Tribd? i Hist Ubmj VoL XVIL ' J. B. SUERRILL, Editor and Publisher, CONCORD, N. C WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1916. llembcr The Associated Press. Nx 12 MANY MORE GUARDSMEN: , ARE CALLED OUT TODAY WORLD S SERIES TO HE STRIKE SEEMS . TO BE A FAILURE GREECE APPARENTLY START OCTOBER 7TH TO BE HELD TONIGHT ON THE VERGE OF WAR G Daily I SIX THOUSAND ARE INCLUDED , IK THE CALL." crtsoivo trim v ' National Guard from Virginia, Ala bama, Georgia, v -Florida, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania,- New ' Jersey," District of Columbia, Kej . York, Connecticut, Michigan, Min nesota Colorado - and tSallf ornia are Ordered to the Mexican Border. - 10,000 Now on Duty There to Be - " Returned. Remainder Wfll Soon Be Ordered to Border. , ". y - - (Br Tk awirtiite Ptami Washington, Sept. . -27.- The Nut ional Guard organizations from Vir ginia, Alabama, Georgia, Florida, "New Hampshire, New Jersey, District of Columbia; New. York, Connecticut, Michigan, Minnesota, Colorado and California, were ordered to the Mex ican border today by the War De partment. . Instructions sent to General Isling ton ordered him to select, npon ar rival of these organizations at the border, 10,000 National Gnard in .. f antryinea now on 'duty there to be returned to the state mobilization camps. Six thousand National Guardsmen are included incite call. Today orders will be 'sent out virtually to all the guardsmen now in mobilization camps of the states .. named, and will , leave only about " 10,0W) state troops in all the coun- . try that have not seen service on the border. , In a short time the remainder will probably tie ordered out, releasing - more of those under Funston's com mand. Gradual return and mustering out of all .the guardsmen is then ex pelted to begin. ' PICKING AND GINNING ' OF COTTON IS RUSHED MORE ABOUT THB - , . NUGENT MYSTERY A Gltasen Who Remembers the Oc- ' currence, Writes About It One -of the oldest eititens of Con cord lias written the following story in connection with the story printed n Tuesday's Tribune of the Nugent mysteryf ' ' . - I was almost nineteen years of age when the NugenUaffair occurred, as related in your issue of Tuesday, in an article takes from the Charlotte Demoora't of May, 1857. A prominent eitizen of the, county, who had a bury- in); lot in the old southern graveyard, on the Mt Pleasant road, lost. two j-oung daughters from a malignant attack or measles, oom ay-ng. in a period of time so close together that they were buried in a common grave. Soon after their burial it was diseov. ered that the grave had been tampered with- Upon investigation it was found that the bodies of the children had been carried away. The news of ACCORDING TO , INFORMATION GIVEN OUT BY BAN JOHNSON. LITTLE EVIDENCE THAT FT IS IN PROGRESS. RID SOX KQW PL1YIK6 Y1KKEES Aad the Outcome of Thia Series Will Be Deciding Point in the American League Race. Boston Alone of Leaders is American League Flayi . Today. ' Brooklyn by Winning Yesterday, . Maintained Lead of One Game Over Philadelphia. Boston Made Gain by Winning Two Games and is Now Only Three and Half Games Behind. ' . - (Br Tfce AaMClateS Preu) Chicago, Sept. 27. The world's series will open Saturday October 7, according to President" B. B. John- General Strike of New York Labor Was Held at the Court House, With I V VI T a ZZ tZZh th son, of the American league, who, as the rtJ 8 m'ember of the National Commission lUUUI.UIIIlY IIIVC nnu klkVt w event had ever before occurred in 'he county. For var-ous reasons sus picion soon rested upon Nugent, who had recently come to Concord as a doc tor of JJie quack variety, selling a medicine of wonderful curative powers is today ready to begin preparations for the series. With the race as un certain as it is, no final action has been taken as vet by. the National Committee, Mr. Johnson said. A series of four games which will meaicine oi wonaenui corauve iiuwoiD i r r i i 7 - " j;.... th. be started today between Boston and - Vrlr SII hp ..tehMl with inter. human bo3y. He was confronted with .... w. est, as the champioiibhip m the Amer r""" TJLT" ican league probably will be definitely BiCn. Willi tuc Dtmic uiacoo v . , . . , -.v to the: children. He confessed to the loefted. bv, . tl,ne tlle last of tl,e robbery of the grave and said that he "" , ., .. , r .... . .1 Rnfltnn la f hit in I V- llllfi tit I III' T TtD 1 f , Hod, nf flio h i nn in maK- j-oi v - ...