fix 1 J. Iff -f r-"- r-'-'.n ' -. i .....1 L , - .. Jj I) EtECttD UORB- THAN $100,000 , BEING ' bplvi roa buhjdiho pua- POSES HEBE. Marked Activity ta Building Circles la Coo cord. Tewn, County And In- . dlvidnsls Enlaced in BoUdinf. ImprortmtnU Will Be of Omt . " Value to the Tow, Many Rest deaces Being Built in Various Part -of tit City Telephone Company to Erect Building. Churches Beinf ; Remodeled. ,' ..; '' Ci. Vot in several year has there been - such marked activity in building nnd ,-runstrurtion . wojk as is now in pro press in Concord-,. A large number of private residence hive just been tomnletcd or are in-the course of ' erection and are proposed. In addition t the work of a private nature pub- lie work is far in excess of anything f this nature that has been carried . on here in years. .The aggregate eost ' of the work will eced f 100,000. ;,Among the public buildings and im provements are: Permanent pavement - on Union street, approximate., eost to . town and street. ear eomnany $36,- - ooo. - ; " - Building new jail and making-im- provemente to the court house--;:i4,- 000. ',. Building new high srhoot building and improvements - to other school buildings 20,000. -- Proposed white way to be installed or Union street by water- and light . board-42,500. v : Of the building work of a private -.nature the following are planned to ' he built in a short time:' Building for - Concord Telephone Company on East Depot street; residence by MrsvM. K. " Barrier on West Corbin street, resi dence by R; E. Cline on South Union street; residence by E. C, Tnrnern South Union Street; residence hy , J. T, Pharr on South Union street ; resi- . denee by Travis :,Moose. on Meadow street-, residence by- Frank Sloop "on Allison atmt4.jj--jslf. ?X?. Residences'were' recently Vomplet-i-d by J. CWilleford, C, Y. Swink ." and F. C. Kiblock. ' " : , ' . : . Mrs. R. A. Brown is having her cot- - trfge on South Union street remodeled , and improved. The First Presbyte rian Church and St. James Lutheran -.- Church are-also beintt remodeled. The i Bayless Memorial Church at Forest Iliil was recently completed at a eost . of several thousand dollars. ' VOL XIV. - PROSPERITY IS EVIDENT. ; . President -Says t Mail Every Day - - - Telia of to Good Times. - . Washington, D. C, June 18. Pres ident Wilson told callers today' that in making . publie letters earlier in 2 . the week to emphasize his Tiew that -. "psychological depression ' ' was be ing created, - he ;; did , so without 1 thought of influencing Congress on the legislative program, but solely to - -inform the publie of the method be 4 ing pursued by those opposed to the; administration's program. The Pres ident added that his mail every day brought evidence; of prosperity throughout the country. He said that he had received very encouraging re ,. ports for early, passage of the trust bills through the Senate, and that , there were indications that the bill - will be suported by a number of Re publicans. "V"'v. v- f. . ' DETEOTTVEIS IKDICTED. , ' . rrank'a Slenth Will : U Triad Tor Snbornation. Atlanta, Ga., June - 18. C. W. Burke, one of the detectives employ ed by attorneys for Leo M.V Frank, - ' today was indicted by ' the Funton county grand jury on a charge of at tempted ..subornation i-of perjury. ; Burke is accused of ":having attempt ed to persuade Nellie Furguson, one of "the witnesses' against Frank in his trial for the murder of Mary . Phagan, to change , her testinaony. The attempt is alleged to ave been made in connection with Frank's ef fort to secure a new trial. . ' narTard'.Wina.'-:'; ;' Xcw London, 1:30 p. m. Harvard won the first eventtoday, varsity second eijiM.i, time eleven ;minute, forty nine seconds.-" Harvard- won the Freslmian eiitlits, : time - eleven tinmitos, foi-tv-five seconds. "Yale 'i only hope is the Senior eight. The rest of the raceB may be postponed on account of a cold drizzle, . J Joe Eeose in TronUe. fli-eensboro Record. Lordyf Iiordyl Tbey are swip inar old booze some more. The State V.ylifftl Society in session at Raleigh t iS n. k passed resolutions to cut it ai r -dicine. Physicians who give pios ' iions are to ' be . barred. i a feller to do if 'a snake should l.'