Tee . .Cqncosb DAILT 02 VoVXVL . - , -;.. ' - - i t J. B. SHERRILL, Editor and Publisher. j i 9 1 , i . 1 i i, , CONCORD, N.;C THURSDAY, MARCH 23, 19H. Member The AiiocUtt .Jfl$ lr..V H M . i AUGUSTAlS WEPT B Y FLA MES LAST NIGH. BRIO. GEN. LL PERSHIN3 THAH TWENTT . SET BRANDIES' COriRMATION II ; EXPECTED TOMORROW. A Veto WW B Takes is tb Scute Committee Tomorrow. - ! Washington, March 23. The big row over President Wilson s norma-1 tion of Ldnis D. Brandeis for the su preme court bench will reach its. fi nal stage in the Senate sub-eommit-tee tomorrow, when a Tote will be taken as to the recommendation tol be made to the full Senate, Judiciary Committee. That it will be a rec ommendation to confirm the Presi dent's nomination is generally eon- ceded and this conclusion may be unanimous. The sifting of the charges brought by opponents of the I confirmation has occupied many weeks. Since January 31, when the suh-committee was appointed, mneh evidence lias been heard for and against the nomination. There has been much mud-slinging, and every act and motive in the career of the BLOCKS WERE DESTROYED. I ' !- AaiAxea of One and Oua Quarter j Stairs KOm Tu Ravaged by Uis Flames, Whlch-Were Driven by a Eaary Gale Between 600 and 700 Residences Were Destroyed and :,:Hnndreds Walked the Streets All Hijht, Wall .Others Slept in Ho .' teJL kails, More Than Twe. MI1 Hons of Dollars Worth of Cotton ; Destroyed. Canse is Unknown. ; Augusta, Oa., March 21 Twenty blocks in the residential section of Augusta today presented the appear-j brilKsn Jewish attorney has been anee of a wind swept nrarie and the -searched by his opponents for ammn- bare walls of six business blocks bear, nition. For the most part, the op-L Hitfl Point citlzen visit8 tions and lioston coiwration law yers, with whom Brandeis has had J Placed In command of troops capture Villa and hie band. to ME. LYON HERE. serious disaster of recent years. , The fire, which raged for more than 9 hours last night, causing a lose estimated from $5,000,000 to $7,000,000 was brought to a halt early today after it had crossed Green street. . An area of about one and one quarter square miles was ravaged by the. flames, which were driven by a heavy gale. The Augusta firemen were powerless and appratus were sent from Columbia, Charleston, Atlanta. Macon; Savannah and other cities. The wind subsided just after 1 o'clock and it was not until then that the firemen could gain in their fight. Starting in Tthe Dyer building at the corner of 8th and Broad streets. the fire spread rapidly to. "Cotton Row" in the rear; whipped, around the. Empire Life Insurance building and . then' by" leaps and bounds de stroyed block after block, except the sixth-on Broad street The flames cut a path from tw'd to three blocks wide for eieht blocks on Broai-street down t-east boundary, -the end' of the city. KAISER'S AR'.W STILL BATTLES FOR VERDUN CEKTEES CHILTLT ABOUND BILL Or EAUCOUKT. t. ; mmi licit m much The Bombardment East of the Meuse Continues With jUndiminished In tensity While . Paris Announces That the Attack! ia the Neighbor hood of M&l&n eo art Were Not Be sumed Daring thi Night And Even the Fire of the Heavy Artillery Concord Elks. Concord Elks are arranging for a more or less conflict during his ca- meeting of secial interest this ev reer. ening at 8 o'clock, at the Elks' Home The Committee which has heard A guest at the meeting will he Mr. the evidence consists of Senators Arthur Lyon, of Higli Point, district Chilton of West Virginia, Fletcher, deputy of the Benevolent And Pro of Florida, and Walsh, of Montana, tective Order of Elks. This will be Democrats; Clark of Wyoming and Mjr. Lyon's first visit to the Concord Cummins of Iowa, Republicans. The lodge and much interest is manifest- three Democratic members are re- ed in it. garded as among the most consistent Concord has one of the strongest supporters of the Administration in Elk Lodges in the State, the mem- Congress. Senator Cummins, a pro- bership numbering over 200. The last gressive