at-:t: rsrrs dispatches TODAY'S NEWS TODAY ED--- IBUNE VoL XVIL : J. B. SHERRILL. Editor and Publisher. CONCORD, N. C. TUESDAY. AUGUST 7,. 1917. PRICE FIVE. CENTS No. 275 Congo 3AILT iWE" OKLY TWELVE LIEN ; Who Did Not Claim Exemp tion From Service in the .- New Army Which is Being DraftecLV -T- THIRTY-SIX WERE . - PHYSICALLY UNFIT And Twenty-Two of . the 140 v Summoned DitL Not Ap w: pew Before the Examtna 'tion Board Yesterday." The main- tuple of Interest In the streets today la bow the, local exemp tion board Is progressing; with the work of selecting the draftarmyfrom Ca barrua county. t "-' For Monday there were 140 men sum moned to appear before the Board. This includes the names of some meu who hare enlisted In various branches ! of the service since the day of registra tion. Borne of those did not appear, as it was not necessary. However, out of the 140 summoned, there were 118 present to I examined yesterday, leaving 22 unaccounted for. Of the 118 men who presented them selves yesterday for examination, 82 were accepted as physically fit for ser vice, and 36 were rejected. The ma jority of those rejected, were thrown Mint on account of being under weight. The percentage of those physically un fit among the white was much higher than among the colored. r . - Seventy of the 82 men physically fit claimed exemption from service for va rious reasons, while only 12 men filed no claim for exemption.. The most gen eral .claim for exemption was that of being married, and having dependent wife and children. Of course, the fact that a man Is married will not neces sarily exempt him from service, accord lug to a statement recently sent out by the provost marshal general, and It is safe to say that many of the claims for exemption that have been Sled will not be allowed by the local board. How ever, until the board has passed upou the merits of the individual cases, there Is no way to forecast how many of the men already examined, will be ph cud In the draft army. VIRGINIA PRIMARIES' BEING HELD TODAY For Governor and Other . State Officers. - - (By The AwHMrt M) Richmond. Va, Aug. 7. Tne tlirec eoraered rare for notrinalion for Coventor held the renter of interest today in the Deraorra'i nrimariea throughout Virginia in which, nomina tions for Lieut. Governor. at;ornev reneral. and members of the House Delegates also rated unon. J. T. Ellvson. - Lieut." Governor. O. Pollard, attorney general, both of Richmond, and Wes'morchnil Davis, of Jonilnn Count v, former president of the State farmers Union can didates to anereed Governor Stuart all are pledged to present prohibition laws, I'ollard advocated a eonttta. tional amendment Tor pmhibiti in. Discussion of the linur ones' ioa has entered larwlv into the 'campaign wliirli lias been termed the liveliest in 25 years.- . . The general elcetion will be held November b'th. . next,- before" which time the state Republican eon vent ion will mee' at Roanoke, to dec:de whether er not to put a ticket in the field. V. '. -: NEW YORK TROOPS TO LEAVE SEPT.'l. Departure Delayed Because Camp is Not Ready. ' . (r Tm kmmtmfi fim) New York. Aog. 7.--Tbe Departure of the 27th division-of the United States Armv which is composed of former national kuitIiiikti will be delayed until Septem'jjf 1, according to art announcement nad' her toj.iv bv Mai. (len. John F. O'livan' who said he bad received word from the War Department thnt this wat neees- btrv because ol tne demy m eon:. pletinr the .raininv u ,i ,t SpMtnn bi.rg. 8. ('. ' The farrf Ml narad of the various units, which was to hnv taken place YOUNG APPOINTED ADJUTANT GENERAL CARGO OF TOBACCO LOST. And a Supply Is Asked to Be Shipped ; at Once. ,- '.' (By The AaMrlatrd riM) ' ' Washington, Aug. 7. The T. M. C. A. shipment of tobacco for American troops In France has been lost. Word from Purls today from the Ited Cross Commission to France; saying no suit able tob'acco-to replace the lost ship ment was obtainable there, and urged that 10 tons be shipped at once. The Red Cross council has accepted the offer of Liggett A Myers Tobacco Company to donate 1,500,000 cigarettes, 20,000 packages - of smoking tobacco, and 10,000 cuts of chewing tobacco, which will be formarderi to tin? Ameri can troops at once.