.ia himf . ! ' ii A I" B. SHERRILL, Editor and CONCERT LAST X1QHT. . t 1 - Caildrta Prea ttis Oxford Orpk&BMt PUaae Conoord Andienoa at tka Opera Boiaa. This annual event f the class of orphans from Oxford, their enter tainment 'held ' at' the opera louse UkI night, is Dronou-teed t nan ii the best we ever presented before a I oueora audience. The nrosramme is enti-vlv now and sparkling in evert number and held close attention from start to finish. The work done by this bright com pany of children ahows especially One training this Year and it wu very gratifying to the' Masons and tneir mends to see the generous par ronage. notwithstanding the threat ening weather. ; . . i There have been manv oruhan ehil-: dren from Concord and vicinity who bad the advantaa-e of Oxford Ornhan-1 age and it is very commendable in our people to allow their appreciation tor tma great and useful institution. The proceeds for the class amount-1 ea to f7a.0. - . v. . , ;v ' VTLLA-CARRAKZA v SPLtT IS COMPLETE. Villa, Disregarding General N.tera, will rtoced Toward Mexico City". El Paso,, Texas, June . 18. The split between General Carranza and Church at Kannapolis will be opened Villa has been ; complete, H Wwas for service' for the first time on the learned tonight on the highest ' an- fourth Sunday in this' month. Rev. thority, But : Villa will proceed Dr. McMurray, of Louisville, Ky.j will with his army Bouth "toward Mexico ' tt- present and preach the sermon. Dr. City; disregarding General iYKatera, ' McMurray is one of the foremost di whose appointment by Carranza as ! vines of the M. E. Church, South, head of the new Central cone evi-! ' The church has a main auditorium dently caused the open breach be-jof 40 x 60 feet in size, with a base tween the Northern zone command' j ment which will be used for a Sunday der and the Constitutionalist f com', acbool and; prayer meeting room. mander-in-chief .--V: " w ..- This made clear for the first time the relations between Carranza and Villa. - It was Mid -ofllcially that Villas forceful taking over . of tht Carranza , offices . at Jaurez .' was ' a step in a general plan to oust all Carranza elements in the , territory Vula dominates. . While not denying 'he is nndr Carranza 's orders. Villa is known to have told his chief that he will take the central strip of country leading to Mexico City while Carranza 's .oth er divisional commanders can take the east and west coasts.' According to this arrangement there would be two distinct governments, both mili tary and cml, in the Northernpart ofMexieoheld - by the Constitutionalists.;'-One would be Villa's "strip. where not only his. military leaders but bis own appointed civil officials would hold office. - The other would be. that directed by Carranza in' his capacity as ; military and political chief of the movement from his cap ital at Salt illo.. It is not , doubted that Gen, Alvaro Obrfigon, comman der of the western military cone, and Gen. Pablo the east, will remain firm adherents of the Carran za party. - ' . - ANDERSON UNFAIR - SAYS COL. A. D. WATTS. Collector Denies Having Given Wash ington - Correspondent ' an Inter- Special to Charlotte Observer. . .Washington. June- 18. Collector A. D. Watts, of Statesville, gave out the following statement tonight: L "Mr. Parker R. -. Anderson, ' the Washington correspondent of The Greensboro Daily News, has in to day 'a issue of that paper, what pur ports to be an interview with me. - "I have given Mr. Anderson no in terview.; Yesterday -'he came -. into Senator Overman's office while I was there talking with the Senator, and soon introduced the subject of the action of the" State Convention as to primaries, stating" that the conven tion had, made a mistake, as there was an overwhelming sentiment in the State in favor of prmaries for all officers, All I said about the matter was in effect that I did not think there was an overwhelming sentiment in favor of primaries; that few, ir any, county Conventions ha-1 passed resolutions asking for primaries,- while, one, and. probably more, " county " conventions ; adopted resolutions against primaries. "I added that I was satisfied the Legislature ' would pass a primary bill, including all officers, county as well aa State and district, but . that it would contain a provision exempt ing such counties as desired to bej exempted so tajr as tne county ana leirislat've : officers "; were concerned. And that practicallv' all the- Demo cratic counties, in the State would be included. - "'. "' ' - "This is the substance of .. the statement made by me in the con versation with Mr, Anderson. Here after I will not discuss publie ques tions in Mr. Anderson's presence, as he has shown from this article that he will not treat me fairly.' : ! C-Lforda Ta 100,000 Antoa. : Scarameiito, June 1!). Figures git en out here today sliow that California has . 100,000 lihct nscd automobiles pnyi T the tax fur iUc our t year, 1, . re were 23!i"l motor.-; i r-")'s- 1 with l'!l clinn.Cr-ir ; -i ;s(,i) i ii ttr vein. s e x?er Publishes - C0MMISSI0VEB8 MEET. Settlement Made WIU Ekeriff. Aa- proprUtion Made for Parm Demon trator. rraafhiae Granted. The board of county eommiasioners held a call meeting this morning for tne purpose of making settlement with the sheriff for 1913 taxes. After mak ing the settlement the board took up other matters lor consideration. The board decided to make an ap propriation of 600 for employing a a I arm demonstrator. .The depart ment or agnculutre department will make a similar appropriation. The demonstrator will be appointed by Mr. Millsaps, district manager " of farm demonstration work. It is un derstood that the new demonstrator will be appointed in a short time and sent here to begin bis work. : - The board granted a franchise to Messrs. Percy Bangert and W. T. Wall to build a street car line alonz the highways of the county, the line however not to run on the high ways but by the side of same. The applicants for the franchise agree to begin work within 12 months and to have ears in operation on fire miles of track within three years, other wise the franchise is null and void. New Methodist Chnrch Be Opened. . ' The handsome new Methodist There are also several other rooms on the main floor.. The chureh when completed will cost about $12,000. New Schedule in Effect, Mooresville Enterprise. On last Sunday, June 15th, a new schedule was effective on the A.- T, & O. branch of the Southern; Rail- . way. The train coming down from 'Statcsville in the morning is due to leave that point at 10:30, arriving- at Mooresville at "11:08. Returning, the train leaves Charlotte at 7:20 p. m.. instead of 6:30 as formerly, ar riving at Mooresville at 8:2S. The ti-ain,:;j$nv Statesville waits on Ko. Jo from' Asheville,' 36 -having chang ed to arrive a little earlier than formerly.;5- v- r. c Possible Revolt in the House. ' - Washington, June 10. The Presi dent an4 Majority Leader Underwood after an hour's conference were found still far from agreement on the ne cessity of , trust legislation at this time. Mr. Underwood said it is im periling - many Democratic seats by keeping the members here.i. There is a possibility that the President will face a revolt in the House .soon as members are chafing under his insist ence that they remain here, v Airship Mentioned In Bible. ' Berlin, June 19. By-express com maud of the Kaiser a new edition of the German ' Lutheran prayer-book was issued today, containing a special petition for airships and aeroplanes in the Imperial services. As amended the prayer for the army and navy new roads;" That it may please Thee to protect the Royal army and all the Imperial forces by land and sea, and especially all the; aircraft now voy aging. ' '. ;'-i- ,."