Republican, is supposed ' to year was a very successful one in be friendly to Brandeis, but was de- the history of the lodge, manv new sirous of ascertaining the facts with members being initiated and the regard to the charges brought by scope ;bt the" order's work enlarged. Clifford Thorne, the railroad commit- Mr. Edward Sauvain is exalted rul! sioner of Iowa. Senator Clark is I eh, and Mr. J. B. Womble is es&Itedf said to be opposed to a recommenda- ruler elect. tion that Brandeis be confirmed, but The officers, as noted in Secretary there is hope among the friends of Cline's card in another column, re- Brandeis that a clear-cut unanimous quest all members to be present at vote will be registered tomorrow. I the meeting this evening. The report of the subcommittee will De suomittea to me oenate ju-i THE STOCK MARKET diciarv Committee, .'-affeich will in turnreport ifi recommendation to cn Affair. Again Project Them- I mm vulc wui tuvu uv Diminished During the Night. Bus sians Are Active! Along the Dvina And Dvinsk. (Br Tha Airt Piw The French are itill dinging to a part of the hill of tHaucourt, south west of Malancourt, bn which the Ger mans gained a footing last evening in nn attack along die front between Avocourt wood and Malancourt, northwest of Verdun. Paris announces today that the German infantry attacks in this sec tor were not resumed during the night, and even the fire of the heavy artillery diminished -in vllolence. The bombardment east of the Meuse continued with undiminished intens ity. The flames leaped across the Senate. Broad street trt the-Sontfr side" ef Ehtakftv and, it conceded that the bert street 1 anU euli $SSr way tWugO' '"twination will be confirmed nearly n tMni' fwM:' 'v' '"' i unanimously. to reeri' street.' 'v' ' ' j unanimously Estimates today piacea' tne nura-j ber.of residencee destrfeyed between six .hundred, and seven hundred." m r aiding some of 'the finest old homes in Annista. No' estimate" can be placed on the- contents of these homes. The owner saved practical ly nothing. " Today over 3,000 per sons are homeless. Many spent the night walking the streets while oth ers Mept in halls of hotels. There were many narrow escapes from serious injury. Several fire men were sent, to hospitals suffering froi hums and i braises. Officials of the fire 'department to day beran an investigation into the caiiFe of the fire, but as yet no expla nation has been offered. The 12 story building occupied by the Augusta Chronicle was' practical ly destroyed. The Herald building was also destroyed. Cotton factories today estimated CHHTNA CHANGES AGAIN TO REPUBLICAN GOVERNMENT selves Into It : . (Br The Associated Prcsal New York, March 23. Mexican affairs again projected themselves into the stock market at the opening today, overnight news trom across the border finding reflection in the htfiAl'triPHQ in A mprinnn KmpHnrimr Monarchy Abandoned By Ynan Shi and Mexican Petroleum, while baf- Eai Who Resumes the Presidency, lance of the active list was firm to Peking, China, March 22. A state strong. United States Smeltering and lpnrtmnt. mandate issued tonight I Refining, a new comer on the local r . - . . . . It 1 . ji .! t ttr 1 i L announces the abandonment or the dobto, opened wun i,uu snares ax monarchy and resumption of the Re- 09 a substantial tractional gain public. lover yesterday's close in the Boston Th mandate Ravs the revolution I marKei. Advances oi as mucn or .hnw. that thi demand for a mon- more were recorded by tmcible archial form of Government is notlSteel, New York Air Brake, Anieri nnanimous and that therefore Yuan jean Zinc, Marine preferred and Unit Shi Kai rejects the emperorship and resumes the presidency. The Imperial documents, the man date adds, will be returned by Yuan Shi Kai to the State Council, which will reconvene as the Senate, proper ly with the resumption of the Re-rniblic. ed States Steel. Rails were inactive but generally higher. PYTHIAN SERMON. Rer. 0. M. Short to Preach to Pyth ians Sunday Morning. On next Sunday