TODAY'S I.: G 0NC02B -DAILS : lEBBUlEg; VoL XVII. jB. SHERRILU Editor and Publisher. CONCORD, N. C, TUESDAY, AUGUST 14, 1017. , PRICE FIVE CENTS No. 224 h : ; It PEAG PuC?C3AL COLIES -TinQUGII POPE BENEDICT A Dispatch From Rome Says That Proposal Has Been Delivered to All Belliger- - ent Governments. THE -BASIS OF THE : PROPOSAL MADE Restoration of .Belgium, Ser bia' and Rumania, And So ; lution of-Problem of Al-sace-Loraine,triest,Poland ; , , FOREST HILL NEWS. T Mrs, Ed. Mekhee at Dr. Lent's. San Itariuob Personals. ' ' . Mr. R. r. Colile iml daughter, Jose phine, returned to tbelr borne in Bease nier lily today after spending several days bore at the Vnt of Mrs. Coble's brother, Mr. J. W. Kim. Mr. and Mra, Marvin Suther and children have returned from a .visit to relative In Ballsoury. Mr. W. D. Yorkr, Cha Yorke, and Mlamw Ruth- York aud Ida Hufher hare returned from an auto trip to the mountains, having visited at Elkln, Koarlug Hirer aud Buck Shoal. Mr. Kd. Melchor spent Sunday iu Htnteeville with Mr. Melchor, who Is at Dr. Long's Kaultarluia. ' Messrs. Ham Denny aud Herman Jar- vis hare returned from a week's visit to relatives at and near Htatesvllle. Miss Bessie ITtley has been suffering with a severe attack of tonsllltla for severaTdays, but is now slowly improv ing. CONSPIRACY TO SINK ' NORWEGIAN SHIPS Men Were Paid By the German Es pionage Headquarters at Stockholm. - I Br TM Aaaaetalaa' mas) Christiana. Norway, Aug. 14 Invest (gallon' of the constiiraoy, having for its object the sinking - with - Oermau bombs of a uuiuber of Norwegian ships has been completed, according to the Tldenstegeii, and action taken against seven Flnlanders and two Uermans. They are accused of having transport ed many explosives from Germany to Norway and stared them at three places in Christiana. The accused were .1.1 1. n t . ....... .... ......1 .... u 1. ..u A I am ahls to announce that the ""u " .""V". "i""" Holy Bee has addressed a note to thei'""-1" "T belligerents and neutrals. The note makes a new and formal appeal for r The newspaper says the discovery peace. It invites the belligerents to of the plot explains the loss of many state their conditions in concrete terms Norwegian ships which were supposed so as to facilitate preliminary under-1 to have been mined or torpedoed,. tauaiug. v ; r...r t Is So Looked Upon Within the Entente Diplomatic Circle at Washington. Ef fort to Split the Allies. ' WILL BE DISCUSSED BY ALLIES IN GOOD FAITH By Th Aaarla4 Pit) - Home, Aug. 14, Peace proposals made bv I'ope Benedict have been de. .livered to all the belligerent governments.- - v ? The Pope suggests the restoration uf Belgium. Serbia, and Routnsnia. and a peaceful solution of the prob lems of Alsace-Lorrain. Trent. Trieste and Poland. According to renorts received from "Vatican aoiircnM. . It is exported the proposal will be" published bv the "Vatican. . . . , . v New antf Formal Appeal For Peace Loudon, Aug. 14. There has been Teat diplomatic activity recently at 'the Panal Secretariat, numerous diplo mats having long interviews with Card- iual Oastarri, papal, secretary or state, the Rome correspondent of the Ex- change Telegraph cables. ' The corxe- - snondetit savs : able to announce mat me STREET TO BE OPENED t AMERICAN LABOR FOR CANADIAN GRAIN CROP Concrete Viaduct Over Southern Rail m - way Completed. ""Si.wuu The concrete viaduct over the waived oy ma uowunes. Houthern Railway at the end ow West ojr ne " rrmmi Deoot street is couid leted. and the high V Washington. A nir. 14.r American I war bridge will be completed this week. lhor will be supplied for harvesting I Concord may now boast of one of the the Canadian sratn crops under ar-lpretlest driveways Iu the State. This rangement reached todav at a center- work has, been under-direct supexvl ence between W.' W. Cbrv: CanBd'.an'llon of Ml-. WTTAImoild; who deserves denntv couiumWoners of the Interior and Department of Labor omeiais. . The American harvest hands will bo permitted for the flrg tt:me to en ter Csn'odn ami immiirration resula. t'ous will be waived bv both coun tries, . , . r GEItMAN3 FOUND US TOO ROUGH FOR LIAR ' Call American One, He Knocks Ton - Down, Because He Lacks Knltur, f...t.:M....... .in ii11.ifll who has scrutinized the reports mape bv Cerman diplomatic representatives to the:.r Oovernmon before the do L II ndicated That-Peace Pro posal Coming From Pope Would Necessarily Have . to be Considered Carefully. (By a?h AsMdatca Prew) Washington, Aug. 14. An unoflL eial outline of Pope Benedict's pro posals received here discloses that the Pontiff includes some of the princi ples of 'world peace for which Presi dent Wilson' has declared. . Among the Pope's declarations are reduction of armaments, freedom of the seas, and there shall be no retal iatory struggle after the war for world commercial supremacy. These are 'regarded as the foundations of the Pope 's plans. The Pope s proposal declares that the Injuries to all Itelllgerents have been so great that there should be no thought for reparation except the re turn of territory. Included In the return of territory, the Pope's proposal Insists there should be returned to Germany all her colon ies, as well as the complete restoration of Belgium to her sovereignty. Washington, "Aug; 14.- The State Department acknowledges' it has. re ceived knowledge of Pope Benedict's peace, proposal before todav ? olli- cial dispatch received here. ' No offi cial cognizanee can be taken until it is surveyed officially. Whatever con sideration is given it will be after a consultation with the allies. ' At the . , apostolic delegation all knowledge of the l(e's proposal was disclaimed. It was said th Pope had not transmitted it to -the United States government and . did not expect to do so, The opinion was expressed that it 'would come through a neutral government. " Within the entente. diplomatic cir cle 'the opinion was" freely - and promptly : ; pxpressed-that the peace itmnnuil was inspired bv Germany and was an attempt to split the a. lies in a conflicting discussion of their war aims. , i ; . The extent of the totate Uepart- 8EFARATB COHTEBXXCRS FOR i LRADER8 AND TEACHERS At the Comlnf Sunday Scaool Con. YtntioB. Te Last Twa Days. For the first time in the history of the Cabarrus County Sunday School Association there are to be held sep arate conferences - for leaders and teachers of. the respective divisions and departments and for this reason, and other, th convention which be gin Thursday of this seek, at Mt Olivet Methodist church, will be eon-H tinued lor two davs. The various conference leader have prepared definite program for their work, and will undertake to cover only such ground as will be helpful in qualify ing for the advanced steps to be tak en in various sections of the count v. The church building, situated mid way between Concord and KannaDO, lis, baa a number of claas rooms that will accomodate the various confer ence grounes and enable them to car ry oir their work unmolested and to the very best advantage. The final general session tote held, following the separate conference promises to be a most interesting one. having to do' hurriedly "with the tinals of the convention.. One of the special feat ures that is alwav of interest in the items of unfinished i business is the awardinar of. the silver loving eup to the wnn'ng choir. Ibis Will be awarded to the choir that, in the much credit for the manner in which It has beeu handled. Mr. Almond will leave for Belmont next week to begin work oil one of the largest concrete structures on the Southern system; -.He hua timiln iiiinturnn frlonon hfre Sllfl they regret very much to see him leave ment's information does not indicate Concord. PLANS FOR SENDING THE NATIONAL GUARD TO FRANCE Will Include Troops From "28 State. Among Which ' U North : Curo. Una. tBr Tka Aw elate Praa through what channel the proposal will be conveyed, and gives' no in formation from winch an .jnterence might be drawn as to whether it win MiniA through one of the allied gov. ernmenta or through, some dignitary of the. church. Officials were unusually explicit in saving it eould not be discussed un. tibit came 'officially, and were em TWEI1TY EXEMPT10H Local Board Certifies This Numb? of Men Who Had Made Claims ' For Exemp tion From Service. ALL OF SPAIN IS PLACED CXDER MABT1AL