eimn: i : . p 1 ej ;a r i .to i bus : VOL. XVI. J- B. .SHESJULL. Editor and Publisher CONCORD. N. C, TUESDAY, JANUARY 18, 1916. 40 Cents Month I Cnta Copy. NO. 1U c vailes,ti;l!BA!;dit CHWfXKUTED wrT.T.Trr. BY FIKING SQUAD 10- DAT AT JATTREZ. 1HE PP0CEED1K0S WIRE f ERT B31EF 1101 LODGE MEEFS IN RALEIGH "HREB. BUT NOT OP A KIND. RIGHT TO DECLARE dS.JiuuirriHf CO! IE A E SOUIHON HIS TOUR WHICH WILL ALSO INCLUDE POINTS IN MIDDLE WEST. first session or annual HAS BEEN AGREED UPON BT THE ENTENTE ALLIES. MEET TO BE HELD TONIGHT. f pv -VaUea 8aid He Wu Not Responsible : for the AcU of VISa, and Demand ad to 8ee"TYouf OonvraL" Com. sunder of Firing Squad "Said He Hsd Orders to KilL and He Carried Out Hit Ordera in a Hurry More Than 1,000 Refugees Arrive at El r Paw. All Were Aboard a Special Train Sent to Bring Them from the Mining District. i if? Tli Associate Press) El Paso, Jan. 18.-Colonel Miguel Baca Valles, bandit chief, captured at Palomaa, was executed this morn in? by a firing squad at Jaurez. The proceedings were "brief. The prisoner said: "I am not responsible for the acts of Villa,. I be? to see your general." The officer command ing the firing squad said he had ord ers to kill and he and bis soldiers stepped close to Vallea and pointed nnint-hliuik into tha brisoner'a heart. More Than 100 Refugees Arrive at El .- pr. El Paso, Jan. 18. More than 100 refugees from Chihuahua arrived here early today aboard a special train which started from the Mexi can mining district yesterday after coon. They reported Villa' bandits scouring the country, clearing ranch. . mines and other property belong ing to foreigners of. everything vat auble. As far as is known refugees said no one was molested after the 18 Americans were massacred a week 'ago at Santa YsabeL ., : y THE COTTON MARKET, v ' trong Liverpool Cablet Fail to Pro , note any Important Demand ' (Br Tha Aaeedatea' Preaa) '. -Mew York, Jan. 18. Strong Liv erpool cables failed to promote any important demands- in the cotton market here at the opening today and firm prices were three points lower to two points higher with ac tive old crop positions selling about two to three points under last night's closing figures. There was a fair de mand around 12.49. for March, 12.72 for Mav and 12.85 for Julv. howev- er, and prices rallied -during tha.and .tfae European supply totals had this week, as the time for Tepresen morning on Liverpool buying, while! only temporary bearish effect, Op-jtation in this edition is now growing there also seemed to be some scatter- i ening prices, which ranged from 1-8 short. ed coverings , by recent local sellers.; to 7-8 higher, with May at 129 1-8 Every citizen, who has the welfare New Orleans was . a moderate seller to 129 1-2 and July at 122 1-8 to of his community at heart should en- on the advance, which carried the tive nositions three to eight coints i net higher toward the middle of the morning. ' . Cotton futures opened steady. January. 12.36; March, 1251; May., 12.72; July, 12.85; and October 12.78. MRS. PVERCASH IS . . STILL ALIVE TODAY. Shot Sunday Night at Homo of Her Parents But Little Hope Tor Her Recovery.;: - (Br Tha AssaetateS Press) Statesville, N. C.t Jtfn. 18. Mrs. Houston Overcash, who was shot Sun- day night at the home of ber parents in Iredell, still was alive today, but physiaians pronounced her condition critical and said there was little hope for her recovery. Oouston Overcash, .tin wAman a niianann wnA . a .niiw. ed with the attempted assassination, denies that he did the shooting, The person who shot Mrs. Overeash fired through a window and more than 100 bird shot entered the woman's head and neck. Her