icVnrJ1R8iir.mu Edito, and Public. CONCORD, N. C. TUESDAY, AUGUST 21, 1017. - 'V . . prTfive cevt ' s : in1 .'.;ST ATTACK !T , V Germans Were Beaten Back On the Verdun Front With , Heavy Losses. f rench Take 5,000 Prisoners. " : " REPULSED ALSO' r : ON AISNE FRONT ; increasing Acimry Keported tucr v itiury ior Russians on the Caucasian Front. . y , '. ; (By-Th Awtbrtwl Ptcm.) ' - .The German reaction to the suc cessful French stroke at Verdun came last night, and the northwest French Hue stood firm in the face of the counter-attack of extrem vlo , lenee. On- the front north of Ver - dun the fighting was particularly bitter, the French war office reports. The Germans, beaten back, met with ...wif i wwn. aw? aumoerui pwson- ... -1- 1 L- L' 1 i "u u.t me i rencn now exeeeas ' 5.(HH). - --v., -:::,.. .. The Germans -also returned the at tack on Aisne front, strikinr at I'ernsTand Hurtbise. Paria reports the repulse of these assaults. - . ' On the British front the Germans -last night made the third attempt to . recapture positions recently wrested . tli.tx - -.1.. 4. .. - St; Quntin.' A determined attack was made in which the Germans em ployed flame throwers, but they were repulsed completely by the -British. Heavy fighting continues on the southern Roumanian front. The Rus sians and Roumanians' are offering a stiff resis'ane, but are being forced .-hark further at several points. - The Austro-Gerroan troops reached -the southwestern outskirts of the im portant Moldavian town ol Ucna. Mill .. uintkwMl f tltA ivi-i !.! Roumanian capital of. Jassy. In the . direction of Fokshani. the Germans i tank ilia nf?AnaivA alfintr tha rnilf-Aa,! s advancing on both sides i of it. , A . : counter-attack , on tue west or the railroad resulted in the restoration of the Rnaso-Roumanian -positions. , - in the northarn- Russian froqt in. v creasing activity is-reported. The ; Germans-are bnmbarding heavily the Russian, trenches west o the Riga-. -juitau railroad. - ml The new Russian offensive on the Tnucasian fronts has resulted in : further vfrtorv T'he capture of ' a series of villages south of - Pelmir- v Hal ii irer 'sector to; reported- bv the HuhkIhii wxr officei'. The Turks made an attack in the direction of Kharput seqnentlv were expelled .from the - tantnred positions. --; : D-:t-..L i ... i urifcmii avimuin carr.! uut iiiiuiii- er" bombardini; expedition into Bel. - jrinra last nisrht. .Tfcey dropped many ' tons or Domos on military ODiefnves. . the Britishadnuraltv reports. All air plane re'urned safelv. - . " -r-. A Later Dispatch The Austrtoa Lines , : : Begiiining te BemL xne Austrian line on tne lsoiuco 'front w oeRlnnlmr to nenit. and Rive way at various points under tne fur . lous attacks of the Italians, according - -to announcement from Rome. The Ital ians arc making progress toward suc cess which the statement says-la be coming delineated In spite of uiidlmlh ' tNlied resistance by . the Austrian. More than -10,000 prisoners have been . uicen in . tne new oattie 01 tne isonso v and strong Austrian defenses have fall' - during the war has an official oominuu- lent Ion been worded in such confident iercu, auu .unless tne Austria ns . are able to rally their shattered forces, de velopments of far reaching; Importance -may follow quickly.: made another attack this mornimr. x ue uermans who made the advance at the same time made a hurried re . treat on encountering the Canadians. Few details have been reported of the snDseqnent nemin?, which was one - of the most desperate hand to hand strumries of the warj-;- -j -- , LUUe Trading In Wheat Chicago, Aug. 21. There -was little trading In whent today. The opening I trade in Hentemi.. r was 207, whlch-was 2 ceiils h n"T than the' final -figures yesterday. Subsequent deals, carried the figure to 210. - : A r::.J-m Store, in a Modern Way. ' .. Up-td:ts r -.diss.' . " OPENS SATURDAY, jst - t -I TniKTETN MORS MEN - CERTITIKU BY BOARD This Makes (47 Thai Have Beea Seat District Bm4 Ftm CaWrws. The local eirwptkm board yesterday anernoon- eertlned foe servicw Ute fol- kwuig.,nou of wbom asjeed axemp. 