A:CCIATD FAESS DISPATCHES' .-TODAY'S NE'vTS TO DA" BOTE - VOLUME XVII I. J. B. Sherrill, Editor and Publisher. CONCORD.N.CSATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 22. 1917. i Price Five Cents. NUMBER ft'. The Concord DAILY ' Till OFFICII s ' RE.CH CITY TODAY ' ' V "Assistant -District Attorney ; i Dooling. Dr. Schultze, Pa thologist, Detective Cun ' niff And Capt Jones Mere. SOLICITOR CLEMENT ' . ' ALSO ARRIVES Conference Held Between r the Officials, Who De 'yl clihe to Give out any State- - V I l;i l is f VtnIitrtc1 , - . 1V1I WHIM ' - v- f.Johtf . Dooling. assistant district ; attarnev t Dr. Otto Hchultse. pathok - ml and Oetiwtlve John Cunultr. all ' turn the fnee of" District Attorney Rwann. of New York city, aud CapUlB ' . tviill.n. T iaam nlatnl OTiMrT nr tup - Sew York police fore, arrived here - thin mornlug shortly before 11 o'clock for conference In connection with IUV Um I M I Kin , - " " - 'of Mr. Maude A. Kins, of New York. ' Tola party waa Joined In Salisbury by tent of Jnatire; Hayden Clement. so licitor of this Judicial district, aim run C. McDutHe, attorney for Mrs. Auna I.. HaIiIimaii miliar nf ths dead woman. Immediately upon their arrlyal. this - morning, these officials went lnto: con ference, declining to five out any state ment for the press until after Its con clusion. The offlclala will visit this afternoon the place where Mrs. King niet her .death. . . ' - y -- ; to. HULL 9TATES BEPOETB OF REMARRIAGE RIDICULOUS Bays St Tu Divorced From lbs. King in 1897 and Had Never Bpok '" a to Hat. Siaea. - .'- - . - (Br Ts AastB)te4 Trrw.) iilinneapolia. Sept. 22. Edward B. Hull, a well known business man. and the first husband of Mrs. Maude King who was killed near Concord. S. C. August 29. characterises as ridieu. Ions -reports to the effectAthat the -New York authorities have evidence tbaf th.M K1. been. nnssibilitv of vWs iwiam&jfTto Mi Kin WfaTCt We were divorced in m ami wn nvar amice nr eorresnonded from then on." .Mr. Hull said Inst nitrht. He remarried ten years a no. "I have had no rennest from- the antliorities for information of any character," he added. , THE COTTON HARKET . - J is a -' Good Deal of Realising Camas Uar I ket to Eaaa Off. " (y Awlate Press.) " New-York. Sept. 22. There was a cood deal of realiainz at the open-' inn nf tha Potion market this morn ing. Theirst prices were steady .at advance to 14 pointa to a decline of six Jioints, but only the near months were bisber and the ttiarket eased off after call. October declined from 23.ftfl to 23.3o. and January from 2X36 to 2:1.08. with general list sell inr about 10 to 2.) txiints net lower. Offerings: gradually absorbed, bow ever. withlhe market showing steady undertone -with rallies of 10 to 12 pointa toward the middle of the-moru- - inc. . i" -; - " ' ' Cotton" closed irregular. October, 24.50: December. 24.24;" January, 24. 20; March, 24,33; May. 24.48. . TITO BRITISH STEAMERS .. AND TWO DESTROYERS SUNK War Part of a Convoy of Six Which yteil lraiaaa mentemoer a. 1 (By Tks AMMeUtra Pms.) An-' Atlantic. Port.' Sept. 22. Pas. aensera ' who arrived- front. England ' today tm ' . an . ' American steamer ' brought circumstantial reports- that . - five British steamers and two destroy - era oiie or a oonvov. ol a Lieei ui ma which left Lough Swillv. Ireland, Sent ember 3rd. were sunk bv German Biibtnarines within a few hours off tba port of departure. ; .- J.M-S-i 1 At The Theatrea. A - Helen Holmes In the fifth chapter -. of "The Railroad tRalders"' at The i? New Pastime today. "A Woman'a Wit." Also Rborty Hamilton -In "A Loau i Hhark." '! Monday Wm. Duncan and Carrol Holton . In "The" j Fighting .. - TralL" - ; .;--" .- Harry Carey in ""81 Shooter Jus 4 ttce" a Gold Seal feature, at The The- ' ktorium today, with X I are Dn Brey, - Also an L-Ko comedy, "Props, Drops and- Fiona." - v. ? A. ., ., ? Carl Armstrong's Musical Show at 'The gtrand next week. - Matinee at 3 o'clock. 10 and 20 cents. Night prices. j.. '18 and 2a cents.