-, France, has agreed to admit tobacco free of duty, as well as alj other articles for American sol' dters. v .-' . .; BILLS READY TOR WILSON'S SIGNATURE One to Increase Membership of L C 0. and One Giving Preference to Commodities. ' ... I Br The AMoHnted PreM) Washington. Aug. 7.-Awaiting the President's-; signature -';. todav were bills "1o increase tUc Interstate Com- irTemnershirt trora merre Commission ATlrtwitta Uei, there were present some yesterday, who- presented mighty flimsy' excuses as tk why they 'should not aiiRwer their country a call to the colors. Some men - ph -ttlcally lit . made claims of pains mi I physical troubles probably never cxiterienced bfeore they were . f i the board. However,--the 'local physicians examining them have been -ivy throrough In their, work, and the Vhiiices of faking past them are very li;lit. . It Is very slow and exacting wcrk, and the board' was kept busy fit IB tlin time it started at 0 o'clock re iterdjy morning until about 7 ::10 in the revelling, , without -stopping - for meals. . . OUTBREAK. IS OYER, in , In Fighting' Against Draft Law ' , .' Oklahoma, i ; .. (Br Tha Anirillrf Pr al - Okbihoma City.tjkla., Aug. 7: With 2o0 objectors under arrest, and more surrendering, federal and state officials believe the organized outbreak against . service in .the national army to be over, ' Olllcers today continued tjielr searjeh for, several of the leaders who have not lieen apprehended, and the Depart uieut of Justice officials continued - prepare conspiracy Information, . 1 New Wheat Has Bearish Effect - Chicago, Aug. 7. Increased arrivals of new wheat had a bearish effect to. day on that cereaL After opening un 'changed : at : 225 for September, . the : market receded to 224. . :; - here Thursday has bsv. inde: (nitelv postponed. eonseone-er Was said the parade probably wil be held in bout thre w: .ks. . . Of North Carolina National Guard. V". ,Br Tk AMlatc4 Ptcm Bulclfih, Aug. 7.--Oeu. Ijiwrence W. Young, for many years adjutant gen eral of the North Carolina National Guard, and lately In command of the first brigade of the Guard, was ap pointed adjutant general today by Gov ernor Blckett. . Geu. B. S. Boyster, who has been In charge of the adjutant general's. office since Gen. xoung left lor the Mexican "border with the Guard last year, and Mai. G. -X. Peterson, assistant in the office of the adjutant general; have ten dered their resignations, effective Sep tember 1.' THE OVERCASH REUNION , A. through the- commission or go ire veth agenev ol his :: ehoosinu. to pre scribe what .commodities -are moRt es. sen'ial to war .prosecution and to or der tommon carriers to ?ive prefer ence to; their transportation; lhc eonference fenorts on both b'lls were adopted bv the Senate vesterdav. had been approved - earlier bv thu House. .' , -" To Be Held at Enoehville August the 9th, 1917. The following Is the programme for the Overcash reunion, which will take place at EnochvHle next Thursday.: , Devotloual exercises, Kev. . K. Gotsltnan and Kev, John Morgan. Address, Rev. K. A. Goodman. Address, Kev. V. K. Stickley. Address, Prof. O. F. McAllister. , Address, Prof. J. Oliver Overcash. . Noon. .- . Address, Kev, John Morgan. - Address. Rev. B. 8. Brown. Address,- Judge Kluttz. Closing Prayer, Bev. V. R. Stickley Benediction, Kev. B. 8. Brown. . There will be plenty of music. Inter. spersed through- the programme. . v -C. IX OVEBCABH. President. 