-' ,i . Tickets to Finger'a Execution. Salisbury, June 18. Sheriff ." Mo Kenzie, who has the disposition of the dozed tickets of admission to the execution of Sid Finger, gave eleven of them; to-relatives and friends Of Preston Lyerly, the young man for whose murder Finger is to die . to morrow, and these men left tonight for Raleigh. Lyerly 'a " father and two brothers will aee the execution. I ' Ontlook Not Bright-" , ; Washington, June ; 19. President Wilson and Secretary v.Bry an, are bringing every pressure to bear to pevent the complete collapse of med iation. It was -admitted at the' cab inet meeting that the . outlook was not very bright, , , - Shaved Himself in The Air, " While flying around in loops . and figure 8s, Pilot Eonsohel, Monday at Vienna lathered his face and with a safety razor shaved himself before a small mirror, steering the aeroplane- With his knees.. After, twenty min utes he landed,, having won a bet of $100. ' v. v.v ;.'-.;,;; ': .v Lunjford Postmaster at Durham. ; Washington, June 19. The Presi dent today nominated J. T. Lunsford to be postmaster at Durham. A news item says that the ' com missioners of the city of Greensboro have so much faith in the work that a colored evangelist is doing in that town that they have agreed to" pay the rent of the house where the ser vices are held as long as the evan gelist stays there. ," Mesdames M. L., I). F. and J. W. Cmmon, Jr., and Miss Jlarguerite ' n are spending tbe day in Char- CONCORD.N.C, FRIDAY, JUNE is m hi AN M rAILUBJI IB BELIEVED TO ALMOST CERTAIN. BE The American and Mexican Delegates Are Irreconcilably Divided. The Mediation Meeting r May End To day Unlaw One Bidaf Backs Down. It is Stated at Washington That This Govarnount Has Given " Its Last Word. Mr. Brjran Still Be lieves That Huerta . Will Back .s-V"Vv'---V' Niagara Falls, June J9 The fail ure of mediation is believed to be al most certain. American and Mexi can delegates are irreconcilably di- vided on the personnel of the pro- position upper quadrant type, using visional government, '-.-fhe mediation red, green and white lights-at night meeting may end today Unless there is for the "stop," "caution," and backing down on one side. "proceed" indications. The inter- Thia Government Has Given Its Last locking plants controlling switches . Word. 1 ' ar equipped with power signals and Washington, June lH. Unless ' elcctric liS,l,s in the towers and on Kuerta's commission at'Niagara Falls the signals- Annunciators have recedes mediation is at jan end. It is been provided to announce the ap franklv stated here , todav. without proaeh of trains in both directions qualification, that the -United States has given its last word. Either Huerta ill yield in favor of .a provisional President of constitutionalist leaning' or the United States will aid the rebels. - ; There will be no advance of Ameri- can troops, but the emharpi of anus will be lifted. Mexican affairs were considered at a cabinet meeting to day. Mr. Bryan still j believes that Huerta will back down.- Tin- rest of the cabinet are not so hopeful. They btlieve that Huerta will trv to do an overt act toward Americans at Vera Crus to make Americans fake Mex- , ft , , eo City before the rebels eon do so, though here is s possibihty that the constitutionalists in nortnern Mexico wdl keep him so busy that he. cannot spare the men for Vera Cruz. 1 . SID FINGER ELECTROCUTED. ..v . ,': , . .... Had Not Eaten Anything For Two . . ways. bus v. wra, jiave aaer- cy", aa He was Strapped to Chair. ;' - Raleigh," June 19. Sid Finger, the murderer of Mr. Preston Lyerly, at Barbers Junction, was electrocuted in the state nrison at 10:30 torfav. Two voltages of eighteen hundred each were required before the phv- sician pronounced life extinct. Fin- ger had not eaten anvthing for two days. He almost collapsed and lit- tered. "O. Lord, have mere v." as ihe was being supported to the chair and strapped in. He admitted the crime, saying he killed Lyerly be cause he had . sold a new suit of clothes he had pawned him for twen ty dollars. He burned the store to cover the crime. . CONFERENCE POSTPONED. If Mediation Falls President. Wilson WiU Permit the Mexicans to Fight lnS the close of .the war the "Ala it Out. I bama claims" case, as it was known, WaoKinot, . t.Ti, iqHw . was submitted to arbitration and conference with President Wilson and telephoning the American repre8enta - tives at Niagara Falls, -, Secretary , , Tr . . , . Bryan, announced that the fuU con-j The Unlte(1 Stales s'np Kearsarge ference of the mediators and both was b,liIt in tbe "vy yards at sets of delegates was postponed till,Portsmontll N- H and nearly a11 5 o'clock. : He stated at noon that jtl,e members of her crew were New he made a secret visit here to. the England seamen. A number of the Spanish-American ambassador ; who, survivors still reside in this vicin is handUng the Huerta affair If, ity and today they got together at mediation fails the President will is sue a statement and permit the Mex icans to fight it out. Ths Situation With Villa and Car- ranxa. ,-- . '.. 