- ". -s-v.; p... v. ..v. 7 v" The situation. on the western and! ' northern front again calls for atten- r iwa win mf m M''-ii.y .,, . ; trograd that the Russians on Riga. - Dvinak front have retired to the north f of the Dvina, This may mean simply reciinraiion vi iiie iiumimu wre iui improved seeoritv in ease of renew. ,d attacks, in reeeni uerman uen. . 'aive which cost tbe Russian tbe sea- i . ri 1 I i: - e ' f" . mm Ar n (u n.i m WMrvm .lira . ill .v .. Linvowaa territory the iKussians - abandoned a line of the Dvina to A mint ' ahnnt fifteen miles northeast of JaeobstadL as nearly at eonld be . 2 Judged from the rather indefinite DR. ROWS LAST MGHT. ; - ' . ; 1 Text ra4 ha Acta U-SL-fierrlfM as I sfeal I ntll FarUw NsUra. , Fr. tL T. ttowe was greeted last sight by tbe brawl audience that has ye aHeaded the arrlea awvlcea at IVtilral Method, Cbnrrk. He preach ed from tbe text found In Acta J4-.1l. -Relieve m the Lord Jesus Christ aiwt thtsi aha It be eared. - Tbe sum and sulMtance of the whole rtH nieinaKe. lr. Howe auld. Is Jesua Christ saves. Only lie can save. Many men hare had the capacity for kindling high aaiiratiuua In men and a desirs to rise, to stimulate tbe desire is do something and be something, but Jesua aloue can aare men from sin. No one else has erer done It. and uo one elite ran erer do It. Me to. the world's Redeemer. No other mau has even claimed to da. aa Jesus does or to be what be is.' There is I in word of God's lore in the Koran of Mohammed, vuly bis wrath. Buddha found satis faction In enrblng all desire. Jesua cornea as the hearer of the redeeming lore or lioiiiiiere la uo redemption In I he" teaching of Mohammed or Budd ha. The world needs salvation, . not simply an example. " Jesns was a great example, to be sure, but Infinitely more tnan that. He Is the Divine Barior of men. . I have looked Into all' the re ligious and tern and found at last that the way 1 wanted was to lie found right at home the same new old gos pel that has saved the people of all ages. This gospel is as old as sun light and as new as snullght. Jesus Christ has never shut the door in the face of any man wanting to get in. and never will. More than thati he says : "Behold. I stand at the door and knock." "Illia that comet h unto me 1 will in no wise cast out." (Jet your feet on the Rock of Kternal Ages. Yon are sufe as long as you are on it. Jesus will never full you. Dr. Rowe will address the mother's meeting at 4 o'clock this, afternoon and will preach ngntii tonight ut 7:.10. The services will lie continued us usual until further notice. INVESTIGATION OF VON r BERNSTORFF'S .-DOINGS Chairman Flood So Declares After Conference With Secretary Lansing. '.' " (By The AaMHlaea Prcaa.) ' Washington. 'Sept. 22." Cliairman FIimmI. of the House Foreien Affairs Committee, declared today that after conferring witlf-Hecretary Lansing, he thought prohahly there would be a House investigation of Count - von Bernstorff'a plans to tnttueiice Cong ress by sieml!ng $."dMH. as revealed in his dispatches to Berlin. FIGHTING STILL RAGING East of Ypres. (Dr Tk Aasoelated rrru.) Ttritlsli headquarters iiiFraiice and Belgium, Hept. SU. Fighting is still raging today in the neighborhood of Tower Hamlets, which has been the scene of almost continuous strife since the offensive of Jhe British to the east of Ypres oh "the Belgium front began. On the left, the British line'was report ed to lie luf-tiict, but io news of the situation ou the right could lie nan this morning. ; '.'."'' Steamer Loaded With Beef Sunk. ' (By Tha Aaaoelnle4 rrmia An Atlantic Port, Sept. 22. The British steamship La Negro, on her way from Buenos Ayres to Havre, with cargo of Argentine lieef, was sunK by a German submarine September 3, 45 miles off Vlyinouth, accorOing to survivors of tlie crew who arrived here today on an American steamer. 'We are used too fiuhting the world.'.' says a Herman editor. They may suffer fate to the mine whose owner taught him to get used to go ing without eating. The Announces - a', programme ex. traordinary for the -coming week, an attraction above the average A Vaudeville At,' traction of superior merit. - CARL -' ARMSTRONG'S : MUSICAL SHOWS' - Including Armstrong '' Trio Singing all the Latest Songs, Fin Dancing Specialties, Fnn, ny Oomediana. ..singing foolish' songs. y..; , : ;y'. !:;"' IPrelty Giils y:- n- """.vi''.f?'