VOL. XIV. J- B. SHERRILL. Editor and PublUhtr CONCORD. N. C, TUESDAY, JULY 14, 1914 40 Cents Month I Cents vopy' NO. 272. n i ' m THE ROCK HILL SUFFERERS CROPS RUINED THBOUOHOUT THAT SECTION. Many Art In Need and Bom in Des ; tiiut Circumstances. Cabarrus Van Bet ami From That Section And Tells of the Disaster Wrought Nothing Left of Fruit, Garden or Crops. One Man Had 13 Head of Cattle Buried in Hailstones And They Were Frozen Stiff. Help ' Asked for the Sufferers. Mr. W. M. Auten, of No. f) town- ship, returned yesterday from a visit to South Carolina. Mr. Auten visited in the section r-nr Hock Hill, which " was visited by the terrific hail storm recently. ; Mr. Auten brought with him a number of stalks of cotton und corn tbut were beaten by the hail. Cot ton stalks more than two feet high were beaten leafless, bruised and ' barked. Corn also met a like fate. Trees were also damaged, the sides of many on which the hail fell being barked and in cases of the trees were beaten into the sap. Nothing is left of fruit, garden and other vegeta tion in the district visited by the hail storm, which was from three to five miles wide and about 75 miles long. An idea of the force and devastat ing power of the storm may be gain ed by the fact thai on one man's farm 13 cattle were killed. The cattle sougufc shelter in a gulley about 12 feet dect which was filled with hail stones about the size of goose eggs, according to Mr. Auten 's statement. When found they were frozen stiff. Practically nothing of value re gains of the crops in that section of Bouth Carolina and -the farmers' loss is heavy. In many cases they are in destitute circumstances. To aid the unfortunate farmers ,of that. section The Tribune and Times will he glad to receive contributions, which will be acknowledged in these columns. A relief committee composed of AV. J. Roddev. Ira B. Dnnlap and other well known business men has been appointed to handle the contri butions and distribute the funds where they are needed. i - " KIDNAPPER PETTY IS CAUGHT AT LEXINGTON MISSING ATLANTA WOKEN Does Not Deny Stealing Nettie Hold er in Harnett County. Child With Him. Lexington, July 13. I. M. Petty, wanted in Harnett county for kid t oping Nettie Holder, the 12-year-.Jd daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. W. Holder, was arrested here this af ternoon late by Deputy Sheriff Fletcher Caudle. He and the girl were traveling in a buggy. At this hour they are in the custody of Sher iff Shaw, who is trying to commu ncate with the Harnett county an thoritics. "V Pettv is about 50 years old. He wear a heavy mustache and beard ' end so' "is to be a very excitable per fioni. '1'e says that he has been teach ing' t'H little airl music for tlrree years, end has become very much at tached to her. A few months ago tho child's father, he says, lost all that he hud and moved to a small station ' named Manor, somewhere o-i the new railroad that runs through Harnett, and since going to thit place he has not been treating Nettie right.-,, In fact he states that the ' father has became so debased that " Ue has made of his child a prostitute end that he has been living off of Tier earnings. ' He said that it was ' for the purpose of rescuing her from this Sort of life that he carried her - nway from Spring Hill church, . in narnett county on ''July. 6. He re lates a number of instances tending to show that his story is correct, and j cays that he can prove it. r . n The ' little girl bears him out in ': liis story. . She saya that he is telling the -irotb and. that she lias no de .." sire to go home to her mother. ' She - also says that' he treats he well. She is a slender little girl. She says that she is twelve years old and she looks It..'