ailn rtlmne. VOL. XIV. J- B- SHKRR1LU Editor and. PublUlm CONCORD. N. C. THURSDAY, JULY 30. 1914 40 C Sttte Library .u a Copy. NO 286 t2 THE FIRST BATTLE ONE THOUSAND MEN ARE RE POSTED KILLED. riirt Battle of tbt European War, Fought at Fsca, Result in Complete Austrian Victory. Eifht Hundred Servian Dead. Bank of England Raises Rata From 3 to 4 For Cent. . Russia Officially Notified of Mbbl lation President Poincara in Con ference Practically All Night Vienna, July 30. Reort declare that the first battle of Hie war Mi foueht tUfert and resulted in a com plete victory for the Austrians. One thousand men are reported killed. Two Servian divisions were routed, and one entire division was captured. The others retreated in disorder. There are about eight hundred dead !er vians. Bank of England Raise Rate to t Per Cent. London. July 30. The bank of England raised the rate from three lo four pe cent. At the request of th. War Department, all Metropolitan nnlii-nmen have been recalled from their annual leave. The news agency reports the taking of Belgrade. Russia Officially-Notifies Germany and Austria.. St. Petersburg, July 30. Russia has officially notified Germany and Austria of the mubilixation. of four teen army corps numbering: one mil lion and two hundred thousand own. This is Russia's answer to the virtiv al ultimatum from the German for eign office. General Mobilisation Order Expected Berlin, July 30. A general mobili zation order is expected. The Kaiser conferred with fhe officers of the general staff. It is generally admit ted that future developments rest with the oflWers of the general staff than with the Diplomatic corps President Poincara in Conference All Nisnt. - Paris, Jurv30;--Prf!ideirt-4,oin rare wns in conference with tlie mem . hers of the Ministry practically -all night. Troops guard the tunnels ami bridges leading to the frontier. Orders have been issued prohibiting tne sap of aeroplanes to private firms. NO. 12 TOWNSHIP S. S. CONVENTION T Be Held at tfca Oomrt Eons Next Sunday Afternoon and Nlxht Tli programme will be as follows: 3 O'clock p. m. Music. IVvutional exercises. Sons. - Roll rail of schools. Report of secretary and treasurer. Appointment of nominating com mittee. Song. The Young Man of the Sunday Scheol Frank Petrea, 10 minutes; W. (5. Caswell, 5 minutes; D. S. Lin- part. " minutes. The Church Member and the Sun- Se'iool: Pastor's View Point, by Rev G. V. Tiller, of First Baptist riiurrh. l. minutes; Layman, 's View Point, by (. F.d. Kestler, 15 minutes. Song and benediction. 8 O'clock p. m. Music. . Devotional exercises. . Reort cf nominating committee and election of officers. Introduction of speaker, by Rev. C. P. Mactaughlin. Address: "The Prepared Teacher." Iv Dr. V. A. Harper, president of hlon College. Doxolog and benediction. CITIZENS 8LAUQHTER SNAKES Ninety Saves Saakai Blaofhtsred Re cently, 64 Beinf Killed in No. 9 Last Week. Snake stories euuir and snake stor ies go, but listen to this one! While cleaning off a creek bank near his I home at Qeorgeville last week, Mr. M F. Barrier, a well citizen of No. 0 township, killed a big copperhead snake, measuring about four feet in length. With the snake were 03 lit tle snakes and when the parent's life ended their end followed also, nrak ing 64 snakes killed by Mr. Harrier t one "snake killing. This-in the second big snake killing reported from Cabarrus. I-ast week Mr. Rufus Cook from No. 5 reported .13 snakes killed. Owing to the removal of tin 'snake bite" remedy from this sec tion, the opinion is advance)! that the wholesale slaughter of the snake.) will not only free the country from undesirable reptiles but may cause a depression in the "snake bite" medicine market. Since the news has gone abroad that 07 snakes have bren removed from Cabarrus less bites will be anticipated and thereby less "bite" reined v ordered. CARRANZA FOR PEACE. MOTHER Rio SON HAS BETH AUTHORITIES UNABLE TO LO CATE CHARLES MESIMER. OF INTEREST TO BOYS. Unconditional Surrender of Carbajal Will Solve the Situation. Washington, July 29. Direct word from Gen. Venustiano Carranza announcing that "if Carbajal offers to ) years of age at the N to surrender unconditionally I believa I Association Meeting, Statesville, Only a political miracle, say dip lomats, can avert the' most tremen dous war in the history of Europe, German v Tuesday warned Russia that mobilization meant war. Yes terday the czar gave his answer in the shape of more than a million and a quarter men sent rushing to ward the border'. Every nation on the continent s being transformed into