-:-'.-. - ! with splendid voices properly costume!. ; ..; '' : Bills That , Axe Different- , Something Hew in Vaudeville "presented. In a clean, whole- some wji."''w V-i'. MATINEE MONDAY. S PJST- AdmiaBion. Matute, 10 and 20 cents. NighJ 15 and 25 cents. N. B. This tho'w has nlayed -all hig cities to crowded houses ' Boost yonf horn's town- by coming' to the Strand Monday. r ? :...'..-.. . Strand HAS GFUYE ALREADY i ; : BEEN ENTERED? This is the Prevailing Opin ion in Wilmington As to Crave of Mrs. Bingham in J Oakdale Cemetery. WHAT CEMETERY KEEPER SAYS Officials at Wilmington Are Still Reticent on this Point But Indications Point Strongly' to It. Br Tks Aaasdsts rwmt WUmbigton. Sept. 22K-OtflcuUa here today still refused 'to confirm or deny reports that relatives of tbe bite Mrs. Robert W. Bingham had taken steps to hare the body disinterred at Oak dale cemetery lu order to have aa au topsy performed to determine the ex act cause of her death. James A. Perry superintendent of the cemetery, said that if the body was ever in the grave it was there non hut be declined to say whether It had been ijisiuterred or reliuried. -Rumors to -that effect nave been in circulation here for several days but ure nut con tinned. U. S. Troops to Fight When Gen. Petain Gives Word. Waslrinston. Sept. 21. The United States troops, under (leneral Pershing, will beitin to fi'rht as soon as Gen. Petain indicates his need' of them, it was authoritatively stated ut the War Department today. . He mav call on them tomorrow or a month from tomorrow, but. accord ing to the latest information, from Pershing's headquarters, the likeli hood is the American troops will be fighting at, top speed before the iov flies. Thev will take over a section of the front now, held bv the French. If the Germans keep up their vio lent offensive along the French front American troops will be rushed into action. ' According to the latest reports from Pershing's lieadmmrters .the forces have f ompleted trining.Thev are-Tean'tomote-Torwitrd at a min ute's notice. P was indicated nt the War Department that reserves would be rushed up behind Pershing nrmy as rapidly as thev could be trained. Emperor Charles Almost - Captured By Italians. fleneva, Sept. 21. A Lusana re port, confirmed hv iiw-iss troops watching on Stelvio Pass, states that Charles of Austria and his whole staff narrowly escaped cap. ture'on a visit to the Trentino front because the Itluian commander was informed bv an aviator that many utomolules were in the vicinity, ine Italian troous thereupon attacked enntured an Alpine - nutnnat, while the royal motor party fled down the Stelvio route under machine 'gun Hre. , The nar'x. . however, arrived safely! at 1 Prad and then proceeded to Meran. ' " The' Emperor and his staff were isitinz Alpine posts in the Tren tino on 'September 15, according to an official telegram. - , New War. Devices Fou U-boats; Diminish British Losses Washington.' Sent. 21. A hisfi na val authoity in Britain is quoted in dispatches here today aa saying that the new defensive measures against submarine warfare arc meeting suc cess, and justify the hope of a furth er reduction of losses. The dispatches say it can be stated on official author ity that the results Jit the methods adopted, in the past month give cause tor growing confidence. .T According to an Admirably state ment, dozena of ships have been sav- ed-4ry the smokebox system, wnicn the AdmiralitV during the Tajat few months has supplied to a majority of British merchantmen. . .:-. ' Popa in Naw Peace .Note to he . ' :. Specillic. Pnris Sent. 20. A Rome despatch- to the Temps says that i seems to he confirmed that : Pope Benedict will send another peace -proposals to the belhgrent powers, toward the end ot September. ' Th newsnanerfa. advice adds that the noie will be more specific and en ter into greater details than tue re cent one. - - ' , " With Our Advertisers, y, v Tlie 40th series of the Cabarrus County Building, Loan and Havings Association - will open on Haturtiay, October . ' Hook up the ad.