r T L - -a. . . - CtJ L' 1 20 Years JAMES CYXSOJf, J It, U,ADkX, PIUXCLPAL. Aro the Elackatone School adopted Uis folk) wine MOTTO: Thoroueli ln-4 ruction UBtarr .paalUwsj Ctirfettaa l.iflueucrs at the lowest poemlbaw com. T la. IT la tod.tr. with facultv of S3, a bo.xUn aJronu4w et IVCwUlU MA, a etudsnt body of 428, end a plaM world lM,t, The Leadlnir Trainlnjr School for Girl In Virginia. rare an enuiMior tnerw, 'jci ; ' " - -" IP 1 Cll nnom. Lirhta, 8tam Heat, iAuvlry, JWieal Alien- J I nil tantlon. Physical Culture und T.'.tltn in ail subject T v sxceot morlo and elocution. Out pafeala and a sritool villi a I 'i'.;;- i-n r.r' with tuore e t at sucii mntl rate C1T l .r lal-tinsnir and apj: GEO. I". ADAM3. becrcry, l Ji-Vilwie, a, oil PI T ED Young Men and Women to prepare for Bookkeeping, Basking, Salesmanship Civil Service, Short-' hand aa typewriting, ti'witiuns urw awaiting them. We have i nor eals for this fall than we can supply. Only a few ataj reqnired to sake necessary preparation, now U tbe time to begin. Position gnarante 4 all wbo prepart ?50 to $75 salary guaranteed all whs prepare for wtions as combination bookkeepers and stenographer or talesman and i wnographers or bookkeepers. Special low spring and ojuae rates. Wi rthy young people unable to pay tuition may lean and pay after securing positions. Lessons by mall if desired. Second division ( the spring term begins Monday, May 4th. Write, call or phone at oore lor fall nformati and special rates. . CAROUNA BUSINESS COLLEGE BOOK SILL, 0. 0 " and CONCORD. R C HESS AS BABY 'w' . - - , . fori fa KSntl Usable to Wort, uiwlai Helped Her. Mat W. Va. Mrs. Anna ft) ney, oi this place, says: "I suf I "A 1 1 15 yean with an awful pain in iff & tide, caused from womanly I ' and doctored lots for it, but with ft r -cess, I suffered so very much, A 1 became down In mind, and as help I as a baby.- 1 was In the worst kind si shape, was unable to do any work. I bejw faking Cardul, the woman's tfak, tad tot relief from the very first i-m. . tty the toe 1 had taken 12 bot- , my health was completely restored. at s w 48 years years old, but feel as caei U 1 did when only 16. Or? I certainly saved tne from losing Lake McLuke Says; Men are certainly queer cusses. They think nothing of a girl showing her stocking all the way up at bathing beach. But if tbe same girl shows ten inches of the same stock ing when she is wearing a skirt the men imagine they nave ootainea a first past the post. The world is growing better. I 'runes cost 41) cents per order in New York hotels. The older wo grow the less we know. When we were boys we imag ined that good clothes and starched collars and girls were put in the world to aggravate a fellow. And Ijctr we outgrew our contempt lor tne three about tne same time ana thought we were getting wise. There is going to be some fun this snunuer, fellers. It took two cops and conductor to get a fat gin on an fluui. and I feel it mv dutv to Sneak 'open car yesterday, but the skirt must fa favor. I wish I bad some power hnve been sewed with carpet thread. mot, suffering women, and could losm know the good ft would do row suffer from any of the ailments MMiiar to women, it will certain! be werta yeurwhila-to give Cardul a trial. H Ins been helping weak women for , St mm au years, ana wiu neip you, i Tr Cardnt SWg8st sells it . Wht OtsNtneeta MadldM Co., Udlu1 Mii DtaL. ChUUnoSfm, Tenn., lor SfnUi mmm n jrattr an and S4-PX book. Horn mkmmkm Mmon.' tr rial wnu. H a 1S1 BORTOLK SOUTHERN EAILROAD Yv.:i Bcbednls Effective June 11, 1914. No. 32 leave Charlotte 4:50 p. ui. Leave. Star 8:05 p. mM arriving Ashe boro 9:10 p. m. No. 32 connects at Star with No. 73 arriving Jackson' Springs 0:12 p. m and Aberdeen 10 :00 p. m. . No. 71 leave Asheboro 7:25 a. m. arriving Charlotte 11:45 a. m. , No. 70 leave Aberdeen 6:35 a. m. Leave Jackson Springs 7.23 a. m. con necting at Star for Charlotte. . Week-end tickets to Jackson . J. F. MITCHELL, T. P. A., " Raleigh, N. C., H. S. LEARD, O. P A., X- - Norfolk, Va. ' Anvwav.'this one didn't hurst. 