Li" VOL. XIV. J B. 8HERRILL. Editor and PubliiW. CONCORD. N. C; SATURDAY, AUGUST 29. 1914 40 Cents Mouth Cents a Copy. NO 312 VAST ROT Of BEiaCil.Gttl'Jllllfli HT. PLEA&AHT HEW8. DAKZIO 18 TERROR STRICKEK ' rsARXxa ihvasioh. Russians Art Rapidly Pushing In That Direction. Flares Rioting U Reported Between the Trended la habitants and Forsignsrs. Crews '-.of the Three British Steamera Ds stroyed Landed on the Canary U- . lands. ItalytoSwreXnttinatninon Austria. 7.? -'-'. ' ,' 29. Dansig, Ger many, ia terror stricken for fear of Baaiaeai Conditions Good. Outlook far Schools Bri ht Personals. oiint I'leiunt. X. C, Anznst 29. Despite the war situation in Eu rope, and the sdvanred priers on some necessities, business conditions here are good. ' Some of our buyers spent last week in the North, and others will go in a few week. Fall good are already coming in, and the' mer- hints will soon have a full line on display, Considering it from a busi ness standpoint, there is every indi cation for a successful season. The European war is the daily street talk. Every phase of it is dis cussed, and much interest is mani fested in the daily reports. If the war continues for several months, in dications are that . we will develop some good debaters. . One of our wel' informed citizens was arguing the situation so strongly the other day i that he was finally asked the quest!cm " - ... ... . ., i the invasion oi me vast 1. to what be would do if he were said to 06 rapwiy P"'f "TV" Germany. He said he would iwtion, ardmg to thepatcnes. not tngWM tbat qHestiont tor tern Keree rioting is reported brtwwn tne hjt 'flenn .; ht hnr of hi(( frensied inhabitants wd foreigners. m . charge.-. We might state, however I that he firmly belief's in peace, and m, .nwa of the British steamers TJUin. Ksinera and Nyanaa have - - r- - - , .l. iiiii ua iiniuv ot?nev-ii iii iieare, aim been landed at Las i aima "" : admires Wilson's policy toward both i Kink deteatwi i"e ln8 their own meat, at Maubeuge, renewed Llpp Mem9 to ; p.-.,. T.Umla. The Kaiser Wilhelm Der Grosae sunk these vessels before it was destroyed oy the British Higb - Flyer, - ' '' :" ;" '--. It ia eipeeted that Italy will serve an ultimatum to Austria, meamns the mobilisation of troops on the Ital : ian boundary, .. -', ' ' GERMAK ARMY MEETS WITH GREAT VICTORY Berlin Wireless Report Says Allies - Hare Been Rooted Along the ... una. -.- ,;:v U.V-''-"- ' V V Berlin, Aug. 28. By wireless to the Associated Press via Sayville, L. I., Aug. 28. Headquarters has issued an oflicial report declaring that the wes tern enemy has everywhere been de feated and is in full retreat after - nine days fighting. ' ' ' , . n.noml Von Kink defeated the VmrliHh srnif at Maubeuge, re the attack, today and threatened to surround it. General Von Buelow and Von Hau- ' sin completely defeated the Franco Belgian forces, about eight corps Tie tween the Sambre and the Namur and the Muese in several days battle, and - im now pursuing them to Uo east ward of Maubeuge.' -A ' ' '!":5;i The attack o Maubeuge was open ed by the Grand Duke Albrecht,' of Wuertemburg, who defeated and pur-, sued the enemy across the. Semois an l the Muese. .- - Tli nerman Crown Prince is ad- vnneing towards the Muese and the Crown Prince of Bavaria repulsed an attack from Nancy and the South. General Von Herringen continues the pursuit southward through the ...i Vosgeg. . Four Bclginn divisions attacking . Tuesday and Wednesday from Anl ? wKrp have been repulsed, losinsr gnus and many prisoners, , The Belgian population generally participated in - the lighting necessitating severe re pressive measures,-. . i ' The corps of the last reserves have - been called out to guard eommiinic- tions. t , : , ' Ship Gotten in Sixty Pays. : Wilmington, Aug. 28. Vf. P. Coop er, banker and eotton compress owner, lust returned from Europe. , savs that American eotton may be - : shipped to England . within .60 days Of course the exportation of cotton an F.nronean market is condition- A nnnn (Rndand maintaining its bold on the Atlantic. Mr. , . Cooper said that there are 600,000 ' . iia of cotton stored in England and ' w thla will h consumed within 60 : days, opening market for tbls year' ataple. Most or we eouon smpyeu to England is from "Texas, 'only a cnninarativelv amall amount going tmm Worth Carolina. Wilmington ' the present cotton year shipped 73. 