TODAY'S NEWS TODAT Jl 'i Vol. XVII." J. B. SHERRIiL. Editor and Fubiishex. :imC0STC03. ;iuOTiiiS!i:ii:;G' Prominent rifizpn rf Nn 11 -rrununeni viuzen 11 Township, Kills Ilunself.r'Jir , fiSL"-! - With a Shot Gun inthdtfLL- . Yard in Front of His Home ' ' "NO CAUSE CAN BE ; ASSlCiNED FOR ACT Had Been in His. t 1 j aj ouui ,. uv ir w v.wiu r,.' lf;iM Tr. ft 'x8 few AlinUteS lleiOre lie - Committed the DeedV- . - ' . - ' Vv. H f lW-' -' , . f , "wLl. By aome offldala It waa awnmed the ..J 1 nraoaaaaaor wished to explain person al mostprominentciti No.',iiy to Beeretary lowing the extent 11 township, smutted ' suicide tins, to whlcVOermln activities have been morning about 10 o'clock by shpot-j carried on In Mexico, and the influence uik uiincrcii in iu? uciu u Buui 1TUn. ' - ' -' V The 'Act of aelf-dastructicn ' took piace id me yara 01 m nome, ana wait a ktml surpiwe 10 an wno Knew biro.- MrVBost had been in his tunal health and just a few minutes before . tomniittM the deed, he was in good apinU and nlayii,sr with hia grand - txldJ,V Yuv&J'&iS?' rilla. . Texaa. who -with her children! liaA bemi viaiUnrf him 'hail W wnhaPr upstairs whei ahe heard the shot, and found when she reached him that he traa dead. The discharge from the iron oaa Diown almost one wnoie aide -pf Jug face off. Mr. Boat was t73 years of aee. . .-' -"v. ''-:'' Mr. Bost lived one mile 'west of Post Mill and his daughter, Mrs. W,: js.- isennoar, maoe ner home wito last aunaay.'f- ; - . . - . -him. He leaves tea children. a . . The soldiers were riven an enthna- follower t ... vj: . " . v . MrvM. B. Boat, Mrs, Rr O. lata- keY. Mrs, W. N. Bigirera, and Mr. D. O. Bost, of. Hoi 11 township, Mrs. J. F. BosW Memphis. Tenn.j Mr. Stuart u mnt ma jn. r. m. r urr, ui vin- cord, MrsTLotiise Plott and Mt.J5v-. erett C. Boat, of Amarilla; Texas, and A-VSre: ti:2 1 wveyeard of St Martin 's.Luthpran' ' memW., but theTh WnotTwI been decided.. C ' '-t-.v. 1 ' A'tt NEOBQ CHARGED WITH - .-I ,MTJBDEB OF MOTHER AND BABY .. . . T Takatf ta' BradentAwn Wa' for Tm k ...;aVT.' """" .t iui vi or t,ommere6., Until recently, be T(Bar Appointed to Defend Him,'-, ', cause the country it as war, the Vet - r Tim mHim . erans were" in favor of . dispensing Bradentown. Fla., July V- 8,rWai",Witn the"Siate reunion, this year. vv Miles, negro:- ehareeif with the mur. .. reunion will be held ins Dur- det'nf a niothr and hnhv and a fatal . criminal assault, April 20,- was brought here at5 o'clock this tnornr mg on a Special train from Jacksont , vUle, with IVo soldiers picked men of three national guard companies, and incur wtut uu uouionavrauoii ' v . 1 , , Judge Beeves appointed the entire . Bradinto wn bar as counsel for . the defendant, who had no attorney, and v ;r . AnnanltAtinn vhb ffallpil.m-ifh Mm o-' , tornevs attending. Two o'clock Was r - .rL5j7 .viMk" iAu: jtur sanujcra were pusieu auvui . Ill 't '. Ci mi , ir . ;7 wort house and court room. f , ,jI k ,' - - . t .: - v I made more rigid, to prevent v nie J NATIONAL, OUAEDSMEN .'' fcj? !f fl'k ' ' . . . TO ftPSTORP Aiinra ' S ,D ?emy lPfflt',la believe ln , . J.-c TP jtLBTOtU. OftUJS. formation is reaching Germany in the ' ' 1 t-ilM 'iL ''l'ZTTTZTlI tii 'form of commercial messages'oabled , vn w ou(wg, xuuow-, . ins HNieht of Bioting.-' ' By Tb srtatta ' . 'i Bloommgton, Ill July 6.N Nine ,' companies Vof; Illinois. National - . "today to restore order following a . night jf rioting, caused by a strike" f employee of the Bloomington & Nor wal Railway and-liigbt Company. ' ' The strike had been conducted in the . ordinary manner ; until last ; night. , wben a crowd began attacking street t cars and crews,, several tootprmen and conductors being-.