1 f everybody quits gabbing , when you enter a room it is a sure sign that .Von were getting yours. ' . C A princess is a peisonwBO knows she looks swell in the Cherokee mas sacre gown she is wearing because she has seen that tbe other girls look like Halifax in the ones they are wearing. The reason" why a married man is always broke is because after he has given his wife everything she wants she begins to want everything the other women want. Once in a while a married man is so busy rubbering at other women that he can't sec the snake (tracks under -his own apple tree. - When father has been seriously ill and be suddenly opens up on mother and wants to know where the ding- whizzed, blat-blingetty and why th dog wozzled, dill-blanged swill-blam, mother quits worrying,. She knows paw is better. FAITH. Faith bad so of the biggest raia stoma Friday aftcraaoa that ah ever bad. It waa-aeeoaapaaied by hai4, wind, tbander aad lightning. LigfcUl nine struck aad deatreyed tbe ban of Chaa, A. Peeler The barn waa Bile with feed stuff aad also contained a hone aad wacoa. aatomobUa aad butcher 'a outfit, harness and i farming utensils. And, but for the steady nerve of Mr. Peeler, wbo hap pened to be at borne at tbe tin of the disaster, all would bare been lest. He removed the horse, wagon ana au tomobile from the stable. Everything else waa destroyed. F.rvia Lincle had two una mules killed by lightning Friday. He drove drove no beaide of the house where Lawson Bafrit lived before be moved away. The telephone wires were over tbe mules' backs and tbe ligkintng ran from tbe wires to the mules and killed them instantly. Mr. Lingle on tbe norch and felt a slight shock Mrs. S. D. Davis is eon tinea to ner bed. on aconnt of sickness. Two shade trees were mown oown ut the erove at the Lutheran Church here. The wind blew off the roof of Charlev Shoe's barn. The shed at the barn, where Mr. Milo Deal lives. was blown all to pieces. Some large trees were blown down at the old Phillips' spring, now owned- by Peeler Bros. Near Lawrence Brown's some. trees were blown serosa the road. "A shed at R. L. Barger's was blown down during the storm. Mr. Will Park had his mule hitched in the woods; while he wss working, in tbe quarry. The wind blew down a large forked tree right over the mule, which was found standing between the forks of the tree nnliurt. This was a narrow e&uine. At Mr. B. F. Nace some fruit trees were blown down. Mr. Paul Foil, of Mount Pleasant lias been visiting at Rev. C. P. Fish er's for a few days. John Earnhardt, the house carpen ter, goes to work at Albemmrle next week. L. L. Fesnerman went to Salisbury tndav with a big load of wheat for sale. The county meeting of the P. 0. S. of A. was a great success here Friday niclit. A larse crowd was out not withstanding the storm. J. T. Wyatt received an order from Washington for a small lot of granite work. A check was enclosed to pay for same. Mrs. C. P. Fisher has been visiting relatives at Mount Pleasant for the nnst several days. Fisher & McLoinos nas receivea an order for a lot of landmarks with fig tires to nb ;ut8if Ihe topNif therm Samuel Fralcy's baby is better. VENUS. Mr. aad Mrs. 3. TL t oua viaiud rvUtiva ia albesssrle Satarday.. - The aaaaal wiaie at Careaua ed dreea's Mill, aaar K&aaJ, wfll be Setarday, Jul? H- Thai ptetareeyit tepet ia vantad by asaay'al laa a pirate, but a avara lasfar erswd la txi peetad thia year. Tae Maaarai auat bridfra that apaaa the atreaa, jaat be low the mill. wUI add- asaea ta tae tuNM. Tae atafaiaeatri railway krxVe aWre the mill state r laewtty a tke leaaeeaM. There 'WU J be varioas atrraetiaaa, faaa aad ea ior the way. aad doat farftS the w m