ASSOCIATED PRESS DISPATCHES TODAVS NEVS TODAY The Concorb ' Daily Tribune , . - ' " m IK ' ' . f - m m VOLUME XVIII. . THE nEA!iS CASE IS BEIJiG ARGUED BY COUIiSEL TODAY BEFORE MAGISTRATE PITTS The Defense Did Not Intro- duce Any TWtimnnv Prfln. lf Tiwttmuir "",, ' J Introduced by the State. ARGUMENT OPENED by judge osborne He Was Followed by Solic rnP ffomtnt for the State 1M- I ' T TIartonll tnr uu. IM. a. uu) Defense, Spoke Next 'V1 Intvrest In the preliminary hearing! of Gaston B. Mcau on a charge of mur- dor, contiuoca intense, . Before court opened at 10 o'clock all arara hi the Court llouxe were fill- ed aud crowda were MtaiulinK in the.Melvlu to K along. Why dlil they alalea and erery arallahle apace. TM ilefenae did nut intrtMluce any tertlraouy aud the ariniuient wan open ed at once. ,r. I. Onborne stated that he liad con clndel after conference with hia aaanclRtea that there wan not evidence . enough before the court to hold Gnxton H..Meana for action of (irand Jury. He denied reporta that they had appliel for a writ of halieauM corpiiH ticfore a Judge of the uerlor fiurt. Judge tMtorue atnted that no direct evldeiK-e had leen put Itefore the court an to the character of the defendant. He appeal ed to JiiHtlce 1'lttn to hold before lilui In hia dcliliemtloua the memory of the character of hia client, who was known to him from childhood. In thla caxe, with anch character, the preonmptloii of hia Innocence is made atronger ItecaiiHe of the crime with which the defendant ix charged. - He called attention that phyHical facta were all the Htate had preoented : all the moral evidence waa In favor of the defendant, he aaid. I'pon what doca the State rely? The' Kt ate baa charged murder In the Aaat degree, and It ia that or nothing there la no middle ground. He ninxt .'walk a free citizen or imist ait in the electric chair. - - The charge emphasise that he hud calculated hlg plana. Judge Oxliorue wild, had piirchnxed the pistol, took advantage of the time when hia com- j panloux were away, and allpned . up liehlutl her aud Mt her. The mute relies only on the evidence of the two exiierts lieee. - Ktripped uM'i'tiifialt i. rteoce. the. irf'-ei3W5..5tn're -oiiTTTieTtTiMit;e to show whether she killed herself purposely or accidental-, ly? In reference to the skill and know ledge of the two experts, Mr. Oslmrne " said that the prosecution possibly lik ed Dr. Hchnltw lietter. If the speaker hud to judge-between them, he said he would lie unable to do bo. As representative of. his client, he said It is no matter who the experts were.. , Dr. Burmelster, after giving full dls criptlou of the wound "and showing teats for powder mark, coupled with facta were no bums or marks on head, hud aaid that Mrs. King could not liave shot herself.. Hia theory Is ou one-proposition alone no powder or akin burn. If he hail found ' powiler be aaid, he "could not have said the would waa not self-inflicted. . Judge Osborne said that Dr. Scbultx cornea before the court and suysit niak es no difference whether any powder - la on the akin or not. He aaid the wound could not be self-inflicted. The two agreed only In saying thut somebody killed - the Woman.. Ir. Burmelster he anid. had exper imented with blotting paper, which wua Unite different from human skin. In hia tests, also, he had not determined at what distance from the inuzxle the hair - would have heeu ainged. . Dr. HehulU baaed hia testimony on . I. ... . 1. ........ .. . . .1 A., .I.n - hand it waa Impossible to Inflict the ' wound, but who aaid she waa holding the pistol? He called for the pistol and demonstrated how It could lie held and the trigger pulled with the thumb. . The direction of the track of the bul let had been described by Dr.BurmeU- - ter. The glancing wound, made with the small pistol doea pot look like the work of an- assassin, a man would not select - a little gun like this with uch a short barrel, a person would not have shot at the back of the head,' because It . ' could not be claimed that the ahoot- iifa waa accidental. - No hair being burned Is a strong ..'argument In favor of the defendant ::. If he had shot her, he would try to &Kt'4l'3KW)a)aa WWWWWWeWUWWW K rv stk 7K Is 71s 71 fx Is TV 7fs 7I 71s Tv Tlv 71s 71s 71s 71s 71s TPs 71s 7K 71s 7K 7ff 71s 7K Tfs Jls October First Begins a new interest quarter ini our Savings Department; 4 per cent, interest compounded every ; three months. ' Deposits made on or be fore October 10th bear interest from the first. . . ; - Tha CONCORD NATIONAL BANK Concord, N. C. J. B. Sherrill, Editor and Publisher. t fL -"l'; jr I one. For reason be would harej tun a rbve to her head aa : piaadble. ami her bair would hare aloawl been Kinged. Mm. King's ankle was broken due to a twist, hue a heavy woman. wllh small lames. The hone waa brok en before her death. Hrr weight waa thrown mi the left f"t. this could "u:.:i hl:nA t t brain, her welicht was thrown on the foot. I The fracture meaim nothing, unless XWr " ""'kk"'- " ,Xwr hMl ,"n outcry, ami lry would have, heard ... .., ..! ..nt hare hMl j silenced except by choking aud the ex I nerts rar there wan mi uiarka on her throat. 01 tnt, prhnce of the. trairedy flMMtim It. Means hud railed for Capt. Bingham to go to ride. Tliey went to the. Means home aud Invlttnl W. (S. Menus. Mlxx Belle Mean and. Mrs. want tliese people to go? Had a nmr der liecn pluunml. and were thaxe want ed aa witnesses? How did he know .that Capt. lllnghain was going t leave to lot for ral.lilts? If there was anch a scheme, he was hound to have Aftou Means and 4'iipt. Kiiighuiu In the scheme. Hut t'upt. Itingliuiu Is a Stntea witness tmd says he knew nothing. How did (iaston Meana know how long dipt. Ilingliam anil Aftoil would lie a wu.v? The coroner's jury of six men have km! on this CMse and heard all the evt-J deuce preseuteil here except the expert witnesses. The six Jurors decided Mrs. Kind's death was nicldeiitul. Testimony of the experts does not agree, so why should the court accept? 'n the strength of the evidence he asked for the discharge of his client. Judge Osborne flntshed , speaking at 11 ' Solicitor ('lenient addressed the court saying he would present State's side, and said the magistrate waa to decide only whether the case should lie in vestigated by grand Jury, or whether It should lie left unsettled. He claimed the Htate of North Car olina had uitide n case" any grand jury would lie hound to act upon, uny case a nmgistrute would -hold. The character of the defendant wits known by the magistrate when a boy. The Solicitor knew It ns college mute. jt s, . w,.t to New York no one ,ere knows how he inailo his living or what changes may have taken' place. It U ii"..,:S-Vo"uT.rinTrKclf eon- ,.tnrc oi y","," On Monday before tragedy he went to buy a pistol, which he said was for target practice. He wanted a 32 ill lsr. the hardest kind to handle. Why not get a revolver, which is easier to handle? Why did lie want a gun shoot ing steel bullets? If he wanted It for the lady, to carry In folds of her skirt why did he want a big .12 caliber? The pistorwas in the hands of Hus ton Means' Wednesday evening only n few hours liefore the crime was niii mittcd. We show further from Capt. Bing himi that he was not picked up ou street ns citsunl friend, but auto went to his home and waited for him. Why want Capt. Itiiigluun? He went to the Means home and when be left house he had Mrs. King In auto. The sUeet lights were then on. We know they went to a lonely sHit at the spring. We know that Capt. Kiugham left mid we know why. We don't know why Afton Means left, and wa don't know why the negro left. The pistol waa fired there at the spring in the dark. As soon as the man and woman were alone, a pistol was fired and the wom an found dead. When Capt. Blughara reached the scene he found the