VOL.XVL J. a SHEREILU Editor and PubHabe CONCORD, N. C SATU JAY, JANUARY 22, 1915. 40 Cots a U ootb i Carta Cf- -NO. 113 1 r ' 'I-, - " 'i- 9 ,. ,...... .' : v ......Lit : DM All ART) THEREBY; rURTHEB AO. '- GBAVATE TENSE SITUATION. " "" . iiicisMiicms.iraii TenM Situation, at & Pm Produced V By the Santa Ysabal lCassacre Wu Today Aggravated By' tho Ki3inf of Bert Akors, An American Ranch ui at Ysleta, Texas, By a Mexi co Cattle Butter Named Duran. According to Carranxa Offlciala Dn ran Claims Self Defense. State- sent Addi That Duran Will Be Tried and Executed, if Convicted. (Br The A Hate rras El Paso, Texas, Jan. 22. Tho tense situation here produced by tbe Isabel " Massaere, today was aggravated when ' details of the killing of Bert Akers, an American rancher from Yslcta, Texas,' became known. Akers was slain, by Bernardo Duran, a Mexican - : cattle rustler, in a fight yesterduy af ternoon at Sen Lorenzo, Chihuahua, a village a few miles below the bor der. General Cavira. commandant al Jaurez, gave out a statement which ' he said covered the circumstances of ' tbe fight as related to him by Duran and his brother and by a squad of Carransa soldiers, who were near the scene.; General Givira declared that Dnran" claimed1 self defense. The general said if found guilty .Duran . would receive prompt ..punishment. . Akers' body .was -brought to Jaurez early. today for identification by. a squad of. police,. " . - Activities were begun today in El Paso among those interested in pre venting a repetition of the riotous de- nionstration that followed the massa cre of foreigners at Santa ; Ysabel January TO- Civilian and military authorities were' early on the alert and plans were laid to impress the people with the necessity of remaining . :,. calm. V'.-v'i.:H'N'.'V 'Ysleta, -Texas," - January e 22. - Douglass Downs, companion of Bert . - Akers, -who was killed yesterday by Mexican cattle and horse thieves just WITH THZ CHTJBCBXS. rirst Baptist.. Preaehing'al 11 a. tn. and 7 p. so. by the postor. Subject of the morning sermon. "Stumbling at Jeans." Even-1 mg: The Ethics of Wealth." A cor dial welcome to all, " ' Trinity Ef ormed. Sundsy school at 10 a. m. Preach-1 ing at 11 a. m. by Rev. J. D. Andrews, I president of Catawba College. No I night service. Everybody welcome tol these services. ' ' St James Lutheran; Third Sunday I After Epiphany. Pastor's Bible Class, 10 a. n itirning service. 11 o'clock, sermon ! I A Liv:ng Faith," Young Men's B.-I ble Class, -2 p. to.; Sunday school, 31 p. m.; Luther League, 630 p. m.; Vespers. 7 p. m.' Sermon ' Christ's Message to the Cbnreh at Pergamosl" Services conducted by the pastor. All are invited. " Bayless Memorial Presbyterian. Preaching at 7 p. m. by Rev. H. F. Beaty. . McKinnon Presbyterian. . Preaching at 11 a. m. by Rer. H. F. Beaty. WTLSC-f TC3 TAMMANY? ) COURT . 3J0URNED. - And Jodg Loaf Left Last Kight for Cherokee Hold Court. Tbe jury in tie esse of J. E. Fin- Iger vs. S. J. Brt ker returned a ver dict in favor of the" defendant. The plaintiff alleged . iemage aa a result I of being struct ; by. an autoeooble driven by the dt ndnt. In the ease of (; t Uome Education al Company vs. James A Page tbe I jury returned a fwsdiet in favor of tbe plaintiff fos fl42. The suit was for $2,300. (essrs. C A. Dnek- I worth and T. P, Manees represented I tbe plaintiff and I). F. Mason and L. T. Hartsell, the fefendant Judge lx) ng it ie tbe motion ior a new trial in tbe! ease of Mrs. Bertie Brown vs. Sou the a Railway la which I the jury returned ;4 verdict of 4.000 and tbe railway eosipany cave notice Jof an appeaL !J4 .' Tbe creek caart against the city I were compronu! DA::Dirs fia::;zd to ju. i;i;:;g hoi last evening and toe to iMurpny to her Byers.