n : - 1 Oft flt-rt- V v - . V ... ' - ft 7 I rt w VOL.XVI. J B, shespjll. Editor nd Pubiuh ili.-Llil iiiH.llO ; fiLLi::rc:;Tic:i UPPERMOST VX BOTH HOUSES - of congress. .. aiiDiscffiEuiiii'i'ii Senate Adjourned Until Nooa Tomor- row After Being In Session OiflyJ Ten Minutes. Reason Glvea By : Leaders. Was That Senators Had Business to Present Did Not Hare It Edy, But Motion Was to Ad journ on Account of Funeral of As 1 sodaU Justice Lamar Both Houses ' f " Flan to Consider Resolutions Per taining to Foreign Affairs. '.' ' v 1 17 The Saaa rtaUTm a) , v Washington,' Jan. 4. An expected attack on the administration's foreign policy and its course in the submarine risis failed to materialize in the Sen ' ate today when that body when that ' body after being in session less than , ten minutes, adjourned until noon to- morrow. . ' ' The reason assigned to the sodden adjournment by leaders on both sides ' was that several Senators who had - bosiness to present did not have it ready. : . ' V.'- ' The motion on which the Senate ad journed, however, was in observance of. the death of Associate Justice La- mkr, of the Supreme Court.:; , - f - rAn. nJLhiMi to.v ft,r holiday recess with the nation's for - ' in affairs uppermost with members' of both Houses. On aU sides the in- ternational situation is admitted to be the gravest the country has yet faced. Issues growing out of the submarine warfare of Germany and Austria and Great Britain's interference with neu ,: tral commerce were expected, to figure -' hfefly in the" discussion "of Senators and representatives- The situation i has caused a general feeling of uneas- It wa, Relieved preparedness ocVS 1 - mess among' them, the question of national wowa ps issen up ones. j next summer and fall. Congress, f I It seemed also that the Senate Formen m preparin(f to join handg with eign Relations Committee wonld take ocal Democratie leaders to oppose np promptly Senator Hoke Smith's resolution providing for an inquiry into British interference with neutral commerce ana oenaior; uoagv 8ct,ve now than it has been Since amendment calling for inquiry into qS, when Taft made such a show the Lus'tania disaster and other acts,;n ; the State and three Renubli- . . n 1 . T - 3 ! by belligerents resulting in the loss of American lives.:7' fy':7;'-:-:-Senator Stone told President Wil- son that when the foreign relations Democratic leaders to spur up. State eommittee met tomorrow, he wanted Chairman Thomas D.. Warren has al to be prepared to meet any situation ! ready conferred with members of that might arise. - The Senator said ; Congress with a view of setting the that after his talk.with the President! Democratie machiherv in their re- that until fact regarding the Per sia, had been obtained,' nothing could . be done. : Any nation, he declared, which outraged the , United States should be dealt with severely. : Later Chairman Flood, of the House Fore:gn Affairs Committee Called -at - the White House and conferred with the President. - The Arise man, sees, Jiears ' and thinks.' The fqol is tickled with th sound of his ow c ; ' - Talk is cheap if von can the lawyer out of hia fee.' !... rbeat Bcein saving todS Christmas shopping. for your next RURAL l.;EE DELTVERT ROUTE -. DIRECTORY, We recently issued a complete Di - rectory of all the Rural Free Delivery Routes of Cabarrus County, contain- ins the names of about 2.000 natrons t these routes. This is a Complete nil nM I, at tnH la invalnnhlA ia 1 . business men. ' . It contains the names of patrons on the seven routes from Concord, the - three from Mount Pleasant, the three from Harrisburg,. one from Eannap s olis, and one from Glass; It is the . only complete R. F. D. Directory of this eounty ever issued. ' ? The price is 2.00 and it is worth many times' this price to business men. Cii3 farther aotlcs I will give 10 per , cent, discount on all weddiiSS invitations and announcements. . I represent one of this best engraving houses in America, and the prices , are very reasonable. J. B. Eb err ill. tarsi Free ZJl'.v-y ' Ilrertory for sale at Times-Tribune office. Con tain's 2.0G0 names of patrons on the 15 rtral routes in 'Cuharras. Price .. .,y l-tf rOREST KTT.I. NEWS. Mr. Linker Beturns to HopewelL Several Personal Items. Mrs. Ida Dennis has returned to her home in Rocky Mount after spending the holidays here with Mrs. i t r T) -: . - fr YroA T.inW hu retnrned to HopewelL after spending a few days here wits his family. Mr. : Linker has been working as electrician at the Dupont works for several months and will probably move his family to Virginia at an early date. 