-- uncu M . i l ..4: mg nis mcoicinc. vrunuo wsw - , ,, ; i i i .I.J rt uuiera nu iiuvuis u fcii imw-o. aOOUl U-a IIUIUH, "'"l" u I' T . v . . ),,, i,l.. i ..P Q..H. TTnw.n ctroot a ! H" liniiuimi isi- trust Blltn Ul uuum vj uv. .1, Ttf a... i ;ffl.fmn Brooklyn held on to its lead of a of Corbin street.- He died, and no "ngle game over Philadelphia, bat - i T,,.f hi. riinntir (mi ramps frnm iu a ....,.oj wonn .n tpam' Pittsburg yesterday, gained half LUC CIUU uiuu 7 , . c 1.. O 1 dumped his body is as if he had been .iu,e .. -n i ' a .. Warf Do- behind the leader. Pittsburg and tin ... h Charlotte road. Boston this morning will play off the Bnffalo creek, no in- tie of last Saturday. n tha nnila Ivirisr hfltween the Char fotte road and what & now known AMERICAN BANKERS' as the National Highway. Some-of the ? - ASSOCIATION MEETS nh vsicians of the town , naked ', the privilege. of dissecting the body in the changes are Expected to Be Made in interest of medical knowledge, whjeb was done. His body was then thrown into a pulley and loosly covered with earth. The crowd then qmcKiy dis persed. The writer was one of the crowd. Nothing seemed to be known 'f -Nnsnt'a antecedents, and l never Reserve Act by Associa- RESPOND IN INTEREST OF MERCHANTS' ASSOCIATION HERE. HE KEEIIKQ LIST KIGN Unions, Supposed to Be Effective Today, Seems Not to Have Ma terialized, Although Labor Leaders Claim That About 250,000 Workers Had Responded to the CalL Only Report Received at Police Head quarters Wass That 250 Painters Had Refused to' Report for Work Today. (By The A clmted Preu) Mr. Paul Leonard, Secretary of State Merchants' Association, As Chief Speaker. Numerons Business Men Give Favorable Impressions for the Association. Firms in the City Will Give Money Each Month to Meet Expenses of Organization. Committee Appointed to Visit Busi ness Men. Almost a score of merchants were New York. Sept, 27. The general present at the court house last night, strike of the labor unions in symp-to discuss the matter of organizing or athv with the street car men. is sup-1 reorganizing the Merchants' Associa- posed to be effective today,-and ai- tion for Concord. The meeting was thouch the leaders claim some 250.000 gotten up Dy Mr. l'aui Leonard, sec- workers had . responded to the call, retary of the State Merchants' Asso- there was little evidence that the nation. strike was in .progress. Cpon motion, Mr. George L. Patter- Privatp, canvassers nmonsr labor son was made temporary cliairman union reported that at least 22 un- Mr. Leonard then stated the object ions had tailed to respond to tne oi iue meeuug, i us ia--ia oa w strike called this forenoon. need of a local association in I on- The only report received at police cord, and recommending that it one ON THE WAT. Letter From Mr. Ogleeby, Written En Route. Boys in High Spirita. By Jno. ML Oglesby. tin Itoard First Section North Car olina Troop Train, Sept. 26. "it's the finest looking body of soldiers that has vis ted this town," was the way Atlanta sized up the first regiment of North' Carolina, according to opinions expressed by citzens of the Georgia capital, following the parade there th's morning. The troops detrained at the I'nion station shortly before noon, the three sections in which the regiment was traveling being only a few minutes apart. The route led up I'ryor to Ma rietta, up Mar'etta to Peachtree, Peachtree to Mitchell, thence to the Terminal station. In the Jirst section 'was General Vouus and staff of Brigade headquart ers. Colonel Gardner and staff of reg- v ctonous French and Bntisn on tnllion in command of Major Flani- the Somiue front. ran. In the second section was the