. She is certainly not much oldp , She hag a good face, with very flue eyes, and she is very modest in de , meanor.. She has made good im- " -pression on all who have seen her. ' Possibly Huorta would hasten to resign if the people of Mexico City should vote H dry. c :.J ' , i! YOU GET THE CLEANEST AND BEST HEATING. COAL FROM A, B. POUNDS. If They An Dead, What Has Become of the Bodies? Atlanta. Ua, July 13. "The strangest story in history" is the war Atlanta newspaper men describe the mystery of the Nelms girls. They have traced every elne, followed everv trail to its end, but Eloise Dennis snd Beatrice Nelms, missing more than a month, seemed to have vanished into thin air. It seems incredible that in these modern days two grown women, one of them a business woman of more than ordinary intelligence and reg ularity of habits, should take a train or the South, be seen as far as Hous ton, Texas, and there disappear abso lutely. But there ttie rrail ends. The story of Eloise Dennis and her sister Beatrice Nelms has filled the wires from Maine to Mexico and it seems as though one of the girls, if Either is alive would by this time have seen the press dispatches which re veal the excitement their disappear ance has caused and would commun icate with the mother, who is half- crazed by grief. Eloise Dennis, divorcee, and Bea trice N 'ts left Atlanta early in .Tune, Eloise presumably going to New Orleans to join one Victor In ries, a lawyer who procured her di vorce in Carson City, Nevada, and who is said to have since receive! sums from her amounting to mor. than $10,000. Beatrice went with her, remonstrating against her sis ter's giving her all to this man an! for trial. determined to obtain from him re stitution of the funds or at least receipts to protect her sister against fraud. The two girls were last seen on a train from New Orleans to Houston, Texas, on June 14. A nation wide search for Victor Irnes, the man in the case, resulted in finding him in Portland, Oregon, where he was with his wife and baby. He admitted having secured Mrs. Dennis her divorce hut insisted that he had neither seen nor heard from her in more than a year. On the oth-l er hand, he is known to have been in the South in the past few weeks and receipts were found in the be longings of Mrs.' Dennis' "Indicating that she hnd forwarded him express orders for large sums of money witli ing the past few months. There the authorises are at a less. Mrs. Nclm mother of the two girls, insists that Ennis be arrested and charged with the murder or abduction of her girls. T3nt the lawyers point out that there is no legal ground to hold him, it is not even known that the girls are dead or that he had any concern with their disappearance. Atlantans are beginning to 'believe that Eloise Dennis carried, out the threat in a letter she wrote to her mother which she said she had kill ed Beatrice and was going to kill her self. But if the two girls are dead, what became of the bodies f That is worrying the police of a dozen cities. Latest Developments in the Case. Atlanta, Ga., July 14. Atlanta and several other cities are still fev erishly awaiting news fruu flic miss ing sisters. Mrs. Elois Dennis and Be atrice Nelms, who have so mysteri ously disappeared. The latest de velopments in the case today are as lollows: s Mrs. Margaret Mindes, of San . n tonio, Tex., was found and denied knowing the two girls of Victor Li nes or any knowledge of them. Despite this, it is certain that Mrs. Mdes wns seen with the two young women m Corpus Chrisli, lex., as late as last Sunday night, and they answered the description of the miss ing women. Mrs. Nelms, mother ot the girls. has 'at last come to the conclusion that tbev are dead and their bodies in the Mississippi river at New Or leans. She offered a rewar d for their bodies, "dead or alive" in the hope that the river men will search for the bodies. Mrs. Nelms revealed today that there had been certain intimacy be- tween Innes and Mrs. Dennis. She said Louise feared . the government officers were on her trail on a white slavery charge, and also that Innes' wife was having her brother trail her through jealousy. J. W. Krueger, an Atlanta govern ment employe, said that he saw in nts, whom he knows well, in Atlan ta early last May. . Marshall Nelms, brother or tn missing girls, is on his way from Cal ifornia to Atlanta and will arrive tonight,- He knows nothing beyond what has been published. Mrs. Nelms has issued an appeal to: the Shriners of the country and to all members of women's clubs to aid in the search for her daughters. i The first copy of the "death mes sage" received from Louise Dennis was made public byr Mrs. Nelms. ,.' It read: : .," , ' ' .. vv"'. "v ".After sending the telegram from mm parties ARE SURPRISED ' t TWENTY WOMEN AND ESCORTS ARE ARRESTED. All the Women Were Fashionably Gowned, and Members of the "Best Circles." All Were Bundled Into Patrol Wagons and Taken to. Po lice Station. Wild Confusion Caus ed by Raid