I - - - - - i ? ' CCNCOia) 'DAILI IBUNE, Vol. XVH J. B. SHERRILL, Editor and Publisher. CONCORD, N. C THURSDAY, DECEMBER !4. 1916. Member The Associated Press. . No. 73 vr 'M Oper ations On Various Fronts "WITH TEE CHIEF FWHTINQ IN : . IVWXIAX TERRITORY. m hie mm ma "With the Exception of an Attack by . tlit French, and Serbians in Ar gonne and Macedonia. Not Knows If the finmaniani Hare Establish ed Themselves on Bnzen River. Great Britain is on the Verge of Taking; farther War Measures, As She Has Moved to Float Another Loan for 400,000,000 Pounds, Mak ing. Total of 3,532,000, Founds. (Br Tbe Associate Prcaa) While the warring nations are awaiting definite developments from the presentation of peace proposals by Germans and her allies, tl.e oper ations on the various lighting fronts are proceeding. The immediate fu ture, so fare as peace proffers are concerned, is indicated as likely to be taken, up by consultations among tbe entente powers preliminary to send ing of a joint sly. Interest in military developments still centers on Rumania, where the armies df von Mackensen are fighting their way forward despite the diffi culty -of transportation caused by the bad roads. Whether the Rumanians have es tablished themselves along the line of the Boxen river, nearly south of Mol davia frontier, is not yet apparent. Berlin's last- specific mention was made in last night's .communication in which Teutonic forces were report ed to be nearing the Buzeu river. It appears thai the Rumanians evacua tion of eoutjiern Wallachia is virtu " ally complete, a the German war of fice announced that Great Wallachis, south of the Bueharest-Tchernavoda Railroad, has been cleared of hostile forces. ; Beyond -the German report of the repulse of the French attack in the Argonne on the western front, and of the Serbian assaults in the Bul garian positions in Macedonia the war news presents little else of "interest. Great Britain is on the eve of tak ing further war measures. In the House of Commons a vote of credit of 400.000,000 pounds was moved, bringing the total for the war up to $3,532,000,000 pounds. Likewise a supplementary estimate provides for an additional one m.llion men for the British army during tiie present year, the. original estimate being for four million men. Boys' Corn Club. All the Boys who haven's sant in their reports should do so at once and come to the Court House Satur day, December 2'J, at ll o'clock for a short programme nnd the awarding of a few prizes. If you didn't make any corn, fill out your report ,to that effect and send it in, as we want a report from every one. R. D, GOODMAN, County Agent. 14 Degrees Above at Hickory Today. ' (Special to Tbe Trlbuae) Hickory,: Dee. 14. The thermome ter registered 14 degrees above zero this morning. Messrs. Hughes and . Wilson might have warmed mp their icicles, before exchanging them. ', THE C0::CCHD f JATICIJAL DAL'IC Will open a regular Sav- N ' ings Department on Janu - ary 1st, 1917, paying s 4 per cent interest ycom ' r pounded quarterly, Where . v can you .find I vestnlent than - a sayings - ; in a good strong National ) Banfe? . -" , V' CAPITAL 3100,000 Continue COTTON STATISTICS. . . , Cotton Manufactured in November Amounted to 348,088 Bates, Census Shows. . (By Tbe A ss seriated Primj Washington, Dee. 14. Cotton manufactured during November amounted to 584,082 running bales, compared with- 614,743, a year ago and for the four months 2,227,375, compered with 1,978,635 a year ago, the Census Bureau announced today. Cotton on hand November JD in consuming establishments was 2,191, 799, compared with 1,613,641 a year ago, and in publie storage and com presses 4,098,928 bales, compared with 4,981,939 a year ago. " Cotton spindles active during No vember 32, 753,937, compared with 3188,723 a year ago. LLECTORAL VOTE SPLIT IN WEST VIRGINIA Though Hughes Caned State by 2,721 Plurality, Wilson Will Get One Electoral Vote. (By The Associate Press.) Charleston, W. Va., Dec. 14. Al though C. E. Hughes carried West Virginia by a plurality of 2,721, the official count nearly completed, show ed that President Wilson will receive one electoral vote. Colonel S. A. Scott, Republican elector, who was placed on the ticket following the re signment of J. W. Dawson, was de feated, receiving a smaller vote than Orlando Debue, Democratic elector. At The Theatres. 