VOL. XIV. J B, SHERRILL, Editor ud Publisher CONCORD, N. C, WEDNESDAY, JULY 15, 1914 40 Cents a Month 4 Centi i Copy. NO. 273. ') STEAK GOES UP 4 cents mm ARGENTINE BEET SHIPPED . . HIRE DISAPPEARS, ' President of the Honsewive's League Urges Secretary Houston to Make - an Investigation. 8a ys till Ar- gen tine Beef Disappears is Some Mysterious Way, and Cannot Be Bought by Consumers. I . I New York, July 15. Declaring PARTY LAST EVENINO. RESULTS Of DRAINAGE in (Hit in mn anrnmnhila iwrniua wm rvur I . W----. Tl- ... J i W o . . vi w rooi e. uun mill i n ni it . tl vu tire k cirt Mruuuut morn lu hm . lleford, Eleanor Horton, Sow 4 totrD8ui were Madeline Stafford, Eva Ogleeby, Cath. Co(, W.tr Tuns at foot of t'ha big hill below the houses and oa either trine Crowell, Martha Livingston and Kstelle Petrea. ' . - . Hear)' dire was the frame of the Oivra y lira. T. V. Sptnoer aad Kit Eojnper Oropi Art Beinx Produced Jeatio Wlllef erd is Hemer el Miss Along Cold Water Creek Sine It Catherine CroweU'i Hwparty. Waa Drained. On of the Rinat largely attended I One of the most proprrwive if not lend delightful of the aoateroue to-1 the most progressive step taken IB rial events given in honor of Miss this eounty toward conserving its re- Catherine CroweU's bouse party was sources iu the drainage of Big Cold I Ilia Hwwniuia rivMl lut awninff bT Water Creek. A visit to the ereek Mrs. T. X. Spencer and Alias Jessie bis time whe lhe first crop sine Willeford at the borne of Miss Wills- ,h dredge boat opened the stream Tk.l'iU oesr eloqueit testimony to the attrutira fw home waa annrooriai. " ner Kraas, weeds an bulirusn Iv and nrettilv decorated, the deeora, ?"w. ,wt 3" eon and eotton are I hnMa hiiinl Aff itHI alaH L,f-- - . K UI WIIIIIK 1UI JWr, rre aneetivelv arrsnwd. Yesterday afternoon the writer ae- Welcoming the gueste at the front '"r " .!?V Y"',"u, ,."!QU door were M..M J. C. Will.fnrd. V'ul1 "l".e on.v,nK wpWHlon i u rki jir,. b v;ii ' section of No, 4 township, dnv- . . k I '"R wui in u uiumooiie. i ne nomes .-.r"1 of Messrs. John and AnAv E.. - - .. ......I nubl nr Um W.un&AM a U U at Arxrnnne nei siuppea iuio mis . tounlry. disappears in some myster ious way and that but. little ran be . lioiurht by consumers, Mrs. Julian llcnth, Preeidenl of the - National Himse wives' Ia;rue addressed a let tor to Secretary Jlouston urging that ' an investigation , be maJSe. as to its d.otnhution. V :. " :"; 1 - "If the -packers are buying this -'beef so that it eannat be available, ''the 'consumers should be ; known," : she said.. ' Hound steak advanced .' four eentB a pound over night.' rv '":.' St.'. Paul, - July 15. Housewives v here will inaugurate a seven days' ,' , boycott on meats as a result of ap- At TaTor to Craig Will Let Tar Heel peals to the National Housewives' r; ;V 'Troops Go Though. . lm Th nrici of - .11 ,'mMta Columbia, S. C- July 14. In reply - have gone up two -and three cents a request of Governor Craig, of rjogt lxmnd in the last few day. . . J!ort11 tro"ne ror permission tor from tlmt one fiel(!-.. . , the troops or that Mate to pass 1 Mr. Earnhardt was asked if the , HTJEBTA GIVES DP, ' throngh South Carolina enroute to Uins-had caused the creek to pet out tne joint encampment to be new kf.-its. 'bank . since it n drained- Soma People Think HnerU'i Willing- A Wta, Oa Governor Blease today "There has not been the slightest nesi to Eesien is a Blind to Cover ,nat ,ne Perml?s,on requestert duncer of that," he said. "A pour " Rm TWn-Mt. v.. TMe ' 'M . nnneee88ary M he ,rool d"1 inc rain will mn the water off the ' ftm Desperate, Sdieme of the Die- t to enter the state for mil. ut .f tator. ; ltary doty bottoms but is quickly carried off lvu-a inr, ,ii!iy ,H, at aw -nowever, uovernor mease, Uithout damage to the crop." 