VOL. XIV. J SHERRILL. Editor and PublUbw CONCORD. N. G. TUESDAY, JULY 28, 1914 - Copy. NO 284 .i r TV f AUSTRIA!! TROOPS 1 CROSS THE DANUBE ti,S rOSXST HILL XXWS. Mr. Mcrrfta Serionsly EL Home rroa the Hsvy. Personal Items. fcapp has gwie to Hoop spend several days with - friend. Hm to Mr. and Mr. R. B. Mul nnniTPlf.n HTlLflKADE WITHOUT len. Julv 2tith. daughter. - " rnnivpv - Born to Mr. and Mrs. f . VV. Widen- KESISTAHCE. house, Julv 20th, a son. Mr. Jno. Crowderhaa returned So Reports Received at Paris Front from X'leveand, Ohio, and wumed c" . t ork with the Wilkinon-V iden- Bsrlin Indicate Btrrtui With- hf)ntm ron,lMinv. drewBefora tha Anstrians. Rs-' Mr. Henry liall r"t Saturday af , , ternoon in the city with bis aunt. ported that Hostilities Wars to Bo Urs T HoweI1 Opoaed Today. Kaleer'a Inflnancu M isa Cozy Denny haa gone to Al . WOI bo Great to Qe A-tria'l. A nthn' proval for Peace Movement ' Mr, Tom Wilbams, of. Albemarle, ,h. AriuTroolUh'e1 V-tl, iUne- .ndde.th of hi, Danube itK SnSKi... returned .y eorp.eeup!WlK ,,. ,,,, , ; mu.tanee, aeeordn towordth ,,, nral)Mn wth relatives. ' i,VK ;AU8,Ti w I, Mr. VV. R. Morgan fit Ha River, Paris. Unoffial report, deelare that . Wj. ,iU , Mr ,nd M detachment . of Au.tr.an. invaded n on Vjmfe Servia t 1 Hitrovicsa, fifty miles , .... v. di,.i . ftf northwest of Belgrade. Servians aro visit t t)Jl bome of stated to have withdrawn before the Austrian, uniformed men. Reports from Vienna said that hostilities wet to be opened at day break. Officials tated at Vienna that ,eighl army her grandfather, Mr. D. A. Murr, on Spring street. Mr. Sloan Cohen, of the V. S. S. Utah, arrived in the city yesterday Mr. t ohen was Cruz when lenna that igiii army to d :)0 tUyu- i corps were mobilized, were, vi'"" with the bovs in Vera believe that the personal influence or t,ey t,at eitv. the Kaiser will be a great netp m ob taining the approval of Austria ,fof a peace movement. . Tlie Central news ditttatch from Mr. W. C. Ritchie suffered the misfortune of breaking his arm Inst week while cranking- nls Ford. Mr. Jan. Wood,- of Richmond, is Berlin states that Germany has ofti- grinding this week in Concord with eiallv reieeted Sir Edward Grey's bis parents. Mr. and Mrs. Jno. R. proposal has no confirmation. It is Wood, on Vance stret. thought that there is a different in- Mrs. H. C. Raimer and Mrs.'. Tda terpretation on the Kaiser's attitude Dennis have jrone 'to- Mooresville to than that by the other correspondents spend a week with relatives, who thinks the Kaiser's action final. Mrs. II. A. Petrea and children Actual war bejtween Austria and have returned from a week's visit Servia ia indicated in the heavily, at home of Mr. Waltfr Wilkin censored dispatches permitted to come son nt Kannapolis. out of various capitals in Enrop. Messrs. Wm. and Marshall Runn, Austria has handel his passport to bfXew London, are visiting at the the Senian minister, and this is eon- home of Mr. Win. Kirk on Vance sidered a sufficient declaration. ' An outbrak or -hootilitU oeenrrd Mr J, F. Morgan is -seriously "on the Danube, Servians on shoro ' his home on Vance street. having flred on Austrian troops in irnnnrts. The fire was returned. Hvv concentration of Austrian THE TWO rOR THE . HAH. SUTTEREM. AckaowlodftmenU of Amount 8eat to lock HOI Authorities. Recently The Tribune and Times ent the sum of 12.7."i to the authori ties at Rock Hill. S. (, fur Ike benefit of the bail storm, sufferers, and the following aeknawediments have been received: Mr. J. B. Sherrill. Editor, The Concord Daily Tribune, Concord X. C. Dear Mr. Sherrill: I am in receipt of your letter of July 20th enclosing check for $12.7), amount contributed to the hail storm sufferers in this dis trict, together with list of contribu tors. I have had our local papers ti print this list. I wish to thank yon for. your interest in the matter, and assure yon that your cheek is' very much appreciated. Yours verv truly, IRA B. LVNLAP, Chaiman Soliciting Committee, Rock Hill, S. C. July 24, 1914 Times an,l Tribune. Concord, N. C. Dear Sirs: In writing .vou this let-ti-r of appreciation for your liberal donations tctlie free seed fund collected by this organization for the hail storm sufferers, we are sending you sincere thanks of all the people of this- community. It gives us-a grent deal of picas urc to advise that seeds to the ap proximate value of $4,000 have been purchased tnd given away to help those farmers who hist their entire Top in this severe hail storm. 