mother. Mrs. Robert Winecoff, who was in the room at the time, also was struct: by sever al shot, but was not seriously injur ed. Overcaah and his wife, it was said, had been estranged and Over cash, the authorities declare, is said fo have made threats against her. Prominent Masons from Sooth Caro lina and Virginia Are Also Pres ent Orand Master Hobgood is at Present in California, and Caffinnot Be Present A. B. Andrews, Depu ty Grand Master, Will Preside Over Sessions. Officer for the Ensuing Tear to Be Elected Wed nesday and Sessions WQ1 Conclude on Thursday. Br The Associate Press) Raleigh, Jan. 18. The annual com munication of the Masonic Grand Lodgs of North Carolina will bein here tonight with delegates present from practically every lodge in the State. Prominent members of the order of South Carolina and Virginia are also here for the meeting. Frank P. Hobgood Jr., of Greens boro, grand master of the grand lodge, at present, is in California and will not bs in attendance. In the ah- ? .f Mr: Io,b?t?d ,A ?' Au: idrews, Jr. of Rale.gh, deputy grand luaaici, 'win jjresiue uvcr me luiie. Officers for the ensuing year will be elected Wednesday night and the J concluding sessions will take pluce Thursday morning. TTLTTW ATTTM TO GREECE r wm.v. Fn, ,.j (lrsst et-i- Vnamt vu i6"cu n Mf 6""5 away irom nere. xne liner also car mnee and Great . Britain Present ir:-d B , Whit;lo.b J-rn Min ;.t, ' , zm 4 ,, . NetO to Oeek Govemtnent fay T Asaaelatea rm) Berlin) Jan. 18. A note to the Greek gevemmenk.' auiou.ntin7 to an ultimatum," i said , by .the Oveirseas 4ltew Agency to have een preached by France and Great Britainir Acr cording to a Sofia dispatch to tb? Sews agency Greece is required to eliver their passports to' the minis ters of. the Central, powers within 48 Jiours. failing to do which the entente powers will take "necessary steps." THE WHEAT MARKET. Higher Cable Positions Put Strength in the Wheat Market : (By Tha Aaaselated Press) Chicago) Jan. 18. Higher cable positions put strength today in wheat sc-jl22 1-2; were followed by a moderate reaction and then a fresb upturn. At The Theatorium Today, "His Majesty, tha King." No more charming play has been released recently than "His Majesty, the King" tells of the adventures of two royal children at the Theator. ium today. Innocent of the ssrious ness of the dangers which beset her self and the infant k'hg, the little j Princess Helen (tlayed bv Helen Badgley, the Tbahhouser kiddie) looks upon tfeir flight and conoealment among the peasantry as a delightful back to Babv Brothcr out 0f nosfnTrA H thmllinef nrfA nn hnrflA. t. of theip foe. while nnde. taken with all possible understand'ng - r ' of their immediate peril, still retains jth6 gparkiinjf quai:ty of a Bt0ry-book Ldventnre Helen, n0 matter what happens, is "game." ParksJBelk Co.'s Annual January White Sale. : i The big annual January White Sale at the Parks-Belk Co.'s will begin Thursday morning, January 20, at 9 . o'clock, and continue through Mon day, January 3L They are now mark ing with yellow tags the goods for this sale, and on Thursday morning the store will not open till 9 o'clock. They are going to offer' you these white goods at 8 cent cotton prices. xney do not have this sale in order to get rid of old goods, as -all goods have gone awav up In price and are hard to get. ! This is your last chance to buy cotton goods at prices on a basrs of 8 cent cotton. See the three big psges of ads. today. . Mrs. Montgomery Batter. . . (Baaeial to The Trthanae) Greensboro, Jan. 18. -At 1 o'clock the eondition of Mrs W. J Mont gomery, who was. this morning re- ported as dangerously sick at the home of Doctor