2W Lee i.hnson.. n-rV.-rJ. ouita. -.. - !--" HHOJoe Jobnstoo. ' - v - ; 117Troy . MoCree. ' " V 75S-J. W.,KuaseII. , . - W. E. Patterson. - - . J(t Henry McNellL - - ?-' 4B Hay R. Dortoo. - 2747 DeWltt W. Flow , .' t, i 2177 Kills . Barbee. - 'SUI Mtlaa W. KtancU. ' " Ki2 J. A. McOmw. '.,'..'' 1 730 Geo. Blsckwekter. - ' " . r ' . - ... -t -' ; . Od to tli Stat . ramers' OtmTW. '.ti0B,:. . .;'-:.-,, The State Farmers Conventien will West Raleirh. N. Con August 28-29-?0. and lam delega tion Of Farnra am nuti over. the State and nln h. ''.""de to have Cabarrus County well represented and all the Farm era of the county who possibly "dan re -urged to make this trip as it will be Well 'Worth -thfl tima n1 , Meals tir West Raleigh will cost $1 per dav and lodging is free, so the trro wont be very expensive.' ; .: The trip to being planned to; : be made through the country in aato mobiles, leaving Concord soon Tnes dav morning. Angnst 28th. and go via of Greensboro -r t return Thurs day r. Friday, via Moora Countv taking in a c largr seel ion of the State, besides the Experiment Sta tion and Convention. For information in regard to the trip.-eall at the Farmer's Union Store and see Mr. W. F. Moose, who will see to getting autoa and if yon will take vour ear on the trip let him known so -he can tee that It la filled Phone 45(1 - - --:-, t R. D. GCODMAX. . v - County Agent. . ' -r. Fridt-Beger. T Miss Ida Blanche Boger, of Concord, and Mr; George E. Frtck, of Chapln, 8. 0, were' married yesterday in Char lotte. This will come as a -eurprise to their many friends here and-.etse-wliere, as the marriage was a - very quiet ouc, ,oJy a -few : friends being present to witness the ceremony, which was performed by Rev, Dr. R. H.. Rol- HtOll, pastor of the Flrat Prmhtrtmlan Church, of Charlotte, at the manse. Mr. r tick is wen known here where be held s responxihle position i at the Kerr Bleachery for several years, and while a resident of Concord - made , many friendH. aTgraduate of denison College, while Mrs. Frick-is a daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Boger and has resided here all her Ufe, and is popular among a large circle of friends. Mr. and Mrs. Frlck will spend their honeymoon at some summer resort, re turning to concord for a Tisit in the next ten days, and on the first of Oc tober will go to Salisbury to live, Mr. Frlck having accepted the position of manager of the .Yadkin Bleacherv. which will begin operation there at that tnup. Soldiers Loot Cafes and Carry Off Food Danville, Vs., Aug. 20. - Soldiers passing through - this city southward early last night,- said to ,be companies anil irom f ottsvllle and Scranton, Pa., during half an hour's stop her looted two restaurants near the railway Ration, kept by Greeks, and devoured or carried off all milk, plea, cakes, fruits, melons, cigars and cigarettes, despite-the indignant but powerless protests of the proprietors. The entire available food supply kept uy tne restaurants was seized and ap propriated by the hungry soldiers with out any thought of compensation. Com plaint WHJ be made to Washington. '-f At -The Thewfc---tA;.v-.' The popular Herbert Rawlinson at The Theatorium today in "Caught In tha-lirflt wltk "V- K 1 .1 Joker Comedy, "Canning the Cannibal ; A Mutual picture with all btg atars, including Jackie Saunders, . "Sunny Jane," at The New Pastime today. Complete change of programme at The Strand today, where Alien as Bus sell s Aviation Glrjs Musical Company arj snowing ail tlie weeK. At Home in Honor of Mrs. H. G. Gibson " The following invitations have been