1'nder separate cover we are send ing vou the Julv issue of the Rock Hill Magazine, and beg to efcll your at tent ion . to page 10 giving an account of the storm ami what has been done for ths sufferers. Assuring yon again of our thanks and appreciation, and hoping we will have an opportunity sj time to reel firocate, we are. Yours verv trulv, JNO. T. RODDKY. I' resident. Rock Hill Chamber of Commerce. Rock Hill. S. C. July 27, 1014, o:;e mm are il! THIS RELIEF FUND, SERIOUS AHTI-1QLITART DE M01T8TRATI0N3 THERE. - ssbswh Twenty Ato Thoaaaad Persona Ware Riotini. Crowd So Big That the Police Could Not 'Hindis It One Hundred and Eicfcty Were Arrest ed, and Mora than a Thousand Wero Injured. Paris, July 28. 4erioiis autimili- tary demonstrations, during which twenty-five thousand rioted near the Matin office, resulted in stringent or ders being issued to the military to prevent further demonstrations. The crowd was so big that the Klioe could not handle it nntil they sent auto busses rumbling into,' the crowd. One hundred and eighty Vere arrested and more than a thousand were injured. All quotations on the exchange ve been suspended. AUTOS BLOCK STREET. Foot Can Hold Fact By tke Soft Slippery Soil oa Unioa Street The section of street from Brown v Cannon Company to G. V. Patter son's was a "slough of despond" to PICKI0 AT ST. JOHNS. The Farmers' Union and Confederate Veterans to Celebrate Adjust 5. The Farmers' Cuion of Cabarrus county and the Confederate Veterans ft o. H. Kiglith X. C. Reiriiiient will automobilista thia morning. Four no'1' '.ue'r annual jnruie jointly in the ENDOFTHECAIUM TRIAL APPROACHC'G plowed their way to auch depth in the sofe, slippery soil that it requireJ miKii time and labor to pull them out. The motor truck of the Carolina Bottling Comjiany was the first to get "stuck." A Ford tried to pass and it, too, was held fast. Dr. Wad, worth came eeding along and just as he approached the truck the wheels tuiat.r..l ... l. t I .T.i. .i.iii r ( .POII II 8 M-11IMI house, in No. 8 townsliin. on Auviwt (eginning at 1 a. m. Mr. H. K. Cline mill deliver the oeh-oine Bel li ress in behalf of the Farmers' I'n lon, and Mr. C. K. hiidenliour in be half of the Confederate Veterans. Mr. J. Z. (ireen .of Marshville. State lecturer of the Fanners" I'n- l WOMEN FAINTED AND I CARRIED AWAT. ARE l r a ll i viz?? ";"rzcr:i ,u rr ,.reeniiy ae- rfresses. Mihh l.illi ( cnrely fastened. Next came Mr. J. W. Cannon's big Packard ana joined i ue luimovauie line, uarages were 'phoned to for assistance and after considerably toil the mechanics, aided by lookers-on, managed b yteb appli cation of chains to clear the street. a reading. Al 4 o clock . m. there ill be a game of ball. Refreshments will Ue served on the grounds. The public is cor. hilly i.; vited to come and brinir dinner. Music will be furnished bv the Plvler Cornet Band. MEXICAN SITUATION 18 PROGKESINO VERT WELL. TWO DEAD IN CLOUDBURST Several Unaccounted for. 120 Stores Were Submerged. Tellurite, Colo., July 28. Two n Massacre" Makes Trouble Intense. Dublin, Julv 27. Rioting broke out again tonight but subsided with out serious results. The rumor wns afloat that the Scottish , Borderer. t ould entrain at the Amiens street stt jw.AjfWLejwwd v wlly , f rom the slu in b, gurrotinded the station The rioters stoned the street ears. Six hundred volunteers parade! THIEVES VENT SPITE ON WIFE. Finding No Loot in House, Two Men Boat, Bind, and Gag