'Miss Corda Bost, of Catawba, is visiting in the city at the home of her sister, Mrs. Robert Hullender. Miss Nannie Lee Ross leaves to morrow for Albemarle to spend ten days with relatives., " ' Mrs. Bruce Arrowood and children have returned to their home in Bes semer City, after spending the holi days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Mills, on Church street. " j' . Mr. and Mrs. Sam McLester, of China Grove spent Sunday in the city with relatives. v Mr. Wo Cochrane has been ap pointed keeper of Oakwood cemetery and -took charge of this work yes terday. ' ' ; ..' " Mr. W. T. Mills has returned from King's Mountain, where he went to visit relatives for a few days. A ' Mr. Wm Wood, of McCall, 8. CV, iSvVisitintr his parents, Mr and Mrs. Jno. it. Wood, this week. , Mfc Chaa, West, of King's Moun tain, is visiting his father, Mr. A- C. West s'--;-: Mr Jno. Crowder has returned to his home at South Kannapolte, after spenoing a bosb in wto wo- . - a t J ing wrougn we nouaays wuu kinson-Widenhouse Company. Richmond ,fter gpendine a few dayg MrsJaa. Woods has returned to ?ti 31 and Mrs ere lthJ8. Parent. M'- .. Mr- iJn.K - I T R. i,.'! ' l. . n.i:u - 8pendine a week at the hom6 0f 1 gaily Sapp. s I ' - DEMOCRATS PLAN - LIVELY CAMPAIGN. Activity Of Republicans and Prores, ' slves Causes Leaders to Spnr.UP; , Washington, Jan. 3. Democrats wl) J?ZJErZ& i i.?Srt,. TmnaC K aaltntntherftrr who returned from the State today with all their might the -- force of former Senator Butler and the Re publican organization which is more . .. . 1 1 . cans were sent to Congress. The activities of the Republicans and Progressives have caused the spective districts to work He will i come to Washington within the next few weeks to hold other conferences. ; Democrats do not believe -that re cent rumblings heard from the -State will be followed by any split in the ?party ranks when.it is realized that Messrs. Butler, Walser ' and other Roosevelt Republicans are going to make ft desperate effort -to carry several Congressional ' districts this year. . . - Senators Simmons ", and Overman and Representatives Pou, Webb, Page and Dousrhton think that 'the Democrats will be united in Novem- ber' ' ' r Rear - Admirals Prohibited From Speaking on Navy Programme. ' (By Tha SaaaelateS Prna Washington, Jan. 4. Secretary Daniels disclosed today that he bad declined to permit Rear Admiral mm) or near Aanurai ivmijm . io speak on the navy 'programme even though-lie was assured that the pro posed addresses would not" be ma-lo public. The request was mane by J, W. Soott, president of the commercial club, of Ch:cago, by telegraph to President Wilson., . To Check Pellagra in the SoutL . (By The JuwactateS Prcaa) . Washington, Jan, 4. Pellagra Ras become such a menace in the South that Secretary McAdoo today, asked Congress for lOO.MO for study -and sanitary work in rural sections par ticularly with a view of checking that disease and typhoid fever. ; , k; Tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock is the time for the big sale, to begin at the Bell ft Harris Furniture Co.'s. This will be a great money-saving event. The first 100 persons enter ing their store at the opening tomor row morning, who make a purchase of 50 cents or more, will be given a handsome present free. See quarter page ad. today. , . , , ; CONCORD, N. C, TUESDAY, JANUARY 4, 1915. OG!l snUAM GilAVEST YET FACED w " PERSIA CASE. hpegt inicx ed:;jnistritiox Offldsi Announcement That the Gov ernment Will Act la the Newest ' Phase of v the Submarine