CONCC3D , DAIIT 1MBOTE ! 1! A QUO'; vaxvL J. B. SHERRILL, Editor and Publisher. CONCORD, N. G, TUESDAY, MAY. 2, 1916. Member The Associated Pre. No. 205 X r 1 BUSINESS BLOCK IN. RALEIGH FIRE S WEPT. B.LAEC EAGED THEBE , FOB THEEB HOTJBS TODAY. DiLYja ISMITfD If; $25,000 SEKMON jOIT "BKEAKXNO ..' OF SPIRITUAL DEOUTH.' Big Brick BnJjdJngAccnpled by J. . P, Wyatt Sons Company and the TlrmV Stock of Hardware Totally Destroyed. Two Stables Also Coa- - nuned by the Flames" and Six ' Bones sad a Mule are Victims. Can Tor Aid Sent to Pnrham and the Bon City-, Firemen Respond, But Their Services are Not Need ed Insurance is Not Given., - (Br Ts Assslate Press) Raleigh, May 2. Fire, which raged for three hours here early today in the business block east of South Wil mington street, between Martin and Davie,: caused damages estimated at $125,000. The lanrest loss was sub-I fl TIT ll CI : OROAKIO TJNION OF " -METHODIST CHURCHES. Reoosnaended la Address Before the Board of . Bishops of - Northern Chorea. -..' -: . 4Bt Th AaMctaStS n ) Saratoga Springs, Nk Y, Way 2 The recommendation of the board of At Methodist Protestant Church Last ?T ? i JUCT.Doa181 TY? JTI: - . yuuroi tmn church for sn organic union with the Night . Lsrf t Attendance And Methodist Epiaeopal Church Soath, ' Much Interest Shown, Singing a aroused ' great enthusiasm today Special Feature. . . among delegates to the general eon Rev. BetheaVtext last nLght was ferenM ere. This recomiMndation taken from 1 Kings 18:44. "A Little V the Episcopal ad Cloud the Size of a Man's Hand," f"8: the formal utterance of the J"A apiritual douth," said the "i f bl8hT. toh? onfeee- speaker, "may be caused by the fol TO USE 'THE .UKES OF THE AMERICAN TELEPHONE CO. WliBEOPMEDDNlflRBlSIS lowing things: Cold- formal preach ing; prayerless church members; stinginess, and indifference to the best interests of the church. "This br'ngs about suffering as in at natural drought. It means a shortage me products expected, it which was read by Bishop Hamilton. of Boston. The attitude of the Bishop follows: "We are convinced of the essential unity of the two great Methodism in doctrine and belief and this .essential union must in due season1 express it self in outward and organic form. in thA riiwvsi unfa AvnnntaH I - autu down the possibilities of even keep- presuming to pronounce up- ing of tbe seed. Then the sneaker asked: ''How are we to break such drouth t I The answer he eave was 'as fol- tamed by J. T. Wyatt St, Son Com-Hows: pany, the firm's four - story, brick "Here's an examDle of faith and1 building and hardware stock valued action getting a three and a half year at approximately f iw,uuu, naving drouth out of the way. . Te seige then on the terms of union we declare our- "A life like that is uncomfortable, T .OTn; but a spiritual 'drouth means a eon- m. l"e I prwpB tinned loss to the church of the best nrfh. "nd he MhodW Episcopal thin tht ),, f. n. v Church, South, and such other bodies nothing of the worM tn cnm, " aa may share our common faith and experience. - Moreover, . we declare ourselves in favor of such a union upon tbe terms that shall provide an ample and brotherly protection for any minority." EXPECT NOTE WILL ' BE DELIVERED THURSDAY - been totally destroyed. Damage , to the Stronaeh building adjoining,- oc cupied by a feed store and the .Tay lor stable,' was estimated at $20,000, while the loss sustained -by 'J; E. Chappell s stable and several small shops was" placed' at $5,000. Six horses and mules were burned t death in the Chappell stable. The Are apparently originated . in the frame structure' occupied by the Chappell stable, - according to de partment officials,-, and, fanned by high wind, enveloped the Wyatt building,' Because the fire was just I work. on the. edge of the business district nd the gale -made in difficult to handle, a call for aid-was stent to Durham. Equipment from the Dur . ham fire department earns to