- who noted bv tbe iinmissioners for a First Presbyterian. Prencliihg tomorrow by Rev. R. E. Joe Johnson, Tammany Man, to Be I Named Postmaster oil New York- Court adjourn I Judge Long has hold Cherokee co Court Stem was recently re-; board of county term of two year dating from May 1015, returned tofa? to his home in Charlotte. Jf THE STOCK MARKET Loven, pastor of Cannonville Pres- ton that President Wilson had select byterian Church. Morning service .j j, Joh-gon. ione . frfenA Dt . : 1 n I " 7 at ll a. m. evening service ai i p. m. Men's Bible Class 10 a. m. Sun day School at 3 p. m. Tbe announcement from Washing-1 Gains General at tiie Opening of the MarkelftToday. (RV The AmAUU Fnmt al l a. Al I . B I I . one oi ine ngn or leu oowera ox vew York. Jan.! 22. Gains were Charles F. Murphy, boss of Tammany general at the opining of today's " 'w market, out material navances were has brought about ; a storm. The mii consigned W the more specU' President's "civil service reform hative .issues. : United States Indus- tnends in New York believe he is trinl AlmU two more noints Preaching at 11 a, m by the pastor. I making this appointment to placate to yesterday's senaAtional rise, touch Public cordially invited. - Tammany for the coming national me vga on tbe news that the compa- eonvention. Johnson hss held Beveral I nv htA mnAived an enormous order Calvary Lutheran. . offices in Jhe city government, all of I for its products worn the French Sunday School at 9:45 - a. m. I which he obtained because of his loy- government, but sqbn fell back over Preaching at 7 p. m. by tbe pastor. laity 10 juurpny. St Andrewi Lutheran, , . Sunday School at : 9 :45 m. Publie cordially invited. Central Methodist -Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. by Rev. T. W. Smith. Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. - ' Forest Hill MethodLrt. WOEST FLOOD SITUATION OF A DECADE IN ILLINOIS Passenger Traffic Blocked And Towns Left iir Darkness. Chicago Jan.. 21. Northern Illi- eieht points. Conner rose- variably and lurtber response to the extraordinary favor able condition in that industry and war shares ar a whole showed frac tional imDrovements. Oils and Mer cantile Marine Preferred as well as American Woolen md Corn Pro ducts also were! higher. United anu Preschbg at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. nois. tonight fawd the worst flood Ste,SUei11P,cr5 fn by the pastor, Rev. C. M, Short Sun- conditions of a decade. Small streoms Bethlehem; Steel fell 4 to 4S0. Can day school at 9.30 ar m Mr. W. R, had become torrents and larger Pe 8d fcw TkA.Cen ENDORSES HORSE FLESH. I A 1 iww. esf dm . , Mf w r l.j ix uladinn racmc ana xew xotk ueuimi AJA11 -..vnAawetMrttrArft rA I 1 A-iA U- P ma lwer tllO Oil IV iCaT 1168 Of THO ml- visitors wOl receive hearty wel- marooned hundreds of - homes, and wav Kp u" u,uu did :dnagestimated. at many hnn-1 Jl.-, ewwwfisT IXactl UaMrt&1dk&lrt1 AtA. ttiAiiaAnaa floTTar. v'H uiwu VI piuimu.-. y-u. . nTTTnAOO T8 SfiTNT. OF . The DCs Plaines river inundated come, . . Fly Five BOBBERY AND MURDER 1 TATS- Mexican ca:tie ana norse xmeves ju M - Whole sections of Aurora were flood. New York, Jan. 21.-A victim ot oetow tne ooraer. aeciarea toaay inai auui ..w vvv-.yv.w-- - the so-called sleeping sickness, en five Mexicans fired 20Q or more shots Cook Agency and Kills Policeman. Tu-n.tr it. ffnnfl.,.pnti Uenderel bv the bite of the African at them. He said that ne ther he nor Chicatro. Jan. 21v-A ; bandit ae-Ui, PoKafnnipa nnH Snwar rivers, tsetse flv. Dr. Albert C. Pervail, was Akers was armed. , - leomnanied bv a woman, robbed the I of inter- in a state of coma at his Brooklyn Downs, said the. Mexicans who kill-1 tnnnQf atrsnnv nf Thnmna A. Conk I i a hi;on UnnM tnnivfit nnd in the oninion of . - .... , . ... .... . i urunit nuu mMu iwuwaw unus" uwu.w . n . ed Akers Urst urea point oianK at and goni 0f $900 today, wounded the Boats and rafts took the place of physicians had not long to live, him but missed. -Downs then hid in cmhier. killed a Dolioeman. and es-1 . i-tnmnhilefl hi manv Dr. Pervail was bitten by the in 1 -,:.. 