- on first page." Mee air. wenunx anu suimcnue for some snares. - The Parks-Belk Co. have put in a new department .of automobile sup plies. lHik up their new ad. today and see bow they can save yon money, on all these things. . -The-ttoncord Furniture Co. has talk about Buck's double base burner In new ad. today, ueaa ic - Ajiuhmarlne Is a delicate ahd beau, tifiil niece of mechanism, but suspicion arises that I tls somewhat too fragile for Jieavy work.. . ..!, Zeal without knowledge js tlie 'sis ter of follv. " . ' - ..j. 1 1 aUXNArtjUS NEWS Weaver Klaar.-Mg riwia! la the PmV lie Srhssla. The Caanry Fair ' Naaaertua Otaer Vstea. r. aim Mrs; valta'Wearrr. of! in h i hi i v II T. mrm pwntlllia' a nmiu uf days la KaauapulU. Tbe Wearer were Baarrled oa WeducUy. I he IJth. at Bnavtaer City aad left lis mediately fur Ppettcrr. where tbey apnit Hm night wit k tr. I.Wher Klsrr. krln the next day lot a rlslt lo the bride's axKijer in Muores enmity. The bride was fonaerly ills Bnilah Ktaerof Gaston comity. Tbe Kannanolis kradeil aelioiil ed Monday with A) uuoll. The Boya Thrift; tlub at tho v t C A. la doing Una. The hoys deposit their savings at 4 per cent. Interest. Randolph Harris la leading at this rniing. Mr. V. T. Misenheliuer. tile Boya Work Director." has chu tbe Thrift Oub. f Tbe Kannanolla Com llllllltfv Patr lu the talk of the ton now. 'The fair will be held Saturday, ttctolier . All the mills will be closed, and there will be good music.' good speaking and a a full day of enttertniniuents. The following U a list for which prizes w in lie Kireil ' Best collection of n.ltc plants. Best ferns. i Best liegonias. t Best geraniums. I Best i-hrlKanthenHims. Best collection of (-nt flowers. Best collection of canned ipmmIh. Best Jar of preserves. Best glasses of Jelly Best plniiixcake. Best layer cake. , Best loaf of bread. Best plate of biscuits. Best jnrt of sour pickles. Best Jar of -sweet pickles. Best pound of butler. Best home matter sou p. Best hunch of 'turnip. Best' pumpkin. Best tomatoes. Best iieck' lf swet mtntocs. Best peck Of Irish potatoes. Best corn. Best iKipcorn. Best dd relies. Best piece of fancy work CI prizes.) Best milch cow -42 prizes.) Best coon of chickens (ni-ire f..r n..i, hreedl. . A Finest baby, 2 izes).. Mr. C. A. Flsh. chuirninn ,,t llw, music committee, ht the leddersof the Kuiinupolis baml, aful will have plenty of gissl music. A let- of interest is lie- mg taken lu the Isiliy show, and there will Im a irotKl disnlav should help to make this n great' "Red loiter i)aj- Mr Knnuaiiolis. . ,1 at Marriage Sequel te Conspiracy Charges ..trw aiirK. now: A minmira na"e--irs .uT ginning in the court risim, where both or the principals were culled uimiu to uimn to answer ,to a churge of conspir acy to defeat-the conscription law, is to have its culmination today in the marriage of Miss Eleanor Wilson Par ker Wilson and Charles Francis Phil lips. The couple llrst met while Phil lips was a student in the Columbia Cnlversity Schcsil of Journalism, and Miss Parker was attending Bernard College. Kach was an officer of the Columbia- Socialist -Study Chili and both were on I lie Challemre. the radi cal college magazine, lu the early part of the Summer the two were irrested by the Federal authorities, together with Oweu Call ell, another student. on a charge of conspiracy to defeat the conscription law, the accusation being bused on the a licit ed distribution of circulars aiLvising UEslnst reirlstrn- tion for military service. Phillips and Cattell were found guilty and as a re sult were deprived of their citizenship and sentenced to pay n line of $.A0 and serve one day in Jail. . Miss Parker was acquitted. First Federal Farm Loan in Iredell. J. A. Craven and wife, Mary K. Young Craven, are the first Jrdell citizens to borrow money from the Fedral Land liauk of Columbia. S. (.., under the Federal . Farm Loan Act. The mortgage wag recorded Tues- day in the oilier of the register or deeds- Thev mi tn liAvr.nu l Mill I from January 1. 