. ! State Library VOL. XIV. J B. SH ERRILL. Editor and Publiahe CONCORD. N. C, WEDNESDAY, JULY 22, 1914 40 Cents Month Coots a Cory. NO 279. KEY YORK'S LATEST . 11 CABS AOAHT8T MRS. CARMAN 18 VEST WEAK. Xrw Tork Can Always Bo Depended Upon to Product a Murder Mystery Every Summer. Families Sprins " Into Notoriety That War Nam Heard of Before. Freeport Wat Literally Torn TJu by the Roots. New York, July 22. KacU sum mer New Tork may be depended up on to produce iti sensational mur der mystery. . If not in New i'ork proper, then from out one of . tbe cores of towns and villages in th vicinity of the metropolis will come a story of violenoe And death. l"s ually there is a woman. , : The fierce blare of notoriety blazes cVwn upon families that were never heard of before. - If in one of thev villages, the entire routine of the lit tie community is ' broken. Business practically suspended. From out o1' the closets of tbe families' which at- ' tracted nothing but the highest res pect from their neighbors come rat ling the skeletons which have so Ion;.' been shielded from public gaze. Tragedy,' scandal and death is dis- -crssed on every street corner. It W the morning gossip of the housewives in the morning- back door visits. For the first time, probably, in tbe his tory of the qmet village, the Car.v ner and Sheriff are regarded wit'i awe. The sheriff may have lwon the favoritie of every child in the village before the little community was shaken by tbe sudden breaking of home, hut now he is shunned air! feared. : : . '"The sheriff will fret you," the mothers tell their children when they petulantly insist upon another hour of play. - And the big, kindly fnv man walks through the streets' alone. Children no longer, follow nt lii -i heels. He is only human and -may break down and weep as he arrests a ' woman he baa known for years on eharge of murder. But the village i transformed. The real came of tho presence of a sheriff in the communi ty is brought to light. . This Wan who has played with the children, bag joked and laughed in the homes .)'.' bis neighbors, becomes a figure to be feared' and avoided. ' . These scenes might be enacted in any village in the coniitry, or in the world. It is hnmnn to love and to hate. The animal instinct is to kill those who may cross these elemental passions", And when New York swelters in its summer beat, always, rearing up its head from some sup posedly peaceful family or communi ty steps the spectre of the spirit oC elemental man, breaking through the " veneer of civilization and striking- to kill. Such conditions as these have pio ' vailed for weeks in two villages near New York. I Freeport - L. ' I. ,,- Wis thrown into a turmoil by the shoot ing of Mrs. Louise Bailey, wife of a , well-to-do manufacturer,' as she was ' about to leave the office of Dr. Edwin Carman.' Only a short' time before, Stamford, Conn.," awoke to find it self full of scandal when. Waldo R ,: Ballon, 69, known to every man,' man and child in the town was found dead in front of the building in which -Mrs. Helen M. Angle, equally as well : known, had her apartments. Bal lon and Mrs. Angle were known t; have been friends. , Bloody foot- - - prints upon the stairs, ware found . which led - directly ; to .. her door. -1 Blood stained garments and Ballon 't hat' weroi found in the apartment. ' Mrs. Angle was arrested, sue- proT ' tested her innocence, but 1 evidence-) brought out at the coroner's invest i- - gation pointed only to ber, in the he 1 lief of the authorities.. '?-'.-V' At Freeport the circumstances siir- rounding the shooting of Mrs Bailey were even more mysterious than thosjj -' ! of the death of Ballon. - Unknown to her husband or other members of her family, Mrs. Bailey called at the of fice of Dr. Carman. ' The physician , , said ha prescribed some quinine cap snles for her. She was just walking . toward the door, when suddenly tbcre - was a crash.' - The window was brok .. en. The curtains moved and then a hand, grasping a revolver, was thru! ir. The revolver moved up and down for an instant.