000 bales to England and 276,000 bales . - to continental Europe. Southern States Slow to Taks 'Cur , -.--- rencr. itrt this week, according to John Skelton Williams, Comptroller of h Mexico and Europe. The outlook for the coming session of both the schools here is unusually bright. Practically all the rooms of both the Institute and the Seminary are engaged,- bough the authorities have made arangements wehreby thev can are for all t'vose who may vet decide -to enter Inter. All possible Improvements, and . additions have been made, and everything is in readi ness for the openings. It is gratify ing to learn that more States will be represented jn the student bodies this year than have been in any of the previous sessions. It is a feet that hog raising U re ceiving more consideration every year bv the farmers of this township. A noted interest has been shown for the past 'few- years. Farmers are realizing the loss incurred by not rais- S. Mr. Howard C. in the lead in this movement at present. " He was pre sented with an increase of eighteen this week bv one t'.torough-brru 0'. f O; hog. : V'O,., " . . , '. Among our Mintlav visitors .were: Mr. and Mrs. Frank Costner.and Mr. and Mrs. John . McAllister, of uas- tonia ; Fred -.Morrison,' of -New -York, an alumnus of tlie Institute: W. W. Johnson, of Charlotte, and Oscar Blackweliler. of Concord, r Mr. Fred Foil will return Monday from Baltimore, where he has spent the past week buying for. the Cook & roil Comany. , Mrs. D. l. Barrier and daughter, Miss Mildred,- are spending sev ral weeks at Rocky . River. Springs.- Mr. D. D. Barrier, Mrs. Sallie Misenheimer and daughters. Misses Ronnie and Ruby, made a short li'iv to Rocky Rivjr ..Springs Sunday in Mr. Luther I.ipo s Hup. r V : . Nearly -all of our young people apeit yesterday at St. John's i 'Miss IHlie Foil.- of t'liiladolplua, arrived' this week to spend sevtra1 weeks with her parents. It, Jirim Foil has purchased a new Ford touring car. WILL I) SAO RIVER MOST THOR0UQHLY In Effort to Keeersr ths Body of Young Claad Deal the River Whart It to Vow Thought He Drowned Himself Will Bt Thoroughly Drag led. Tamily How Think It Likely That Claud Did Taks His Own Ufa Landis, Aug, 28. A letter was re ceived here today from friends and rtlatives at "Wilmington relative to the case of young Claud Deal, of this place who waa reported to have end ed his life some daya ago by drown ing. The letter aaid that prepara tions are being made to thoroughly drag -the river at the point where every indication point the young man took his life by drowning. . No effort will be spared to recover the body of the popular young man and friends ere extending sympathy to the. sor rowing family. At nrst the lamily and friends could not accept the sui- ENGUO T AT . CITY'S DESTRUCTION GERMANS COMPLETELY WIPED OUT ANCIENT LOUVAUT The Details Hire Greatly Exercised AO High GoTernment Officials. Ths Destruction of the City Waa an Unpardonable Apt of Barbarism and Vandalism. It is a Crime, Say English, for Which There Can Be . . No Atonement.. .When Louvain Surrendered Everyone Gave Up Arms. London, Aug. 29-tflii' war oflice eide theory, but the indications are believes that the UerSmns, operating pointing more and more to this sola- western Belgium, sunned to occu tion of the strange case. . The letter P- the French' and. Belgian coast cit- r.,uiv.,t ,W inHicntM that this is ies to hamper the work ot the Kntisli becoming more and more accepted at m keeping the short. Mines of com Wilmington, hence the determination nmnication across th(j channel ien. t. make the most thorough search for The failure .is to to (he inability to the body in the river. . ' detach enough infantry to occupy the 