f -J VOL. XIV. J. B. S HER RILL, Editor and Publisher CONCORD. N. C, THURSDAY, JULY 9, 1914 40 Cents a Month Centa a Copy. N0.26S. 1 1 . FlAUl TO CARRANZA MUST HOT TOY TO 8ET UP HIS t 4 OWN GOVERNMENT If He Dow He Will Be Treated Jut aa Haarta b How Bing Treated. Witfcewt EwsofiiiUon It Will bo ImfxwciUi for Him to Run Hit Ownuut.-United 8Utes U - Marking Tim in Mexico Cons tant Cwiranu Will Treat With Huerta. . v v S T Washington, July 0. Until word tomes fronr t arrjuiaa ; the United Slates will mark time in Mexico, The The State Department officials are confident that he will treat with lluer ta delegates. Minister Kaon, local representative of the A. B, V. media tors, is also confident that he will . treat with Huerta delegates. But members of the Junta here are rather dubious, and are worrying over the opposition of the field generals, who re sticking to the Guadeloupe plan, which provides pence .only after eon- . finest of Mexico City. It has been made plain to Carranza that neither the United States nor the mediators recognize his military government. Should they set up their own govern- ment after the capture of the capitol hey would be in the same place-as Huerta. With recognition refused it - would be impossible to raise funds to run the government,.. "FURR TOWNSHIP 8. 8. CONVENTION. To B Hsld at Love's Chapel Friday, - July 24. :-' The Sunday school convention or tHirr's township will be held it Love 'a Chapel Methodist Church on Friday, July 24, beginning at.lOiM a. ro. The following will be the. pro gtamme: " . Song, Coronation Congregation . Devotional exercises. ... - Welcome address -Lonnie Furr. Response A. A'. Hatheock. Reports from schools. . Address Rev, R. K. Brady. Intermission.;.' ' " - Mug, .Italian uyuin .mure,;..- 10W? ' : , Hound table Jalhs. Address O.D. B. Heynolds. from the several churches. All are ",u" "". -v irvitei). CRAVEN C. BURRIS, President FANNIE K. DRYK," Secretary MOSQUITO CURE KILLS. , . j, AM & ,,c uwtfccu w upvc oeumui iii- raiB-TW-Old UM MD0UC ACIO AS lins,iam( but h(, a(1(jed t,ere . ... Antidota for Bites. were certain facts that he could not " Chicago, : July 8. Mosquitoes bit ignore. He declared that "through- the tiny pink legs of 2-year-old Ethel 'out his senatorial career Mr. Dilling - Baugh. The little tot was playing at ham has consistently and persistent- her home with 4-year-old Dorothy, her ly, and, without doubt, 'honestly sister. Dorothy had seen her mother 'since his sympathies all lie in that put soma stuff "out of a bottle on sis-J direction acted with that coterie of ter'KJnosqiUto bite.' She climbed to senators who have been known as the medicine chest and found a bottle, i the champion of special interests, It bora a skull and crossbones. SboiThese men were the bodyguard of nut it on sister's "wounds. ; 'i Ethelf cried tbe harder and - more on, : Mother heard 1 diea from -ithe shock of carbolic A ,.. -. :, ' . '- " , COMPETITION MAKES SOME PEOPLE LOSE MONET. IT MAKES MB SELL TOU A TON OF BET TER COAL FOR LESS MONET. -PHONE TOUR ORDER TO-DAY, ' A. B. POUNDS. ? 9-6t. EXCURSION TO ASHEVILLE. ; "AitrtctiTa Monntain Excursion Wed-' - Jp order that all those who de ' aire may avail themselves of the op portunity to spend a few days , in - Asheville. and vicinity at low cost, - tba Southern Railway will operate a special train from Salisbury ' to Asheville, leaving Salisbury at 10:00 A- M. .Wednesday, July 15th, arriv ing at Asheville at 4:30 p. m. passengers irom au otner points - . . . , . . c .. nay nse regular trains into -ybal s- bury, Barber and - other junction points Wednesday,! July 15th, con necting with tha special for '"iaho- - wille, v;" ':V',; . ' J'-; Returning tickets wil be good on 'all regular trains leaving Asheville . up. Jo and including Saturday, July 18th, flowing three nights and" near ly foW days n which to enjoy Mie't'te nf the loeal party leaders among cool mountain- aif and beautiful scenery in and around Asheville. -',. , ' Low " round tiip fares will apply - from) these stations named below t . j Salisbary v..; .... ',. .$3.60.: i. China Grora.. ;. i 3.00 . Concord. ".. 