w - data. XOCIWEU. We are m need" f rata af this vril Tbe Rockwell Casket Company dtriaf a good bnaiaeaa. Another baaineas eeaaera haa-ed establUhed at 'BoekweH fa tbe fan ef a'reetaarant aad prasaiarslttb. The new tea faatoryia laiag a geod boaiaasa eonsiderinr thia being its tot aeasoa sa tsisiaaaa. ' Mr. rre4'W. Kntta, sasul tames Ua Kockwell Route No. 2, aaa pore hea rt! inn awtovrycle aad ia aaing It to aak hie trip an the roate. On Satnadar, JalyV'tban wta be a special election held at Boekwett to vote on a special school tax. A number of oar eplaetpeet to aUead the fourth l Jarynflabbratioii at Sald HUI by the Jr. O. V. A. M. Mast -of the farmers f Una sactian havetheir grain barren ted at)d baolad ia tbe barn and the aratthiag wv will hear will be the toot of "tbe eteam thresher whistle. We are informed thatbere will be another-mail esrrier 'appeinted .'-oa Rockwell route No. 1 since Mr. H. L McCembs resigned some time agwt There le-at tma tune setwn siHoibo- biles in' the' town af 'Raekwtrtb For the size 'Of the :ten, ; this begiaa'te look as if ear eitiseas are somewhat progressive. v Dr. O. W. Choate retamed from Raleigh- a few 4ays agO-wkere. be ha- been attending the- meeting of the Medical Board. The writer heard quite a peculiar noise a few days ago-and waa almost excited at such, a etrange ''noise-in i quiet country away 'from thel pubKs road, but after making investigation a man was seen approaching on a ter rible frightful looking thing. We thought' at first that-war had 'broken out in Mexico, and the summons had come for Uncle Bill to go, but it proved to be our mail earrier on bis new motorcycele. UNCLE BILL. NATURAL DirnOTJLTIE OF EOAD-MAKINa-OVEBOOltE TOU CAN SEE NEW YORK CITY .t . IN A DAY. o The Green Car automobile trips up . . i 1 1 n ' XT . lown.aownwwn, -ana 7 : oeuiug iiew York after Dark'.'-a night tour along - "The Great White Way," through tbe Hebrew, Hungarian. Italian quar ters, and Chinatown, with the yacht trips around Manhattan Island con stitute the most perfect Sight-Seeing Service in the world, . A compel enj; lecturer is in .charge of every party, .Write for beautifully illustrated 43- nanre historical booklet, printed ,in ' colors, with large map and list of theaters, hotels, rates, etc. Address Green Car - Sight-Seeing Co.; 958 Broadway, New York. - 15-8t-p. r TOB SALE. ' .'. v.' .... -1. VT.-1U ..' eiva-roam on east Blue oi nurtu fTnim .treet. lot 66x195 feet. $1.500. ! Store. - Four-room cottage on West. Depot : atreet at a bargain. . Two story- dwelling on East Depot street, lot 91 -feet front and contains ' abonnt one acre, cheap at f lpw -JOHN K. PPATTERSON, . , j.' v ; Real Estate Agent," SOFT, FLUFFY HAIR AIDS : BEAUTY AND PERSONALITY Oirls and women of all ages want to be charming, beautiful and at tractive it 's their birthright but stringy, thin and lifeless hair destroys half the beauty of a pretty race. .' If vour hair is not beautiful, is fall ing out, streaky, full of dandruff, too dry or if the scalp itches and burns, use Parisian bage. Kub it well into the scalp. It will go right to the hiir. roots, nourish them, and stimu late- the hair to grow strong ana luxuriant. V Parisian Sage ' removes danruff:with one application, eools and invigorates the scalp and makes the hair doubly beautiful. . . Parisian Sage is a scientifically made preparation that gives the foair iust what is needed to make it son, fluff v. thick and gloriously radiant, It is inexpensive, and can be had from any druggist - or , from Oibson wug COOK'S CROSSING. A fine horse, belonging to Mr. Robert Ervin, one day last week got out on a cradle and died next day If was worth about two hundred dol lars. Minn Ollie Stroud, of Charlotte, unit Riindav with home folks at Cook's Crossing. Miss Bess Widenhouse, of Concord spent the week end at the home of Mr. J. A. Scott. Mr. H. H. Winecofl