woman lying in the position she had - been placed after she had fallen, because experts have testified she would have crumpled up instead of struighteulng out that way. . (iaston Mentis said the woman had shot herself with this little pistol,' Means wns holding it while speaking. Could It have been 'airidentlal? Im possible. There was this death in A lonely place mid there Istmly one witness, who said it was an accident. The presence of experts here, wild the, Solicitor, was due. solely to his own effeprts, and if there la any criti cism he asked that it lie put on him. These experts both" testify that it Is impossible for such a wound to have la-en self inflicted. - Dr. Burme lster said if it was self-inflicted there would hare lieen powder burns and signed' hair. Dr. Schnltx had shown that it was an Impossibility from ah anatomical standpoint" ' - - CONCORD, Tiklac the trMrw. Ik ttaaa aad pUre lata ruesldrratkav . be a axed thai lb eoort coaamtt Ik drfeadaat te the grand Jury. Hlrllur I'lPMit flnlsaed WW apatva at 11 'dark', Ur I. T ll.rtOI ' iw. aicaa. family, aatin he had kaoaal "d " " h"J Ilir father and childr. ..J fc-..,,.,,.L m" that aoae of tlieni would do aavtbimr behind oar's bark. He ennld aot conceive or sura a possibility. It ia the drat time in hia practice he ever had been aaked to bind orer a But of rtiaracter in rlrruutstantial evidence. Th newaiianera wera re- aiawaible for much of the aenliment in the rase. It waa not the peopla of Caharma Conntv that brought it about. What ia the motive of this? Ther aav he MHianderrd two millions of dollar and bronght the papers from New York hut thev hare shown none of them. Whv don't thev show tlemf Somebody is behind aendimr these "xperts here. hy were they brousht hcret Whv haa an Attorney Ueneral here in a magistrate's court. Thev are all here an account of pressnre from outside of ( 'a harms Count v. Ho ig behind it T l ne exiierta disa?reed in I heir testimony and there ia no new evi. dence brought out. Capt. Hingham naid (iaston told him that Mrs. Kin1; bad shot herself "with that little vstnl" instead of this little pistol. as the solicitor had aad. Dry's evidence, he said, conld not la deitended on. Dry said the moon was only aliout tn hour high, anil on thtt day the moon .rose at 1:17 p. m. and at the time was passed th, xenlth. Why didn't the solicitor present the testimony that Mrs. King's body had lieen straightened out and arranged In the position it was found? Court had no evidenceythat the pistol had lieen In hands of defendant on that evening. If the experts came to aid tlic solicitor In the prosecution, their testimony was Impaired. The court then adjourned until 2 p. in. Continuation of Evidence Yesterday. The following is the evidence pro duced yesterday following the reMirt In the Tribune: YV. S. Bingham. On August 20 did you sec Gaston Means? i Yes. Where? Severnl times. That afternoon nlsiut supHr? Yes. I was eating anppcr when nn- automohile cilme to my house and In a minutes I heard .a horn blow. I went out ii ml found (iaston Menus nnd colored driver. He asked me to go to ride. I told him to wait until I Jlnlsh- od aiiiM-r. J got my 20 gauge gun and half doxcu cartridges and got In the car nnd drove to (iaston Menus' home. He got out an dweut to the house. Mrs. Means. Mrs. Melvin, and Misses Kate going-and They "said "they were' gniiigi to a picture show. Who went? Afton nnd (iaston Means, Mrs. King anil I. Did yon know where you were go ing? No. Where did you go? Out the Mount Pleasant road to the forks. Who said turn to the left? I dout kiiow who. Where did you go then? To Misenhelmer spring. Did yon leave the Gold 11111 mail ? Yes we took the, old by-road to the water trough.. What did you do then? Got out. Who? All hud gotten out but Mrs. King when I got out. I took my gnu out of the ense nnd handed It to her. She asked me what gauge it wua. I fold her. She asked if it