Raleigh but did" not some fintil the flames were nnd6r eontrol--; x. ' v The amount ' of insurance carried on buildings and stoeji was not. made TK-p? 10 : ." ii started on the faith We possess. Faith and the cloud enlarge together, for faith and activity in the church is the only way to save anx commun ity or church from a spiritual drouth. " Than tltA iwmitfla vnnot CM tn Koto Win Not Be a Final Reply. Germany to Make Counter Pro . posals. (By The Awoelatcd Prcaa) LOFFICERS TRY A TELEPHONE TEST MR, ABERNETHY LAST XIQHT. To Test the 'Nation'. Preparedness For Communication in Tims of War, Telephone, Telegraph Wireless Demonstrations Hare Been Arranged by Which Naval Ian effort to ge them Stronf Sermon oa BsUevinf. SubJ set Tonicfct, "The Seres Wonders of Reltfe,'" Tonight Mr. Abernethy will preach on "The Seven Wonders of Relig ion," according to an announcement at the evening service at Central Church last evening. Mr. Abernethy also made a brief reference to tbe characteristic of the people of this section of the State. They are big hearted, generous, broad-guaged men, who will give freely and liberally to the causes of the church but yon can not get those men to go out and work to bring men into the church. He de clared that he was perfectly satisfied and I than on Sunday morning 50 men could nave been brought to the Lord if a dozen men had gone forth and made He concluded Stations on the Atlantic and Pa- oy adding tnat our peopie are wonoer- fully kind, wondertully generous but Cine Coast' and the Battleship, hen it rome to tha vital thinsrs we New Hampshire, at Sea, Will Be And only a few willing to do vlie r pan. As a Scripture lesson Mr. Aber nethy read a few verses of what he termed tbe "great prayer of tbe Bi ble," tbe 51st Psalm. His text he pre-J faced with verses of the ninth chap ter of St, Mark, which told of the In Touch With the Department. . Test to Be Operated on War Basis. (Br Th AaMel4 Praa) Washington May 2. To test nation's preparedness fur the communi cation iir time of war a telegraphone, La8ting the dun,b'spirit out of the boy London. Mav 2. A disDatcb to the the mountain top looking fc . the Exchanee TeleaTaoh Co. from Am- cloud, for mountain experiences ; are Uterdam today says: necessary for the most .effective work "DiDlomatic circles in touch with in the kingdom of God, for then we Germany believe that the retiW to disposal of the department without tf v xi ii i I . . . ..... 1. " I i. i-v - j.1 ii... e are reiresnea xor me vauey iriaw the American note wtfl be delivered ""K iu T , J , "l churches .pf Europe are crowded as that come and the nreasurn of Wnrlu n Thi.rlQc l..,t (V,o ;n oil nnl.oV..ithe bureau havlnsr to do with the ue- . T .. i , , -. telegraph and wireless demonstra tion has been arranged by which nav al stations on .the Atlantic and Pa cific coasts and. the battleship New Hampshire, at sea, simultaneously will be in toutoh with the navy de partment. The demonstration will begin at 4 o'clock Saturday and will continue untilj Monday, and during the entire time the department will be operated on an actual war basis. The test was, arranged at the re quest of Secretary Daniels by the officials of the American Telephone and Telegraph'1 Company, who have agreed to place their service at the whose father was one of the great multitude which had come to see Christ, and selected the 24th verse: "And straightway the father of the child cried out, and said with tears, Lord. I believe; help thou mine unbelief." Mr. Abernethy began his discourse by presenting a lesson from the at titude of this man toward the Saviour, He came in time of trouble, the speak- er declared, and tins is typical of the attitude of many. They wait until trouble overtakes them before coming to Christ. I doubt, ho continued, if the prodigal son would have returned were it not for his rags. Today the below. Jesus had his Mount of Trans- ilitv it will not he in the naturn of