-1 , a ix, ccxmmox . rftae&a. M. .. icm!'f torn hUHMhe ! .' Month . i . i 1 . Wnotk -J alt r Mil Mm (Uw- 1 prtoae 1MU tot Will m M lft ' - " UMIM - . ...... i W pMfcnMhp wMis ejfc' tW l4 IHM. M Ik. 0:10 .. . If. M . L M. IH M l:M f k . II . 1:1 I . U. I II M :M I . TZVLZDXr; MA&CH S3, INS. CYCLES JINSLES 7 A toy to ft probloavnot easy oIt. ha BikM m ala nUna aa no aahee ft reeotre; he arewe his i eltuiona. the wT he ta taught, or teams tram experience Boat dearly IomUk EIi AU la hie Meal ame times oat of Un, the hide wast to bo Uko their dad when they're Man they ftp arary actio, thay copy each km and go right slon. to thalr daddy's old etooys. So what doea It teach you vnen your little son, cornea asae front kto Sunday school oft dead ran, ana on mother" lap will ao smlllnc parch, and sajv Another, why doeant dad go to church?" Tour boy Is now atarUns to think and to plan. ha knowa that ha also will aoon b ft man. Ha aaya to kla mother, "thla Bandar achool stuff la only tor kids. and ril bat It's ft bluff, because It the Sunday achool atoriea ara true, and going to church is tho right thing to do, why doeant my dad go to eharch aa ho should T I know It's all bonk, 'causa my daddy to good." Does It nothing teach yon, oh, lathers I say. to know that your boy copies yon to this wayt And listen to me tor the aaka of that son who's destined to trail in the course yon shall ran; be upright and honest, be moral and true, go to church with your son. The prices on drugs, like those on all kinds of paper, lis re gone "out of sight." This in many places has re sulted in drugs being adulterated. Re cently several Wasuington druggists pleaded guilty to the charge of Bell ing adulterated and misbranded Tinc ture of Iodin. according to arecent issue of the Service and Regulatory - Announcements of the Bureau of Chemistry. Samples of Tincture of Iodin were purchased under authority of the Secretary of Agriculture from a -number of -Washington druggists by inspectors of the health depart, ment. Analysis of the samples show ed that many of them were deficient in some ingredient essential to a full strength tincture. The Food and Drugs Act provides in substance that, when a drug is sold under a name (such as Tincture of Iodin) that is recognized in the United States Phar macopoeia, it must conform to the standard of strength, quality, or pur ity, as determined by the test laid down in the Pharmacopoeia, or con tain a statement on the label showing its true standard of strength, quality or purity. Tincture of Iodin is used largely as an antiseptic in surgical operations. It is used also externally for local irritations and inflamations. Failure to prepare ft tincture of stand ard strength is due usually to careless ness. Ten druggists pleaded guilty to the charge of selling adulterated and misbranded Tincture of Iodin, and were lned $10 each by the court. Every farmer should bate bis farm named, and should use printed sta tionery showing the kind of cattle or jxmltry or anything else they spe cialize in printed on the stationery. w make a specialty of printing let . ter heads, envelopes, etc, for farmers. The Progressive Farmer says truly: ' Ton are judged by the stationery yon use. Printed stationery ia one of tne requisites for a successful mail order business in livestock, poultry, plants, etc. Picture to yourself a man who has answered your advertisement and your competitor's advertisement, holding in one band your letter writ ten on a sheet from a five cent tablet, and in the other hand the letter of the other man written on neatly printed stationery will you or your compet itor have the best chance of getting his order ' Miss Ada Brooks, who lives with Mrs, Lanier in Tarboro, awoke in the night and found a negro man kneeling beside ber bed. Her screams brought His, Lanier with ft light and the two saw a mulatto in the room. He knocked the light . from: Mrs.' La- niers' band and after a stmgle with the two women be escaped A Bote! toy Ear U Coev fcctitg Testimony rnfe Cftft tf James Ores. Xew Orleans, La. Uareh 21. James Oveno. who ia under indict- sent for the murder of his sweet heart. Hiss Est ell Thompson, will ro to trial tor the second time to morrow. A second jury will hear the eonl cting- testimony in the strange the first baring ended In ft dis- xnent Tbe alleged murder was committed oa