issued; ";. " ,- - , , Mrs. N. A. Edison r; i.W4 -ft-'I'-i- at,. home , A'"Ji,'j'i i 'Thursday afternoon' ; " - four to flve.yy 'V: Mrs.tII. Grady Glbaon. ,r, ;j;;-- r- I. lAVhen you can't get, what you want, don't get "rampageous." Lie low and harpoon some other-opportunity . when jit comes along Wilmington Star. - T . ' t i i ii . r" H mi" N iiiibm mi IIIPERCrlllGEOF i:;;m found Discovery of tte Infection in 47 Out of 75 Military Re- r cruits Recently I Mobilize'd For Service in August ALL UNITS ARE . : , TO BE EXAMINED Prevalence of Hookworm Was Found By Dr. Stiles of the Public Health Ser vice, After Experiments. - l' j (By Tk AHMkM ftm .) . . Washington. Aug. 21 The rilacnr. ery of bookworm Infection in 47 out of 75 military recruits recently mobil ised lor war service nas caused tha-pnbllc health authorities to recom mend prompt examination of alt units of National Guard and National Army at present organised; especially those from warmer portions of the' country. Tne prevalence of bookworm was found by Dr.C. Warden Stiles, of the Public Health Service, at a government reservation,, where he was making ex periments. ' Complaint, by a recruit of not feeling well, after officers suspected him of trying -to evade duty, led to bis examination. Hookworm was found. Other examinations showed a high per centage of hookworm.;'-:. ; MR, SMALL IN FAVOR OF 1 ' MORITORII'M FOR STATE Some Sort ef Moratorium For the Pro tection ef Men in Draft Is Needed. ; .Washington,-'' Aug. 20. Representa tive John Small said tonight : -: - "The -question of establishing a mor atorium in North Carolina for the ben efit of the soldiers and sailors from that State who lmve entered the mili tary service in this war is quite im portant and, to some of the soldiers, quite vital. My attention has been di rected to several itwtauces of soldiers who have purchased homes or other property and have made partial pay ments on same. As a rule the balance due is secured by a mortgage on the .property. There-are others whe have assume. -.other, forms, ojouligatioa ex pecting under normal conditions - to make payment. . The earning Capaci ty of these men nas 'been diminished by their entry Into the military service and In many cases they have made- large sacrifices, It is obvious that they should be protected. ,,,", THE PRICE OF COPPER : To Be Fixed After a Study of the 'i Costa of Production. -' (By The Associate Ptcm.) ' , Washington. Auk 21. -The Fed. tal Trade Commission estimates on copper and steel production costs to go to President 'Wilson today for use in fixing the prices for' the govern ment's war needs. Figures called for bv the President on the cost ot other materials soon will be complet ed. " . - Under the " present arrangement. all government purchases are made at tentative prices, with the final sale figure to be determined affer a study of .the production costs. TO DISPOSE OP. LAEGE- , " AMOUKT, OP INTOXI0A1TT8 Proposition to Bedistill It and"Use -- the Alcohol in" Mannf acturo of . War Mnnitiomi. . '. i-w V- , (Br Tk Awwolate4 Pma.) ' Huntingdon, W. Va., Aug. 21. So that some practical use may be made of the thousands of gallons of intoxicants which are being confiscat ed by the state, authorities, the dis trict state ..attorneyfMcCullough. has presented a proposal to the Federal Department of , " Agricqlture heads that the liauor be re-dis tilled and the reclaimed -' alcohol be used in the manufacture of war munitions. ' ACCEPT INVITATION TO SEND' . DELEGATES TO STOCKHOLM Paris ' Confederate of Labor Will ; ' Send Representatives, : (By The AaMClatcd Fim) - -Paris. Aug. 21. Two Russians of Petrograd, represent the Rassian Council of r Soldiers' & Workmen's delegates were received today by committee of the-G'-al Confedera. tion of Labor, and extended an invi tations to the Federation - to send representatives . to the International Conference of - Socialists at Stock. holm. After considerable discussion the invitation was accepted.' ': Smashing French Victory on Verdun ' rrem Keported. : Psris, Aug. 20r A smashing French victory on the Verdun front Is record ed in the war office report Issued by the war olllce tonlghfi . The French have tt tired the enemy defenses on both ,. of the-&feuse over a front of more titin eleven miles, penetrating the Ger- n 1 e at divers points to a depth ' i i and a quarter. -More than t. i mounded German prisoners i -ve lifi-u takeat - . .