Crisis Brought on by the Sinking of the Persia Was Announced Today at the Whits House. This Statement Was Issued: . The President sad Secretary of State An Taking Ev ery Means Possible to Obtain the Facts. ' " t ' ' (By The AweiafS fw) . ' . . . . . - . . Washington, Jan. 4. Uincial Bn-luqridetion'. was seen, California nouncement that the government will preferred was heavy on .rumors of a act on the newest phase of the sub- nitcn fa connection with its propos marine crisis brought on by the sink-L merge ,rith Mexican . Petroleum, ihg of the Persia was announced to- Mexican opened strong with gains day a the White House.' Secretary .; in Coppers. Mercantile Marine Tumulty issued this statement for the ' preferred and New York Air Brake. President: . . .r " t -. ,vs. I United States Steel was steadv but "The President and. the Secretary ! of State are taking every means pos-; sible to obtain the cold facts in this grave matter and will act just as soon informatiol, i, obtained." the abgence of detaUed kni 8p6. :fnrmai:nn mhi,h tn v-.-th . p;j, xr:un ,.n the fabinet KM toda, but conferred with Sena- tor Stone of the Senate Foreign -Ro- ;lations Committee; Senator ; Stone told the President 4? that some Senators were preparing to Pierket opened steady at anauvance make soeeches on the sinkine of sMds bf 5 to 10 points todav, iiL-response rdent is nndersTood to havi simplyrt ! nary contracts filing at 12.33) March i- 1 It, nnaersiooa 10 db simpiy re- t s 2-.n.-Ii SbSwj tl Ihe'SLen .Ufa r. "..W f9jXWJ!l i ri,uis. , , tT ' N . '. ...:.,.. nt 5hrnftf d 5?.mtpr Lansing to "brintr immediately to 'th Hs W new 1 information to hand and then busied himself reading the official d-spatches so far received and gett'ng in touch in general with the situation. The administration is depend'ng largely on the inquiries which Am bassador Pen field has been instructed to make' at: Vienna and that-which consuls are Catherine elsewhere to establish the nationality 6f the sub- marine" which is said to have sunk the Persia and to develop the facts in the ease generally. ' , - . Consul General Sk'nner at Iondon' today advised the State Department ;enantile stores in . West Durham. ' vivors of the Persia and gave direc that the telegraphic list of survivors (pj,e j0M ;g estimated by Fire Chief i.tioa to the cruiser as to where the receivea inere a.a not conwiu inp name of B. N.,Mceeley, American consul at Aden. ; : U ( P " Eleven survivors, including Lord Montaeue, have been landed at Malta, according to adtrices to the State De-j parfment from American Consul Kebi linger. : His disnatoh said seven In dians of the Persia's crew had been found elinfflnT to damaged open bont by the fitoamshrp Hlnirchow. A11 tho men said the Persia had been torpe doed w'thout warning. COMMISSIONERS MEET. I'' , Dawrhters of nfeeracv to Erect Aril nL w.Mni.i i mJw. " ? T ? Highway, . The board of county commission - ers held itsregular monthly meeting at tne court nouse yesteraay. in A4rJitiAH 4-- Attn nrM I Mi nl.nn , , eVli A u j -.3 a ... The salary of the eounty: demon stration agent, If. i. Goodman, was , :-000j s-vk r.n This is only a part of Mr. ' Good man 's Balary, the department of ag riculture paying the remainder. ' The 'chairman was' authorized to 7h, expenseof pavbg North Chnrch pn v a nnr.a Tnr inn nnnr.v's annra in street. The daughters of tfie Confederacy were granted permission to place a suitable arch over the National High' way at the Jackson Training School bonle? v.erein -T.??? A , petition asking-, that a - public S UneM: be8!8 furnishing clothing ioadbemadebegmningata point on ;n'a.fel "nd ,n other the Flowe store t road near the oldCB,,M of dlstres8-" " , Fred Starhes piaee.and btersectingl :M of -r!v?Snet Ptfr tha p;nn. Mill. maJ r Tiink . will hold its annual White Sale the White place,fwas put before . the board. The superintendent of roads was authorized to report on the prop osition at the next' meeting' of the board. : ' " '.' ' '' '' ' , i, ' 1 i i i i i rn .' ,".,. ;MrVance.'Fyte, of Charlotte, a convert . of the Cbaptcan-Alexander meeting,' who before the meeting had been a noted chicken fighter and gambler, will speak at West Concord Baptist Church next Sunday at 11 a. m. and 6:30 p. m. . ; ' , 1,829,263 MEN PRESENT THEMSELVES FOX SEE VICE Lord Derby's Recruiting Fgnres for Per(od From October 23 to Decem ber IS. ' . .; , - iT The imrtiHl Fwi) . London, Jan. 4. Lord Derby's re reerniting figures fur the period be tween October 23 and December 15, show that $1450,000 unmarried men and 1,679,263 married men presented themselves for service.