tt VOL XIV. J. B. SHKRRILLs Editor and Publisher TEX KOCX WOODTa. I Slat Library PHiTA OI STFP The Tea&ftr Seta Crowning Social . v:. noi nun Trufiurti uu mi him uui CONCORD, N. C, SATURDAY, JUNE 13, 1914 news forecast ro the ooxnro week IT TES MIDDLE WEEK. Washington, D. C. Ju. 13. Th. 7:50 O'clock, . pone.n, ueeaoeratie and Socialist Tb. younger aet's mock weddint " M'inf L w PW i was celebrated last evening iti .er"1 1tlM7. ony th. oom- Or KEXT Pat oel.t. Tb, assemblage mC .i .f ' ' eon- itber arrived in brilliant Win. "I . UUV oaJC uov- appel. tb. settings w.r, .U Th7t reZ L"Sl V ' the W eould b. dri Cm th. .(.-;..lreprwit, Congress will bo U Belief Out Tr Niagara'-'. .d .UbonUn for I Minnesota wTbold. . I" .Tr : " Teoi TnJ 'or tha nomination raOLXaw Provisional . Gorern Bent Will Be Backed By United States and Booth America, The Task ef Restoring Order Will Be on. 01 marked interest. .. . I of eandidt f a.... : 7. . " ooum urai is a candidate for renominstion Lnwn street, tbs ceremony taking-Ion tbs Republiesn ticket an is ot Place on tha noich. which w.. nn. I oaaA hv w;n;. r - r r ,- - - ' . - - t, oi uong rra- Bagu By Administration at Once. aeeorated. Just before e. Congressman Winfield 8. Hsm. . line appointed hour Mia. V.nnL I almond and TUniol w r -i r CMrMU sang, "I Love Yo Truly?' Paul are tb. opting f iKuauTs terms. jui Hen cam i upuy at iuw nua Helen Troyl1"' emoeraue nomination for gov- Are Tired ef Constant 8trife. ,. " 1 e weaain n,ren aa ! ' , o . l roKTfuve, rtobib,. "WIH MU&V BUUUIO. vM UU UVT1UUL HmH BIVA b First came tb. minintm-. Jn H. 'ted Stat, tickets which will k. thorne. Then came the ribbon rirU,lBm'1 "out opposition.- Ther. are isaueiie uooason ana latberinsIT: . " ""srws m neany every csns, closely followed by the u":, . . bridesmaida and groomsmen, Miss - 5PBbl"1 the State of Wash narMTwt Ka mwxA -1 ,msvh will iiuia m ennvntinn m Vi UMIWi 1IUU I B-... wvh au 4VMO VWUBUD U SI w wiU be backed by the United States! Miss Frances Bidenboor and Grav ieom 1S to adopt a plat and South America, will be selected; Bost. Tha maid of honor. Miu TT1mi I ,orm and make other arrangements almost immediately, is believed eer- Marsh then entered, foUowed by the t , eonunK ampaign. Another tain nere. The substantial progress newer girls,. Miasm Msry Branson C u T7 01 .e weK wlU which has already been made at Nia- Coltrsne and Miriam Morris. Then il."JPe88,veJR,rty.of entered, the groom, S. J. Lowep-Jr., au ueai man, uonevcutt. Thev P.U-. ir:i:' L . . . were et by th. bride, Mis. Christ go rfJlev FoZ P. TrS.. tered with Miss Msrr Binirham. vhJt),. .tj.i l , . , . I,J SjJZZVl&S1. . W.Bhingto-i ii .1 ' liur o inaepenaence or the American " "e wjwbj lufji uniiai I cuionies." " party and friends gathered in -the The oflii-ial 'invoii.i.W dining room, where the wedding cake Empress of Ireland disaster is to be w en. ana reiresnmenis served. wgun in Montreal Tuesday, with Th. bride and STOOm. accnmnania.1 1 Lord Mprssv i olmirman nf u. . ' 7 f I - wl VlIC tU II oyari. weaning attendants, went toiaiee ot inquiry. txannapous on a weding tour, ;th. A- notable wedding of the week party making the trip in automobiles. be that of Miss Madeleine Edi 11 t ''!.' son, daughter of the famous invantnr Jehn Koon Drops Bead While Knra- jd Mrs. Thomas A. Edison, and ing Child.