trtbttttc. VOL XIV. J. B. SHERRILL, Editor tnd Publisher CONCORD, N. C, TUESDAY, JUNE 16, 1914 40 Cents a Month I Cents a Copy. NO. 243 (J V Airnnni I f OT ' fcLNSATlOMAL 8T0RT I As Mr. Newman, the promoter tad! 1 A I IM i ' Or POLO FTT.T. B008Ti0,B majority interest in Ue VI MOM w ' f CSHIIIJLCTICE ANOTHER CHAPTER IK MEDIATION HUDDLE. Vow Yoi See It And Kow Yon Dont Interest Ctntera is TifhUnf Kr ' Xacatecas. If 0 onititutionaliiti '. An Snecessfnl H Will Eire Lsxfe Effect in CsrransVs ravor. Car- . rum Depending en United States to Look After EU InterestsMr. : Brya Disappointed, Bnt Still Op- timiitte ' '"'.." ' :" .' ; . : Washington, June 18. With the ' Niagara Falls mediators and commis sioners deadlocked ocer the choice of Iluerta'a successor, Carranza was told that be must grant an armistice. . Interest centered in the fighting near v Zaetecas. Certain constitutionalist . forces have been compelled to fall back.- Villa ia rushing fresh 'troops, mostly veterans. If be ia successful , it will have a large effect In Car ranza 's favor. Constitutionalist head quarters here frankly say, that Car- rania will accept the word of the C mediators as final. He will not grant v " an armistice or mediate internal af- fairs, but will depend on the United States to look out for his interest. Secretary Bryan is disappointed, but is still optimistic. He said . "I consider that satisfactory pro ' ' tress is being made in matters of this Kino. ' ripeeu IB mil II"? iuotiifm. STATESVTLLE'S GREAT ' T REVIVAL CLOSES '.More Than a Hundred Conversions - Under Powerful Preaching of Dr. f ' W. L. Pickard, of Sayannan. - 1 Statesville, June 14. Statesville 's great union meeting, which had been in progress for twelve days, closed with last night's service and Dr. W. " L. Pickard. who conducted tne meet' ing, left oii" midnight train for hi home in Savannah. fla. ". Dr. Pickard is a wonderful preaeh i. ervJiis sejemons here bevngr among" the best if not be best .'heard in.States - - ville. ' He ia a plain man and pre- - sents the .gospel in a simple thougu Senates- Orersu Declares Ha Karat Triad to Boost Us Stock and Aakv for Sweeping Investlf a tion. Had1 V Knowledge of Boosting Tactics, j THE Cur. Greensboro Newa. ' . ! Washington, June IS. Following a aensational story in New York and Washington paper this morning intir ; mating that Senators had been try ing to "boost" Gold Hill consolidat ed stork, North Carolina corpora tion. Senator Overman introduced a resolution calling for a sweeping in vestigation of the stories carried to day. v ' - United States Senate stationery, bearing the name of Senator Over man aa chairman of the rules commit tee and that of Senator Chilton, of WeatVirini,-a "chairman of the census committee upon which Walter George Newman, had eopied a letter from a mining expert stating that the. property, understands it, William u sent down to Oold Hill at the instance of Senator Chilton. . There after the mining engineer wrote let ter to the Senator, which has been reproduced by mistake on the official riationery of the two Senate com mittees and fallen into the hands of stockbrokers. ' . At Senator Chilton 'a office one of hia clerka accepted full responsibility for issuing the mining engineer's let ter on the census committee paper. He said that Newman had asked to have copies of the mining engineer' letter struck off and that no other paper being bandy, be, the clerk, had taken the official stationery of the Senate committee. These copies produced in the census committee's office were printed on a mnltigraph machine. The clerk thought he. had struck off per haps a hundred Vf'theni and they bad been turned over to Newman. Senator Overman eamplained that v-,.. . t , . , property was worth 00,000,000, was ""7 the basis or the new stones. , ' - -i vt . Senator Overman, while admitting nd that the mining engineer a let that be had bought some of the stock, hd 8trncl? ff th? .:j i. ; -t-s paper of the Senate committee on to boost the price. He stated that the rutes ll18 knowledge, letter paper was used by a girl sten-l Newman was under the i ographer in his office and he knew, Senator Overman a ol tniV ' I iracuicu on DUif;eaiiivo limn tnuj w TM, Cboln Willi.m. ... Knln l lenera unu urcu ubcu iu S.... P. .ml otber friends 'moting