LAW. BOARD TO CERTIFY ; ALL THE ABSENTEES Four of the Men Previously Certified Will Have. Their Cases1 Reopened. Eighty' Four Men Now Certified. renewing Dberter Free m General Strike, Which I gereaeUag. j tar tim iniHim rm) Uadrid. Spain. Aug. 14. The. whole of Bpaln has been placed under martial law, following disorder from a gener al strike, which is spreading. Instruc tion have been sent to military author ities, who have been given full con trol. The disturbances, which - hare qccurred at various place, have been stopped by the military authorities. The strike, which was begun by the railroad employees, has even affected the newspaper here, and only those which have non-unionist will appear tonight. They have received assur ance from the government that ,tbey will oe proteciea. At noon yesteraay the capital was quiet . A majority of the workmen wish to work Tu peace, only a minority seeks to promote dis order. - ' ., The local exemption board 'this morning certified to the District Board the names of the following Cabarrus county young men, to be drafted into the new army.' These men were among the first 420 summoned, passed their judgment of the .indites, render, in "h. ho. las passed on their claims, and ruled that the men were not entitled to ex- I emotion. However, the case la not closed, as any of the men still have the men still have the right to appeal their decision to the district board at the best manner. dard hvmns used all. the way through the convention with! very wholesome effect always. ' i A study of the program for this convention will reveal the fact that the. leaders or tne eounirv are wkiiuj -- , TU certified today their work senoushrand undertaking ,",:. to plan for such detinue and lar. - . j ,. thimr. m iwill mean moat 2o22. Edward -Jackaori BrasweU. I. u - il-i c.j.. Ir. nnnenrd. ( ' if, 1 1 1 m rnunfj til liiv v.i 1 1 1 n. m . ........... I - . nA the welfare of the people of the . 2022. David Willie HartseU. urn- entire county. It iavery gratif vina eordA Route 5. ', . ,;., the -i.a f rfJii'iouH education 2036. Samuel Alexander Eudy, is so largely committed to the sun. Mantleld. mouw o.. s. dav-Schools. to sei the optimistic ten. 275. Archibald W. MarshaU. Mt dencv on the nartjof the unanv fleassnt. ''," School people of the; county to push 564. -Clarence Alexander Dorton, forward alons ironern and progress. Concord, Koute no. o. , ive lines. Thursday's and Friday's 2148. Geo. W. Faulk, Midland, convention should find every active ; 024 Arthur Eugene Hunsucker. worker and well wisher in attend, jw jonn weosxer, "u. .r x i I I . u iL. i ,' AAe Ti iu umnhaMr !... niFna Dinna nni n I swni -saiitii n in!r can he of more importance than 2719-Lewis Moore. Concord, rfd. 6. FEWciL',:iuO;r THEBATTLEFnnilTS Sharp Local Engagements Underway, But There Has Been no Renewal of Fjght ing on Large Scale. THE POPE'S SECOND APPEAL FOR PEACE Con- the oualitv of civilia es through their tu helping to produce. ion the church. av Schools are Generals Nominated by President i ; (Br Th AsaMlalce PrM t-f ; Votiiiiiitn. Auir.;14. Tlte nom'u nation nf more than 200 MaTbr Gen. erHls' and Briarftdierr Senerals ' who will MiT Minimum) fif the new arm were sent todav to tue isenate. ov President Wilson. Thev include all the National Guard officers. ' authorized expression of opinion for publication, but it waa apparent , at once that the peace proposal falls on uhreceptive ears, so tar as-the diplo mats are concerned. The entente representatives without "the slightest difficulty of opinion declared the pro, 653 Charlie Myers, Harriaburg, ' 1020 Archie McMore, uoncoru. 2331. Julius Thompson, Concord. 1114. Dalles Bost Concord. : C 1868 Fred H. Lent. Concord. , 1485.--George K. Morris, Kannap, isij H M Tavlor. KanuapoUs. 