t. VOL XIV. j. . B. SHKRR1LL. Editor tad Publisher CONCORD. N. C, FRIDAY, JULY 10, 1914 40 Cents Month I Centa a Copy. N0.269. . i I. V. HW TAKE MEXICO CITY ANY TIME THE REBELS EXPECTED TO CAP , ' TURE THE CAPITAL And the Time is' Not rar'Off. Ths Way U Practically Clear After the ; Capture of Guadlajara, In That - tattle More than 12,000. Federals Were Routed, and 5,000 Were Cap tared, Also All Artillery and Am munition. -Jt altillo, July 10. The constitu tionalists arc expected to capture Mexico City in a short time now. The n r J was made practically clear af ter the rapture f fiuadlujara.' den. Ohegon sustained slight losses in the jilting before rapturing the city, whieh eiteuded over eighty miles. More than 12,000 federals were ront cii, and 5,000 were enptured, also nil tl'd artillery and ammunition. . Gen. Obcgon expects to-fret 15,000 volun teers before his advance on Mexico City. GUADALAJARA FALLS BEFORE REBEL FORCE ii, . v ' T elve Thousand ; Federal Soldiers Are Routed; Five Taken Prisoners. Haltillo, Mexico, July 9. General j and that the water and light de Carranza was officially advised lute partment needed a larger room for today of the fall of Guadalajara be- Hn office. fore the constitutionalist forces today. While the matter was being dis at noon. The news was received with cnssed a spectator ventured the re thc utmost elation at constitutional- mar)t thnt the purpose of holding the it headquarters where it was regard- court j n,e opwa ,0Hge wag t0 p;ve ed as preliminary to the occution City Attorney Maness a stage to act f f Mexico City itself. ; v on. General Alvaro Obregon, eonstitu- The city attorney replied that with tionalist commander in his dispatch a 8tare the audience could get a bet to General Carranza, reported that the ter view of Mr. W. O. Means' police federals had been completely routed court juries. and that he was in control of the en- Whereupon some one said that if tiro city, including the federal pal- Bob Crockett were tried upstairs it nee. Five thousand federals had been would bo like witnessing a minstrel tuk-en prisoners, according to fibre- iron's report and the retreat toward ;cxico City .ot those who escaped Imd been cut off hy trooprof the .com- mand of General, Blanco, detoured fnuu Ameea jo destroy. the-4eeoiwKH&KXjUUESu HUSBAND A v" 1 1 e or communwanuBf iucu auimu- n. I ion, arms mm. 'supplies ..was rap- m, . i , t i . line leurruia wtie iriwiit-u acnnvi. ed in all direction and great pnnieh-! iiu-nt inflicted on them in retreat but no figures of losses on either side were available. Principal BIythe Resigns. . At a meeting of. the school board last night the resignation of Mr. l V. BIythe, pricipal of Concord public schools, was received and accepted. Mr Blvthe was offered a larger sala- IV elsewhere and decided to accept the position.- Mr. BIythe has been principal of the Concord schools for ond hi. u-nrk baa hfinn sat- : ;r. , .. i wlwil j iu ..! w t. hM in ion esteem by a large number of e', .Th Wemew took place in her fronds to whom his leaving Concord Jal' ."Hi .T it i V,t. and the confession was the first one vill be a matter of regret. . made by vomM wbo gftturday Hoover's Annul Sal.:. J : 3 .killed h husband as , , they were riding along the road on r . Hoover usual summer sale of their tneir way to ehurch in Martin conn entire stock of men's, young men's ty. tTp to this time the officers had and boy's clothing, raincoats, troua- been at a loss to find a motive for crs and felt hats at exactly one-third U,e crime. For two hours Mrs. John- oir, tor casn, wiu oegin next eaiur- -' cay morning, jury u.- ineir pouey lias always been to start eaeh season with a clean, new stock, See big ad. m The Tribune todny. i - .: . v PASTTME AT THE PASTIME WITH KING BAGGOT TODAY.- THREE REEL FEATURE. -i . BUY YOUR COAL. FROM A. POUNDS. I THANK YOU IN AD VANCE IFOR YOUR ORDER. 9-6t The .