an armed camp. The actunl fighting between Austria and Servia, which began Tuesday opposite Belgrade, when the Servians, after a short engage ment, blew no the bridge over the River Save baa been overshadowed by the greater events which seem no pending. Ttalv and England are still striv ing desperately to avert a general war. Neither has anything to gain b it. , France is ominously silent but mobilizing furiously Sir Edwan drey, British secretary of state for foreitrn affairs, still professes to heve hope, but the British 'fleet has been ordered out of Portland for an : unknown destination. Washington which has nothing to gnin by t, dis sembling, is frankly' pessimistic, Officials at the stato department ap pear ecrtain that a general eonhagn linn is impending.5 ; Everv stock market in the world except , New York lias . absolutely gone to pieces. London, Paris an Berlin have practically, censed tive operations. " Following the con vulsion of Tuesday wheat prices drooped little yesterday, .while ) cotton " picked np. All : markets, j though, - feel the effect of lieing un- dcr the, shadow of the greatest con- ' diet the world lias known since the Napoleonic wars ended at Waterloo, . 00 years and one" month 'ago.', - "j ? '- The officials of the Norfolk. South trn have placed a force of ' hands , on; the site at -Oilead, grad ' ing the new stationt the Coropration Commission having-, declined to v re Verse its former decision in the maa- ler. jt is understood that the sta--v Hon will be completed as soon as 'v practicable. '-. ' "' . , - T"- . Owinfr tn. the disastrous effect of the t'nderwood tariff upon , farm ' values in Illinois, the warm of a eon V stitoent of Representative Martin D, Foster's brought only s $287.60 ; an Boys' Fat Calf Club Contest to Bo Held by the N. 0. Beef Breeders' and Feeders' Association. The N. C. Beef Breeders' ami Feeders' Association will give n prize for the best steer or heifer calf over six and under twelve months of age raised by a boy under sixteen C. Live Stock X. KO. 9 TOWNSHIP 8. 8. CONVENTION. Was Held at Centre Grove Church On Tnesday. July 28. The Xo. 9 Townnhip Sunday School convention was held at Centre (imre M. E. Church Tuesday July 2H. Although the morning was stormy large crowd assembled. The i ercises began at 10:3n. following program mi ren- tll? present situation in Mexico soon ill he satisfactorily solved" came to night to the constitutionalists' junta in Washington. Carranza s message, dated at Tarn. pieo, directed Kalael zabaran, bead or the agency to deny any reports that e was endeavoring to place difficul ties in the way of establishing peace. Confirmation of reports that a friendly understanding had been reached between the constitutionalists nd Zapata's forces was received to night bv the junta. It was said the southern revolutionist would quit his rtivities against several cities in the neighborhood of the capital and co operate with Carranza. . Jose Castellot, Provisional President Carbajal 's personal representative ere. today showed Secretary Bryan is latest advices from Carbajal, say. ing that General Villareal and Justice Allende, the two delegates of the fed eral government who had left Vera Cruz for Tampico to meet Carranza, had been instructed to carry out in detail t'he general basis of peace "al ready agreed upon." This was inter- reted bv Mr. Castellot to mean that through private channels and through Reginaldo Cepeda, advance ' delegate of the Carbajal government, who is with General Carranza now, a definite te understanding had .been reached. C. January 10, 20, 21, 1015 The successful participant will re ceive a pure bred registered bull calf ftom cither the Southern, Hereford of Aberdeen Angus breeds. This will be left to the choice of the win net in the contest. Each participant, will be rcuirri to become a member of the N'orth Carolina Beef Breeders' and Feed ers' Association, the annual member ship fee being $1.00. If you are interested in this con test, communicate with County Dem onstrator Agent R. V. Freeman, Sal isbury, N. C who will he glad to enlist you. A number of Rowan form boys should avail themselves of this op tacts of the Caillaux-Calmette Af fair. , Gaston Calmeltc, editor of the Figaro, in Paris, wns shot and killed in his office by Mine. Henrietta Cail laux, wife of a former premier of France and a radical lender, on Fifteen-Year-Old-Son of Mrs. Nellie Mesimer, of Kaanapolis, Left Home in March and Has Not Been Lo cated. Letters From a Man Nam ed Domini ck. Who Worked at Kan napolis a Snort Time, Led to Be lieve He