'II . L II . If, ThinV it RniriHn uepariraeiH 01 ran wrcninis. Fn.m the Wilmington Dispatch of is agnasx over u,e oemiis TI,..Jo tl.o fnl n n-r Ol Hie lirairucilUB 111 lll illll Hull no- .....,,.i,. ,.. foton- complete wiping out of the entire city, a kLlm AvABA tt... Ut has greatly exercised all the high river, 'opposite the Clyde lane wharf, government offlcials..Tie olli. ial press in the hope that the bony might be - i drowned himself. No truce of it was " " ... ua h m nar p ,, n. r.,Aa .i,,.r Vi.n.lnv harisin and vandalismj 1 Ins delibcr Ll-flllll IIIC , 1, '.V n , Liu.. ...... . . , . The young man's father, Mr. C. " act -was a complete violation oi J. Deal, and Governor Craig are close l, p. ' trie Shi ienda' and the Governor telegraphed here n, Wnenient. The leriff Cowan yesterday afternoon German eontention.thaf (.ennany wa for him to do even thinsr llC Could to jusvmea in a pro,r reprisal l.M-ate the body, if ' he had committed 'l8t' inhabitants jflred on the suicide, or to find him, if still alive. Wurman troops is utterly w.thont wur- "Mr. Deaton secured a boat this has been plainly proven that morning and made a trip up -and when-.Ix.uvam surrendered every one i. if l,. n.,M fin.l gave up arms. To contend that these unarmed citizens- fircrt on tlie (!er- mans is beyond credence.' the body washed ashore or under the wharves, but no trace was found. Chief Williams said that Mr. Deaton Belgians Also Aroused. told him that he was ini lined to the Antwerp, Aug. 29.-HThe reports of suicide theory;" - the wanton destruction!, of .Louvain has aroused the Belgians to such an Resolutions Adopted by the Cabarrus e tent that threats oi reprisal are Ca,w T..nV Ami ' TnafitntA I i' ..1 .. . .1 .. Tl f .. ... 1 .. ' .... Tio r,JlA,r;,u, i.unlni!..n. : vara lnersonallv visited neutral renresenta- unanimously adopted yesterday at tives and asked tbemto bring the the Teachers', Institute: ; ';u ;. n atter to the aHentiorihe govern'- -Whereas, wo believe that the Health menis. u is nenevea mai anomer ni of a ueopl is their greatest asset and tempt is under war to cut the German that the health of the children should lines or communication. 11 is repnn- be t!;e chief concern of a teacher, c" that the Hermans are rushing 4(1,- therefore be it 000 men to Brussels aparently in an Resolved, That the' teachers of ticipation ot an attack by Belgians Cabarrus County respectfully request - BLOOD ON MOON. Concord Authorities Cnt Down Trees Under Protest. Everything. Oowan Dusenbery, of Concord, owns a be ut i fid home right in town and the authorities wanted to widen the street six inches in order to give the street ear track more room. There were six stately shade trets standing there had stood there through sun shine and storm for many years; they were grand old trees and Dus nherv prized them very highly. H was absent from the city his people were away, and after, accord ing to his claim, the authorities bad told him they would not cut down his trees, came in the night and cut them to the ground. Dusenbery had alnady told his lawyer to look out and if they at tempted to cnt his trees to enjoin them. It is claimed that the author ities explained to lawyer Caldwell that the trees would not be cut. But they were. Cutting them at night showed the part we choose to call questionable. It is said that Du senbei will sue tlie city for damages and that 1 can prove damages goes without saying. Whether the law awards damages in such we do not know but there is blood on the moon in Concord and the city will have to explain its conduct. Attend Opening of New Elks' Home at Charlotte. A large number of Concord Elks attended the formal opening of tlie elegant new Klks' Home in Charlotte last night. They left Concord about b:.l(l o clock in automobiles und re turned last night. Those who at tended the opening were: Messrs. (i. L. Patterson, John rox, K. T. Cannon, E. Surname, Rupley Pounds, Oscar SappenBcld, Luther Supenlield, Carlos Clark, Dr. J. V. Davis, M. F. Ritchie, W. t. Stewart, I. F. Honeycutt, J. H. Wotnhlc, Cy