; . J .- -t .' - - ' i- - ' r.-. :-i ' vw - -vr- -- - IV ! KJ . , . , . - . . . .ri a I ;v;r ... '--':- 1 . '-4 " -'-! ; Vcl XVTL J. B. SHEKRILL. Editor and Publiahar. ".yQTODECUE v;;ji o:: u::ited states The Possibility of This On Account of Aid to Italy is - Recognized By Officials at Washington. .. OTHER ALLIES L OF; GERMANY ALSO Nothing inthe Existing Sit ; uation That Would Cause the United States to Take the Initiative. -v - Washington, Aug. 28 The possibility Ctaat Auatria and perhaps other allies r ot Germany may aooa declare war r against to United States because ot . -Sbunclal aid siren to Italy, la recog ' 'tied by administration officials. , -i -It was carefully explained today that Tnere u nothing in the existing situa tion either diplomatic or military that would cause the United States to take the initiative, bat that an anomoloua . ' state of affairs may result In broaden ' lug the. war does exist, was not de '. aied. --. ' " - The relations of the United States ' ' with Germany's allies were designated I as still In a state of broken diplomatic : crlatlona, Officials hesitate to describe them as unfriendly, but admit they could scarcely be called friendly. The .:' policy of extending aid to the countries agfatlng certain of Germany's allies , without-baring declared war against Germany will be continued, and it was admitted that Austria or any other ally might perhaps not improbably con strue such assistance as a warlike act - riBST CASUALTY TO , :"' v - AN AMERICAN OFFICER Lieutenant Meet Death la a Motor- t-- '-- eyeto Accident, . "S"' :.-; (By The Asaaallea Fraai.) -'. New, York, Aug. 28. Word of the - Jhrst casualty to an officer., in Geo. Pershing's forces In France was re- , oatved here today by the marine .corps in a cablegram, announcing the death , ia a motorcycle - accident of Second JJeoteuant ederlck wahlstrom,pf the 'marine" corps. ; . .- , jr-, No details of the niture ot the ser ;h Tloe the lieutenant wa4 engaged in !y; : . when he met death wero contained in the M The Theatre,. ' Carter and Flora De Haven are star red at The Theatorium' Theatre today in a big comedy, "Where are My.Trons- ersT Also oa the programme is a Jok ; r comedy featuring Gale Henry and WlllUm Franey, "The Stinger Stungr - Those who love good comedies should ' aot mis stnis show. " ? The New Pastime today offers the ever popular and versatile actress, Edna Mayo, of "The Strange Case of Mary Page" fame today in a big lore and .romance drama, "The Chaperon." Eugene O'Brien plays the leading male role. The picture is in nve parts. "The best show ever presented here" aeems to be the concensus of opinion in regard to Moore's Merry Maids, ,-whlch will be at The Strand ell this , week. The dancing Is the best ever aaen here critics say, and the songs, , arenery and wardrobe are the latest "The Wrong Husband" will be ahown : tonight Show begins at 7:30. ,2 ? CaeU Kills Two Soldiera" on Oanton : mant Batifa. -?x;,rsf-- Fort Sill. Okla.. Ausr. 26. Privates Nelson and James Kelley, of Batter? A. Second Missouri Field Artillery, weni killed and four others seriously injured when a ahrapned exploded ba tiie contonment ranee here late to. dav. comoletelv wrecking the mess lill in which thev were oreparinz their first meal after arriving at the . Oklahoma twat. . . Nelson was killed oaneht and Kel hT " ' 1 "n the way to a hospital. The I s Meved to have exploded. ) ai t I n? been left partially bur ied r i ie flaldbT the heat of a fire ' aeai-liv. over which the men were xooking. .? Scientist, have found that children . ' " dWow little from the end of Novem li i - law from spending more than "fiv 't 4" bwe to. the end of March-.-l.ij A total of 209.000 men fell in the j'tFranoo-Prassian .war.'-. ' .:'' T" "-i t."m? A Modern Store," In a Modern Way. ; 1 ; ' ; Ur-td;t3 r.!:rch: r.di sc.