Indnotd the Boy to Leave. Information Received That the Boy is Probably io Colorado. Dominick Hay Ba Arrested For Kidnapping the Youth. After a vain search extending over a period of live months no direct word has been received concerning th wliereabouts of Charles Mesimer, thn 15-year-old son of Mrs. Nellie .Mesi mer. of Kannapolis, who loft his home in March. The be.y left home suddenly one afternoon and despit strenuous efforts on the part of hh fan ily they have been unable to lo cate him. About the time the Mesini r boy left 1iome a man by the name of F. X. Dominick, who worked at Kanna polis. also left. No connection was made of the departure of the mar. and boy together until -Inly 3. when a letter was received bv Mrs. Mesi ner from Dominick. The litter slaf ed that the two hatl been together at various points in Mississippi an 1 e mean receive 1 points. Jesus :re(ra- COTTON BREAKS VIOLENTLY. ether Southern States. In t i time post cards had h en bv the mother from various J he postcards bore no messiig. s. The mother, who is almost prostrat ed with grief over the disappearance of her son. engaged Mr. T. D. Ma ness, as counsel to aid her in t'.i search for the boy. Mr. Maness be gan a systematic tracing of the trav els of the youth by communicating with the authorities at various point where the post cards had !een post marked. For several days it looked as if the boy would be-apprehended in his flight as he was being closely traced from plae to place through the Smith and on to the West. However, a second letter was re ceived from Dominick July 23, which all but blasted the hope of finding the boy. Dominick speaks of the travels of the two in the first part of the let- ter and then declares that the boy March 16, last. The Figaro has been carrying on a bitter campaign against Caillaux foi months, and Mine. Caillaux de clared she feared Calmette intended to publish private letters of hers and her husband's. She said she in tended to frighten the editor, not to hill him. She had been in prison since the shooting. The trial opened, on July 20 and lias been the most sensational in Reported That 51,000,000 in Bonds year8) even .in Park THE DUKES TO BUILD COMPLETE INTERURBAN. 1 left him and hat lie has not heard I from him since. He speaks of the j boy being being with him at Ins mother's in Mississippi and how h.- hoped to take the boy West, secure profitable employment for him, etc. Since Dominick 's last letter arriv ed information has been received that lie is in Colorado. An attorney has been engaged there and is making an effort to find the boy. The following clipping from the Denver Post, which the boy s relatives think was given The dered : "Al the Hull the Power l Xame," was- sum; bv the con: tion. Devotional exercises were conduct cd by Rev. ('. F. Shernll. Song by Centre drove choir. Welcome address delivered by Mr. P F. Widenhouse. by Mr. H. I.. HartM-ll. ' Song by St. Paul's choir. Recitation, "How Katy Knocked at The Door of Heaven, by l.ela Cox. Recitation, "Song of the Mystic," by Lenna Hartsell. Recitation, "Borne of Four." by Mary Bell Barnhnrdt. Sonsr bv Centre Grove choir. Recitation. "The I.ast Hvmn," by F.ula Dost. Recitation, "Tommy's Prayer, by Corrie Barrier. Recitation, "The Night Cometh, by Edith Bost. Song bv St. Paul's choir. Reports of the different Sunday Schools. Appoint in.' or nominal ion com mittee. Song by (lenlre lirove choir. Afternoon Session. Recitation, "The (i rent est Student Bodv in ! In World." by .(. M -Kacbern. Recitation. "In My Father' House." by Mary Stewart. Son by St. Paul's choir. Sonir by Centre firove choir. Recitation, "The Rope Holders," bv Ida Mae Widenhouse. Report of nominating committee. Rending. "Why Xot Young Men." ly l.ucy Krimminger. Song, St. Paul's choir. Ad hvss by Rev. .. (i. Tuttlc, pastor of ' enlnil Methodist t hurc l Albemarle, X. C. Song by ( entre drove choir. Announcements by Rev. C Sherrill. ollection. Song by St. Paul's chair. Song oy Centre Orove choir. There were interesting reports given by each Sunday School show ing great progress over the previous vears. Rev. R. (1. Tuttle delivered a splendid address on "The Import ance of Bible Studies for Young Men." After this Rev. C. F. Sher rill made a few remarks and the convention closed by singing. "God bi Willi You Till We Meet Again." JOHN L. PETREA, President. NATHAN KRIMMIXGFR, Secretarv. Dropped 36 Points on the New York Market Today. New York. July .10. - Cotton hik. violently, dropping thirty five points today. Call money went up i six per cent, and British Consols reach- I he new level of sixty nun There was u near not on the t'bicii g wheat market. Xumeroti. fa'' ures are exported on t lie Pans ex (hunne tomorrow unless the goi-i n ment comes to the aid of the tinaii ciers. T".ie Vienna exchange sus pended today for the tenth time. The Rome exchange has suspended time contracts. RECORD BREAKING MONTH Over 10,000 Bith and Death Certifi cates Filed Last Month. The Vital Statistics Law lias al ready passed the fondest expecta tions of its advocates and support ers. For the month of June there were turned into the State Board of Health 10.2.H8 certificates of births and deaths. The n.jntli of May was alos a record breaker. 