1918, at 5 per cent interest, and to repay same in 35 an nual payments ot-f.i0.44 and a final installment ot ")9.88. The first in stallment Is due In nuary 1, 1110. To secure the promisory note thevl execute a" mnr.gage deed in .152 and fraction acres of land near Moores. ville. - Tri-State Fair. si Memphis.. Memphis, Tenii., Sept. 22. The tenth animal Tri-Stnte 'alr hud its formal oMulng today and for the. next week it Is expected to be tlie niattiiet of attrhctlon for thousands of Visitors from Arkansas. Mississippi and Ten nessee. -The fair thla year promises to surpass any previous triumph. Some or the most uotahie natures are a cat tle show, horse show, poultry show, ag ricultural shows and farm and dairy exhibits: In the preparation of the fair prograumii' the management hag given, special attention to features in tended to encourage agricultural and live. stock piiniiii-tion and food conser vation... . y y. t Tuesday Meatless on all Dining.Cars. ' Beginning- October 2. meat will disappear from Tuesday 's carte da jour pn -all the big railroads of the country. Fiithennore, those who want wheat bread when they are travel in? will have to B&k for It. ' These measures are the contribution of-tlie T ; AH" l OAN ASSOCIATION Auiensan Association of Dining 'Car J RFMP.MBER THE TIME - stewards to ine rwux Anministra tion'os campaign to conserve food. i - The Murphy Campaign.' The Salisbury Post aavs friends of Hon. Waller Murphy are planning to organise and make an aggressive - cam paign to secure lotme oaiisourv man the Democratic congressional u'duu , nation in tins uwrici, GER'iAH REPLY TO POPESPEACENOTE Declares Special Measures V Will Be Taken By the Gov ernment to Discuss An swering Questions Raised. DESIRES TO FIND BASIS FOR PEACE 'The Future Power of Arms" It Says, "Must Be Sup pressed By the Thorough Power of Right." (By The Associate Freaa.1 Amsterdam, Kept. Zi. The German reply to Poiie Beudict's peace proposal declares that special measures will be takeii by the government in closest contact with representatives o the Oeriuan people lo discuss answering the qiiestlonk raised. proves how earnestly it. desires to find a practical basis for a Just aud lusting peace. ontintiinc. the reply- says Cerninn.v fully recognizes with His Holiness the high iicace-producliig effect Of arbitra tion to decide international differences of opinion, and in this respect (ier- luiin.v is ready to support every propos al compatible with vital interests of the (ierinaii empire and people. Tin- (ici-man reply suys that the Im perial mnvernment srree's with spe cial sympathy tlie leading idea in which tiis Holiness clearly expresses conviction that the future, ma'erial IHiuer of anus inut he sppressed bv the thorough pomcr of riitht. Contains Nothing That Will Alter Our Position. Washington. Sept. 22. The reply made bv Hermans and Austrians to Pope Benedict's peace proposal con tains nothing that will in anv way niter the iiosition of the 1'nited Slates ns outlined in President Wilson's re ply to the Pope. Opening of Oklahoma State Fair. Oklahoma City, Okla.. Sept. 22 The excellent crops raised in Oklahoma this year arc Illustrated in the exhibits ut Hie State Fair that opened here to- .1..- ... : '.V"" 1' agriculture is Hie keynote of the ilis- play. So far as farm exhibits are concerned tlie fair is declared lo lie the most comprehensive ever, held in Oklahoma. The fair bus been desig nated lis a food training camp for this portion of the Southwest by Herbert C. Hoover, the Federal food adminis trator. Bouar Law has told how to raise .5.1.IKHI,(KK1.(HHI. A recipe for getting .$1 when you're short would also make in- teri'sting reading. Love is blind, but too often it recov ers, its sight after inarriage. Mem phis Comniej'cial Appeal. ANNOUNCEMENT THE 40TH SERIES IN THIS ASSOCIATION WILL OPEN I October 6th, 1917. ' ' 11 SHARE3 SHARES SHARES Two series of stock issued every year- beginning the first Saturday in Ortober and the first Saturday in April. The liar value of a share of stock' is .