3.25 - ' tatesville.. it. ,t 250 Arbemarle. ; 4 (. , (, -, 350 " Fares from all ' points covered by this excursion and not - mentioned " above will be on the same low basis. Great opportunity to enjoy a few !. ; V rest in midsummer at very low cofct in the delightful monntain eli- . mate. ' - t: 4 " : .. For further information apply to nearest e?ent or Write: B. IL DtT.uTT.1, D. P. A. POLITICAL UPHEAVAL IX VERMONT Two Elements la Repablicaa Party Growing Mora. Estranged Every Day. Montpelier, Vt- July 9. Wtti the two elements of the Republican par ty growing more estranged each day and a union of Democratic and Pro gressive forces within the range of possibilities, Vermont is now under going the greatest, political disrup tion. in the last half eentnry. Because of the importance of the office and its national significance the ' United States senatorship has the center of the political Stage. Next November for the . first time Vermont is to elect a senator by di rect vote of the people. Five 'senatorial candidates promise to be on tbe ticket this fall, where a plurality vote, will elect. Senator Dillingham, it is conceded, will be re nominated by the Republicans. Governor Allen M. Fletcher, the rec ognized leader of the ; progressive wing of the Republican party, will probably rnn as an independent. Charles A. Proutyi formerly a mem ber of the Interstate Commerce Commission, is out as a candidate on the nonpartisan platform. Rev. Fraser Metzger, the Progressive can didate for governor two years ago, ne. the choice or Ins party for the senatorship. Harland B. Howe, C. A. Watson and Martin A. Brown are. mentioned for the Democratic nomi-'little brother inherited $;i,l)(IO on the nation. - death of their mother. At the present time Senator Dil- For many months after the disap lingham and Mr. Prouty are looked pearance of the little girl a nation upon as the two strongest candi-lwide search was made lor her. The di-tes in the senatorial contest, at- father made many trips, some to dis though the independent candidacy of tant parts of the country, to run Governor Fletcher of a, fusion of thojdown possible clues as to the where Demoerats and Progressives may bouts' of the child. Her picture was bring about a radical change in the displayed in moving-picture theatres situation before the election is held., throughout the country in the . hope After an active political career in that someone might recogniw the lit the State, Mr. Dillingham was elect- tie girl. ed to the senate in October, 1000, to- From time to time reports have fill tlie vacancy caused by the death been circulated that Dr Winters was of Justin S, Morrill. Last April he not sincere in his search for the mis issued formal announcement that he sing child aipl that lie had used a con would be a candidate for re-election, siderahle part of tlie, funds raised to During his entire senatorial career 'conduct the search for other than the Mr. Dillingham has stood firm as purpose intended. Matters reached "regular" Republican, though he a climax on May 110 last, when IK ihas not been classed as reactionary . . n . to me extreme exieni as nave nenuior Tenrose; of Pennsylvania find some other Republicans - in the upper . - , ... . . .-.wtionJort -to find h will lmr the solid minnnrt of th support or the. i ( BUII1.j has ruled the Re- (publican party in Vermont, for the inat score of vears. Mr. Proutv set at rest a lot of rn- mors by his announcement last week tt his formal entry into the senator- ial field. F.or many-years Senator Dillingham and Mr. Prouty have been warm personal friends and po- Iitical allies. -For these reasons, Mr. Prouty declared In his announcement i:' l : I ... J cr , TV 1 rounds, iKthelinacor Ainricn wnen ne was met cooper is a rauronn loiegrapn Dorothy pntllaa'lar of the United States senate, 'operator, and has been in New castle rd 'the -cries.iand they .are generally : against all 'about seven years. Accorling to his octor said Eth-1 propositions for1' reform, which are own statement he went to Indianap- Senator . Aleirieii when na waa we supposed to unfavorablr affect the'olis March 24, 1013. four days after interests for which they stood." the disappearance o the child, and The probabilities are that the name of at least five candidates for tlie senatorship will go on the Nevemher ballots, owing to the fact that -there lis not likely to be any direct primar- es in Vermont this year. Some time ago it was understood that there ? tould be a conference of the leaders jf the political parties to draft a direct primary bill and -that the leg- it-lature would be called. to pass the! bill together with . home other - nr gent matters.: But this plan seems. to have fallen through and tbe prob- abilities are that the f nominations been kidnapped for the purpose of will be made in State conventions assuring a ransom. -Both of these heretofore. This taieans that "there! theories were long ago dismissed aa will be three candidates put up at' unreasonable by the detectives em- tlj ttivAA laaIInrV Vsili final ' ta fitom 1nH.J lnl.nnl!i.n(n 4Un naoa ' ' Hmmv Wl vaaaaa) jjvuhvws . witn at least two otqers running as nonpartisans or indepen enU. ?.r; i ? ' Tha tnltr irmmlPflincr fnainn iar thfif n rinmrat. wnnM ha willinir if 1 - - - ' .