JLEE--1 VoLXVT J. B. SHERRILL, Editor and Publisher. ' CONCORD, N. C, THURSDAY. APRIL 6,. 19 W.- Member The Associated Press. - No. 183 RAILROADS NOT YET MILK WAR ASSUMES EIGHT 01 ARMY BILL BLOOD STILL PO"" Ubrwlrlf- USED BY U.S. FORCED ; A SERIOUS ASPECT ,.:IS liEARIHG CLOSE IN VERDUN STRUGGLE v. - NT4 mm "HZ ' 't : : ZiV" ''.'" ' r'" f' i.-K-X.'. .'': B AND THEIR NEED STILL GR0W8 : ' - CREATES DAILY. .X . MSIS5. 5IIDHIEIM - v .. - "- .-' : 1 ' - ' "- ." - p " Headquarters Wu Without Informa tion Today. Which Wonld Ba Of ., Dm ia Solving tha Mystery of tha . Whereabouts of. VOl. It is Be lieved in Official Circlaa That Gen 7 -tral " Penhln's Nextvi .Dispatch - - ' i , . Will Throw Light on tha Matter,-- ,'Tha United States Government is Still Trying to Ge Use of tha Rail -'roa(isV : ;V,4: : . 4 " (Br Tha Aaeiatc4 Ftaaa) Ban Antonio, April 6. Headqua- ters was .without information today which would be of use in solving the .'.'... mystery of the whereabouts of ViHa. It is 'believed in official circles that ' - ri . l yi . l a, 4-1. ...Ml .c u en era i i ersning next AUNpmcu win tarow Jignt on tne matter, i ne nem commander has not been heard from since Tuesdays General Funsfon was advised last night in a telegram from the war de partment that; the government was continuing its representations to Car ranza in an effort to reach a ralisfac tory understanding with him on the railroad question. ;" '.'' Have Reached Satevo. s San Antonio, ;, April 6. The most advanced cavalry detachment engag ed in running down Villa were be yond communication' , today and 'at General Fnnston's headquarters itwas helievedi they were .already as far south" at Sat'evo from where trails ex tended toward ParraL'Only unofficial and conflicting reports :as to. Villa's whereabouts have been received here. General Funston and hia staff officers place most credence "in the . reports thaf he..wa thyjeinity bt-SateW Tuesday and' traveling -south and southeast." ? V-'f- V-'.-v X v From Satev6. the ' American forces oould send a eonrieir to Chihaahua with reports 'for- transnii8sion"'ih the regular telegraph lines The local au thorities in Mexico have persisted in I i - their refusal to accent coded messages f&'&'C ; from'offleera of the punitive expedi - tion." - ' - .- , - v.j. im n .. El Paso, April B. Intimations in Washington tht the Carranza gov- ! erament might -soon -.indicate to-, the V American government that the troops pursuing Villa Were fitfully following . a "coTd trail" and that the de facto government ' would .welcome . the re- turn pMhe United States troops, to their own country occasioned no sur prise at El Paso today. ; '. : ; . ' -. . There have been insistent reports f.i'J K, there that the de faco government ; - looked with disfavor pn 'f further C Vpursuit of . Villa heeause' of the pres- ence or the Mexican troops on jnex iean r soil - proved an embarassment. Thesi renorts" could not "he confirmed beeanse Mexican" offioiala vsaid.r the . question bf a diplomatic nature must bo .eonsideredby the .t' overnment Sead at Oueretaro. " ' ' '- J 'ArmT officers here say that while the difficulties of the Villa hnnt in crease aaily and tnet w may do weeKs j before he is captured the pursuit, will Vbe relentlessly continued ,-nntU worn ieomes from" Washington to ; Jrith- oraw. , Twenty Apacne inniann scou d throneh here today en route to tne ' front f here they will try , to pick np Hf:--t.fcV.Vl.,a trail. ; The Anaches made an unbroken ride of 60 mUes from rori Apache to Holbrook,, Arisona . and -then did a 'war dance before taking he train.'". ; 4 ' "; - , ''.' - ?': ' - --I- ;-.a?.1t... Oennan Submarine Sunk hy French - nd British Warships, j - ''-".': m Tk