1 I . .... I i, . 1.11. In capeo. - . ' - , . towns and cities. sec nve yea wmw- wiu bos-wm, -u,, Hnited States Supreme Aecordinsr to the Dohce the deed I : V tnoa nf lifV mam rannrtoH the mncles of the Uonzo in company eattle will. was the most larinff of years in this ' V,tt nn a Cliieaew. with a band of mining prospectors. ''Another thing in favor of horse urt lor wnt ot error ln city. Ifras accomplished on one of Burlington and Ouincy train were The symptoms of the usually fatal flesh for food is that horses are prac MURDER OF ' AMERICANS DE CREED Df BANDIT CONVENTION. O'lSIlIEillifflfWIB Convsntion Held in November at Which Tims the Bandit Leaden Planned to Murder Americans And Oppose tho Do Facto Government in tho Southern Republic. Santa Ysabel SUnchter Believed to Have Been Conducted Pursuant to the Convention Decree. Administra tion Officials Look to Carransa. Conditions Believed to Be Improved. (By Tke A ! S fraa) Washington, Jan. 22 ' Revolution Mexican bandit leaders had, in con- in convention assembled, decreed death to Americans in Mexico, as well as armed opposition to the de facto government, was the outstanding fea tures in the Mexican situation here today. It became known that tbe agree ment was reached at a formal conven tion held at Cordova, Mexico, in No vember, according to information which came to the State Department at that time. Participants in the dav coach wag a sman boy. badly in- agreement are said to nave mcuiaea representatives of Villa, Zapata and others. The murder of the American uin TRAIN IS STRUCK Uuto li0,T' BT A 8I1 vw ELIDE. All la Two Cars Reported EHUd or Injured, Cars Carried Down Em- f bankment of 800 Foot (SfT Tka tiiirlim ni. Seattle, Wash, Jan. 22. Great Northern train No. 2, the Cascade Limited from Spokane was struck by a snowslide near Korea station, on the west slope of the of tho Cascade, near the summit, this morning. Tbe dining car and day eoaeh were carried down an embankment of 300 feet All persons in the two ears are re ported killed or injured. The train had been stopped by a small elide, which covered the track. Workmen had just completed remov ing the snow and debris from the rails snd the train was about to proceed when an avafanche thundered d'twn from the mountain sid;. Tbe dining car and day coach were struck spare ly and swept away. The other ears snd engine were left on tie track. Two negro porters and a trainman are known to be dead. The dining car is reported burning. The cars in the gulch were not covered by snow as in the 1910 disaster. Then many of the dead were suffocated. Cries for help from the cars in the fulch could be heard on the track above. The first passeuger reached in the riUOD SECTi::.3 SEE RE1EF CiCClO Vr.t IS SWEEFCrO EASTWARD FROM ROCKT MOUNTAINS. ' I mil HI iS POLLUTE) jured. The next two passengers were dead. Five employes of the dining cars mg men by Mexican bandits at Santa I are believed to be dead. It was im- Ysabel recently is believed to nave I possible to learn how many passcn been carried out pursuant to the Cor-1 were ; tj)e day coachcs. dova agreement. , A,Wniatrtinn officials have looked " JSJIOWn to the Carranza, although having been I St. Paul. Jan. 22. 