-....T? ALDERMEN MEET. Held Brief Session Last Night Tew Matters ef Interest Presented. The July meeting of the city fath ers, held last night at the city hall, as marked by brevity. There were, frw matters presented for the fath- 'erfc and they transacted them in a 'brief manner. All the members of the board were present -except Alder man Ritchie. Mr. Morrison II. Cald well stated that Mr. White's lot on West Corbin street had been damaged a a result of having the street com mittee in that section raised. The matter wss referred to the street committee with power to act. A petition was presented by the property owners on East Corbin street asking that curbing be placed on the sidewalk on the north side of the street from Church street to A. J. Winecoff's. The petition was referred to the street committee. - - A petition was presented from the Concord firemen asking that the bonrd contribute $250 to pay their expenses to the tournament at Winston-Salem. Ihe board made the appropriation. ' Cpon petition of the Cannon ville firemen an appropriation of $150 was made to pay the expenses of the mem bers of that department to the tourn ament. Upon motion of Alderman Cook the board decided to give the present court room over to the water and light heard for an office and to have the session of the city court held upstairs in the room now used as an opera Thousand Are onse' Alderman Cook stated that ', the downstairs room was too small to--"- hold the sessions of the notice coiirt h0w, as Bob was as big as a whole troup of black face comedians com- hined.. ' . t nt thus ended the meeting. - - . ,". --.- '-' - r j . - ' - ON WAY TO CHURCH Pretty Martin County Widow Makes . Confession.-Life Was Vnbeara We. , Tarboro, July 0. "I am soing to , toll the whole truth about the matter. I killed my husband because he had made life unbearable for me bveon- slantly accusing mo of infidelity. "I am sorry I did not say this at first, but I was afraid and felt that I was alone in the world without, a inend to whom I could turn The foregoing statement was made hy pretty Mrs. Elizabeth Early John sn to your correspondent (Ins after noon at the conclusion of n fire? hour interview with her in which every phase of the rase was discuss gon, who is about i years om anii an extremely pretty blonde, stouuy 'maintained that an unknown .man killed her husband and told a well ronected story of how it took place. i During tins recital she showed very tiffin emotion thoneh she stated that A she was grieved at the death of her ' husband. - t f ..: . . . i ' B. . YOU GET THE CLEANEST AND - BEST HEATING COAL FROM A. B. POUNDS. -6t mm At Concord has been divided into six lots and WILL E .SHIP AT AUCTION THURSDAY, IULY 16. 10:30 (Mock owMMsnss sssaoMnHWswpnisnsnwMSMoj snnMssBnnMsnw . . - -. ' ? This is the most valuable resW property to be bought in Concord at jhis time. Located as it is, vith cucK desirable surroundings, make it especially attractive for homes. It will pay you to buy now while the opportunity is offered, as it comes but celdom m a life time. Braes band concert Easy terms. , f f v .nw The splendid residence of th, late Judge Montgomery, North-Union Street, contain, ten large room, beside, two bath room brick kitchen .epf from housvand out hou... -r new cott'e on Church street STATE GOOD ROADS MEETING AT DURHAM Good Attendance and Great Enthu siasm. Addressee. Durham, July 10. The North Caro lina Good Roads Association's annual convention is proving moat success ful. There is a good attendance and great enthusiasm. Lieutenant Gov ernor E. L. Danghtridge led the dis cussion this morning on "State High way Commission, Its Function and Need," William Dunn, of Newbern, told of the progress in his section on the central highway ; Clem G. Wright, of Greensboro, of the Guilford sec tion; P. B. Beard, of the Rowan sec tion, all showing good progress. W. D. Mackmillian made an address in the Wilmington-Goldsboro - highway, being president. Wonderful progress in all parts of the State on highway construction was shown. UNIVERSITY TO BE LOCATED SOON. Atlanta Will Make Strenuous Fight For Successor of Vanderbilt. Atlanta, Ga., July 9. A decision ns to the location of the new Metho dist F.piscopal University, east of the Mississippi river, will probably be made in this citv Wednesday, Jul 15, at a meeting of the Educational Commission of the Episcopal Church, South. The Southwestern university already has been awarded to Dallas. Texas. The committee named by the com mission to consider various offers and invitations, will meet here next Tues day, a call for both gatherings hav ing been issued by Bishop Warren