-" " . OPENS SATURDAY, f HPTE"DER 1st PIAXY FARMERS AND - - ' T1IE1B fm E8 EXPECTED Ta Artcad the btU FarBMra As SUta ram Waaea's OrraoliaUaa, (r n i ! rm.) Salelgn, N. C, Aug. IS. At feast one thousand farau-rs awd their tana womea were expected to attend the sessions of the annual conventions of toe tftate Tamers and 8ute Women's organisations which bmraa here today at the North Carolina Mate College of Agriculture and Knglneering. Ar rangements were made to accommo date the visitors at the college and the ass of the dormltorie sad dining hall waa tendered to all who desired to re main at the Institution daring tbalr s7 orra. The address of welcome by President W. C. Riddick, of the Agriculture and Engineering College, at the Initial Joint session this afternoon preceded the an nual address of Mrs. Jane McKlnunon, president of the women's organisation, and John Paul Locas, president of the Fanners' Convention. Governor Blck ett Is expected to address the visiters tonight '. ... Conservation la the "keynote of the conventions but virtually every phase of agriculture, poultry and stock breed ing will De discussed. The section devoted to marketing and rural credits are expected to attract a great deal, of attention also. - , . . Speakers on the programme include F. J. H. von Encctken. D resident at the Columbia, 8. CX, Federal Farm Loan Bank gtr Bradsord Knapp, D. C. K. Lelghty and Dr. rrants P. Lund, of the United States Department of Asrtcul- ture. and Dr. C A. Cary, of Auburn, Alabama.; -; ;-. . The convetniona will adlotrm Thnrm. day. : -: ... SERIOUS ACCIDENT AT LANDIS. Nine-Year-Old Boy Injnnd hr Ez- - plosion of Dynamita Cap. Yesterday afternnnn "atinnik 3 o'clock Master Will Trieee. 8 or 9 years of aire, son of Mr. ami Mr. J. P. Triece, of Landis. was quite seriously injured by what is believed to have been the exnjosion of a dy namite cap. ffho boy, with another ehild about hjr ag& Master James Honevcutt, was : play injj with a dry battery, some parts of a flash light and other little articles of this sort. when an explosion occurred that tore off a thumb and one finger from his hand, and two nnsrures from the oth er hand. One eve is injured also, but it is not known how badlv.' The little Honevcutt boy received only few scratches from bits of flvins nat al. Dr. Edwards was hurriedly call-1 the hosmtarin balisburv lor treat. INTEEEST TK ACTION ' ? ' - CATHOUCa WILL TAKE American Federation of Catholic So. ' cieties at Kansas City. (By The Assselatet Prasa.) . Kansas City. Ait?. 28. Interest in today's session of the convention of American v Federation of Catholic Societies centered around the action of the Federation was expected to take hi resrard to Fope J Benedict's peace proposal ; - f " Plans f were to elect officers . and choose the-lOlS convention, city be fore t he close of today's session. The convention will adjourn tomorrow. - , With Our Advertisers. Fresh fish at H. A. Graeber ft Son's. today. Read carefully their new ad. You can get a mince meat pie xor ten cents at Llppard A Barrier's. Bead their change of ad. today. ' - . . . - Youuic men who are preparing ror school can find many bargains, and the latest styles at Hoover's. .. Bead their new ad. In this paper. - f ; The Concord Steam. Laundry has an announcement today thatwlll be of marked Interest to you. Look up their new ad. and read it carefully,. You will find a new ad. of the Archi bald Dairy in this Issue of The Tri bune, Bead this new ad. carefully. ' Second Oclethorpe Camp Opens. Chattanooga.- Tenn.. Aug. 27. With men from North Carolina, South Caap- lina, Teunesseei Georgia, Alabama and Florida, the second officers' training camp at Fort Oglethorpe opened today, the thousands of candidates for offi cers' commissions being enrolled and assigned to companies. It is expected that there will be 0,500 men in the camp when actual work begins Wed' nesday. Vi British Lines "Advance 2.000 Yards. (By The A elated Praaa.) ' London. Aug. 28. As a result of a British attack on Flanders front yea. terday. the British lines have been advanced along the front of more I than 2.000 yarfsv-.:v'"-;-i..-..,i-i' -;f (T CONCORD, SMOUTTIIEOI CEHT TAX Oil LETTERS Senate Today, By a Vote of . 30, to' 29,' Voted to Strike . Out Provision!) Levy Tax On Letters and Postcards. SOLDIEBS TO MAIL , . 'THEIR letters' FREE The Proposed Tax on Letters -Was Designed fo Raise Fif ty Million Dollars in" War - Revenue." .V.i v:x- -.V T Tka -Washington. Aug. 28. In resum ing consideration today of postage actions of the war tax bill the Sen ate by a vote of 39 to 29 struck out the provision lewini a one cent tax on letters and noet cards designed to raise SW.WJU.UOO in revenue. A nro- vision giving American snlHiara mnA sailor abroad the privilege of mail-J ing letters free of postage was re tained. -..' i r - v Eight amendments to tha war tit bill, providing for levies on war profits, ranging from 76 to 48 per cent were introduced by Senator La Follette, . COMPANY L TO LEAVE FOR 1 GREENVILLE TOMORROW ' aa- '-. .