of Police, Who Enter Attired as Women. All Furnish Cash Bail. Chicago, July 14. Twenty fash ionably gowned women and their es corts, members of three "slumming parties" , were arrested early this morning in a raid on Jordan's cafe, in the old red light district. They were bundled into patrol wagons de spite their hysterical protests, ml I ooked at the police station as "in ii ates of a disorderly resort." The police entered the resort attired as women. The wildest confusion was creuted by the raid. A girl, who was playing a piano, jumped from a sec ond story window. Many of the so ciety women attempted to get down fire escapes, while the men fought the police. All furnished cash hail, it not being expected that they will appear Convict Knocked Home Run and ia Bmming Yet. Atlanta, Qa., July 14. Baseball in convict camp is doubtless very com mendable, but the guards at the AdniiiKvillc, Fulton county, gang, will be more carefnl as to ground rule in the future. Will Jones, a life (ton ict. knocked n home run, rounded (; bases and tailed to stop running S . Ti.r as is known he is running vet. lit "oi awav in the excitement over his l.'i ami reached tho woods. DEATH Or ML L L NEISLER. Ho. 6. Fanasr Baocubs to Typhoid rerer. Funeral at ML Camel Tomorrow, Mr. Luther I. Neisler, of No. 5 township, died this morning at 3 o'clock at the Concord Hospital. where he had been undergoing treat ment fur several days. Mr. Sender's death is attributed to typhoid fever complicated with other diseases. Mr. Neisler was 49 years of age and s survived bv his wife and one son, ('let us Neisler, eleven years old. He is also survived by one brother, Adolprus Neisler, and two sisters. The funeral will lie held at Mt. Carmel Church tomorrow. HUGE PETITION IS PRESENTED TO STUART Prohibition Advocates Have Secured 69,936 Signatures to Their Docu ment. Richmond, Va.. July 13. Out of an estimated total of 140,000 iualitied votes in Virginia, 69,936 have signed letitions calling upon Gov. Henry ('. Stuart to call a state-wide election !.i decide whether or not liipior shall continue to be sold in the state. The petitions have been certified to the secretary of the commonwealth ami will be presented to Governor Smart tomorrow. He is expected to call the election for September 22 ns pro vided by the enabling act passed by the last legislature. Of those who signed the petition 33,567 come froom conntiies. Ric'i riond furnished only 1.976. while Norfolk had 2,137. The total is four times the number necessary to uu thoriize tho calling of the electio.i. The enabling act provides that if the "drys" carry the election, Virginia will banish liquor on November 1. :nc. Jim Conley Wants to Serve his Sen tence. . ,.,vv At Inula, Ga., July 14. Jim Con ley, accused ami convicted as acces sory to l.eo Frank in the, famous l'ha:-;iti ease, is getting tired of wait ing in .jail while his lawyer wastes tiiK trying to appeal the ease. He sent 'void to the judge today that he wanted to get out on the chain gang and serve his sentence. The judge probably will accommodate him. Three Story Brick Building Wrecked By a Bomb. Buffalo, July 14. A three story brick building was wrecked by the explosion of a bomti. Orlander. who live,! there, had received Black Hand letters. He with his child in hw arms, fell into a cellar and was ser iously injured, when the stairs were blown out. The Carman Trial. New York, July 14. Celia Cole- , i , . limn, the negro mam ot me i.armnu household, will take the stand Wed nesday when it is expected that she will tell a different story from the one she told the coroners jury. Mrs. Carman will take the stand thurs- riay. Dr. Carman received a let tei from Mrs. Carman containing ar senic. Suicide Epidemic at Pittsburgh. Pittsburgh, July 14 Four per sons committed suicide and four oth ers attempted it at a fete in a sui- Mial epidemic roaay. Golden Jubilee Formally Opened. Denver, July 14 With the formal opening of tHe fiftieth annual session if the Grand Lodge of the Benevo lent Protective Order of Elks, the Golden Jubilee Reunion of that order .a in full swing today. The last of the special trains from nil section of the countiy nrrived during the night. Late slumbering members of the irder were awaked at 9 o'clock this ii'ornin'. hv the music ot t lie vnanii Lodge oi-eting. Many matters of vit- nl inttiest to brother Klks ol