'l.k t 'l ight the family nt Presi- wrote, "if you prefer permission Mr. Earnhardt would not make a pre- dent Huerta and other relatives and lrom me ror your troops to passU;ftion ag to the numlier of bushels close friends left the capital for Vera through, as a eonrtesy to you, it is Lf eatn that would be made to the LV.V.7.$ ViilLtmCUTQ) IF THET They Had Been to Chikaahna to Start a Strike of Miners And Orders War Given to Expel Them. Villa Purchases Supplies for Hit Cam- side of the stream there are broad and fertile acres. For more than a evening and spirited contest was decade these acres have been practi- F. Broom. paif n Againft Kaxmo Oity. Obrt- Mr- T. D. Jfaness, eity attorney, pre- Mr Mr- . J-. Johnson of lerrea etiarges against bim. A bear-I"' ,r i me mmie ing was held, at Greensboro before I T- ndMrs. Robert Cain. Marshal Webb. Mr. L. T. Hartsdl ,..Mr- J- T- HoweU and '"ildren and Mr. J. P. Cook appeared for Mr. H" Dd S,,erlv How ". hve Boger and Mr. Maness against him-lrt!urnM rm wfk 8 Vlslt ' Followine the bearing Mr. Wbh Nw London. gitators who had beeV operating in announced that he wonW nu mi th. I MF- r- Rainier returned home the mining district ofi Chihuahua in annointment l.r. Kin. !.. im.ounay "w1" Irom ten day s vis- au effort to start strike of native Mr. Boger'a friends and supporters tooors were arresiea ny oaers ot lice. I rave been confident of bis appoint- beld, after which refreshments wer. served. Punch was poured by Mrs. J. Lindsay Ross, of Shelby.' " , . About BO young peode were pres ent including a number of out-of-town gnesta.1- . :-' ' -' ? .' - B LEASE CONSENTS ; f ally in waste. Now they are plant, eu in corn and cotton and it is doubt ful if there is a finer crop in North Carolina.; ' Over yonder,", said Mr. Dav- vault, pointing to a large Held of corn the stalks of which reminded one-of the pictures of corn on the face of a seed catalogue, "is where I tramped tl'rougli briars, grasa and 'weeds last year to look at some cattle. It was in waste then. Now a man could al- siipport himself on the crop ico. uia notined idem that should it came as no surprise iney ever return to fltexico he will have them executed.'' I Villa arrived here from Chihuahua City where be bad been to purchase supplies and ammunition for his cam- Fifteen of His Little Friends in Honor .aign against yueretaro and Mexico . of m, a. P.rk. (Im,l, rv On hia amoeil UA t.A.-A Al- v vn aw a i eia. J. ccvrit ni Vlllf I patches from Geneal sObreffon iv- porting that he had seized 4.000 rifles. Master Charles Lane Parks enter 1,000 cavalry horses and j.000 ne- t,n ntteen little boys yesterday son from those who captured Guada- afternoon at the home of bis parents,!;.01 lajara. The federal forces continue Mr- and Mrs. J. G. Parks, on South T'lJ: to surrender oners are now Varella. commander amusement were prowaea ior tne in tie fellows, several appropriate and interesting stories were teld the par ty py Mrs. Parks .after which the boys indulged in games, the various entertainments furnishing "an after noon which abounded in pleasure for the youthful guests. After the games refreshments were served tionalist garrison at Jariosa, reported bloodkss battle with ft band of rob bers. He captured all ttieir ammuni tion. "'--'H Cruz aboard a special train. The train ft pleasure to me, and I hereby grant was composed of three sleepers and such permission.''