4fcrlHiliecretar" i. . ' ..vj" 11 ' 1 ' - -; - MAJOR GENERAL WOOD INSPECTS THE IWVEOOITIH 111 Offering Spirited Resistance And Are Driving Back the Austro-German -Forces At Some Points. TEUTON ARMIES FORCED BACK In Flanders the fantry Has Continued In- French In active. Brii Maintained, jr ish Silence Russian front sitiuttion continues complex, with the Russian troops of fering apinrted resistenee. and driv ing back the Anstro-Gerinan forces in rome sectors, and weaklv yielding in others. - ? Ten miles from Chot.n. mst bevond the extreme southeast corner of Oalicita. the Teutonic armies have been forced baclc-ai-eordinir to ad. vices from Kishinev i. todav. Petro. grad officials reonrts the driving back of the enemy's advance sruards south of Gnemalov : c In Rukowina and da the river Bv. stritza. on the other; hr-d. the Rus sians have been forced to vield iii'ort ground in one case, j because of the voluntary retirement, oi iu icti ments. -i'.-- I Further south, in "Boumania. a fur. ther menace to the Entente lines be came apparent todav n an announce- mem or ine openinr .oi me inunrai offensive on the Fokshani resion. near the noints where the line turns south. east toward the Danube. Petrosrrad conceded a retirement here, and Ber. l;n announced the stormine of the Russian positions north of Foksliani with the takin? of lpO prisoners and 13 runs. - ' , In Flanders the Infantry has con tinued inactive, butjthe total silence of the British official report on the condiions there similar to that pre se-ved wrp'e the preat bombardment which preceded the inital attack, was -J imnendinr. coupled with the report of "rentlv increased air activitv. seems indicative of probabW earlv rc-n' ADMDXAL BURNET IS REPLACED By Vice Admiral Sir Rosslyn WemyBS. (By Tto'iumtaM rm) London. Aug. 6. delaved. Olli.-ial announeement waa made at admiralty that Admiral Sir Cecil Burnev. aec ond sea lord, had been replaced bv vice Admiral Sir Kosslv Wemvss. Allen tl. Anderson, .hitherto ice- chairman of the Wheat Commission. sueeeds Erie I. 1 eddri. the " new first lord of the admiral t v. aa t'-mlnd-ler of naval construction. SITE ZIMMERMANN'S DOWNFALL. Charged With Attempt to,. Embroil r Mexico aud U. 8. . (By The Amoelated PreM) - Mexico Citv.' Ausr. 7-When the nws of the resignation of Dr. Alfred Zimmermann. the - German foreign secretary, was received last night it caused a 'general leclin? axon? the Mexicans that his downfall was due laruelv to his failure to have Ilerr Heindrich von ; EckhardU German minister to Mexico, to attempt to em broil Mexico and the linked Mates, and to use Mexico as a eo-between in an effort to alienate Japan from the Allies. ' - Which- Was Offered for Camps Several Month Ago. ' (Br Tki AHHlatt4 Pmi) Favetteville, August 7. Mai. Gen. Leonard Wood, commander of the sontherstern ; departmeint of the United States army, was here today for the purpose of inspecting two eamp sites which were offered seve ra' months ago and which is said may be put to use later. General Wood was expected to address the citizens tonight. - , rtrfeW COMMITS .SUICIDE. - St Louis to Jordan W, Lambert, of Kills Bmiseir, (By The AmdiM Pma) St. Louis. Mo.. Aue. 7.