alfense problenisi and their esecution fiugartion that prepared him for his final reply. They expect that Ger- time of wsr, will carry on all their work. '.. many will make counter proposals re- business with the naval stations by "Then every sign given in answer garding the establishment of subma- telephone. Atjtho same time Secre- to prayer must be a means to enlarge rine warfare. ' " ary Daniels,' the general board of our faith." "Ambassador Gerard-arrived in the navy, the -office of naval intelli- At. the close of the sermon quite a Berlin early this morning. gence and .thp!.ehief of operations number eame forward nledeinsr them- "It is sun-crested in nolitical circle will receive telephone reports from Selves to pray and labor to break the that the King of Spain will be asked tne ew Hampshire spiritual T drouth in their own' lives! to arbitrate between the two conn- movements at -sea; MATERU.sS ARE CLAIMED B Y FRENCH telling of the THE STOCK MARKET. ; SmM "It' T Advances and Declines Fairly Well Distributed lal Market Today, 7 Tk Associated Prs) New York, May 2. At the outset of today's trading nominal advances and declines were being fairly well distributed. There were large: offer ings of Mercantile Marine preferred at"! to 2 points over yesterday's final quotation and the common ' also rose church end community. " The meeting tries on the subject of submarine gives promise' ej being one of great warfare," power.- A, personal .yorkerS;' confer ence is , oetng held at the parsonage f jjEW YORK COTTON every evening at :dU. yuite a num-l ner of requests for prayer have been 1 Market Was More Active . During made, and the congregation is hopeful v Tradln Tnan Tt W B-n of a gracious revival- A tent will be erected opposite the church when in- terst demands it, and it looks j very much now like this will have to be done. Services every day at , 3 and 7.45 p. m, i t V The singing is a special feature of For Week. , (Br Tfcs IsnetaM Press) New York,; May 2. The cotton market was more active than for weeks past, during, today's early trading and after opening Arm at an never before in their 'history, despite the fact that there are nt least 20,- 000,000 men in arms. Mr. John R. Mott, who recently visited the battle fields of Europe declares that all along the great lines the voices could be heard crying out in prayeir prayer not only for themselves but .for men in the enemy trenches that they, too, might receive forgiveness from their sin before being destroyed in battle. The proper attitude toward sin, Mr. Abernethy illustrated," as the atti tude we have toward disease. On a Various Matters of Routine Nature placard marked ""Sftif pox. " it is not Are Passed Upon. necessary for me to read the words, The Board of County Commission- ?UV " ew V""8 1 .ne ers held a busy session-yesterday. snw a Placard, wuoomc piagne. it Quite a number of road orders and was no1 necessary ior mo 10 reau v.i rthar mttn nf, - rnntinn natnrnhvords below, "keep out." My atti- MISS SHARP IS BADLY HURT IN AUTO WRECK Sunday Afternoon Accident Near Winston-Salem Came Near Having Fatal Results. Winston-Salem, May 1. Three oc cupants of a high-power motor car I narrowly escaped death Sunday af ternoon near Hope enurcn, cn tne Clemmons road west of this city. To day Miss Ethel Sharp, a your.g so cial favorite of this city, lies in the City hospital seriously injured while her small sister, Miss Katherinr. al so has injuries not so grave. W. P. Southern, of Stokesdale, uncle of tin Misses Sharp, is also in the hospital, though his recovery is expected. Miss Katherine Sharp, who was more for tunate than her elder sister, was able to leave the hospital today. A heavy fog of dust blinded Mr. Southern, who was driving the ear, as he attempted to pass another cur on the way home from Clemmons, causing him to lose control of his car which left the road at a curve and brushed a tree, knocking the bark off. The car