Febmary 1, 1913. Last Korember Oveno was tried, snd eight iurors voted cailty. . . Oveno, it is expected, wui suck m the story which he told st the pre vious trial, that he killed the girl ac cidentally, Miss Thompson hsving at tempted to prevent h:s committing suicide in her .presence. He had drawn ftis pistol, be said, and was about to blow his own brains out, when the girl struggled with him. During the scuffle, the pistol was dis- ehanred. he els.med. Tbia testimony was directly contradicted by the mother of the dead girl and two oth er women, irho swore that they saw Ovena deliberately shoot his sweet heart and then fire a bullet into bis own body. The murder, or acicdental shoot- inc. was the culmination oi a love ai- . . . . .. fair between Oveno, who is a fcieilian immigrant, snd pretty Esetelle Thompson. They met at a night school, where Oveno was trying to master the English lansmape. Later, according to the accused man. Miss Thompson called at his tailor shop, and in the dull hours of the day she would aid him in his stnd:es. Later on Estelle invited the swarthy Sicil ian to her home. A strong affection sprang up between them, and Oveno elaims that he asked the rirl 's father for her hand in marriage. On the day of the tragedy, accord ing to Oveno 's story, Miss Thompson gave him hack some photos and trink ets which he had siven her, and told him that ber mother had forbidden her to see him any more. Ho pro tested that he loved her whether her mother objected or not. As thev talk ed, the girl suddenly exclaimed "Here comes my mother." Oveno claims that at tnis moment, his nerv ousness got the better of him, and he reached in his pocket for his gun, determining to end it all there before his sweetheart. Miss Thompson saw whst he was doing, he claims, and in terfered. Then came the strugsrle and the discharge of the gun, and the girl was the victim. STUBBORN ECZEMA HEALED BY AM0L0X , We are' daily receiving letters of praise from people who have been cured by Amolox. Many of them tell how, for years, they have tried different remedies and doctors in the vain effort- to find releif. Some become discouraged and lose all hope of ever being cured. E. R, Frisbee, 187 Sycamore St., Mans field, 0., writes: "Our baby's face was covered with eczema sea! sores and scabs. She was a pitiable sight. We tried everything. Took her to Pittsburg doctors but were unable to find any relief until we used. Amolox. It cured her within a short time." Amolox ointment will quickly heal pimples on the face, red nose, and minor skin troubles. Chronic cases of dry or moist scaly eczema require both tbe ointment and liquid to ef fect a enre. At all drug store. Trial size, 50c. Recommended and guar anteed by Gibson Drug Co. adv. The jury in the Arledge will ease, in Mecklenburg Superior Court, de cided that the will was invalid. McD Arledge left an estate of near $100, 000, most of the property being giv en to his daughter by the will offer ed for probate. The two sons brought suit, alleging undue influence on the part of their sister and the jury held with them. HEALTH AND INCOME. Both Kept Up On Scientific Food. Good, sturdy health helps one a lot to make money. With the loss of health one's . income . is liable to shrink, if not entirely dwindle away. . When ft young lady has to make her own living, good health is her best asset. . VI am alone in the world," writes a Chicago girl, "dependent on mv own snores lor my living, i am a clerk, and through elose application to work and ft boarding-house died, I became nervous, and got so bad off it;waa almost impossible for me to keep up in the office. "A mend suggested to me the idea of trying Grape-Nuts food which I did, making it a large part of at least two meals day. 'Today 1 am free from dyspepsia and the ills of an overloaded and improperly nourished brain1' and body. To Grape-Nuts I owe the re overy of my health, and the ability to retain my position 'and income," ' 4 There's ft Reason." Name given by Postnm Co Battle Creek, Mich, i Ever road the abort letter? A new one appears from time to time. They art genuine, true, and full of human m&arest, ; ,,"..