has been sick for several days. The rain which visited ms last wees was very much needed. The wind that came with it did much damage to some of the trees. Several large shade trees were blown down at dif ferent places. Some fruit trees were damaged too. The ; arraneements for the Old Maids Matrimonial Club have been almost completed, and the meeting wiU be held Saturday night, July 11, 1914. The public is invited to at- timd thia meeting. . Many new mem- hehs have been added to the list and it might be of interest to some of yon , to attend. o, GLASS. Mr. and Mrs. Askins, Misses Neita and Marie Hill and brother, of rlor 8. C are here spending a-week with Mrs.1 Askins' son, Mr. C. C. Hilt. Tbev arrived here last Sunday even ing having made- the entire tnp one dav bv automobile. Tbe town of Midway, N. w prw- m-Muintr. Tnev now- nave two nwn rua-by Mr. A. M. r reese ana xnr. nfaavlie - Foil. VriE. C. Lverlv has flnishBd a lum her nliint there. He-handles lime. adv.' , It-tsi Casaot Be Cured - "J , . I , , ,mUam .s t out u4 f ,V V 1M Dorml fouaitloo. hjr- i ? -.i f tnna. mh hltt r. . CHSNIT CO., o. . ,u BU's lujr run W soartlpsth r. oi, Crarnps, ea, Cuts and -itf I- a 4 Wood's Seed Seed Potatoes FOR TALL CROP. The planting of Seed Potatoes ia June and J!y is increaaing to a wonderful extent A great many f armera claim that they give better cropa planted at this time than they do when planted Lithe spring. . Potatoea planted in June and July mature in the cool weather of the fall, at a time when they can be harveatcd to best advantage. The Seed Potatoes we oiler are put in cold storage early in the eeasdn, so as to keep in nrat class, vigorous condition. nunnd'a Cron CTOCClSll"' giving prices and full information about Lata Seed Potaioea and all other Scaaon- able Sceda, mailed free on requeat. T.v:.v;cor" eement,' btiek and all kinds of finisb- Ba liirdher The town Doasu oi cneir musicians, the- Midway-alrkig baad4, gives a free concert every baiuraay Avaninor. It waa named Midway be cause it is midway between Glass and KanmunohL. and the town esembles at midway, for. there-TS .al number-ef people constantly going ur mu inn. of there. ; Miss Annie Rogers is ependin few days as the guest of Mies Mabel Peeler 'a house party at HoekwelL ' I Wishing to visit Midway by rail get off trains either at Glass or Kan naDoKs. ; The towt hasn't any post 'office but it has an ex-postmaster, al so a preacher to iiannie tne main- 'monially inclined, a trneker to tell you when to sow your seed and a larmer to tell you about tbe crop outlook and 'many others whose names may appear later. . " : 1 WESTERN STANLY. The condition of Mrs. M. P. Lovo ia not much improved. I Mr. C. J. Almond, of Albemarle, visited Mr. C. C. Burria Sunday. J The Misses Hnnnicutt, of Concord, visited relatives in this section Sat- ui-'y. ' ' v , ' I i I.. r. Joe isarber uss piircnstieo a new PoPlk county, situated in tbe wes tern part of the state,-ia -erne of the sparsely settled counties ef ' North Carolina. Here are enconnered; some of the greatest difficulties to road building to be found in the state and that means, virtually, in the south, for in the rugged hills of wes tern North Carolina good roads are extended against the greatest odds of baffling obstacles met with in southern road building. Tbe county is- divided topographically in two sec tions. Out of its rolling farming land the Blue Ridge mountains rise abruptly. The ascent from the tower plain of the southern and : eastern parts of the state to tbe high moun tain plateau of the western division is made in a few miles' harcTcIiftb in Polk county. Once up into the miiintains 'the going is much easier. It is in the abrupt rise fremr tbe doVerW -upper plain that the highest,' steepest and rockiest mountain -aides' are to be found. Right here,' when, centuries ago, the urAearals -of' taotiier