then made another turn, the left wheels leaving the ground and the machine. tilting against a tree in the church yard. Miss Ethel Sharp, whose engagement was announced recently, was pinioned between the bed of the car and the wheel, the bone in tbe right leg being so badly crushed that amputation was neces sary. The victims of the accident were brought to the city a short time lat er in an ambulance and at once taken to the City hospital for treat ment. (Miss Ethel Sharpe, who waB so seriously injured in tbe accident, was the fiance of Mr. William Crocker Albright, of Concord, and the an nouncement of the encasement was made in the Charlotte Observer of Sunday. Mr. Albright left for Win-ston-Salem Sunday afternoon, im mediately after hearing of the acci dent.) COMMISSIONERS MEET. -A. the services. Prof. Pender is direct advance of nine to 12 points, active in th. mna; nA tt.. nn samVmi months sold about 13 to 22 points net ... . . i a ii- 3 I " -v, - - o. T7 .1 j; a point, duf mis aavamage whs " consisting of solos by the leader, weuwer m- lossed. Reading was in demand at a W fh nVl tha eWin tions and the more bullish view of of the old time hymns by the eonpre- "B.w H. v ppereu io ue were decided upon. - Joe A. Walters was appointed list taker in ward No. 4 to succeed the late W. M Weddington. A. W. Moose and D. F. Widen- house were appointed a committee to adjust the differences of the county and the Buffalo district. ' . W. H. Cook was paid $250 for 1io4it ailvRncA. but that stock also fell ba'ek;There was moderate activ- ti n , An. thege heIp to m the bring broadening outside demands, damage to his land by-changing the lty in omer leaaing rails aa wen as .the specialties.' Some of the war fcn- tract stocks; were, eubjeet to profe- ;? if Slonai' presaui, -oeconaary, - were lower an arounu.,. - OUR TROOPS WILL NOT BE WITHDRAWN I services helpful. Mr. R. P. Benson is doing good ser- 1 vice at tne organ, wnicn adds very while there was active coverings and Salisbury road. further: trade. buying with July sell ing up to 12.47 and October to 12,56 MINISTER FAINTS. during the early trading. - WOMEN GARMENT WORKERS - CALLED ON STRIKE Includes 60,000 . Persons in Lockout ' ad Also , 30,000 Others. Some Will Retnrn to. Work In 24 Hours. ' ; (By Tk AaaMlate Press) f lHem .York,- May 2. In retaliation of the lockout of 60,000 workurs . on I dially invited to all services. GOLDSBORO YOUTH DIES Cotton futures opened firm: May Becomes Suddenly 111 While Attend- 1219; July 12.35; October 12:49 f De cember 12.66; January 12.74. Was Run Down Yesterday by Car ..Said to Have Been Owned by Dr. C. B. HalL , J ' ' By Th AssoeUled Press) Goldsbo'ro, May 2. George 'Davis, or me ocKp,u,Wwm. ,j ,d grandson of Mrs.;B. women s k-arments, begun a few days t.. !....: u: ... , ago by .mannfacturers ' protecUve as- V AM. soeiatioa, -the International Ladies' . .. ... - fc '-?L u n. r. f Garment Workers Union today ior- Vfw B FROM AUTO INJURIES Btjj, OF GENERAL AND IMMEDIATE COMPULSION Will Be Introduced In Parliament To morrow, Says Asqnith. (Br Tks Assoelatsd Praw) ing Services Today. Soon after services started this morning, at central jvietnouisi Church, Rev. P. L. Terrell, pastor of the Concord circuit, who was a' mem ber -of the congregation, became sud denly ill and fainted. Mr. Abernethy, certam Christ had the power. dered a strike of all its inembers of this,city,' whether employed in shops operation undertaken in an effort to House of Commons that -the total nav- who was conducting the services, im mediately dismissed the congrega- London. May 2. Premier Asquith tion and Mr. Terrell was removed to declared in the House of Commons the home of Mr. Moores. There be this afternoon that a bill, to be in- received medical treatment and in a torduced tomorrow, would be one off short time was revived sufficiently to general and immediate , compulsion. be motored to his home; on North Mr, Asquith told the