- 1-cd Cross dance will begin it w it fM evenipg-'et the Ellcs An a taiksinu fee flf of 2S cents r'ni H mwx'tstors ail'l, Qsnc D'AILl TWO XE3E.GE3 AT KEWBEWT ARE EXLD.'FOR BURGLARY Entered ' Keeping Young ' Woman. Room f Whose .Twe CriM rrigbtenad Than. New Bern, Aug. 2L Lee Perkins and tiesse- rsowoen, . negroes, - were brought here last (light for safe keep ing. after being arrested on charges of having entered the sleeping apart meats of two young women, members ef a prominent family of liovec The voting women, asleep at the time of entrance, later were awakened and their enes frightened the negroes. Later Perkins and Buwden- were ar rested, charged with being the two who had entered' the sleeping room. It is believed thev will be held for trial at the September term of Crav tern be LTOE en ountv court, ABSENT SENATORS GET NOTICE TO BE ON BAND To Vote on War Tax Bill the Latter Part of Thi Week. ; 7 ,- - (07 Tfc Asawlaled Prou.) Washington.' Aug. 21. Senators who bad been absent from the eapu tol, arrived here todav in answer to a notice bv party leaders to be- on hand for a vote on the war tax bill's chief features in dispute war taxes and incomes- though this may not be reached before, the latter part of the week.- Fjnal action on the bill it self probably will not come up .until the coming week. ' -The Senate, committee todav called for consideration of- the war profits and income tax provisions after Sen. ator. LaFollette's speech in favor of higher levies in .these two provisions. BRITISH REPLY TO - ; ' - TEE POPE'S PEACE NOTE Was Handed to Cardinal Gaaparri hy -British Minister Monday. .T (By VM Aaaylatc4 Prcaa.) -.- " Rome, Aug. 21.4-The British reply to the jape's peace note was handetl to Cardinal Gasper ri, the papal sec retary of state, bv the British minis ter Monday. - lh replv says tne Hope '8 note will be examined in "a benevolent and serious spirit. ' United SUtas Has Not Yet Acknow. .v - lodged . Receipt. -. Washington, Aug, 21. The United States has not "vet acknowledged re ceipt of Popft jl Benedict's proposal. but wul do so through the Kntisli foreign office, which transmitted the communication through Ambassador Page. '- - GREAT, DEMANJ) gQR, BIBLES, War Has Created Qreatest Beauuul in History of the Nation. -' -.' - (By The Asaochitaa Pnaa.) " New- York. Aim. 21. With., the publishers falling dailv fur; her, be hind in their orders, the war has cre ated the greatest demand in the his tory of- the nation lor Bibles. . f ub hshers say that anyone -hr possess. es a set of elec -pe plates for the new Testament, pocket sue, ownsH something almost as valuabl as s steamship. New York publishers report- their presses runnip" from 15 to 18 hours a dav. but are still several weeks be- hind in orders. . No' Evidence of L W, W. General - Strike in West San Francisco. Aug. 20. No- evi dence of a general strike of construc tion workers and harvest hands-was visible in-the state of Washington. Oregoni Idaho and Montana tonight, and 80 far as could be ascertained no attempt was made by any I. WrW. leader to "carry out -the strike order issued recently by James Rowan, dis trict I.