AaMlatc4 Pun) f, Paris, April 6. A' German, snbma- TkJa affsinnmi nt o'clock fthe CO(l itestantsltt the , inter-high school ljt- erary eontest at"' Davidson toiie - will leave" for Davidson, Tfomorrow Z the eontostants in the tract ?niect will to. ! George Ritchie v-will U in the joi.mofmn contest: Miss iBettie Iil Tv Caldwell, essay contest- Lena Big- jy . , B . - rt Rt,. i 1 ..a- -i. ':!: .j:- dri on n If tfHAV I1V & Bouuuion Ol .yW&V: French and British vwarships tne Qi ""rZ." f. ,, i'i" Ministry of MarjnbannounceVtodayf me ooy in .uuou, -' -.: - f. -: - rne crew wj. . u .-r i-.,.- i 'f''-.VV'.rnred. t - ' fn-vL - Mr. W. ..k "eddlngton,. going tp play ythe married men of ' nrineiDol of the school, 1 will aceom . PP1 . . i ..i! .pany f f ;-V uA "TT ' .,:! ': m rTh r IfoGcnfianl -sterns of missies td put one GertfanlAfter supper ' laoldier pnt.oteom-.-ion. t -.: -. -nres on Jj'renciiiueii, ipw,;..-- ' ... r T " ' , FOREST KILL NEWS.' R. L. FhUmon Home Txoni Hospital IDaa Effle Sapp Dangerously 13. Parsonais. ,' Mr. Fred " Howell has returned from Charlotte where he visited hia father, Mr. A. I Howell, who is un dergoing . treatment at Presbyterian Hospital. v . ; : , " Mrs. J. T. Howell' hss . ; returned from a visit to relatives at Albemarle. Mr. and Mrs, D. W, MeLemore and children,-have returned from a visit to relatives' in Chailotte. '- - Messrs. H. G Raimer and J. C. Cook spent Sunday in-Albemarle. Mr. Cook spent a short while with 'Mr. Jos Sills while' in Albemarle and he reports that Mr. Silts iB now able to get outdoors and walk' short dist ances. '':'-, . Mr. R L. Philmon has," returned from Charlotte where he underwent an operation for -appendicitis at St v . i rr 'is mi i . Pers Hospital. The operation was very 'successful and he is now proving rapidlyt " , Mr. R. D. Thompson and family, of Albemarle, spent Sunday hcrj with Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Mann. Mr. Thompson is overseer of spinning at the Eflrd Milli,The party made the trip by automobile.. Mr. Shirley Howell has returned from China Grove-where he visited his grandfather, Mr.- J. H. Howell.-, Mr. B.v A. Foremean has returned to his home-in Albemarle after spending a short while here with his friends, Mr. J. C. Cook. . ' Mr. A. F.. Misenheimer has return ed to his borne in this city after spending a week in Asheville with his brother, Mr.' J. C, Misenheimer, who was in a vary serious, condition caus ed by the" explosion of dynanite in bis hand. Several amputations were made on hi. arm in fighting Wood poison, but he is nofr improving and is expected to pet well, f y Miss pien' Edwards is spvuding this week in China Grove with rela- tiveaj:,.';."'s':;' v' .HMijs&Effie fiapft'a eonditiop has not improved in thje . pasfrr ureek " and hrT condition is Very serious, ' . ' ' . ' LUNCHEON YESTERDAY. V;...-:' r,Ty;iv ' , r-... .:'. . Given By Mrs. Joseph F. Cannon in. Honor of Her Guests. MrsrG. H. Meeker and Miss Marie Starr, of Philadelphia, were yester day hostesses -at a delightful Bridge Luncheon given by their hostess Mrs. J. F. Cannon, at her home on North Union street.. . Bridge was played from 11:30 to 1, and then a six cource luncheon was served. Mrs. : Cannon 's guests, in addition to the honoress, were: Mrs. J. W. Cannon, Mrs. J. W. Cannon, Jr., Mrs. E. T. Cannon, Mrs. W. J. Hill- Jr- Mrs. Earl 11. Brown. Mrs. A. Jones Yorke, Miss Anna Branson' Miss Mattie Gibson Bobbins and Miss Luna Thompson, of Salisbury. . ; TN HONOR OF MISS COBB, Mrs. R, S, Sanders Enlertained at Bridge Yesterday. Yesterday afternoon Mrs. R. S. San ders' deliirhtfull.yentertained at three ffthlo nt hridera at her home on South! Union street in honor of Miss EUxa- beth