14 bodies have informed as to the rebel movement. I ucen fmind in the wreck at Korea, to prevent the carrying out of threats I c(,or(jing tQ ndvj,,cg received at the againm imencaiis. xur, v yriWWn headquarters here I A - 1 iL. fnittllf WAI I I v. " " " ea w nave tut; b tucttiuu auij " i - in fcnnd now. althousrii revolutionary this altcrnoon leaders still are conducting opera tions.' a Clean, Wholesome Food. Dr. T. N. Spencer, a local veterin arian, is a champion 01 norse . nes i NO REQUEST FOR QLEMENCY RECEIVED By Gov. Craig in Case of Mrs. War- (Br The AaMdateS Prcw) Raleish. Jan. 22.-Oovernor Craig announced today that no request for A Cold Wars Sail By tho Wea&e? . Bureau to Bo Sweeping Eastwapi -From tho Rocky Monntains Today Was Held Out as Bringing Hop For Relief Ttoib tho Flood CooaV - - tions, Which Prevailed in Northern -Illinois and Neighboring . States Yesterday as tho Result of Heavy Rains Following tho Rapid Rise in Temperataro. Water Polluted. Sselal to Tke VrltaSM) Chicago, Jan. 22. A cold wave, said " by the weather bureau to be sweeping eastward from the Rocky Mountain "' region today, was held out as bringing hope for relief from flood conditions A" which prevailed in northern Illinois, and neighboring States yesterday as. a result of heavy rains, following . rapid rise in temperature. ; Thousands of persons, temporarily, were made homeless and the property :. loss is estimated at hundreds of thous- -., ands of dollars. Several cities also are facing epidemics as the result of . .. polution of the drinking. water by tno -flood. THE WORK OF THE ' ' CHRISTIAN VOLUNTEERS. Those Who Have Contributed. Still . , in Need of Funds. Th Christian Volunteers, incorpor ated, who have recentry established a permanent headquarters in tne city at 93 Academy street, are still in need . of funds and any uselul art'.cie ior the Emergency Home. The following business houses have eontrmutea to ward the opening of the work here: Mr. H. I. Woodhouse, Clino & MooseT: Bell Harris,. A- F..Hartsell, L. T. Hartsell, Concord Steam Laundry, C. F. Ritchie, 1.'U Host, 4. 1 nan-. a Mexican rancher s chicken coop, where he found a flint lock musket. . With this he prepared to defend him self, but the slayers abandoned', the -chase. tho case of Mrs. Ida w.ll not be long before it will be fre- Ball Warren and Samuel P- Christy nvently used. "d een receivea oy mm xue m.u "It is a wholescins food because and woman are under sentence to be horses are among the cleanest of do- electrocuted March 3 for the mur- mestio animals," Doctor Spencer der at Winston-Salem in 1914 of G. states. Thcv are mucli cleaner in J. Warren, the woman s himband. their habits than cattle. In fact they " was earnen "ZA will not eat musty, dirty, food while to, for Chris y probably would the busiest streets of the downtown -u.-aI mamnhiKl 15 miles west of disease sebseauently developing, he ticnllv immune from tuberculosis. Of DE PRIEST TO SWEAR OUT district at an hour when the thorough-1 Peoria, today. , " went to Paris and iwas-. under, treat- Marso 00 thin, emaeiated horso should I WARRANT AGAINST WEATESRS SUGGEST SEPARATE PEACE fare was congested with automobiles Hundreds of families have been ment at the Fasteur institute, witn be nse a8 even a thin, emaciated FOR GERMANY AND BELGIUM, and workers on their way home, - I driven from - their homes ; many the result that the malady was cnecK- cow j8 not fit for human consumption. The woman did not participate in bridses have been destroyed and a ed. Ue then returnee. 