- (John Eyre Sloan, which is to take oaiisoury fost. place Wednesday at the Edison home That was sad death which oc- near Orange, N. J. curred en East Fisher street last ev- Colonel Roosevelt, who is on his Hope ef War Given Up By Officials, T Wke Are Preparing to Return - HcV:j:y - :;.:,; . Washington, June 13. That a new provisional President of Mexico, who are Falls, baa encouraged the belief mat by the middle of next week will be out and the task of restoring or- oer win De begun. . , . . r - The administration is absolutely .confident that Gen. Carranza- will . spree to the tentative plan, backed by ..t this government, and - fighting . will eas as soon as Gen. Huerta turns over his presidential authority. - It ie claimed that all Mexicans, even of the Villa type, are tired of eon- v slant strife. The arm? and navv of i- fieials have given up hope of war and v are prepared to return home. DEATH OP W. N. OAEABOUT. , Toung Bailroad Man Died at HospiUl Tkia - Morning Following Heat Stroke, i. ,t - ' " " W. K. Oarabout. the vountr fireman '. who became exhausted on account of . the excessive beat while on bis run Tuesday and was taken from his en- v gin. at th. depot here and carried to a tb Concord Hospital for treatment, . , -tiled there this morning at 4 o clock lie never rallied after entering the J hospital and the heat stroke, eompli ' cated with illness of a serious nature, r caused his death. "' , i , The young man was unmarried and is survived by his mother who lives ' , in Texas..' He was a member of sev- . , era! order of railroad men. He made ' his headquarters in Greenville, S. C. , Th. body waa taken to Bell & Har - ris undertaking establishment and prepared for burial. - Local railroad "nsen have charge of the funeral ar- rangements, which will be decided up i on as soon as instructions are receiv 1 ; J from the young man's relatives. -,i '"t -V Our Driest Bute. .' Charlotte Observer. West Virginia will be just as dry as tbey make them after July 1, She " is the only Southern State, we believe, J that Has written prohibition into her 'Constitution. And the statutes to ... render effective this provision of or -' ganie law are like unto it. ; Manufae- lure and sale of intoxicating liquors by anybody (not excepting druggists) to anybody for any purpose are ab solutely forbidden.-; It is unlawful to advertise intoxicants in newspapers. , . on billboards or by handbills. ' There i i is a State Superintendent provided ti , anpervise the strict enforcement of t the law. West Virginia would seem iv to have gone the absolute limit; in view of th. problems created by her ' large and turgulent mining popula lion it is rather to be wondered that she had not done something of the sort before. . , No steps have been -. taken so far against the shipment of package wet goods into tbe State,, but - probably this happens only because - the legislation antedated the enaet ; ' ment by Congress of the Webb anti ' ,. shipment law. Then, doubtless, ship- , ment into the State will at least be v: regulated. West Virginia has put her "vhand to the plow. - cninsr about 8 o'clock when I way from Madrid, is to deliver an John Koou fell over' and expired sud-d,,r88 Tnesday before the Royal denly, heart, failure being the call8e0eofrPnic", Sety, London. Other or nis sudden taking off. ,This hns-ren vue weea aoroad wui be the band and .father was eninvimr tk presidential election in Santo Domin- quiet of his home after a bard dav'n 8 aa international conference on the work ..through intense beat and was ,1-PP,eon?ef optam traffic,, which engaged in rock Ihg; his buby, 6iIhat TboHague, and an In- norn wuen tne summons came. Ilel 'v u en;are .. wmcu . wui tell over and was nnconscioua from "V -inrwuana w decide the st the first.: Mr. Koon wss about an tll"ot -Spitsbergen. years old and leaves a wife nH v. Among tne conventions of the era! children. He was s son of Mr e ?." b.e the general conventioa George H. Koon, who died at hei l U,e "T Baptists, in Boston; home near St. Paul's Lutheran church T-,?1" 1 ? "atl0"aI oci.ety in the county this week, and was a r m" b" ?u it ,ne ut.lon' splendid young man. He was em- d: T 1)0 ' the Upper Mississippi ployed a a car inspector for South- M,e'-iIv-emet48soclflt,?' ern and wU . faithful workman. He ZZ aZ'.Z a 5 ,n? at,onal Whole was a native of Rowan, being born S.Z Ao88::atKm' Ur in St. Paul's section. The remains TZ' .sutheni Wholesale were taken to St. Paul's ChurcMWs TlIf,1on .a. afternoon where at 3 o'clock the f! LC' nd the t!,e"n,al mie.t,ni? of eral w. k0M k r- nr. .u,:"u. ""V ?l aern woodmen " "V.r r" ot America, at Toledo. the pastor, and the interment was in I h .i,ii-W . , ,. I v uuiuicuveuieui exercises will De the church cemetery. A father, num-li.oi.i j,.; u. j i rr t lett to mourn the sudden taking off L R-n nk.' suJ TT:..