Cobb, of Greenwood, S. C who ia fit inioot nf .Mra Jnhn Fnx. The score prize was won by Miss Lunalvidual lots at substantial gains. Spe- TKnmnonn nf SoValirV. Htlii th mimt cialties also figured prominently in of honor wsb presented with a cor- sage of sweet peas. . . . - . - R w Means, j VA vr a Miss Belle Means,' Mrs. Ed. Moss and MisA Jenn Howe dropped in for lunch. i--, 4 ACCIDENTALLY SHOT. Earl Duke pangerously Injured by a i . . . - Kino am. While Diaving with a 22 calibre Iza .i T..V r.uB yiv - ; lu-year-oiosonoi mu.u, or mown mm, anot, ana . iyj U.M - atxinl jl(i:.t fatal wound. . V-.-- -r- Kd,butwaaimmediately.removedtoSpnn the Concord Hospital.;: a i . biaa1 - . Shbn School jn Ko. 5 township; will close Saturday, April the 8tb. There will be a nicnic in the evening. A baseball garni i rt I jdQ' wUMM Uuch interest. - The school boys I A. baseball game at 1:30 wilt be ,of are - ,the dutneb ...At ;V ; " . Come and see the old men run, i mKr t -flv o.clock. iDon't for. - . 1 ' ' r l 7 . -T.T . . ,.g:,a.u Mrr;; V BIO "BATTLE BETWEEN PRO. " . DUCERS AND CONSUMERS.' - 603 fJRMERS FEEIENI DEIIIEBY Unless tha Differences Between the Producers and tha Consumers are Settled Soon Cnlcago Will Have ft Milk Shortage of Serious Propor tions.-JdoSt of the '- Distrfbutors ...Were Yesterday Able to Make De liveries hut the Drivers for the Bif Companies Gave Notice to Consum ers to Stock Up on Condensed Milk : and Cream. ' ' t ' tBy Tk AaMclatca Prcaa) . Chicago, April 6. With a short age in prospect unless the difference- between the producers and the dis tributors in the Chicago district are settled soon, the milk war today as sumed a more'' serious aspect. Most of the distributor were, able yester day to make, full deliveries to pi vattf consumers, but drivers of the larger companies advised customers to purchase a supply of condensed cream and milk as it is feared the supply of fresh milk will be exhaust ed in a day or two if the strike, is not Settled. - Six hundred farmers went to Elrin yesterday and prevented delivery of milk at the station there. - The producers are paid $1.33 a hundred pounds' for their milk but are demanding $1:55 a hundred AIR RAID YESTERDAY . WAS NOT SUCCESSFUL Searchlights Discovered Zeppelin and Anti-Air Craft Drove It Oft. , (Br Tha AaMMlmtca threw) ' London; April 6. The increasing effectiveness- of IJn'rland anti-air craft, was , demonstrated last' night when, a single Zeppelin undertook, the fifth raid within three days, was pre vented, from" penetrating the north east coast and was forced to flee after a brief visit. The night was clear with moonlight and without wind. Searchlights dis covered the raider coming over the sea and never once lost him during his stay. 1 As he reached the coast be was flying comparatively low and the smallest gun found him such an easy target that he; was forced to rise to a great height. The .larger gun found the range and aided by the search light they surrounded ; the Zeppelin with a hail of shrapnel, and high-ex-Dlosive shells. After maneuverinz at northeast coast town for about ten minutes, during , which only a , few bombs were dropped, the raider then was seen to turn homeward- : THE STOCK MARKET. V I Mercantile Marino Issues Were Again Feattrred at Opening of tiki Market Today. - : , . By Tfc AaaacUtee Pma 1: New York, April 6V-rMereantile Marine issues, were again tne out- standing features o roaay s early trading, lthe common and preferred Demff ireeiv Bosoruea m iare the initial dealings, Industrial Alco- bol advaneim? to the nei high record 01 1YU l-Z. reiroieuins, v eaiiuK house, Studebaker and Goodrich were moderate irains in , United . states Steel and a few other leaders. Nor folk and Western lead the rails with an advance of almost a point. -" Before Easter Sale and Display at . VsrV.1UTlr On...:'"' " m , . , . su me Dig inui iu m, ana Disnlav. of the ParksJJelk Co i ... . r Fri(laV , Afiri, 7. and con- ..a - 1it. .