'El Paso, June 19. Although -still refusing to admit that be has broken with Carranxa and insisting that Car ranza is his "jefe supreme," General Francisco Villa is going" ahead with his own plans revirdless of Carran za 's wishes, according to advices re ceived from Torreon. Just bow, wide the breach is it is impossible to ascer tain. It, is generally . thought - that Villa has agreed to suport Carranza as long as Carran&a " maintains a "hands off" policy. All reports in dicate, that Villa has won in the con troversy as an advance guard of viwyn "in vv jnvuc,j m v vwu There will be no o-eneral movement I . . .., .i ' , -, UU CJMWICVM LI II ..1 frUC gClldltUO 1 III V overlooked the ground. Friends of Villa wire that Villa is taking his new power '.'with great modesty.',' The following children 'composed the Oxford Orphanage class , which gave a concert at the opera house last night : ' Hattie Hartsell, Esther Watkins, Lillian White, Sadie Dix on, Nettie BrummitV Maggie John son, Manie Murphy, Hazel Kennedy, Dora Sherrill, Eula Scott, George Vickers, Allen Britt, Leroy Smith, and Fred Jones. v " Ths Tala-Harvard Game. - New London, Conn., June . 10. There ia promise of a fierce struggle between Harvard and(Yalo this after noon. Harvard is 0erily confident and Vale . is silent. The betting is ten to seven in favor of Harvard. . 19, 1914 AUTOMATIO ELECTRIC BLOCX SIGNAL SYSTEM. The System Now in Use ea 198 Miles of the Southern Railway. Washington, D. C, June 19. An automatic electric block signal sys tem has just been completed and placed in-service by the Southern Railway Company on the main line between Seminary, Van and Orange, Va4 a distance of 80 miles, all double back, providing continuous auto matic signal protection for trains from Orange into the Washington terminal station.' inis- system is now in use on other portions of the line in Virginia and North Carolna. giving in all a total of 198 miles of double track so protected, while ar rangements have been made for equipping 120 miles more. At intervals of about two miles, 10G automatic signals have been erected, each interval constituting a "block" and the system includes in terlocking ' plants controlling the switches. The signals are the three at eaph of the9e towers. The cur- rent U8ed t0 operate the system also furnishes lights for stations. This protective system represents tlle latest product of engineering .science and will greatly facilitate r8",c increase the safety of train operation. LOCKETTES LOST To Fast Morganton Team By The Score of 4 to 0 in First Game of Series. Morganton. June 18. With five OUIVCOOIID 0IIUIUUI Kaiuva IV lltjl redjt Morganton won the gixth from L( MiIU of Con(,ord t0(, de. n a ., ' c. successive shutout games to her f . f t, Th i series oi turee games, ine game was featured by Sensational fl.eld f?n boh .tea' Wi"stn started the scoring in the fourth bv apping one ovpr t,M! fenee home run. , . t for o j s.Balterie:. iforsantou. Jaynea and Winston: Concord, Parnella nnd Cprnelison. .-- ' ' ' j Reunion of Kearsarge Survivors, Boston, Mass.. June 19. Fifty 'ears aS the United. States ship Kearsarge met the Confederate ruiser Alabama off Cherbourg, France, and after one of the most desperate naval battles of the civil war succeeded in sinking her. The Alabama, in command of the gallant "Plain nemmes, was me most xear- ed vessel flying the Confederate flag and during her brief career she had almost succeeded in driving Ameri can ships of commerce off the north Atlantic. The fact that she was an English-built vessel led to an his toric controversy between the gov ernments of the United States aud Great Britain. Many years follow- ?e'tled he Pay"nt of a heavy i,ndemnlty y the British govern- the American House in this city to renew acquaintance and to swap stories of the famous naval battle of helf century ago. . The Atchison, Topcka & Santa Fc Railway Company will establish- on its through California trains, July 1, chaperons for the girls and the young women who travel alone. FORD STERLING AND HIS NEIGHBORS AT THE PASTIME TODAY. JPP p rp pp i T. W. i I T IV Will be at Ccrl-Vfeisvcrlh Co. Saturday, June 20, to Day ScccnihasJ " . 