wns not rather small. Where dijl you go? . On np the road alone. What time was it? I -don't know, but I had finished sup per alioHt J::!0. W as it dark when you got out of the car? It was-dusk but the moon was shin ing. . ou walked further down the road lieyond the spring? ICS. How far? Aliout 140 yards. . Whut for? IHiktng for rabbits. Where did you leave Gaston and Af ton? I think they were loading the rifle. How, long aftr you left until you saw some one? In a few minutes I'saw Afton coming towards me. He hud the rifle. In a moment I heard a shot that sounded like the Colt .25 iu direction of the spring. . After you left the spring did you see Afton move? Yes. - Where did he go. He turned around and went back In the direction he had come. After yon heard shot; what next? I beard Gaston call Afton and Capt. Itlngham. Come Quick. When you got there where was Mrs. King's IkmI.v? Where was Gaston? and where was Afton? I couldn't see until I got close on account of the hushes. When I got to the body Mrs.' King AT THE New Pastime . TODAY T MUTUAL MASTERPIECE "The Frese Up" l featuring; .- WILLIAM RUSSELL ripeoial Music to the' Picture "3:30 to 5 o'clock N. C, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1917. rylaf 1 aer bead ap kill aer leet Mac aboyt ir feet fruca la f ' M are bee taee Yea. U waa tlbt ejaaigh. i mart- were Aftm awl Uaatoa alattJUr What dkl jtm oi? tint la the ear and look tbe body to Where did Jt bring hT? T to hospital. Where waa the rar? At the mad where we turned In. I called him. Hoar far dowa tbe nmd did you go? Twenty -Are yards. Waa aha dead? Itont know. Hid yiHi examine to m if she was dead? There waa no sign of life, but I couldn't tell. Did yon get any bhsal on yuu? Xo. How was she lying ou the ground? She waa on her lan k, feet down bill. i haiwls by her aide. 1 didn't pay mncb attention. Did yon find any art tele of clothing? I found her hat. Where? Near the head. How large waa the hat? 1 don't know. What was the color i the hat? It waa dark. What did you do with it? llit It .In the car. What else did you find? Hand bag. I put It In the car. Where was It lying? Near the hat?. You did mat find alipia-r or pistol? No. I saw there was no slipsr on the left fisit. Did yon notice the fisit? looked ns If left ankle was liioken. What did you do when you gut lo town. Got out and went home. Did you take out the hat? Xo. Did you see it taken mil? No. What time did you get to town? Alsnit K o'clwk. How fast did you come? About 25 mllea per hour, as fust ns the road would permit. Did yon see (iaston Means any more? Yes. Aliout 10:15 was at the Means' home. s See hi in any more that night? No. Did he come to your house? No. Did he send for yon"; Yes. ., i What wns said in Gaston Means' presence? He usked me if I had talked to uny- ImmIv, nnd 1 said no. What else Wns said? He snid something about going ami get the gun. He said go and get it. mid usked me to go. I didn't go. Cross Examined by K. T. Cansler. ' TJlo" yon Wke gtriiiT? T' Yes. Did yon shoot at targets? Y'es. Who shot? All of us. Did you ever sec Mrs. King shoot the .25 calibre automatic? Yes, often. Did she know how tn handle It? She knew how to shoot. Did It ever shoot when dropped? Xo, but shoots twice when yon try to shoot once. Where did you see her shoot? Quite n lot at Pharr's mill. What other arms did yon sec. her shoot? y A ..'12 S. and W. and rifle. When did she shoot at I'harr's mill? The tlrst day she got the pistol. How many times did you got out from Monday until Wednesday. I saw her shoot at Phnrr's Mill. Is the only place I remember. Ever see her shimt any other pistol? Xo. At the sprint: you, Mrs. King and Gaston Menus were in the rear seat? Y'es. Yon nnd Gaston Menus got out nnd left Mrs. Kiiix in the car? Y'es. Showed her your 20 gauge gnu? What for? To slnsit rabbits, , Light enough to sec a rnhblt? Y'es. How far was the furthest you were from