Victim. Baltimore, Md., :Jnl.v 2. "V couldn't find anythiug in t tie house, we took out our spite "ti your wite You will find her in 'the parlor. This message on the liall door met the eyes of John T. Parker, of Higli landtown, when he returned from a baseball game this evening. Parker resiled to the parlor, where lie found his wife, gagged, bound, and uncon scious, and showing evidences of bru tal treatment. She Aid not recover consciousness until ntidniulit. She said that just a Tier I'nrker left to attend the ball game two men eume to the gate. Tliev seized the voting woman and ransacked the house, but finding nothing "I value, vented their spite Upon her. She was beaten and otherwise maltreated Troop. Z Moidem, For tU Farmer, of fh. , BUI Storm i?riiL. froiursvand-iWobiliBattpn p - - Dlatrlct Uia.Btate; more are admjtted. The Servian army The Tribune and Time, some days 1. concentrating in the interior and ago forwarded $12.75 to the farmers the Montenegrin army lias been.caiiea 0r the section around kock twin o. u. .... ti.i..u ..llirona pnpniled in A wlin suffered loss hv the recent hail 1)1(1, m...v. n T l ' panicky exodus, fearing the immed- storm. AH later funds will be sent wring several ' . i tl. onnilal hv In lh atriolron fnrnipr. in onf own I f hem Singing. . ... c.i on ULlnKr nn.n reeling runs high l lie Ausvnaus. o Other powers in Europe are en- Cleveland counties. This fund now deavoring to prevent a general war. stands:" , , ; Russia is seeking more time for Ser- D. V. Kriminger fund .$33.52 via to answer the Austrian demands, Mrs. J. S. Isenhour .50 but has warned Austria and Germany L. T. Bost -50 that it eannot be indifferent to an in- Miss Netty Killough $1.00 vasion of Servia. Stern orders just C W. Bost I...- 1M .-. a .sn.r nntilimtv of military W. A. Bost : 2.00 movements conceal activities of the C. L. Ivnmminger n....:.- Bvo ormv rnrna of Robert Litaker 5U which are reported to be mobilising. . Will Isenhour .. The Kaiser and CVar have peen in , Charles Litaker personal eommunication, but Berlin F, A. Barringer . reports mat ueriuniij " ,.., y,' ht the ouarrel between The dead and several unaccounted for as i minciatiuii of Maitre Chenu and fin-- a result of a terrific cloudburst here "Hv faint ins: in the orisoner's box Monday. One hundred and twenty j Mnie. ('aillniix again was carried un stores in the business section were .conscious from the court. Chenu submerged from eight to twenty feet declared: "Mine. Caillaux went to in the mud. There is three hundred the ollice of the F-egaro with but one thousand dollars damage. It is im-j purpose. Sh(. went determined to possible to get complete rfsirts from kill." he neighboring mining camps. mrto. uiiunuii w. 1VX Biggest Oun has 3 Mile Range. Wflterville, Xew Yprk, July 28. Repairs to the monster 1(i-iueli gun, which will he the Cohjasus of the Pa nama eamil fortifications, are ueaving coniplctiiitr today in tne'Tnear arsehul. Soaie months ago (he cannon, which is the bigest specimen of ordinance in tlie world, was turned out at the Camilla and Zapata Representatives Have Long Conference Which Is Entirely Satisfactory. Washington, July 27, (Secretary Bryan tonight announced that the situation as between the Carbaja! government and th eeonstitutionalisst in Mexico was "progressing very satisfactorily toward a settlement." The delegates appointed by provision al President Carbajal to tlTe Saltillo eace conference left Mexico City to day and there is every indication, ac cording to the State Department ad vices, that the conference will be suc cessful. Advicis from southern Mexico stat el that Carranza and Zapata represen tatives had a long conference todav which was satisfactory. Oflieials no.v exiect that Zapata will co-operate witli the constitutionalists in Mexi can iieace, Word was received We tonight that Fernando Iglesias Calderon, who is to be Carranza 's minister of for eign affairs, had suffered a broken hg in an accident in Xew York, He was to have been one of Carranza 's delegates in the forthcoming confer ences, government and the constitutionalists .junta in Washington said they inter- .. . - r, i- ? -.