members of the Church street. tilde toward such a disease was such that I needed no further warning. The trouble is, he continued, we already have disease but we will not go to the Physician for help. Another strik ing illustration was that of a traveler to the man who, in feeling about his camp for some matches, touched tbe cold rattlers of a "rattlesnake. He needed no warning -to jerk his hand away, Mr. Abernethy- declared. And this should be our attitude toward sin and if a man has religion it will be his attitude. This man had faith, but it iwas a weak faith, Mr. Abernethy explained in drawing another lesson. "Lord, if you can," he quoted to indicate the hesitancy and doubt of the boy's, fath er in Christ's ability to cast out the dumb spirit. He was not certain Christ could cast it out. He was not This ACCEPTS CALL. al military efforts of. the British since' the beginning of the war, exceeded five million men. y -' Ray. James Grier Leaves Rowan Premier Asquith said the British . max for One at Tina, S. 0. man did not know Christ as we know him. Another lesson was that the man though having a weak' faith, knew where to go. He knew to go where faith is electrified. He knew to go where faith is quickened. He knew to go where faith grows" and becomes more powerful. . Mr. Abernethy illustrated this point by picturing 'a fast train, with its great engine and equipment. This train, he pointed out, does not have steam to go 100 miles or 50 miles on From the "Border Region of Mexlcol Until Brigandage Has Come to an End. Washington, May 1. President Wilson has not altered his purpose to keep American troops in the bor der region of Mexico until brigand age has come to an end. After a brief conference at the White House today, Secretary Baker prepared further instructions for Maior Generals bcott and runs- ton, sought bv the officers as a result of their conference with General Ob- resron. The message went forward to- nierht. Its contents was not revealed but both Secretary Lansing and Sec retary Baker said there had Deen cbansre in the Adminsirtation s policy. HARTSELL RE-ELECTED. Annual Town Election at Mt Pleas ant Yesterday. At the annual town election at Mount Pleasant yesterday Mayor W. S. Hartsell and the board of town commissioners, J. H. C. Fisher, W, Hahn, C. C. Heilig, A. N. James and J. Y. McEachern, were re-elect- F1RST LINE TRENCHES RETAK EN ABOUT VERDUN. iiiiis mil lit mm. Also Make a Bif Gain In a Strong Aft- :, tack Last night South of Fort Dou.' anmont Although German Offea- . live Movement Seems to Be Impend--' ing Along the Northern End of the Russian Front, the Current Stated meats Record No Decisive Engage, menu in That Sector. Greek Lib eral Party Wants Policies of Ven ixslos Adopted. (By The t seUte4 his) Important gains in the French coun ter offensive at Verdun were announc ed by the war office today. By persistently hammering at the German line on the north slope . of Dead Man's Hill on April 29th and 30th, the French troops obtained pos session of German trenches along a front of about three-fifths of a mile . and a depth of from 300 to 600 yards, the statement asserts. In s strong attack last night south- -east of Fort Douaumont a first line German trench, more than 500 yards in length, was captured by the Frendh. Although a German offensive move, ment seems to be impending along the northern end of the Russian front, in the Dvinst region, the current state ments record no decisive engagement' in this sector. ' Clashes between opposing forees continue to be of daily occurrence along the Austro-Italian front. Vien na, however, reports tbe situation gen. erally unchanged. . " , i , The Italians are maintaining their offensive in the Amadello district, but are declared to lie sustaining heavy losses in fruitless attacks. Despite the collapse of the rebel movement in Dublin and surrounding territory a f ew . irreeonciable ; are s still holding out and snipers