--Nlordan VV, Lambert, 'member of one - of . the wealthiest taimiles in bt. Louis, shot and killed himself in his apartment todav. He was known as an amateur sportsman and belonged to manv athletic clubs of the country. He was 43 vears old. . . "v Lambert .was a brotner ot Aloert B. Lambert, aviators and aeronaut. Will Study Conditions Here. (By Tka AsMdatcA Prcw) : Tokio. Japan. Aue. 7. Members of lli Uiuua. r.f Ronreaenf stives met and' decided to . sen.d live of their A Successful Sunday School Class Cam- memliers to the United States to ... palgn studV conditions. , Thev will start on last Sunday the Berean Bible about September 1 and rctnrn in De- class of McOlll Street Baptist Church of the F.ntente olfensive efforts, French renort si?ejms,ft"filfriv io lent" artillery fiahting in Belgium notably in 'he Bixschnote sector. The stead closinsr in of the Cana dian lines about Lens also gives the impression .that the time is not far distant when an effort to give the final touch to the process of expell in? the Germans from the coal city will he launched. In Champaene the FrencU are carrying out the important raiding nneration and Jast night penetrated the German lines at these points hrinoinir hack prisoners, Uen re tain 's artillery broke up the attack bv the the Crown Prince's troons be tween. Avocourt woods and Hill -No, 304, inflicting severe losses. , COMPORT OURSELVES 1 . , : AS CHRISTIANS" Sava a Pastoral Letter Read in Berlin Churches Last Sunday; . (Br The Associated Pmm . A m Atncdam. . Aiur list 7, -Dutch nnner nnnt a column with the ac count of the murder of the crew ot the British steamship Belgian Price, Rerlin teles-ram triving the extract from the letter read in all churches in Berlin last Sunday:..'- - We will comport ourselves as Christians toward our enemies, and conduct the war m the future ag in the past, with humanity and enivai- ry. MEETING OP COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Regular Monthly Meeting Held Tee. - tadray at Court House. The Board of County Commission ers vesterdav held their regular monthly meeting at the court bouse. There was no business out of the or. dinary routine to be transacted, ami' the Board passed a very ouiet session. In the matter of roads, the board made the order that the. following surveys be made and reported on : Survey over the J. W. Tavlor mail route, near Ilarrisburg; survev itou: Reedv Creek to the Flowe Store road ; survey for a new road from The la'e B. M. Johnston place to the Pitts and Poplar Tent road: survev lor a change in the Mt, I'lcasiu t and Monroe road. It was decided that the Board would nav the expenses of an,' or all of the County Commissioners, and of the Superintendent or mads, to the annual Good Roads Convention to be held in Wilson. Angus', 14. 1) and 16. i , WILL BE FOUGHT BY DISTRICT ATTORNEY Efforts to Remove Mrs. De Saulles From Jail Will be Halted. (Br The AHlr Pma) Mineola, N. T Aug. 7. Efforts to have Mrs. Bianca De Saulles removed from jail where she Is held for the murder of her former husband, John De Saulles, to a hospital, owing to what her attorneys term a nervous coUanse. will lie foucht by the State District Attorney Weeks announced to day. "If annltcation Is made in court for her removal," said the district attor ney. "I shall have my physicians exam ine the woman and abide by their decis ion: I see no reason wby she snouiu have more liberties than - other per sons In her position." SHARP ADVANCE IN COTTON MARKET COTTON VALUED AT $1,412,860,035 As Against '$95800,000 a - Year-Ago. (Br Tk iamtMH rsa) New Orleans, Aug. T. The total value of the country's cotton crop In cluding seed for the year ending- July 31st, last, was $1,41X800,03011 aa tU5Hu0.ouo a year ago, according to the annual report of Secretary Hester, of the New Orleans Cotton Exchange, made public today. Prices paid for this year's crop, he mentioned, were the highest for 47 yean. The average price per pound for mid dling for the year Just closed, he puts at 18.41 cents, compared with 11.0U centa last year. The average commer cial value per bale for this year's crop was $4.K. NEWYainLt- cember. . The delesratwn will ropre-i sent all parties. l , Charles Prowers . l;::'v:;.: ".---F?';1 ''"H' ! Sc'ildhnd Beauties , .." . .'..,i-f . r' , ; - - '- . . ''.