-badlv beaten. One - 1 x"? w 01 rioters was shot -aim ibkbio a nospiiai. xne city is,; ,quiet this morning. ' : ! - ;. i given nn opportunity to be employed in If we of this country are tired of constructing cantonment. , The Gorer the war, her much more so Europe nor stated that'-many North Carolina . must be. v y .x - . 4 Guardsmen were unemployed. , - n July 1st is the beginning; of a new Interest Quar ter in oar. Savings Department . ' " , y ' ' r Depcci3 isade on or before July 10th bear Inter est frcra July 1st, at 4 per cent; compounded quar terly. r' - V'V" ' '. .', - .'.',-,., -. ', ' -: ' ' ' ' ' i X v.tust cor.:?.nY. GERMAN SOLDIERS HOLD UP WHITE FLAGS But the Russian Soldieritle- 'Fused to Fraternize. r The ImtoM ma) i rVrrriid. July . German anMlrra J" BaH on the Roumanian treat, yesterday hcit p hiw' aa 'ambassador fixtcheb I . Hl'KRIEDLY LEAVES MEXICO ! txttmdtt CmoMa T ' Activities In Mexico. iT The Ammtl Press) 1-. Washington, July 8. Enongh import. , mik-t i Bitncnra to tne miMliHi of Hon. nun iwrneaiy lerc Mexico (Jlty-to ar- ranfe tor conference today with See ma 17 Lamting on the train which, la carrying toe Secretary to to Bender tiaroor, . i for ar three weeks' ya 1 cation. ' . ,- v . - uemuui agenta nave had on Mexican "'.. government and ruvinln xtmmt. th.i Mexico would, enter the war on the -siue or tne entente la not regarded by inuai, umciaia nere as probable. ' : r- TROOPS BENT TO THE '' - , , , GLOBE MINING DISTEICT 1 , . JZ - " . xPctl to Hav Jnletin Effect on ; Striker. v ;- 1 The Aait Prcaa) , Globed Aria., July 6. The presence Je Waav or rout troops of United .States 'Cavalry" and a machine gun oompany was expected to have' a quieting effect on the Globe Miami Copper district which has been in a state ofnerroua tension ainfe 7,000 copper miners were called on to strike reception, by citizens on their arrival last night, and there was no evidence of hostility on the part of . the strikera, who dispersed to their homes promptly at the suggestion of ine commanding otneer. ',.- I -. ; " ' ;,.'; 7 : OONTEDEEATE VETEBAKS' ' J rXEomox atotjst : 21-25. To Be Held at . Dnrham. Not to Be w n -. ; - 7tefaaa, - 'JtJr 6.-rMembers,bf the North Carolina Division United Con- "5 J'"?? Wi.U1 bT W?' Tiual reunion in Dnrham Ansniat 21 tn ? inclusive; it was announced today by officials of the-Durham Chamber Uiam in honor of Hon. Julian 8. Carr. .war said. ; Gen. ..las. ' Metts. of Wilmington, and Adj.; Gen. ? Hv A tendon, of -Plttsboro, are m charge ine urrangemenis. . ,; r r " '. '- ' '' ,,'"- " vuimvirauu vaauxio r - - WHX BE KOBE BIOID, . . ; ,v- - To Pre vent Spier from 'Sending In . . fM.. . , , ' ,i, n. y.,77, WBShineton: Jnlv ' 6.-Canorahirt o neutral countries in Eurone. Al. ready.-it ia said, that the government. in cases that i .-excite : snspicion, v is 'gnchanging. the wording or the mes . BaeB - GOVERNOB BICKETT APPEALS . TO SECRET ART OF WAR BAKER To Give National Guardsmen Out of Work Employment 00, Constructing Cantonments. . - By, Tae AaaMiated rmt) Jtalelgh, ' July 6. Governor- Bickeit today telegraphed Secretary Baker, of :ti,e 1War Department and urged that Natlonnl Guardsmen not in the the Federal service and out of workrbe ............ tints Air. Acco CONCORD, N.C, FRIDAY, JULY 6, 1917. fi!iti:;gbo Between the Troops of Gen" ' eral Chang Hsun, Support-' e of Monarchy,;: and the Republican Forces. THE SITUATION IS BEC03HNG SERIOUS Hotels Full of Foreigners. 5,000 Troops of monarchy Are Opposed ,By 20,600 Republican Soldiers, (By The AawlHil Piii) . ' V Peking, China, July- 6.-Flghtinfc be gun yesterday at Lang Fang, about 83 miles southeast of Peking, between the troops of Gen. Chang Haun, supporter of the monarchy, and the forces, ot the republicans.' . ' The altuation la liecomliur serious. Trains are Oiled with fleeing Chinese going to Tien Tsin. The hotels are all full of foreigners. '. Small -"American and Japanese forces are- endeavoring to cqme from Tien Tsln. but tholr ar rival nay be delayed by the fiRhtiiig at lng Fang, where 5,000 troops of Gen. Chang Hsun ar opposing au advance guard ol-ao.wj repuhheaus. 