1 - VOL. XIV. J- B. SHERRILU Editor" ami PubEahar CONCORD. N. C, FIUDAY, JULY 31, 1914 40 Cents Month 4 Cents Copy. NO 237 :A'" Ha declared A STATE OF WAR ACTIOH DOES KOT CONSTITUTE DECLARATION OF WAR. It is, However, Regarded as a Prslim- Inary Step to That Fdj--Germsny it Mobilising Tremendous Fore o the French frontier, B wImm 1s sjuntAroLXS news. Rev. 0. 0. Myers Vsry tUEmsrot dary Circle Mts. Lathers Min ister HL Personals. ; The yoanf people of Wineeoff'i m-bool gave aa . entertainment Uat Tuesday nigbt, 28th, at the T. M. C. A. Quit nnmber attended and en joved the program given. Mr. T. V. MeCorabs littU dsogh ted, mho kM aa attaek of typhoid fever, ( improving.- . Rev. C. C. Myers, the Presbyterian bi mister, U very tick of fever at hi mother 'a bono in Washington. ' Hia many frienda wish for him a apaody at a Standstill in Parfc-Germsny i!?;. ' w 'mAm Orders Practically AH Bar Reserved for ths NaT. Snips fnmily spent Sunday in. tba eonnty visiting M'-' and Mrs, John Fiaher. . Mrs. C W. Wright, of Lexington. Paria, July 31. Germany is declar-Lpent several days with - Mrs. W. ed tn a atate of war, according to a jWslters thia week. news agency dispatch from Berlin. " Thia action doea not constitute a dee- laration of war, but ia regarded as a preliminary step to thia end. . -: Germany Mobilising Tremendous . - - .' Forces.. .,v -; ,-. Paris, 'July Si. flerraeny 1a mobil izing tremendous force 1 on the Mr. James Richardson and daugh ter. Miss Maude, visited in Charlotte Inst Saturday. , ' . ' " ' ' -"' '-. The band went to Mooreevflle to day to play for the pienie. --..': .: The Embroidery Circle Clnb met with Mra. Carter last Thursday from 4 to 6 p. m. A delightful afternoon Freneh frontier. The French army,aa spent in playing games and con has not been ordered mobilized but. testa. Mrs. Johnson was afarded a the reservists crowd all the barracks It is momentarily expected that a call - to arms will be made. Business ia at a standstill. .-, '. ,:'' V AQ Ships Reserved for Navy, Berlin, July 31. Orders that prae- beantiful prise for being the Incky one in the cohtest. As the roll was called each one had to' answer by giving an anitodote or recipe. The hostess was assisted by her sister, Mrs. Ira Montgomery, in aervmv de n JTh- refreshments. It was decided '7.1h .to discontinue the meeting of , ths navy, including linen "-ldnb mti cooler weather. Those who WVKV sjITiBVUlt tu OUJVJ mint vbai s hospitality were: Mrs. J. P. Lowe. directed to remain at port issued. HAMBURG-AMERICAN Mts. Robert Lowe. Mrs. Thompson. 11m Tiv TTlnwn f .Tnhnann. Mm. -tG, .-IJNl DETAJjna). MonteoinerVt DnV.l, MrsV Fer- . -';V 'TT :'w : . ree. Mrs.-Moore and Mrs. Wstkins A Series of Explosions Heard on tha: , , .ni M Poweli bava movea J:. iimo ineir new, noma on mam ni. I , T ... P TI W.tbini nt V Bnssian Border. V Berlin. July 31. The Berlin Beicha bank announces an increase of the little son spent last Satorday with discount rate. , It is reoorted that their erandraother, Mrs. M. A. Wat- diplomatic relations have been brok- kins, who is now with her daughter, en between Russia and Austria and Mrs. Laura Moser; of Charlotte, reopened. . I Miss Ruth Montgomery, one of th It is semi-offlcially denied that an .stennsrraphers of the Cannon mill, is onW for the mobilisation of the Ger. visiting in High Point. " nianv armv will be issued tomorrow. Mr. and Mrs; Roy Propst and fam- Tbe government ordered the Ham. "v anent Sunday in Concord with . hnrv.AmAriMn liner VfltorUnd to be Mr. Propst's parents. . . d tained in New 'York' and the.Im-J We bad a (rood rain Tuesday mom perator in Hamburg until further or-'he whichj refreshed everything Very Hot. Tim Victoria TvtniM and other jrnch". . v. V ,' '. -": vessels 'ih reaerre -list have bw vMwJra 3font(mmntH mdlnee. ordered detained. ' I"- v " f t 'Thompson Bra. Co., is Vmakin? A series of Explosions were heafd V' to sw-to Hieh Point., where s! on . the Russian side of the Austro-. 