-...'.;,.'.-:'' ' Mimical Comedy Co. . Scrjand.: Theatre Fictarps 7:3D ; . . t Vdevill? at 8:00 - A.'t--;n,' ISpiA 25 cent:. - closed one of the most successful con rests In the history of the class; tne class roll grew to more than oneitmiv dred names. The morning hour last Sunday was devoted to the election of new officers of the class.. The election was conduct. ed with the enthusiasm of a real cttyi election. - There were many candidates nominated by their friends In very spir ited nominating addresses. Alter me noils closed, and alLreturns were In, the following were found to be the suc cessful candidates: President,-Fred J, Mills; vice presi dent, J. B. Herrln; second vice presi dent. J. T. Orowell; third vice prest dent. Jesse Hamilton r secretary, Ervln L. Dry; treasurer, H, O. Sherrlll; re- norter. J. R. Potts: teacher, S. w. Ben. netU assistant teachers, B. B. Howard and v. JO. Hernn. With our new and enthusiastic pres ident and his loyal cabinet we antlcl pate the most successful administra tion in the Mstory or tne class, xne in staltatlon service will be conducted next Sunday morning and the new offi cers will take charge of the class. All men of the city who are not members of i similar class are cordially invited to share the fellowship of our class. Men Working for men," is our motto. ;. - -.: REPORTER. Conference of Entente Allies Begun, (Br Tkm AsMdatca Prw) London. Aug. 7. Conference of the representatives of the Entente Allies, a continuation or the fans conference, was commenced in lxn, don this morning, ' David UoYd morzti oresidgd. .. , Tumi's i nothiiiir wore tVisiill'iil Tli a naatoral lMtcr was read at which F.mneror William and the German . .mpress - attended at the cathedral. Exhorts people to humanity and recoeniee the hand. of riml in the nrotec.tion from invasion -which the ratueriana naa enjoyeu. The British steamship Belpian Prince was sunk on July 31 by German submarine. Several Pointa Higher And Orders Uncovered As Market Soars. (By Tk Awwelntvd Piwl New tork. Aug. 7. There was further sharp advance in the cotton market todav ou renewal of yester day's buying movement. First prices were 0 to 20 points ulKlier, and stocK orders were uncovered as the market worked upward with Octolier selling at 20.90 and January at 26.11 shortly after the call, or 44 to 46 points net hleher. and approximately i cents oound above -tne low level last xnurs- day. TO TRAIN COLLEGE AND UNIVERSITY MEN Men With Military Experience are Wanted aa Instructors This Tear. (By The AaaMlate Prcaa) ; Now- Vnrk.' Auif. 7. Men who-hav had military experience and are able tn rive, time to work, are asked to volunteer today to act as military in structors in colleges and universities lnvtnur the cnmtn? SChOOl VCar. 1116 noil ironed hv military Trains v amps Association, savs there is a deartn ot suitable material-for instructors ow- inar to the large number ot men en cased in the work yjoinine the colors. In the New National Draft Army By the End of the Weekv is the General Impression. FEW EXEMPTIONS ARE BEING FILED DELIGHTFUL PORCH PARTY Given by Mrs. Eidson hi Honor of Miss Johnste Sims. One of the most delightful social affairs of the season was the lovely eranda party civen bv Mrs. Nell Fisher Eidson Monday evening at the home of Mrs. R. E. Ridenhour. on De. pot street, in honor of Miss Johnsie Sims, a Sentember bride. Mrs. Ridenhour's spacious veranda. most profusely and artistically deco rated iwith irrowinir ferns and bas-l kets of sol (I en irlow and sunlTowers made a perfei-t settinsr for so prettv rnirtv. The irucsts were niost cordially erected at the door bv Mrs. Eidson and presented to Miss Sims, who was most hecorainsrlv attired in white net and taffeta. After an hour most pleas. ntlv spent in social intercourse, deli