White, Wm. Hudson, W. B. Krutou, A. R. Howard, E. C. Barnhardt. Jr., Campbell ('line, Charley Krider. Lee Roy Ivey and Eben Hatheock. FRENCH RESUME OFFENSIVE. They Found 8,500 Germ in Dead at Nancy, And 4,600 in Front of Ari-court Washington, Aug. 20. The French mbassy announce "that the French ave resumed the offensive on the side of the Vosges. The offensive lu that region between the Vosges and Nan cy has been unterrupted for Hve days. Thf found twenty-five hundred Ger mans dead in front of Nancy, and forty-five hundred in front of Avri- court. The garrison at Lonsrwv has apitulated after twenty-four hour' siege, the Hussians are thirtv kilo meters from Lemburg. The Servians have advanced to the headquart rs t alievo. TO CHECK RUSSIAN ADVANCES Movement on Foot to Put Different Aspect on Situation in the East. Berlin, Aug. 2!. The troons of Hi first line are heavily reinforced bv the second reserves and 'will be sent eastward to check Russian advances lie Austrian nrniv corps will sive id. The war office announces that the Russians were defeated nt Xeal Alenstein. The war office insists that move ments are on foot to put a different aspect on tlie situation in the east the authorities of this county to-em ploy a whole-time health officer. We respectfully sk the Civic L a gue, the County Health Board and all organirations interested in the welfare of the community to join us A BI3 FIGHT. The Associated Press Scooped by the United, It Is Claimed. Fairbrother's Everything. M'1ae"ff our county abreast of the d ; ftnd ,Mt WMfc. Unitc,, Ths Spears Graveyard. e all whose Ancestors are Buried in Suears. Graveyard : S On Tuesday. September 8, 1014 nil persons whose ancestors are buried ii the Spears Graveyard, near Kocky River Church, are requested to as sist In cleaning up this historic spot.. We wish to rebuild the broken places in the rock wall,: to cut put the large dead trees, and to cut out the thick undergrowth, and make it a place of beauty. Two descendants -of t apt Oliver Wiley, who are buried there, have donated $17 for the purpose of purchasing ah iron gate. Persons de siring to contribute or hiring a hand will please hand contribution to Mr, J. Harvey Dorton at Wlnte-Morn- son-Flowe Co. . . ' MORRISON CALDWELL. advanced counties of the State and to give our schools and our homes the protection such an otllcer will at. ford. MRS. ED. S. ERWIN, Secretary. : Press sent out an account of the Pope '8 death in time for the evening papers and the Associated Press was scooped And -now they are fighting it out tho A, P. claiming that the United rJ. t- tji. trsii p.inn. th, I sent the news before it happened, Troops From India Will Reinforce tne ... . . , . . . . . , eep was u:i ttu...i :.,;o4n , it- un.i .j . , . - IWIIIIO lliw tllltcu innini;o inn, iv iih-.i auuou Ul h.nnan r,A the A P Iiondon, Aug. 28. Native troops L the gW:tci, Just as though it wasn't possible for the A. P. once in a while to get scooped. But it claims, like the Pope whose death it missed, to be infallible from India are on their way to in crease the British- forces in France. This was announced today in the holts'! of lords by the Marquis of Crewe. England Will Clear the North Atlantic of Germans. New York, Aug. 28. -It was report ed in shipping circles here today that six British cruisers had' been ordered to the Atlantic coast to blockade American ports against the escape of German merchant ships and to clear the north Atlantic of the enemy s warships. The British consul general here would neither confirm nor deny the report, but the news yesterday that five cruisers of the British At lantic fleet had been ordered to the Gulf of Mexico was pointed to as in dicating that reinforcements would be lie '(led in northern waters. , Serious Fire, in No. 10 Township. Mr. Henry .Pope, of No. 10 town- shin, lost his barn and contents by fire Inst Wednesday night. Seven of his horse -ind mules were burned to secretary or state for mma, ann Dy j :a i, I,.) . ti Lord ,' Kitchener; secretary of state A. p Jg , great ewg gathering tgen for war. ' . ... lev greater than any other in the Lord Kitchener said that in addi- wor,d but even if thal bfl tnie it ;s tion to reinforcements whichi would iiabi6 to now anil then 'make a bust be received from this country the gov- M u evidently did in the matter ernment had decided that the British of annoUncing tlie pope'g deati,, it a-rmy in rmme siiouui i "'- may .iav, been that the Pope wasn't Tlie -Indian troops were rnosen 10 in. dead when the newg wftg by the create me lorees. Mra; U? P.. but he died bv the time the pa added tnat all uie gaps in ine army weri ou tU streetai it tbe u. in France Were being filled up. ' p h . at Rwme ho can ore- The Marquis if Crewe said the In- . .rotv i,a ti, .tnnh iiiun yeoine ' The controversy is boy's play. . soldiers should fight by the side of . v , - their comrades m the British "ny Kannanolis Baraca-Philathea k City aim to a i u wwuu nae wen a i . x-. i union pointmni 10 inoia 11 tu-y ntut uwn -Currency, the 13 bouthera tMe.death. and also one horse belonging to Clint Black.' It is supposed that I tbe, barn was ignited by lightning. The family were', awakened -about 10:30 o'clock, and the flames at that time had gained such headway that it was impossible to save any of the contents of the building. The loss is I - ' A TAB IUIA a lllj,) j nave receivea nu ,t,iv,w ?- additional or emergency currency pro- uflod uiidcr the Al()rish-Vreeland act and under fho leaerai reserve atnendmenta, According to theComp tmllsr. these Southern States are t(U eptitled to fl69383,000 of this emer- Mp l'2 Million Bushels of Wheat Abroad.. Four British steamers, the Indiana Carlton, Astracks and Wellbury. cleared from Galveston last week ' .i' London. Liverpool and Bordeaux with approximately 800,000 bushels of wheat on board. The British steamers Daybreak and Colebv and the French steamer Mis sissippi cleared last week from New Orleans for European iMints with cargoes totaling 663,000. bushels of wlieat. Seven other vessels were loading wheat at New Orleans for ex port to Kurope. ' German Torpedo Boat Destroyers and Cruisers Are Sunk by British Fleet. London, Aug. 28. It is announced that the British fleet has sunk tw German crusiers and two German tor pedo boat destroyers off Hillgoland, A third German cruiser was set afire and was left sinking. -No British ships were' lost in Hi battle, it was added, and the Britis' loss of lite was not neavy. In adidtinn to the.- two torpedo boat destroyers and three eruisers many others from the German torpedo boat destoyers were damaged. 4 '. debarred from taking part in the war , in Europe.- - ; .M---i--w r- , ii nA ,v-., - F.- ---- r - TMMniff( vy Hie rillllcrwiH-e lejiivwrw- -giipcy currency, of Which sum tne Uhont $1,000, with $300 insurance in.tative planters, bankeis, manufactiir tional tanks, in tne taie (the Cabarrue Mutual, v , v ;r? Jm an,l deals,, held here August 24 from the govern ment f 6,022,000, , . 1 Russians Continue to Drivs ths Ger- Alr-ITen Aided Gonnsns, -London, Aug. 28. Refugees from the scene of the fighting aronnd Mons report that airmen took a prominent part in directing the German-, nrtil Icry, says the Times', correspondent In 'Paris.'-...-' ;'.;., arntilAnOH hovered over the nrit- Mi position and their pilots signaled l" .i C""fn batteries by means of a ,, (, - at t ' ' of a line. n - Paris, via London, Aug. 28, 8 p. m. The war office tonight issued this announcement: - " " - ' '; "In Galicia the Russians are tak v,'.: " '. I- J :' ,1, .t ( f Clmi'lottn ati.l t!,i f ;. of t o -" f ,' .ncr resi .ell known in cesgful engagements near (name of .on cotton place evidently cut oue by censor), they are marching on and are now only 20. miles from that town. " The Germans continue inactive retreat to ward KoenlWg. " .1 f r- r--. ' '-j in Italisn Cabinet, To Ask President to Renew Offer of Mediation, Nam Day of Prayer. The Federal Council of the Churches of Christ of America will Dresent resolutions to Presid nt Wil son expiessing Us appreciation of his course in