-r Dr. Carman said he jn raped behind an operating tabK There was a shot and. Mr. - Pailey ' fell. .. . . :v"-'-':..V '' - When Dr. Caroinn - picked Mr. - - Bailey np' eonld nltf . w!npr that she had been shot and then she flicd.i -There were patients ; waiting . . to see the physician in the outer or ' Hce. - One of them came in .and help- d Dr. Carman place Mrs. Bailey's bodv on a eonch. The woman's rel- . ativea living in Homstead , were aoti fled and then came tha long bunt fo: - the murderer. . Outside the window there was absolutely nothing left to trace the murderer by. The author it es were completely baffled. Then : earns the knowledge that Mrs. Car- run had installed a dictograph in her husband's office tliat she might listen to the conversation he had with v.o- i . 1 'U. 1 1 Fen patients, mio aammea ner jealousy and thai she distrusted her 'husband. Sensation after sensation - followed SS tha various theories were I advanced with witnesses to testify 'in their support. Freeport was fairly, torn np. by the mots. Little waa thought or Ulked of in the village but tbe kill ing of Mrs. Bailey. Everyone knew the Carman. The doctor had at tended uitt of tbe families in tlw illage. " ' ' As a climax to the inquest one wit ut as swore that he saw a woman on the lawn near Dr. Carmen's window 4t the same time the shot was fired. His description fit Mrs. Carman She was arrested in her born and Ukeu to jail. Then came doubt as to the truth of the story tuld by this principal witness. The day follow iiiS her arrest it was openly asserted that the ease atrainst Mrs. Carman i-ss weak and that she might be ex pected to lie released. The stirring ii of Freeport was then complete. The caae had worked in a complete circle. Newspapers . had ' screamed with the annual New York mystery murder and wuat town or village nearby may furnish the next sensa tion only next year can tell. DEATH OF MSS. J. M. MAHES8, Mr. T. D. Msnaas' Step-mother Died Yesterday Afternoon At Her Horn In Union County. Mr.. T. D. Maness received a tele phone message yesterday afternoon stating that hia-step-mother, Mrs. J. M. Maness, died early yesterday af ternoon at her home in Union eonn- ty Mrs. Maness' death wa due ti imnilysitt. She was stricken with a serious attack July 0th and never rallied. She was 84 .years of ase and is survived by her hnahand nn.l five step children, Messrs. T. D., and J. M. Maness and Mesdames .1. V. Pean and W. B. Oriffln. of Unin'i county, and Roliert Hare, of nenrsts. The funeral was held this after noon at 2 o'clock at Faulk's BnptUt Church in Union ermntv of which the deceased had been a devout member for manv vearK. Mr. and Mrs. Maness left this BWIXSOX-OTTHEIi Mr. Waiter E. Bwinaea and Myrtie Bother Married Yesterday la Salutary. ' Announeementa resding as follows were received hers this morning: Mrs. Sallie E. Suther annonucea the marriage of ber daugh ter Myrtle "to Mr. Walter Edward Swinson on Tuesday evening, July twenty-first Nineteen hundred and fourteen - Salisbury, N. C . At Concord, N. C. after August first Mr. Swinson ia a well known young man of Forest Hill, holding a position as salesman with the H. B. Wilkinson Furniture Company. Mrs. Suther is a (laughter of Mrs. Sallie Suther and is popular with a number of friends. Mr. and Mrs. Swinson are spending their honeymoon in Mt. Airv. THE ALBfMAtLH TICXIO. rAixxu' nrsrmrrES. THE ENGLISH SITUATION. Interference of King Nearly Over shadows Original Issue. Loudon, Jly 22. With the inter ference of the King nearly over shadowing the original issue, confer ences were resumed at the palace. Few expect an agreement will be reached. The coalition forces nr.' easperated by tbe King's reference ti the "cry of civit war is on th lii8 of the most responsible, sober minded people. lr the speecn is t!e King's own making, it will be the erst time is a generation that the sov- c'l-n has assumed the responsibility r' making a political speech. Co;i- frenee adjourned after an hour and ;i half as on yesterday. I'rea-ier Asquith took full respon sihility for the King's speech at tlw onference. Annual Event for tha rmrposs ef I At Ximm Atgnst 11, and Oancsrd Kaiaini rnads. fw the Masonic . Aogast It Dates for Otaer Orpkanagt Wffl be Held Next I rUeea. Weak. To be an Event of Oonor-1 ' Mr. T. B. Parker, director of Farm al Interest and LnsorUnco. Ira' Institutes in connection with the 1 11 ,1. ii yo ti,. 