-t cf an humble but good m.ri. riversityof Tmnoisd many oTheV V T. c. . - -eBJng colleges and universities in all - w 4ui- partg f tne contry STK n"n?L I Q0Ternmnt lueome Is Over Expenses ' t V r a 10 v , ; 130,000,000, ictuiu iu jiiai-Ksioiie ana resume nisi w.ksi t m r. i i. x. . ". I Washington, June 12.-Estimatea fci. SaSeTS-'SttXr Adoo indicated male Institute. : Tni. ... M5.i- " lne. wrernment income for the made known following a meeting of - ye" ending JT 30 wU1 exceeJ tbe board of trustee, of tCtnZrtl ZVX?W'T' a few weeks ago. He will not take "bout $10,000,000 less than active ebarge untU the session opens 1 " " 'f "Jf. ntum? .w x in September, foUowing the election T?"1! hT. ?u k b,ow 1oriKinal " for state-wide i prohibition,' which tlma-teg' thf'jl0S8nhou8e8 V comes off about the time the next '? ; at MO.OOO more than session will open. He is miraeed in Pr'ted, Whatever surplus there managing that campaign and cannot 18 wlU ?e b80rbd by Panama Canal give up those duties until after the Wite aa it last jye.;;v lection. The Rev. T. R. Reeves, who L Secretary JleAdoo estimated that has been the principal for the'nest thw year ordlIiary receipts would foni. . iii u aggregate $733,000,000 and the total try, which he gave up at the time he IZ101: 'Dnrwm'-? f Winter Murder Mystery May Never i '. B' SolTed. ;? -; ,., Baltimore, Md., June 13. The prob ability that the Winter murder mys tery will never be solved increases. The police admitted that thev are was made principal of the school-. ... . ------ M--W-M----M--kMH---. '''' ' ' ' "' ' Coi BooMTalt in England. ; 1 London, June 13.- Colonel Roose velt has arrived for a short stay in England during which time he deelsr. ed he will offer advice to the Govern ment. Ue lectures Tuesday at the Royal Geographical Society. Crisis in Mexican Situation WU Be ; . : ' Reached Uoaday. . .. v Baltimore,' (Aboard ; : President 'a train.)- "n(Armlnim -.;u;. i. tu. baffled. Tlie police thinks it' waa sui- Meviran ' . ;u k- l. ., but her brother scoffs at the: Monday or Tuesday ia the opinion resident Wilson.;:: - v idea, m I!5Tis:li ij':..if:rlie wcrk tlrtjrnbvj -s b lis 6ji tbt tie r to - C, :i a l:-'; r:c: (" "i i I. . , . :! tr J M 1 1 Total receipts for 'the last' fiscal year were $725,782,921, with ordinary disbursements .of $683,699,692, , "The personal income tax assess ments to date are $30,750,000, which ia $3,250,000 less than the estimate," said Mr. McAdoo tonight. "The to tal assessment on corporations and in dividuals Will be at least $75,000,000. "The department is convinced that many liable to the income tax have failed to make returns and r many have made inaccurate returns. ' Ac tive steps will be taken to discover all evasions of the law and a large additional amount nndoubtedly will be collected from these delinquents." Tonng Man Kills Pint Horse. ; Mooresville Enterprise. - - . Elmer Miller, a young white man who was in the employ of Dr. Greoge Brown, of Mt. Ulla, working aa a farm band, displayed a very unruly temper on last Friday. He was en gaged in plowing a. certain flold, and was working a fine horse such as Dr Brown (s reputed to own. The animal did not work to suit Miller, and in order to emphasise his meaningness in the matter struck