111 speno several oaya ma nen wim Russian frontier at Myslowitz. if '; ojn to Baltimore. , ,-, ,'? Th rir'g tronns Are' reoorted to 1 Rev. George Parks, the Lutheran wMwn tm tha hiff hriHffn on the minister, has heensick at his home Vienna-Warsaw Railroad. The prices of food.attins from Russia havo beei . doubled. Potatoes are unobtainable. There is no London mail. - -'! ".'-'' HOPE OF LOCALIZING irt Faith, bnt , is much better now. ;;: Misses Dora: and Vivian -Walters and Annie lee Johnson are.vinitincr t'eir friend,-Miss Irene Link, of Sal isbury. - ' Mr. and Mrs. Will Sifferd and lit- Mrs. PRIMARIES TOMORROW. : Cabarrus Democrat Will Kest at PoDinf Flacoa to Kaats Ticket for tha Oomlnx El actios. Ia eeordanco with the call issued by Chairman Widenhouse . the Dem ocratic primaries will be held tomor row. The primaries will be held in the rural preeincta at 2 o'clock in the afternoon exeept in No. 8 town ship whieb is 3 o'clock. The pri maries in the city will be held at S o'elock in the evening.- The race, for the nomination for Sheriff appears to be the most lively. Messrs. W. B. Boger, IL A. Graber and C. A. Robinson ara in the field foi the nomination and have been making an active canvass for some time. The nomination for the cot ton weigher afforda the only oth.w contest of the primaries among avow ed candidates. Messrs.- J. M. W. White and William O. Townsend axe asking the support of their fellow Democrats for the nomination. ' Mr. M. tw-Widenhouse is a candidate for clerk of court and Mr. S. E. Sloan foi register of deeds. There are no other avowed candidates for the re maining places on the ticket. ; A number of names have been men. honed for the various nlnees. bow. throughout the empire. ever. . - v I It is believed taat inobiuzation ia The nominatinff convention will secretly underway. Cable commnnica- bc held at. the court house Saturday, ( tm from Germany are seriously in August 8th. 1 terfered with. All diplomatic inter course nas apparrouj come to uAiaoF-o.!';-.- NOTB HOLDERS KAXB TERBI- FIO CEXAXDS TJFOV IT. " ' ' ; ' ' It is Seaai-Offlcialljr Stated ttat Osr asany is ia a" Stat of War. The War Sspartssont Ssyersedes Crr U Authority Taronsfect the Ea plrs. Seaat MoWUsation Under Way-AH Diplosaatie lnteroovM is FractlcaQy at a f tandstffl. ' ' London, July 31 jNote holders have made such demands upon the Bank of England that appeared that that thia institution it lacing a ru. eemi-offlcially tba information eosse that it has been declared that Ger many ia "in a etate ef nr." This move placed all the ahannela of com munication and transportation direct ly under the army. The war depart ment has superseded aU civil atnhority SPENCER WAS HANGED ' standstill. British military experts AT DAYLIGHT TODAY, believe that Germany'4 forces are be- ' 1 " ' " line mobilized alonr the Russian and The Man Without a Soul" Went, French frontier. ; ThS information ; to His Death on ths Gallows. comes that Servian seSe of activities Wheaton, 111., July 31. Henrv is practically niL i: ; " f J Spencer, "tan'ro murderer." and I Bate Balsed-to Yer Cant cubbed by criminologists "the man London. July 31. The bank rate without a soul," went to death on has been raised to S per cent The the gallows here today for the mur-! depositors are demanding bold. der of Mrs. Mildred Allison-Rex-! -V 11 ' : croat, Chicago rancing teacher, nenrl London. July 31. Early tWs mom Wayne, 111., on the night of Sentem- in? eomea newwtna tba German cab. ber 28, 1913. inet, presided over W the Emperor, ,lne crime for which Spencer paid r at Potsdam until : midnight and with hia life, his subsequent start- that a censorship oves the telegraph ung . eoniession tnat lie had killed lines is being imposed at Benin. WHAT ABOUT THE WHJTEWAY7 BssUanta Want ths Whits Wsy In stalled Whfls ths Street Work is Underway. Many inquiries are being made about the proposed white way. The people are interested tn taat maiter and are anxious that the white way be installed. When the