earth threw the present Blue itidge' 'mew- tains out of the level ; Iaur, ' were left the greatest barriers of 'the' sec tion to the progrear-of'Tnan. As a natural - sequence to' the feharacterr lBtics of this immediate section' which make' it hard thrwigh w buM roads, when bult, these roads run through the' heart if the most wonderfully beautifully country, The county recently issued bonis to the, amount of $100000,- which amount is being used ia the eonstruCr non and lmprovemeBt of . about eighteen milea of reads. Owing .to the unusually-heavy nature-et tbe work to be done most -of it 'has heeaJ put under contract - with, private oo- cerns by the different townships-of the county. . Where this policy not followed, day labor, under town ship foreman is used. The most notable road work of the county at preeent ia the'eOhitrtMh Uon of the highway- between Tryon and Saluda. Tbeae Sewna; each auad at ther.edge al ona-hC tae' twe divisions of the land ol. thia' aeatiaa Trvon ia at 'the foot of the Bias tRtidge. Directly - to ths-mtk-ad east the landl-i tntr fOiusT. Thw massive' road ura tbe kereleiaTa atiariag Uk ia Ua ebala ef aiirbways epee- tag tfesaa sacuoaa tae apper aaa lower U taa later traverae of theia ewer tba ecxa road, a fed of travel aver raora popular. It is a aaaras ol la coax, aoanaaing roe (MlwiLiat ef a territory atach breader tbaa that toacbad by iu tire Uoflh. Tbe raad trwa Tryae nana iate tbe Paeotet Valley, a abort dialaaeo froat tba towa. Where it eatera the valley is broad aad level Paaea ia the prvdoeainaat e lament of the scenery St t' stars. Moontaina rise, rank after rank, softened by distance. Straight ahead beyond the bead of tba valley, ia visible ia oae ridge Above- aaotbar, always rising, but asvsrthelese distinct, a deep, sharp eap. That ia where tbe Paeolet nv ar -kaa eat a ehaaael through the harriaade ef monataina. Of this work of nature the ingenuity of man has taken advantage. Along the pre cis! toes aide of the Paeolet gorge, ridged by tributary streams into tba likeness of s hoge saw, the road winds. Below, the crystal waters of tbe Paeelet River pluase and loam in rushing easersets and between bugi bouldera. ' Across tba gorge, streams dash themselves from tbe brink and 'fall a spray into the river. Others tumble from overhead, break on roeka by the roadside, are conducted under it by culverts or are spanned bv bridges and from thence drop to the gorge -bottom. The- flora is of diversified luxury and adds a charm ing toaeb of intimacy to the moun irrandenr. Among tbe tower- iag hilla andfrimeval forests through Which it runs, the road appears from a distant, like a alender, eurvmg hand of metal, elasping the mount- On closer view an idea of tne labor i and skill neeassanly employ A in ita construction is earned at a elaaee. Gnding and filling of tbe neaviesi kind was dona the entire distance in the mountains. In many places a sol id, bank of rock had to be blasted thronarb. ''Several carloads of dyna mite and powder were used in a iew miles on the 'mountain highway. The cost per mile tin thia part of the con struction went as nigh as io,uuu. The roadiJfrom' five miles south of Saluda into the town cost 45,000 to build. In that distance a rise of 1,000 feet ia-made between Try on and Saluda, the short distance of nine mil ee. l!Lateel first-class masonry. The specifica tions call for a road 20 feet wide, rannded and sanded. , A, short distance below Saluda tbe road-tunnels the tracks of the South ern Railway 60 feet below the rails, see Splendid Concord Property FOU SALE V offer for sale the following; very valuable real esuie ii the city of Concord : Th well known residence of the late Jndge llontgom ery on North Union Street, size of lot, 82x124 feet This splendid home has 10 big; rooms, besides two bath rooms. Barn and outhouses. Price K,S00. On. vacant lot on south