$100,011 and the week ly payments, 2o cents per share. The payments, if preferred, can he made monthely on the first Saturday in each month, being governed by tlie number of Saturdays in the month. A membership fee of 25 cents per share is required. 14 ' SHARES CAN BE WITH DRAWN at any time by- giv ing thirty days notice. V.'hen the payments made upon the shares, with profits added, equal $100.00 it has its par value and is declared ma tured and that particular scries is paid off and closed. WYmen, married or single, men ami children can carry shares Tn their own name. ALL TAXES ON MONEY ACCUMULATED ARE PAID BY IffV. ASSOCIATION. ALL SHAREHOLDERS ARE PARTNERS IN THE ASSO CIATION AND SHARE AI TKE IN THE PROFITS. GET BUSY AND TAKE SHAPES TODAY IN THIS OTD RELIABLE BUILDING - 1A OCTOBER 6th, 1917. II Cabarrus County B., L & Savings Associativa - Office in The Concord National Bank. ., ; t - J l)teKioK:to:iKa OI1L FOUND. 'Dona SInre Last xTlght V Unconacioua in Corn FiaU. - (Br TW Imilllil rvaa.l Duan. Rept. 22. Ilng BBruiurkHis at tbe eihre of a roruorkl of ber fstb er'a plaiilattos. Misa AiU-Ukle Jef freax Id year ohl dangfater of J. J. Jeffreys, one of tbe wealtaJest planters in this sen ton. who bad been ai baring from home since 0 o'clock last Bight, was found at 6 o'clock this morning by a searching parry which had beea working all night is Bod her. The young woman Is suffering from eereral bruise and nervous shock, but . tbe 7lnctirs aay there was no violence. According to tbe story, the young woman la said to hare told thla moro ing. she was attacked when she step ped into the back yard of ber borne last ereuing. her assailant throwing a doth over ber head, which prevented her making an outcry, and she remera tier ed iiiH-hiiig from that time until she regained consciousness today. BliMxIhouniU have beeu ordered here from ltaeford andrill lie taken to tbe scene on their arrival. COTTON RAISERS I'RGED TO HOLD FOR BETTER PRICES Senator Ransdell Tells Them Not to Sell For Less Than IS Cents. (Br Tfc AmlrtllH n I WashliiKtou, Si-pt. 22. The cotton raisers of the South are urged by Sen ator Kausdell, of Louisiana, in a speech today in the Senate to bold, out for "fair and legitimate prices" and not to sell for les sthan 25 -cents per pound. The present prices, he declar ed, are unwarranted, and was caused largely by the rush offerings because of the embargo. Statistics were presented by the Louisiana Senator In support of the contention that actual purchasing pow of cotton is much- lower , than other products which have advanced in price. He also declared that the South was never in a lietter position to hold its cottor for a fair price, ! c RECORDS OF BALL PLAYERS I'p to And Including the Games of Last Wednesday. (By The Associated' Press.) Chicago, Sept. 22. The records of the leading players in the major lea gues up to and including games of last Wednesday' follow : Leading liatters: American Cobb. Detroit. :!7.'. National, Rousch, Cin cluatl. :2. Leading lnriins scored : . American. Bush. Detroit, lOX National, . New York. !i. Leadim: base stealers?- American, Uih.MwintL iKXntliiUAL luaaJ Pittsburgh, 1 Leading home run hitters: Ameri- icau. Pipp. New York, !. National. Cra- nt li. Philadelphia, 12. Leading pitchers: American, ( Icotte. t'liicHKo, woii -li. lost 12. National Alex ander. Yale, Harvard. Princeton. Colum bia and Cornell liave discontinued sports until after I he war although decision as to irolf is in doubt. Kvi dentlv thev look on solf more as 1111 ohsessiou than a sport. The fashion writer in a woman nuigazine savs overalls should be worn hv women for outdoor life this sum mer. This will discourag-e the garden business, overalls being far from iic- tnresmie. Nearlv a million 'women in Oreat Britain have replaced men as workers in tlie trades, releasing that niimhei of men to participate in the war. This foreshadows what would take place in Hie i'nited States in case of need. Tn previous vears the chicken has bad some standing in the great ehlck-en-garden controversy, but this vear it begins to look as if the chicken owner will either have to keep his chickens at home or burv them. Boastful China has traced the use of stone gongs hack to the time of Confucius, hut that only places her a few thousand years ahead of the Unit ed States senate. . 