the horse on. the head with a single-tree, knocking in the skull, killing the animal instantly. The horse wss valued at $200. Mil Yr left the premises at once and had lot bwn, sen or heard of since. He a f -".'v. A wsrrsnt has hcon is 1 f .r !.'" t. $1,500 nr pBXMxrjTKs TOB STATE nBEMXX Aa Attractive Program For Annual Convention and Tournament of Laddies. Invitation are J being sent out throughout th. State to the twentr- seventh annual convention and inter state tournament of the North Caro lina State Firemen v -Association to be held in Winston-Salem, Tuosdsv. canes-jay, jmirsdey. and Friday, A.ugusi iia-im. -Tnere is a total of $1,500 in pru. money and tbe con tests will be exciting. the following program has been arranged : i , Tuesday. August 1th. 11:30 a. m. Contention called to order by the president; prayer, open ing ceremonies, address ot welcome, responses, regular order a: - i 2:30 p. m, Businss session. 4:30 p. m. Leagu-t baseball. 8:30 p. m. Biieiness session. Wednesday, August 5th. 9:30 a. m. Firemen parade. 2:00 p. ni. State host' wasron con test. . J 4:30 p. m. League baseball. Thursday, August 6th, 10:00 a. m. State bnml reel eon- test. 1 11:00 a. m. -State grnb reel con test, vt. 1:30 p. in. Barbecue lunch Pied mont Park. J ? 3:30 p. m.Gnn jplul) shoot. 4:30 p. ra. League baseball. Friday, August 7th. 10:00 a. m. Interstate hand reel contest. ,; 11:00 a. m. Interstate grab reel it contest. - v j 2:00 p. m; Interstate liorse hns wagon contest. h 4:30 p. m. League baseball. Race course 2 per rent, down grade. Hydrant left hand side of course. Water pressure about ,r0 pound.-). Height of hydrant 20 inches. NO. 246 iO Cents MonthI Ceata a Copy. uMFO.1 ONLY FOUR WEEKS MORE OF CONTEST IltAlCO DMlfD SHOCKED BY LIGHTNING. Bob Goodman, a Convict on the Gang, Was Severely Shocked Yesterday Afternoon During ; an Electrical Storm. During the sever-? electrical storm that visited this section yosterduy af ternoon Robert Ootmman, n convict on the chain gang was, severely stunn ed by lightning. Goodman was driv ing a wagon on I lie Salisbury roaJ, where the gang is working, when lightning struck a small oak tree! by the side of the road. Goodman was knocked off tbe wagon. He was picked up in an unconscious condi tion. A physician was summoned and fter receiving medical attention Goodman revived from the shock. A report from the chain gang this morn ing states that he has about recovered from the effects of the shock. AKD CONSIDERATION OP MEN TO CONDUCT IT. Not Believed There Will Be Any De lay in Continuation of Negotiations Pending Arrival of Constitutional, ista. Seems Assured General Car ransa Will Approve PUn. Poasi bility of Meeting Huerta Repre sentatives IS " " Niagara Falls. June 13. n. of the big points th. general agree ment for the establishment of pro- 'wiuuai government lo succeed Hner ta's is definitely drawn nn. U i. believed there will be any delay in the continuation of tbe negotiations pending the arrival of the constitu tionalists. The first nkn. " Linieo states wu recognize the provisional government seems as sured, uen. Carransa will approve -ho pjinis mat wij be discussed in future event before bein ni I... !.: . . " ----t"v- ... mis government, ihe next import urn stepts to cover is the form of provisional government and the con sideration of the men who will be cnosen to conduct the governmental affaire, pending the general election. Although the mediators have rec ognized the desirability of bavins a representative ot Gen. Carranza here, it is not considered on what terms ne might enter, because thev are not sure he would come. The Huertasts representatives are now discussing the I'ossioiniy ol meetim? them aa '' REMAINING TIME WILL BE PERIOD OP STEADY WORK rO WINNERS. K. Matter How Many Vote. On. May Hav. Securrf