the sale of Oold Hill stock of Mr. Newman, were mentioned inl"-" dlaref1 " n not n .:.i , .share to sell and that he was in the , . i-r. market buying the stock. As New. mine whether any 8enat has tried Mei it, the letteni.hadbeen to boost the stock by allowing their m.en wno wre a.reaa, letter head, to be nned by Newman?tpd ln the atoek, for their informa- Senator Overman asked for the in vestigation because, he Rftid, he bought someof the stock and he wanted it known that Jie had no knowledtre of any boosting by any one. The junior Senator took stock in the mine he- cause it was a corporation in his own tion. "BLACKWELL PARDONED. Convicted of Killing Dr. Tred Misen ' heimer, of Ckarlotte. : t Raleigh, June 16. Governor Craig Mii,Hr unA 1.a mntl ia nee it tro has pardoned Claade Blackwell, of forwsrd if there was any gold to he. Mecklenburg,, from the remainder of T '.v: AV'M'invMiSMtSan .nf Dr. i Fred Misenheimer, of Charlotte fl.- !,.. m.Jo l. . Ron Blackwell has served over half of ator Oyerman laid: I1"8 sentence. His leg was broken and "Mr PmUmL hiU m fur T ) received other injuries in attempt can see there is no reflection whstigf, atop a runaway horse at the over upon my integrity contained t i ,".'"'. ""t w. these newspaper articles. I desire jol " introduce a resolution asking the Ren- SEVEN BURNED TO DEATH ate to investieate the. matter tb.or-1 TN BOARDING HOUSE FIRE ouffhly ; becsnse otherwise, "Jume tne' J 'J'1 f wav say that there is some. ; Three Others Ary Dying and S Score - "So far as the statement concern- Were Seriously Wounded. ing letters copied on stationery from, .Molford.-'Mass.,. June 16. Seven ISBCF STATE ii:cisocimf Tery forceful manner. The effects' orjmy office is concerned. I wish to ssv ,eu wcre burned to death, three are the great meeting just concluded win iiiibi mere were jnsi lour copies ik- Aymi, anA a 8Core were gerfously probably Jje long feltw He has lifted. en by my lndv stenoerapher who ' burned as a result of a fire. which the standard of right living in the.Terv much distressed about it. Mie gwe TKXXB HT7VDBE PHYSICIANS , ARE IN EALPOH. PMaident Parrots in Hi Annual Ad dress Declared Tbs$ the Time is at Hand Wkan the ledical Profession Win Depart Press the Old Profes sional KnVef Elsies Against the Press, And "Will Us This Splendid ' Agency la Keeping Abreast of the Uaxek ef Prorreas. Opposes Use ef Wkiakey Even as s Medicine. Raleigh, June 16. The sixty-tiiM annual session of the North' Carolina State Medical Society opened here to day ; with more than ; three hundred pliysacians attending. . The dwtors were welcomed by . Gov. Craig, his theme being "Discovery of the Germ Theory." Dr.. D. J. Hiu, of Ixing ton, responded to the nddress of wel come. President' J.' M. Pnrrott, of Rinston, in' hia annaal oilress, An- elared that the time U at hand when the medieal profession will depart from its old' professional rule of eth ics against the use of the press mid will use this ."splendid agency," in keeping abreast with the march of progress. He ' advocated prohibituM of the sale o intoxicants, even as a medicine. ; i 1 i. , people' engulfed in , PARIS STREET CAVERN Thunderatonn ef Phenomenal Vio lence Raged Over French CapiUl L Lose of Life Unknown. Paris, 'June . I3.A-. thunderstorm of phenomenal violence tonight raged over Paris for three hours. It caus ed loss of Ufa and enormous diunage to property. The rin flooded the streets and f used Hie bursting ' of sewers. In the cenfral fashionable quarter of the city, a ftreet caved in, engulfing several pedestrinns. . About the 'same time a lanre sec tion of thee roadway; " in the Place Saint Augnstjn, suddenly . collapsed. A passing toxical) wag engulfed. Eye witnesses saw a woman's hand wav ing from the vehicle and the head of the chauffeur as the tasicab disap peared. Almost immediately a great block of stone fell upon it. FUNERAL OF lOSS MARIS CALDWELL Held Yesterday afternoon at I O'clock st the Heme en North Union Street. The funeral of Miw Marie Cald well, who died early Sunday morn ing at the home of her father, Dr. D. G. Caldwell, was held yesterday afternoon at 5 o'clock at the home on North Union street. The service was attended bv a large assemblage of friends, a num ber of relatives and friends from out-of-town Win? present. Many