'A Son of a Rebel Chief," ; a drama of patriotic thrills, featuring Wlliara V. Mong; and a Joker com edy, "Their First Arrest," at the Theatorium today. Tomorrow is Red Feather Day, "If My Country Should Call." .Bluebird photoplays presents. Lou ise Lovely in "The Grasp of Greed," at the Pastime today, supported by Lou Chaney, Gretchen Lederer, and Jay Bclasco. Breezy dialogue of the short, quick, snappy variety nnd innumerable sit uations that are extremely ludicrous add emphasis to the many evception al scenes in "Maid to Order," the musical comedy novelty, which will be shown at The Strand tomorrow nighh Rose Botti, who has won fame in several Broadway produc tions is the prima donna of "Maid to Order," her co-workers including such well .known musical comedy players as Sallie Stemblcr, Harry Macdonough, Jr., Jack MacClellan, Hie famous Russell sisters and a whirlwind singing and dancing chorus. Christmas Specials at the Darnell Mercantile Company. The great advance in the price of shoes and other commodities of life has not affected the prices at the Darnell Mercantile Company. You can find many bargains there for your before Christmas shopping. Shoes, neckwear, men s suits, boys' suits, hats, rain coats and many other things can be bought cheap there. See their ad in this paper today. Members of Scottish Rite Masons to Meet (By Tbe Associated Pren Newborn, N. C, Dec. 14. Members of the Scottish Rite Masons of he Valleys of Newbern and Enfield are making tentative plans for a reunion in Rocky Mount early in the coming year, it has . become known here. Nothing definite as yet has been de cided upon, it is said. ,:. . a t better in- ; j SURPLUS 040,000 s RICHARDSON-FOIL. , Hist Ann Foil And Mr. Frank Bick- ardaon, to Be Married December 83. Tbe following announcement wd be read with much interest here: . .) - Mr. sad Mrs. John Foil request the honor of your pretense at the marriage of their daughter Anna Cleveland , -to Mr. Frank Reid Richardson . j Saturday evening, December twenty-' third Nineteen hundred and sixteen -at six o'clock at home Mt. Pleasant, North Carolina. Miss Foil is s young lady of many accomplishments, and has made . a host of friends in her home town, and in other places where she is known. Mr. Richardson is principal of the high, sohool at Lowell, and is a son of Rev. and Mrs. N. R. Richardson. He is well known in this county, as his father was pastor of the Metho dist Church in .Mount Pleasant for several years. WANT TO SELECT .THE SIXTH CLUB To Be Represented in the Virginia League Next Season. I Br The Associated Press.) Rocky Mount, N. C, Dec. 14. President Bradley, of tbe Virginia League, is expected to issue soon a call for a meeting of the Board of Directors of the league, which prob ably will be held 'in Norfolk early in January. The principal business .be fore the board will be that of secur-5 ing a sixth eiuo to lane me place oi Hopewell, which dropped out of the league during the middle of last sea son. None of the members of the special committee appointed to handle the matter has indicated whether the new elub fill be located in Virginia or in Eastern North Carolina. Tlie com mittee consists of Directors W. L. Stanley, of Portsmouth, E. J. Kidd, of Petersburg and W. S. Moye, of Rocky Mount. POWHATAN STRUCK BY BRITISH SHIP Mystery Cleared When British Ship Telena Came Into Port for Re pairs. 4 (By Tbe Associated Press) Cewport News, Dec. 14. The mys tery surrounding the collision in the lower Chespeake Bav last night in which the Mertnant t Miner passen ger steamer, Powhatan1, was so badly amnged, she had to be beached, was eared up earlv today when the British tank steamer Telena, arrived here and proceeded to the shipyards for repairs. She was badly damaged about the bow, but so far as could be learned, none of the crew was injur Four negro mess attendants on the Powhatan, were hurt by falling beams when the Telena crashed into the Miners starboard side.' GOVERNORS MEETING IN WASHINGTON, D. Ninth Annual Conference in Session. Governor Craig Present (By Tbe Associate Press) Washington, Dec. 14. The ninth annual Governor 8 conference open ed here with more than a score of the state's chief executives present to discuss the state administration problems and other question. One of the mos timportant ques- ions for discussion today was the executive budget. Governors on hand when the con ference began, or were expected in- luded Governor Ciaig. of North Carolina, Manning, of South Caroli na, and Stuart, of Virginia. WILL CLEAR UP GREEK SITUATION Allies All to Make ; Demands- to Greece. That Will Clear Up Mat ters. (By The Associated Press) London, Dec. 14. Fully alive to the dangers of delay in dealing with what he termed the unsatisfactory situation in Greece, Lord Robert Ce cil told the House of Commons tms afternoon that the Allies were about to present certain demands to the Greek government for the purpose of clearing it up, . THE WHEAT MARKET. Bearish Pealing Took a New Grip on the Wheat Market Today. , (By Tbe Associated Press)' Chicaeo. Dee.. 14. Bearish deal. ings took a new grip today on'the wheat market.' Opening pnees, which ranged two centr lower to 1-4 ad vanced with May at 167 to 168 and Jul v at 143 3-4" to 144, were follow ed by moderate declines all around, GERXAXT'8 PROPOSALS ' ARRIVED LAST NIGHT President Buy Today Preparing to Send Them to Entente Belliger- enta. '' (By Tbe Aassrlstod Frees) Washington, Dec. 14. The note conveying the proposals for peace by the .