cious retre8iiments. consisting 01 sandwiches and iced tea. were served bv Mesdames Ridenhour. Ernest Por ter and Archie fisher, and Misses Francis Ridenhour. ( athenne and Isabell Goodson. and Marsaret Bell. However, the climax was reached when to the soft strains of the wed- dinsr march, nlaved bv.Miss Goodson a tea wason decorated at each corner with bunches of Uvdransrea and spot. d lillies, and kewpie draned in tulle, standins in the cen'er. ladened with numerous packages for the pop ular bride, was pushed to the center of the veranda and presented bv Mrs. Eidson to Miss Sims. Great interest and excitement prevailed as each package was opened bv Miss Sims. ass'sted bv her mother. Mrs. J. A. Sims, and Master Clarence Riden hour and the lovelv sifts showed to the euests. Sixtv.hve suests were present to eniov Mrs. Eidson 's mosf gracious hospitalitv. Total Number of Men Enroll ed to Date Is About 5,000, Is the Estimate of Mr. Ros coe Conkling. ' (Br The ile rimi New York. Aue. 7. With more ex- emption boards examining candidates- . todav and prospects forjnerease each day, it is estimated bv officials m ' charge, of the selective draft that -New York Citv will have enrolled 20,000 men in the new national armv " bv the end of "the week. The general imnressional at headquarters of the 18!) exemption hoards that a.l will not be enrolled before August -). ' Roscoe Conkling, deputy attorney general, in charge of the draft, esti muted todav that the total number of . men enrolled to date was about o.OOO. Revised figures show 22.386 examined uhvsicallv (malitied ; 14.110 and 4.302 -oiialitied and indicating no exemption Ulnims. . Kingdon Gould, of Lakewood. A. J. railroad official and eldest son of George Jay Gould, capitalist, has hi ed a claim of exemption for the men . forced into military dutv on Plea ot dependents for support. He has been passed as phvsieallv fit for armv dutv ; . bv surgeons of the board. Gould was married July 2. COMFORT BAGS READY ' And Will Be Presented Next Thursday Morning. The comfort liags for Company L are finished and will be presented at Red :, Cross, headquarters on Thursday morn ing at half past eleven o'clock. The public is Invited. The Daughters of the Confederacy, always much inter-. -cated In the company, furnished money tw-mt-twenry-lgbt bags.-eur auxihur Bed Cross chapter at Mt, Pleasant, -made twenty-five bags and filled twelve. mi . . ! . , . . ..1. .. . 1. .. Kami OA Has Joined Unit of the American ! r .. . . .... ,. ... . 0ih. Red Cross and Expects to Leave i lniu through Mr. E. C. Barnhardt, About AugUBt 15th. I and all the notices have lieen publish- Miss Myrtle Harris, a trained ed. tree oi cnarge, oy rue rr .iuue. iu MISS MYRTLE HARRIS TO GO TO FRANCE nurse ot this citv. went to i uar lo'te vesterdav and ioined I'nit O. of the American Red Cross Association., This unit is being organized bv Dr. Breniser, of Charlotte, and it is ex pected that members of this unit wil' leave Charlotte about the l-Vh of August for France, though this is not certain. Miss Harris is well eauipped for. the work, as she had had several vears of experience since her graduation from the Presbyteri an Hospital in Charlot'e. and has on ly recently returned from New York, where she took a year's post-graduate work in her profession. Miss Harris is a daughter of Mr. W: Ed. Harris, of Harrisburg. and a niece of Mr.' J. F. Harris, of Concord. -She hns numbers of friends in Con cord and elsewhere who will be inter ested in her going awav. To Clean Off -the Rocky River Grave :--( Yard.' All pertonn Interested are asked; to meet at Rocky River graveyard on next Tuesday, August 14th. In order to clean up this burying ground. Bring any kind of tools that may be used for this purpose, and report at tne cnurcn not later than 8 