A. Candler, chairman of both the com mission and the committee. Atlanta Methodists have planned a strong fight for the University. The city council recently adopted resolu tions endorsing the University pro ject and offering aid. Today the Chamber of Commerce acted in the matter. The committee named to consider offers is as follows: Bishop Candler, chairman; Bishop I. II. McCov, Birmingham, Aln.: W. G. M. Thompson, Chattanooga, Tenn.: Dr. Pluto T. Durham. Charlotte, N. C. and Dr. A. J. Lamar, Nashville, Tenn. ALLEGED EMBEZZLER. G?V. iimmerniaii, Former Norfolk Southern Agent, Arrested. Trov, Julv f). G. R. Zimmerman, young man who was agent 'or tnc Norfolk Southern at Candor for about month earlier in Mie year, wns brought here yesterday and placed in jail charged with embezzlement of funds from the railroad company nnu the Southern Express Company. He was arrested while at work for the l'ostal Telegraph Company at Ral eigh. He was arraigned before justice s court some weeks ago on the charge of sell iiic freight in transit to V. d. Kellv, of Candor, for 8 that was val ued at about. $50. The young man is said to be well connected, cominir Prow s good family. His home is at Winston-Salem. There will be three cases agftinst him to be tried next wee when court is in session here. Tirairired Sixty Year Old Woman From Bed. Cleveland, 0.. July 10. Two mask ed burglars entered the home of Mrs, Elizabeth Knrlinski. sixty years old dragged her from l'nd, bound and tor turcd her until she told where twenty five dollars of her savings were hid She staggercl tr a. neighbor's hous tiid collapsed, , Leaf Tobacco Sales, Raleiirh. Julv 10. The leaf tobac- eo sales on North Carolina markets 'during June as one hundred and sev- ' enty one thousand pounds compared ! with ' ninetv two thousands pounds iat June. ' - TRADE IN CONCORD I contains rive rooms oesiaes Dsmroom, ana na sewcrsgn v FROM THE HATIOriAL CAPITAL TODAY MORE INVESTIGATION OF GOLD HILL MINE BOOST. Representative Hal Flood, of Virgin ia, Brought Into the Matter. Wal ter George Says He Sold Him 6, 500 Shares at About 38 Centa a Share. Two Bodies Lying in Fool of Blood. President Win Not Send Any Names as Substitute for That of Mr. Warburg, f Washington, D. C, July 10. Rep resentative Flood, of Virgiina, was brought into the investigation for the use of Senate stationery to boost the Gold Hill, North Carolina, gold mine. Walter George Newman, the promot- er, testified, that he sold Mr. Flood six thousand, five hundred shares at about thirty eight centa a share, and after Newman had bought the sameL stock for sixty two cents. Newman produced additional letters from Comptroller of the Treasury Williams to repute Mr. William's testimony denying the correspondence. The Senate has taken the responsi bility to complete the resvrve board, as President Wilson will' not send names as substitute for that of War burg, according to a statement au thorized by the President. - With their bodies lying 'in pools of blood and two revolvers beside them, Mrs. Lula Naylor and William Po land were found in a room in a board. ng house. Mrs. Naylor was dead nd Poland had two bullets near the heart. It is feared he will die. Tho police believe there was r revolver duel between the pair. Poland has wade several conflicting statements. POSSE IS SEARCHING FOR THE BANDITS Who Stopped and Robbed the Katy Flyer Last Night. St. Louis, Mo., July 10. Posses are searching for'the four masked ban dits who last night boarded the Katy Flyer when she stopped few water at Matson uncoupled the express and mail care, dynamited the American Express Company's safe and escaped with the loot, value unknown. The bandits escaped in skiffs on the riv er. The general agent of the ex press company says there were no shipments of money in the car, hut a lot of jewelry. Administration Sustains Defeat Washington, D. C, July 9. The administration met defeat today in the first stage of its fight to have the Senate confirm the nomination of Thomas D. Jones, Chicago and Paul M. Warburg, New York, as members of the Federal Reserve Board. The Banking and Currency committee voted 7 to 4 to report unfavorably on the nomination of Mr. Jones and postponed indefinitely further consid eration of the nomination of Mr. Warburg. Case Against Dr. Winters Dismissed. New Castle. Ind., July 10. The charges of conspiracy to murder and burn the body of Catherine Winters against Dr. W. A. Winters and oth ers was dismissed on the grounds of insufficient evidence to warrant trial. "ACROSS THE ATLANTIC," FEATURING KING BAGGOT WITH ALL STAR CAST IN THREE REELS, AT THE PASTIME TO DAY, ; . BUY YOUR COAL FROM A. B. POUNDS. I THANK YOU IN AD VANCE FOR YOUR ORDER. 