- ... .i . i -. i ireieo laruajui a apuuiinmeni oi me I m aopearance peai e commission as meaning that the I of most of the little unfortunates first chief probably would enter Mex-lwho are the State's charges there Caillsux u Such a Powerful Politi cian that the Public Prosecutor is not Expected to Make Much of a Plea for the Conviction of His Wife. Fights Broke Out in the Crowds Seeking Admission to the Court Room. Mme. Caillaux Again Faints in Court. l'an, July 28. Attorneys for the prosecution today began their final arguments in the Caillaux trial. Caillaux is such a powerful politician that it is not expected to hear a great lieu for conviction from the public I roseeutor. Eight fights broke out in the crowds seeking admission. Women fainted and bad to be car ried away. Crinirin'' before the de- tnrougn the streets, a crowd mini- w,.ior,illo iw.irv. Hulniient thousand following 0, lU(, Samly umk provill gtat. ion siiowed that its projectile could pierce 12-inch armor, set 11 miles away from the firing point. Tim t,'nm,n,tmia oiivvnra oi tllp mm. nriseere. 1 he soti' iri n i"'" fl p iH ( Limerick and Kinkenny garrisons are ',0 le (,anali are not ea8iy appr,.eiat. onnnen 10 ouirarss. unu-rn. p(. T,lp cannon ,tw,f ,g fjftv feet mlitary bnnds in several towns nnve'. t, un,i .,.i,ri, 140 tons Its been cancelled. ,.r,.iniilo mr fi fct lonL'. tins th . ..... scaies at 2,400 ponnds. More than Sidna Allen Must Pay $3,000. ter of t(111 ()f ,dcr is neP(1. Wvtheville, Va., lily 27. With H to discharsre this destructive bnl- 01 the consent of the court and counsel vt Although capable of carrying at .l t.n. :j c... tinnn'i . .. j .i j)Uou uoiii biiicb, juugiinriii ivi v,""" 1 ipasi, miles, 1111s lron-aiui uiwi- was entered today, in each of the 'honed agent of death can be "aecur throughout Xa- ti-uiiilist Ireland. Tow 11 councils ure xioi t:i!K resolutions den iniifiii'.' "t!i? The soh'M-ri 11 Kinkenny gnmson I confined to bnrracks. Concerts School for Feeble-Minded Now Has, Fifty Pupils. I Kinston. July 27. Fifty pupils are now entered in the North ( arnlimt j School for the Feeble-Minded near here, which was opened several weeks ago, and Superintendent MeNuiry has already accepted enough applicants to bring the enrollment up to the present capacity of the institution.' about 120 or less, since portions of the dormitories have had to be tak en over for school rooms. The work of instruction and treatment is now being systematically executed. From one to five applications are nc-eived daily at the ollice. and the 8ii)eriutendeiit now is being compil ed to turn down those who would be entered. The methods of the school are DIES AT STATESVILLE. Widow of Well Known Methodist Minister Succumbs to Long Illness. Statesvillc, July 27. Mrs. George W. Ivey, w ho hud been in a critical coniliiiiiu for more than a week, died this afternoon at 4:.')0 o'clock at the lion e of her son-in-law and daugh ter, Mr. and Mrs. George M. Foard, with whom she lived. The remains will lie taken to Lenoir tomorrow inorning and the funeral will be con ducted there tomorrow afternoon at 4::o o'cloc. Mrs. Ivey's death was the result of a fall three months ago which rendered her helpless. Her hip was broken and it has been real ized all along that she would never u cover. Her condition became crit ical a week ago and relatives were visible already An the improvement, tailed to her, liedsule! Mrs. .Tvev arance and behavior at lease, whs Miss Neal and Was a nati ieo City before the middle of August. Rain This Morning. The heat wave was broken in this section this morning by a fine rain ac companied by a rattier severe wind. The rain started about 10 o'clock and continued for some time. Report from several sections indicate the rain was general. Mr. C. A. Isenhour was There are no visiting hours at th' school on Sunday, the only day re served forthe rest of t lie staff ol te.ichers and attendants. In Kansas City. Iln Kansas City, they love to tell of a certain weal 1 11 v meat-packer, who never loses an opportunity to impress upon visitors to his house the greit at a point above Kannapolis and he ktent of his riches. 