- - Of the grand total of 229,263 mar ried and single men, 103,000 unmar ried and 112,431 married enlisted im mediately; 840,000 single men and 1,344,979 married men were attested for future service. 1 Of the single men 207,000 and 221, 853 married men were rejected. THE STOCK MARKET. RAnge in Fries is Generally Higher N " i: NToda. ..'.-. " ; (By The km eUttS Pim) Kew York, Jan. 4. -The range of prices was generally higher at to day's opening. - though here and there signs of further profit-taking of leading rails, including SI PaVil, Union Pacific and Erie were higher from' a fraction to a full point. The strength of Anglo-French lives sug gested runner investment inquiry, COTTON MARKET. Cotton Opened Steady at Advance of Five to Ten Points. ( (By Tha AaaaelateS Prml New. York, Jan. 4. The cotton I 1 ' . .' ... . , 1 ! reference to international affairs and rmcm in lniernauomu autura aiiu 'the list soon sagged back to two or three points under last night's do in figures. . j The market opened stee y. Janu- ary, 12.33: March. 12.53; May, 12.75; July, 12.90; October, 12.54, BIG FIRE AT DURHAM. , L - $12,500 Fire in West Durham Tnes r day Morning. v (By Tba AaaaelatcS Frcaa) - Durham. Jan. 4. Fire of an nn- - , -v. ' x , r. . T. 1 t?; 1 ! Tn'.t n,n;7 J a allV destroyed a lare two.P " t ' . i.;im i th mar. "We explained that we were sur- christian at $100. The buildings ,!! hv atoraa Iwlonffinff to'. j; Winnicomm. James S. Davis and , , w o. Kwirnev. The bnildintrs be ' longed to E. G. Davis, of Hender son. The total insurance amounted to $6,000. V THE WHEAT MARKET. Prices Took Downward Tarn Today. Lower Quotations From Liverpool. - . ... (By Tha AaaaeUtcS Piaa) , ' Chicago, Jan. 4. Wheat prices took a downward swine today, influenced 1 t-i: T "y lu.wer q.uuu"T " Tl' I Opening prices, which Tanged , one-1 fo;rth off t0 mat,ub. vp with May ' at 123 to 123 3.8( with Juiy at H8 1-8., were fonowed hy , a decided general ' 8etback and then a rally that failed to . . ' . . . . , i Inst, The King's Daughters Meeting. . . The Stonewall Circle" of King's, Daughters teld its regular monthly i meeting- last n'ght .at the home of Mrs. P. R. McFadyen, on Grove Street. The visiting committee for December i reported that ten of the Stonewall . ... ..... ,ir,rC,e.ln!mbf Lf 11 Mrs. A, G. Odell and spent the at temoVn sewing for five unfortunate children, all of one family. The Circle also paid the expenses of two nurses latter part, of February. The eom- m ttee in charge or solicitations is Mrs. T, D. Maneas, Misses ; Mary Morrison and Addie White., V, : ; The "visiting eommittee for January is Mesdames W. S. Bingham,; J. F. Cannon and Miss Jena Coltrane. '; The February meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Maness., , , .. . . v ;, --' ' V'-'i At a meet'ng of Elm Camp W. 0. W, this evening officers for the en suing year will be installed, . : 40 Gents Month f Cents TELLS OF SB OF STEAIIER PERSIA CHARLES GRANT, SURVIVOR, ARRIVES W ALEXANDRIA. BEST DEIAILEO BCCOliNT RECEJVfD Was la Dining Room When a Terri ffie Explosion Occurred. No Panic on Board. Hs Slid Down Star board Rail Into Water and Clung to Some Wreckage. Persia Had Bow la Air Firs Minutes After Explosion. Floated on Wreckage Until 4 O'clock Next MomiM and i Was Picked TJn V, & Ht n,,-'"1 was ncxea Up by s Boat Those in Boats Picked TJp by a Cruiser." , (By The AwwcUtcS Prcaa) Alexandria, Egypt, via London, ?l T161 . ' ot. 08Wn one of the two Americans known to, have been on board the Persia when she was torpedoed Thursday, has ar rived in Alexandria. Mr. Grant