- -n tj,e Progressives would sgree to sup - port tneir canaiaaies . ior ,7 unueu Ru(t cooper, and the otner is tnat ine Democrats giving them the lieuten-' child might have been unwelcome at ant govesoorship, two congressmen the homet So far as puublie know and half of the State offices on the ledge goes there is absolutely nothing State ttekei''--V' ?..:,-'':' ' fto suustantiate either theory. There was talk of a similar union There is a reward of 2,300 mt- of the Democrats and Progressives - .two. yearn ego, but owing to the fail the Kooseerelt -men and the Uem0 ereta to agree on a division of the elective offices, the plan fell through and the three Denies went it alone. Now the fusion plans have been je - vived, but whether with any better chances 01 success than gerore re- nrnins to be seen. t : ' : - - - - .. -. ,. COMPETITION MAKES SOME people lose i:c:;rY. it rrAKr.s ME ELLL " YCU A "1 C 3 CT TZT - TER COAL FOR Xr::3 '. : .T. inTVAVm T VT T T A a. b. pcrrrs, et. ,. ycu err rrr rrz. ":? rr.r r -".t:::3 coal rr.:: a. 2. I Z'.-Z j. .- j , - 9 - . WINTERS CASE TO TRIAL, Another Chaptar In the famous Kid napping Case. Newcastle, Ind., July 9 Another chapter in the Winters' Kiddnapp ing" ease will be started in the cir cuit court here tomorrow, when Dr. W, A. Winters' father of the mis sing child; her step-mother, Mrs. Byrd Winters, and W. II. Cooper, a former boarder at the Winter's home, are to be. placed on trial on charges made against them some weeks ago. Tbe three are charged with "eon-H spiraey to commit a felony by con spiring to kill the child hy strangling or otherwise, and to destroy the body by burning.". The question uppermost in the minds of all the people of Newcastle today is whether the coming trial will solve the mystery of the disappearance of nine-year-old Catherine Winters. Most persons who have followed the case incline to the opinion that the mystery will not be solved. Catherine Winters disappeared on March 20, 101.1. The child had been canvassing the neighborhood in which she lived, trying to sell need les for a church society. S)ie was last seen lute in the afternoon and when she did not return home it was believed she had gone to the home of a neighbor for dinner. The police were not notified until the next day. The child was the daughter of Winter by his first wife, who died several years ago. Catherine and her Winters, his wife and Cooper, the m t i-i lornier nounier, eio him-ii imo i-us- tody. At the same time a search was made of the Winjers home in an ef- SHmotlmiit tliiw nuglit Mrw- light-.- .on the mystery- J 110 t-Uruw- liullt- search is said to have disclosed a red sweater and a red ribbon used for the hair concealed in a cement hlock in a wall under the house and a red stained garment under a furnace veu- lilating pipe. Encouraged by the finding of the clothing, the police took up cellar floor and' other parts of tlie premises with a view to learn- ing whether or not a body might be concealed. A similar search was i .. i' . I . i - 1 .. .... iiihiic ii Hliuuiei limine ninut-ii.i w- by t,ip Wmt,,,.s m,t s fn,. has be-n made public the investiga- Hon failed to discclose anything that Jwonld indicate that the child hud been murdered. Dr. Winters, his wife and Cooper , have been at liberty on hail since their jtheir innocence of the charges made against them. They declare that the is as much a mystery to them as to anyone. Cooper, is a railroad telegraph did not return until March 31, 1913, One of the most baffling features ,ir connection wit h the case is the ap- parent lack of motive either for the Kidnapping or the murder of the child. A thorough investigation wa conducted on tlie theory that the lit- 'le girl might htave been stolen by gypsies, but not the slightest clue wat was found to suport the tlieory. On the found to support the theory. On the - 'other hand the financial cireumstan- ce of Dr. Winters seemed to pre- elude tbe idea that the child may have '(1 piJCU 111 V CDllatC V V vov, On the other hand, there appears ij be no adequate evidence indicat ing a motive for the mnrder of the i:t. .i n. ti,ru uv.n hv . 