. a baggage car.' Running ahead of it ( -"' were two military trains carrying .FRANCE'S PRESIDENT MM) men. Following came another ,: STARTS ON LONG TRIP 1 The family of General Blanquet, ii mister "of wnr, also left, on "the special. It is believed that Presii dent Huerta, General Blanquet and ".0il!?!. b'Rb oflieils -wilL. letve 'rnpital tomorrow morning. ' The party boarded the train at Villa de Gaudalupe,' a railroad, eta tu.n five miles; from Mexico : City. Ihily a few' persons were aware of their departure. " ;vr -".. . c -; Will Visit Russia Fint Viait Said to Have Political Significance. ' Paris, July . 15. 'President , Poin- mi atarted tndnv nn an extended b 'offlcialwir-of-Emwr' He-wfB-w it France s ally, Russia, first. His visit is, said to have political sinift cance along the line of military co operation. Later the President' will visit the King and Queen of Denmark and Sweeden: He will make the journey aboard a dreadnought but has special appropriation of $80,- C00 to par for the irip. Poincare rill receive decorations of high or- Mileage Graft is Saved One Again. : Washington, July 14. By a decis ive . vote the ' House this afternoon agreed to the .Senate 'a aaiend men t'ders in each country visited. continuing the 'mileage graft" of ;, 20 euts a mile each, way, for Sena . tors and Congressmen. The law as it ' now stands, and as it has stood since' . the days when members or congress ; came here in stage coaches, means - that, these members: Kill receive 20 cents each way Jot overy mile they travel when' tliere is no extra session of 1 Congress - and 80 cents a mile ; . : when extre'sessions are called, v ' ' In the Senate both Senators Sim . muns and Overman voted for tbe 20 - cents a mile amendment.'; pver in. , the House, however, Representativs : ' vlautle Kitclun was tbe only Aortn , Carolinian to vote for the Senate amendments Representatives Page, Webh, JStcdaan, Small and Faison ; ; voting "no,'' while Representatives ;; Doughton and Gudger were out of the ' eity, and Representatives Godwin and Pou. were not recorded , .as .voting, ... thougli both-are in Wasliingtoni.;..''; hi f"f " ,'5 v-C' .Two Girls Drowned In Giant Wave. ' Chicago, July 15. The ; Lakeshore v is being fombed ; for tt girls who AROUND THE WORLD ' AEROPLANE RACE. The 1450,000 Prise Has Not Been- Guaranteed. Refused Sanction of ' Aeroplane Club, ' New York, July 15. The Around The World Aeroplane Race, for four prizes from the San Franeiseo Expo sition has been refused tbe sanction ef the Aeroplane. Club of America because the money is not guaranteed. acre on the land reclaimed by drain age. However, it is sale to predict that the corn on this land will make considerably more than the corn on any land that was in cultivation be fore the ereek was drained. Ex-Solicitor Heriot Clarkson said drainage was "practical religion. It would be well worth wliile tor Jlr. Clarkson and i the numerous other BMiinaes HdcoCatt?s TrTtlii section" 16" make a visit and see "practical relig ion" as applied to the Cold W ater bottom lands. ';-- y ONE DEAD IN BLOODY WINSTON-SALEM FIGHT Jake Hill Almost Cuts Off Man's Head and Woman's Arm. Winston-Salem, July 14. -Eugene Phillips, was brutally murdered here this evening by Jake Hill, about II o'clock, in a free-for-all fight. Hill is a horse trader, who recently mado Greensboro his beadqnartersi . Both fere white men wtb families and the flghi occurred at the home of Sam linuser. also white. The house has a bad renutation. . Details of the fight are meagre, nut t s nleired that a.brotner ot nm has been attentive to the daughter of Hauser, and Jake finding Phillips with her at the house quarreled with The aviators participating lose their ym . Tnree friends entered the af- licenses and will be burred from fu ture races. The Exposition officials have the promise of -a bank.