side of the aAove, adjoining. W. G. Meai a, size 60x224. Price $3,500. One vacant lot on north side, adjoining C J. Harris, size of lot 60x224. Price $3,500. One house and lot on Church street, lot 69x115 feet. Thia honse is entirely new and has five rooms besides bath room. Has sewerage and electric lights. Price $1,750. One small house and lot on Church street, size of lot, 60x117. Price $350. Rents for 78 cents week. One small house and lot on Church street, adjoining the above, size of lot, 60x119. Price $300. Rente for 76 cents a week. SOUTHERN LOAN ft TRUST COMPANY, or ). B. SHERRILL. Concord, N C 1 1 o I ! 1 ! 1 f O i f m I r W jKI i ru 1 niDER AGEtlTSAVAIlTED in taCM TOWN and district to rtdeand exhtbtt a anuria Lata Model Tlaaaar" blojcie romUnad by ua. uarKldnrAaraolaenrrwriaraare Blcliiiimnne7fat. WriufarfttU parUndanaiutipeeiial offer at tne PM aion a v irmQOrwmo ntu roo ieeel aod approre joat uercia. We anlp to tmnM anrwbera In the u. &. vttitnut a ernt demttt la a ranee, prmxtt rmgni, ana allow Tan Da t r aa t hi JU.aunne' which Ume you may ride the bicycle and pat It to any teat 70a wlah. II you are wen not penecuy euaaea or ao not wmn 10 aeepueoi. cycle ahlp It back tone atoorennoae and you wU Hut be out m tent. ri Tf W sawn Wa f nmlah Uw nlcheat trade bicycles It hi rajttlbai rluwLapoaaible to mabeatone amall proSt aoaaw actual factory coat. YoaaaretlOtoamkla4eoMB'aiiroStBybr Inedlraotof ns and hare the mannfact uaw' aaapaa aw behind paur bicycle. BO HOT BUV a bicycle or a pair of UraatrooioiMWM a mv prlee nntU yon reoHTe our eatakwaes aad team our anaeariiof trtrMry pnoea ana rmmm luanu apeetrrt orara. TC3 riacjSTCx:sKusrrs lmmderfkttomwrlMawmmmmmkmytmVhiBjmM. WmU ttebifhrsaA rred tMcryciea frrr kees najfiT thsm tsay otberr fiartory. WAaViwaaufled with li tO prottt bo tmetorr eottt. IIC VCLf DCAUit, m eu laO oor UertMudtryNf own iisud plato at 4cmbl oor prioesL Ordeffi tilled tba dny IwoMy1, ICONOHAIIO BIOVCLKS. Wadwtaot nnrtj bAtvlmeomA-hmAAriiimi tart smrWt bhsws Danabarr oas hAd wakewi In trwito br oar Cniasuo it.il aXorssL Tbewa wa ntaavr Moiiaiiroafawaworvig, iMamnpnwei fatruin 1 ana pan .trade by oat Dromrrtly a4pr1oea rsmelnt from 2fi C:&t&n Pc::!:re-Prc:f S 1 S.lhc:zIi:zTireSi "a ma A SAMPLE PAIR TO UlTJtOOUOE. OMIT , w iiiuirj uiaia au jruiiissrw vtrw L' Gradinf - W BUpplemented Dyi Qualities belru? given by several 'bridg and 2,500 yards of Wp.feji ItH. falMUHM. mtr hmt to hn. met re mu mi asa anaaH aatrpr M la mtlkoerler MAS). lOMOKEnocsunsariicrssEs m llallaa Taatsa ac Osaaa wM fsjo4 Ittt Um 11 wtrta A hundred thousand da Ira aold last rear. 'ocfmiiwi.j BllM III.!. V.1 -J ll-i I l k .1.11:1., Tcirj- uun-'MV iiu luim iwnn .iw a special quality or ruDDer, wmcn nerer oe CfMnea mrnm and which cloaea ua amall punctures without allowing- sir to escape. Ther welsh no more than an ordinary tire, the puncture resisting al layers oi thin, specially The regular price of these a-. 1 " . Wl rher welsh I I re resisting I J ln,speclslly Vi F rice of these f l purposes we i k ider of only f ay letter ta g NstleethetMekf "a" ana -- '"ane MiatureetrlBa"B'' anS "D'alae rim atria "M" taarwvaot rlmauttiag. TMe tire will evtlaet any athar wiake-eOPT, UA8TI0 aaS BAaV atOwM. are raaldna- a sneclal factory nrice to the St 80 ner nair. All orders shinned bum da: received we win anin t ; ( 11 on annmnrai. vm an not need to pay scent until yon examine and And them strictly as represented. we win allow a oaan aiaeswirt oisoeroent itnereriy maicwigtBaprioeea.asipar paiivir incuse b this ad it. You-rao ooxlak-ln you send PULL CASH WITH ORDER and ei lay oe recuroeo. at vus expense u ior any reason wey are no r.