-. inril 2ft Never before have they offered such I L 1 1 1 11 a UUL11 UttVUiUHJ fsT r-- fert bargains. Spring suits, shoes and Ihftta for men and ooys; nunnery uuu to date, and the prices, moderate, for cash. There are many other bargains in silks, hosiery, white goods ; and notiona. s" the threepage ad.' of this company for .further particulars, :A V.tyi i r 1 : r i i r.t?-t Rivera tad Harbors Bill Considered . - 'v: Today. . - . ; Washington,' April 6. The pro- nosed $1,000,000 appropriation to contihue work on the inland water- item; eonsidered, ;d harbor bill was resumed "in. the ; .. -.M VOLUNTEER PLAN IS MAIN ' ; CENTER OF ATTACK: SHEL7J.fi SITS ROBT IMC1IH Charges of tha Existence of a Lobby at Washington to Defeat the Pie paredneM Bill May Be Investigat ed by the Senate. Such an Inves : tigatioa is Proposed In a Resolu tion hy Senator Sherman. Also Wanta Mora Rapid and Effective s" Consideratioa of . Pending Legiala . tion. Chamberlain Will Support tha Resolution If it is Regular. ' (Br Tha AMCkld Pkm) Washington, April 6. The 'fight over the federal volunteer lilan ot the army reorganization hill ' was drawing to a close when the Senate resumed work on the measure today. An amendment by Senator Lee to strike out the provision was the im mediate business before the Senate. Action on the proposal had again been deferred in order to permit one e two Senators to speak. Charges of existence of a lobby sisir.Ai ssaupeudojd eajop o aiai tion may be investigated by the Sen ate. Such an investigation is pro posed in a .resolution by Senator Sherman to clear the way for more rapid and effective consideration ot pending legislation. - ' Chairman Chamberlain, ot the nul- itary committee, will supimrt the res olution if it comes up in the regular wav, although ..he will nut permit it to interfere with consideration of the army bill. Another flood of telegrams protest ing against elimination of volunteer army bill, was submitted today by Chairman Chamberlain. Many were from officers of the National Guard, Mid declared their -Views bed not been correctly presented by Senators. Jefferson City Banquet The Jefferson day banquet to be giv en by the common council club here April 13 promises to .be one of the most brilliant gatherings of its kind ever held, according to the commit tee in charge. The list of speakers includes Presi dent Wilson. INCREASE IN PAY WILL HELP SHIPPERS Says the Railroad Men, Who Are Fighting for Eight Honrs a Day. Br Th AiMclatcd Prtm) Cleveland, Ohio, April o. in "a statement, issued here today by the four railroad brotherhoods, which are demanding- an eight hour day from four hundred railroads in. toe united States, it is contended that' the ship pers and merchants will be benefitted the brotherhoods win their ngbt be cause the eight-Dour day demand is based on freight trains making 12 1-2 miles an hoar m order to escape pay ing engineers overtime. ; ' , s OFFERS REWARD FOR 1 ; , .; JBLAYERS BODY Governor Offers $100 Pot; the Arrest of Party or Parties .Who Killed Grittnsboro Maa. . Br The Aaaaeiac4 Pnw) Raleigh," April 6. Governor Craig today offered a reward of $100 for the arrest of the party or parties who killed J W. Brady, in Greensboro, on March 16. The commissioners of Guilford county have offered a simi lar reward. ::':,'-: Brady was waylaid' while on his way home. Discovered in an uncon scious condition and died later in a hospital. - ." ,'; : :," Teacher of Colored , Graded School .;:: Thank for Sewing Supplies, The Lotran "school has received from tha- Concord Civic , League sewing -machine and other ' supplies, of which all are very helpful .to the department of sewing. On behalf of the teachers most hearty thanks for the valuable donations are hereby ex- Dressed. It shall be our constant en deavor to make the greatest practi cable ubs of this timely aid. and we shall labor painstakingly to the end that no causeior regret'-or interest taken on the part of our friends shall be triven by us.