'V ' " i, '' V New Interest Quarter In our Savings Department will begin October 1 All' Deposits made before the 10th, bear interest from the 1st Call at Bank and get particulars regarding Safes displayed in our window. , , , f CITIZENS BANK AND TRUST COMPANY . CIIAS. a WAGONER, President, M. L. MARSH, Vice Preaidente ll AT" LU -111 DEFINITE PEACE TERMS Is Contained in the German Answer to Pope Benedict's Peace Note, Full Text of Which Has Been Received HAIG HOLDING FAST TO GROUND British Naval Attack on Os- tend, in Course of Which Three German Seaplanes Were Shot Down. (Bj Tfcs Associates- Press) The full text of tbe Uermaa answer o Pope Benedict's peace note shows the (;ermau government expressing deep appreciation of the papal effort to nring aisiut peace, and aa r recti uk "with special sympathy the leading idea of the peace appeal." embodrina- tbe papal conviction that "tbe mater ial power of arms must lie superseded by the moral power of right" v Stress Is la Ul upon the claim that Kmperor William, al lthrougu his reign has been animated by pacific purposes aud that he did his utmost to prevent the present war. The papal recommendations for limitation : of irmament aud settlement of disputes tiy arbitration are alluded to, and It - is declared tbe German government 'will in this respect support erery pro posal compatible with the vital luter- sts of (he Oerman empire and peo ple." it Is pointed nut particularly that representatives of the Uerman people ,rere taken Into confidence by tbe rovernment in preparing the redly to he papal, note. . . Nothing approaching a definite Idea if what the Uerman terms would be ,vere a peace conference called, is con 'Hined in the notf. In tlie field of hostilities the British .-ampaign in Flanders alone commands vldespread interest. Today's reports date that lieu. Haig Is holding fast to all valuable ground he gained tn the rrcat attack of Thursday, in the face 'if most persistent German counter at- acks. The Germans heavily lucres s d their losses in these efforts, but - (aUed.. tii achieve . any ftmioensattrig !- -My-'poini at -waica ine feutonic thrusts were even temporart- , !y successful were east of St. Juilien, md here the Germans were immediate---y driven out of the small section of ;round they had penetrated. Three counter attacks in all were lellvered last evening by the Germans. Apparently they had become exhaust- -si by the failure of the first two ef forts, for the third attack, made east if Luugerosrck. did not have to be ..,..1 l, f-l.lul, ,. ha oWlliarv lone lielng able to cope with Iti fMSi New energy seems mi lie uuiiarted to lie Germans during the night, proba bly by bringing up fresh forces for heavy fighting, it was reiKirted this morning in the vicinity of Tower Ham 'et. where the German resistance from the first has been most desperate. The British left held fast under this attaca, . iiut there was uncertainty lu early ad vices as to tbe situation of the right in this sector. . .- j . Another phase of the entente cam paign against German held Belgium territory developed today In the Brit ish naval. attack on Ostend. 'Naval' works there bombarded were by vessels' ; of the Belgian coast patrol, with re sults that are pronounced satisfactory by the British admiralty. In the . course of the engagement, three Ger man seaplanes were shot down. The British in Mesopotamia con tinue to capture places we never heaidr of that are several miles from other tilaiaa u-a t ardt lianv n f nloi. ' t The wise man does not sav all that i he thinks, but thinks all that be says. JOHN FOX, Cashier, ' " A. F. GOODMAN, Aaat Cashier. A

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