- guaran tee to remove the ban. The Trial of Mrs. Wakefield. New Haven. July 15. But fpur inrors have been selected in the sec ond trial oi Mrs. waseneia, wno is takimr more interest - in tails trial first- one. discussing ine than the -first-one, merits of each talesman ?, with her Lnj wnen jBgt seen was covered with frav, and Hdl and Phillips paired. eft, Phillips with a knife, Hill with a hatchet. . With the hatchet the lat !er ncarlv t vertd Phillips' head from 1 is shoulders. Phili ps' aged mother interfered and ber arm was almost cut off hv Hill. Hill has not been captured tuongn it is believed his wounds will not per irit him to go far,' He is said to have been seriously cut by flumps' Knire counsel.. More Suffragette Doinsgs. were , caught in a giant wave on the '. ' London, July 15. Two suffragett beach yesterday.. Their "four eompan- e whipped Thomas Wood, Secretary ioi. who were reseued, are in a se- 'of Scotland, with dog whips as he ricis condition . v ,ir-:; s l.iilcft his bouse.' Both were arrested. Don't Fail to Attend the DIG AUCTION SALE OF TIE JUDGE riOHTGOOEPJ niior;' place-v:'' Tomcrrov L2cn::n, 10:30 O'ciccI: cn the Prcniico Atcit Ycur b:t CL 2 Id G;t a- D:::r- blood. A mounted posse is searthing tlie country for him. , i Fred Hicks and t'red uili, tue lai tt a on of .lake Hill, are under ar aa neenmnlicea to the murder. These with, the, women inmates of the house are in the custody oi tne officers as witnesses. The entire rowd was drinking and those in ens jtody are not. tonight capable of tell ing the latls loading up me "i der. -i. - -' , : RETTij TO VTELA. MEXICO SAYS MS, booer appoxxted: , Former Chief ef Felice Made Detaty MarskalL Mr. MaaaM Protest - Proves rmtOe. Former Chief of Police J. L Boger has received his appointment as de puty marshal and left this morning for Greensboro to take the oath of effiee and begin hia duties. Mir. Bog er succeeds Deputy Marshal Ross, wbo was appointed postmaster at Asheboro. Tbe appointment of Mr. Boger ends FOREST HILL NEWS. Meting to Concord From York Connty. Personal Items of In terest. Messrs. ('. 8. Smart and J. K. Broom have returned from a visit to Charlotte.' Mr. Jno. A. Fowler of Hope Mills visited Mr. J. C. Cook last week. Messrs. Jno. Walters and F. J. Warner spent last Sunday in Sal isbury with friends. Mrs. W. M. Broom has returned to a stubbornly fought and at times bit-1" Bonw ln """ cr sieniiiMc ten contest for the place. Ha was T ys "ere with her son, Mr. Unit ammintri mml annntha ... I' (on Has Seised 4,000 Rifles end 1,000 Caralry Horses. Federsll Prisoners Row Nomier 6,000. Juarez, July 13. Fifteen I. W. W. lit to friends at Mr. and Mrs. Wilmington. Dave Staton hav ilia and will be excelled from Mer.lr.cnt and wh. it wmm it.flnii.N, m.J.lpetun, to their home in Charlotte o. Villa notified them that should it came as no surprise to tbem. a vi81,1inf,f,''nl8lhp',e. I MASTER CHARLES LANE PARKS ENTERTAINS Mr. and Mrs. Bud Lamb, of Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Bud Lanih, of Mt. Airy, spent Saturday and Sunday her at the home of Mrs. Lamb's sis ter, Mrs. T. W. Means. Mr. June Sapp, of Raleigh, is vis iting this week at the home of his mother, Mrs. Sally Snpp, on Church street. Miss Maggie Mjills has returned irom a visi to relatives in Bessemer toCgoTand he pris! Union street, in honor of his cousin, r.Mr; nr I . reaimaffit fi.Ucot Mter Parks Cunningham of Meek- fiJl?? mander ofUhe constitu- nburg county. Various forms of d ,Le J" HEAVY RAIN FLOODS PORTIONS OF RALEIGH Over Three Inches Fell, Flooding Basements and the Union Station. Raleigh, July 14. Being the meet- g place of two heavy ktorm clouds Raleigh and this whole; Bection ex perienced the heaviest rainfall, with one exception, that has fallen during all the history of the weather bureau here and with the rain there were ter rific electric disturbances, the floods FOR THE ROCK