- W. W. secretary at Spokane. The swift and unexpected action last night of military authorities at Knokane in arresting Rowan and 26 other alleged 1. W, W. members is be lieved to have had a powerful influ ence in deternn the radical mem bers of the organization from preen itating a strike, which it. is admitted, might have bad serious results. - Flag i Presented to Field Artillery. Mooresville. Aug. 20. Battery t. North Carolina field artillery, was presented with regulation scarlet Sag with field emblems and start dv citi iwns of Mooresville. at eight o'clock tonight. The presentation speech was made bv Horn.-Thomas N. Hall and Hag bv his. daughter. Miss Best rice Hall. Caut.-Reid Morrison re. sponded on behalf of battery, follow. ing'whieh patriotic songs were ren. dered by the great throng assembled. It was a thriller and the one nun. dred and eightv-two soldiers in their khaki inspired great cheering. . This Kind of . Husband Will Got Scant Conaiderhtion. Atlanta, Ga.. Aug.: 21. Husbands who went back" to their deserted 1'ivu 1 when eonseriDiion time roue . ... i' ii around, hoping to secure the Signa tures of the wives on affidavits in nftnnrt of claims for discharges, will receive but scant consideration at the hands of the district appeal board ef flonTvln.. or at the hand of local boards, generally "sbeakinfc. The boards are not rbing to let this sort of halchcd-up claim secure a man discharge from military service. In response to a message received last week from Piedmont Business Col flege. Lynchburg, Va, Mr. J. W. Ktme, ot this city, left on short notice to ac cept a position with the Cllnchfleld Coal Corporation, Dante,-Va, f, . Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Mlsenheimer, ef Winston- Balem are .visiting frenit and relatlTM In Kouuf rioasant, PfiOTEoTMISF Gov. Manning and Senators Tillman and Smith Object to Encampment of Colored Troops in South Carolina. OBJECTS TO TROOPS . FROM PORTO RICO The Porto, Rico Negroes, It is Contended by the Dele gates, Are Not Used to the Southern View of Situation (By The A I".) ' Washington, Aug. 21. Governor Manning, of Houth Carolina, accotn panled by Senators Tillman and Smith, and the remainder of the State dele gation in , Congress, protested to the War Department today against the en campment of negro troops in . that State.. '. ' The Carolinians protested ' against the assembling of thousands of negro troops at Columbia, and particularly against the encampment of "several thousand from Porto Rico. -' The Porto Rico negroes, tne delegates contended, were unused to the southern view of the negro situation. Senator Tillman asked that In view of the fact that Cuba had offered the United States a training camp on the island, that the Porto Rico troops be encamp ed there. y:, .;--,,-- ,.--,' THE STrPTBAQETTS WILL CONTINUE THE PICKETING. Undaunted by the Fact That Si of Their Number Ar in JaiL Washington. Aug. 20. Undaunted by the harrowing experiences ot the band of six" at Uccoqaan, the .Na tional Woman's party will resume picketing of the White House gates this week. . This decision has been reached by the leaders of the party because they are more firmly convinced than ev er that they-are within their con stitutional rights in petitioning- the President for a. redress-of grievances bv their banners at his gate. . Since Tlii" President has. refused to see -any more suffrage delegations, this is the only mean left. USers from all parts oi the united States are reaching Cameron house, the national ' headquarters, to serve as pickets when the campaign is re opened. -The leaders are amased by the enthusiasm: that is shown, the unbroken, spirit to fight the matter ieut,; "no : matter- what Prussian measures of repression .re under taken. ; ' :- - , .'