2376 James Albert Poplin, Concord. J123 Blchard Brawec , ,v Among the liat of flk men certified the DlHtrtqt Hoaro several uj ago, the case of lour ol the men have been reopened, on account of a misun- ALL FIRST INCREMENT MEN TO BE IN TRAINING OCTOBER first 30 Per Cent in Each District to Entrain September 5. A Gradual Mobilization, .. .. .. Washington, Aug. 13. The entire 687.000 men composing the nrst in. crement of the army draft Jorces will be under training early in Octo ber. Under orders issued todav. .the first 30 ner cent of the uuota of' each district will begin entrainment for cantonments September 5: the next 30' Dr cent September 15. and an. other 30 per cent. September 30. the remaining 10 per cent, will be mobi liced as soon atter that date . as possible. t The plan to assemble the new forces' in three increments distrib ute the task of furnishing supplies and equipment through September. It wll also prevent serious shortages in any camp, and will give tne new or. fleers from the traimns camps time to familiarize themselves with their duties gradually before responsibility for a u-reiit httdv nf men tails on them. Th order issued today means that about 12.000 men will reach each of the 16 cantonments soon alter fcep. temher 5. Thev will Hirst be examin ed phvsicallv bv annv doctors ami finally accepted or rejected. This will take some time apd the men will have to be furnished vrith temporap quarters and rationed while await, inir examination. If the full Quota are assembled at one lime great con fusion would results" It Is Expected That the Text of the Peace Proposal Will Be Published -in. the Vati can Organ Tonight. - (By Th Amckttl Yrm Pone Benedict ha addressed anoth er appeal for peace to the belligerents. It is reported nnomciauy irom num that the Pope ha made specific ap peals to the head of the warring na tions, and that they include restoration of Belgium, Serbia and Rumania, and peaceful adjustment of question i Alsace-Lorraine, Trent, Triert and Po land.- . - This is the second direct appeal by Pone Benedict to the belligerents. In July, 1915, the Pontiff sent a tetter to them inviting all menus oi peace io uulte with him in his desire to termi- -nate the war. It Is expected the text of the new proposals w.111 be published tonight In the official Vatican organ. . Few changes on the battle xronts are renorted into day' official dispatches. In France and Belgium, although sharp local engagements are underway, there has been no renewal of fighting on a large scale. The "Paris war office re ports that the German lines near R helms were penetrated at two place by French parties. German raiding parties in- the Champagne sector were driven back. A British destroyer ha been sunk by a mine in the North Be. The captain, two officers and 43 men were saved. . . RAILROAD BUSINESS BREAKING THE RECORD otwttMaNnnrTMstt Oper ating Increase Was 925.900,000 Over That in 1916. Atlanta. Ga.. Aug. 13. AceordMit nffiniul iwnnrt.ii nf railroad opera- derstanding, and their names are held tjon jUst made public here, the rail off the list until the cases are disposed or America are not only break, of. Their names follow: ' V " ing all previous reeords for volume 1013 Fletcher Dry, Concord. of traffic moved and gross earnings 2962 George J. R. Lents, Concord, made, but also are breaking all rec- suwj rionv B. Phillips. Concord. 552 Sam Harrison Gary, route 6, operation and nnal originated with Germany, us-1 - oo- r . . .i ii. . 1 rVitianrn VtTOe; M : This teases a neMotal of 84 men so Umths from Jamiarv t. May . ... . i . ... -...... - .nil . r.i.. ik. n . 1 1 . ,,, I 1 1 r. ..u . . , , .......... UlBb ' VptilUiiu " : I - . ords for expense of taxes paid. . ' . . The figures show that in tne nve iav, inn. earned a gross total of J.1.2 per cent more than . ii " m e I nhstie in saving no statement could n Krs this ex- Ja'XrsfNaliol Ouard be "taken as:, reflecting the official trui-l from one nf them: "Tlie Americans are very rough. If von call one nf them a l-ar he does not argue the matter after the man. " he" of tl.erman gpntleman. mil oru. down. The A mm cans have absolutely nn kul.ur." Eerensky Replies far-King George. Hy The AaMrtatce PMM) ... Tetrograd. Aug, 14. Premier Ker mukIcv in renlvine to the message of : good will to King Georee sent him at . ,.- i t e ..j I view. troops to rrrjice nave uwu perjix m;f 1,. 