50,000 Republican Soldiers Converging . v ,. on jreKing. ,v .r Tien Tsiii.' .Jnly' 0 Fifty- thoasand soldiers of the republican forces are converging on Peking,' In attempt to prevent the restoration of (be Manclra dynasty, which- appears to be at the point of failure. . By 'midnight Tuan Chi Jul, who has been appointed com mander In chief of the nunltive expe dition, Is expected to have 20,000 troops between Tien Tsin and-Peking. Large forces are coming np from the south. Along the Hankow Railway-, 1,000 sol diers are advancing. Gen. Chang Hsun, the dictator, who attempted to restore monarchy, has only some 3,000 men. -Tuan Chi Jul today addressed an ul timatum to Chang Hsun's troops, and promised them more favorable treat ment u, they would lay down r tneir arms.! Northern military leaders do not expect any fighting: They believe Chang Hsnn will be- deserted by his troop when- the strength Of the rejtab- Uctius are realised. - It is rumored that part, of Chan Hsun's forces have al ready deserted him. .Fifteen provinces are supporting Tuan vm Jul. 0B0ANIZINO BATTEBT. . ,'.: 01? FIELD ABTILLEBY, Capi' Beid liorrisop. Spent Yesterday Here In Interest of Battery He Has Been Authorized to Becrnlt,.. Capt. Reid Mowison. of : Mbores- ville, spent -av few hours here yesterV dav.t' Captain Morrison was here re cruiting and distributing S literature ior a battery of field, artillery he is to recruit-such a battery under an act of Congress, The men for -this bat tery wil be taken from this section of the State, and the battery will- be Known as me rieuuioni ounerv. The headquarters of the company is in Mobresville, and men will be sought especially from Charlotte, Salisbury, Concord, Mocksville and other cities in this immediate territory. . ' . Captain Morrison is making an es pecial appeal to ' intelligent young men who want to serve in a select branch of the service, and he hopes to have his battery recruited to the 190 enlisted .men by July 15. The field artillery is one or the most interest in? and most important branches of the service, and by enlisting in the fiedmont Battery , the men fjom this city will have, the opportunity of be ing under men from "near home:" men .-who are familiar with the ser ies and who will give a fair deal to all. - - r ,v." y . The men who1 will have charge of the battery ia one ;of the biggest -features. They are men who have been in the service and who know how to handle mew, .-. capu Morrison - has been in the enard almost continu- ttslv for sixteen years. He served as Papfain m the "capacityof Inspector of Small Arms for several years, and unring in raexican trouuio was jxa-talion- Adjutant.-' Lieut. ' Louis 1 B. jCravton."o Cliarlotte, is a Davidson graduate, and has served ,-. in - the srnard. ' Lieut.'.,. V.-'A. RndBsill,' of Shelby. -aerved as first sergeant h of Coi . ( on, the border, and was con sidered br many to be the best first sergeant in the.N. C. troons. Lieut. Bobt. B. Walker; was captain-elect of the Dandson tootbal team for next year. He had military exnerience at Clemson College and - also in the guard. 'Bur; Fetser,: of this city, has beq' offered a lieutenancy in the oatterx,yand it is provable that he will aceept it,' - !' The battery. 1 possinlv.1 will be re- ruited by July 15, .