opposing loans by American capitalists to the foreign powers, ana appealing to the President to rmew . : h i - . - mL-Tl : .1 4 ma oner or meaiauon. iiw rimv will also be asked to designate some Sunday as a day of united prayer tor peace in all churches in the I nitcd States. A newspaper despatch from Bol oene rooorts that the Germans brokj tlirough the French lines near Arras in t'ha povince of Pas de Calais, but that the French have the situation writ in hand. An electrolier has been patented which is suspended from a picture mouldinir and ia adjustible to any mits that the Germans at trying to beigth, current being taken through a penetrate the Frendn lines st three cord from any convenient bockbi. Fonr Hundred Thonssnil Poles In points. The exhaused German troops) - - 1 Russian Army. , I have been replaced by fresh troops- One Chinese province exports more 1 London, Aug. 28. 0:20 p. m. An-,The '""V ' mvmg rrom than lSO.two tons or peanuis aninuuiv, loine de Zwan. the Polish author, has .Antwerp toward cruseis, The following will he the program of the Kannapolis llsrara-Phialatheii City Union to be I c'd in the Baptist xaa. w. -,'. Church of that place-on Sunday af- imi,!.,... I, oi i.. . a w,. flotton and Tobacco as Security. ,-. ""'.. .f'"" " " vw": Washington, ' Aug. 28.8ecreta MCAOOO s pian 10 aecepi as u rtavot.lonid exercises-Rey. H. II. lor currency, nuies sorureu ay "B,c" I Robjng, nouse receipts ror ooiion, touaecu auu i , f;ontu'ij11joni navui stores at ia per cent oi .weir R - frnm CUmea nf .... ,;. race vaiue was approvea muss. ,u , Hqw 0e Km M How to UuH report uy spec,, rou.m.u, -r- ypnA. p. RaJpehy Twinieu. y tne oi re,..- Sotu-THaln Onartette. Round Table Talks, led by A. L, Song: "Blest Be the Tie That m, " ... IV. 1 'OUII ine corommee recoinmeuaeu .u. BindlTlliollt every euurt e . F-r Benediction duccrs in holding their cotton for a . -s price that will minimis tbeir loss amM Tiyill, PeMnkU Line, uiiiu iue vuunurui vs. nrnu auc i , . . .... Xhr06 PojUt ing a Vigorous offensive. : After snc ! was suggested as a fair basis for loans 20.-The war office ad Chicken Day" Among the Odd Fel lows. Today is being observed as ''('hick- en Day" by the Independent Order t)dd fellows in North Carolina the object lieing for every member of thf order in North Carolina to do nate a chicken to the Odd Fellows' Orphan Home nt Gohlsboro. Cold Wa ter Lodge No. 62, of Concord will re- pond to tins worthy appeal and will send about 150 chickens, that being the membership of the order here. lie chickens are being sent to the store of Mr. C. ,1. Williams, at For est Hill, where they will be put in eoops and shipped to (loldsboro to night. The membership. of the order n North Carolina is 1(,000. and it is expected that every member will be represented by a chicken. It takes. about 100 chickens for a meal at tV Home. ON COHLS THE GREAT i mm PORT OF KONIOSBTJRO OCCU PIED BT RUSSIANS. The Great Russian ATalanch Conus Nearer And Nearer. Various Rus sian Commands Moving Across Prussia And Through Anstria. Russians Defeated Three Army Corps Divisions of ths Germans. Many Men And Cannon Wert Cap tured. Si. Petersburg, Aug. 29. The port oi Konigsburg is occupied by Rus sians who advanced Thursday from Alle. The (ieriuan garrison took re fuse in tlie citadel. Various Russian commands are moving across Prussia and tliniii!li Austria. A formidable force uas thrown across Cistula, push ing forward take a position in the west . Russians Defeat Germans. Washington, Aug. 29. The British embassy says: "Russia encountered Prussian forces, three army corps of divisions of last Prussians repeatedly det'eaied with heavy loss. Many men and camion were captured." SAYS GERMANS LOST 60,000. Austria Declares War on Belgium. Vienna, via London, Aug. 2-S. Austria today declared war on Bel gium., .TLie, BeJgLun muuiiadurj&m handed his passports at the foreign ofhee, all diplomatic relations were broken off and the way cleared for nstrian troops joining the Germans n tlie operations on Belgian soil if necessary. I'nlil