-fectly nllkble nd moMr eevl to mil M wxle M In M tank. If yon met Uwy will rid Nilw. iiil rartia, wear better, last kmter aad fcoavSMr BataBTorioe. Weknowtlw4voewMteDweUirieeduitwleByuwaoa . . . f. a i v,,, ;i i ftii ableyolftToowllniTeiMyqarotdrr. w e wwnt yomo eeoja p, e fflaloyiqr oaoe. newoe tnn the tunnel is 160 feet long, built oil tcYnilNFFn Sjy'ew""B0," . " o ..!' VA I ifVfllXU fi0 rnotarrn(ttreianarnTJaailiUlaeka haacathlaraaiTaableaiaeirT. leva paar ec tteaaeuwca itroSauten prtee Quotes ataore: or write for our big Tire aad Sundry Catalogue which iwanrlhai ann quotes all mabai and . ainoeox urea ana mcycig equipment una nana no. mow bkii we arehed concrete. By Sylvester Ed. -a va v I ktnrra nf 1 1 rasa a.nrt hiirwrln twin t nTraaant aiiMt nnlrisai avifalarMit havlf triA liaBlaVl Dl momd. in Southern Uooa ttoaas. t gg juir Itvil f 1 wrii w j- 00 marr think 01 -niviito a Myiaar aair Wshineton,'' June 29. Secretary McAdoo mailed a letter today a letter loaay to euch of the National banks in uie United States askinr whether they believe it will be advisable for th Treasury Department to lend a hand ajrain this vear' In the movement oi crops by distributing additional Gov ernment deooeits. The Secretary asked tor an opin ion as to what cities in each State may be used to the best advantage as otwtats from which the National banks may place the money among their country correspondents ana as to the-sort '-of collateral the bankers rar nrrl a best for the security of ftnvAmment funds. Last vear Secretary -Me Adoo de posited -ever $37,000,060 with Na tional 'bants ior t!rop' movemeuv ntu every went of the money was pain back with interest berore this year. ' .List of Letters uncalled for in the post I rantxicl and Mechanical Engineer- office at Concord for week ending jing. in Chemistry and Dyeing; in Oot- June '29. 1914-. I ton Manufacturing, ana in oikui- Men. Itnral teacninff. iOUT year cvunms. J.. R rWnluirdt. Arthur Blackwel-lTwo and one year courses In Agricnl der, Biifotd Blackwelder, C. B. Bost,ltare and in Machine Shop Work. Ii. Frv.- C. K. Holland, i;nas. o. i rocnitv of Bl men: as nuaouwii o Iber.'JVF. McAnulty, F. P. Rogers, briildlngs: excellent eanlpnient ana .Ton. Ki Rmvth. Mack Spry. B. Wood-h-watories for each department. ham. I On July 9th County Bupennnnaeni Women. . I conduct entrance ezanunanons a. Lenar Alexander, Vadie Boss, Mrs-lsiM, county seat For catalogue Mattie Canady, Ghessie Chanker, Linni Crenshaw, Jennie Eddings, rWilliel Harris. Annie Laurie, Char- Intte Peazaan. Maesne person, Mrs Lnvenia Rav. Cora Ruse,' Mrs. J. H. .a. a r fir i S3 liU Tinl. Kidennour, Mrs. Maggie omnu, na Rtlllwell Wben-ealkng for the above please say "advertised." La tnjUUAniA, PbPstmaster, PLCASANT COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE a four years' course fitting young men for business, teaching, MOUNT Offers or advanced class in University or College. Manned by teachers of experience who have had thorough training in College and have done post graduate- work in University. High standard of efficiency attested by the record of graduates. Location favorable for pleasant and profitable work as well as for health. Military feature appeals to manly young men; develops them physi cally, and affords the most effective training for promptness, obedience to constituted authority, precision, and neatness. The reasonable rates bring advantages within reach of any ambitious boy or young man. Write for catalogue to the-Frin-cipal, . 1 -O.T?ALUSTBR,'Mouna Pleasant,1. 6. THE NORTH CAROLINA COLLEGE Of MRICUIMAND ISQIANIC ARTS , April of This State Indostrial Collsgs offers strong courses in Agncuiawe, culture, Stock-raising, Dairying, Fool try. Veterinary Medicine; in Civil, E. B. OWEN, Registrar, -West Raleigh, N. 0. pear tkuimaslvM Plata aa'owaagtelMftS aeons . .uttmiaha b. t. w. Phillips, a Sal. Sleeping Car Service Between Char- lotte and Asnevuie. Effective Monday. June 8th, South ern Railway will operate a sleeping car between Charlotte and Ashevilie via Salisbury. This car wiU be open to receive passengers at Charlotte at a aaa a. Tal l . 