The British capture of the long re- second batallion and band commanded sistimr Thienvul stronghold followed liv Mninr linhcrtson. of Charlotte. The clnselv and unexnectedly upon, the, th'rd, in command of Major Howell, capture of Combles, was followed up hioiiirlit up the rear. Company L, of last nisrht bv- a new stroke on the part Concord, led the third in teh pa- Lf the French south of the Somme, railc. where they drove out from Vermand- Meeting the North Carolina troops ovillers and captured strongly forti- Athinta was the second regiment ot Med woods east of town. New York, which came in on a home- Delayed rertorts from the British - KING REPORTED TO HAVE CON SENTED TO SUCH ACTION. K) REST IS 61IEI EE EFJfiSS British Capture the Long Resisting Thiepval Stronghold, y Followed Closely Upon tne Capture of Com bles. New Stroke on the Part of the French South of the Somme. 60,000 German Prisoners Taken ' Since July 1. Entente Forces En-. counter Stiff Bulgarian Resistance in Macedonia The Roumanian Vic tory. Over Von Mackensen. (Br Tki AiwUM Fmh) No rest is given the Germans by headauarters was that 250 members is organized mac a puiu secreiarj u.- , ' a i, ...w f . , , , j. ,.,.,1 .,i iv !i..lo t n e apv-i.tPfl warn journey, iiavuis ucc" i iriini toaay buuouucbu iiic vji..v w or the riniritpr a union had refused '.a I secured, ana Ills v. mole l.n.e ueorea . . '. . I. . , : l reoort for work. to the work. Attempts to estimate the number lr. 11. A. bcolt, casmer oi me va- of strikers were complicated bv the barrus Savings bank, ot Kannapolis, fact that thousands of Jewish workers who is secreiar yoi uie ivannapoii!, will femain idle over Thursday and Merchants' Association, gave some ot Friday in celebration of the begin- the experiences they had in that city, ning of the Jewish year. stating that irom tne r experience ue Those directing the strike say that cud not Delieve mat me oenems coum 200.000 will nuit tndav. and in addi- be overrated. tion to those to ouit work, would be Mr. J h. Davis, possibly tlie rjost able to call out 100,000 more daily active member of the former assoeia for the next two or three dnvs. tion here, stated the facts about why a t.p. pn.rf ' the former organization was not kept " , . VT , r I. O A 07 TT J .... J. 1 UUj OIIU CAJJICOOV VII " XUIIV, OCpt, 61. UI11UII wugiw- frt nwan nilW uwlpaa , I. n in" i I " aa uocroaD fcv v. rr'f 10 iuu nuiuuvr vi. xzotvvi wcui vu lomc station irom ji ssiou, oet ween 3,uuu ana ,wu prisoueio uj where t'.iev have been on bor- the Brit'sli forces MTthe fighting of Unofficial hg their Texa der service for several months. 'You'll get enough of it," the New Yorkers veiled at the Tar Heels. "All right, we are game," answered the hovs from the Down Home Cora nion wealth. When it comes to size in making a comparison net ween me w and the Tar Heels the North I arolin- linve noth:ng to fear.' The tarm and sirall town youths appeared con siderably larger than the big town bovs. Vr.milnv nnit TiiesdavL urea show the aggregate nnrr.ber ot . prisoners taken by the Anglo-French ;n the Somme offensive from July 1st to todav has been 60,000 with some 100 square miles of territory, and villages. ' " In Macedonia the entente forces ap- ; parently are encountering a stiffened Buhrar'an resistance, especially west -of Vardar region. Official reDorts from Bucharest taae back nothing of the claims made by The men are in high spirits and are Roumania over von Mackensen, in the KANNAPOLIS NEWS. Federal tion. ' (By The Aaaoclated Prcn Kansas City, Mo., Sept. 27. Rec ommendation for changes in the nat ional banking and federal reserve act were expected to be made here today by bankers attending the annual con vention of the American Bankers' As sociation. This action was to con cern consolidation into a federal re serve board of the offices and juris diction under the old national bank ers to tne nuraoer oi weni on ., , r.i i.i . The men are in mgn suirns ami strike today in sympathy with the rT51?". striking traction employees, according' lanl &WCwrk - Greece is