- , ::We invite your inspection or our work from time to time. We will all aloiitf rive substantial evidence of onr .determination and. effort to ase your kindness to the ?very greatest advantage, nd bespeak the co-opera tion af all concerned in our school to merit your continue" kwmi ':. ., , MINNIE BOGER CANNONVILLE NEWS. Improvement Being Made to Mill Houses. Clever April Fool Frills. Personals. . The Mill Company is having a num ber of their bouses treated to a new roof. Hev. and Mrs. R. E. Loving spent several days in South Carolina this week. Mr. Lim Baker, of Albemarle, spent Sunday in our village. Mr. P. A. Bamnger and family motored to Salisbury Sunday and spent the afternoon. Cne of Mr. J .P. Howard s nice shoats fell and broke its leg and had to be killed. Mrs. Henry Ridenhonr is spending. tne wees in Sanly with ner parents. Mr. E. E. Barrier has returned from Richmond after spending several days there. Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Broadway and Mr. and Mrs. R. V. Faggart and Mrs. J. K. Thompson spent Sunday at Ba din. -A young man of our villase made arrangements last Saturday with some young ladies to take them on a straw ride. The young ladies got ready and met at the home of one and waited a while and then waited some more until about night, and they did not see anything of the young fellow. Then they rememliercd it was the first day of April. The young man Jiad gone to see a hall game. Mr. , John Barbee- has moved his family to Kannapolis to live. Mr. J. M. McGraw has gone to Richmond to enter Smithdeal College. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Lotighlin left Sunday night for Moore county in response to a message stated that Mrs. Loiighlin's mother was dead. ,Thev will return the latter part of the week. XXX. WOMEN HAVE NOT SUFFERED INDIGNITIES ByBeing Searched When Neutral Ships Weie"Bfopped byTSritlsh. ' (Br Tha imdtM Vwtmt Washington, April 6. British au thorities here take sharp issue with statements made in Congress and elsewhere that American women have suffered indignities and have been searched by British men when neu tral ships were being held up to search for spies. Today the British embassy issued a statement declar ing : "There is no truth in this state ment. When it is necessary to search women they are searched by women in private. CHICAGO WHEAT MARKET. Lateness of Seeding in Northwest Helped Price of Wheat Today. (Br Tha AaaocUteS !) Chicago, April 6. Wheat prices developed strength today as a resua of anxiety as to the lateness of seed- ing in the northwest. Opening prices .eontfngent tfy large" and formid- fir wl-ri -n; thi8 b.t otw- XX w J-v ova v auvvj " v -mm- 1-8 to 118 1-2 and July at 116 3- to 117 3-8, were followed By moderate gains all around, interrupted tempor arily by a rather sharp setback. . v ANOTHER BRITISH SHIP SUNK WITHOUT WARNING Zent Torpedoed and! Two Men Killed. Part of er Crew Saved, i Br Tba AMela4 Praaa) - Queenstown, April 6. The British steamer, Zent, has been torpedoed without warning, 4s members or her crew are missing and are supposed to have been drowned. Two men were killed. The Captain and nine of tbe t crew have landed Iieiv. THE COTTON MARKET. Marked Opened Quiet Today With Decline of One Point. (Br Tha Awoclatra Frew) New York, April 6. The cotton market opened quiet today at a de cline of 1 point to an advance of 3 points. After selling at 12 cents July eased off to 11.00, and then rallied to 11.98 before the end of the first hour. German Air Ships Destroy Iron Works ' B Tha AHMM-Utea Preaa) . Berlin, April 6.