morning, March VENUSTMNO CARRANZA Head qt the couitltutlonal govern ment In Mexico. BIG FIRE IN NASHVILLE, TENN. The resistance with which the Ger mans are pounding French positions this resion indicates thev are pre paring new attempts to break through the stronghold. v Besides striving hhrd against Ger man .positions aloni the Dvina and the Dvinsk on the. northern end of the Russian line where PJetrograd declares some successes ha v been scored the Russians are displaying notahle activ ity in Giilicia. The Austrinns report lively artillery fire along their front there with infantry advances at some points. They are declared to have been repulsed. . The sink!ng of the Norwegian bark Lindfield, bound from Portland, Ore gon, is reported in London. ' Thirty members of the crew "were rescued. Another vessel sunk was a rrench bark, Bougainville, 2.3 of her crew be ing saved. THE FIRE AT SPRAY. HERRERA MARCHES TO JOIN VILLA'S FORGES CANNONVTLLE NEW8. Damage Will Amount to Probably $10,000 Partly Covered by Insur ance. (Br The Associated Preaa Spray, N. C, March 23 Fire here yesterday, which threatened to raze the business section was extinguished after it had destroyed the farmers building, a frame structure of four floors occupied by the telephone ex change. The lass estimated then at $10,000 , partly covered by insur ance. Rev. Thirty-Five Blacks Swept by Flames Which Started From Ball of Yarn. Nashville, Tenn., March 2. A small ball of yarn, lighted and thrown by a small boy into dry grass in a vacant lot. started a con flagration in Nashville at noon to day which was not under control late this afternoon, after .'S5 resi dence blocks had been swept by the fire. The loss is estimated at .1,-500,000. A wind driving nt 50 miles an hour fanned the burning grass into a torrent of (lames, which quickly caught a planing mill and leaped from building to building until at least 000 residences had been de stroyed, the East Nashville sub-post-office burned down, the big Warner public school in ruins and several churches consumed. Tonight it is estimated that at least 3,000 persons are homeless. One hundred members ot the Nat ional Guard of JCeannasee, cullnd.out by Governor Rye, went on duty -in the fire zone late this afternoon and will remnin there throughout tonight and for several days to aid in relief work and prevent looting. A call was issued this ntternoon for citizen guards, and the A. L Menah Patrol of Nashville Shriners volunteered nt once. They are on watch tonight co-operating with the National, Guardsmen. Ohe. negro is known to be dead as a result of the fire and it is reported that other persons were nlsti killed These reports could not be verifield tonight, but a search for bodies will probably begin tomorrow. A number of persons were injure Metal Ceiling Being Put Up in Ep worth Church. Night School Pro gressing Nicely. Small Boy Hart Other Matters. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Jenkins and Mr. Al. Cline returned Monday from Catawba county, where they were called Saturday on account of the death of Mrs. Jenkins and Mr. Cline 'g mother. . Mr. Charley Barrier is moving his family into the Sides cottage on Kerr street, recently vacated by Mrs. A. D. Strieker. Horn to Mr. and Mrs. Kimie Lo max. March 19, lillli, a daughter. The night school at Epworth is progressing nicely. Mr. Jno. Talbert, of Kannapolis, 8ent several days this week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Tal birt. Miss Margaret lfler spent. Sun day with her sister, Mrs. S. A. Alex-( ander. The metal ceiling for Epworth church has arrived and is now being put up. Mrs. AW II. Laughlin entertained a crowd of young people at her home Saturday night, in honor of Mr. James McGlean. Mrs. Frieze has finished her cot tage at Kannnilis and has moved her family there to live. Rev. A. S. Raper preached a spe cial sermon to the Light Bearers Sunday evening. The children are under the leadership of Mrs, Thread- ill Mr. and Mrs. Shuford Baker spent the week-end with Mrs. Baker's par