(Central powers, which the United States is to transmit "ito the Entente belligerents, arrived during the night, and ere being prepared for President Wilson early today. The document is said to be sub stantially the same as published in unoffle'al dispatches from Berlin in the report to the Overseas News Agency. Accompanying it was a confidential report from the Ameri can Charge at Berlin, which is under stood to be an outline of affairs which led up to the German chancellor's speech in the Reichstag and the send- in? of the peace proposals. The aetual transmittal of the peace proffer now brings up the important question of whether President Wil son will decide to art merely as an !ntermediary or whether he will ac company the transmittal with some expression of hope that the propos als of consideration of peace will not be rejected without examination. It is a prevailing opinion here that Pres'dent Wilson wants to do some thing of the sort, and is looking for ward to some league of nations to preserve peace as one of the elements of the settlement of the wnr. It is possible some means may be taken to establish a little more defi nitely the temper of the allies toward the peace proriosals before the Presi dent acts, but it is understood that there will he no delay in fonvardinar Germany's note to the foreign bel ligerents' capitals. BRITT CASE TODAY IS BEING ARGUED Before Snpreme Court of North Car olina. Wants Permanent Injunc tion. (By Tbe Associated Press) Raleigh, N. C, Dec. 14. The ap peal of Representative J. J. Britt. Republican, from the decision of JndgfLAdams in the Buncombe Coun ty jPPenor AOUrt, .denying the man damus vs Buncombe County Board of Canvassers, is being-argued in the Su preme Court here today. ' 1 It is hoped the court, will hand down a decision before December 19 in this case, as it is said it will have a direct bearing on the temporary re straining order prohibiting the state Hoard of Canvassers from taking ac tion as regards the Buncombe county vote to that date. If the State Board is permitted to count the votes of Buncombe county, Weaver, Democrat, will yo to Congress from the 10th dis trict, instead o Mr. Britt. THE STOCK MARKET. , Sold Off Sharply Soon After Strong Opening Today. (By The Associated Press) New York, Dec. 14. The stock market sold off sharply soon after a strong opening today consequently to the receipt of news that Washing ton had received the full text of Ger many's peace note. War shares fell 2 to 7 points, and other issues of a more stable char acter also became heavy. Much of the selling issued from professional quarters. Another Break. New York, Dec. 14. Apprehension over the effect of the Teutonic peace proposals on the gainings of muni tions and steel companies caused an other severe break in the stock mar ket today. After earlier decline, the stock during the noon hour literally poured out, leaving no doubt of the urgent character of the liquidation. PEACE PROPOSALS WILL NOT BE REJECTED Without Consideration by the Allies, Their Embassies Announced Today, (By The Assodstsd Press) Washington, Dec. 14 The embas sies of the entente allies here today reflected the view that Germany'! peace proposals will not be rejected without examination, but that the Allies in reply probably will call for a statement of the proposed terms, so they may not be placed in a position of unqualifiedly rejecting peace. House Today -Passed Immigration Bffl. ;'.'". . " (By Tbe Associated Press) ' Washington, Dee, 14.The immi gration bill containing restrictive literacy test for admission of aliens, which has caused three presidents to veto such a measure, was passed by the Senate today 64 to 7, The, bill passed the House in the last session. Gen. Goethals says that the Pana ma Canal is a successT'and he .ought to know better than any critic who has devoted .three days to going" over Hickory Vomah Is Burned to Death THE COTTON MARKET. I Cotton Market Opened at Advance Today of 18 to 24 Points. (By Tbe Associate Press) New York, Dec. 14. Bullish over night sp"! advices and relatively Ann cables ereouraged the opening ad vance of 11 to 24 points in the cotton market t lay, and prices sold 2'.i to 30 points net higher shortly after the call. This advance carried January up to 18.33, and May to 18.80, or 43 to 43 points ahuye the low level of yesterday, and evidently attracted eenewed realizing for liquidation. An easier turn in the market led to increased Wall Street selling, and before the end of the first hour prices showed a reaction of 14 to 15 points. Cotton futures opened bteady : January. 