1 1 1 v pui... ... . ...... ' the detectives connects Mrs. Winters .tnndint? in connection with the case, - but most of the money is for the safe return of the child alive, The mavor - .o K-weastle. the Indees of the local ' courts wi the bankers and leading business men of the city, all have ' untrilmloJ - in Mia fund and have 'otherwise lent their aid in tbe efforts tnat ,aVe been made to aolve the mys- tery, I J COMPETITION MAKES SOME .PEOPLE LOSE MONEY. IT MAKES 1:2 gELL YOU A TON OF BET j COAL FOR LESS MONEY, vnrm RnT.B. TO-DAY. V 1 wr- . A. B, FOUNDS. Ml If you love your wife, get her a be involved. ,V'f n stored This is the advice-ot thai ": .! Concord Gas Co. in their new ad. to-1 The Pastime has a Universal feat Si-.fi- r v.; v- , - today. . . V 'j. V-VV FROIIMSM. (MAllIODAY HARDWARE DEALERS ELECT OFFICERS FOR NEXT TEAR. T. W. Dixon, of Charlotta, Secretary and Troaanrar. Two Negro Youths Committed to SUU Penitentiary to Prevent Lynchinf. Attempted Criminal Assault on a Sixteen Tear Old OirL i Raleigh. July 9. The North and South Carolina Association of Ilard- wore Dealer elected officers, left the selection oi the place or' the. next meeting to the executive conimlite and adjourned. The officers chosen were: President, W. H. Keith, of Timmonaville, S. C; Vice-Presidents, H. E. Reid, of Lincolnto'n, fN. C, A. R. Craig, Marion, S. C, J. Oneal, Henderson, N. C: Secretary and Treasurer, T. W. Dixon, Charlotte; Official Auditor, W. L. Gilbert, Statcs ville; executive committee, the offi cers and L. W. Smoak, Orangeburg, S. C, and Ottis Green, Asheville. Hetcher Winstead and William Holland, negro youths, were commit ted to the penitentiary for safe keep ing to prevent lynching in Edge combe and Nash counties, where the boys last evening criminally assault ed Nannie May Daughtridgc, daught er of Dock Daughtridge, a Rocky Mount contractor. The screams of the girl brought aid and the negroes failed to accomplish their purpose. The girl is sixteen years old. She was injured by being thrown in a ditch. Hrrwn aw nrmnrvr. vavuit. Interesting and Profitable Session oi the Snndav School Norms in 8m. .. w t i much interest is oeing mauitested in the Sunday School Normal that is being conducted at Mount Pleasant this week under the auspices of tha Lutheran Synod. The sessions, which are being conducted by trained stu- dents, are proving profitable and in-j stxuctive. Thirty and forty! minute periods are being observed S lor - the - classes and the Sunday School work- ers are spending busy days. Today'3 work, which is an index to the regular work of the school, consisted of the following classes : Matins, Pastor Lohr. Missionary Training Pastor Clau sen. Pedagogy Dr. Patterson. Bible Dr. Deaton. Primary Pastor Schenk and Miss Bui winkle. Pedagogy Dr. Patterson. Bible Dr. Deaton. Kindergarten Paster Schenk and Miss Bulwinkle. Pedagogy Dr. Patterson. Bible Dr. Deaton. Primary Pastor Schenk and Miss Bulwinkle. Pastors Dr. Kinard. Superintendents and Officers Dr. Fritz. Teachers Pastor Fisher. Music Prof Zehar. Round Table Pastor Lohr. Vespers Dr. Fritz. Lecture Rev. F. B. Clausen. BLACKWELL'S ISLE PRISONERS MUTINY. At Signal in Dining Hall Men Grab bed Dishes and Threw Them at the - Keepers. New York, July 9. The prisoners at Blackwell's Island took up the suffrage cause, and because Warden Hayes took disciplinary measures they mutinied. At a signal in the din ing hall the men grabbed dishes and threw, them at the keepers.' Five keepers and seven prisoners are in a hospital. - . ; . BEIGE AT JAIL. :' Mob Seeking to Lynch Negro. Thirteen Deputies on Guard. - Bay Springs, Miss.. July 0. The jail here is in a state of seige. . A frantic mob is seeking to lynch a negro who confessed to. killing one and wounding two. The jail is barri caded and protected with thirteen de puties. . MRS. CARMAN JAILED. Her Husband Says She is as Inno cent a Child. ' ' New York. July 9. Mrs. Carman has been jailed. . Her mother is dying,- Her husband says she is "as innocent aa a child." Ut. Carman's lawyer, Mr. Levy, said he hopes to break down tbe testimony oi several witnesses at the bearing .Monday. Boita to Recover 150,000,000 ' Chicago, July 0.