HILL 8T0RM SUFFERERS. The Times and Tribune Will Forward All Funds Received. We have so far received the follow ing contributions ror tne sunerers as a result of the storm in the Rock doing great damage la skiny, psrln.flf.lHill. section the city and the hghtnmg putting the power and lighting wires out of com mission for a considerable time. The ainfall was 3.04 inches within 55 minutes from 3:50 to 4:45. The only heavier rainfall on record for this section was July 30, 1888, wheen 3.70 inches fell within one honr.s time, The heaviest damage done this af ternoon by the flood was on Martin street between Union station- and Fayetteville street. The People's Laundry and Wright s Hotel build ing were flooded to the extent that five or six feet of water stood in the basement, completely submerging the laundry machinery and at onee time there was ovei a root of wat- ei in the ynolds Misses Lillian and Elizabeth Coble have returned to their home in Bes semer City, after spending two weeks in Concord with relatives. Mrs. Bmce Arrowood and children, of King's Mountain, arrived in the city last night and will spend sever al weeks her with Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Mills on Church street. . Mrs. W. A. Stone has gone to Statesville to spend a few days with Mr. Stone. Mr. and Mrs. Stone will return to Concord this week. . Rev. and Mrs. Smathers have gone to Western North Carolina to spend a two week s vacation with relatives. Mrl Jno. Talbirt, of York county, S C, is here this week arranging to move his-family to Concord. Mr. Talbirt. was in' the midst of the great $2.00 1 hail storm of recent data He had Times, and Tribune. . K. Kirkwood 1.00 inn extra nice iarm crop coming on, I but' the hail and rain following it. The money contributed for this I m-aerieallv destroyed nil rnv purpose will be forwarded to Mr. Iral more of the fnrmir nrn in thn cfin B. Dunlap, vice president and. cashier I condition. of the National Union Bank at nock Hill, S. C. Acknowledgement of all FAVORABLE WEATHER IHE RALEIGH BAR WANTS JUDGE CUSS APPOINTED ON UNITED STATES SUPREME COURT. Adopted Resolutions Asking for the Appointment of North Carolina Jurist to Succeed Jndge Lorton. The Pitt and Anson County Bars Had Already Endorsed Judge Clark. liuhiii, July lo. The Raleigh Bar Asvxiaiiuu this afternoon adopted resoluliuns endorsing Chief Justice Clurk of the North Carolina Supreme Court, lor appointment as Justice of the dated States Supreme Court to succeed Justice Lurton. dnwaaorf i'he I'iit and Anson county bars have alrea.lv endorsed Judge Clark for tha position. WOODMEN RETURN. Concord Choppers Back From Salis bury, Where They Initiated Fifty Candidates. The Concord Woodmen have return. ed from Salisbury, where the degree team ot him Camp initiated 50 mem l,rs into the Salisbury camp. The Woodmen slated that tbe Salisbury choppers treated them royally. The evening s programme was started with a banquet at the Yadkin Hotel, af ter Hindi the initiation was held. Tin- officers who attended were: C. II. Peck, consul commander: .1. O. Moose, udvisor lieutenant; F. C. Car roll, escort; Lewis Boyd, watchman; H. C. llahn, sentry; J. H. Dorton, clerk. The members of the degree team were: V. B. Moorliead, captain; t. li. .Muml, first lieutenant; C. W. White, second lieutenant: Sam Wed- ngtoii, secretary; James Elliott, L. S. White, Lloyj Cook, Robert Suther, Koucrt fisher, 31. Q. White, C. C. Wiiigate, Charles Cook, George Grae bcr, 11. C. Scott, A. L. Winecofl, Fred Peck, Bill Parnell, Smith Barrier. In' aiUlition to the officers and degree team the following members attended: A. M. Faggart, C. M. Isenbour, Char les Barrier, Gilbert Hendrix, Stewart Bost, J. A. Caton, J." E.' Michael and .Matthew Hahn. contributions will be-made in The I Times and Tribune. OVER COTTON STATES TO RIVAL THE NEW HAVEN DEAL PROHIBITION ELECTION FOR , VIRGINIA ORDERED. Governor Stuart, of Virginia, Wait ed Only Five Honrs. t:i J v. T..K, 1.1 Vino hours after he received from James ef'op Duu111 .1 ' (MnarAiiD ah floor. On the opposite side of the street the basement of the TJzzell & Co. Printery took in five feet of wat or and the press room and other basement rooms of tbe News and Ob server building came in for serious flooding. At Union station the Martin and Harrington street drains choked and floods poured into the station M. Haves. Jr.. acting secretary of the commonwealth, a certificate showing that 69,936 names of citi zens represented by the clerks of circuit courts of counties and cor. porations courts of cities to be leg ally qualified as voters, are signed to the petition asking ror an election cn the question of State-wide pro hibition. Gov. Henry V. Stuart to- just as the Southern and Seaboard Unv issued the order for the election 1 a J I TTT A. i a 1 1 I , 1 vhich will be field on ueptemoer ice. trains for. the West and South were arriving and eight and ten inches of water swept through the waiting rooms forcing the hundreds of men and women to the tops of the seats for "dry roosts." The city was without lights or street ear service for- three hours,'' the transmission lines having gone down in the midst of the storm, x v ' ' Negro Boy Drowned. Rajeigh, July 14. With, parts of uaieign under water rrom clond burst this afternoon, Willie William Auction Sale of Judge Montomery Place Tomorrow. The sale of the Judge Montgomery home place, divided into six lots, will . . . . ; lA.Qn Government Report Indicates That Crop Has Profited During Past Week . Washington, July 14). Generally favorable weather in the eotton grow ing States during the past week was reported today in the national weath- It said: Generous showers over the east ern States greatly favored growth anil the plant is generally reported as be ing in good condition. In the central portions of the best local rains great ly benefitted the crop in Arkansas and Louisiana, and in parts of Mississippi but rain is badly needed in the last named State ar well as in Tennessee. "In Texas and Oklahoma but lit tle rain, occurred and the soil is now becoming very dry ; the early plant ed eotton is reported as doing well, however, but tbe late planted is much in need of rain." House Interstate Commerce Commit tee Begins Investigation of the Wa bash. Washington, July 13. The story al leged of the "high license" Gould in terests which may rival that of Mor-gau-M el lcn-IWke feller management of the New Haven, was begun before the House Interstate Commerce Com mttee tixluy. Joseph Ramsey, Jr., for.: mer president of the Wabash Pitts burg Terminal Company, and allied Gould cm I rolled lines, who took tbe stand, disclosed meetings of Gould representatives in New York tity which dominated these roads. The Young Ladies of the Mission- SEED FOR FARMERS. . Got- I Gastoni Farmers Ask Federal eminent for Seed. WashWton. July 14. The Cham- Iter of Commerce of Gastonia has ap pealed, for Federal aid for the uas ton farmers in the hail -belt. Seed and not money are -asked for. Early corni peas, millett " and other forage crops- are desired. . Kepresenrauve Webb goj, the promise oi tne ' de partment of , Ajfriculture..: to neip. Other North Carolina." Congressmen jwill give Mr. Webb part or their si llowances of seed. . , ' . - take place ombrrow morning at 10:30 7 W ot Mt ui.ve tnurcn -TV-K .u. a. i. -thai will give a play entitled "An Old o chick uu mc ,.... f, - .