- , , farmer Aviator Tar Kixka Sudit Jaftftft. Bostoft, March 2L "I knew that there are kuadreds of Japanese and German serving aa ofiosrs ia the ula army, and I know, too, that there are more Japaaese ia Souther Mexico thftft there are ia the entire standing army in thia country," says Capt William J. Mattery, until last summer aa aviator ia the Villa army. "I dost believe the United State can whip Mexico within five years, for tbe minute our soldiery roes, into phat country all Mexicans will unite in fighting our troops. V Ula, Caraasa and Zapata they are all Mexicans snd grafters and they heartily hate the United States and American. "I am not a Villa sympathiser. On tiis other band, I owe Villa a debt which I only wish I could pay, and nothing would afford me greater pleasure tbaa to be present at his ex ecution. Bnt I think the attacks on the Americas border were instigated by some one other than Villa, just as I know that much of the ammunition supplied bia army during my connec tion with it came from the Far East and that great care was taken to keep the place of its origin a secret. "Villa has brains. He is general ly credited ' with being half negro, half Indian, and be is not what you would term an educated man, but bis scoundrel head is chock full of brains. He is probably the most cruel msn I ever met. I first saw bim near a monastery in Shihuahua. My flying mate, Mickey McGuire, of Arizona, and myself, were engaged by him. The second day of mv service, I saw 300 Mexicans, some of them "women, lin ed up against the monastery wall and shot down in cold blood. The climax came when my pal, McGuire, was shot down in cold blood last June. We had not been getting our money very reg ularly and Mickey very foolishly de clared that he would get his money the next day, or he would fly over the border and back to the United States. The next day Mickey started for the machine, and as he reached it he was shot down from behind. The report reached the United States that he had fallen 5000 feet and was killed. But I was present at his funeral and saw the bullet wounds in his back, and his eyes and nose were almost shot away. "I had a Mexican assistant named Gonzales. He was entrusted with the messages and plans of Villa's arm v. He used to translate the contents of his dispatches to me and I would eopy them in English. One day I had the misfortune to be forced to make a landing inside our own lines. The eopy of the messages whidi I kept in a secret hiding plaee in the machine fell out and were seized by Villa men, I was arrested and sentenced to be shot, together with my mechanician a fellow named Smith. Through the kindness of a woman, however, we made our escape, and by using our re volvers generously, we were able to get way. Cannot Praise Them Enough. Many sick and tired women, with aches and pains, sore muscles and stiff joints, do not know that their kidneys are out of order. Mrs. A. G, Wells, box ao, Koute 5, Kocky Mount, N. C, writes: "I am taking Foley Kidney Pills and cannot praise them enough for the wonderful benefit I derived in such a short while." Gibsons Drug otore. . adv. Worked Hotel Men. ! J.l. . i 1 vu me Asi aay oi March a man who registered at the North State TT A 1 T . 1 i . . 1 jauiei ijincomton, got the proprietor to casn a cnecit drawn bv "The James Agency" on an Atlanta bank for $VL50. The check proved to be worthless. On March 3rd a similar check, for the ' same abount, was cashed by the proprietor of the Vir ginia Ship Hotel at Newton, for n guest who registered as H. W. Lewis snd was evidently the same man who wui iieu uncoinion. xne cbec'c is now framed as a reminder, - Out Thla Out It Ij Worth Money, DON'T MISS THIS Cut out thi. slip, enclose with 5e to Foley & Co., Chicago, IlL writing your name and address clearly. Yon will receive in return a trial package containing Fo tey's Honey and Har Compound, for tagrippe coughs, colds and croup, Fo ley Kidney Pills, and Foley Cathart ic I ablets Urbsons Drug Store, adv. Stowed . away unobserved for ten years in a cotton . manufacturinsr piant abandoned since March, 191, over 3,000 pounds of dyestuff pro ducts a money equivilant of $12.