10 me ongo "The fact that horses seldom nave I. a. J- I - - 1. - A - 1 IC1 ' . Newspaper Report Thought to Be the actual robbeiy. bhe ordered a I number of factories are closed as where be remained two ana. a "a tuberculosis is worth . considering An,i- j,,.! ' itaxieao at tne ureal. ionneni uuvci (ne regmt a nooa wnicn is sweep-1 years, returneu 10 rana ii . when statistics snow mat in pacsuis umciauy Approvea. I.j tu , , ti.I? . Li., m: , .4 . p.. wnt tn Af. , t. .j-.i : -. ;e nuu tfuuir 4iiVBire " 1 llltc taxouKU lue -. J.U1UOLB . nuu xuAitivauiuuv auu v.ivi w. 1 nouses, wnere Lain ai uuiicLu'u : l iJ iA wnA kii . . . 1 1 . ... , - iq(i nnn woman limn ill- nuu w w river vaneys. . inuu. mamtainea, soroei,u;iig over x.j,vvu 1 - - . o. T o 155 East Jackson street, the Cook I Ottawa is in darkness and there is In August last Dr. Pervail came - Wcnlar carcasses were found last aeaT. out a.Tarl'a?t..ag,n8t TZ (By Th Amelated Pnw London, Jan. . 22. An Amsterdam it . . .1 . . . 1XW I' nispatcn states ,n a uerman vw m TheM ghe waited wIthoot no w traffic separate peace between Germany and , thfl TObber'had entered Belgium, says mat as long n ffl(,M. Th. eftshier. Ernest L; For Allegations Made in the Shelby Star Last Fall.. (By Tke AaaodateS Pmm Hickorv. N. C. Jan. 22. B. H. De Priest, of Shelby, this af temoon will THE COTTON MARKET. back to Brooklyn, since which time year "jhia is enormous when it is the malady has gradually reached a con8idcrea the number of inspected serious stage. , , and tbe statistifs not kept' PRESIDENT MAT COME TO ROCKY MOUNT. gium ha not to reach a revol- prfces gtarted. at an Advance but The Vernon Castles at Pastimo Mon- -gi r r . . . . kbd oainfullv in- , w OaSL ' A 4?.autjk Ok M. m k Aw ' 7 . I UBUBlkUV II M WM - WUViUMVW I - "rZl:""' ' ' j?e4 and backed into a vault with The Vernon Castles are coming to mi 3 33- i"" -"r"v i New York. Jan. aa. me cottoniine irastimo aiouunj. uicj ... tt. TLr,va The newspaper is quoted as adding ., a, Johnson, a traffic uoliceman.l A f"! J ' r ' "tT : .1 .n u. - ,ti;n.r nt for DiviUtion Extended to Hun to Make ii..i' d.u. ..- . I... !, I . m iimaTKBl naa a Boniewum rresuioi up-i wm uo . . wnt xwiKiuiu, uiiiu UCGUiwBR attracted to tne scene, out lounai . .. . t,- i i .1 . vhn dim an Auaieis mens. . considered by the German chancellor thstthe bandit had the door f. V1 nZt 3rTuSfu aJnl (Br Ta. a. Pre..) .. .. ),,a.( aF oTtlonir. oiul thlt n. ..i . . t.t 1 " I . " . . ,1 . , T n V no tj ."" -a -vjv. . ?-r"- ower enienng. tfounsva.wae wjiub ir.i, vf . himIiaikhmI I WhM nf Tif" contains tbe onginai KocKV Mount, jn. v,- dan. sensible Belgianspugntto do ,,tya to force an entrance when the robber " - 1SttmMA r..n- a, imitated bv some vices received here from Washington a seller of late months but otherwise one elese, but actually danced by the state that President Wilson will give i2E iulo iQfl uuivisr b ucaiu i it a- i H.M utL. MMeonM i t.. nmiri kae ioti ssiiinmimn I BnnflinPrfiT.iiin tn me iuvluliuu w The Amsterdam dispatch says that The robber scattered the throng on J" "E.I'ii, irXr':;; TlL8 :r-lZnk Mount and explain tl,;. U-tiMMMMl & MnKatimi In .A 1 -J th. against pnce wuuo uuuu iuig ,u K, v-, -r - ----- - , : n ZJlZ .ri"i vIvZZa i 1 . J Agure and the steadiness of Southern homes and other scenes or granaeur. tne aaminiBtrauou b yia.cui r yv ""-"r.. " laxicao. rowum? iiin wenuou wu - . VfiRterdav evident- bee, inspired irom omciai sources, McCabe therobber ordered h.uito urtVr scattered cov . ".I.. . - drive awavi. but McCabe jumped. The I 4u poc. Weathers, editor of the Star, for al- legations made in the otar last ran. There w jl be 100 counts, it is under stood. The suit will be in Catawba on account of political reasons, it is alleged. The preliminary hearing will be held at Newton Tuesday. JC . AVIWMJVf av"" T " . &TtlWad -selU C. A. Pitts, G M.; Ire, A. B, - Palmer, Piedmont Cafe, W. U. Hous ton, Parks-Belk Company, T. D. Mar ncss, Ki L. Craven & Sons, J, F? Honeycutt, W. a Arcmoaia ana ne eral other small amounts