the country were taken up hut. as the sessions are all secret nothing was mown of what was done. On Thurs- oay or r nuay new granu loogc om rers will be elected. It is almost cer tin that Raymond Benjamin, of Napa. California, will be elected urand exalted ruler, as lie has no se rious opiosition. The afternoon was spent by the visitors in various forms of enter tainment. The local Elks had pro vided plenty of dancing floors for the visiting brothers, who delight in the tango, and all of these were crowded during the afternoon. Music has been provided for the dancers until midnight. Tonight n large num ber of "stunts" have been provided including the White-A oakum 20 round fight. FROM THE NATIONAL CAPITAL TODAY THE TRANSPORT HANCOCK SAILS FOR VERA CRUZ. Ready for Dispatch to the Haytian Coast 8hould Farther Disorder Make it Necessary. Censorship Over Reports of Investigation of Ensign Richardson. The New Ha ven Report. Wasliingli J 1 1 1 14. -A complete censorship over I in- report- in the investigation of Knsign W. Richard son by the board of inipiiry has bee 1 established at era Cruz. Filed with marines lor possible service in Haiti and Santo Domingo, the transport Hancock sailed from Vera Cruz for Giiantanamo to be held there ready for dispatch to the Hay tian coast, should further disorders' make it advisable for the adminis tration to take a hand in the affairs. Official reports at the Navy Depart ment said that many foreign refugees are boarding the Chile line steamer. Seirino'iC. at Puerto Platan' fleeing from the re o!utiona! trr.uble in Santo Domingo. That die effect of tin New Haven report be to widen the breach between the Interstate Commerce Commission and the Department of Justice is indicated. The department takes the position that there is no law under which the New Haven Di rectors can be prosecuted. The de partment also contends that restitu tion in the suits are entirely up to the stockholders themselves and not matters of federal attention. The Interstate Commerce Commission holds that it is entirely within th power of the department to bring criminal prosecutions for the New Haven "conspiracy." Skirmishing at San Luis Potosi. Chihuahua, July 14. Skirmishing l" i vi n the a !v. ce ruard of th Constitutionalist army and outposts at San Luis Potosi is already in pro gress according to advices received here. A general assault on the stronghold will not be ordered until General Gonzales, wro will take per sonal command, arrives. From Gau- dalajara word is received that Ob regon will start the main body of the army toward Mexico City in a few 'ays. Commissioner for San Francisco Ex position. Raleigh, July 14. Governor Craig commissions II. H. Brimbley execu tive commissioner to have charge of the installation of whatever exhib its North Carolina has at the Pana-ia-Paeilic Kxposition and the prep aration of all literature to be dis tributed there exploiting the State and its resources. JOHNSON WAS PARTY TO BROTHER'S MURDER. Mrs. Joknion Saya She Killsd Her Husband Be-aost She Loved 1L Brother. Tarboro. July I.I. '! am mlling t take all the i,!tne for the di-a-h of my brother if that will help he- anv, vid if either of us have to die for the crime I want to w the one." The foregoing statement was made this afternoon I your rorrpsKe dot,; Jnd Sheriff .1. C. Crawford by Arrh .Trl"son, in .jail in WilliiamK'oji. oM a warrant barging Mm with b i: g-si- accomplice Ih-I.oc ' (. fart i. tin in wh -,i M- K1 yjiheth lv,il. J" 1 nson st - i ! : i-t. with ' -murder of her himhiiiiil, Joe John son, near Oak City, in Martin coun ty, on the evening; of Saturday, July 4th. Johnson further stated that he would not deny the statement made by Mrs. Johnson relative to the kill ir.a and the art he played in it. Prior to this occasion Arch John son had refused to make any state n cut other than that he knew noth ing of the matter and that he had nothing to do with it. "I loved my hiother but I loved bis wife more and it was because of this fact that I allowed my -elf to get into this scrape. I bought t'e pistol with which the killing was I'-me and gave it to Mrs. Johnson on Saturday morning before the killing thai night; I knew what she was iroing to do with it." Mrs. Johnson, it. is reported, says that she and Arch Johnson planned the crime and that Arch told her to throw the pistol to the side of the road