9,5f8 certifi cates were collected that month, as pence, against 7,887 for April, 7,0(18 for decide March and 4,847 for February. These figures tell belter than word j ii.g i r how our people are taking hold of :i , frontier GERMANY HAS MADE NO WAR HE TEPORTS OF MOBILIZATION PREMATURE. j Foreign Office at Berlin Authorizes ; This Statement. Germany's Only Steps Have Been for Peace. Bel j grade Occupied Last Nifht. Gen j eral Gravity of the Situation as i the Result of Russian Mobilita- tion. ; Berlin, JiiU .III. With the situa tion in l lie hands ol the (ieneral StalT, the foreign otlice authorizes the following statement: "Germany has taken decisive steps at St. Peter burg, Paris and otlur European cap itals within the past hour, the re sult ..I which will retermine the is sue ol war or peace. ' Germany has in faith fully kept the eace. The n pori ..I the mobilization of troops have been premature. Germany has niide no war move. The only steps l taken li.-ne been in the direction ot Now the fatherland must 1 1 ... 1 1 measures calculated to meet I lie dangerous situation result- h'ussin' activity on the Banks announced that new law whicli means that they w ill then- will be m. further pavments in ro longer be born into this world an 1 gohl. die like so many horses or cat tl j Belgrade Occupied Without Cas w ithont so much as an official record ' ualities. of their entrance or exit. These of 'aii. .Inly :'). Apparently au tieial records will be worth many , t lu nticated Vienna reports state times their cost in straightening ir. j t ! iu Belgrade w as occupied last night hgal entanglements regarding de-The Auslrians sludled the river hanks scent, age, inheritance and various 1 1 !,,. placing pontoons. Thev re" legal rights to say n thing about fhei" eeived in. return file except a few value from statistical and public t shartshoolcrs, w ho ipiieklv retired. health points ol view. Artillery Duel. i St. Petersburg. July .'Id. -- Fighting GRAHAM GOES UP. progresses between Austrians and 'Servians at Keenznicv anil Smeded- F. Have Already Been This Purpose. The talk of building the interur ban line through Salisbury Issued for The divorced wife of Caillaux to the paper by Dominick, who in iMme. Gueydan, was a witness and, the article poses as a brother of tho lescribed how the defendant, then from I married to another nan, had carried Charlotte and on to Durham is up again and it is now a most author- ativcly given out that this great sys tem is to commenced at an early date. The following is taken from the High Point Enterprise o yes terday: '..'. The Enterprise irets first hand information today and from wheat we regard as an authoritative source that the Duk interest will build the complete internrban system for this section of North Carolina, some 51 millon dollars in bonds having al ready been issued for that purpose. "If this be true no town will pro fit more than High Point, and if the developments will extend as first an nounced, from Charlotte to Durham, this - immediate section wit be the on a love affair witu Caillaux, whom nfter the double divorce she married. Burning love letters were read in court. Caillaux denounced Calmette and was himself denounced bv Calmet te 's friends. At times the dirorder was so great that the judges had to adjourn th? court. ' The chief justice challenged one of his associates and the duel is still pending. No one knows what political effects the trial, itself largely political, will have in future. Former Locke Mill Southpaw Pur chased by the Detroit Tigers of the American League. Frank (ineVam. who has been a member of the pitching staff of the ( litton rorge, Va., team tins sum mer, has telegraphed a friend here stating that he has been sold to the Detroit team of the American league. (iraham has been a member of the I.ocke mill team of this city for sev eral years. He started this season with the local team, but received an. attractive offer from the Clifton Forge team which he accepted. He maintained his reputation there as star southpaw mid his work attract ed the scouts of the big league, with the result that he v. us purchased by the Detroit Tigers as above the tel egram states. evo. The lighting at Keenznicv :s conlieiied to an artillery duel. Gravity of War Situation. London, July M. Sir Edward Grey strongly emphasized in the House of Commons the gruvity ot the general war situation as a result ot Wiissiau mobilization. JUDGE LONG'S NAME IS PRESENTED TODAY. Doughton, Steadman and Godwin Endorse Him to the President. Washington, July ; 10. 