anto? Alanit 140 yards. - Then you turned buck? Yes. ' How fur was it hack to the bridge when you met Afton? About 20 yurds. You heard the pistol? Yes. How long after the shot until you heard Gaston .Means cull? Only it few swonda. Whut was the tlrst outcry? He called Aftou and snid, "Aftoil. you nnd ('apt Bingham euuie quick." Wua he calling loud? Xot very. -k When you got near the trough whut did you hear (iaston Means say to Af ton? He snid Mamie haa shot herself with pistol. Was It light enough to see? Y'es. Was forked tree pear where she was lying? Y'es. Would it be difficult to see Mrs. King by tree if any one was passing trough? . Xo. J How fur was the tree from trough? THEAT0R1UM T0JAY i. WARREN KERRIGAN The Famous Dramatic Star In Henry McKea's Extraoidinay. Mystery Drama,, "Hand in the Dark" ' UNTVEESIAL WEEKLY The World' Latest Nawa in MoTinl Pictura. . TOMORROW Enth Stonehotu " -. in "WnmTJJQ PAIR" i Abut SO feet. At lae ttate waa It dark at epriuf la the ahaik"? Yea. Hare you malml naidiliun of the grmuMl? Yea. Near the fia was there not large mot out of the ground? Yea: two or three lnclie. Ami other mots. Im? Yea. "" I tbe place nim-h frequented? Have barbecue there wcasbaially. Hather public? Yea. How is the surface? Ij-vel or slop ing? I'rctty steep hill. Yon put Isily In enr mid went back and found hut about hrre bead was lying? Yc. Did you make search for pistol or supper: No. Notice her ankle? Yes. Was she a very large hnlv? Yes. Did she have on slipsrs? Yes. Court then adjourned until 2 :.'MI p. m AFTERNOON SESSION When court convened at 2 :.'!0 o'eba-k. ('apt. W. S. Itiughani took the stand for cross examination. He testilied thut be went in the automobile after supiMT lo the home of W. (i. Means. ill company with- Gaston Mi-uns, the colored chauffeur driving the cur. At the Means home Mrs. Melvin was usk ed if she wanted to go for a ride, anil she declined, saying that she -was go ing to the moving picture show. Other inemlMTs of the Means family were asked to go, and they declined. Mr. Itiughani didn't remember who did the inviting. When they reached the watering trough Captain Bingham said that he walked up the rond to the bridge which was iiIhiiii 140 yards away. While be was at this bridge be saw an automo bile coming toward Concord, the en gine of I lie machine indicating that it was a Kind. The engine was still with in bearing distance when he heard a pistol .-lml. mill (iaston Means culled to him in a few sccnuils to come there quick. When the party was readv to get into the automobile. Captain Itiiigliiim says Unit be picked up (lie rille, and took the curt ridges out of the maga zine. He then snapped the ritle. and cirtrldge which was iu the chamber tired. These two slmls were the only ones that lie said lie henril. (In the redirect CMimiunl ion by So licitor Sleliieut. Captain Itingliani told of putting the body ill tin- tiiltnmiiliile. saying that it was limp ami so heavy that it took sonic time to get this ac complisbeil. Another witness, who was not cull ed tills morning in the list, was C. B. Vnil lew. of Salisbury, night clerk at the Yadkin Hotel. He was asked whether or not he had the register of -ft r. Htf ttJcrUW'WaUOWsf X'U!-, Iielng: "(J. B. Means. New York, X. Y." and Mrs. .1 miles C. King. New York." Andrew stated that there was no train due for Concord when they arrived in the hotel, and that they siciit the niirlit. Ihey could not have conic in from Asheville. unless the train from Unit point was three bonis hue. Charles S. Dry. Charles S. Dry was the next wit ness called, and it is the general opin ion of tin isc who beard him testify that he was the case. He told in sim ple manner what was asked of him. saying that be lived on the Gold Hill road, four miles from Concord. His house is !HK feet from the ltliick wel der spring by way of the road, hut only 200 yards in a straight line. On the night of August 