mose liimenieu ion, . , . .. . . . , n,BW. Sam Jones. Copeland and De- K'1 "r ' -- ... 1,. 1 u...i; f,i tor Jvew loru mone. lie iihs no . ...."r 1 . . t: i.;ii;.,.,t l..v nf citcment Ol lnioi nun ion, a ..Mil...... 1'1 . Of There was little ex- . ... 1 Imagery, an lnexiiausiime mini humor, wit and .playful sarcasm. To "Muzzle" New Haven Officials. Washington, June 5. The inter state commerce commission has order ed the "muzzling" of all officials con nected with the New Haven system, which is under investigation. Wilson at Annapolis Exercises. Annapolis, Md., June 5. Marking the close of the official functions of "June Week" at the Naval Academy President Wilson today presented the diplomas to the members of the grad uating class. The academy grounds were crowded and all the available space in the chapel for visitors was filled during the exercises. Secretary of the Navy Daniels and several oth ers delivered brief addresses, ine graduates will immediately be com missioned as ensigns and after a month's leave of absence will report for duty aboard the Bhips to which they have been assigned. in this cause will be productive of North Carolina points of the discrim- further fruitful results until discnm- ination in rreighi tnrins in iavor 01 inations will be entirely removed, andlother points in other States and we nledire. a continuation of our ef- urge that the struggle so wen negun fnrta tn remove all such diacrimina- shall be pressed until there shall not tiongi remain a shadow of suspicion that "We rejoice in the progress our the people or tins mate moor unaer e.... .- i.: th. f oHn. anv aisaavanioge so iur an lue uuui- suaie is iu.i.oj " 1 - - ,, In. cation of all the children nnder vem- nun ,; ocratio rule and'we pledge to the peo- terstate and intrastate. nlo nt th Stat t he continued support "e likewise ass. mai ine presein i' !. .. ,.., .... i;i a u! innniba' scluiof invoatiirntion of insurance rates be 111 1110 J M.'n" m " ' ........ - - - r- ..... .. i: V.lftl r ....... I. ... V'..ut. J A- - ... M WF.ll M. evcrv ilistrict inroiignoiii iwi;i presseu 10 a uiuiiumi .. Carolina shall be realized and that .move all questions as to discrimina tion adverse to our people. "We brinsr before our party the special demand and the needs of the i I i m '' Place your , money . m thu itroog bank bere it will be safe t all timet. We will appreciate your busi ness ud you will find the pro tection and serrice ' wticb we wD cite you we'J wcrth wi2e, : : , ' ' - ' " I ( i ! i i Mr. D. H. LeGrand, of Wadesboro, is a Concord visitor today. Stanly County News. Albemarle Enterprise. .1. Alonzo Little and T. M. Hart- sell hroucht Miss Lizzie Pond to Al bemarle Tuesday. She is demented. Mrs. rannie iiearnc uns icum . to China Grove to spend some time " , with the family ot W. J. bwinK. irs. Swink came (I ivvn for her. While out (Living at Baden Mon day afternoon, Mrs. Thomas Harris and Miss Vera iilp were thrown irom the buggy when the horse became frightened. Both were injured. Mr.. Harris' iniuries were thought st first to be fatal, but later reports say she will recover. Her hip was haaty bruised and the bone was shivered. Miss'Culp was also bruised but Her condition is not serious. the resources of the State will be us used under Democratic rule to pro mote this end just as rapidly as econ- .... . . .1 S L - 11.:. omie conditions win permit anq iu una end we urge co-operation of State and county-lor the establishment 01 six months' school terms. We indorse She legalized State wide nrimariea for national. State and judicial offices and pledge the party to the endorsement 01 sucn a law as will make this principle apply to all political partiea. We recommend that our penal system be revised- in the light of the . . 1T & most modern metnoas. ve congrat ulate all concerned npon the advances made by our governor and the gen eral assembly and especially upon the cDoehmaklng Tietory recently won hnfor the Interstate Commerce com mission in the mattef of relieving farmers of North Carolina, in the conviction that all that serves them serves all the people. We reeommend that the State follow up its mcreas irirlv naeful work of inspection, ed- . . .. -.. - :.v. :j 4 ucation, ana insirucuous wua vu a system of rural credits designed to anahla the nroducers of the wealth from which the eiaie araws ivs iue to manage their eni;erprisea a tne lnweit nossible rate of interest and " . . 1 . .1 1. L to 'market their product to tne oesi ilvantire. We urges our represent atives in Congress to uphold tne rres- ident in bis plana to aid our farmers ., m . I j:t TV in tha matter 01 runu orvuita. c reeommend the encouragement of studies in practical agriculture in our freee schools. Roosevelt May Head "Bull Moose Ticket in New York. New York, June 5. Roosevelt for Governor of New York State on a traiirht. Ruli Moose clean-up ticket, o . . , .0 il..l ia tha nroeramme or irienas 01 iue Colonel, who have started working on it, and unless tne toionei iinuj refuses to make the race a certainty they will send out petitions. Westinfhouse. Employes Threaten to , Btnn. . Plttabureh. Pa.. June 5. The TYest inghouse plants, which employ more than sixteen thousand men, are threat ened with a strike. The first shift has nuit and it is thought that otnera wiu refuse to worK unless me compuj meet demand. ; t TRADE IN 0ON0OED. Chistmas Savings Club The Concord National Bank Offers Eay Plan to Provide Money for Christinas Everybody needs money for Christmas. Many people have trouble in providing a sufficient amount to buy all the present needed when the time comes. The CONCORD NATIONAL BANK of this city, offers an easy plan to meet such a contingency. On June 15th it will start a Christmas Savings Club. Members will pay in a small amount each week for weens ana at tne ena 01 , that time will receive checks for the total amohnt they have naid in plus an additional per eent interest. The plan u p pie and systematic, mere win oe oiueraii ciootc. vi. For instance, one class will start in by paying 5 cent the first week, 10 cents the second week, 15 cent the third week, and o on for 25 weeks, the last week's payment amounting to S1.25. Members in this class will receive check two week bef oreChriat-. ; mas for 116.25, with interest; or they may reverse the order ot paymente by paying $125 the first week and paying 5 eent let each succeeding week, which brings the last week payment down to 5 cents. Paymente must be made promptly every week or in , advance for as many week as may be convenient. : " ' ' " ." It will not only prove beneficial to grown people, but wll prove . very popular with young people. It is very simple and the o tails are easily understood when explained. Everybody -1 wel i eome to ioln and THE OONOOBD NATIONAL BANK iU ; be ft pleased to have those interested call and learn all about it. V . iA Vua-.. Into Jnns loth. 1914, . 5 m, iiivn unuui UV VVUVHIf WOUIWIV " --- ' - sUewxx . - . 4

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