apparentfy on the verge to figures given"" out at a meeting of vot n,, U me XV, r : GREAT BRITAIN HAS ftf entering the war on the side of representatives of labor unions. "lr-J " so"' " ""Tation would WITHDRAWN REGULATIONS the Allies, King Constants now re- Week Rainless Over Greater Portion ' of the Belt. - fBr Th .Imoelntcd Prem) . "Washington, Sept. 27. Picking and ginning of cotton is being pushed in practically all portions of Jhe belt I leard of any inquiries being'tnade as with very tavorabie weather during U0 n;a whereabouts, or of histate. the week which ended yesterday. Ee- ' "CITIZEN viewing the conditions for that week the National Weather .and Crop Bul letin in its last weekly issue for the season said today: ' -. "Over the' greater portion of the cotton belt'thevweek was rainless, at fording ideal weather .for gathering the crop , and picking and ginning -uuo u FJ8r. g.- with laroe COnSrega- nf hank note, in favor of ohna the crop -is nearly two "weeks M""""! o b'w iwv. r " 1 1 - is being assisted by Rev. G.W. Vick. ' Jing' to the members of the reserve The Parks-Belk .Company, oi von- system a part of their subscription, cord, will open a store here October making membership in it option- ., . . i :j tj ni , , n i 10, in tne storeroom uesiuc wo i ai ior oanKS wiin a. surplus oi less Wilkinson Furniture Co. than $100,000. , lialt-i a wlmlaafiTp hnsinpsa fin Tniieh as cuiuj, wutwD . fn i nn otoCpH that he was liearti 80n- lv in favor of such an organizat on, (Br The Auociatcd fim anA tllnf tirm Btood readv to con Long Branch, N. J., bept. 27. trihntp $2." oer vear toward maintain Samuel Seabury, Democratic candi- inr np fr. W. L. Bell, for the date for Governor of New York, came Beu Harris Furniture Company, On Importing of Cigar Tobacco. Rules of Last 3 Years to Apply. (Dy The Aocln(ea Pre Washington, Sept. 27. Great Brit ain lias withdrawn the regulations for n-wii Ampriran erowers have de- nnrted havins consented to such ac tion. The revolutionary- moveimsm, however, is continuing, and on the is- ; land of Crete 4,000 Greek troops are said to have joined the revolution. , British Again Advance. Tendon. Sept, 27. The Kntisn . , i Deu w AlUlIia i'UXUlliUC vwin-uu,., Wllltll iViueiian (-'"' . I t . , to 'Shadow Lawn lalat night and held promptly stated that his firm could be elared would ruin their business, and again advanced on the bomme irom litni IllKi'i' " meeang mt """ h ,v,, i jni;nfpj hv .Shinn Retnrns from Baltimore L, newM ; Other Items. ' I The discussion was to embrace sub- Kanna'polis, Sept. -27. A protracted jects of immediate retirement of meeting began, at -,; the Methodist green backs, and' gradual -withdrawal today. The greatest success was won n the direction or fcaucori u jiuayo. THE COTTON MARKET. late, generally : short,' and deteriora-1 tion in some section, but picking is becoming general m that state." SHARES IN OUR ASSOCIA TION IS A GREAT . AD VANTAGE TO I Mr. Pinkney Shinn, the assistant ROUMANIANS KILL THEIR OWN OFFICERS secretary of the Y. M. C, A., has just TRYING TO SOLVE Disgruntled Soldiers Dynamite Train returned from a week's pleasure trip I . SHOOTING MYSTERY 'Loaded With 400 Officers.--- Only to Washington and Baltimore, and re- ; ' . , rT.,.n.'w " uorts a nice timer - ' IMand and Woman Shot 'in Their , (Br Th. Ao.iie Pr...) Miss Ruby Nance is confined to her Apartmentg t phUadelphia Hotel Rrl! Mnndv SpntpmW fcv home On nveuu - wireless to Associated Press via.