- 000 was the rare find unearthed in the old Commonwealth Cotton Man ufacturing Company of Edgemont, at Durham, last week. The mill had been bought by the Duke Land and Improvement Co., and tho dyes had been regarded as waste. . ,-. . Changeabla Weather Brings Sickness. The changeable weather of March causes coughs, colds, croup and grippe. There is no such thing as a "light cold" none that a person can safely neglect Foley 'a Honey and Ta is a safe and reliable family medicine that heals inflamed, congested air pasasges, stops coughs and eases . breathin. Gibson's Drug Store. adv. MatU ia (kLLktro, Ajril 8?45.A Strong Program. What promises to be one if tbe greatest Conventions ever held by tbe North CaroUsa Baraea and Phii- athea orgmniutkms will meet . ia Ooldsboro. April 27-30. Unusually strong speakers and leaders hav been secured to take part in tbe pro gram. Mia Henrietta Heron, of KV rin, I1L. first Vice President of the World-Wide Baracft-Philathea Union and editor of tbe popular . Sunday school papers. Tbe Young Men's Class Weekly and the Young Ladies Class Weekly, published By the David C. Cook Publishing Co.. hss been secured to make a number of addresses and to lead in some dis cussions. Miss Heron is. a Sunday School worker of broad reputation and the fact that she baa attended similar conventions in North Caro lina before will insure a large delega tion because those who have heard her onee will want to hear ber again. She ia an authority on Sun day School work and her coming will mean much to the cause of Haraca and Philathea in North Carolina. Dr. Cbas. D. Bulla, of Nashville, Tenn superintendent of the weekly adult elsss movement of the M. E. Church South, will be one of the principal speakers of the convention. Dr. Bulla's efforts in the interest of Adult Bible Class work is well known throughout southern Method- ism. For a number of years he hss been conspicuously connected with the Sundsy School work of the Methodist church in the bouth and the North Carolina Baraca and Phil athea organizations are indeed for tunate in having secured his valu able services. A number of other able speakers, some of them of nation wide reputa tion have been secured. All Baraea and Philathea classes are entitled to send as many dele gates as they wislu and pastors and superintendents and nil others in terested ini more efficient Sunday Schools are extended a most cordial invitation to attend. Slayer of Jack Allen Never in Trou ble Before. Roanoke, Va.. March 2t. Will McCraw, who shot and killed Jasper Allen the Carroll county - clansman, near Mjt Airy Saturday, and who is in jail here awaiting a hearing in Hillsville next month, is not a block ader and is not wanted for .viola tions of the revenue laws, as first re ported, according to a statement made today by Sheriff Edwards, of Carroll county, who brought MoCraw here from, Galax, Va., yesterday; "McCraw bears a good reputation in his community," said Sheriff Ed wards. "He is peaceful, hard work ing farmer, and is well liked in his neighborhood. If he was ever in trouble before, I do not know of it." McCraw was suffering from . two ugly wounds on the head. For Your Child's Cough. If your child has a cold nose runs or coughs much get a small bottle of Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey. Its a a pleasant Pine-Tar-Honey syrup, just what children like and just the the medicine to sooth the cough and check the cold. After taking, children stop fretting, sleep good and are soon en tirely well. Insist on Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey. 25c at your druggist. : adv. : . v-i :..- An official prediction that the Pan ama Canal will be re-opened by April 15 for the passage of deep draft ves sels is announced by the War Depart ment. Get Your Spring Suit By M. R. Pounds. Not only do you get better values for your money but you get the best choice of Models and fabrics. To test the values see what surpassing quality I offer at $20 and $24.00. , .' ' H R. Pound CUSTOM TATLOSINQ Phons 420. , Cleaning, Pressing and Al tering Also Done. GiuClIESTER G PILLS T ft 41m I AaJz mb U.l. L AV , M-e!v--ir t'lann J Urn r.fA 1,1 rncullitWV -VJ hose, teale vifev TIIua It;i.Ri T . T If Rr"!. Akk.wf '.M'llV -TF1C4 ; JJ rWlkflourctoieV,;ftfti AJwiMkirlla'.'f II fltZt froa CIS Eh .i$4 Trta ,' M Coalite to DeUt . Chapel K1L N. C- March 23 Tkirteea hundred boys and girl from 32S hifft school ia M eountiei of tbe SUte will, on March 31st, partkipate ia the preliminary dete oa the subject: "Resolved, That tbe United State aboeM adopt the policy of greatly enlarging its Navy." la North Carolina high schools, s from Manteo, Dare eounty, is tb East, to Murphy, Cherokee eounty, ia tht West, over two thousand yoang de baters worked on this subject for many weeks. The occasion is tbe an nual triangular contests of the High School Debating Union and each of the two tonsand debaters was spur red oa by tb desire to represent bis high school in tbe triangular : con test. Each school has picked its team two for the affirmative and two for tbe Begative and now the ultimate, hope of each team ia to win the Ay cock Memorial Cup. ' .