announce ment was made that the water and light board had decided to install a white way it was received wun maric- ed favor by a majority of reaidenta. Following the announcement the board began to consider plana for the equipment but to date have not awarded the contract. Thia de lay is causing many people to auk why the work of installing the white way is not undertaken at the same time ths street work is in progress. The Street is now in such a condition that 'whatever other work is started would interfere very little with traf fic, as it is almost impossible to tra vel it now. However, if the instal lation of the white way ia delayed until the street work is completed and then a new force of hands is put to work on the white way the , pa tience of the travelers, which is at present severely waxed, will likely become exhausted. : The board has decided to have the white way and the quicker Concord gets ont of the lightning bug class of towns the better. OUTLOOK FOB PEACE IS v ENTIRELY SATISFACTORY. Advices to Washington From All Over Mexico Show Trend Toward Restoration of Peace. Washington, July 30. Referring to the Mexican situation generally President Wilson today described the outlook for peace "as entirely encouraging." Adives from every quarter to the Washington govern ment show a trend toward the res toration of tranquility throughout the republic. The Zapata faction now is working in harmony with the constitutionalists and an agreement This is interpreted here as imply- BM vbeen congummated through KT. PLEASABT NEWS. Party at Mr. FlahsrXlfr. Lents Has Fsratv-Mr. Lewder Psx chasss Mr. Green's Livery Stahls. Mr. Pan! Foil Bscsrsring. A social event of Interest waa the delightful party given at tbe home of Mr. T. H. Fisher on Monday night by MVa. Julia Wheeler in honor of her grand-daughter, Mias Isla Wheel er, of Whitsett, N. C. Tbe beauti ful lawn was lighted by Japanese Unterns, which afforded ample light ror the well arranged card tables. The guests were received and seated at the different tables by Misses Bess Heilig and Annie Foil, where games of Rook and Set-back were played until 10:30. Refreshments were then served, and after a few minutes of general conversation tbe guests de parted. Those present were: MIbscs Isla Wheeler of Whitsett, Elisabeth Van Poole of . Salisbury, Bill and Bonnie Misenheimer, Helen and An nie Foil, Maud and Lillie Nussman, bteua and Anna Foil. Helen Martin. Bess Heilig, Ora Fisher, and Mary Beaver and Messrs. Jesse McEach ern, Berly Beaver, Earl and Lee Moose, Clyde Ritchie. Willis Hahn. and Hedrick Faggart. Kev. U D. Miller is visitin? friends and relatives in Hickory, N. C. Miss Elizabeth Van Poole of Salis bury, is visiting Miss Mary Beaver for two weeks. Mr. Russell Lents is confined to hi bed with typhoid fever. Mrs. M. A. and Miss Stella Tail left Wednesday morning for High Point toi attend the Missionary Con vention of the Reformed Church. A business deal was consummated yesterday whereby Mr. J. F. Lowder purchased the hverv business of Mr Joe Green. Mr. Lowder will continue the business in connection -with his own. This deal arives him the livery work of our town. Mr. Green will now live in Concord. Mr. Paul Foil is improving nicely from a severe case of typhoid fever COnOitAJi'D STOCK EXGHAIiGES CLOSED COTTON EXCHANGE CLOSES AFTER HALF HOUR'S TRADING. nearly a score of women in all part of the country and the apparent in(r preparations for German mobili. which the rt of the Southern cheerfulness with which he received "ation and a few honrrf.wdl probably revolutionary forcea is promised to me vennci oi aentii, nuractea na- decide whether Europe is to De invoiv- Mn.;s,n.ii.t .mnont na urn taw. mien- an in universal wuiintv., -. . i-- ai.