-v t Is Rapidly Recruiting Do "to Fun War Strencth of 250 Man. ' . Company L, which is to leave here tomorrow to go into camp at Green ville, is rabidly recruiting nn to the new authorized war strength of 250 men. . About a dozen recruits have been 'added this ' mornin?. it was stated by one of the officers, and there remain only about 19 more to be secured to have the needed num ber.. If the tr,en continue to come in they have for the past few days, there, ia no doubt- but that the 230 mark will be passed a record which, if achieved, wjll scarcely be equalled by any .other company in the whole RUSSIANS 'RXTULB WTTHOTJT , ' WAITING FOR AN ATTACK Retirement Occasioned by Beginning of German and Austrian Offens ive. " : (Br The Assealsts Praia.) Petrograd, Aug. 28. The Russian infantry left its trenches. before the enemy, attack in the Boyany region, and is retiring eastward, the wr of- flee' announced... ' J The retirement was occasioned by tha beginning of 'an offensive in the region of Czernowitz, Bukowina, yes terday ' by . the . ' Germans and . Aus- tnans. The troops retreated without waiting for the atack on theit trench. -which were occupied, by the en. emy. AUTOMOBILE GOES OVER FILL Ar Near Serious Accident Near Lan. dig Sunday. Mill Usual. Bummer Vacations-Death of 12rs. 0... Q. Walton. .;. ; . .:af;5 juanais. Aug. ko. mrr w . t. ao. ams, while driving his automobile today-ran- off the embankment where the public road i crosses a deep ra vine just' south of Landis" He was alone in his machine and fortunately was not hurt. The ditch into which be tumbled is about 12-feet deep. ; The mills here gave their employee the usual summer vacation this week, The Linn mills has just installed a new set of drawings. - Mrs. G. C. Walton, living one and a ball miles west 01 towr. died eat nrdav. . .v . ' I ! -. ...i CONTRACTORS ASK FOR V - ADVANCE PAYMENT For Supplies Furnished for .the Army and Navy. ' (BT The Awaatated Praa.) ... Washington. Aue. 28. Advance oavment for supplies for the army and -navy as yet ' undelivered has been ' asked by contractors, and the Treasury" Department is considering making1 such payments to enable the contractors to go ahead with, their workv" i V -.- .'--, v In most instances, contractors are operating on insnmeient. capital to enable them to turn out supplies in volume needed by the government. School Teacher Tjads Anti-Draft - Meeting . at Lincolton. i ' ' Charlotte," N-C Aug. 25. An an ti-draft ir.eeting waa held in Lincoln- ton. N. Cit today. C. U baker, school teache was leader, and stat ed that the purpose of the mee na was to get signers to petition gress in favor of the Ilardwiuk 1 '.. re-enacting the ..volunteer svs' n. One hundred and thirty-three s n ed. ' ' ' ':! . , An opportunity was -given for ' t, and several present made t, notable amon? them beini : . r Jose . Andouwin. a 1, lio is now naturalized J, .... . it uu citizen. , .;. A business man of Vancouver. B. C. has a record of fifty-one round trips to LomlonEnstland. ( N. C TUESDAY. AUGUST 28.M917. FDwEIG.I OFFICERS : LiLUMliOPS French ahd British' Special ists Wil Be Sent o braft and Naaonal Guard Camps as Instnctors.'- - WILL NO,T TR AlrTHE V TROOPS THEMSELVES But They Jfill TrainjAnd In 7 struct the 'AmericaQ ; OfB-. cers -Who Will Their, rnr part Knowledge to Soldiers : .- k- ; ' J h" 'v . y -, '-; i-i '- ' 'i ' '- -V' (By Tk Aaaaetatad ris. 1 Washingtoui Aus. 28. A group ol French or British army officers, spe cialists in tle vsrious dotaila of trench warfare, will be attached to the National Guard and National Army camps under plans worked out by the War Department o expedite the training of the troops for sbeeinl onditions they will meet at - the front. - The' French' and British govern. ments already have been asked- to de tail officers and probably 8 or 10 will be assigned to each of the 32 eamps. The f oreign officers will not eome in direct touch with he American trooos. " The training will be done entirely- by Americaa-officers of the companies, regiments, or brigades:' but the American officers will have opportunity of eonsultinr with theii foreign asoeciates who have- had ac tual experience at the front.' .