-" The school winning ont ia tbe m angular contest will , send their teams to Chapel HilL There, two teams will be selected to participate ia the final debate which is to be held Thursday evening, April 15. April ja-io, ine a sis oi me nnai debate at Cbapel Hill, will also be the date of tbe fourth inter-scholastic track meet and the final annual in ter-scholaatie high school tennis tour nament. Tbe track , meet ..will ' be held on the new Emerson Field, which is to be formally opened April 3 for the Carolina-Virginia baseball game. , . - , t , Ont of tho Baca. When one wakes with stiff back pains in muscles, aches in joints, oi rheumatic twinges, he cannot do hif best If yon feel out of the race, tir ed, languid, or have symptoms of kidney trouble, act promptly. Folej Kidney Pills help the kidneys get rid of poisonous waste matter that cause trouble. Gibsons Drug Store, adv ,i ; . Mr. S. H. Hobbs, of Sampson coun tv, who is prominently identified with the State Farmers' Union, is a can didate for Commissioner' of Agricul ture to succeed Major Graham, NATIONAL MAZDA This UsM la Good for Doya ' Boys and girls need the best light you can give them. Their eyes are growing like the rest of tbe body. Do not put chil- - dren'a eyes under strain by bad lighting. Use National MAZDA light. It's better. It's brigbteif It's three times as bright a car bon lamp-light and costs no more. It's the best light for ; reading, study, work or play. May we talk with yon about the lighting of your house, store or building! .. W. J. HILL &S0N I Prone 134 . O)W.0)''Q)l- WOOD'S GARDEN SEEDS 2 Packages 5c Peas and Deans by 2 t the pint cr tn:bel. Oman sets. GIBSON chug stg:.e : TkeEexsU Stare HBALTH AND HYGIBNB are closely connected. .Safeguard - " - yonr Health by selecting TtnilwT ' Plumbing Fix ture from our Installation of same. B. B. Grady, rianblng ' 9 lmtb Vmhm St. CMMrd. N. Cm. . -. "." V.' t'fc " r a Beginning ApHl 1st, 1916, all ;Gas bills will be mailed, which will be ; payable at ;vthe! office, 89 South Union street, All gas will be billed . at $L50 per.l,000.cubic feet, sub ject to a 10 per, cent discount, if paid on or before 10th of each month, on all gas bills amounting to more than 56cf-which is our minimum charge. If failing to make payment 'on the' above date you will be sent a cut ofinotice reminding you that your . gas account remains unpaid, and unless settlement is made in full by 15th, of month, your service .will be discontinued until bill has been , paid in full. ' . - ; ; This will, positively be carried out; absolutely no deviation from this rule. "v V . : ; ; Pay Youi Gas Bffl Before 10th of Ilonth and Save Discount. Minlcua Charge 50c Conco rd : :! : J. S. PALMES, Superintendent ' , 1 Livery Sale & llotor Oo,,. Next Door to Pojtcffice Salislcry, N. C. Cadillac Chandler - Oakland $2,cso , $1225 m Z Has7ell . AUTOnOBiLES Cars now on sale. - Place your orders early tot prompt - deliveries Phone 20 for demonstration. - u THB BEST CAB OP ITS CLASS JK THE WOULD. An Increase in price would ery fairly represent the In creased quality in the series N. Hnpmobila. Tet the to pas senger touring cars thia season cost yon much leas than the eor - responding model last season. Tin PaasenterA Tonrint Oar f 1,085 P. 0. B 'Detroit , t , . . a Dhcllrcldor Q Dot? I!r3 - $100 A KCCTR for SICKNESS. $100 A KCNT2 for ACCSINT Pays $1,000 Accumulating to $3,000 for Death , .- 1 - "H:urca:co" dizilPcty - " ' ; . COSTS $21 PES TEAK JUST OUT " , "I' Corer every accident and every illness that man ia subject to. No exceptions. Tbia polieyis not limited. Pays Sugeon1 Pees. ; Pays foT partial disability. - " . . .. ,rSE BUSINESS ItAN'S POLICY. !' - . Whenever a better policy is written remember tbe "Maryland win writ it, , r 0UTC:JJ WAU & Phone S31 . TZ.2X XT. Z'JZTZ ' 17. 0. , ' .f r L'jr. Insurance Bejt -i. ', - ? . - .,,J m t Gas Co. Ph0M 142. . - I , - I, TCUST CO.. A fs 91 .'5-1 , 1-