- This is a chance to see real service '"S under ,( capable leads. ' Any one wishing to loin this battery can do so by notifying' Mr. Ei C. Bernhardt, Jr, ; , ; Wheat Goes Up Again With Corn. (By Tfc AsMetatad PMaa) ', Chicago.' July 6. WBeaf ascended today with corn. After opening 1 to 2 1-2 cents -higher, with July at 210 and September at J91 to .192. further gums were made that carried July to 219. , , - Gone are the good old -times when neople threw eeea at well-meaning but inadequate aUutff perfurmera. - ATTACKS REPULSED . . . - . . Failing in Recent Efforts on - the Aisne Front, He Turns His Attention to the Cham pagne District FRENCff ACTIVE IN THE.VERDUN REGION London is Reticent As to ; What is Going, on, on the British Front in France. . Important Movements. .'. (By The A anlam Pim) Having' failed disastriuslv in their recent effort to drive the French from the. commanding nositions tm CheihindesDames on the Aisne front, the Germans are -now turning their attention to the ChaniDagne. annar etitly with a similar piiroose.'. " ' Attacks were- made by the Crown Prince' troops last night on - the French line west of Mont Carnille and southeast of. Tahure. The drive evidently was not of such intensity as were those earlier in the week along the ,Aisie, and the Paris' official re port says they were earilv reDulsed. The artillery fighting is progress ing vigorously in these and: other sectors, of. the . Champagne. In the Verdun region also the French guns are active. With the evident effort of making the German trencher, west and north of Hill 304 untenable. Gen. retain s artillery tire is ' pouring a destructive fire non them. Apparent ly the Crown priaee has none too se cure bold on such ground here as his troops were able to seize in the sud Hen Miah of a few lava urrn ' ..London is reticent as to. what is going, on along the British front in France, where there have been indi cations of some important movement in prospect The Only activity re ported was the raid last night on the British port near .: Bulleeourt. which was repulsed. -'rVi.'.j';--1'--''". i In Macedonia - there is some -reviv al of ' activity, but semihgly. .not on a -large scale. The enemv trnona. Crobablv Bulgarians, launched an Ks- 'sault on the ridge west of 'v.Doi.ielr, soutbwets of Lake Doiran,. but were compelled, by a British counter-attack to lelinauish the footing i they- obtained. r,--.-i "-'v,:, : Italians Make Snrnrias Attack.' ' Rome.- Italy. Jnlv 6. The Italians made a' surprise attack northwest of Selo, on Wednesday night, and ad vanced their line. . the war office an nounced. ; Outposts captured . with prisoners. 'The gains maintained a prisoners. The gains were maintain ed against the counter-attack. '.' Heavy Gunfire Increases. . " Petrograd. Julv 6eHeavy gunfire on both the ; Russian and Teutonic lines in theregion of Zlochoff, on the east Galician front,' was" increased yesterday, says Russian official state ment issued today. - . - COMPLETING DETAILS OF i-r: . SELECTINQ BEOISTBANTS Ko Date for Drawing Has Yet Been . - Announced, Howef er. 4 . ; ; (By I'M Aaaaeial Trim) . ' Washington. July B Secretarv Balrfr and provost, marshal General Crowder today; were completinz the final -details of the methods to, be em ployed in selecting registrants for the new national army. , but no date for drawing, has been yet- - announced. Complete organization " of every lo cal and district exemption board is necessary before the draft maehiperv caa' begin"to operate. The drawing will be "in Washington, and indica tions point to the use of, numbers in stead of names, in making the eelee tions. ' . ' 7 .v.' ' , i THE COTTON MARKET ' ( First Prics " Showed r Decline. But . Quickly Balliediv -v s : i - (By The Associates' Pros) ; ,;' Kb w .York, Juno Cr-Tliera Was a renewal of scattered liquidation, at the opening of the cotton market to day, and hrst vrices. showed a decline of 2 to 10 points. The market turned 4.1111, iiufic-, vii ACMurvs illRb laillB in the Southwest had. not been sum. eient. - October 1 nuicklv rallied to 24.72, while December sold up to 24-88,-with active months selhnar some 19 to SO. points above last night's Cotton futures opened steady; Julv 24,90; October. 