beautiful floral designs were sent, evi dencing the love and esteem in which the young lady was .held bv numer ous friends. The class of 1014 of the Concord High School, of which Miss Cald well was a member, attended in n body. With the members oflhe class were three teachers of the school, Miss Mary Hartsell and Messrs. Fred Blythe and L. II. Wilkinson. The service was conducted by Rev. Dr. J. XI. Grier, assisted by Rev. A. D. Wauohope. A beautiful and touching musical programme was ren dered, consisting of a solo. "Perfect Peace," by XIrs. J. B. Womble and three hymns by Xfesdames J. B. Womble, II. I. Woodhouse. Misses XIary Lewis and Rose Harris and Messrs. A. D. Wauohope and J. B. Sherrill. The interment was made at Oak- wood cemetery and the following were pallbearers: L. H. Wilkinson, of Charlotte; A. Leazer. of Xfoores ville ; Watson Smoot. Kenneth Cald' !!, XIr. Nenl and B. K. Harris, Jr. Among the out-of-town friends and relatives here for the funeral were: A. Leazer, Mrs. James Young, Miss XIary Yoiiiijr, Xlises Clare and Annie Mills, Xl-re. Shelcy Frontis, Mrs. Barron Prcwdey and son and Miss Maude Lent?., of Xrooresville ; F. L. Blythe and L. H. Wilkinson, of Charlotte; Mr. and XIrs. Frank Neal, of Sugar Creek ; N. S. Alexander. Matt Alexander and Mises Ida Xloore and Kathleen Alexander, of Char lotte; XIrs. R. B. Orr and Xlisses Rebecca and Esther Caldwell, of Xfecklenlmrg ; Dr. C. C. Orr. of Ashe villc, and Dr. X. A. Orr. of Belmont. . ' town and the meetings wag one of the greatest ! moral arid spiritual uplifts " , the toWp, bat 'ever experienced. Never before has' such great throngs gath ered here to Hear the gospel and pever.oe fori has there been such a .gjeat spiritual awakening among the people as; a whole. There have been ' ' more ffan"rhttndred professions of ' faith tf&most of those who have been Converted have alreadv joined, or wi.join, the church Snnday. -V''' ''I''' f. "' ' " . I, '" ' ' ''- ' -V."' , . Miss Fnrr Honored. . ' J. Thel home of Miss Mamie i Cook, near Kannapolis, was a scene of gaye- ty aim memment ' Saturday-;.;, atter- .. ' noon.'Hhe occasion being a miscellan y v 'eons shower given to the bride-to-be, "' ' XlissifJrace Furr.;v..;'v About 4 o'clock the guests began to enme in, and after all had arrived. - , ' e mhed letter way ws ssolved, en ' - titled? "A Bridea Toilet." Much fun w as iarapant over the solving of this ptisz&t the one who got it out aoon- , .est being presented witu a prise. Mrs. " P. BJ Castor was the lucky one. " , - Later a large laundry basket was . - brought in and the hride-elecct invit-1 i, ed k look, oyer her pieces of. laun-; - , dryJ ; The : first piece being opened v " ' proved to be two miniature cake pans V -w'-'--.snd.'ss. addressed to Miss Furr. As l ' -1' each guest's name was called -,' she handed her piece to Miss Furr with a bit of pleasant.' and , appropriate a, a- ; wilery. ;. Linens 1 chinas grassware. handkerchiefs, jewelry, etc., wer re T reived. Cake and cream were served by 'the hostes. ONE PRESENT. , . ' ; 'Inanlry into Empress of Ireland Dis- ssier. vahI Ihrnmrli a "tinder hm" hnnrd- said that late one evenine. when I was inir .,.. u.ilipll wfl. u..:it tB i60 - absent. Mr. Newman came to mv of-i ; hce and asked her to make come or Mr and shepherd to Concord, a certain letter which she did. think-! cllil8 )rove Beeor(1. in there was no harm in her doina Qwi to Fred R Shepherdj wh0 v as she has frequentlv done the htta hAen ,lol(li,. inlI)ortant DOgi. same thin" .for other parties.. People ti(m with the paftergon Manufactur frn, my State frequently come there.. . Co hBVjng ttc.epted a ra0re lu nd have totters coined and she con- fil. uh n f th. ied the letter-in this instance a T TIME OF CONTEST IS GROWING SHOaTT WILL POSITIVELY CLOSE ON JULY 11TH, AND NO EXTZV8I0V Or TIME WILL EE GRANTED. Remaining Time Must Be One of Activity For Those Wke Wifl Wis tS4 Prises. A Good Systematic Canvass is Surest Way ef OeUUf All sf Your Votes Out of the Territory. Yes, the contest will artuallv clow i mutant that vou make this mk op July 11 and it will not be extend c... i ' . ... ... i i viuii iui ssa irani m a muru (UO ed a moment. On that dav at ill . 