- A RECEPTION TO THaVi ! - ' MEMBERS OF COMPANY L Given by the Concord Merchants' Association Last Evening; at Cen tral School Building, - . . . K crowd that comfortable filled the auditorium at the Central School building was present last evening at'! the reception . given by the Concord Merchants' Association to the' mem- Mr. J. H. Davis, president or the Association. ' introduced the chief speaker of the evening, Mr. Cameron Morrison, of Charlotte, who deliver, ed an address that was much enjoy ed by all. Mr. D. B. CoHrane next made a talk to the boys after which the chairman -proposed three cheers t-for the Concord eitizen who had do nated an am bulance -through the local Red Cross Chapter Mr. J. W. Can non, oo hearty were tne cneers giv n that persons at the hotel at. the time inquired as to what was mak. iug so much noise. ' After this, Mr. Charles r. wtchie. ror the Men s Bible Class of the First Presbyterian Church, presented Bibles to the mem bers of the Company who bad notl yet been presented with one. The refreshments served consisted of three kinds of. sandwiches, lemon ade, ice cream and cakes. Although it was not so announced, the entire audience was served with refresh ments, and still there was plenty to spare, sd generous was the provision made bv the Merchants'. Association. At intervals during the evening, se lections were rendered " by the For est Hill . Band, which added ' moan tn the eniovment of the occasion. The meeting was .brought - to a close with oraver by Rev. J. M. Gner, D, D.. pastor of the First Presbyterian Church. ;,: ;.. ; - : - . ' ' ' The occasion,: which was very in formal, w- one- of the most enjoy. able that nas oeen neia near ior long time, and on the - streets this mnrnintr' can be heard many expres sions of congratulations for. ,tne ones. who had the meeting in char-re. To Confer on Rural Education. Minneapolis Minn., Aue. 28. The Hnvarnnra of all the Western ' And Northwestern . fctates. together with laaAina- educators, agricultiirists and business men have been invited to attend a conference-on rural educa tion to be held at the . Minnesota State Agricultural College, beginning, tomorrow And continuing through the remainder of the week. ; ) A TVninli doctor ar a, hospital in Paris has invented a cardboard leg- which enable the wearer to go with out crutches two days after his limb bas been amnntiited. ' ' ' THEAT0MUI.I ,TOJ)AY CARTEL HAVEN i 'WHERE Victor Cor a Thousand I turo witi GALE CLRT in 'the STrrcri etuno It" TJNXVEL.Z.U. ?ZZLT ' The World's Latest Nowa in lloyinf Pictures, L3 in v LABOnCO'IFEREIXE UOPEtlEDIMi: 4 A . THe Inter-Allied Socialist and Labor Conference Opened Its Session in London this Morning. - - ;': ' ' - '"' " ; : '. SEVENTY DELEGATES" i V WERE PRESENT Representing Great Britain, Belgium, Russia,.; France Portugal, Greece,"" South Africa and Italy. c The AaaaatataA Praaa) London, Ang., 28; The inter-allied socialists and labor conference waa. ooened in London today under the presidency of Arthur; Henderson, member of the House of Commons. sentatives of Greatmconfereesetaota folio. Some 70 delegates, represent ing Great Britain, Belgium, Russia. France, Portugal. Greece and South Africa and Italy were present. More than one-half of them are British. representing the socialist' and labor party; ' ' , ' sv " Figures' are of ' little ' slgnlScance. however, as the conferenceetaoinshrdlu however, as the conference is not to vote, but to consult, and if possible agree on a policy ty be followed In re gard to the conference at Stockholm. It It proves to be possible to raaoh an agreement the various sections will put forward their own views at Stockholm. NEW PROCESS OF EXTRACTING OIL FROM SEALS Wins Pardon for Convict in the No- rada Penitentiary... : (Br Tha Aaaaeiatae run,) Carson City. Nevada. Ausr. 28. The., discovery of a new process of extracting oil from shale -has won a pardon for A..H. Crane, who -' was serving a-term in the state prison for gurglary. Crane waa granted a pardon by parole board yesterdaiuaa extraction plant' -Federal' experts sent here to examine the process in formed the board '- that the method would -be of almost . invalculable value to the government. , THE COTTON MARKET.! , Prices From 17 to 28 Points Above " Last Night's Closing. . Br Tha AaaaeUtaS Praaa) y Mbw YotW. AnV 2S. There waa renewed covering in the eotton mar. ket today and after opening . one point to 10. points,, higher, active months sold 17 to 28 DOints above last night's closing figures, with Oc tober touching :, 2S and January, 22.25. . . 