and small rebel bands have been making trouble, particularly in the surburbs of the city. . A thorough search of the town - and its environs is being conducted by the military to round up the last of the rebellious forces. - ., : An immense erowd gathered at a mass meeing or tne - ureeK uoerai party in Salohiki, at which orators demanded that Greece revert to the policies of Former Premier, Venizelos and intervene in the war ip, benaii or the Allies, Bays a news agency dis patch. , ' : -i ; ed. The main contest was for Mayor and the vote was: Hartsell, 61; Lee Foil. 31. Luther Ritchie and John Beaver were unopposed for school commit teemen. ' , ; tniB,ciiy, wneiuer empioyeu m - ,- Cy helonging-tb-the protective hssoeia-l ,.-' ' .- ' i ;nM,i;n(T sknnt ; 3ft.(M0 'imi.L' NaShvillei Tehn.. May 1. The i ..L . i,J wlSnnthom MethnHint-nlleini nf Vail. I armv. SXcludinsr IndlS. and including . .. . 4mirna inxvnvA Wnahintrt.nn Vpt it y mias.nnu uiuct uwr-wHuj b "J 1 " . --. - - , -. Kev.' James uner IS ; Visiting nis i - j"-; c-' -- the;-'lockouU.: tris;ers - empioyea'wi"i' wuny cumpictcu h wmirawvi i vviui 1.. Dr. and Mrs. J. M. 1 18 80 consirucieu as w w bio 10 sup- iMwcBlIed friendlv' shoos., however, assignments of the bishops for the ; r' K.. . V, ft. . ,atArtn of ply and apply power as it goes. And $?wtn 'Mfam tn M in 24 hours. ensuing year.'Bishop Kilgo 4 assign-l Will Call for Resignation of BirreiL . , sV.:-' .-j so. here is a man who has little faith V Leaders of the Marine Engineers' ments are: - West Virginia ; confer- .;v.i;jBr.liiiil mmm) Ufc Prhvtrian Chnrches in Row- n God, little faith in the church, lit- 4Beneflciat Associstioit, who yesterday enee, v Charleston, beptember , 14 J i Ixmdon, May Z.r-ijpeaiHng in tne m eonnty ha8 given np that work tie faith in anything divine and etern and accepted a ''4MhWlflV'.atrik f thaims4Bera of I western' Nc?-CkroUna.lastonU;Honso!' of Commons this, afternoon I , . - tu lal. Yet as he moves out toward God two- koala and ateam liehtersin' the! November 8; . Virginia, Richmbnd, Premier Asquith said he -hoped- to I . ... .t.i. .t Tir. that faith becomes strengthened, that ' . - . I . . I . . M 1- I UL liUD 4 ICOUT vuu va v "7 I . ....... harbor: aa their demands have been November l; JNortn uarouna, uur- give an eariy opportumty ior aiscus- . ntl efo Carolina, and faith becomes multiplied and goes en , fiBu. ""M"""j , - 1. 7 . v w " i : . - , . i will leave in o eiiorir luuo.ior iiiD uow i -r- - -- naniaa iffaeted and that- the Stnkel - ' - resignauonx. 01 Augustine , inmu, . M nr is . rrafliiat of r. . .. ' i V . ..- I.. . Vul.r. MIPiA nnSMrLkl.f t.nTn.l.n.1 i - I !""S " .1.-1 Ll tL V-i:. virtually wm oe over wmieiu. w ; -i iv.b iivu.. viv., .v. , , . Ti.Mii ii and the union rue- muiewciu, uciu muu muw Jew x one, May a. The tnreaten-l J. ,' ' .. ' . t t lologieal Seminary and is considered was anovner element .in tne incident ' .. . . I 3 . .1 . .. 1. . I L J . M. .hn we jn uuuul, xxvi xs was at mnu zivuijr Mr. Abernethy emphasised; What do blessed- in common sense, he knew take his doubts. He did not them to the card table. He did la well equipped young minister. ; :.--..y.v Alhrixht-Sharpe. . led withdrawal of the Kentucky Trot- : Teeter oasa not, oompietea. is manifnat iii tha f ol-Itimr Horse - Breeders' Association I When court adjourned at noon to. .nnnnmnt mAa this mrmk : from membership in the ; atlonal day arguments by counsel in the easel , , Waabinatoik Sells State Land. .v... .u-r.--V 1 ... iV-.j. 1. t.i.J i.l T , I ' " " " I Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Sharpe ironing absooibmou ia .rapecwu w or m. a. wwr vs. ooumern "WJ I rgeattle; Wash., MaV 2.--The State mere v announce the -engagement of their M. averted ny. an adjustment. oiau-i company ana &outneru Jixpress om- - . today in twentv-eight t8Ke l.nel flanghtet I ierenees at tne meeting oi me Aai-ipanyi Ethel Rebecea' , ' lionid Association here today. speech A - . '1 j ...... . .. . mmwm.mwmmmm. ... - 't' . im irrmnii iiirv lutM iiihii ji.m mil l i . . v IO .' Mr.