ents in Rowan. The large reservoir the mill has been enclosed with wi re. The small boy of Mr. Busbee was painfully injured Saturday. The ov was swinging on a wagon loaded with household goods when the frame cave way causing a piece of furni- ure to fall, striking him on the head and cutting an nglv gash. Mrs. Ed Bonds, of Kannapolis, spent Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. R A. McQraw. Mr. and Mrs. J, C. Cauble. of Stanlv county, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Henry RinehardL Misses Loula and Adela Shaffer, of Salisbury, snent Sunday with their brother, Mr. J. F. Shaffer. - XXX DEBATE NEXT WEEK. COTTON OFF TODAY. that 'tS TfirTdeairoyed about f2,000r Hsu Shih as at o'dol RFfclEort nnn f ftttn. which waslCabmet because of the monarchical ' tu 000 worth of cotton, whicn Stored ' along the river front. Quick work on the part of ;' the flremenstopped "V sudden Waxe in the Southern section of the city at 3i o'clock this iriorning. I Several .mall houses and atores were - de stroyed. The Chronicle established an office and a job printing plant and was is sued this morning. , The Herald will b4 issued, this afternoon. . The Fir in Itaahyffle. Nashville. Tenn.; March 23 Civic and Church organixations today were caring for 5,000 persons made home less "hv the fire which swept - east Nashville late yesterday destroying AAA ' residences and causing one death and property Wee of 1,500, 000. vTh'e only" fatality was that of a negro,. Many-other..;i persons were injured hut none seriously. ' The Vlaxe started' from a lighted ball of yarn thrown: Into a grassy va- : eaot 'Jot by a email .boy - A planing mill first was destroyed, i The flames next reached into an extensive negro settlement where, fanned by a high wind, thev ouickly . consumed every house in the quarter. v The eonfla oration broke ' into to ( distinct biases, one blowing east down Scv- ' enth street and one down. Fifth Ave. anil area of 35 blocks swept . clean, ' many of the' eostHest ,xesidenee' f Nashville, several ehurehee and one efiaritabte institution being burned. THE iWH.CIA;EABli WHITS, KZ2LD0N LBW13, PA5W TO will preach a special sermon to the members of the Concord Lodge Knights of Pythias, at Forest Hill Methodist Church. . Today Chancellor Commander Weddington and Keeper of Records and Seals Brower, are sending not ices to members of the lodge re- Natur allied Greek Resents Criticism questing that they be at the lodge of Wilson in a War Argument Sunday morning and attend the serv- P. M.,A 93 When c in a Dodv' movement, signed the mandate as Secretary of State, having re-entered the Cabinet. CURSES PRESIDENT AND IS 8H0T DEAD. Gun Sillasjrpoke slurringly of Presi dent Wilson at a ooarding nouse ai Canonsburg, near here today, Gun Argeris drew a revolver and shot him dead. Argeris jumped from a win dow to escape, but was caught and jailed. Both men "were naturalized Greeks and Argeris oa devoted to nis STORM DAMAGE IS DONE AT WILSON Houses Unroofed, Outbuildings De molished and Other Damage. No . Loss .of Life. - .-, - - S llito lto iMMM rrw) adopted ountryv - - . Sillas, during a war argnienfc,,urit-t tiiaef, T".? i whedi windows blown in and chim :thet to the head nil ... jMi : ,w 0tmn Inst the nation. Argeris at once tired, &u-1 -. . . K i,, n.,"nt Etnrm. ac- las was hit twice, one bullet piercing I. A-Jinni rt vonnvta rnnTiino' hero tn- his heart and another striking him in No 0f i0B8 0f iife 0r we groin, ine las fu"el. injuries were received. ana hi rue n x vuu rwiuwi, luuiiwui, . a -r- serious wouna. ,, t i , a a irain vjtow vwuuviw msuw. Harrisburg, Pa,, March 23. Ffnal argument on the numerous com plaints again half a dozen railroads in Pennsylvania that the full crew law is being violated are being neara toda? by the Public Service Commis- Dr. F. W. E. Peschau Dies in Miamisburg, 0. Charlotte Observer. The hundreds of friends in Char lotte of Rev. Dr. F. W. E. Peschau, formerly pastor of St. Mark's Luth eran Church and also of St. Paul's Church in Wilmington, which