-Sav- teYr al?m9 wrluB-. Cronstadt, dii u.?.Trurw,K u , ,Men Office men, Sen a dynamite Domn under a train loaded I - -d... wit In 400 'Roumanian officers, only sev pn of whom escaped unhurt. f : hr wnd Intermediates. The Bus ness (Br The Aaaodated Pnw) Philadelphia, Sept. 27. Detectives of the Alhambra Garage, of New York, and a woman registered as his an early morning conference with jori0ABA fnr like amount, as did mithnrizes imDortation on the basis T- 1 j. TTTJl i .1 3 x I l.fl I . ., i . T -I 01 - rresiueni v uson couay ana men ien is Mr. J. E. Dav.s. tor the Loncora of those in 1913, 1911, ana xvio for New York. " ri,itnn Pomrianv. Mr. Leonard PnnRiil General Skinner, at London stated that Mr. J. G. Parks had au- cabled the State Department today ot thoriz'ed him to state that the Parks- the change. ' "f: Rlk Onmoanv could be depended upon The orisrinal reKiilatioh governing for at least this amount. Mr. MbiocK the importation or cigar tooacco oe- Q .nej at Decline of ,5 to 7. Mints advised that his company coma uisu tween June l, laio, anu mj oi, Todav be expected to come-up wim were based on uie amount, inm (Br The AaMeUted Preu) Dart. Several representatives oi.oin- ,mnorter had brougnt in in a XT , Cnrvt 7Th Aotton erfrms present stated that they were yeftr ago, in which imports wretaooi "ket d at dedine 0f 5 to 7 not authorized to act for their va- war year, in which imports were 8. in response to easier Liverpool rous firms. . . . small. The new oroer, accorumg w - , fi..tte r-d . seUing. . which In order to get the organization into the Department of ( ommerce omciais , t ft partiy from apatlK better shape, it was decided tne best is authority tor practically normal Trading was aniet here. plan would be for the chairman to importations ot American tooacco in- Bftpr selling off to 16 for Itecem- appoint a committee to visit the mm- to Great Britain. , , 16 o&for" Jahnary, or tO 10 ' ness men of the eity today, ana nac The tobacco atteccteo comes mrgeiy 1 ? . . . nTiPv BtPAdied on 41 1m; Tinmpa as mem- f.. J?lnri rnnnoetient. Wiscon- P"'"13 "cl " .. . L 11 C Hi t tuiuu v ' " 1 1 1 1 1 in ......., ,. . j bers of the association, and that an- 8;n anc( Pennsylvania other meeting be held at the court house tonight. The committee ap- j. A. TERRY WILL pointed by the chair were: DIE DECEMBER 18TH. Messrs. J. E. Davis, F. ( . Nibloek, men.won tne cup wwe wf wife in their apartment at a promi mnt. Tonight the Business men win 1 x f - , , , - - I piny au a 4- 'The Suffragists in convention havejtnree 0the rteams.; ' voted to keep up their f'lobby''s-atl rm;- nj. Mrs. Cla in WIM I . j, xi ,!. onrW tn.lnv. hv Mrs play an all star team,. made up of the c who afterward commlt. ted suicide with the same revolver. 1 ,1 . e, ti tr . , "T, nn 1 . I lea SUlCiae Wliu me bhuic revuuci. keep np their "lobby";. at IrMr nd Mrs. Clay Whisnant,, of ... ..., ,. j Washington and to have a million- Butnerford county,; spent the week-P . f . . . h iu, dollar war aund, .aitnough a munon eni Visiting our , efficient P08tniaster n,lv -wnnnded ' . - How Mrs. Ledur gained entrant to the apartment occupied by her vie tims is not known. Neither has it '1 n been established rrom wnere sne Has Bare JBajoniy vrer flftmfl;' Piia theory i that she fol Wescon. .vote - mif-ui. ,o d th GraVeur.;man from New ; . dollars would buy a lot f hatsgownsl jjr.- Y, 'q. Gill-am,' and, family: . , ' and -face powdef. ' r - ' ' ' "'. ' i 1 r A ; Bine Bird Feature in Five Thtilling'Acts." ' - LOUISE . LOVELY J', Featuring .; ; . ' ' AT THE . ' - PA STIME Yorfc . . NAmlnee- Close. . " f v - ; (By Th AeelateS Fmm.) lrenion. in. ui pot. Minrmniii .fames KMartine won the Demo- Icratic nomination for United States I senator by a safe majdrity-ovr At- tornevi General Jonn w. w escow. . ' . : - . . I . ' The vote or the KepuDucan nomi nation for Benator is-very close be tween Joseph F. Frelinghnysen and Franklin Murphy. IN MASSACHUSETTS ' ; . : TOMORROW Mansfield Nominated for Governor By , the Democrats and Cook by the Re. f pnbllcans. '''l: " s, (By Tke AmoeUteS Prree) Rnstnn. SeDt. 27:A revision today H. Otto Whittpen, of Jersey City,t i nicht.B figures confirmed the was Unopposed for the Democratic j gojbstantial pluralities received at the nomination for Governor, y. I state primaries yesterday by'Freder- ' , . ' ick W. Mansfield fot. the Democratie - ' KannaSOlis Oircnlt. - , ' I rrnminnMnn 'for ftnvnrnor. and State Pretehin? at the Methoaisti.vnurcn i Auditor, Alonio B. Cook, was renom- Sunday Betnpage aju r. aaa iiaat44;fcy the RepubUcn ' ? T;?'