1 1 North Carolina Department of Atri- ik. i. cnltnre, announces that farmers' in L ..j !... e,..-.! f .1 Istitutes will be held ia this section - ' - k. it; A.t . Uneflt of Oxford Ombanue nmm. I . Cabarrus county-River, Tuesday, i. v.n .1 this date la be . r.nillAnnt " Concord, Wedncday, Au wi,:i. k. 1. k. I gnat 12. held on July 30th word is coming TKMee,kl'nb1ur ouuty-Hunter.viUe, f.m .dW.min.r Munti.. ih.t ihJL Thursday. August 13; Carolina Acad- will be large crowds from tbe several adjoining counties, and even coun ties which do not join Stanly. . For syth, as last year promises many vis itors. There -will bo a full train f'om Winston-Salem and all inter mediate points on the South Bound between here and1 Winston-Salem. It is reported that prospects are so emy, Monday, August 17; Rains Ar ademy, Tuesday, August 18. Rowan county Rockwell, Satur day, August 8; China Grove, Monday, August 10; Mount Una. Saturday, August 15. Stanly county To be supplied, Thursday, August 6; Norwood, Fri day, August 7; Richfield, August 7. The director of this work desires Death of Maj. James A. Oraige A message to Mrs. John P. Alii Kon received Tuesday, announced the death of her brother, Maj. James morning for Union county to attend A. Craige, at his home "Unwood"' the funeral. .neur Columbia, Tenn., July 20th, at , 1 n o clock a. m, MILLS PAY DIVIDENDS. I Maj. Craige was the oldest son of , 'the late Hon. Burton Craige and Cabarrus, Cannon and Gibson Kills M rs. Elisabeth Phifer Erwin Craige, Pay Usual Semi-Annnal Divt- ad was born in Salisbury. December denda. ''" IS4L He received his education a :...? Ait, ,.f iti'Ji'' the schools of Salisbury,'-Cataw- tiannon. Oib. mvd Cabarrus CoirWtolUaronU mills, waa held yesterday afternoon ''"W ana tne nuwi amies Mmmry i the o(Be of the Cabarrus Savings nVn TTi I Bank. The roport. of the officer " Pnt by Oen D. H Hill and showed the mills to be in fine condi- " ""titution June 1st, tion and the directors of each mill 1 , , ..... ' , . declared, dividend. Tbe Cannon' hen host. Iit.es be ween the .emi.nnn.ifil dividend o "' uwisna vui iniift n- ir frw ak Iomm nnmW rvf noAnla from Concord, China Grove, Salii- ,ec,'1 yew, tho inatitntoa be made bury and Spencer, as well as other ?' l to 'he ".nd points on the Southern road, that the Southern Company is figuring on running its special train' from Con cord by way of Salisbury in two sec tions, it being thought by the officials cf that company that on train will be insufficient to take care of the large number of people desiring tti ciine to Albemarle July 30th. It is also practically certain that the Nor folk & Southern will hard to run its excursion from Charlotte in two sec tions, as it is reported that a very large number will come .from that trid of the line Among the attrac tions for the day will be the concert by the singing class . from Oxford. This in itself is worth a trip to heat Attorney General Bickett will deliv er an interesting address. The merry-go-round is already here and will be running 111 a day or so. There will lie other amusements stands here then. Concord Degree Team, Wood men of the World will give a par- :ile during the day. There will be two excellent brass hands and pos biblv three, to furnish music all dav. The local fraternal orders are losing no time in gettiiu plenty, to eat in order that none may co hungry Mr. J. M. Harris, W. M.!, of Stanly I ndjrc No. .148 was at Bij Lick last Thursday night 'and lie reports that tbe masons of that lodgo are alive to the situation, that tbey will bt here Jnlv -30th' and Htat ibey Will ionic with well filled baskets. sibly one of the chief attractions of the dav will he the ball game in that the attendance be steadily increased.' The State Department of Agricul ture is doing what it can to advance the interest of the farmers of tbe State along all lines of agricultural ecreavor. The heads of the several divisions of tbe department are se curing all the facts they can bearing on the lines of work of their respec tive divisions, whether it is soils, ag riculture, horticulture, live stock, dairying, diseases of live stock or of plants, or anv of the