--Suits to recover $50,000,000 back State taxes, started bv Cook county against alleged delin quents, will be vigorously pushed. It is intimaetd that prominent million aires as well as State tax officials will HOBO" ARRE8TED. Toting Italian Arrested Tester day Poll ca Activt After "Deadbeata." A young Italian was picked up at tbe dejiot yesterday by Policeman Eudy for "beating" a train. He was brought to the city hall and plac ed in the lockup. Tony Koss, an Ital ian fruit vender, came to the rescue of his fellow countryman and paid hull out of the lockup. Since then the young fellow lias secured a jub and is now at work. The vomit; man tells a "hard link" story. lie states that lie was living in Spartanliui-g and that his business there was uniolitahle and that he lost II of his money. Having rela tives in New York lie made an elTort to "deadlicat" his way to the metro polis with the result that lie was caught here. When arrested he slat ed that all he wanted was a .job and this was secured for him. The arrest of the young Italian adds another to the long list of "ho bos" arrested here recently. The officers of the railroad company and the local officers have been vigilant in their efforts to stop the "dead heats" on the roads and quite a num ber have been tried in the police court recently. A short time ago two young men were arrested as "hobos." They were tried and sentenced to .'10 days on the chain gang. Their sentence expired a few days ago. In the mean time one of the young men had writ ten to his family for aid and a liber al response was made. When the young man's time expired they came to a local haberdashery and purchased a considerable outlay of vearnlile and left town more in the manner of summer tourists than ex-convicts. TAKE MRS. CARMAN ON MURDER CHARGE. TT UGH J.B lUJf JUAUia VUUlUig iiUIUC Babv A8ka bnenff FiVeport, N. Y., July 8. Mrs. H ei:ce vpnKiin ni ninn, wne oi ui . r.o win ( arimin, was arrested today ',.,., . i,,.;,,,, ii,(, who we,,k a,,t) iht mv,b.n., Mrs. .ouiK,. liaih-v. wife of a Hempstead manufacturer, bv tiring a bullet through her heart as she stood in the physician 's ollice. Tonight Mrs. Carman, at whom the finger of suspicion had pointed since the discoven- that she had installed' :i telephonic instrument in her hus- band's ollice to hear conversations between him and his woman patients, is in the Nassau coiintv jail at Min- cola. I here she w ill remain until Mondnv, when she again will be exam ined by I lie coroner, before w ho sh pleaded not guilty today when ar rnigiied alter her arrest in the room when' Mrs. Hailey died. Mrs. Carman's nerve is shattered. When the door of the Mineola jail dosed behind her today she pullet Lot heavy veil from her face am broke down. Her husband and tht sheriff, who took her in an aiitoinohih Irom her home here to the lnil, as sisted her to the top lloor of the building. MANY PEACH TRAINS ARE PASSING THROUGH i i Southern Now Handling About 100 Cars Daily From South Georgia Fields. Charlotte Observer. Between 100 and 200 cars of peach es daily are being handled through Charlotte now en route from the fleor gin orchards to tlie northern markets The peach crop is reported late, ami the real rush has just begun. It was earned from ollicials of the South ern yesterday that an increase in the shinment of peaches was being look ed for during the next 10 days. Several hundred cars ot peaches have been handled through here since the season opened. Despite the fact that the crop is lato this number ex ceeds that of last yeur by 40 or more cars. Late cold snaps in South Geor gia failed to damage the peach crop to the extent predicted at that time, and it is now believed that a bumper crop will be made. J . To My Ice Customers and Friends. Each year we have more or less complaint in regard to ice service. It it, mv earnest desire that all ice pti tions are politely and promptly serv ed. I employ tne very Dest neip mat I can secure and it is right hard to get drivers that are competent, and will woik seven days per week. I and the drivers well know that if vou are not pleased with the ice deliveries and weights I can not hope to sell yon coal. I hope that none of my customers will take exception to what any driver may do or say, and buv their eoal elsewhere. - Thanking you for your patronage ui the past and lor your next com order as well, I remain, - K . , ; Yours very truly, - ad, "'A I U'' A. B. POUNDS. COMPETITION MAKES SOME PEOPLE LOSE MONEY. IT MAKES ME SELL YOU A TON OF BET TER COAL FOR LESS MONEY. PHONE YOUR ORDER TO-DAY A. B, POUNDS. , -8t. YOU GET THE CLEANEST AND BEST HEATING COAL FROM A