-- , w,n..tr now to be had in nnnnnnnnetaoinn l most vaalnable residential property W bl b"'1' . at r.ow to be had in Concord. Located VT&&3 u with attractive aurround-l - j..vciu ... r: i.. ; ,nu,;.ii attractive I be for the benefit of the new church ":r;-. "t tt; d; lota. Prices for admission 10 and 15 cents ston, 13 years old negro boy, one of I ith the mlin residence on one large rv.c m,.ub v . u,w- Mgidence on one large lot, witn a va flowing the business districts, was Lant lot on each side on the front vnuKu.. u. ,uco T.MT. . .u muw.., d new cottage witn two his body going 6.10 feet through smaller bouses in the rear, fronting cLve?.".nd tapped of clothes. - I rihnreh street. This is n Oppor- Ugbtning rent the roof , of the , tha eome, idom in a life- time, and it will pay you o this sale snd buy one or more of these tracts either for homes or for invest ment. There are practically no other vacant lots Mt on norm union street, and this is your last chance to buy SUfh lots. ;-r ,:,-yl:.'.i Senators Exonerated in Gold Hill Mine Matter. . - Washington, July 14. Exonera tion ot all Senators concerned in the charge of misuse of official let ter paper for promotion of a North Carolina gold mine is contained in the findings of an investigating com mittee which today completed its re- ; port. . '.'; John Skelton Williams, Comptrol ler of tbe Currency, who figured in the investigation as having sent Government expert to examine the ..; mine, was also exonerated of any reprehensive conduct. , -, The report holds that Senators w ho bought stock in the mine .did so as individuals and made no nse of their official positions in ' pro moting it. . v : .. ':Y. YOU GET THE CLEANEST AND MIST HEATING COAL FROM A. B. POUNDS. ; ' LUCILE LOVE. TEE GIRL Of KYSTSRX-AT IH PASTE2S TO DAY. ,i '- '...:'. ., ETT- YOUS COAL FllOM A. B. new city market. Reported rainfall 3.4 inches in one hour, greatest in Raleigh in 26 years. ' .' Damage including electric, tele phone and telegraph companies, is estimated in excess of $200,000 The News and Observer is , pub lishing tonight by using its own aux iliary plant. Strong Evidence Against Mrs. Oar- v -v ."-'- - nun. New York. July 15. Frank Far- ellj a tramp, added strong evidence I Asentg Odcll and Clark' of the De against Mrs. Carman, testifying tntrtmen 0f Commerce and T. L tbe inquest that after being refus- tr;Vman. nmaident of tbe Amenc ed food at the Carman borne on thviton Manufacturers Association, - I L . , I . , I l 1 . ! I -- - n . O. 1 nigui oi i ne niuruer ne ueara m pis-1 j uraaara. K. H. uooawin u tol shot end saw a woman running! sumner ' tbe Chamber of Com into the kitchen of the Carman!:, j.a Mil action. " - " home. He said the woman wore el jjr, Hickman went from bare te long cloak. ' Vew York where he will recommend "Gimme that .watch ,1 T 'demanded ISEL th erook. i , - Mlttee W looa TTr":"" u.nnfactnrers Will Utilise Trade I - Reaorte, ' w..himrton. Jnlv- 14. The eon- ferenee here today of Commercial I I information sent in by tbe eommer., aval V . II .11 M-tt 11 il i won a oia xeuow, .. repueo wi .i-Ud. Your Of a Selection Good Bank IS important not only for the present, , bnt also (or the years to come. THE right bank , connection' will be a material help to your every-day business, no matter whether you are in the mercantile or (anuin; business. , THIS BANK has a successful record of sais, ccssemtire banking, and i as strong as us ivArrt ovn cvc:::zss ;?' CiTiZENS BAWIC 7lKD TnusT col:pai!7 nan . " l the time."' . , .,4 The business face Is void of her, ' " But eornfieUs grin s From f to ar. ycr c-t tits cLr ,--r a::d t-"t r -ATI:; a coal rr.c"i a. TE2 Tr:?TH ESZIT1 CF LVCTLZ L0V3 AT T::3 FASTI '3 TC3AY. ::...'T : nr. , v. rev '3. I THA?;a icv u va?. i roa youu c:.cx ..8 Ct vlotim, "but really I can't