1 ... m .. - A GflOVtS 40 Ccnta a Month 4 Cents a Copy. ONLY THREE WEEKS . THE REMAINING TIME IS THE MOST TMPPORTANT Or ALL. WORK TIME IS SHORT. Race ia Se Cleee That It Will Require the Best Efforts of Anyone Tor Us Raininf Time ia Order to Be Successful. The Special Offer Mast M UU AaTBUtSfS OI. Three weeks more to eet in the winning number of votes. Three weeks more and then the ounortiinitv afforded by this contest will be over. Three weeks more and you will know nether or not the work that yo.i live done in the l&ul fw L .m have gone for nothing. And these mree weeks will pass verv hen ouce started nn.l l.., ....'.. knows it the last days of the contest will be at hand. And with the Inst ,lnv ,,r ..... test will come a great hurry and hus tle and a racing around for a num ber of subscri ntmna Hint ot-A I ' ' pic Ol 11. Dili and that have been promised for some hum?, mere will he a mini r ill in the last W nr i..,. . ... - T ... I.... n in make up for days that they have not ornea earner in the contest. There ill be those who will trv tn ui n... utomobile or one of the other prizes me last any, but will Hnd that i! impossible. Thev will H,,,i n,a, ti... - ,- ... ...... tUHl lUt' Jftst day will not to tli tin. ft id rtwilr.. up for all of the days that they have LARGE PERCENTAGE OF DEATHS IN MILLS. Vital Statistics Published in JU- port of Health Board Reveal Im portant Information. Greensboro News. From the 14th hionmni i c ' 1 'W1 L ui the North Carolina slate board of health for the years 1911 and 1912 some comparative figures have been secured by W. H. Swift, showing deaths and causes in North Carolina. This report is the first attempt to re port vuai statistics m North Caro lina. Finding certian facts Mr. Swift states and makes an analysis in which he shows textile conditions. The results of his investigation follows : 'First. It death rate for negroes is very much higher than the death rate for white people. - . Second. It is evident tlmt i,nr are three great causes for the death of persons between the ages of 5 and 50. namelv: rvnhni,1 f,,l,n. losis and pneumonia. These are the three monsters which slaughter our people at what ought to be their time of greatest strength (xt.B tnh VI, page 242 to 249 inclusively.) "Third. It is evident that certain occupations have a InVW tage of adult from these three dis eases than ordinary. It will he well to remember also that two of these eases are in a measure nt ten if preventable." Stanly County News. Albemarle Enterprise. W. D. Reinhardt. who moved ta Timberlake agout 6 months ago, has returned to Stanly and is living on route 2. He says there is no place like home. Miss Merna Crowell is at Arkadelphia, Alk., where she has been attending Henderson-Brown College and visitine her uncle. Dr. Oeoro-R H. Crowell.- Paul R. Moose, wno has been in the hospital at Salisbury for weeks with a complication of diseases, came home last Friday. He is thin, out says he feels fine. His friends are glad to see him out no-nin. Charles M. Dry accompanied his mother, Mrs. C. M. Dry, of Mount Pleasant, Route 1, to Charlotte last week, one will receive trpntmpnt at the Charlotte sanitorium. She will be away for something like two weeks. Two necrro convicts died from t'ie heat at the State convict camp at Hadin last week. They had been in jail for several months, and when tak en out to work could not endure the intense rays of the sun. We are informed that M. E. Ma lock, one time a representative from this county in the General Assembly, is at the point of death. He is 7.1 years old.