5;.,- . "Cotton futures opened steady: Oc tober. 22.02; December. 22.12; January-. 22.12; March, 22.28; ;May. 22.- 50.,:,.;-?, :" .1 - HOUSTON QUIET. ' V'"' -.-W-'"JN.- ; awaaaaakanast " ' ' '-'v'' The Eal Story of tiie-" Horror of Thursday Night Being Developed v (Br Ta AaaacUteA Praaa.) ' - Hbustqn, Aug., 28. , The city of Houston today was scheduled to be- vin what aetinir Mavor Moody term. ad -tha develoDment of the "real story" of the horror of last Thurs day night, when 100 negro soldiers of the 24th infantry, shot down 13 .whites. - - -ws-.s.i ';; , The Board of Inouiry. . appointed bv Moodv waa to hold its session late today. Appeals have been sent out through newspapers for every per son with information to report vol untarily o the board ol inquiry. Aiistriana Capturd In Driva Now To. .' iWi-. tal '83,000. i - Borne. Aug. 26rThe Italians have made a further advance on the Ison fmnt nrth of kxia closely pur. aninir - tha Austrians. the war office nti rinsa thft. -Carso were repulsed. TTh tumber of prisoners has oeen in. tn mora than Zd.WU in buui. tion to whicli a great amount of booty has been captured. ,;.., : ' -dott .riri to see I i ) Bnck Dancer of tit ii rr"TTi " r . TTT C'"T 3 LATrir" j0K3 :ui. ETC. r .at tisa Thi Tamber. PRICg FIVE CENTS TTXXT A WEEK ' ' FOB THE RED CBOS8 AapeaJ-Made la Hd 8dty By Tea- ey a week- CaatrBwtiam. t"e again we are staking an ap peal to yo for help In the Bed Cross mi UN we belim h. v mrm wauiM ia aa -roar f. iA T no. oa four days wm, aua oiicb six, some of us sre tmxy at the headquarters cutting Ihrl ana a. aas aklaa. j ... -"'a auins ana surgical di now k is aeceaaary to add this work the knittin m -1 e- But to continue the a aim negin tne knitting we moat have funds. Heratofnra k . pended oa individual gifts of material ad money for our supply. What we uu now, in order to keep no the work, nuhlndeivd- la k... 1 steady Income. So we propose to plun one that wonld n. this irtcadiueHs and also give everyone ... u.-imnuiiu oi reaiiy doing aome rhlng for the comfort of the "boys." It ia simply a "nennr a wm" ni.n nothing more than your giving a penny every week until the need for the work .lops. . win ynu do It 7 We believe that ,'ou wllL anil becauae hiiOVA i bare made arrangemeuta with Mr. Cas well, of the Cabarrus Bank, to act aa trea Mirer for our "penny a week" fund. Mr. Caswell la chairman of the execu tive board of the Bed Croaa. and h.. consented to take Charge of the pennies for US. Will vou hAirin hia Wednesday is to be nav dav. hnt it n. other day Is more convenient do not wait lor Wednesday. Please take your penny to Mr. CasweU right away and ask others to do the same. , We are Still Waltlnc for ann flnrf It convenient to help us with the sew ing of shirts and folding of surgical dressings, too. If you once eome yon will realive how greatly your-help la needed; yon will And, too, as others have done, that the work- becomes al most a matter of conscience, for we feel it is for our own boys. Come and help us if yon oan and when yon can. And do not forget wo are counting on you for your "penny a week." BED CBOSS COMMITTEE. ITALIAN ARMT OFFICERS ARRIVE IN THIS COTJNTKX It Is Said That Their Mission Hero is to Purchase Aircraft. , (By Taa AaaaelateA Praaa.) At AtUntlc Port An, authorised commission of 20 Italian army officers, tho majority belonging to ihe aviation corps, and headed by CaptJ Carlo Tap pi, arrived here today on a French pas senger ahlp. Oapfc Tanpt said aa could not fflacnaa Theohjgt of jthe ilaalon. to purchase air craft. -r . Flower Show in October. The Ladles Aid Society of St. James Lutheran Church of this city each fall holds a flower show In early October. Work on the one to be held this fall baa already been started, and plans are being made to have a show this time that will not be surpassed. The weather has been favorable for the growth of the flowers, and unless Jack Frost gets in some of his work there will be some splendid specimens on ex hibition. - Then, too, the aies will have a large number of pleco . of fancy work lor sale, and they will erve din ners, aa in the past. Has Squad of Pigs That Drill Alone. Belchertown, Mass., Aug. 27. Jack Newman of this town has organised bis piggery according to the Infantry drill regulations.