by Special Offer ' There Is No Tim. to Rest-Consistent Action Alon. Will Win Prixea.' m nu irom tonight at n nni o'clock The Times-Tribune t'ircula- Grocers Take Goods Off of the Side walk. ,; Greensboro News. A recent improvement in the civic and sanitary conditions of: the city which adds much to the appearance oi tne sidewalks and tbe general looks of the city is the action taken by the grocers of the city in keeping the pro ducts of the store off the sidewalks, where the dust of the street and the germs deposited by flies and in other ways makes the vegetables, fruits, etc., untlt tor use. . : This improvement was . indirectlv brought about when at a recent joint meeting of the Woman's club and the city board of commissioners a discus sion was held in which a number of people, both members of the Woman's club "was held in which a number of people, both members om the Worn- an's club and of tho city commission crs, made talks in which they told of tne various ways in which -disease is spread by the showing of the products on tne rronts or the stores. ; ;. The grocers were especially ureed to attend this meeting,.- though onlv a few responded to the request they nave as a wnoie evidenced -much co operation with those working for the betterment of civic conditions o( tbe City.,..;.;,-' ,:.:,. - V: ;.;: ;.v,' ,;., As a result of the keening of the vegetables on tne inside .: the show windows of the grocery stores hive been enlarged and fixed so as to make sn attract! ?e appearance. Several of the merchants continue . to , exhibit thoir goods on the sidewalks, but ther ire nearly placed in glass show eases vbicli shield the goods from the dust t the street and the germs earned by flies, Pythlana Elect Officers. At a meeting of Ihe Concord lodiro Knights of Pythias last night the an nual election was held. The following were elected: Chancellor eommandor. R. A Browcr. Vice chancellor commander. John Weddington. v Prelate, F. C Nibloek. " . Master of work, Wi H, Heglar. . Master at arms, W. M. Basbee. Inner guard, D. B. Morrison.. -Outer guard; J. A. Peck. w ' Pitcher Hoff, the New York Yan kees' discahr, is doing sweet flinging for John Ganzel's Rochester Hust lers. ;, i. - ,, . LIGHT BOARD DECIDES TO HAVE WHITE WAY Motion Adopted for the City to Hare improved system of Lighting Bus iness Section. Details Now Being vvorxea vni, at ine meeting ot the water and li.tltf L-.J 1 . . ' . I , .,uiu uii nignt a motion was passed to the effect that the city install an improved system of light- iik iu vne onsmess section: of Union street. ' - - - This means that Concord will l n white way. All that remains for the. uoard to adopt now is Hip kind wmte way that will be installed and working out the delnils S.nH,, me action last night Mayor Hart sell said: "We are going to have a white way. The matter that we are to cmt. sider now is just what kind of sva tern we will install. All of the details win tie worked out in a few weeks and we will be ready to do this work at tne same time the street work is derway. ' ' : y- ... . wu vampaign will be over. After that subscriptions will count vou nothing snd your opportunity for win ning s prize will be over. Jnt f..r short weeks snd you will know lime your efforts in this race have bee-i rewarded. out unless you make these are well in the race. But beeauss uiey usve done well during this of fer, it is no reason why anyone should think that they can afford to rest for a few days or to cease in their work the least bit. The com ing week is just as important to you s the last one and if you are in tho race to win you must work just aa ard and make it ennnt f ...t fniii i, ma ...... - r it . . ... .' .. . , . "" "l me past weeks. h.A l ' Know Belore- This contest is in reality iust be hand that vour effnru uiii k.. ....