2!th. Dry said lie had come iu from work be tween sun down and dusk, and after doing his feeding at the barn lie had come to the house. It was then dark. he said, "ns dark ns it was going to get." A little hit after .S o'clock, after I Neglecting To Save. TDK YoKXG MAN Ob' TWKXTY is Inilitt'erciil to the future, possibly living at home with his parents, anil earning a small salary thut is all sH-nt for dress ami pleasure. AT THK Atil'. OF THIUTY he begins lo realize the power of money and the necessity of couinuiiiiling money, and he is i not saving. He is now uwtik- 3 eiiitig to the fact that be must t save for-old age. -I AT THK AOK OF FORTY, still trying to save, but not getting a Ilea 1 1 very fust as lie is not saving systematically. AT THK AFE OF FIFTY, realistes thut he Is at the ngc where he has everything to lose and nothing to gain, AUUIVKS AT THK AGK OF FIFTY, with. a lxisition but . XO MONKY LAID BY and realize he is going buck and' must Iu a few years he depend ent on someone. , MOHAF. : (Jet started or get your children started toward wealth mid happiness by SAV ING A I.ITTI.K KACH WEEK . AND MONTH. It Is the only wav to provide for a RAINY' DAY AND THE FCTCItK. START TODAY. , - .... . t - ft 40th .Series .Opens October 6th, 1917. i Cabarrus County B., I. & Savings Association Office in Tha Concord National Bank, v ' Price Five Cents. be had nuked Ida nivrr. r an! I W ' wit tm the front surra. The StlU Lu7 (iiiiliu but U was uaaewhat t, ' aasl hair, sad gave very link He bad beea wi lae purr ibeee mr fir Hiumea. In euaapau? aha bl Ife ami children, aaid tbe srUaewi. when be heard the report of a ptsrtd over near the spring. After tbe ahnt. be raid he ImrordiatHy beard at sue ouc. In a low vube. calling. "Come here. Ca4alu. eiHue here quick." This was repeated about a dost-n times. He also heard voices to the left of the spring isiKiiig 111 an uiNienone. the rotors o'liiiillnr as if tbe person were walk lug inward the prtng. Thla talking kcit up about l.'i minutes, according to the mIIik-sx. Alsaut four or Ore mitintea after the pistol shot. Mr. Dry says that he saw an automobile coming down the high way from Concord. He heard no one call for the car. He saw the car. it being alanit three-yuartors of a mile from him. and was running at a speed lie cstiiunfi-d at hIkiiiI .'15 miles prr 'four, judging from the short lime It iistk lo resell I lie spring. It turned in the siile road ami drove up to the tree near the watering trough Is-fore it stopiioil. On tbe following day. alsmt 11 o'clock iu the morning. Dry said that lie liik bis horse over to the watering trough to water him. The horse shied, something usiiKiial for tin- aiiliual. Dry lieg.iii lisiking around, and dually disi-ovcred a pna-r sack lying near I he fisit of the forkisl fn-e. and on the sack was a mmiI of IiIihhI. There was no IiIihhI on the ground, and no other sign of IiIoihI nearby. The cross cxaiiiiiintiu failed to get Dry to change his story In any particu lar, and it was Iu this cross examina tion t Im r was shown the ability of the witness. He told in detail of bis work 011 the day in question: bow be went to the field for a load of corn: how lie had gone to the barn and fed the stock, giving a list of the iiiiimals there to he fed: Iheii lie wnsliiil anil later went to his siiper. He then ate until he had enough, he said, and lid not know how long it took him to liuish bis meal. All of this was brought 0111 with 11 view of fixing the act time of the pistol shot at the spring. After the cross examination was vor. the solicitor asked the witness how it was lie knew the time he went out 011 the porch. Mr. Dry stated that 1 fter slipper he went into the IhmI room to get sonic smoking material whicli was on the mantle beside the clis-k. He looked at tbe clock at the time, and it showed a few minutes after s o'clock. Dr. Otto II. Srhultze. Dr. Otto II. Sclinltxe. of New York