'Jrawn by the War Department, with the or-1 "t"V.i,iAh ganization of a division which will , i;" tZa " troops from the 26 states, and ?fflf7c''cieB!. hlJ$g limtrict nf Cnlumhia - port, a trained observer would ven- UlHtriCl OI VOIUmDia. - . . I . ... : .),. ..miinuul ia The states from which the atiohal "-"m"'".. ; Quard troops are to be assembled in clude North Carolina. . The Cotton Market. (BTh tmriin Fiw) New York, Aug. 14. The cotton mar- 1 nnfl that would be discussed in I .. 7 . . r ii - .... . . j . faitn dv tne anies, dui iiuoe uui moat tkoir war aims. It was indlCBU ed-4hat-he teace proposal coming from the Pone the first actual pro nnaol nt the kind to come from . flie Vatican would necessarily nave io tT beginning d hVf ourth 7ear of keVopenl steady today at an advance be" considered carefully, and thatan w.r kVid- - of 17 points to a decline of two points answer convincing to the world would I am certain' the Russian people with the near, months relatively firm necessarily have to be made. ; ,..1,n? L" A.!. V" .IZ-Sh t on covering. After selling at 24.95 on How far the peace proposal affects will fln the necessary strength to on covering. After .selling at 24.95 on V .. . j .... .L- 4 I nail . IWnhvr rpRltWl la MO JIB- ,ivaaunt lima Ann ennauiT ine nnr w i - - . . : - . . .. - . , -7 - ...t. mw onlil ,iir rrnm 24IUi to 24.4.1. . an end whicll Will -Be wonnv vi mo - - . - ; a an enu j . w Cotton-futures ODened steady; Oc. -,erriD1" .?"V'cru.." 24.92: December. 24.58: Jan TSL S "" "" " " r uarv. 240; March. 24.59; May. 24.- For Another. Small ' ' r Th AHte Fit WHhlnirton. Aug. 14. Congress soon will be asked to authorise another loan The Wheat Market. , (Br Tas Amttiml Praa CMman Ainr. 14. Wheat .trading of between -$3,000,000,000 and $4,000,- was at a standstill 'today, as far as fu- (XKirtiio to the Allies. - iture transactions wore . coucerueu. Secretary ucAdoo aua luuiruuii i rrices were unouiainauie. KltHiln. of the Ways and Means Com . . i . . A. tnA l4 mittee, agreed on mis touay aim , liJHsn T)..rnviir flnnk ...? n, .lw.hiiitv nt rniainir Bntun destroyer Buns. , : ;.. i.. nnn nnn il tnr war I W "' purposes oy taxation. i - iuu,.ii u..uo. A--v- ..ii' - I strover has been sunk by a mine in Magistrates' blanks of aU kinds at Tne the North. Sea. Captain, two officers Times-Tribune office, 20 cents aosen. I and 4J men were savea. tl,o oinan relationship of the Vatican with Austria.-whose ., earnest aesire fix ' noono. iWnitH Oerman influence. ia well, .known, or how far it affects the Catholic agitation ior peace in nimanv. un nnn here would venture to sav. U iwUl be ; reeaiiea nai nrnminent figures in the recent peace nurrv in uermanv.-. . Tl.a annnuncement tnat tne Dirau. iui? amhnasfldnr at Rome had trans. mitted Pope Benedict's proposals ;to Ttolinn vnvflrnment and tne ouin- iw . , - . i ion that the apostolic delegation uere .1.. mtnht ho nniiverea in me United States bv a neutral leo io iut .;K;i;t that tlie Snanish ambassa de- dor might convey them to the State Department. - ; , ' , . . . Withnnt. advices nl any aina iruu their own governments the entente nk.:Aa wo intensely interestd in the Associated Press cablegrams from Pjma t ' Diplomatia.' practice ' prevents anv of p I . The board today is preparing to ccr- gross "l""r' " i i rwas points oiit important tlfS to kno-w whether tie proposal came summoned mine "'"L, ; Th aame iriod of 1913. full Hedged from Vienna or perim or appear "rrn.i j id r cent more than thev earn- whether the roDe nimseil irameaito tne- ruiuig ul u """ i.iimi The extreme element amoiui w ue ,mafew rrWBSa; W16 2f oer cent greater than French socialists -have never cpntem. claim t'&? ,Wedne8aay VndW50 r cent greater plated anything short of the return to the local board wM certify .HU.jrf. M per 16 French govereigntv or Aisaee uu 1UT wmiam. .- - ter than in 1916; 38 Lorraine, while so lar as itaiv erod. , . . :;"-, than in 1913. snd 66 concerned, it is said .nere "w.uw ziuo-jonn o. uou., tnan in ioii. government would be overtujnea v .,..; Tin ' einVSnc. . of , the increased atic to Italy. . , Pl!.', . K.n. The Russian interests iq proposals . -siju nim -as outlined is verv limited outside her I sapolls. ; . ' Kneral coricerti for. speedy but hon- 1331-Charile Augustus Suther. Kan- orable peaee in coniuncnun wuu "lrh.i-H-- ine. Concord oiw However, the proposition to , 306 CharUe Jones, tncora. V::.V v .vL'jlw .hJl- n ' A Modern Store, in a Modern Way. Up-to-dAt6 Merchandise. , . , OPENS $ATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 1st 3 ... J C. v. a.