o'clock. . - AT THE THEATORIUM TODAY - CARTER DB HAVEN ' ; j. - ."KICKED OUT"" Victor - Feature with a ' and laughs. , tbous- GALE HENRY- In "KITCHENELLA"l'i A Joker . Uujh Producer ;iiVEBWLy);!:nu At The Theatres. The New Pastime today offers Gall Kane in "The Serpent's Tooth," a story of a battle of two men one -poor and generous, the other rich and selfish with, an Innocent girl as the prize. The Theatorium today has a big vic tor feature. "Kicked Out," featuring Carter de Haven, the incomparable minioiiian. miimorted by Marc la Moore. There Is also on the programme at The Theatorium Gall Henry in Kltcheuella, Joker oomedy. - Tha Strand tonight offers Charles Brewer's Southland Beauties In a mus ical comedy; "Somewhere in Havana, with Dlent.v of blackface and good tnirinir. The chorus of this company la ahnv the averaie. Pictures begin at l-aot vaudeville at. 8 ode. xnis nnnfinmiv nlaved to a packed house at The Strand last nignt, ana an seem well pleased with the performance. President Take Hand in Regulation of , High rnees. . " (By The AasMia4 rn). Washington, Aug. T. President Wil son took a hand today in the govern ment's plan for regulation of prices, and conferred with the officials wno have the work In charge. He first went to the Federal Trade Commission ana then to the Department of Justice, Both departments are working on keep ing nrices on materials for the govern ment's war qeeds down to reasonaoie basis. . -' .- ' rood BUI Still Being Discussed. , (By Tm A dm ft PmotI : ; Whiirton. Aug. 7.-Conferenc report on the adminstratioa food control hill was again snbiect of de -te in the Senate todav. Leaders be lieved it would be voted on tomorrow. The of the Jt&blicM are caul to favor the immediate ednptwm of the renort, and principal oppoaitlKU mum fifftn tha ymmtM wamwr Attacked. Spanish Boat. . (Br The Anoda(4 Preaa) London. Aug. 7. The admiralty learns that a German submarine ves terdav attacked a Spanish hshinii boat in the neighborhood of Bilbao, Soain. wi'-:n Spanish territorial wa. ters, two of the crew were severely wounded paper, always kind and obliging, has lieen an enormous help iii all our work, for it was only necessary to put the . matter before the public to get a gen erous response. Thanks are due to ail these sources, as well as tbe ones ao knoweldeged before. : But the most val uable contribution we received came from an old lady, eighty-five years old, and was a real token of love. Mrs. Barrluger, Tnother of our ex- Cliief Roger, picked apples and sold them to send a dollar to the Red Cross fund. She wanted it used where most - needed and it was turned over to tbe comfort bag committee. We want each soldier to feel that part of it went Into his bag, and that it -4s significant of the regard in which they are held by the whole town. Hewing room open from nine until one 011 Wednesday. Comfort bag com mittee will meet at nine ocloeK on Thursday morning.. - U. C. H. U. PHOira vn THB NEWS. German Beapltno Alighto.: - (Br The Associate rim) London. Aug.i7, - A Rotterdam dispatch to the Times said a German seaplane alighted at Texel, Holland vesterdav, after being fired at bv 1 Dutch soldiers, It wag short of gaso lene. The occupants were- interned,. ENLISTED MEN! - While "you are helping to make your country history, those who stay at home will miss you.' Part of your duty is to have your portrait made for the home folks, and it i only, fair that your loved ones should also have tkeir'e made for yon to carry away with yod Their portrait will cheer yon, your portrait will cheer them. "Do notDut off for tomorrow what you ean do' today ". We ae going to heAupy making; lota of the "bbyVV pictures, let u make yours before the rush hegbs.' 3 hew 1 ' -. H ' ''

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