to the extent of $55.00. The organixation as outlin ed b the establishing will require con siderably more than has been given up to this time. The officer in charge, Major and Mrs. A. T. Andrews, wish it to be known that the amount of good that can be accomplished among the people they will reach depends upon the interest shown and aid given by the citixens of the city. Already a pitiful ease B4a been 'recommended to them by Mr. Phillips, of Fortst . , 3 .. All Hill Grocery otore, ana reiieveu. . . emergency cases will be taken care of as far as possible, until better ar rangements can be made. Further donations by firms and individuals, will be appreciateiandoisea for work in the city Openiairand other ser vices will be roJncted during the week with AdjatjBt.nd Mrs.. Her lan assisting. - - . Mr. J. H. Stieffel, who died Wed nesday in Shelby. as buried here Thursday. The funeral was held at 3 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Black welder on East Corbin street and was conducted by Rev. Dr. C. P. and the interment was at Oakwood. WHEAT SOARS SKYWARD.- nTU Whirl nt lAfn " contains Drosram. anm nt the best eomedv seen in any Unusual interest is being manitcst- Rebels Win Battle. (By The Auodate Frew) Pekine. Jan. 22. The rebels in iBped up an alley. lowed Litaker-Sides. - On last Sunday evening at 5 o'clock Mr. Oscar Litaker and Miss Lonuie Sides drove to the home of Rev, Mr. ?. Terrell and were married. Immed- lately af r the ceremony tney orove to Mr. Litaker's home where a good slipper was oerved. .. y The best wishes oi tne yoims n--ple's friends go with them. T. - IV SCOW IV BV"V ovum - - v I . . .... i . i T-a 1 jwmm tiA wadir nnn ktii'mk i hia vas v nmnn a hhi. n whn mi i ii inn uuooiuiui v va. -' - i - ' - bandit hesitated a second and then LtY since Rocky Mount Yunaan have deieated a nooy or gov- iiiuF""""" -"ft j r --- - i --o .- i . . .. n : i j: I (mnm nnii are mo vine I . l ine with Mareb selling up from 12.30 musical successes before he ever danc- is m tne secona von( New HiffV Record for 191R Cron at lowed, bbe gasea ior a momenni v 1oSS tft 12.58 -j h h. nmW vein tnct and represented - Ii, i. . n .. , Ji l: .1 lv " .--. : CU. WW " " .7 I . . .... . 1 TT ' tne jate pi ne aeaa pouceuwu, uu, j nw fMnl 10. ba tn 12.72 or iitu whirl T.if" that will cum. majority leaaer in tne xiouse, -i .1,-,,! I nUU VLtuUW. .v... - I 111 11 A "VJ ' ' . I ' . - - The woman iol-l. 5 ... i n:- .. loinl .i v n. I ia in th second Congressional dis- She gased for a moment at w. fro 10.55 to 12.58 Li ,nA h baa woven a comedv vein trict and represented by Claude Rat- northward ernment troops and are A message was veceived here to day stating lhat Mr. William Blick ,Mor vu Bcriouslv : sick c at " his - home in Irving, 111. Mr. Blackwelder , moving was born and reared in Cabarrus ano I is a brother of Mr. J. A Blackwelder. 1 Today's Rally. (By The AaaaelateS Pieaa according Jo witnesses, seemed about f fi M t hi her Chicago, Jan; , 22-Wheat " today IZ.IIa Z Thl ZZa :r 3 Cotton ures opened steaay. ran up to a hew high record price t"w t " : r I January, 12.20; Marcb, iz.6i May, for the 1915 erop. The buying which 1 r H 1256; July 12.67 aid October 12.65. caused the upturn was based on an w TIW6U ArnM' 1 i Closes Steady.. , opinion from. Liverpool that, the max- , vaupori, ouiss., dan. a mu l Mew y0, Jan. Za. ine cowon Jmiim nf tho advance had not vet who gave his name as J W, AtwelL maTket closed steady. January 12.19; been reached. After opening a quar- but who; tbe police say is . W. 1- 41 12.33;' May 12.57; July 12.71; ter to 34 and 7-8 lower, with May I well, or ureenvuie, s. unaer un-i October 12.71 and December iz.ojv at 131 1-2 to 132 and Julv at 125 1-4 der