0-cl.K-k in the evening the rare will I"1"' ",,d m0re ,f PM,ble- be over. After that time no subsi rip- s"lne "f he conteatanta have sl- tions will be accepted and no votes i ready started to complain that most will he taken for any of the contest- "ie peoile in this section had been ants. asked and had (riven their aubeeriD- For the last fen days a number of! tion and that there was now no place contestants have asked regarding tliis'lo tf to get votes. Of course this is matter and have seemed to think that we would extend the time of the eon ttst and that they would still have several weeks in which to win the au tomobile or one of the other prizes. But this is not true. There now re mains but a little less than four weeks of. this campaign and that will be positively all. From that the contestants will see that the remaining three weeks must be three weeks of good, steady work and they must put forth their very Lest efforts in that time if they wish to come out a prize w inner. No matter how much the sie'inl ( ;fter may have done for you, no mat tei how many of the extra votes you may have secured you cannot afford to rest a single moment now, or to let slip a single subscription. It is im- rung. ery many less than half ef the ieople have given their subscrip tions in this campaign. There are a great many more to help out the con testants than have already done' so. but a good steady canvass of every person in the community is the only sure way of getting them all. Of course in seeing all of the people you will run across a number who have given their subscription, but you will also run across a number who have not given and some of these will be the fieople that yon will never get in any other way than a canvass. And by seeing all of the people you are assured that you are getting every vote jiossihle out of the territory and that none of the rest of the contest ants can go over your territory and get voles that you have missed. HISTORY OP CABARRUS. THE IMPROVEMENTS AT THE FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ACCIDENT AT MT. GILEAD. Flagman T. -H.. Windham". Suffers Loss of Leg While Coupling iUsrs. .Xlt. Gilead. June A distress ing aecident occurred on the shift- A lar-w!"1? J'ards of the Norfolk Southern Concord Lawyer is Collecting Mate-; rial For History of This County. Handsome New Organ to Be Put In. Editor Tribune and Times: Baptists Buy the Old Organ. As I am collecting material for a ' Work on enlarging and improving "History ot labarrus ( ounty and the interior of the First Presbyterian Her People, will you not give mo Church is improving nicely. The side space to request the co-operation of entrances are being changed and the all who feel an interest in this mat- seating facilities extended to several ter. I wish to make this history .f. the Sunday school rooms, which something more than a dry chronicle will be included in the main auditor of statistics, but in order to pnt life iuni when the work is completed.. into these pages, I must get the tra-j Among the chief improvements that ditions of our people and tell the , will be made at the church will be the story of those pioneers as they told addition of a handsome, new pipe or it to the generations that are gonr. gan to replace the one now in use. Old relics, old family records are nee-1 The organ will be given to the church essaryv to feupptament the public rce.jb? Xfr. J. W.- Cannon as a memorial-' crative position with one W said, believin there was no harm Mrg shepher(1 are arranging to move t liUCID, J.UIO SB f ivno iu ... -vasass I knew nothing in the world frnv .no thnv ara 'riven nn with about it. I bave never advised any rolncinnc. hut it i a rain to Mr. winy in ou.v any siock in mis oki Sl,epJ,erd and our neighbor town minet T have never in anv wav at- Rnd we tongratulate Mr. Shepherd lennnen io promoie me saie oi anv on h,g R(xkJ fortune, stock. T' know something, aliout. this, , . ; mine, becanse it is -situated in my JJn Mcaure'i Sentence Commnted. Tnt ' JaAr- Vf d,8foverv Rateigh, June10.