. ' - THE COTTON MARKET. Still Lower Prices are Beached on the Market Today. - - iQr The AaaaeiaM Pma.) New York." Aug. 21. Still lower prices were reached in tne cotton market today, and the opening -was at a decline of 12 to 17 points. All tha active months made new low ground for the-movement, with Oc. tober selling at 2J.7U and January at 23.53. This made a decline of about 264 to 280 points from the high level, touched on early month's advance. iTice. tlren steadied -on coverinsrs. and showed rallies of 20 to 25 points before the end of the first hour. , . Cotton - futures opened . s'eadv October, 23.78; December. - 23.58; January, J3.5; Jlarcb, k!J.J; Mav 236. Italians Take More Than 10.000 Pris. (:- (arTIt J Haifa FrcM.) ' Rome. Auir. 21. More than 10.000 prisoners had been taken bv the ltal. ians in their new offensive up to yes. terdav evening, the war omce an. nouneed M iua (Ina Skidmore haB returned in Kinir's Business College, at Char lotte, after - spending the week-end with (ier. mother here, "W. C Corretl and Miss Wilms Cor- rell have returned from a stay of a few days in Statesvllle. . - , . Mr. . R. Smith, after a business trip of several weeks, has returned to Con cord. ' . AT THE Strand ALLEN & RUSSELL'S Aviation Girls Musical - ComfJany' At The Strand All This Week Complete ; .Change of I Programme Tonight, TDTTnyr: i t The Tribane will tomorrow Ik 4! publish oasM of all aaea who IK have been exempted by the b IK eal board, with the reasons In eecb case for tne exemptioua. Kxtra copies, S Cfnta. . WON T ALLOW MEETDTO . TO BE HELD IN MACON State Convention Was Called to Pro . test Aiainit Conscription Lav. Tha ritktm ri) Macon, Aug. -21. Authorities of ilaeon and of the county of Bibb, and of the United States govern ment, are determined that the state L convention called to meet ,in Macon on Thursday for purpose of protest ing against the' conscription law will not meet in the citv or county. Thus. E. Watson has called the convention, and savs he will be the' principal speaker. Delegates have been ap pointed from msnv counties. If the citv. county and state ofil- eers are not sufficient in numbers to suppress the meeting, it is under stood tha the United States Marshal will ask for some ol the troops at Camp Harris; ; THREE DEATHS FROM- "PENICIOt'S" MALAKU. One Mosquito Communicated the Dis ease Known as Black Water Fever. V (Br The Aawelatc Pma.) ' iiinhmnniL Va Aug. 21. The theory that one mosquito communicated 'per nicious" malaria to three residents of a suburb of Richmond, was strengthen ed when the last of the three victims died this morning following the death of the other two in quick succession. : A difference of opinion prevails as to the kind of mosquito that Is supposed to have communicated the fatal disease to the victims. One theory is that it was a kind of mosquito found in the Dismal Swamp In certains sections in v,u4h fumllim. Darts of the fsr south and Panama, where the disease is some times known as "blade water iever. LARGE LINER SIGHTED. t Was Circling About And Fired About .. . 25 Shots. . (By Tka Aaaactete rrcM.) ..." Ail AtlHUticPort, Aug. 21. An Amer- i.un aftmtmr wmcn arrivea uere ,w day from Nova Bcotia, reported having sighted on Thursday, August 18, at 11 a. m about 130 miles east of Nantuck et, a large liner sig-sagging and clrc II,.., uiwint ami firine her guns. : About MlMU-dKere Jirwd. lvt as the liner was eight miles distant ami tne weauu er very hasy the objects at which she was Bring could not De maue om. .. . Advanoo in Price of Book Paper Ex- (Br Tk 'Auoetate Prcw.) ' Washineton Ang." 21 1917.Ad- vance in price of. book paper last ear was excessive and unwarran ted, he Fedral Trade Commission reported today, to the Senate. As a it. nf it. investigation the Com- miaainn has ordered proceedings against certain practices of the man- utactures. For Mntoalizatio'n of the EquiUble, (By Th AmclitH Prcw.) ,,. Wow VorV. Aug. 21. The stock- hnlHprs of Enuitable Assurance So ciety voted today in favor of mutu lixnHnn whin hhad already been ap- nroved bv ' directors, ine proposi tion will be submitted for a vote by mail to the oO.umi policy noiners. Messrs. R- E. Scarboro, of Bessemer, and D. M. Scarboro, of Salisbury, spent the week-cud here with their brother, Mr. W. H. Scarboro. Mr. and Mrs. B. G. Jarrell, will re turn to their home in Winston-Salem Thursday; after spending some ' time here with relatives. . The condition of Miss Rose Skid. more, who has oeen sick ,ior some tune, is reported todav as not much improved. - . ENLISTED MEN!