9-6t ELKS TO PLAY BALL. Concord sad Charlotte "Bills" te Battlt for Diaaond Snptrauncy. Concord Ready to Men AH Con ors. The Concord and Charlotte Elks are going to battle for diamond su premacy. The local lodge recently is sued a challenge to the Charlotte Elks and it has been accepted. The First game will be played in Charlotte at a date to be announced in a frw days and a return game will be played here. The Cliarlottr lodge has the reputa tion of numbering quitr a collection of diamond performers among its members and they claim to have a ckssy ball team. Concord Elks not only claim to have a classy ball train but the best of anv lodge in the State. With Leslie Bell and Campbell Cline to burn the pellet across for oppos ing Elks to whiff at, Colb Morris to receive and such stellar artists as Bill Johnson, Carlos Clark, L. fiap penfield, Harry Caldwell and others ,0 do th.e fieldinft stunt ani compose a wrecking crew at bat, the Concord- lans are ready for all comers. Henry Ford Tells Wilson Calamity Howl it Silly. Washington, July fl. Optimistic views of business conditions were presented to President Wilson today by Henry Ford, the Detroit manufac turer, during an hour's conference at the White House. Mr. Ford told the President he saw no evidences of any sort of business depression, psychol ogical or otherwise, and said that in his opinion business was getting bet ter all the time. "The only trouble is," said Mr. Ford, "that some people seem pessi mistic. If everyone would only cheer up and attend to their business, this calamity talk would stop immediate ly." The President and Mr. Ford dis cussed the trust bills in a general way as well as the business situation. uincinis ciose 10 me rresiaeni mu , i .1. T !3 i -! he wns greatly encouraged by his talk with Mr. Ford ROBERT FETZER TO DAVIDSON Chemistry Assistant of A. and M. Made Directory of Athletics. Davidson, Julv 9. Robert Fetzer. class 1907, for several years connect ed with Woodbury Foorest Schook' and last year associated in chemis try at A. and M. College, Raleigh, and head of the Cherokee summer camp for boys, has accepted the po sition of director of athletics for the coming year. The executive commit tee of Davidson alumni athletic asso ciation has been instrumental in se curing him. His universal populari ty, his fine record as an athlete and coach and official in big games, all nrjrue well for his success here. Maxton Lady is Found Drowned. Maxton, July 9. Miss Janie Mc- Rae, a young woman about thirty years old, of near Seven Bridges, this county, and seven miles southeast from Mexton, met her death oy drowning some time last night or early this morning in Shoe Heel Creek. The evidence points to that of self destruction while mentally un. balanced. Elks Lose Their Spirits. Chicago. Julv 9. Elks, en route from Hornell to the Denver conven tion, made complaint to the police today that thev had been robbed in a local hotel of nine bottles of whis key and seven boxes of cigars. They were taking them to Denver for their "friends," they said. Fruit Liner Rams and Sinks Pilot Boat New York. July 10. The United Fruit Company's liner Machioneal rammed and sank steam pilot boat New Jersey. All the crew were res cued ERY -HOME PLACE TOMORROW IS THE LAST DAY OF CONTEST ALL SUBSCRIPTIONS AND VOTE BALLOTS U8T BE IN OFFICE AT CLOSING HOUR. All Contestants Should Read And Follow Closely the Rales for tte Clos ing of the Contest Race is Growing Closer Every Hoar and Finis Promises to be Very Exciting. Tomorrow night is the big night. At 9 o'clock The Times-Tribune con test will be over and the judges will take charge of the ballot box and count the votes. As soon as the total of each contestant is determined, the prizes will be awarded according to the rules published at the beginning of the contest. At 9 o'clock all votes