gave to the Associated Press today the most detailed ac count yet received. ' "I was in the dining room of the Persia at 1:05 p," he said "when a terriffie explosion ocurred. ' : ' ' The saloon became filled with smoke, broken glass and steam from the boiler, which appeared to have burst. There was no Danic on board.! I went on dark nn drilled nnH Ton-., ed to boat on starboard side and ves- sel has listed to port. I clung to the railing. r.,j "As the vessel was listing so bad- I., ik.i Z k , 1 i. - 1 L ' ""' l" the starboard boat. I slid down the climbed on some floating wreckage w x j , l- ker bow in the air five-minutes hha tha imtlnai'nn ' ' ! . ' 1 r 1 , 1 'After : floating A about on the the wreckage Until W o'clock i morning I saw live boats I owe, to one , of them. We in I was rowed ; about looking for other strugglers. 'lotner boatg were. They were 800n The boats became overloaded fnnnA nn tha wonnant fnton and the occupants were distributed. r uur , uuuia were neu logeiuer ana the nith xoilowed some distance away, My'l boat left the others in order to search the more frequented steam. ship channels for help. We rowed for hree honrs- Tnen we were Pl T ' IF YOU JOIN OUR OMSMAS RANKING CLUB DEPOSIT $100 A WEEK FOR 50 WEEKS AND HAVE $50 NEXT CHRISTMAS. YOU CAN ALSO DEPOSIT 25 OR 50 CENTS OR MORE EACH WEEK. WE ALSO HAVE 1, 2, 5 OR 10 CENT CLUBS. IN 50 WEEK, - , 1-CENT CLUB - 2-CENT CLUB 5-CENT CLUB 10-CENT CLUB '- YOU CAN M-oo ocrWir $1.00 EACH WEEK. - . . . . .. COME IN WE WILL TELL YOU ABOUT IT. ' ' -COME IN AND GET A CHRISTMAS BANKING CLUB' BOOK FREE ' ' , ' A.Jort)Kt, Ami a r ' Jo fc Arrf C3itx ; , U i -i JbiiTii a Copy. 102 State Ubrr 4- BLACKWELDER. 80SSAM0N. Mies Hilda Sossamoa Weds Mr. Os car Blackwelder, The following announcement from' the Charlotte Observer iU be f marked interest here, the home of the contracting parties: . Miss Hilda Sossamon, of Cabarrns- , County and Mr. O. A. Blackwelder, . ' of Concord were quietly married in ! this city last evening at 8 o'clock at -the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Douglass, 1010, South Tryon street, Rev. Walte J. Smith, rector of St. Mary's Chapel, performed the cere mony which was. witnessed by a fuw intimate friends. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Blackwelder left on -Southern train No. 38 for New York where they will attend the automo- " bile show. 1 . t " The bride is well known in Cabar- ' rus County and is a pretty andlae complislied young woman.' Mr. Blackwelder is a resident of Concord and is successful! v eneaned th garaR business, the style of the firm hmn riv-m- a Douglass, the latter, Mr. L. B. Doug lass, of tins city. , . . Mr. and Mrs. Blackwelder had ex- sided a day or two ago to be quietly married anrl Imm tor K. ,tnKJi"l married and leave for the automobile show which is being held in New York this week. BIG STEAMER AT : , - MERCY OF GALES. All Passengers Safely Taken front ' Her. Crew Wish to Abandon Her: " (By Tk A Prcaa) New York, Jan. '4. The erew of; the Greek steamer Thessolania wish- ed to abandon the ship, which has been at the merev of eales and liiarh 8688 for tea da.vs. acording to a radio message received here today from tie steamsmp united etates. ' The Thessolania. which has been ,.. Wnlaoa nwini va ka ' nnvf inl flwJ "J tZ Mg.of her boiler and engine room, . United States saymg that 90 of the crew remained on the Greek steamer, passengers , had been j fely traneferred to. the s .teamship- ; Partirs. of the same bne. ' , . - Cotton is bringing 12 1-4 eents on this market today. 1 .u '.lj j. a 0ff immediately by the English sail- 0rs, 4 'Robert McNeeley. American Con- , sul at Aden, sat at same table with men on the voyage. He was not seen. probably because his cabin was on ta port side. V .1 ' i "It was a horrible scene. The water was as black as ink. Some passengers were screaming, others eallieg out goodbye. Those in one boat sang hymns." PAYS PAYS PAYS PAYS $ 11.75 25.50 63.75 127X0 til HER IS uR 50 CENTS, OR Guzoziraii 4 V

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