1.00 Untouchables" of India. ' A uatria Mid Servia is their own af-, Rev. John Larpard of the Method- fair and that others must not inter- Ut mission in Oujerat, reports that . . fere. Great Britain, France and Its- large section of the. 60,000,000 ''M'ffgnl suits bronchi by administrator . of Judge T. L. Massie, Sheriff Webb State Attorney Foster against other members of the clan, but were later Cl! J 1 II -. . 1- .. ' .. - ,L - tf mWl -own ius, "o . l.v. reluctant to do orawa im "- -7. , r, "T- I,, . in I long term in -the Virginia pemten flict are preesins Germany to restrain ere moving .'""fr- MtarV was reputed to he worth fron ' Austria, altbou to $15,000. Steps will b, from be surance that ahr wUl support ner si- canw tor oapus.n w u.. o. , - iudirn.ent is entered to ly. .r-v.-V 'tiareis, anain someuy uiousauusi real estate in Carroll Wat feeling .s for sale fo.r the benefit of his in Germany and. Austnn- anu , ."iL.-.k creditors, in Russia and France art.resenuui.tr .u..n. : .ii'j. . Tni. Allinne. are workers stationed, but almost ot t... :""-hn ' daiiv ,UPh missionaries have to say, and a" masing .u?u- , fftr tMi,fir-. ,, .V .w.,...- iifleeeyesteraay a coneeii SCIIOOIS anu actual ceuiera 10 uo kuj.-1 . t - wnB nrn ... ,1 . 17HIB Wl mini uv. ' " " 1 ed. It seems Dy no means ouraiae dnee4 hy Mr. W. H. Stancill, one of tile to Austria andGermany. Kaiser Favors Peace Plan. . . Rerlin. July 28,-The Kaiser it is Freak Corn From No. 10.. Mr. J. B. Gourley brought to this ion of freak corn was that, if the strong Xo. 10 's well known farmers. Th ately bull's eyed" at 22 to 23 miles. Under Europe's War Cloud. Austria Refuses to parley furth et with Servia. Servia Prepares to resist . invas ion and looks to Russia for aid. Rnssia-rMobilizes and serves un official notice that Austria must not invade Servia. Italv Assures Austria she will abide by terms of triple alliance, meaning she will help Austria I Kus ria aids Servia. Germany Seeks to localize the conflict bv inducing Russia to bold aloof, but unofficially announces that she will aid Austria if Russia helps Servia, France Holds army and navy in vejmris that the rain in that section of the county was more copious than -:t was in and around Concord. The same rciMirt was received from the Pitts school section of Xo. 2 township. Al though the wind was rather severe the reports state that corn and other vegetation were not damaged much bv it. Meet Prince Von Spoof! The Prince is one of the funniest characters imaginable. He is a crea tion of Dirks, originator of the fa mous Katzenjammer Kids, and is playing a once-a-week engagement in the comic section of the New York Sunday World. Others in the cast of this great comedy are Hans, Fritz, the Professor, the Captain and Ma, all well known to Sunday World readers. A large illustrated bounds of possibility - neice nlan of .Christian churches were strong f . . of the stalk,l'' "7 " "L t nf-r. SrWtte. t in t,of latter sceept the propose thul:.'1 forward, we might see the whole of tion, not desiring '0ra-"c'.',i,e.cuteAst peoples of India seeking niany's ally. . Reiorts: reived ; at . ; ehureh of - Tydtkuhnen, declar , , tnai nusso... - of many of . i ossacKs ureu h" 'j r - the missionaries of today. t oineers on ine ireumn, vwm..., "- was entwinco. uooui uieiu . enterin2 conflict. as to almost eover the ears. England Least agitated of Euro- were prooauiy a 01 uj.c . -"-ipfan powers; calls on uermanv, couecuou. mc coj.i " TiVanco anrt Itft V to mediate. Dr. Durham is Member of the New , University Faculty. Atla'nt. Ga, July 2 Six Method- ist educ-ters of the south it was an- nomieed