19.30 n. m.. ana wiu arrive at oiac Cspt Ufcn6;WWI laSaTsa ins jjom)'tftin at 9:25 Md Ashevilie '---V- ' l.t innn a m. fniiowinir morninir. tfe- Salisbnryj' JuBe"29. Capt. Andrew tnrnino. tue CM wai leave Ashevilie mouniani at 1 70 great accommo the day at home ami be in Western JNortn Carolina UMTimr-vnn inr mffvrn' nua ua uivi.i.i -r .fill . n. k ... u m ii 1 ! i - -"r --- . . 1 ak ,w v. m.t mum m-ius uwauieuia.iw-1, . it.. aooni nf thn' rrfi l:n u. . . . . ... . ' swmw uw uvv,' t - - .in. m. laia wiu ua si 101 VW-BBWD SBKl w sway rtjaayuan-- . c.li.l,,, ia to Its roiiredlS... . a asaifewBJlatrit -Srt "rtJia "TT """".". . . ..V 'li, aaiion, as can apcuu mn tieiive amies on iuiy x, suu kum th wn' nfuwded i thsnr laav Nine mi away' sluda-stdr at thei top of the shsrpest climb. ' Be yond, the ascent is comparatively nroerste. yhe-eairs'klWTei-ray'mtrcB more irraoaHy J and4 individually -not as hign M trr'lAeMteirtbe-Tila- teau'a edge. ' alufla- U'fl.WTeet higher than the land five miles itfthe santh towsrd Ttyon. ' , ' ;Tbs road between . these' towns iinSjtiiA In M.ntf anaafa arut ' kt nn. usual interest owing Bot.nly to itajirattoihWlrlt lyste Religions Edn- isbarj,!boy, who was advanced from cashier at this office to Charlotte several years sgoi Captain Buford has been with the eompaajr 3U years, ne waa asent at Greensboro and Oxford and had been traveling freight agent before he came here. Ia rwognitoion of his long-and faithful service the Southern relieves him form tne worn but retains him as an official with full the following morning, nuking 1 the trip at night. ; ' ' R. H. DeBTJTTS, D. F. A, , tf. ; Charlotte, N. C S.P7' own nature, but to the ohject of its onatruction and -the nurpose wiu fulfill. It is. secetduig te inlorma- satton. Chkaeo.. Jons' 2. aA! nation-wide system of religious education is the tion from, a sesponsihls source, "the : supreme duty of the churches today' only flrst-class nighwiy tafjjing, thajdeolared Rev. Fraaklin MeElfresh main artery of the Elus'T..-. JTls before 'the- -interaationsl Sunday road will supply a pressing need in 'school assosiation here today. "The connecting, the mountaia section of anarch, has too long been -, satisfied westrtrn. li'orih Carolina, Tf" -f-e wiih- nly good, intentions. The re and the eountry Shove wiih t 1 L a Bu!t has been S tad lack of efficiency south South Carcl.na, Lau 4 aud in the vital work of character build tirade marfce and ronrrtirHMO'-'.i'wd oroo ret. Send atoflH, elretcl' or r"oe a artiruoa for r-RBS it an report aa patentability. Rank reterenrea PATBMTa RUIIO poRTU"S yoa. Our free booklote trtl bow, wttutotanaS ana aaya you taoney. Write today. .LivJv.m I ! sat f 1 "If- . '., v ror Ele Pure milk fron tu!orci tested, stall f'd rows. : .' y's n a sneciiiH.v. Tluine . Krs. N. A Before You Visit New York writs to The World for foSjl Information rttvamg HottU, Thtmtret, I KMiaaranu, : , h Katlroad Tlmt Tblt$, H SUamthtp Sailings, Baggagt Traniftn, Cab Parts, &e. Reservations Madt PREB WHEN JN NEW YORJK. call at any of The World Infor mation Buraas. These are main-. talned tor the FREE use of ths t : public. . . "-. . . ... ICO7L19 OFFICES-' f Pulltxer Bldg, 61 Park Row; liW.cor. Brosdway and Sttb St IS! West 5tb Street - 410 East H9th Street, 29a Wsskmgtoa' St, Brweajya. NEW YORK WORLD Pulltxer Bldg., -, tkw Tw City mm 4. raniiirinS NEW YORK v sioADWnr Ar ee stmbct i A htghrgrade hotel- con dacted on the Enrorjiean ; plan at mcderate prices. Subwaf at the hotel en tranceBroadway surface 'cars and Fifth Avenue bus CSMthe door. 'WOOUSY a CERltANS, Pssa : a. M. WawUST, tu ; - Sixty-six seres, two ruJ 1 out of Concord, frot '' ; ( 1 f 'iu ror. . snj -" t.t. 1 1 -1 (,::' ' 1 in i lloriU. 11 ' re;; .' I -'e cf ing." Ar.!:.aM. 2-t

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