Dodson. where she is visiting, was very much improved, '.V Left to Right: brand Whitlotk, United House, President Wilson's M senger to American Ambassadors in Eu rope; Capta'n Karl Boy-Ed, .missed German Attache. ",lJWU1 uj-&a, uwwn aitui-ue oi me emoassy :n wasnington gtood on the deck of the Duten-l Tier Rotterdam the other day, and smiled Brussels, and Col. E. M, House, ho is going abroad with messages to American ambassadors at forei capitals. They were all bappy, even Boy Ed, who is leaving the United, utesbecause the United States ' didn't wsnthim.hereiuyrmoeviiiU.y;.;,,;" . CABARRtiTOPPO: ;;SDrmoXL nuom Meeting With Hearty Co-operation of Merchants and Business Men. The Cabarrus Opportunity Edition is meeting with the hearty co-opoia-tion )t the merchants and business men of this community, who foresee excellent results from such an edi-!Vtt tion. There still remain some of our business men who have not yet had this matter placed before them. They, howevea. will be approached within list in this enterprise, which has for its object the furthering of the in terests of our city and county. c, The work of compiling this edition is going rapidly ahead, and some of the copy is already being set up. So 'now, while the time is ripe, let us combine to tell the rest of the coun try who we' are, what we are, what we have, and what we are doing. Thus can we help the city and coun ty of which we are justly proud. MR. HENRY MABERT Died This Morning at Morganton. ' Funeral Tomorrow. Mr. Henry Mabery died this morn ing at Morganton, a message convey ing this information having been re ceived by his brother, Mrs. William Mabery. f Mr. Mabery was a native of Stanly county and -is survived by his wife and several children, who live at Kannap olis. He is also survived by four brothers, Messrs. Frank. Marshall, Will am and R chara Mabery, and Ave sisiers, Mesdames Frank Miller. Jason Fisher, Porter Fox and Misses Mary and Rosa. The body will be sent here and is expected to arrive tonight. The fun eral will be beld here but the hour and other arrangements have not been decided upon. ARGUMENTS COMPLETED. And Brown Case, Started Yesterday, Will Reach Jury Today. : . The ease of Mrs, Bettie.F. Brown I vs. Southern Railway will reach the r . ,' a . . . jury mis aijsrnoon. Argument oy counsel was concluded this morning, Mr. J. Lee CrowelV of counsel for the plaintiff finishing his speech just before the court adjourned for noon recess, judge uong win cnarge tns jury immediately upon the reconven- ing of court. Mrs. Brown is aim? tbe, Southern Railway for $20,000, for the death of her husband. , test States Minister to Belgium: E. M. . PERSONAL MENTlOJir - Peoplo from Concord And ElseVhera ; ; Who Coma And Pol : r 'Sahbury Post,; Mr. R. A. Shinn, a former Salisburian, now located in Concord, spent Sunday iu the city. Mr. Olin Hoover, of Richmond, is viting his mother, Mrs. D. R. Hoover. a a . Air. L. 15. hpence, or Uoldsboro, IS a Concord visitor today. , t n ' Mr.. B. Gnffln, of Marshville, is visiting friends here. Mr. M. M. McBrayer. of Shelby. is, a Concord visitor today. a Mr. Harrison, of the American leiepnoue company, was here yes-i A J 1 . luruoy mieruoon on ousiness. r Mr. C. E. Simmons, of Baltimore, a former citizen of Concord, is a visitor here today. Mr. D. H. Harry, of Greensboro is a visitor here today. Dr. S. 0. Holland, the osteopath who has been practicing .here for some time, left last night for Salis - bury, where he will locate for the practice of his profession. a s Mr. D. R. Harry, of Greensboro, is a visitor here today. ' Mr. H. P.