occur red Sunday afternoon suddenly in Miamisburg, O., will receive tne news. with much sorrow. Doctor Peschau was a native ot Germany but came to this country in early childhood witn nis pareuia was 67 vears old. He was educated in the public schools and after receiving his theo looieal training entered the minis try of the Lutheran Church. He was nastor of St. Mark's Lutheran Church in this city and then St. Paul's in Wilmington, leaving the latter city about 23 years ago to be come pastor of Zion Lutheran church in Greensburg. Pa. f ollowing a pas torate of 10 years ot this church he went to Miamsburg, O., to serve as-pastor of St. Jacob's Lutheran Church in that city, ana continue" to serve in this capacity uutil his death. THE WHEAT MARKET Rain Reports From Southwest Weak .V-;-;- ened larkeV:-v' ' (By Tka Aaaaetatc Fllll ' 'Cbieagoj , March 23.--Raii reports I b. Counsel for the brotherhoods from southwest tenaeo. toaay 10 weas-iaM making an extended plea lor rui- en the wheat marKeti. ,Aer opening ijnS8 on many points. 3-8 lower to a shade' advance, with J, ; - Tjf-tsSm St' 5rice rSd i 1R0N 0UW, PEARL WHlTB, at 107 1-8 to 107 3-8, prices aled M , AnrTMti rrt. to modemte extent and fbeo anaer- BT"" -w" Reports of Rains in Southwest Caused Considerable Selling. iDt The Aainrlilnl Pmat New York, March 23. Reports of rains in the southwest caused consid erable scattered selling in the cotton market here today. The opening was fairly steady at a decline of 5 to 10 points, with July easing off to 12.03 to 12.12, and December to 12.26 or about 7 to 10 points under last night s closing figures during the early trading. Cotton futures opened fairly steady. May, 11.94: July, 12.05 ; October, 12.13; December, 12.30; January, 12.35. Concord High School Ready for For ensic Fray Friday. Resolved, That the United States Should Greatlv Increase Her Navy. Friday night, March 31, this ques tion will he debated throughout North Carolina by scores of high school stu dents. Concord High School, as us ual, takes part :n the contest and has its debaters read v. the local school lias made a creditable record in the debates and this year hopes to add now laurels. The debate will be three cornered, one team debating against Statesville here and the other against Salisbury nt Salisbury. Eugene Graeber and Ben White will uphold the affirma tive against Statesville here and Miss Lura Caldwell and Frank Brower will go to Salisbury. ACCORDDra to reports cox- INO FROM EL PASO. ' ill m mi. ii turn Villa is Planninc to Organise a Coat mand and Operate West of Mamt qui pa, According to a Report Reach- in El Paso Today. General Hr rara. Who is Reported to Have Re-. ' ' nonnced the De Facto Government, is Said to Be Moving Westward With His Troops to Form a Junc tion With Villa. Torreon Garri- ' , son May Have Revolted. (By The Awilafi PM-a) : Fl P.an. March 23. ViHa has es tablished a base to the westward of Mamiquipa to reorganize his eom-. . mand and recruit new men for his armv, it was reported here today. At this'new base it was said Villa -would iv nlana to one rate with the force of. General Louis HerrerSj who is under stood to have renounced the de iaew government. The American army, base at Columbus has had no news of Villa for over two days. General Herrera is said to be mov ing northwestward to effect a junc tion with Villa and this, in connec tion with tha report that the Car-' ranza garrison at Torreon, has revolt-, ed, has occasioned grave concern among the American army officers in El Paso. . So crave was the situation re garded here that the military aa-: thorities planned loaay utojuc hi.. to relieve all Mexicans in El Paao of any arras that they migm nave concealed in their homes and enforce what would practically be martial law in "little Chihuahua" the heart of El Paso, Mexican settlement. ,- Whatever may happen in there is no supposition hett that any , attack would be made on xa from the other aide of tbe river, but there is the great apprehension that an obreakn-tae ide would be fol lowed by an outbreak on the .other There are about 35,000 Mexifcan pop ulation in this city out of a total pop; -plation of 71,000. . It is understood that government 6fHeials here have sent to Washing- ton a recommendation couched in tne strongest terms that steps be taken to disarm all Mex.cans along iue u-i-i.: ' th. mo-lit nf forcible en- aer, iaMug "' . 