-Governor Craig of gold in California that eonntv was , ' . . . . . .. . the famous eold field of the United J.M.."B,ud " .f&J? State, and becanse of the immense the PI McCju. tne ouantities of gold there the United of ; Grsensbow,- niid, . States government located at the city MM. f,.in the electric chair Fn- Of Charlotte a mint " Snhsemientlv 4"'K epui,y piiwm . . ' - ------- F- .1., the mint wag abolished and there was established what was known as an. as- sav office, which continued there un til 1910, when the assay office was also abolished." ! .'" wagonette just missed the same fate. Almost at tie beginning of the storm the roadway at the junction of the Rue Tronchet, the Rue Auber and tho Boulevard Hanssmann, one if the busiest sections of Paris disa," peared. Police kept the people away from the roadway, which continued slowly to subside. Suddenly a sheet of flame shot up to the house jtops, with a terrific detonation. Gas from a broken pipe had caught fire, and the crowd, seized with - a mad terror, sought safety in the: surrounding bouses. at Mt. ftilead this morning when Flagman T. H. Windham, a young man of Merry Oaks, falling under a moving box ear received hurts which ords. It goes without saving that this is not a money-making undertak ing, and I therefore feel that I am entitled to the cordial co-operation of all who can aid me. I shall call upon several sons of the county to write special chapters on subjects with which they are familiar e. g. the histories of Methodism, Lntheranisni, i.i. . -t.i nonocWotoil amnnfnHm, nt u loo."1- 111 IIOailUB. iust below the knee. ' "u,u 'ie cterp pioneer ,n f If. nhnrriie nriir fi 1 id if . I Ua iinfnitiinnta man tvac oHinat-l I 1 .T1'11 ing a coupling when hi feet slipped Pld l"d deeds showing such sett le- thrnK-ino. h m in front of t ie mnv- F' ""e mr. ruilliei an ing trucks. Ono leg was fearfully mangled and the other bruised. Fol lowing the operation he was carried to a local boarding house, where he will be eared for temporarily. OTHER LOCALS.. 'The New York Sun says:-:.". -The mining property that ' has aroused so much Democratic enthus iasm is that of the Gold Hill Consol idated Company,' whose mine is- at Gold Hill, Rowan county, N. C. This company is the successor of the old Hill company, of lamented memory. The latter is described in the Copper Hand Book, a recognized authority on sueh matters, as "a notorious pro motion mat caught many Wall Street operators," but that is mere a matter of history. ' V A new company has been organ ised with Walter George Newman as president 'and -with an ,' authorized capital of $6,000,000, par $5 a share. Pomona while the officer r was " at tempting . to arrest . him without - a warrant in trouble that grew out of S row of white and negro boys over a banana. ',.' : ; ' Winecoff Defeats Osnnon. Winecoff defeated the Cannon Slug gers Saturday in a one;sided ' game, by a score of H to 4. One of the fea tures of the game was" s home run by Barnhardt. Cook pitched for Winecoff and struck out 15 men and only allowed three hits, while John son struck oat 7 for the Cannon Slug gers, . Batteries, for Winecoff: Cook and Goodman. Cannon: Johnson and Helms. i s- " C. Quebec, June lfl. The inquiry into the loss of the Empress of Ireland be gan" today before tho' Royal Commis sion.' Expert opinion seems to blame t'liiptain, Kendall. Cdl Roosevelt to Adrew British -j GcHtriphlcal Society. : Si . . i : ' w : m m t i n . . 1 1 1 IT a ' ' i, -,-T r . i 'he American Institute of Min vt ill addrcKi Hi Hnlish Geographical .. p.j... , j .' ' , Butte Saloons TUtym.tsi" Butter Mont Juno 16. The : sa loons' here are allowed to reopen to day. The dissenting members 'are The letter sent out on the ; Senate to. form an organization of their own nenncements later. AIORRISOX CALDWELL. to his parents, Joseph A. and Eliza Cannon. The organ will be specially constructed for the First Church and architects are making ar rangements for the drawings now. The organ that is in use there now will be moved to the First Baptist Church, this congregation having recently purchased it. It is announced that there will be no controversy this year over hold ing Rock Spring campmeeting, as was the case last year, and that the meeting will be held on the nsual date the second Sunday in August. ; See new ad. of the Citizens Bank and Trust Co. Skirt specials at Fisher's-412.50 values for $5.95. See new ad. today. 'Phone your wants to the Sanpen- field Drug Store and they will always nave prompt attention. T. W. Groves will be at Corl & Wadsworth Co.'s stable on Saturday. June zo, to buy second-hand horses and mules. . v ? , " Have you joined the Christmas Sav ing Club yetf If not, see the Concord National Bank at once.