24.45) December.: 24.- 61 i January,. 24,73; March. 24.83. i .V ,L':; '' '. - COMPULSORY MTLTTARY '. ''!; SERVICE IN CANADA Canadian House of Cammona Passes Resolution to Second Beading. ' . ' (By The Aaatrtataa rim) , Ottawa. Ont.. Julv 6. Canadian House of Commons early today adopt ed a resolution offered by Premier BctfTten,' passing to the s'cond read ing the bill for compulsory- mihtarv service. Exciting scenes marked the taking of a vote, which stood at 118 for conscription and 55 against. - - Germany appears to value an inch of French territory more. than all of her reputation au matters Dot nnli- Jtftry. v . - PRICE THREE Cy- DECIDE PROHIBITION ISSUE BY TONIGHT Senate Began Consideration of This Section at 2 O'clock Today, .. r tmm taa'alat4 fiwa) Washington, July a Final dUpsai. tion by toueiht of the prohlhitloa larae. wae orecaat when the food control bin was again taken np In the Senate today, although a Ifcarn ifmnrU m jrvuiiara. . - The bill was taken np la the Senate nuder an agreement to begin consider ation of the orohibltion aMtinn vciucx inia anernoon, with the debate limited. ANOTHER OH08T SEEN. Reported Sighting of Periaeope: at -uamptooi Roads Causes Investiga tion,. ' '-. : . By Tmm a eimfm tommmt Washington. Julv fi.. Rnrtfwoi1 Sighting of a periscope of subma rine at Hampton Roads caused the Aavy Department today to send in structions to the commandant - make a thorough investigation. Ae- curuing to me report sent to the- De partment today, officers on one of the American Warships sighted an object nuicu jie Deiievea tn tw tha run.n within "waters of If n fvu VVUU0 OU though the exact . location is with- aeiu. . -.. Continue Search for Submarine, ronress Monroe. Jnlv a v,.i patrol Doats have mrntinnoi . !,; seareu lotiay enemy submarine U'hiph wo. . . . l , i , . navmg Deen surbfed snbmerged in these watr. ,at yesterday, but no trace of the wen. una ueen xound. ' s ' Marine observers did not believe it possible for a submarine to submerge in the Road or the lower Chesapeake May because of insufi cient depth of the water, and in t!n' pointed to the fact that the German merchant underwater boat. Deutsch land, could not go under until after she passed the Capes last Summer. i" route to tsremem. t. . ARTTLLEB Y. BATTLE OF ' OBEATEST .VIOLENCE. Developed Yesterday in Eastern GaL -V lcla, Bays Beport. " r The Aaaodataa Preaa) . : 1 Berlin, via Tendon .Tni n a:i lery battle of great yiolence develop ed yesterday between - Zborow - and iirezezany in eastern Galicia. sava the omcial atatement ioanoil iml.u k. l5i'rm."11 - rBiV .'headquarters -ataff. ilia bombardment diminished during the nnrht bat inrrfeaseit in again at daybreak today,,-. The artil ery activity was" also -very -lively at intervals further north. " ; " NO CIGARETTES OR CARDS '4 !T VX SOLDIERS '. COMFORT BAGS Two Great Camp Comforts to Be Kofc 1 ' iceable by Their Absence. . - Br Tha Aaaoelatea Praa) '- Winona, Lake.'Ind., - July 6. The two great camp comforts" which sol dires ,know, c cigarettes and playing cards .will be noticeable by their ab sence from comfort bags to be pre pared by the Christian Endeavor So cieties. '.:,.':.!.., : -v.. .-..' v Tbe trustees of the United States Society of Christian Endeavor, which Plans a list of one million people in service. So ordained today. , . . ' RUSSIANS AND TTJBKS ' ENGAGE IN BATTLE. In the Bistan Region of the Persian ..4 . Mesopotamlan Front " (By The Aaaoelatcd Press) ' Petrograd. July 6. Russian troops and the newly reinforced Turksish detachments are engaged in battle in the Bistan region on, the Persian Mesopotamian' frontier, says the of ficial statement issued today by the Russian war department. , Oapt. Sharp Goes to Fort Leaven worth; v (By The Asaeclated Press) Raleigh, July,' 6. Capt. Bernard Sharp, U, S. A., for three years de tailed as instructor with the North Carolina National Guard has receive ed orders to report for duty at Army Service School at Vnrt Tnnvann-nvti, . . . ' V. v,vUnUllU, tvas.H it was announced today. Cap- i.u puurii..wiu leave tomorrow.