- From a hundred pigs out of the hundred he picked a squad of thirty-two. v . . Every morning before breakfast, for two miles, these thirty-two pigs follow ed their drill master around the edge of the Held, just inside the wire. Then they paraded across the centre. Then Newman purposely delayed his appear ance and found that the pigs went through their usual evolutions alone. Two Man Carrying. Payroll Shot to ; (By Tka Aaaaelataa Praaa.) Chicago, Aug, 28. Two men carry ing' $8,100, the pay roll of Winslow Bros. Iron works, were shot to death today by five bandits, who escaped with the money in an automobile. ENLISTED MEN! . While you are helpjnjt to make your" country's history, thof a who" stay at homo" will miss yon. : Part of your duty ia to have your portrait made for tho home folks, and it is only fair t! t your loved bnes Vould also hsvo their' made for yon to eatry away ' tith yon.1 'ihoir portrait will cheer Vou, your 'portrait , l. wjll sheer them. 4,o not put ';ttoda"-WsWgolnir to bo P'.ctnres, let os mass yours ueiura u m (.i,.-. ., W j. CIS. roFfi Ml This Is" in Southeastern trict as Part of Move: For Increased Efficient, Handling Troops. LOCOMOTIVES AND MEN RELEAC Permission Has Been As' of Corporation Com--sions for Authorization Cut Out 50 More Trains. (By Tha Associated Praaa) Norfolk, Va.. Aug. 28. W. J. 1" ahan, President of the Seaboard . Line Railway and chairman of Binuoouineasiern department or t Railroads' War Board, armour, today that the roads in his deix ment, up to August 15. had elimin ed 116 passenger train schedules i a part of the movement for incr ed efficiency for handling troops, t munition supplies and foodath This bas released 91 locomotives 426 men for other service, and result in a coal saving of 233.754 t and a saving of 4,557.182 train mi. yearly. .'"'. Permission has been asked of f Corporation Commissioners of ' t various s'ntes for snthority to d continue the 30 add'tional passer, trains which would release 17 lot motives and 01 men for other ser ice, and save 30,669 tons of eoal. 840.000 gallons of fuel oil and 12 000 gallons of gasoline yearly as w. as 766.002 train miles. FACULTY AND STUDENTS t .r RECEIVE COMMISSIC . State University ia Represented 1 Every Training Camp of tho C; try. v''v-;--w- J, . (By Tka AaaocUtat Praaa.) . Chanel jam. 'Aofc 28. Two ) dred and tuirieen. students and -nieaaiiueiiw oi tue Oniversi-y sioned first and second. lieu'ltL and 13 members of the faculty he received commissions, according t an announcement today by Edwat . K. Graham, president of the institu. tion. who has iust completed a war roster of the student body. The Uni versity is represented in every train ing' camp in the country. President tiraham said. POPE'S NOTS TO BE PRINCIPAL subject ot icjsic:; stni of iig . - ' "sisl. At Eo.lin Ti.i- veim. x . -(By The Associated Praaa) f Conenhaeen. Au. 28. The Pope's peaca.note will be the prinicpal aub. .lect 01 aiscussion ai me nieeiinx iu Berlin thieaaf terooon. at which Chan cellor Michaelis, members of the Ger man parliament and representative" of Prussian Bavaria, Saxony . and Wtrrtemburg will participate. Oan. Morrison Assumes Command it Camp Bevier. (By The .Aaaoclatad Praaa.) Greenville; S. C, August 28. Mai. Gen. J. F. Morrison today . assumed command at Camn Sevier, relievirt CoL J. D. Metts. of North Carolina, of the executive details of the camp. International Conference of Womcx Stockholm, Aug." 28.--An Internat. ional conference of women from bo' belligerent and neutral countries wi be held here September 16. 18. Con ference will be of a semi-private na ture. V1.-"-''.'-"':": v;' v ' off for tomorrow what yon can da busy making lots of the "boy's" ROADS CU

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