- See new ad. on first page. 1 ' i - - Mr. H. A. Graeber in another col umn announces himself . a candidate for the Democratic nomination for sheriff Of Cabarrus county. , : Manage Stewart has engaged the Concord String Band to-furnish mu sic two evenings a week st The Pas time. Tbe band will play there this evening. ', A letter from Montreat states that a big rattlesnake .was killed near the home of Mrs. P. B. FeUer, who has a summer cottage there, the snake he- Mr. Orowson Gets Office. Washington, June 15. Major Stcdman this afternoon recommend ed for appointment as pastmaster at Burlington O. F. Crowson to suc ceed tindlay Williamson, who re signed to devote his time to his pri vate business. The appointment of Editor Crowson' is a popular one, judging from . the hundreds ef let ters and n enormous petition 'Winch came here today in bis behalf. 'Not only was he backed heavily by the patrons of the Burlington office butJ in addition practically all of the leading Democrats in the county wrote letters -urging his appoint- mtnt. Postmaster General Bnrle- son was especially pleased that Mai- tir Stedman had. selected Crowson and it is expected ihat his nomina tion will go to the aenaie before the end of the week. YESTERDAY Hundreds Joined Our Christmas Sayings Club TODAY HUNDREDS OF OTHERS WILL JOIN WHY NOT BE ONE OF THEM? The condition of Archey Gibson, who recently underwent an operation for appendicitis at the Presbyterian Hospital in Charlotte, m reported 3 worse today. . . A T 111 1 1. w. commit tee V stationery is signed bv to hold companies to the contracts tn.ina at the front stem t. 'The snake !?. C. Williams, economic and mining emplov only federation men. . Tbero .was killed by Mrs. Fowler, who is sofirty tomght as a faunal nt!-0rtftlned here. geologist" Mr. Williams is not list- will he ha) ttiopa for the present. The I. W. backing the new or istj " T i .... ti Lay ttlh a sm'J s-.i est of . your earr:--$ each iij Izr lis Li.;re. ' . Yea will csYcr rrrtt l'.; :y that you .tt:rtrl a Ink acccit. TC gamxation. Suicide Most Probsbls. . Baltimore, Md..' June '16. -D. Mcreilith Ecece, ' Jr.t told States At torney Green a definite story of Mias Winters death. The suicide theory is generally accepted. Rural Credit Legislation Killed. Washington, June 16. The House Banking and Currency .Committee to day killed for this session the rural credit legislation. ; , . .it, ; ; ; . v v Nine Bodies ReeoTerei. Pans, June 16. Nine b a have ten recovered from the v ei.Vae, cimscit by tlie storm yesterd y. 7.fanv visiting Mrs, Fetser. The body of W. N. Garabrant, the young railroad fireman who died here several days ago, following an illness or several days oy neing . overcome with heat, while on hia run, has been sent- to Dallas, ' Texas, - where : his mother resides. The body was held here several days pending - mstrue tions from relatives in Texas. Mr. 3. C. Fink, has returned from Asheville, where he. went yesterday morning to meet hia son, Mr. Walter Fink, who was being brought from his borne in Memphis on account of illness. The telegram yesterday stat ed Mr. Fink had appendicitis but, on hia arrival at Asheville, his condition was very mneh improved, and it was decided that his sickness was due to -I i UHUYlj OPEN FOR MEMBERSHIP EVERY DAY THIS WEEK. . SPECIAL NOTE: To accomodate a very, large number who have requested ns to do so, we will be open this week. "SATURDAY EVENING : Open from 6 to 9 a 'clock. This wHl .accomodate (Chose employed during the day, and otls who cannot get here during the regular banking hours. - Concord National Bank L. D. COLTRAXE, Cashfer winter f Ccri-Vriswcrlh (o. GTACLE Saturday, June 20, to Bay Seconded! twiv ua i m i i - I ' 'I I VOTING ICOUPON Good For Ten Vcizo i : ...' . '.. i-..i. h ' ' " . . ' ' ''.'.' -1" In tblTJ8Ea: TRIBUNE Subscription Contest. . For Address .......t...j. District Number These eoupwns must he clipped out neatly and brouj'-t er c: to Contes Department of The Timcs-Trlhune. : , j 'r',...'',. i .' - f . 1 Coupons of t-iis Issue not r"il r Jime r""i'. ' ar.nHier onse. Mr. Fink will remain 'n 1 ' " vp-?l ("'-(, .; . '

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