'Hie candi dacy of Judge B. F. Long tor the Supreme Court was endorsed to the President by Representatives Dough tin, Steadman and Godwin today. Civic League Notes. The regular meeting of the execu tive board of the Civic Improvement center of a high class trolley system League was held at the home at the 1 that will be second to none. President on Tuesday afternoon. Ow- "Jlr. Duke has already done great I in to the absence from town of sev- work for South Carolina and is said I era! cliainnen the meetinc was small to have -een greater things in store I and reports meagre, but the discussio.i ror nis own tate now. . : 0f various Dlans along the lines of MsyUseMestoo AnlnulsWith 'Lv teregting ,nd u u hoped win .vv tv -v IMllll.. Washington, July 3D, Tils' Depart- A committee was chosen to draw menf of Agriculture announces that itlfin resolutions in resrard to the death will permit, after November 1, pek-bf the treasurer, Mrs. J. A. Kennett, inghou8es to use the meats of animals I whose Joss to the league is most sor- wffi purely "local" diseases, owing I rowfully deploi acre. : tfr. the .srareity of the meat supply. red. PUBLICITY COMMITTEE, boy, for the purpose of misleading the authorities as" to the whereabouts of the youth : Greeley, Colo., July 23, 1914. Fearing that harm has come to his 15-vear-old brother, nnd wishing ti locate him in order to save the life of his mother in Kannapolis, N..C, where she is lying prostrated because of his mysterious disappearance, July 3, George Mesimer. of this place, has offered a reward of $ loO for intorma tion leading to the location of the boy, Charlie Mesimer. "Clinrlie is 5 ft. 3 inches tall, slight build, weights ninety-five pounds, has a long, narrow face, long nose, small mouth, light hair, close cut short, and with a fair complexion. He has a larg. scar on his right hand jnst between the thump and wrist. "When he left home He had $44 m money and five plugs of tobacco. Ho wore a grey shirt. I "cv pants, black shoes and stockings and white cowboy style, felt hat. There was no known reason for his leaving. It is feared that he has met with fool play, as he was last seen in Denver in company with three tramps, who it is feared learned' of the money he had and made way with him. Police of three States have been notified and are on the wratrb for him. If alive, he may be working on a farm or in a ma chine shop." , Shortage of Labor Feared if Crash ! --r'T :"!: Comes. . -'; Cary, Ind., July 30. Police meas ures were required today to keep down the' war spirit in the foreign labor it a clash . At last the Eidgeerest hotel is hntit to b opened. It is to be call ed "Ths Pritchelle," named in hon- of Judge Prilehard and Mr. 3 D. Elliott. - ' ' i 'Mi. AT T:"3 FASTI'rB TODAY J. WA'- I CI -AN, IN TTIB TV;.LIT3 C .T'JIY FIEATE. TH!3 II CN2 CF TirS E2ST Of , :"' Badin Btor Chartered. Raleigh. July 30. North Carolina Store Company at Bad in was char tered today with a capital of 1212,- 000 tot do a mercantile ; business. I'" V ' 4 w -Tnri garter. - The steel mill authorities or t'Z' I' - V "7 hortage of a a trim, dm!a aine " I ' . lv.ndon..Jnl so.The ..Exahaage WldenhooM for th Legislainrs. Telegraph Company it is dedaiejd, I Mx. Jtditor : As a Democrat of Ca bas been reliably informed that;, an j bawus eonijty I wish to snggest, Paul airreemetat has been waned -annl wwentwise ror the Ivegislsture. amending the Home Rule bill- J y.