--During the night of April 5 German airships destroyr- ed a large iron works with Wash and furnaces and ' extensive - establish ments near Whitney, after putting out of action with explosive bombs a bat- erv north of Hull.", ' " ' , The raiders also attacked factories in Leeds and several railroads in the industrial, district , ' f And where is the old fashioned wo man who used to worry over whether ber. bat is on straight! - t y DESPERATE, ALL NIGHT IT3BX INO WAS CONTINUED. E9II C0HTEST1HTS GlllM Wl French Claim Gains West of tie Mense and Stop Genaaa. Counter, Attacks East of That Stream, Ac cording to the Paris Bulletin, At One Point Along the Avocourt Bethinconrt Line, However, It is Admitted By Paris That the Ger mans Succeeded in Penetrating the French Fositions.-7-Big Battle For " Square Woods." (By Th Aorlat4 Prt .1 A desperate, all night straggle around Verdun resulted in subL-n-tlal gains for the French west of t e river Meuse, according to . today's Paris bulletin, while east of tl.t-t stream the ierraan attacks on t'ie French positions were repulsed. t one point along the Avoncourt-Betrin-eourt line, however, it is admitted t'i t the Germans succeeded in penetrating French positions. A French gain was scored north of Avoeourt, northwest of Verdun, wher in the course of an engagement t'it began yesterday afternoon and cont n. ued through the night General Pel ''a ns' troops succeeded in capturing a !aro portion of the position known at "Square Woods." The German atta-cks northeast of the city were directed against a lire north of the Caillette woods, wn, Paris reported a French gain yifitv day. The efforts of the Germans to regain the lost ground are declared to .have been futile. J. B. Duke May Erect Hoire in Myers Park, Charlotte, Tharlotte, April 5,That tfes is strong probability . of y J. B.. Duke abandoning bis plan to erect fn es tate valued at $100,000- on Mount.iiu islitnd, near Great -Falls, and ereet the- residence -in Myers Park, . tHa city, is stated by those closest to Mr. Duke. Myers park is owned J'v t'-tv Stephens company, and Mr.. Duke U one of the largest stockholders ia the company. Utah Democrats for Wilson. . Salt Lake City, Utah, April 6 The Democratic State convention today named IG delegates witj one-hnlf vote east to the national eonveutinn, instructed for President Wilson and for a national prohibition plan in the platform; . , The Boston Marathony to be run two weeks from today', will see an unusnafeolfection of , d3stane ' men fined! up at Ashland. The Canadian er sections not before represented are sending- some ffeet boya .v .-..f v ' t Good Advice "As a last word, remember that he who is always going to do, bnt never does, moves, in a very small circle. . He will, remain where he is all his lUc Fntile promises of starling to morrow load nowhere. To morrow never comes. We have 'only today in which to act, and if we do not avail ourselves of its opportunities, we may be quite sure that the rewards will go to others. The timo to -A. .. .'.f . ..- ', ' , : 1 :: vstart your . Building & Lonn - with the' Cabarrns County Building and Loan. Association IS NOW. Series now open. , LcnS-v:n2sAs::d2:ica " '. : : iv " ( v rt .'''"'' ' ..(v.-"''..' Office In The Concord National ... Bank.. . '. ' JSussians are lacking. I