todav Belgium was the onlv me of the allied powers at war with Germany alone. France, England and Russia had heretofore made declara tions against both Austria and Germany. Piles of Dead Moved to Place Guns in Position, Wounded French Of ficer Declares. Paris. Aug. 28. An officer who re turned liere wounded after partici pating in the lighting there says the Germans lost fully 60,000 in killed ami wounded. lie claims the German artillery wasN not well served, while the firing of the French was deadly accurate. At many places he says the piles of dead were so liigli that they had to be mov ed to permit the guns to retain the range. There have been numerous cavalry -raids far into French territory, but in every instance they have been turn ed back by French cavalry sent out out for that purpose. " -j-i Manning and Richards Will Run a Second Race. Columbia, Aug. 28. R. I. Man ning's lead over R. A. Cooper, was nereased to d62 votes bv the complete resurns in the Governor's race to dav. Messrs. Maiming and Richards will cetainly make the second race. The final majority over Blease bv Smith for Senator is 12,000 votes. The Teachers' Institute, conducted at the Central school building here for the past two weeks, closed yester dav. Yesterday Mr. N. C. Newbold, of the State Department of Education n.l Knleigh. and Dr. J. M. Grier, of Concord, spoke to the teachers and school committee men, who held a joint meeting. Both addresses were on practi-;il lines, and were closely list ened to and thoroughly enjoyed. At the opening of the Institute the city teachers gave a reception in hon or of the teachers from the rural dis tricts, and yesterday the latter treat ed the former to watermelon feast. One hundred and forty teachers were enrolled during the institute. ! Wt. men's Peace Parades Are Held in Many Cities. New York, Aug. 29. Women in a , 'liizcn cities throughout the country Allies Holding Lines. today paraded as a public protset , Paris. Ana-. 29. The -nr office ml- against the huropean war, ana as a mitted that the Allies are holding the flea to the lu ads ot the warring na lines taken Thursday. ..The 'Allied lines in-front of the department at Somme extend to Stquentin in the de partment of Aisne through Ardennes. One French general, vas killed. A Good Text to Remember. For with God nothing shall be im possible. Luke i,37. . tions to arbitrate. More than l,UUt wjiinen were expected to be in liue in . ti e New York parade which was ar ranged under the direction of Mrs. Harriot Stanton Blatcb. It was also under tlie direction of Mrs. Blatcb that Women's organizations of other cities arranged their parades for peace. Change of British Waiting Policy In dicated. liomlon. Aug. 29. A change of th waiting policyof the British navy i indicate! by the naval battle. Tho engagement reported only destroyers and cruisers. The naval strategist - -1 j believe that the battle was an eneoun- A lantern that projects objects mag-, ter of the British harrassing fores. nilkd by a microscope upon an easily j - examined screen has been invented,, nry sau win pousn lresmj u. in London. Hump chimneys. Congressman R. I Doughton, in hearty response to petition signed a large number ' of Albermarle citizens, has introduced . a bill into Congress asking an appropriation for public building in Albemarle.;. sent this telegram to the Spectator: "The mobilization was carried ou fi-eijiieiit cabi- in Warsaw Willi lndcscniiuulo entnu '. l as tlie cri- siasm. For' Ce ih ( timn ?'"'! lb? ;,,.'"-,,"! ! -..,. all because an. American missionary '20 vears ago gave to a native convert . AM M . , . a- V ... , . . .-. 1 - i ' . J x.ianuoi uuers services to bmpuno. a quart or vamornu seeu. . : Lisbon, Aug. 29. All tHio newspa-1' v ' ; . p. rs print sn aipeal of ex-King Man-) Because of the non-payment Oi i '. 1 t . f , ! I' -public to-join, w levy of $10,000,000 the Germans, . . ,- ! p--i . nl wit'i it is said, threaten to seise tne ia . . . . i i.j - a ... : moils pictures inn onjocis hi. ti i iu i'-n !' "' i-U rn"-"num.