-? ; ' C. '.Vliaat tines Un Im Cents. I - oliiss Mary Pbifer Pemberton will 7hiram.T3oW 30..Amidst Troton I return -tomorrow night from Beaufort, scenes wheat went m from four to I where she has been visiting (Miss Ebs- .rn ent a bnshel todat. ' l"etn uunean lor two weeKs. Mr. Maness declares that in his opinion Dominick kidnapped the boy from Kannapoln and nas neen tramp ing the ifountry with him, He has wired the attorney in tne case at Denver to keep Dominick under sur veilance and it is likely that a war rant, charging him with kidnapping, will be issued unless the noy is appre bended in a few days.' . BLUB KNOT ,KINO OF POLO, FBA TTJBXNG ED, OOIEN AND WINI FRED GREENWOOD, AT - THE TEEATOBIUM TODAY. '. DON'T FAIL TO SEE THIS. . " Daniels Making History. Charlotte Observer. It was evident that the opinion Secretary Daniels formed ot the Navy Department was that it had become antiquated and wedded to tin traditions of the past. It was also evident that the Secretary of the navy was in need of rejuvena tion from keel to upper deck. lie proceeded to rejuvenate it. Some of his orders proved radical depar tures from established customs nnd a flurry of criticism naturally follow ed, but by this the Secretary was undisturbed. Careful analysis in clined the thoughtful to the belief that Secretary Daniels' ideas would work to the improvement of condi tions in Ihe Navxy, and this opinion has been growing upon the country. So it comes to pass that when Mr. i Daniels issued orders establishing n j new svstem of dealing with deser tions in the Navy, and this opinion first consider the merits of the or ders, and criticise afterward. Sec retary Daniels has overturned a sys tem which has prevailed over 100 years, and which, like other details of naval management, was out ot sorts with the .new conditions which have arisen in t'e past century. The Navy has an enlistment about up to the limit provided by law and there are some discontented men in it. These will be permitted to secure tl.cir discharge by refunding the cost of the allowances made for them for clotliin- and other supplies. Fur ther, the punishment for desertion in times of neace will be dishonorable discharge, instead, of imprisonment. The naval prisons will be abolished and nn expense Of $1,000,000 a year saved the Government, but more im portant ot all, this new system will open the way to enlistment of a large number of applicants now on" the waiting list. The ultimate effect of Secretary Daniels' new regulations will be to weed out the inferior ma terial in the Navy and to replact it with a higher class of recruits, ad vancing the personnel to the high est attainable notch. The Observer believes that as Secretary of the Naw Mr. Daniels is even now mak in a record which will be vindicated by experience in history as a. man of accomplishments,, . Magazine Representative Here. Mr. Don Farnworth, of New York, special representative of The Town Development Magazine, spent lust evening in the city. Mr. Farnworth met with a number of citizens last night and talked of maters of inter est relative to town development. Mr. Farnworth also represents an organization that organizes boards of trade. The organization has a proposition to the effect that An "International Catastrophe." London. July 30. -Premier Asqiutli, in the House of Commons today re ferred to the possibility of an "im measurable international catastro phe." He said the question of pre sent ing home rule bill would be post poned to enable England to present a united front. boards of trade be organized nnd secretary employed and .tlie organ ization receive a per centage of the dues paid by the members. He plans to visit here again at a later date and take the matter up again with the officials of the trade organization. Mr. Farnworth will also write an ar ticle on Concord for his magazine. W. 0. W. Monument Unveiling. The Y. O. W. of Mt. Plasant will unveil Sovereign ('. L. Earnhardt's the i monument, Sunday August 2, at 4 p. Prof. (i. F. McAllister will de liver the address. .T. L. D. BARRINGER, C. C. KAY McEACHERN, Clerk. Patriots Will Return to Fight. New York, July 30. Reports indi cate that two thousand Auslrians, and live thousand Servians are ready to " return i" their country for war. Japan Will Help England. Tokio. Japan, July 30. Tlie Hochii ', Blank Deeds printed on excellent Shimbun, semi-official paper of Japan. - heavy bond paper at The Times declared this morning, editorially, that . and Tribune office, 5 cents each, or if England is attacked Japan will giva 50 cents a dozen. Mortgage trust assistance to British arms. ! deeds nme price. II. THE 2 2D SERIES OF THB MU TUAL GTBL IS ON AT THE TUBA Portugal ' republican- government . TOEIUM TODAY. HELP THE must be getting along all right. It 'WORLD'S GREAT DETECTIVE never gets into, print, . . TO FIND HER, ; - Strength and Service These are two important factors in determining the selection of a banking connection. THIS BANK IS large enough to take care of yon; not too large to appreciate you. ' CITIZENS BANK AND TRUST COMPANY 7 TEE G C 3D. DCN'T IT, ,' " - -