- m, rraiuy just be- matter how well you have done to date. At the close of the present spe cial offer tonight, there are a number of active and ambitions candidates in the race. They have nearly all taken advantage of this offer and ss a ronseauence have n o-nmi otn . wlio will keep up the pace that they inra win De the ones who will come out winners in the end. It is not fitful work but a good steady pulling, making eaeh day count for as much as the day before, that will win the automobile and the other prizes. GEORGIA SUPREME COURT DECISION FINAL TEST ANXIOUS DEPOSITORS ABOUT LORTJIER BANK roiice Had Trouble in Handling vrowus. rresiaent Lorimer Inac cessible. Chicago, June 13. Crowds of anx ious depositors surged about the Lor imer banks, which were closed by the State bank examiners yesterday. mo yuui-e hi iimes nad trouble in handling them, and once sent in riot call. Senator Lorimer, the pres ident of LaSalle Street Bank, was inaccessable, but is said to be attend ing a meeting of the directors in the hope of making loans which will ena ble the banks to resume business. new Kates Are -Made on Southern Express Greensboro News. Recently effective are changes in rates or the Southern Express Com pany and in a few of the mino; changes the rate from Greensboro tc nearoy points is increased and la points farther away . is decreased. These are rates that were adoDted hr the North Carolina commission. The North Carolina body mad. a few minor changes, making some rates lower. ' The State commission has addel one lower scale of rate making which gives a rate of 50 cents per 100 pounds where - the interestate com merce commission had 65 cents per 100 pounds. For nearby places tha 100-pound rate has been rsised slight ly but has been reduced for longer hauls.!' . . . . ; . For instances 20 pounds under the old rate to Rocky Mount would have been 60 cents. Now is may be haul ed for 40 cents. Sixty-five pounds under the old rate would eost $1.15. Under the new rate 65 pounds eost but 85 cents. ... Some Bummer Reading. Columbia State. i Nansen'a "Farthest North." Whittier'a "Snowbound." Russell's "The Frozen Pirate.'" . Dickens' "Christmas Carol." Loti's "Iceland Fisherman." Jerrold's "Cool as a Cucumber." Peary's "Snowland Folk." , ' Mill's "Siege of the South Pole." Or anything by A. B. Frost or Wil liam Winter, - - i V -; Mrs. D. M7 Coble ." is, nndergolnr :" , treatment at the Concord Hospital. Of the Liability of Insurance Compa nies operating in That State. Atlanta, June 13. The decision ,.f the State Supreme court just handed down, in the case of the Cheroke- uie insurance Company of Rnnu. fiie Mutual Late of Kome, is the Gnal test of the liability nr coram nte insurance comnanies to income certiHeates, and is sweeping victory tor the insurance companies, inasmuch as it protects them from the efforts of certiHeates uoiderg to bring "strike'' suits for receivership, and gives the companies ample time and opportunity to meet meir cenincates only as the income oi tue companies warrant. me decision is aDDlieablH t uii life insurance companies in Georgia which have issued income certifictej and is therefore of interest in its bearing upon the whole southern life insurance situation. uunng the past year, holders of income certittcates, which were most cases bought at lialf Driee and Miineiimes less, have endeavored bv aifHTCt VtAnilil. A 1 vm;,j yvoiiie means mar, court nro- .