raaov things that thev are endeavoring to set in formation about that will benefit the farmers of the State. At the insti tutes they come face to fact with the farmers and there tell them of the things that thev think will he most Klpful to them. The occasion will also afford an opportunity to ash about certain thinss in which they ire interested. The institute can be a profitable day to the fanners of the community. All those who are really interested in better agriculture, better hnnie ntid in evervthine that tends to rural progress and uplift are urged to ar range to attend the institute in the eoitntv that is most convenient, or nil of them, if possible. At the Farmers' Institutes it is de sired to discuss different methods of WOMC PKOOIXSSXNO NICELY. Good Progress Being Made on Par lng Work. Job Will bo Complet ed in About Six Weeks. Tbe work of putting down the permanent pavement on Union street and parts of intersecting streets is progressing nicely. The big con crete mixer baa started operations snd from now on the work will con sist chiefly in potting down the concrete base. This work waa start ed yesterday morning in front of tbe poet office and a section of the street fixed. Tbe street car track bas been rais ed and the work of putting down the concrete base between the tracks up on which the vitrified brick will be laid is underway. An order has been placed for more carts for hauling the concrete and when these arrive the work will progress more rapidly. The concrete mixer is one of the largest ever operated in this section. About 500 bags of cement are pitch er into the maw of the machine daily end mixed with about 166 cubic yards of rock. The mixer is located at the corner of Church and F.as; Corbin streets. Mr. Harbison, who has charge ol' the work for Hudson & Co., the con ductors, states that the work is moving along nicely and that every thing is now in readiness to rush the concrete work. Mr. Harbison recently made a record of laying ce ment, putting down 2,050 square yards in one day on a contract this comoanv recently completed. He states that the work will be complct ed in about six weeks if conditions remain favorable. MS. GOODMAN APPOINTED. soil improment, the growing of liv stock, the cultivation of crops, se- Tw I leeting seed, and various other thinifr in wnicn inejamirrs ui mc ii.-iui,,. are interested.. We have at the in- ...:i. n J ...:n . i.-,- .;, I siumc s qursuun uua aim "r millTll viiih-wiu will iiuon uaw i.iiui - - . , ..-!..- Ki;Wv Twnntv thousand neonle farmers to drop into it the questions are expected. mill paid a Jill LMIIU a mi-niiii.i , , . . 1 per rent; the Gibson 4 per cent.!'d commission and nd the Cabarrus 4 per cent. ! his native State, to take M-rLiia-c wi returned up arms Constitutional rights Mrs. M. Thompson Accused of Firing "e w188t!nrt"re1d ,h Captaincy of ji.a TM.,i..r.t Co. (1, Col. Fishers' Regiment, 6th Greensboro. Julv 21. -Mrs. Mcbcl State troops, which he drilled, ti ., vn vraA n, ! lfln-.nl to' s lie did otner regiments ior service, barn mi -.ly 10, the Public Service ;od marched with his regiment to Comiwny building, formerly the Ben- !the front and into the first battle of IV fl B t his AtternOOn IIH- ubo. -unices " J charged bv- Acting Poliee Judw f tlio 5th N. C. Infantry and re Swift, rather ( the surprise of those .nined m active service until severe who have '.Slowed the case. It is wounded at the battle of Win :j u. n.. -f..-..a .ill h lid iw. 'thester, September, 1864. - fore the rand jnry at September 1 After the close of the war he re ennrt and indictments asked. ,tred to his father's p antation and .hnt managed it for a number of years. ....1:1 i. ... '. n;r,f nf the n. Afterwards he moved to Tennessee until iiiic i.itr , . . fM T imniu'in BUI. HHS ior U1B.1V vcoib iivcu mi ma room1; that : 4 cVlock she :. -W plantation there. Ir .1809 he was stupor and fire burning . roppny murr. nil 1 itiHiimni. ui vwuuiinoi s.-oini.t " f onnd in a 1 it-.