1 ...... VH IT Y1 PCKHMU T . w- Hllll Bda.vu, - - try heretofore McKinnon Presbyterian Church. Rev. C. C. Myers, of Kannapolis, will preach Friday night and Satur day night at 7:30 o clocK. commun ion service Sunday at 11 a. m. All are cordially invited to these ser vices. J. B. Duke, the millionaire presi dent of the American Tabocca Com pany and the moving spirit in the Southern Power company, , comem nlates buildin? a home on an island r - . v x,- n In the I ar.awDa niver, near u Falls, S. C, where the Power Com' pny has a big pbtmV' y:d u rs.i v- THE IRON 0LAW, PEARL WHITE, SHELDON LEWIS, PABTptS TO MANY LETTERS TO GOVERNOR CRAIG Expressing Opinions of His Action In Warren-Christy Case. (By The Aaaoclated Preaa) Raleigh, March 23. Governor Craig's mail today consisted largely of letters in which the writers ex pressed opinion of his action in com muting the sentence of Mrs. Warren and Christy. There were three let ters of disapproval and a score of approvals. Judge H. G. Connor, of United States Supreme court and Judge W. S. O'B. Robinson, of fioldsboro. were among those who approved the governor s action. Florida Good Roads Convention. St. Augustine, Fla March 23. - The Florida State Good Roads Asso ciation opened here today its annual convention. It is the nineteenth -an nual gathering, and some 2,500 au tomobiles have come from ail sec tions of the stato. Florida Is mak- 1ns srreat heateay.inroadJrnprove- ments. but there- is much more to. be done and tHo association is planning a busy csmpuga for pa coming JUX, Every Dollar You Pay for Rent Is Gone Forever. The same money, or perhaps ..... ! l-Jl a little more, ii appneu on a HOME through the medium of one of our LOANS, would pay the interest, and eventually the PRINCIPAL also. You would then have a BETTER HOUSE to live in NOW, and you would be paying f o- a HOME, the full enjoyment of which would be YOURS IN THE LATER YEARS OF YOUR LIFE. Take out shares in the 37th series ,of : this association and OWN YOUR HOME or SAVE SOMETHING FOR A RAINY DAY. : . . . SERIES 37 BOOKS OPEN NOW. Cabarrus taty Bc:!-;:j loan &SavhigsAssecfair Office in The Concord National - Bank. nr. u: ,-f q nt hon ties M UailaUKbusa , have opposed such a step on .rround that it would be misinterpret- ., ed by the Mexicans as discrimination ainst them and v.oiaiion rights. It is now msisieo ny; authorities that the time has for any deficiency in nanouuS,iu. aq uation. . ''Hj'y' Not Confirmed at Washington. Washington, March Confirma tion of. the report-at the Canansa garrison of W&$S.. Louis Herrera, ac v"""-" : volted and joined,Villa, asxaUU , lacking today at War . Depart-V feet was passea "'s y , -----Sates A?my e.nso, at " Wf-Jj-The War Department stated that ... General Funston's ' "it is reported'7 tne revon - curred, adding that mere - confirmation. Secretary Baker, wnen r day if General Funston has ed for more reintorcemenva a..--. airy joined him, said: I think I wJl not answer tnai i- . - General Funston wwjr - - eight more serop.an ..,. to en to coiuui""" j . and four others to w quarters. -'y ' Merican situation in CongwMv- . idenced by Chairman oon , - Sgn Nations Committeehen . Senator Johnson, "of read a telegram from ms waw. . .nymenior-."- . Smoot.. ttepuoiicu b - . the Democratic Senator.., . r s . The North Carolina .Barsca-Pila- .. . thea organisation will hold its state . , meeting at' Goldsboro Aprd 27r30. 55?.. V-'ltnBA -rf Nashville, j.-w fi.a Tlenartment of tne M. Adult Vjiobu - - . . .... o. m'M be one ef the Unurcn, duuiui --. principal speaKers. . . : Rats and insects aajaaeAmeriea crops to iU toltfimW?l month foi mry r wwH..' tUld la tin eowfeTf - -