-"lire aiiowea to throw certain of the insurance companies into Hi.. hands ot receivers because thev could not immediately collect full value for the certificates. Most of these suits were stricken from the docket i diately when their nature was known, "'iK i mem was necessarily embarrassing to tbe companies, an l hampered the progress thev vm mauing in getting substantial grow ing basis. The decision of the Supreme court sets forth that these certificates are not entorcible liabilities and effectual ly puts a stop to the filing of these strike" stuts, To have forced the companies to accept these old certifi cates as immediate liabilities, that could be enforced at once, would have meant great hardship in many instances, and might have permanent ly crippled some of the companies, which now under the Supreme court decision face an era of safe and sure growth and prosperity. mere win be no more issuing of income certificates, as tbe new State insurance law makes no provision for their issue. The immediate case in which the sweeping decision was rendered was that of Lockridge against the State Mutual Life of Rome, hi Lockridge and others upon the plea that they were holders of Vflrimm income certificates issued hv th. Rome company, which Loekridow claimed were "liabilities enforcible immediately against the company.''' BANK EXAMINER CLOSES LORIMER BANS La Salle Street Trust Bank Waa Or ganised by Lorimer Fire Tear Ago. Chicago, June 12. Four state hanks, the most important having for its president, William Lorimer, un seated from the United States senate, were closed by the state banking de partment here today. Representatives of the department immediately began an examination into the institutions affected. Rumors were curent that a receivership would be asked. The four banks were the La Salle street Trust and Savings Bank, tha Broadway Stato Bank, the Illinois Sfate Bank and the Ashland-Twelfth street State Bank, known as the Lori, nier-Mumlay chain of banks. Tho LaSalle street bank was the main institution. Combined these -banks have deposits of $6,411,997 and re ported cash means of $1,643,692. - Of deposits $960,000 consists of cit v funds. The bulk of this amount, $650. 000 in on deposit with the La'SalU street Trust and Savings bank. 1'aiiiel Harkin, ohief bank examiner who took personal charire of th. downtown bank and sent denoti. tn the smaller ones, said he expected to see the LaSalle Street Trust and ings Bank open for business next week. He declared he sent examiners to the smaller institutions aa a Dr.-' cautionary measure. He insisted there was no political Dhase to th action of his department. Protesting. Salisbury Post. Protests are coming in from every section of the State over the failure of the Democratic State convention to endorse a state-wide primary law. The excuse the convention endorsed will not satisfy anyone except a few of the old stand pat crowd that be lieves in a hand-full of men controll ing and directing the affairs of th county, and tho whole marking np the control of the State. The troub le was the people. did not take interest in this convention, stayed away and allowed the small representation from each county to chloroform the wishes of the people. But there ia a day coming when this is going to Stop. ' The rank and file of the party does believe in and want a State-wide pri mary and they may be relied upon to protest against this makeshift. The Mission Study Class of Cen tral Church will meet Monday after noon at 4 bVlock with Mrs. a L. Er vin. . " , .-. . . Christmas Savings Club SUGGESTIONS PROM OTHER CITIES verfS1 C-hri8tma9 Cjubnch'a, we nre conducting .ra ' States v ln n!any l U,r ltie" ",d t0WM ia that and other " nr several cities L'"' v ' ,;. One hundred or more of a congregation have joined and ' will IN SEVERAL TOWN'S J .-Xfc , ; 5 me?,ber f Sunday school classes bave joined, and in eaeli ' OT OTHER TOWNS - ' ' w ' ' : Societies,, Sunday schools," Charity and other orwni of IZIh eeUnt one, ad can be applied to a number ' ?nt t? dtWe "l"' . aU amounts payable wS It a an easy way to save money. A sure, way to have money. , T - JOOT KOW! , GET YQXHt FRI2XDS TO SZISl . .. .T.Vt V l