-'. While yon are helping to mske your country history, those who stay aJom .wjll miss you. ., Prt of your duty is to have your portrait made for tha home folks, and it ia only fair that r your loved snes should also have their made for you to carry - away .with on. v Their portrait will cheer, you, youf portrait '; will cheer them, y Do not put off for tomorrow what you ean &o oday.' We are going to be busy making lots of the "boy's" . pictures, let ot malt yours before the rush Define. ss ... TCDAY z theco:;scr:?t;: MTU FOR Til , This Step , is" Urged' in the Senate Today By Senator LaFolIette in Presenting Minority Plans. : : HUGE WAR PROFITS ARE BEING MADE Contended That 85 Per Cent Of the Men Drafted Are Protesting. Wants Weal thy to Bear the Burdens. . (Br Tk AaaMtat4 Prua.) . ashington. Aug. 2L The con scription of wealth to pay for the war was urged in the Senate todav 1... C- I 17lll. ' vr ucuaiur lml uiieit. in Dreseniinir minority plans of tha Finance Com mission for higher rates in war tax bill on 'war profits and incomes.7 He suggested increasing the $2.000,000,. 000 bill to more than $3,500,000,000 bv such increases with elimination of consumption tsxes. the governments were demanding war, while the people were askins for peace, and contended that 85 per vent of the men drafted are protest- ' me. Large bond issues desired bv ; wealthy interests, be contended, in flated prices and increased the pres. , ent high cost of living. The Liberty Loan, he said, was made possible by ' an iron hand with a kid glove" - and persistent advertising methods." The pending bill. Mr. LaFolIette stated, provides by taxts but 17 per ¬ cent of this vear's wa rexoenses. while Great Britain Imposes 26 per mmm. K m-w . 7 n. - I.,.. he predicted, mav reach $30,000,000. 000 or $40,000,000,000, and he urged that huge war profits and incomes of weaitnv persons nv nigner surtaxes be made to bear the burden of the SOLDIERS IH PASSING - - SPENCER VERT ROWDY They Take an Automobite and Drive Over the TewnrCo&siarablyJin. . acing the Car.' Spencer. Aug. 20.r-A train load of soldiers passing Spencer Saturday .. .-. ... i t.n..u -n niietiiuuu fiiuMlu iw iv Mum uv during the time gave evidences of desire to take the f town. They did not storm the place just, as- they would a German village, but. pro. ceeded to commandeer an automobile owned by C, J. Walton, loaded with about 20- sammies and drove over town. Not' content "with a normal load of about 10. they kept piling on until.it is said the little ear . was tooting around the streets with just 20 men riding on the hood, fenders, sides and even on top, the top being considerably :: damaged bv the sol diers. When through with the ma chine it-was abandoned at the depot.. Mayor Burton made known to the Fnmmandinfir - officer that the com. 111 U- k.U .na;kli 4v tltm I.IMU.V WIU uc HVI, t , cninju-uu "v damages which was agreed to and tne soldiers moved on south. , , Hogs Sells at $20 : Per Hundred weight. (By The JMmUM Press.) - Chicago. Aug; ,. 21. Choice heavy hogs sold st $20 -er hundredweight. The price marked an advance of $3 in the last II davs. Recent govern ment contracts for bacon, were com puted by- packers on a basis of $20 . hogs. "'"" ' 0 Mr. J. A. i Kennett returned last night from Mebane, where he spent sev eral days. Mrs. Kennett will return the latter part of the week. . if (