- Stdit a Savings Account fir. TODAY Ar-1 s;;t";A Deposits made up to July 1st. Four per cent, I ? compounded quarterly. Y tmcates of Deposits t The Concord CONCORD, N.C. IBIME'. Na 252 IT TH Efforts of Corporations to Get East St Louis Negroes to Return to South Has Not Been a Success. ONI4Y5OUTOF20OF THEM WOULD RETURN Iississippi Plantation Own ers Offered to Charter a Steamboat or Special Train to Take Them Back. (r The Aaseetatea Preea) East St. Louis Julv 8. F.ffnrta f lar-is corporations here to indue the -negro workers who fled from the city after the riots of Monday to return have not been successful. Agents for the large factory today went to the municipal lodging house in St. Louisj Mo... where 400 men, refugees, are sheltered, and said be had work, ed for 20 men. Only 5 negroes came back with him. Offer to Charter 'Steamboats and " Trains. .A- St. Louis, Mo.. July 6. An offer by three Mississippi business men anil plantation owners to charter steam boats or special trains to take 500 to 1,000 negro families back to Miss issippi has been made to the St. Louis Red Cross, which n helping in' the work of providing for the refugees from East St. Louis who mim in Sit Louis. t 1 1 . 1 I.. . THINK WAR SECRETS WENT BY MEXICO. Many Believe Berlin's Informant Is an employe or United States. Washington. July . 5. A- nation wide search ia being made today for the spy through when Germany re ceived news of the departure of the troops, for France.- Since-Tuesday all press dispatches from France telling about . United . States troops have been diverted to -the Secretary of War by official or der , ",. - A,;- 1 4 :'. - - CSenator Chamberlain,' chairman of the Senate Military Committee, sava he is convinced the" spies who gave away the transport movement have aids .in the Navy Department who have access to confidential infomia tion. ; The Senator's theory, is that : the secret word communicated to the spies was sent by wireless to Ger many, i either from Jlexicp pr Ven ezula. ,:r J -. ?.-.".,. - .'flf the spies in the Navy depart ment can be found, they ought either to be shot or -hanged.' said Senator ' Chamberlain- - "That there are spies there I have not the slightest doubt." - IRISH CONVENTION 1 - -J ' . . ; TO MEET JULY 25 To Deal With the Prelfininary Busi. i nes of Work Before It , . (Br Tae Associate Press) , London. Jnly 8. Premier Lloyd George announced in the House of Commons this afternoon that the Ir- . ish Convention would meet July 25. ' to deal with preliminary business in cluding the appointment of a chair man, v Mr. Lloyd George said - the government had suggested that Henry Duke, chief secretary for Ireland, act 'as temporary) chairman. . v At the Theatres. A varied and high class program is on the boards at the Theatorium today. Foremost is a Red Feather production. "The Flower of Doom," ' with pretty Gypsy Hart in the lead ing role. It ig, an unusual sort of story, exciting.' - melodramatic v and 1 marked by a climax that has- real punch. 'v.v'A A -'',. v-, , Wallace Reid and Myrtle Stedman in a big Paramount feature. "The Prison Without Walls." is the big at traction at the New Pastime today. Tomorrow J. Waren Kerrigfti. in "The Measure of a Man." r, filue- hlii will be shown. ":'-lJ "';-' .Ar?.w,-AAi'' evi; - July 10th bear interest from paid on Savings Accounts, Four per cent paid on Cer- National BaiiTr LiHOES VfLL NC RETURN 10 SOU a .t t