.' ;2r,4 hlbQIW, lines ,-. '. ' '-;'. r: ' ...... The Professional Man, Who has not always the op portunity to select good se-. cure investments at the max m um rate of interest consis .tent with safety., The Working Man, Who wishes to have an avail able fund between himself and the troubles- which he ' would otherwise face in the event of sickness, accident, or lack of work. The Salaried Man, Who feels his best chances are to -stay with a large con cern, but has the sane judg ment to put part of his sal ary whereat will give him reasonable degree of inde . pendence. The Business Man, Who wshes to safeguard his future by accumulating a fund entirely separate and distinct from - hir business. Now is the accepted time to . take shares in this old reliable Association, where 'all loans are covered by first . mortgage on Land. . $ , The 38th series opens on Oc tober 7th, 1918. - Cabarrus County Building, loan & Sayings ; Assccfetisa Office in The . Concord . National Baik and Drivate crop advices. Cotton futures opened, steady t October, 15.75; December, 16.02; January, 16.12; March, 16.28; May, 16,45. W. L. Bell and D. B. Morrison. The'se, Convicted of Murder of J. R. Stewart in Greensboro (By The Awoclated Preu) Greensboro, N. C, Sept. 27. J. A. Tefry, convicted- yesterday of the murder of J. R. Stewart, was today sentenced to be electrocuted Decem ber 18th. ... T Jl 1 in nmnmv witn uir. Lieonara iiuu Mr. Henry, who are here to help or sanize. will call on the different firms - ' . l, 1 4' - today. An urgent can is iss.ieu all - business men ot tne cuy, whether retailers, wholesalers, professional men, or otherwise, to meet at the court house tonight at 8 o'clock and help with the organization which will mean much for the future of our city. HUGHES AT PITTSBURG. Begins Tour of Industrial Towns Es corted By Anto Parade. . " (By The AuaclateS Vrw) Pittsbuw, Pa.ieSepi.: 27,-haa. E. Hughes entered the Pittsburg district soon after noon today, : Mr. Huebes was met at the station by Republicans from western Penn sylvania,. eat8ern Ohio, and north and west Virginia, and immediately began a tour of industrial towns, escorted ny a nnrade of autos. - Th nominee was joined here by Senators Oliver and Penrose, and by William Fl nn, former . Progressive leader. Call Out Militia to Fight an Onion Fire. Columbus, 0., Sept. 26. The onion marsh fire in Harding county, which has been burning for two days, was beyond control tonight and spreading rapidly. Company B, 9th batalhan Ohio national guard, (negro,) was or dered out to fight the fire tonight. A strong wind saved MeGuffy, alter the fire had reached today within a qnar ter of a mile of the town. The fire now extends over 1,500 acres. It is predicted by growers that the onion bed fire will burn all winter, in the deposit of onion top peat, which covers the area to a depth or tnree feet.' The crops will be practically total loss, t ' ' ' r ... With Our Advertisers. - Oatmeal and grits just received at Lippard & Barrier's. See ad. today. See the advantages oi saving muu ev in the Cabarrus County Building, - Loan isavings ashocuh j i ng their ad. in this paper. .; ' ' Get your Tall suit at jne crownn- Cannon Co. See their new ad. in this paper today. ;. ., ; - . One of the five-cent store corpora tions, reports that its sales for the last eiaht months were $50,440,961, a gain 'ojV$6,5,02,708, or 14 per pfent l WWIIIW . "V T ' atmakei s muckle, ' , At that. Roosevelt wasn't cheered half so much as Maine was. . ; ' All Our Soldiers Now En Routt.' - .j (By The Aaeeetatei Trm. , Morehead City,' Sept. 27. With' the departure i today of the third regi. ment of the North Carolina National guard, all the estate forces called for norder duty are' now en route, to 1 Paso, The first regiment left Mon day and (he second Tuesday, STRAND THEATRE V- ' Tonight. - AL SHAFFER'S BOYS' -AND GIRLS' MUSI CAL COMEDY CO. ' ""THE SERVANT AND .Til . - HOUSE," A Blackface Comedy, pictures THE WATER CARRIER C , SAN JUAN," j. v , , , with Ed Coxen and Winifred C r . wood. . tfi-i-rt-r '"h; V'- "':v..s-ricV:-r!vr i X-' tx

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