- ists and criminologists, even ad nit- v -n i8 fully expected In Berlin thst r.M, rh.i.i. ting the . strange influence exerted 'hr Russia Foreitrn Minister. SerginS l.y opium upon Spencer's brain, pro-; Sazonoff, wil reply to Gany's de- Carransa wUl border an armistice, nounced mm one of the most remark-.! mand for an. explanation to the effect I bleeriwwJ.t;yei3 dayrmid Washing- auison-BexcTpat, ;wno(,snortiy alter been ordered and eannOt a.samaUed. tOK gorernment officials believe the her divorce from her first husband,,. In the event of GemanysmKHsinar frjfy of peac faction wiU be sat Alison, tnarned Kexcroat, n young expected that Premie-. Aamriifc. f.n... 1 , o- Vr.nn.k Til . . . . .. . . . . r . "O- ' " " - """" immediately wu lass isiiisanw '.mti fa sy abort SM uaaismt as inuu ifacner at. a . in- ganction a largo tote or osssxraa a cago aancing scnooi. oe ooaraea an interurban car on' the night of No News Yet From ths Halms Girls Atlanta, 0a., July 31. Hopes of me aeims ramuy ftave fallen again, on receipt or the news that the two young women at a camp mnetino. in 11. M " 0 Saltillo of f, ?l ln mlss,nff M dele-1 5 "na oevn:e Jeims. The or- iivuiB who investigated round the camp meeting found the camp meet ing laaies were religions workers from Pennsylvania Within the past week Atlanta news. paper offlces have been flooded by Telegrams saying the two young wo men were iounn, ana nearly every Exchange in Other Cities Also Clos ed. Official Statement is Made at Washington that ths Government is Prepared to Prevent a Financial Panic Ths Treasury Will Corns to the Reserve of Any Banks that Need Aid. New York, July 31. The Stock Exchange, the Consolidated Stock Exchange and the Curb market here '. are closed. The exchanges in Phila delphia, Boston, Chicago, Pittsburg, Baltimore, Indianapolis and St. Louis and Rochester are also closed. S. H. H. Peel & Company failed. The postponment of the sailing of the liner America from Boston - is announced by the Hamburg-Ameri can line. New York Cotton Exchange Closed. . New York, July 31. After half an hour's trading the cotton ex change here closed. Wheat Drops 4 Cants. Chicago, July 31. Wheat dropped from two to four cents here today. '. The blockade of European ports will prevent the importation of American grain. , . ; Government Ready to Come to Rescue. aslnngton, July 31. Following a conference between President Wilson and Secretary McAdoo the official statement wag issued to the effect that the government is prepared to prevent a financial panic. The treasury is ready to come to the rescue of any section where the banks need aid. WAB IS ABANDONED !e daughter spent awhile with ! ' ' "" . , , : i Tames Richardson Wednesday. , I : , . ' . . . . . Aininistration - officials believe w."rswl sender's claim to the necessary precaution. K vV;:s j General Villa will fall in line with J;1K'U rwa otered by .Mrs. Nelms. Ttu miihr nt th .intamatkuml Uu : .. I The girls have been " fnnnd " aa far . . - H..H.... " u unamm. . -. September 8 for Wayne, 111., a short ,,:i.n m. mm-niurf ia alt F.nL. mZ west as Seattle, as far South aa Pan. - . . sivunviuu t.ww - wB - . - S 117 1 UHL LUOL niJIIlK III UIII 1 1 ItTII I B ' " " " distance trom Miieago;t; where-.' she raDea. eaoitato -yssterda.V:.--r;-vi:-.-. h MaJim. familv h.r. amfl. 'hence came a frantic cable Had been asked over the telephone k.,. Premier Asquith and Sir Edward neto confer with General Carran- ?everaI da.v a?o, and in nearly every to start a new class in the tango,, ru ma all nartiea mo the u : i.j - u c.i laree citv in the east. Tha , . . - , . . . . u.v.wu I U IB 1 CLttlUCU IB I1UUC1.U1 OIUU ' I ' RflTIV. . 1. am ... . ... I m i 1 . ' . . .. , . . , - wiiuciuK tuu aiiu vaiiiuira uim ,uf,,c, avert tbe tmmeasuraoie eaismiiy oi harmony. - ...,.., . eznansiOn OI WO - AUBinan-Kwr- Ths Kaiser Makes a Final Effort to - Arer. War. - y , : Iindon, Jny 31. A dispatch . of the Exchange Telegraph Company - from Vienna . states that the '.''hope .VI. 1UVB1UII1K IUO 11 HflB "fctu uuuuv.