-. nln..a in tr)A Tfim fl ... nnieklv extiniruished. O. A. nth five children, James Craige, Jr., Starbuck, connected with the inter- John Williamson, Kerr. Annie and r.,,1 revenue headouarter. at Rich- i Mary, survive h.m. He also leaves mbnd, father of the woman, was here for the trial. The Atlanta, Mystery. Atlanta, Ga., July 22. The Atlan ta newspapers are still searching fev erishly for a clew to the Nelms girls mystery, and the latest is the dis enverv of a stand of golden hair in a lake i in .Nortn Jjouisiana., 1 missing sisters ore believed to have heen trailed to a town noV far from this lake, v The hair waa attached to l,;t nt tinman sealn and tho lake is being dragged for the remainder of the body. - . Annrgent appeal for aid in the search has been gent to all Nobles .f tho -..Mvst'fi' Shrine, of which the rtrlB' fa '" was a member, oy tor- rest rail, imperial potenwto oi me Atlanta temple' and the. man wno brought the great Shriners -conven tion to Atlanta this spring, mere is no man from whom ancji. an ap peal would have greater force and all Shrinedom it expected 10 worn vig orously to aid in tho finding of th.? two women. ... - Neglected to - Tie OonvlcU. . Hands - f and Oct, nur. The superintendent of the Guilford county workhouse went to . ureens- boro for an escaped convict, says me ReeordJIe placed i bobbles on me fellow's feet, gave mm n rear sea .u tbe wagon, the superintendent driv ing the team. But the conviet s hands were free and two miles from town he picked np a shovel lying in the wagon and knocaeo mo sui" tcrflent from the wagon Into a ditch. Then be hopped on him and beat him they would like to have discussed. In the afternoon me onesiion nox his sisters. Mrs. Alfred B. Young, of Davidson and Mrs. John Y. Allison, if Concord. Maior Craiee was a member of tb Methodist EDiscopal Church, and v as a man of kindly spirit, splendid intellect and fine physique. : Eevival at St. Paul's. v A revival is in progress at St. Paul's Methodist Church. Two ser vices are held each day in the after noon. Next , Sunday there will be all-day services. Mr. J. F. Shinn, of Norwood, lay leader of the Salisbury district, will speak at uemre urove Methodist chnren next rtunnay i 10:30 a, m. Kraft Was Bought with Johnson's ; . luowlodfo. , Nw York. Julv 22. Ban Johnson was "crossed" by the club owners ( eircnit for tho first time, ;t Uaks out. Ebbetts bought pUyer v.ft ith Johnson's knowledge but over his protest. 1 Johnson wanted to hVht out the players iraieru.i y . President Roraivoa A. B. 0. Mediator. Yv-.i.;ntnn. Julv 22. President Wilson received the A, B. C. media tors today in the bine room, and thanked them for their efforts to ward peace. The function waa very formal. . ' - . - ; Nos. 6 and 7 Township Sunday School open1 the questions discussed I OI1Q BJlSAGin III 1 ..llll.t uonvenuun. Xos. ti and 7 township Sunday School Convention will be hew in Prosperity E. L. 'Church in No. d township, August 8, 1914. Following is the protrramme. beginning at 10 o'clock a. m. : Devotional services. Song. Scripture reading and praper the pastor. Song. The Snndav and Community Work, by Rev. W. C. Lyerly. Song. The Model Teacher in the Sunday School, by Rev. J. H. C. Fisher. Song. Collection. Song. Benediction. Dinner. Afternoon. Song service. Stopping tbe Leakage in the Sun day School, bv Rev. has. V. .Mac Laughlin. Heading of minutes of last meet ing. Unfinished business. Song. .' New business. Election of officers. Song by everybody, "God Be With Us Till We Meet Again. " - Benediction by the pastor, v Each school in tho township is re quested to eomo prepared to take part in tho song services. All are welcome. A. H. TENINGER, . Vice President. O. T. KLUTTZ, ; Secretary. PROGRESS OF THE CAUIM 1M THE WOMAN'S LAWYER MAT PLEAD EMOTIONAL INSANITY. The Sight of a Beautiful Woman Between Two Guards - More Pro minent Factor Than tho Evidence. Mm. Callianx Weep Softly, as Reference is Made to Her, ia Fear That Her Name Will le Hold Up in Shame Before tho World. Paris, July 22. Emotion stirrinz political pasgious, recriminations, and above all the sight of a beautiful wo-n-tn between two guards, alternately raising ber voice in her own defense 01 weeping softly as reference is made to her, in fear, that her name will be held up in shame before the world, were more prominent factors in the trial of Mine. Cnillaux than tli-; evidence. Her lawyer . ."intends to plead emotional insanity