- Eben Lowd,,, whose home is near Norwood, died Saturday mornina at i o ciock. t he body was buried San dfly morain? at 10 o'clock at Randall Church. ' Mr. Lowder was abnnt. 75 year old and was a good citizen. The hosts or mends will bemoan his death. Many of the Albemarle men' and A small amount saved weekly asd p-tb ' the bank will stand as a r:;Lty tdwirl: b tne cays to come between yz2 it. dti:r;!iy. ; Xit appreciate small acccut$ frcn tri3 across great oaks grow. MORE OF CONTEST 4 wasted during the contest, and that they cannot pet in enough subecrio- .. ... .... .ii. u.j IO mue tnemselves the winner of tbe prises. Kow is the time to start out to win one of those prizes. This coming week with the auerial nffor mAAA :n just the opportunity that one needs ... uC urr8iui in tuis campaign. And what is more, it will be shown in the end that one cannot be successful unless thev do take ailrantM .f !.:. coming, week and take advantage of it to the fullest extent. Do not get a set or two for the votes and think that you hare done remarkably well and that you are bound to win. Do not stop or cease in yonr efforts until the last minute or this.offer is gone. Do not pass no a Kino-Is nlii.. and make an extra effort to get your ..K-uus io mrn in tneir subscriptoins and to help you get others. The time now is rottinir Ium .-j I he race is getting closer and more ex- .-iiinjf eacn aay and it will take the very best efforts of anvone to Mm. out a winner. hoys are considered pretty good checker players. In fact, some of them are good. But Zenus Grier, a mere school boy from Fort Mill, S. C, who is visiting-the family of M. J. Harris, has defeated everybody he lias played with since coming to Albe marle. He has met the best and tbe best were not his match. There was a family reunion at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Milton the first of the week anil .n of the children were present. Those present from out of town were Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Rose and children, of Salisbury; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Crow son and children, from Goldsboro; air. ana i irs. J. M. Vanhoy and baby from Ansonville, and Mr. and Mrs. 1. Hugh Davis, from Winston-Salem. Splendid Christian Lady of Mount Gilead Passes Away. Mount Gilead,' June W.Mrs. George T. McAulay, a most ', noble type of Christian character, died at her home on North Mains treet, at five o'clock this morning, following an illness of about ten days. Not until a few days ago, hdwever had her condition become alarming. Her remains will be interred at Sharon cemetery tomorrow - - -6 o'clock. The deceased was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. H. A. Lilly of this place. She. is mmnvol k . l - --. ... v tjj m iiui band, a small son, her parents, three uiumers, ir. j, ji. Lauy, or iayette ville, Thomas and Albert of Mount Gilead and four sisters, Misses Car rie, Bessie and Alberta Lilly and Mrs. D. A. Tillman of Bennettsville. S. C. .rv; . . ', Denounce Fair Boycott Wilmincrton. Del..' .Tnna ia ! tu. Wilmington Methodist Epispoeal Preachers' Association tulav ed resolutions denouncing the men of C, 11.1 n . i . . - .... i Kier a vaineorat parish oi this : city, and Catholics a boycott placed on the San Fran- cisco exposition because of the ap pointment of former ATavnr Wth of Rome as the. representative of naiy, ana eauing upon the rank and file of the Roman Catholic pa triotic citizens "to join the great body of patriots in ignoring this at tempted dictum of American affairs by the Italian hierarchy." State Merchants' Association. Durham, June 18. The State Merchants'.-; Association adjourned this afternoon to meet ia Asheville next year,.' The officers elected are: President,. Luther B. Markham, of utiriiam; vice president, S. L Pot tea; of Statesville: seeretarv. If P Newsoni, of Durham; treasurer, S. B. jenion, oi asneviue. - t Mr, aud Mrs. S. D. Miller are vis- barrua county thig eek. They will return the last of th meek and a feW daVA 1lLtr LrilI Ioqvs. a.M - v " w wu sjaaa v tended visit to relatives in Indiana. Mooresville- Enterprise. . . STRING RAND AT TTME.1 : - THE' PAS- -S-M A 4

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