- . :T . ii . .... A . ' -oneo in au quariers. un aocouni ; of the Censor, the dispatches are eon- j Dieting., v Dispatches from Berlin say "that the Kaiser has sent hia .broth -'. -f er, Prince Henry to St. Petersburg on a secret mission in a filial affort to prevent a general war,.:. The Dover ' harbor cleared the eastern and south ern coast patrol is increased.;" Tito London exchange is closed, ; which ' indicates the extreme gravity with - which the financiers 'iew the J; war . situation. : .t &; 'i-r .; THE BELIEF FUND. .. For the- Farmers of the Hail Storm District In This state.'s;'::g;' ; ' The Tribune and Times some days ago forwarded $12.75 to the farmers of the section around Rock Hill, S. C, who suffered loss by the recent hail storm. AU later fundi will he sent :, to the stricken farmers in our own State in Gaston, Mecklenburg and : Cleveland counties. This - fund - now stands: D. V. Kriminger fund . $33.52 Mrs. J. S. Isenhour .,.. ...... 0 L. T. Bost ....... - .51 Miss Netty Killough $1.00 C W. Bost ..-..'.:.- 1.00 W, A.-Bost :.....-. . 2.00 - C. It, Krimminger .. ., -00 Robert Litaker A..." -50 'Will Isenhonr- ...... '--60 Charles Litaker ., -50 F. A, Barringer 1.00 ' 1 ' Albemarle Won. si -..-In an abbreviated ball game yes terday Allicrniarle defeated . " Spar- . row" Clark s a?regation .; of ball trssers from this city at Albemarle . bv the score of 3 to 2. The game was called in the sixth innin? to give the erowd an opportunity to witness thfl big parade that was held there, in connection with t'.ie Masonic picnic. llcnrv and Koircrs composed .the lwtterv for the Concordians and Mor lw end I'.flrd for Albemarle. T' s f ' " r of Keiincil: Caldwell at fl:l r. - 1 '.( f nv. . Planning for Work Ahead. x Progressive Farmer, -j. ;" "As this is read tbe active season so fat as the production of our' staple crops is concerned, will be drawing to a: close. It is true that some culti vation still remains to be done; but at most the farmer can do. little more henceforth -toward making the crop. If the present outlook is poor, if stands are bad, and if unfavorable weather conditions .appear to have cut the ' yields, we believe in many eases the trouble may largely be at. tributed to a lack of vegetable matter humus in the land to a lack adequate preparation. .- Now that the less' strenuous days are here and. we have some time to look about us and plan the next year's work, the prog ressive r farmer;" will .' begin to seek some way of avoiding a- repetition of tbe losses sustained this year. .: Right now one of the most profit able bits of planning any. farmer can do is to arrange to plant some clover this fall. If a small patch was grown last year the acreage this fall should be' increased, and if none has hither to been grown, by all means a small patch.- should be planted,. . Bear in mind : that here we. have reference particularly to bur and erimBon clov ers, two great winter soil builders that have proved successful on" prac tically e" y well, drained soil type in ti e South.; We want to emphasise too, the importance of getting cloVer seed early, as it seems almost certain now that the demand will far outrun the supply. : -: ;;; :. .','...' - We are' here emphasising this mat ter of cover crop of clover because, we have, often said before, it is only the farmer with a rich, clover-cover ed.. bumus-filled soil thst is ever to wake anything farming. These cov er crops offer- such a cheap and splended means of filling the soil with fertility that we believe no man is realizing on hia opportunities - who fails . to grow them. Get in touob with reliable growers and dealers at once and prepare to become a clover grower and soil builder, in a lonely ravine. (.lose axarmna. ' . .m:.- ..u. - . - . vmn nnnniiLWB tu uiucr wvumk. tion showed that the tango teacher The QermaB emperor conferred at had been slam before her body was tngth with ' the imperial : ehaneellor struck by the frsun..