should the public be swayed to such .an extent as to demand her acqultal. ' Labon, counsel for Mme. CauUux, si ored his first victory today when ho nit.de Prosecutor Herbaux, on. behalf -1 the government, admit that the al leged Agdi documents, implicating Cnillaux in scandal in connection with the Morrocan affairs, did not exist. A gunsmith told of Mme. Caillaux buying a revolver and practicing bv firing at a silhonitte matt. ' Young iTan of No. 4 Appointed Farm Demonstration Agent by Mr. Mill- saps. Mr. E. S. Millsaps, district super visor or rarm demonstration wore, has appointed Mr. R. D. Goodman, of No. 4 township, farm demonstra tion agent for the county. Mr. Mill saps recently appointed Mr. Jackson, of Tennessee, demonstration agent. He has taken up some other work ami did not accept the position. Mr. Goodman is a son of Mr. Caleb Goodman, one of the best . known farmers of No. 4 township. He is graduate of A. and M. College, and ir a eapabuPand "cnergeirc ' young man and his friends predict that he will make an efficient demonstrator. No Fear From Boll Weevil. Atlanta, Ga.. Julv 22. The boll v-eovil, the terror of the cotton plan tet, is interestingly discussing in the latest rcDort bv Farmer Jim Price, cussion. we ore wanting me nay '" State ( ommissioncr ot Agriculture. be one of pleasure and profit to all Mr. Price Shows that last year the who attend. I boll weevil camped within a few miles Mr. M. J. Hendricks, a successful 0f tne Georgia line for the winter and fnrmer of Davie county, will cnn-ljf ;t ,a(j not been for earlv frosts duct the institute party. He will Ho I would have crossed into Georgia. Mr. assisted by uan 1 . tiray, cn.ei ... ynre believes it will be three years animal industry, at the North Caro- .forg t,p wePVil will be sufficiently lina experiment station, Department established in this section of the by of Agriculture, and others. Local men South to be formidable and that by are invited to come out ana niseuss tiik.ng udvantnre of others' expe- questions in whicn tne iarmcrs 01 the commonity are interested. At the same time and ploee a w o man's Institute will he conducted bv Miss Lucie T. Webb, of Warren coun ty, and Mi's. John W. Robinson, of Catawba county. At tins nieennit nmJaminii 4 a hftliuahftlri ft f - fairs, cookery will be discussed, jw '' t " -7- ' .hn,,U K tnrmlv n his efforts to eliminate the naval nUUlCU lUNUUIV .... n--,- attended by the women of the com munity. If it is worth while for the men to come together to discuss bet ter methods of farming, stock rais ing, etc., it is even more so for the women to come out to discuss tn more important problems of health May Be Appointed on Federal Re serve Board. Atlanta, July 22. One of the nota ble ficures on the board of directors the federal reserve bank to be es- .thlished in Atlanta will be in all probability George H. .Malone, of Doth an. Ala., who is said to be strong- in the lead as the nominee of roup 3, class A. Mr. Malone has been a leading fig ure in the banking and financial in terests of his section for more than wentv years, and is said to have es tablished more national banks than ane other man in the United States, Every , bank; , he, . has established prv been connected with,' it is stated, has an uninterrupted record of strong and successful growth.. Mr. Malone well known in Atlanta. rience and the aid ottered by the State department the planter can equip himself to raise just as much I cotton then as now. Eliminate Plucking Board. Washington, D. C. July 21. Secre- Cam Roooorels Asks to Bo Hoard. Wshington, July 22. Roosevlt took full responsibility for the action during hia administration in regard to Columbia, in letters, to foreign re lations committee, asking to be heard . .. .. i.i-i, ha tnit for.bv committee. np oaoiy, ner .. - the woodsv Enndrod Tbontand Join Strik. . am BTtTO'8 ErSEl LTJCtLS, Cf p.f.rsbrmr. July 22. Two bun- nrrv TTT! CTTL CP . - t -thnosand men 'joinet LOVE, AT T 1 I. ' TITS CT CP I.v- . i j j -,i,r,..r,t men toined general TC::AY. I V-' rik e, died in protest against the YOU WCXT I ' f I ? Imie? t. authorities 'irf - J. C ? W C.T1 nr.' ftinHt tt strikers in Bain, PA-T. 1 Al Progressives Open Colorado ' Colorado Springs, July . 