- William Croek'eir Albriglit-. of Concord . si 1 Off For Georgia Training Oamj). Washington;' ; May 2. Special The weddlnff to take D.ace in the trains will leave' Washington today 'early fall- ' ' , . ' ' J carrying large parties Of civilians I - ' , 1 " - from Boston, New York, Philadel- nasi and feti out.- TJ,. fp6? J0e eamP rort Weh??P?' ; V " -ely when kieked, -., , Jwfti - - - . - 'iU . "-'.: iX-,' '"- - ",-f,'-'i l;.Ji- :Kjk"'J : C 'i':A'r wasubeinar made. .Three more 4ontie() Btato Ionda yd at nearly . ea,are yei to be fflade. U300,000. Most of the tracts are tim- Jonbta sre multiplied. z He did not grand jury has filed 4ts report 3. take them out to places where God a and has been' discharged. I upland tracts and tide lands. In name is. blasphemed and the' church is attacked. He said no he . would not take his doubts where they were mul tiphed, where Jus faith was shaken Annt.hsv flontinrant of Rnaalans ' -Fraaos.' ' .Kannapolia Circuit : 5' (By Vk a sets tea rnatr , I Preaching at the Methodist Church I but he would take tbem to God. Marseilles,'; Ma' 2,Another eon-)Subday. Bethpage at .11 a, W. .Oak Mr. Abernethy presented on of the tingent of Hus(a roop rftrrvedGrov at 3 P, m. by the pastori 81 L. fundamental rules of science, aot on -' - t . lOwtn, - . v ... v ... la theory as u n wen true ana wen here today, PrograAme at The Strand All This week. ; '., The orosrramme at The Strang (for- merlv the Marsh) for the remainder of this week will be as follows Today, "The Strange Case of Mary Paee." Wednesday. "The County Chair man," in five acts. - Thursday, ,!What 's ills Name." FriHav. "Hia Last Dollar." . Saturday, "Where, the "Trail Di vides." , - A. AND M. BASEBALL ' TEAM NOT XNJTJBED. In the Wreck of Norfolk flt Western Train Near Natural Bridge Last Night " 1 (Bjr The AsselateS Facia) Raleigh, May 2. Telegrams receiv- ed at the North Carolina Agricultural and Mechanfcal .College today froin-. -' Roanoke, Va" declared that none- of. the members! the college baseball . i l : id,. V sk team- were nmn u vira .icv. Norfolk & Western railroad tram near Natural Bridge bist . night. Prof. Thomas Nelson, who was the worst in jured was suffering only from bruises. THE WHEAT MARKET. Better Weather in Northwest Had a Bearish Effect on Market (By The a date Press) : , Chicago. May 2. Better weather prospect in northwest- had a bearish -. ' effect today on . the . wheat mancet, ... but was offset later by reports that an insect pest had appeared in .South ern Kansas. Opening priees, which ranged from 3-8 decline to 1 1-4 ad- -vanee, with May at 117 3-4 to 118 and July at XL3. to 118 were fol- : lowed by a material setback and then substantial rallies, ' ' , , , 'And Villa grins 1 yon know if it is true or not, and ask ed that all apply this rule to religion Ha told of its work in science and puresented eloquently and clearly the manner in which Bushnell, a great (renins of the Yale faculty, and great master mind of the Cambridge faculty bad come to acept Christ by oersonally applying this rule of ex perimentation to the religion of the Bible. . . ' .Mr. Abernethy Completed hie dis course by telling of the eonversion of a band of Wockaders. which he de clared was one of the most tbr-U-Bs scenei of bis life, ISELY JJIED TODAY, Young Man Hit By Train Dies in Sal- ;v f. ' isbury Hospital" , . -News this morning was ? received here stating that Warren 'Isely the young man. who . was injured at the local yards of the Southern Railway Blackwelder was kued, died at a fcai iabnry hosptsl this morning. ' -Mr. Isely lived kt Cannonviue ana is survived by his wife and several ' children. ' " " The funeral arrangements have not been made. . v In after years" Chicageans may show where the embattled fanners ete 1 and "fired the milk pail" that t i her4 rond At word, '