- - - t : Lnd the ministers of wsr and marine, Various clues were run down by lj int, Affleimi neeived or- the police without success ; and at I derg to mobolise, 1 ; least a dosen suspects were arrested I ... RnB.i. proceeded with her mobili- Cr J x for EK3is Hal Nation. ! si.: nn ( ! r. 53 -TS- li I n i. :a;in tf trtx Washington Adopts Phonetic Spell ; . ; , . inf. :- -.: . Olympia, Wash., July 31. Citt- i : .ui. 41,. StateDepartment of Education to- !f,rlB-lf V eTr been numerous innocent an lnw-ahirL ing women shadowed for a day at a time by amateur detectives who im agined they had found a dew to the two runaways. The papers have about quit paying any more, atten tion to rumors, and the man who ac- Increase Pay of Rural Mail Carriers Atlanta, Ga., July 31. Rural mail carriers and their friends will he glad to learn that beginning with July 1, last, an increase to $100 a month sal ary will be allowed by the postofflce department. Dispatcher from Wash- : ington say Postmaster General Burle. . iaon has assured Senator Hoke rBmith - that he would issue an order, to that effect within a few days. It. was Sen ator Hoke Smith's amendment to the post office appropriation bill which provided for the increase in pay for the rural route men. Senator Smith has received ft great number of letters from rural caries who wee anxious about the increase, fearing it might be delayed as in a former time when a raise was voted. before Spencer was taken into cus tody..? Then by a queor turn of fate, the man who afterward described himself as both a "lady-killer" and "women hater' jras betrayed by woman to whom' he offered a $300 diamong ring he' had taken from the body of the "murdered woman, - ' Lured to the women's home, Spen cer was trapped and arrested, by de tectives after a desperate .struggle. His trunk, in a rooming bouse run by quiet elderly couple on the South Side, revealed more evidence connect ing him .with the crime, and under a severe sweating he broke down and confessed... .".. ........:. Wives Collect Their Husband's Sal- . arias. -1 Los Angeles, Col., July 31. Near ly 200 long-suffering wives collected their husbands wagts from the conn ty today. Whether the husbands in question get any of the money de pends entirely upon the willingness or the wives to declare a division.. The disbursement by the county was a partial working out of an ex periment of giving work on the high ways to men who re cited for fail' ure to provide .for their:' families. Making little ones out of big ones on a rock pile, is the commonest em ployment. .Each wife received every cent of her husband's wages at the end or the month day-were asking themselves if the " i proaUCe pno" .. 1 . S A " I sation or a large nnmr.J. were not taking undue liberties with ".u President Poincare and the French I ...... . , good. cabinet decided to Met4s4yi ' lJTBt tfc. , Squadron of Bnssian Cruisers Speed ing Toward the Bosphorns. Rome, July 31. A Salonia dis patch reports that a squadron of Russian cruisers is speeding toward the Bosphorus to seize any vessel of . Germany or Austria .immediately af ter war is declared. . French defensive forces took-entaw- BnSS7 'BhiW T1"' thl No7l52Kwffl be held ish fleet is nnknown nee it. fl AnguS tore vesterdav from PortVand unv I " a " ic (in, jmi. , , v "r"S . . .t. I the depsrunent oy : Mrs. josepuine 1UQ UW! Buuwuww' - , , . , J , . ' r. - concentrated at Kiel and: WUfasl-l waMww wrisromawsuw Mfflsj- at 11. o'clock and Hon. E. Bhftfen, - rine eonvenuon or county supennien- ti i,ewis, of Kinston, N. C, at 1:30 Th M k tatan atom nnia. . iu um auupwu, iu jmn, wir. m. uiner addresses will be made to prepare for eventualities. - ""w :. , .' ' : "y Bov. W. 8. Charles of Charlotte, The German and British fleets in I, ,,, T. . I V" x'" oi ''-oncora, the far east have been concentrated lonograi, neim, uano, meoicin. st their chief stations. May Punish Doctors Who Too Freely rreseHM Uqnor. , ' Salem, Cre., ' July - 31. Governor Wst today took under advisement a recommendation by tbe State board of health that he deprive of their li censes physicians who are too free .'n prescribing spirituous . liquors for their practitioners who