18.25; March, 18.51; May, 18.75; July, 18.70; Octobfr, 16 80. GERMANY'S LAST NOTE ARRIVED SATURDAY Is in Response to This Government's Protest Against Deportation of Belgians. By The Associated Press) Washington, Dec. 14. Germany's reply to the American protest against dejtortation of Belgians, arrived at the State Department this mo'ning. It is understood to contend that the United States has not been accurate ly informed of the purposes of the eportation, which are said to be uule on tV' ground of social neces sity. FRANCE IS TO BE ABSOLUTELY DRY So Far as Whiskey, Brandies and Liquors are Concerned. (By Tbe Assoclatee Press) Paris, Dec. 14. Total prohibition throughout France of the consump tion of such alcoholic beverages as whiskey, brandi 's and liquors' has been "decided"' oh by tbe government. This is shown by thye text in the offi cial journal today of Premier Bri- nd's declarations yesterday before the Chamber of Deputies. MILLION MORE MEN FOR BRITISH ARMY Originally the Estimate Called for 4 Million Additional Men. (By The Associated Press) London, Dec. 14. A supplement ary estimate issued today provides tor an additional one million men ol all ranks for t he army service during the present financial year. The origi nal estimate was for four million men. Great Annual Before Christmas Sale at Parks-Belk Co. The great before Christmas Sale1 at the Parks-Belk Company will be gin Friday morning, December 15th, and continue until Saturday night, December 23. This will be a great chanee to buy your Christmas pres ents at a great reduction. .Shoes, clothing, dry goods, gents furnishings and notions all will be sold cheap. Cotton goods, outing, bed clothing, ladies hose, blankets and hundreds of othr gjods will be sold at a irreat reduction during inis saie. iteao the:r big two page ad. in this issue for particulars. WE HAVE JUSr DISTRIBUTED THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS ; TO THE MEMBERS OF OUR CHRISTMAS CLUB , Were you among the happy number to receive .out check? ' j , If not we suggest that you at once join our Club now starting for next year. t ; f The easy weekly payments are never missed and the substantial check, increased by interest, is most welcome when Hobday shopping is at hand. Planstrf payment to suit every pocket-book, i Citizens Bank' and : Trust A. JONES YORKE, President, CHAS. B. WAGONER, i Cashier, DIED i mu sit ennui ii m Mrs. Wells Was Sewing Close to a Stove and Spark Flew Out, Setting Afire Her Clothing. Wrapped Herself in Quilts and Had Water Poured on Her to Extinguish the Flames. She Was So Badly Born, ed, However, That She Died This Morning. Accident Happened Late Yesterday Afternoon. Sur vived by Eight Children. (Special to Tbe Trlbue) Hickory, Dec, 14. Mrs. Harry C. Wells, aged 44, died this morning as the result of burns sustained late yesterday. She was cutting out a diess on a table, about four feet from the wood heater, and a spark or blaze jumped out of the stove, set ting her clothing afire. She ran to her bed room and threw qnilts around her, came back and threw herseltf on the floor and had her twelve year old lrl to pour water over her, finally extinguishing the tire. However, she was so badly burned that she died this morning. She is survived by her husband and eight children, ranging in age from 21 years to six months. FAVORABLE REPORT ON BORELAND BILL Which Authorizes Federal Commission to Investigate Trade High Cost of All Goods. (By Tb Associated Press) Washington, Dec. 14. The Bore land resolution ordering the Federal Tiade Commission 'to investigate all Tingles' of the high cost of living, in cluding the producing capacity -of the United States and the possibility of violation of the anti-trust law, was favorubly reported today by the House Judiciary Committee. With Our Advertisers. You can get gifts that delight at S. W. l'reslar's, opposite the St. Cloud Hotel. See new ad. today. Have your clothes cleaned and pressed good for Christmas. M. R. Pounds can fix them for you. See new ad. in this paper. Ladies' footwear, valued at $12.50 for $5.00. See the new ad. of Fish er's today. Christmas neckwear of the latest colors and model at White-Morrison- Flowe Co. Read their new ad. in this paper today. Favorable Report on National Pro hibition. (By Tbe Associated Press) Washington, Dec. 14. The propos al of national prohibition amendment today was ordered favorably reported to the House by the Judiciary Com mittee. The proposed universal amendment was ordered without recommendation. suffrage reported We are told that carpet and rug prices are being revised upward. It was unnecessary to say "upward." Company ; JOHN FOX,- ' '.' Assistant Cashier, A. F. GOODMAN, .. V Teller. . MRS. HARRY C. WELLS FROM INJURIES. ; V and then something oi a rauy. me wora. - , v