so that he could get it next morning. She s,.ys that be told be he would stick to her through it nil and when told of his confession this afternoon, stat ed she was satisfied with it and that be was doing as he said he would. "There is no use in our telling any more stories." she says, "for God knows the t rut ) anyhow, and that's what counts. All that I can say is that it was love that brought us to this for T loved Arch Johnson." Johnson broke down and wept bit terly as be told the story of how he was implicated and said he did not want bis folks to know about it. He is about 21 years old. Neither of the 'principals have as yet retained attor ueys. Johnson will be given a pre liminary bearing in the morning be fore Justice of the Peace 1.. I!. Wynn. Tt will bo recalled that Mrs. Johnson confessed some days ago, that she shot her husband, though at. the time she did not implicate any one. Arch Johnson was arrested at his home pear Oak City by Sheriff Crawford and brought here and placed in jail. Messrs. ('. B. Wagovr M. L. Marsh, B. E. and C. J. Harris and H. M. Propst spent yesterday at Blewett Falls. They own a large tract of timber land near there and spent the day inspecting the property. Britain will not exhibit in Snn Francisco and is doubtful about ths sort of exhibition it is to mnke in Ulster. Mexico has been raising Cain so long that it may he reluctant to go back to Us other-crops. At last reports, oratory and water were still flowing at Niagara. Don't Agree With Us. Salisbury Post. Several North Carolina papers are still classing Colonel Roosevelt among the small men of the earth. Within the past few days the Greensboro Rec ord has discovered fresh evidence to this effect, and the Concord Tribune says amen. We tniiiK tnese euuors are making a great mistake to so classify the Colonel. He is a big man and a man of great nsefulnesss, and nfver forget the fact, dear Democrat ic friends, he is the "runninest" wan ever on the American political sncedwav. He has more different sort of friends in more sections of, the country and can rally them better and quicker than any one yet at the bat. It is, we think, utter foolish ness to class Colonel Roosevelt out side the top-liners. YOU GET THE CLEANEST AND FEST HEATING COAL FROM A. B. POUNDS. 9-6t. BUY YOUR COAL FROM A. B. POUNDS. I THANK YOU IN AD VANCE FOR YOUR ORDER. 9-Bt Sewing Party. Misses Horton. Livingstone, Petrea and Stafford, who are the guests of Miss Catherine Crowell, were the hon. orees at a delightful sewing party given this morning by Miss Estelle Dick at her home on North Union street About 27 guests were present and th," event proved a most enjoy able one. Refreshments were served. SEE KING BAGGOT IN "THE "BAITED TRAP," AT THE PAS TIME TODAY. YOU GET THE CLEANEST AND BEST HEATING COAL FROM A. B. POUNDS. 9-6t. "THE BAITED TRAP," FEA TURING KING BAGGOTT IN TWO PARTS AT THE PASTIME TODAY. WB CASH CHECKS :ks -6t. Iliew Orleans I got rid of B. T. there, and have come " out here to ' find Marshall and send him to follow her. I have sealed her fate forever. ' Slip is now in the unknown land and I am glad I did it. ; I left B. to go the unknown pat n away irom an wnere no one will And her or myself. I only, hope the animals of the water will have eaten us both before you get-this letter." I This signed in writing very elose lv like Mrs. Dennis, if not actually here, was mailed from San Francis co, and was the firsa mention , that anything was wrong. y ,-, ,. Sex Hygeine in Schools. Berlin. July 14 That the work of instructing school children in sex ual hygiene and enligthening the child's mind.in sexual matters should he delegated to school physicians. was the opinion expressed by Dr. Gettkamp of Berlin in 'the annual conference of German School Phy sicians, appointed by the authorities, for medical inspection and to lecture ppon hygienic subjects. , It was Dr. Gettkamp's view that plain talks r.pon sexual matters should be a part of the school curriculum and that the srkool physician can better instruct in such matters than other teachers. BUY YOUR COAL FROM A. B POUNDS. I THANK YOU IN AD VANCE FOR YOUR ORDER. 9-6t It's a safe bet that no river doubt flows by Kcrmit's castle in Spain. We cash checks drawn on any bank in this city, or on any bank in any town in this or in'other states.

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