22. The first step in the Progressive state emnaicn was taken today when the progressive state assembly for , tha designation tor atate omces was nem. Under the law eacu party may now an "assembly" where tho platform io formed and candidates for offices designated. Persons who receive 10 per cent of the vote of the assembly ur untitled to have their names put nn fhn mncial ballot at the general election primaries as candidates for iti iuHim nomination. av lidwara u. vos"gan v unum, the only-candidate too tne rrog res tive nomination for -governor.' Ho tu tht United Mino Workers attor- ney d)uring' tbe investigation or me Colorado coal mine striki last win- ter. .-'''"" : " ' ' : rv von ffAVS SE2! TITS OT3 r PTfiTtrRT-'l CP TT"1 Er"JAL VfiTJ WCST'T I 3 LU, T-3 13V3, TSTZ-Y, AT Tiia AY. 'plucking board," by appointing commission, headed by Assistant Sec retary Roosevelt, to investigate and recommend a new law to Congress. Other members of the commission are Rear Admiral Victor Blue, chief of the bureau of navigation, Naval Con- MiiM training. sAvintr streneth. food structor D. W. Taylor and Lient nmhlems. etc.. subjects in which we m nas. M. Austin are all vitallv interested. - Three premiums will he given at Tali wklu tomimi fr the women's institutes, as follows : I RIAL DKAHA, IiUCUifi U; V JS, Tali First. To the woman living on the I GIRL OF MYSTERY, AT THE PAS- farm, who is over 20 years old, boa-1 TIME TODAY, ins and exhibiting the highest scov- ing loaf of bread, a year's subscrip tion to a woman's magazine. Second. I To tho girl unr'er 20 years of age, J living on the farm, baking and ex-j hibiting tho best loaf of bread, a I ear s subscription to a woman magazine, univ one 01 tne aoovci premiums will bo given tothe samel family. Third. To the gif under 161 years of age, baking and? exhibiting I tho best pone ot corn oread, a prem ium. Prisoner Commits, Suicide. Boston, Julv 22. Lawrence Robin son on trial here for the murder of Inspector Norton, who songht to ar rest him for tripple murder at Grand Rapids, Mich., was found dead in his ell tins morning. He commuted sui cide by cutting his throat with a shoe shank. Prison officials refuse to make statement but District Attorney Pellster admits tbe fact of suicide. Transport Ordered to Cuba. Washington, July .22. The trans port Hancock, has been ordered to pick up marines Fnady and Batur-., day and return immediately to Gnannamo, Cuba. Original orders were to go to Philadelphia,, but with threatened intervention in .Haiti, the Navy Department wishes. to rusn marines south as fast as possible. Charter Granted Salisbury Company Raleigh, July 22. A charter was issued to the Jamack Cotton Mills Company, of Salisbury today, with, a capital of a hundred thousand au thorized, and fifty thousand subscrib ed by M. L. Jackson, W. A." and J. C. MeCanless. ; $160,000 Firs in Indiana.. -' Brazil, Ind., July 22. Brasil'a bus-; ness section was threatened when Are wiped ont two buildings, doing $160,- Issues Requisition for Chock Flasher. - Tlttlekli.' July 22.-1-flovernor Cxaigl .ssued renuisition on tho governor of I onth Carolina . today for David J. I Griffith, who is' wanted in Charlotte for issuing worthless cnecKs to mcck- lenburg Hotel. ' ' . Box Supper. A lawn partv and box supper will ha riven at Friendship Church at Hanes Plott's store on the first day of August, Saturday, W begin -? B.-- Ice cream, eakeo, and other tlet- ieacies will bo served. TUTS IS THE UTH SERIES OF THE SERIAL, LUCILE LOVE, THE GULL OF MYSTERY, AT THE PAS- TIM8 TODAY. . H.m.T it looks as if wo ought to bo thankfud that tho mediators' did not reqniro i W mm m Meaean Service and Appreciation We hivJjpveii our patrons . tne very best service in our power to furnish, and they have shown their appreciation by helping us build up - the splendid business we now have. To you who are not now our custo- k men we extend a cordial bvitation , to let ns put your name on our books, m order that we may re&der , YOU the same service and extesd . to yon the same advantages enjoyed . . by our present patrons. .CITIZENS BAMI'AriD tiiust co:.::v.::v flag. 'T"A (!.,: ''

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