- Deaton,, editor of the Mooresville Enterprise, is' spending the day here with his mther. Mrs. M. G. Deaton. THE STOCK MARKET. Few Features of Interest Developed in Today's Trading. Rv Tk. . New York, Jan. 18. Few features' of interest developed in today's early trading, prices showing no material change except in the special group, K lt2iZd n flVp6 h eave rromise of retaining all their two years ago directed tno prosccu- rCtTmTnence and stLg h. the tion of Mr. Bilbo on charges of brib- commonPshares advancing a t of which he was acquitted, took the new reeord of 23 sJ Li Fartilirer'no part in the inauguration. The na.nIarrv VirBia-Crolina Cham. ioai, aiso suppiemeniea yesieraay a gains, but elsewhere the list " mani- fested similar 'tendencies. United States Steel and leading rails were boderately lower. 3 : , A rip raring comedy, "Two Hearts and Thief.' also a two-reel drama featuring little Henel Bagley, tbe! Thanhouser kid, will be run at the tnoaionum louay. 11 MEET 10 EJITER PROTEST, Virtually Certain That the -Formal Blockade of the Central Powers by a More Rigid Application of the "Ultimate Destination" Doctrine Win Result in the Bitter Protests of Holland, Sweden, Denmark and Possibly Norway Being Added to That of the United States. Gov. O'Neal Speaks on Preparedness To day. B The Associates Press) Washington, Jan. 18. The r'ght to fleclare a tor.ral blockade of the Cen- tral Powers by a more rigid applica- paign in behalf of his preparedness tion of the "ultimate destination" programme into the South. Prenara d'etrine" has been asrreed upon by the tions were be"un at tbe White House Entente Allies, aefordin? to informa- today of the itinerary of the scveial tion in diplomatic circles here to- trips the President expects to take 'lay. within the net few months. It is regarded here as virtually cer-; The President believes that in some tain that application of the blochade sections the necessity of streng;hen'ng to neutrals will result in the United the army and navy fully is not real States opposition being supplement- ied. Tnvitat:ons to visit more than ed by the bitter protest of Holland, 499 rit:s in luding points iu the Sweden, Denmark and possibly Nor- Sonth rave been received, way. j Indications today were that aside Gov. O'Neal Speaks on Preparedness. rom p's snee-hes n New York. Jan- Washington, Jan. 18. Former Gov- "rr an'1 '""re February 10th, the ernor O'Neal, of Alabama, speaking President will deliver most of. the ad at the closing session of the National n te Middle West with pos- Civic Federation today, sa'd the para- mount duty of America is prepared ness. He deoktnd that it was d'ffi- cult to believe .thatthe "peace St any pnee aavocaiesv' realised tbe flebaa - g demoralizing doctrine tbey preach. The most serious opposition in Don - grew to the prenaredness programme win wovemor ueai, is exueeted. Jll-nd- of t House. Marina from those who opr antdnet'en C!tiaa.. Mr. ilexaiides Wd "he in the tar tbe ffpoik-tarrd.M-t ETPERT. TO GIVE AID IN FRAMING TAX LAW. Dr. Charles L. Raper Accepts ; Invi. , tation to Assist Joint Legislative Committee. Durham. Jan. 17 Dr. CharleS Lee Rapes head of the Department of Economics in tha TTnivnra!nr nf Nnrth Carolina and rural investicntnr .-tnr ,the Untted States Department of Ag- Iriculture, has accented an invitat'on to confer in framing a new tax sys-..ed tern in New York. Dr. Raper is ranked as one of the taxation experts of the country. He is author of a book on taxation and a book on railway transnorta'nn. He has studied the system of tixit:oi abroad and extensively in the Unit ed States. SENATE SMITH ADDRESSES SENATE Says Extension of British Blockade Will Not Give Allies Additional Power to Restrict Trade. (Br The Associated Press) Q o - 18. benator Washington, Jan, Hoke Strith. addressing the Senate today, declared that the extension of the British blockade would no; give the All'es additional powers to re strict the trade of neutrals. The Sen ator had printed in the Record a pov tion of the Sta;e Department's note to Great Br.tam of March 30. 