today have oeen seieciea as except that the little ears in the elus- , Vetican Pleads with Franz Jos ta A,i nnt have shucks on them. Mr. I , .... .: ..... . i.: - enn not 10 biumi msi .yerna ui mo a '! UI. Vl,,.1 " ' xcill null Hiw. n,irlotr otntea that there were number of other treaK ears .in- me same field, -- Germany made an attempt to v cross . the border. '' ' Buns on the savings banks was re ' newed and are worse than yesterday. At 'the Austrian consulate weepini , . women made farewell to tue : m.he-bf th theological faculty of . folks leaving to join tUelr 010; the Methodist tmivcity'which is to RockwcU, Saturday -afternoon; -Au-The reservists are being ntteo ami be ,eatntlislid in Atlanta.. As made Kt,gt 1, 1914, to which the public is ara leaviiiv "wmpi ,. r --v nil h . hv HiRlion vv a. i anuieronair- IoatA a v invited u un Dunuay.Au- ..- . . 1 "'-.- al. 11... d-K I . n miJ lU. Missionary Picnic There will be a Missionary Picme Immanuel E. L. Lhuwh. near He was showing a caller from the East through his palatial mansion on one occasion when they stopped be fore a handsome plnteglass mirror. of massive size, above the fire-place in the drawing-room. See that mirror? asked th.? packer. "It cost hie Just ten thous and dollars." Heavens!" exclaimed the visitor, duly impressed. Then, after a care ful examination ot the article, he ad ded, "But what a pitv it is scratched!" "Yes," said the packer carelessly. Then turning to his wife", he said: Mary, perhaps you'd better not let the children have anv more diamonds to play with." native of Marion. She was 82 years old. Her husband, Rev. George W. Ivey, who .ns a prominent Methodist miister, died at 12 years ago at Granite Falls ,i:mI whs buried in Lenoir. The fol I wing named children survive: J. H Ivey, of Charlotte; Dr. T. N. Ivey, of Nashville, Tenn., (ieorge F. Ivey, ot Hickory; Kugene C. Ivey, of (Ireensboro, and Mrs. George M Foard, of Statesville. GO TO CHURCH COATLESS. HAS AUSTRIA DECLARED WAR AGAINST SERVIA? 80 Says Vienna Dispatch Reooived in :;:, . : .t London. .' London, July 28, Austvia bas for mally decared war against Servia, ac cording to a Vienna dispatch, reeeiv- . - - . selections Naval Board Q.uiry ai " Vond. ChargS. M'C' .. . Chariot rv i.... lnld 2ft.--That ensigri h,...,.ii. Alo Tr "W.- A Sluillon .' " Uatllll ', w - . 11 t piii"na, .,tiih , -, ,. . VViinam Richardson -never appnct Oklahoma , Cityr Okla'. i Dr. Andrew a 'Maw ot tiight!' to Mexicans -t siedd,' Greensboro, Alal; Prof. W. A. :- f -h.l Hover "boasted ;... i rl,..Waavilla' Va '. ' .L.i l. ui itniui an as chanced DV I - : . " , , - correspMt BonU,- i ,l,e findings of the Naval Board of Inquiry. V , ' . millllA II1IU.I. ' are, Dr. VY. J. Young, Rich- in- 0f the W.H. F. M. Society will en nere. w .un.-c..u, Va.s Dr. Plato T. .Durham ue held.' There will be a special er- ly iouowed i.ie renisai or ii.ir w 11 o'clock, susuend hostilities at England's sng- . ., -ji. ..,..;UAa -:wiii crAatinn nmininff mediation, roroiicu nue ine aiieriomi ,, " 'il;r, r .1 n i a consist in a sacred cantata, " Into J Minister Berchtold, of Austria made All the World,'' ' The presence m it plain in a eouneous noi to ou I all ig desired at both these exercises, ward Grey that Austria had gone too far to turn- Dacs. Death of Mr. J. 8. Blackwelder. Un T R IWk welder - died this No Moving For Soman. ,VIT.ul,:t,n.i..n ' ; -Ttitu Otift wi-A . liniolIP , , Llemonstration.' of ncighboily "feeling morning at one o'cloek at his home I , i : j .!.. k t..r.i .tu.t Vr Hlaekwelder Mediation Fropoaai saeei.. " YAvtri Gorman, 76. A resident in has been very ill lor several monina. 4: Snccoss. - - t. Mn)e hiocfc for 64 years, Gorman Vienna, July .