- - r. ; t At the New ' PASTIME Concord'i Modern Uovie, Eonje of the Beet restnres. MB. HOOVER LEASES - . OFTICES Uf CfllCAW Will Take Charge Early Next Week . With Staff of 20 Men. , ' t (Br T inwUM !') ! Chicago. August 14.--Ouarter in Trnrwnre-tmttfliiu; hew haw Jseett lease- ed by Herbert C. Hoover, food eon- " trpller, and a staff or zouneri s ex- nected to take charge early nxt week ... it was announced todav. lne first worf of the representatives here of the food controllerrit was said would be to make- a general survey pi tne nA aitnotion in learn the Quality of the food in the storehouses and the . best wav to distribute it. - - , ALL WAR PURCHASES TO . be RioiDLY inspected Examiners to Pass on Grade of AU Articles Purchased by the Govern ment. , , (r The AMiat4 Pnaa) v." Vnrlr 'Anpust 14. All war-' purchases bv the United States will be subjected to the most rigid system of inspection it became known today. At a recent conterenee Between oeo retsrv McAdoo and John K. Saguc. anpraiser of the port or new lorn, u. was decided that the customs exam, iners at this port would pass on the grade of all articles purcnasea uv vue vernment. excewt mumuons. ... ,.,nHw nf T917 was ffioJOO.IMJU W than it was. for the first five months of 1910. The German Reichstag and people demanded a reduction oi militarism. more radically Journal. so. Kansas City - ... i titriiiauucvs a . ZXZTh iT .,t,. f Poland to s On Thuradsy tnsv iouowing uamm , K . rmoved h,8 milita Peaceful solution" attracts'some at- UiU J '''.'t. 2 ristte chancellor and substituted one tention. although in a lmited anm r - because Kussia phad atreaay wm iZAmsl Ollmer, route 1, Concord, herself to free Poland. ,ifA?nnT inhnson. Kannapplls. S006 Koy J. Harvell, Concord. ' , 1854 Frank U. Bides, baunapuiw. CHINA AT WAA HOW. Declared Wr on Qennany and Ans- tris-Hnnisry This Mornwf. (Br Tae ImC Tim - London. Aug. 14 Reuter's Limit ed, has been officially informed that China has declared war on Germany and Austria-Hungary, the declaration dating from 10 o'clock this morning. vofo - inlnmnta here natural! v are looking' to the reception of the Pnns'a ravmnanl nv American hu.c.u- --- -- -- , , " - -' r. ... i ... . iiH7Arrnnr laTiiir. wuwiu. ?"h' Ti-S lo-Shem. James Lenta, route 2, taction rrtwuwn r r ii flnld Jllll for Preparation" from the Central P.0-"" powers as a verv significant and pre- nant snppiemeni - mand for ' restitution ' ' and are cer tain it warrants the conclusion that there will be no disposition on the part of America to accept anv terms of peaee which could not Be subscrib ed to bV i all tne oiuer iv.wnj.1 government joined in the great . . . Tidly . BRYANT WASHBURN AND ''THE BREAKER" ' AT THE" THEATOIUUU TODAY , CLEO MADISON -In "THE WEB" ' A Society Melodsra ... GALE HENRT ' I , . , SOME NURSE" A Joker Lsofh Producer. UNIVERSAL 'ANIMATED . WEE2LT ' ' the World's Latest News is Moriiut Pictures - 5979 Garven Faulkner, root 6, Con cord. -. ' " , . . 2473 Burket Eager ton, Woodstock, Ta. i 1817 Tee Wilson, Concord. ; : 2269 David Waisner, Concord. , On Friday the following, will be cert ified. 1509 Jesse R. Lewis, KannapollS. 1911 Henrv Davis. Concord. 1132 Junius Bryant, Concord. ; 637 Wren Watson, Harrisburg .. Colored. 'I AT THE iSfrandl . TONIGHT SIZ&TLB BARTLES AND ENLISTED MEN! Complete Ohsnw of Profrwn exs Dins cii&u CCPT t While , you sre helpinif to make your country's history, those who stay amewill miss you.". Part of .your duty to to hsve your portrait made fotth home fokr snd nt is only 'fair that your loved ones should also have their made for you to earry away with' 'you.; - Their portrait will (sheer "yeu, your, portrait will cheer them. "Do not put off lor tomorrow. 'what you ean do todav." We are going to be busy making lots of the VboyV pictures, fet-aa make Vours qefore he rush begins. v ' . :i1'-:;"',' -' - ' JkJ a." rivt Reel Esssnty TestWt. ..... , , t . - v- ..

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