REAL WORKERS ARE TODAY'S PUBLICATION SHOWS BIO INCREASE IN THE VOTE TOTALS. Amount Published Do Not Repressent Total Vote, and Reserra Held by Some of the Candidates Will Be Big Surprise When They Are Made Known. Look over the list published in to- lay ' palter. You will sec who are In- real workers in the Times-Tri bune campaign, and who to help at once bet ore it is too late. This liM will show who are actually in the race for the prizes and who are de serving ot help. Kilt vet the totals in the paper do not signify the tttal standing ol the contestants. Most all of the candidates have a re serve of votes which will surprise a :ieat many when it is published on the last day. And every day the real hustlers are adding thousands ol votes to this reserve and bettering teir chances of being one of the big winners in the end. For the last few days subscrip tions have been coming m much tast- r than at any time during the con test, and although the votes given 11 each is less than those of last week, this week promises to be the most important of all. Those who do SIR WILLIAM OSLER STARTLES AUDIENCE. Tells His Hearers They Practically All Have the Dreaded Tubercu losis. Leeds. Kngland, July 8. Sir Wtl a in Osier today startled the huge iidience attending the conference of he Association for the Prevention of 'oiiKiimption by telling them they nacticallv all had tuberculosis. 11'? snid : 'If with the aid of radium and a mcroscope, l could look at the chests I this audience I am addressing, in 10 ner cent, of vou I'd discover a mall focus or area of tuberculosis." Sir William demanded in the inter ids of the State the establishment of rigid control over consumptives. BUY YOUR COAL FROM A. B POUNDS. I THANK YOU IN AD VANCB,FQR YOUR. ORDBRw-tt Schools forYour Children aTYOU, Mothers of this community! You have children to educate. You want good schools that your children may have advantages equal to those given the children of the mail-order man in the city. Do you not know that when you buy of the mail-order man instead of the mer chants of this town you are taking away from the opportunities your children should have? The schools are supported by taxes, oj which the mail-order man does not pay one cent in this town, but the money you are sending to the city means- greater wealth and more money in the school funds of the city, and less wealth and less money in the school funds of this town.': Why not assist in educating your own children? j You can do it by spending your dol lars with the merchants who are assisting in keeping up the schools here instead ol sending them to the mail-order man. . 1 You mothers can be boosters for this town and your own children if you will. Think it over. : In every community yon will find people who Lave obtained comfortable circumstances because they saved. ' - i COMING TO FRONT their very lict and get in every pos sible stilisi riptioii will be tbe ones stol on Saturday night. Hut doing i In- verv best possible Means good hard work this week and not only alone but also tbe help of your friends. If you have two or three people working' for vou all well ac-jai.d good, hut it vou have not you had hitter get them at once. Give a couple of receipt books and tell them that you want them to get right out ami hustle subscriptions for you. Make them understand that it is too bite for promises now and that only actual help will be of any use to you. As fast as you get a few subscrip tions, bring or send them to the office and get your votes. Keep this al wtys well dime up so that there will be as little hurry aud confusion as possible on the last day. Kindly note that no checks will-be"1'"' received after todav. "PEACE PROTOCOL" President Wilson Receives Henry Ford and Other Big Business men. Washington, July 9. The formula tion of a ''peace protocol" between the Administration and big business went forward rapidly. President Wil son received Henry Ford, E. S. t'rampton. of Chicago, and other bug business men. Through these visits President Wilson is getting actual conditions in the country. As a re sult he w ijl make minor changes in the trust bills so as not to work' such hardship on some classes of bus iness. BUY YOUR COAL FROM A B. POUNDS. I THANK YOU IN AD VANCE FOR YOUR ORDER. 9-6t YOU GET THE CLEANEST AND BEST HEATING COAL FROM A . R.,POUNDS;., o... . IBBslsSasBi :'.V;;.;iV'-- -r'T B. POUNDS. . . . 0-01 , ,: A UAb, N. C.

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