-rr was called upon waay oy Tnany oiu Grey's proposal of mediation met fyiamig, neighbors and business as with no success at the foreign office, intes. He was in the ' audience It is said that military measures nd wi)en -president Lincoln was aasassi the Anstrian present course of action Bated in Ford's theatre. cannot oe nu'p",ru r " r U ' . - it is tiations looking to mediation. getting so there "are nearly as H ia anrvived bv a wife and sever- I rhildren. The funeral will be Troops Moving Through Berlin V. V-: V' Streets. itK- Berlin, July 28. I-arge bodies of through the streets of Berlin caused great enthusiasm: . It is officially de clared they were merely enanging zine and a new copy of Fun, the won derful Juke Book, will also be fea tures of the Sunday World. Ol der a copy in advance from your newsdealer. Dr. Gannon Returns to Blackstone. After an absence of three years, Wd. James Cannon, Jr., principal of Blackstone, Va., for the first seven years of its existence, has been re elected bv the board of trustees, as principal of the great school. Dr. Cannon is at present leading the state-wide orohibition campaign in V irginia, but will take charge oi tne work at Blackstone in September, immediately after the state-wide election. ' - i. i Landis Kotos. Lindis. X. C. July 27.-Prof. P. E. Wriirht opened school here today with a s-ood .number in attendance. Henry Weaver, the- lo-year-ow son of Geo. weaver, while out nd ing on his motorcycle yesterday was thrown bv tbe machine, the fall hieakinir the lane bono in om leg, just above the ankle. - The accident happened near SallAury, Ho-5 rode bome and in. fcctwaras set tne- mm. Negro Confesses to Murder. Salisburv, July 27. John Newell mnSa- iy0lt, a young negro arrested here to day as a suspicious character bv Deputy Nash and a railroad officer, confessed to them that he killed a negro woman in a Charlotte cafe hist November and upon investiga tion this proved to be true. Wilmington Ladies Unanimously Vote in Favor of Man's Comfort. Wilmington, July 27. E. R. Pick aid and family, of this city, had a narrow escape from drowniing .it Wrightsville Beach Sunday morn ing w hen a fishing boat in which they were taking a ride iu Bank's channel npsized and they were precipitated into the water. Fortunately N. L. -Fennell, also of this city, and a par ty of friends were m a fast racing motor boat near them and were able to rescue them before they were in serious danger. The ladies of the congregation of Brooklyn Baptist church unanimous ly voted Sunday morning to allow the men to come to church Sunday night without their coats, if they so desir ed, and many availed themselves of the privilege. held this, afternoon at 4:30 " quarters, but the explanation is not at the Methodist Protestant Church, generaHy accepted. ' , and the interment 'will be made at. -; , v- . Oak wood' eemetery. . :? 1 . .V" I Rev. and Mrs. W, J. Whitley will " C 1 ;'(fo to Aqnadale tomorrow to nsit rei- Two Irishmen recently died,' aged ,1, : . '. , morte-atrine their homes 119 and 120. The former smoked, i ". --- : " . , :. . .. .T i c. n n.l : W E Stewart has gone to to buy automobiles as there are to the latter -did not. See wl ,g?yi on a business trip. buy - . '. Wing may bnng you to. .' Mr. Wliilt Phsrr, of Raleigh, is tia- ilinz relatives in th potty, Some men are so light in the up per story that they have to part their hair in the middle to preserve their mental equilibrium. Evidence That Prtvatt ParU Wat Slate..:-. Waahineton July 2ff.;-4i'ita-vi dence of tha slaytmrr-ot. Prwata Parks,' who disappeared ironi vora Cms several weeks ago, was received bv General Funston in tha form of an identification tag fomr tha Mexican war office. The-flag is blood, atamed, Mrs. Ernest Porter, of Fin mile, is ii.iiimr bar narents. Mr. and Urs. K. L, Craven. ., . .., , WHAT IS STRENGTH The strength of a bank consists in ful ly paid op Capital; an ample growing surpldt; ample cash reserve, and more than anything else men of character and ability to - handle it These men should be experienced in business, should hare seasoned judgment, and , should be progressively conservative. We myite yourf consideration of the management of (his bank. ; CITIZENS ? BANK AND TRUST COMPANY I