and subscriu- tions must be at The Times-Tribune office. After that hour no one will be allowed to bring in any more sub scriptions and only those that are written and ready at that time will be counted. As soon as the last bal lot is written and placed in the bal lot box this box will be turned over to the judges. Remember these rules and be sure nud follow them closely so that there will be no costly errors or confusion. With the end of the contest drawing near business is increasing every hour. The contestants that are real ly in the race are making every mo ment count and are putting forth their very best effort. And this ef fort is certainly producing results. CONDITION OF CROPS. All Crops Show Better Condition Than the Ten-Year Average. Washington, July 9. Crops in the United States July 1 were in about 1.4 per cent, better condition than the ten-year average on that date. "Last year," said a department of agriculture bulletin today, "the July 1 condition of all crons wns 1.7 iter - - I I rtnt below the ten-year average, but prospects declined as the seasou ad- vanced, the November, or final rc- jiorts last year being 6.7 ier cent, be- low the ten-year average. Present proposed constitution reads: . "Oov conditions consequently are about 8.7 1 eminent is formed to keep are in per cent, better than the outturn of the crops last year Overcash Reunion. The Ch'iah..3eiiMpi at Enochville, N. C, August . 1914. The public is cordially invited. Come and bring vour picnic baskets full of something good to eat. There will be an interesting programme. Bring your friends with you C. D. OVERCASH, Pres. L. H. OVERCASH, Sec. KING BAGGOT NEEDS NO IN TRODUCTION TO THE PUBLIC OF CONCORD. SEE HIM AT THE PASTIME TODAY. YOU GET THE CLEANEST AND PEST HEATING COAL FROM A. B. POUNDS. 9-6t. Miss Rosa Lee Wilson, of Winston- SHlem, is visiting Miss Hose Harris. A SLAVE that neither eats, drinks nor sleeps, but one that works for you loyally night and day, - is the dollar that you deposit in a strong bank. The interest that it earns makes it begin to grow at once. A little dollar will start a big account at this bank. This week has already far overshad owed any previous week and before tomorrow is over tho indications are that it will double any period in the contest. And all of the time the race seems to he growing closer between the lead ers and some from behind are coming . up and getting in a position to win. All are laying aside a big reserve vote and a great many will be sur-. prised when they see that some can didates whom they have not been counting on, are well np in the lead and will be winners of some of the prizes. Tomorrow is the day to make the , last appeal for help. No one can put you off tomorrow as their subscrip tion will do you no good later. You will either get it or know that you are not going to. You can also tell whether your friends that - have" promised you their help really mean it. Tomorrow is their last ohance as well as yours, and it is up to you to ;et them started if you can and to get ns much as possible from all of your promises. ULSTERMEN OPENLY DEFY THE LAW Four Hundred Volunteers Most Sir Edward Carson Carrying Rifles. Belfast. July 10. In open defiance of the law against carrying arms, four hundred Ulster volunteers, carrying rifles, met Sir Edward Carson upon his arrival from London and escorted him to Craigavon, where tho first meeting of the Ulster provisional gov ernment was held with the wildest - enthusiasm. The preamble of their trust for the United Kingdom." Today Is Big Day in History. here., pointed out' thai today is ' a -"big" day in both-American and foreign history. On July 10, 1584, William of Orange, who led Holland's war for independence, was assassin ated. The statue of King George II at Bowling Green, N. Y., was overturn ed July 10, 1776. Two years later Rochanbeau arrived at Newport with 6,000 French soldiers. On this date in 1790 Congress de cided to meet for ten years at Phil adelphia. The first steamboat arrived at "Chi cago,, July 10, 1832. Col. John C. Fremont became governor of Califor nia on this date, 1846. The fortress of Gibraltar was cap tured by the British, July 10, 1704. Pi !; REALTY: & AUCTION v. v

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