happen live in dry districts f the State. The recommendation is strongly hacked by all the temperance and ' prohibi tion organizations of the State, as well aa by numerous medical . asso ciations. ' ,f" . .r' i C".cn Honored. .. ', Culvcs Son, T S!is, July 31. dn Phonetic spelling has;, been adopted. W. 0. W. Picnic T. A- Windier. Head Consul Jur. lisdictor will be present and make an Refreshments will be served on I paragrafV sulfur, telegraf, tuf, weltblthe ground. Everybody is invited to I and yuug. - I Seeks Uniformity In Bine Laws of OOTTOR DBOFS BOTTOlt.; 1mm,. a Vnnr Ttnllara a. fiala T oaa " - : , I - r. , ' r t ; qi T .1! : ''' at NSW OrlMnS - - I DeaI "re., ;my . ox. rwuevuig I that the blue sky laws of every State ew Vr.eanst w -jy-- ihonld b, unifora, CUte Corporation TrT.lZ hak Coniinissioner R. A. Watson today experienced i ts most decided break JonT appeals to officials of aU TtffiowrSs Sri sfCTi .States v& a nations eonven- ti.: -i... h..t won w "s near ruiure v r." r.rZ.r,il tab itept to standardize toe stat in me av w wuuh. w j . ih. i,.f:. f took a slight brace on profit-taking "."5-" 'TT f C I" " "I t!m First sales were st a doUar a bale .-"S less thsn the dosing yesterday. The oniem isnng mrniiar acuon. , decline from this level was gradual -;i . tha market WBa 51 to I - - 63 points down. The decline then! Discovery of an affeetnal method .., .haban for a time, bnt I of preventing breeding of the eom- no material advance eoold be had. ;. won nonsenoia ana rypnojo ny ana come. This will be the last picnic oi me season so let everybody come. JJNU. JC. BRADFORD, D. P. BRTJMLEY," O.D. BENSON, , Condition of Cotton, 76.4. Washington, July 31. The ;. gov ernment cotton condition on . July 25th was seventy six and four tenths .. compared with seventy nine and six tenths last month. Eighty is tbe,. average ten years. The condition in North Carolina is eighty-six. Admit That Russia Has Ordered Gen eral Mobilization. London, July 31. Tbe foreign of fice admits that Russia has ordered . a general mobilization of aU Euro peans in tbe Russian armies." "The commanders of the ports of the Black sea were directed to seize all coal, oils and supplies. Why not he happy f Jack Johnson and E .elyn Tha ware both in Europe. w naiii attention' to anv- thereby assuring the complete . ex- thing except war news and while this termination of this peril, was an- was not reassuring toward zne. eiose umuiwu j " i' i nt tha dav nrieea - were '- steadied I mant of Agrrcnlture. The method is I ,,. k tha wianv hnvinr . or- to sprinkle a small amount of ordi- j . y ' , I ' v a -i u 1.-14 I ders sent in by shone out snaerea inry oujr vyvu ... .. . . di. Itahl mAiu " I wiw tneir large pronw ' Annla CroB is Bnryer. , ; ' 1 Diss of Lockjaw. R.nnrta from five hun- orchard- ' Salishury. July 30. Miss Gertrude ists of Northwest . Ai , ,oa and Murphy, aged thirteen died thia af- Southern Missonri received by the ternoon at the borne ot hervmcie, Fri i'n!,.v deperfmer.1 of de-1 Walter Murphy, from loekjsw i vidomripnt r ive a; total -of 3,315 car-1 result of running a nail in her foot l8.U or - s as'proh.' i t'.:pmsntsa week sgo. .The funeral will be eon. f; i t'o'l. i Wt ( I f at esti- ducted from Mr. Murphy's home at , ii,ui' ' 2,""8 wi 1 rviiom Ar- 10:30 tomorrow; . fls and ; from 11.. u-uri. IT'S easier and mors convenient to write a check for this figure than to r conns ont a ten, a five and four ones, .' a half, a tnarter, two dimes sal fonr penniss. ' ' A CHECKING ACCOUNT - with thia bank does away with all -- such Bothersome difficulties for all yon do ia to write a check for tha , exact amount. Bnt that IS only ens 1 of tha many advantages of a check-' . -.- ing aocormt. .Get aca,nalnted with our . '. checking system, by opening an ac- eonnt , today. , .-er.ton 's ennniil col ton CRrtiival o 1 I ':' '' v t :;'- ... ' " t r-"" T ; r 1 4 siv - I - . .1, , . I ' art e f ' ir . ;

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