191;j, ' expressing the assumption that 'even thouah a blockade existed innocent shipments soiild b" transported from the United States t'lroughneutral na tions through belligerent territory. . . , , , i Inaugurated Governor of Mississippi. I (Br Tha Associates Press) Jackson, Miss,. Jan. 18. Theodore! August, 1014. Bilbo was inaugurated Governor News Arrives in England Too Lata of Mississippi at noon today, sue- 0J 0wDmenr eeeding Governor Earl Brewer, un- t ia t .... Ooveto" Bllb0 SerV'ed LieUtenanherenndof 1 ' inaugural committee stated Mr. Bil - m, " Brewer to make an address at his inauguration. Bre wen; in .a tate. ment. said be did not propose to be humiliated by being paraded to the Capital and shunted to one side arid n declined to attend the. ceremonies. j jei8 t0 invjstigate the explosion on , r "" submarine E-2, which resulted (n tha ' "The Millionaire Baby," at UhmIobs of-five lives and injury to five Marsh today. -'Selig feature in sk pans.- ureaw oee n. . PREJlREIIfiESS Will BE HIS TOPIC Preparations Were Begun at the White House Today of the Itiner rary of Several Trips tha Presi dent Expects to Take Within the Next Few Months. Tha President Believes That in Some Sections the Necessity of Strengtheninj the Army and Navy Fully is Not Realis edIndications Today Were That His Visit Would Include the South. (By Tha Associate Psess) Washington. Jan. 18. President Wilson may carry his speaking cam- J 8oni 'n South. Wll Press Shipping BTL, Wash'nH"n. Jan.- 18. Tentat've a-refwert on e terras of fte sdmin , i8tran sning bill wbieh will be , mrenvd in Congress his scsaiou was 'resW M it i tnmttmum- W - tween PnmAml WUboti and, Om waV nd rnre doing so wo?M;.make it-nnhJi'!,t Ji Vnown to inelndfl pro- vir'on fT a rnn5n? board tn re?xi- i1nfa.rtes mnrh tke nama wV ih in. tptfa eiymirr eomm-'minn nn- ra" 'IWhi1s nd elan ttrovidoa for fcoiija-'tSnn f cK'-i wW;ch rotv be us ed' as uavM suTiHariea. :' Facts About Pesdy. Wa-'n"on. Jan. 18. After' talk- in w'tV SA-ret-rv T.anaW futav Snat Stnne. ' chaSrVnan of e tar- e;"-rel"trons, r""Tn?Hee. said be hop- 1.a Atfn nn tn Mexican "Huation, pqVrd W ta Ret. wftiuld be ready Officin's of flie State Denartment x-rra w,i-V:nr to mt tna'er'al redy h"t. v:'.tn-' U might not be resdy hefore Thursday. MONTENEGRO HAS ASKPD FOR PEACE. Beset on All Sides by Enemies and All Retreat Cut Off, Beset on the north, east anil west by Austro-Hungarian armies and with all lines of retreat cut off, ex- cept into Albania, where hostile . .', . . . gro has asked Austria-Hungary for peace, and her request has been granted. The, unconditional laying down of arms by Montenegro was made the basis of ' the opening of TttciAn niimfiotiAna anil llAniiiinnn ac ted termg . e)J fcy duR, monarc, N. ' onarchy. This announcement was made to the Hungarian parliament by Pre mier Tisza, and it was met with an ovation on the part of tha membetn of the chamber. Thus comes the first withdrawal of any belligerent from either of the alliances that have be?n fighting with each other since ; """'"'"H newspapers In giving th. ?ws-, , K" that the event was not unexpect- ie 8 ?."COM3luenB erustung or Serbia. - Court of Inquiry Convenes, , (Br Tk Assectatea- Praaak VaahTVnrt. .Tan 18 Tlia fntrr . Tnnnirv. annnintail bv Rocrotanr Flan- otherrf. convened at New York, nm vara today. f