sentence there to servo 7 years! r- j.yvr ' to 125 3-8, prices fluctuated rapidly for manslaughter, was arrested here Live Stock Arriving for Big Show at over a range o imore tnan a cent anaitoaay on a wuiie bibvo nuisg.,ua -'.t'"--- pausoury. y; , .c-- ,tmu -oantonlnTi'a Ihnirnr hlrl fnr tho FAdnrnl anthnrities I C.liohiir .Tun 91 . MAnv innuir- finish. lat Pensacola, Fla. . .. : lies are being received daily from , , ,, .. . o. W. Tidwell. Sr., also known as narties interested m' the 1 big live Attention, --Civio. Leaguev J f;' G ;w.,.Atwell, was .convicted ' at stock exhibits and meeting to be held The regular meetine of ' all . the Greenville. S; C about two years ago in Salisbury next week. L. L: Case, members of the Civio ImDroVement I f or killine R. " Emmett Walker, a I reDrsesentini the animal industry di League will be held in the -Central prominent young man 01 this place, lvison of the A. and M. college, ana school buildinir at 4 n. m. on Mondav. Aftar hia trial hA .waa admitted toithe Amenean Aberdeen Angus oreeu- Janiiarv 24th. .. Not only the officers I hnil in the sum of C5.000 and later lers association, arrived in Salisbury of the League should be there,' but disappeared.".' ... ." (last night and has taken charge of every individual member.- wno can . .. .. . ttbe eame ina are arnvuig n. wt D08siblv ao. ' '' -''s u'il i tiineolntoA has let . cbntrhct to Southern stock pens at Spencer. Everybody, except our City ath- the Noll Construction Company, oil " About l pens 01 poultry are ma- ers, is asking, " What is' the ' Civic Chattanooga,, Tenn for some addi-lsured for exhibition in a room oppo Tjeasne Doinsrf'. ' Lct .ui all meet 'to- Mml tret tiavinc This is the site the Community building. The fetner end make one mora -effort,' to ' eomnanr which has the contract tol live stock, hn?9 cows and hogs wl!l aronse interest and co-operation. - cut down twenty bloc' 1 (f ravirv i j I V s ch ' t ia f". n InnlJ and do vou good to see. . who is opposed to certain pnases oi thralling and pulsating drama, virile by the administration. If the Presi- with hie- biLnnenuurs. nnex- dent accepts the invtatwn to come pected and strongly dramatie situa- to Rocky. Mount persons here in tions. "The Whirl of Life" comes charge of the tentative arrangements nearer embracing the whole catagory propose w uv of requisites 6f the successful film H parts of the State to bring citi- plan than any other production of tbe en year : av " U. 37 Ut.riftllihll. Accident Occurred on Mobile River Bridge. No One Injured. .(Br Tke Aaaeelatea Free.) Mobile, Ala., Jan. 22s. The south- Accused TJ. S. Consul Quits Cairo for . " Italy. Cairo. Egypt. Jan. 2L Egypt ap pears perfectly quiet and under con trol of military authorities. . Ai inl,1 TTwif Krntoa I nn. li .iV.:-. .U;n. hnm .haiwa bound New York-New Orleans Iim- ma ;th th Rtt TJenartment I ited.' operated Jointly by the Louis- Aant be, amomr ville and Nashville and ' Southern ..u.v- . - - - , AJi.-. '-..A iVisn. hoiniT th .nmiRation 01 nnneu-nwuiwoy ouiuctu won vnvuo . fri nttATunena. ia now on 11 is way iu 1 iibiukwui n "' - Italv, aboard the TJ. S. S. Des Moines, day on the Louisville and Nashville He is reported to he ill. ' , AORC THAti one THOUSiinD pcoplc , Hi4YE JlLRCDY J01KCD OUR CHRlSTAi BAKIAG CLUI; VC WOULD BE CUD TO MVt YOU iDD YOUR tiAIW TO THIS U&T bridem over the Mobile river. 15 miles north of here. Railroad officials said Frank M. Hoover, Jr.. a Charlotte no passengers or memfcera of train boy, who has been ill in a hospital at crew were injured. The eTne iri Genoa,' Italy, ii c-wted to arrive in I reported en'.. '7 cT t:.e r r 1 n Nw York if- ' ' r '-y """-l t"' ' c r J '- i- t '.V 5. PUBLICITY C0M"ITTF 2,. .'Oastonia. . ' "