City, medical assistant to the district ittorncy of New York cotuitk. was the next witnessed called by the prosecu tion. He gave his educational train ing ami his professional practice. He graduated from the Medical College nf New York City in 1NWI. from the Uoosevell hospital in New Y'ork on January I.. IS'.IJ: iu lK!r and 1S! he took a post graduate conrs in Vienna was coroner's physician during lS'.Mt ml istii : from then until 1!K12 he was iiiiiier's physician in Manluittaii : and 11 1015 he was put in his present po ll ton. lie is also at present the pro fessor of medical jurisprudence iu the medical department of Cornell I'ni- Tsity. His cic Hence has been abundant the coroner's ollico since 1S!K!. more hall ."i.lKKI autopsies having been lier 'oiincii liv liim. and nc has seen an I mi I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -r perfoi ineil. Dr. Schultze stated that since tliere as no deflection when the bullet pass- d tlirougli the skull, it wns necessary hat tlic barrel of the pistol be held 1 tile point in the sume direction as he track of the bullet. This, according o his opinion, was not isissilile with 111 1 the muzzle of Hie pistol being close o. or in contact with the head. Then lie pistol would have to he held be ween the thumb and the 'forefinger, io as to press the trigger and release he safety on the back of the handle. his. he explained, was tin iiuiitoniiciil fact, and was one of the facts that I him to state positively that the wound which Mrs. King received mid not have been self inflicted. The broken ankle, said Dr. Hchultsse. was the result or the weight or the iiidy on the fisit when it turned out ward, and wns not fractured from muscular effort. The entire weight of the body, he said, bad lioeii thrown 011 his left foot, causing the fracture. The course of the bullet in the brain. h rough the left lenticular neueletis. said, would cause the right side if the body to give way. and when a person was shot through this portion if the brain, the IkmI.v would clumple right down. It was this, according o the cxiM'i-t. which caused the weight o to lie thrown ou the left foot, caus ing the fracture which occurred be fore dentil, in the opinion of both the xihm'I pathologists that testified. Through tbe cross examination by New Interest Quarter In our Savings Department will begin October 1 All Deposits made before the 10th, bear interest from the 1st. Call at Bank and get particulars regarding Safes displayed in our window. " " CITIZENS BANK AND TOST (XPO CHAS. It. WAGONER, President, M. Lu MARSH, Ylea President. NUMBER 8. explained that bis kauwt- 11 tooled with the waarae of the Lulh-t. wera the aula rir cuatMaarea Bhlra rotniored aba that he wound mm a.4 be self laSkied. Hypothetical uunutoua were pot be fore htm Uf the allurlMr, mtmtm ef hich the patbubarist ilertared were impoil'le. He said that tbe preanwa) f aharurr of powder barue aad alga ed bair waa otily lamnrr In oVteraf Hieing a Uetber the muule of the wra Imi were raw to im- far a war fraaa ine klu alien the shot was Bred. Ha rriliTatrd that tbe alia lip of the hole hole in I lie skull indicated that tbe bullet bait not been deflected ia its courw. aud that the track nf the tsal. let through Ibe brain waa In tbe di rection in which tbe pistol waa point, ed when the six 4 waa tired. At the conclusion of the evidence of the c-n wltnesM, tbe State rested its mse. The defense asked for a few minutes for a conference. They re tired and in a short time came Into iiiurl with a request that the court take a rows until lu o'clock tomorrow, iu order to give them time to confer aijd arrange their defense. The state offensl no objection to tbe request, and conn adjourned at 4::!5 o'clock. Afternoon Session. When court assembled this after noon K. T. Cimsler said Ibe defendants im-rs were iu charge of the district uitonicv agents from New York, and the only May lo get 1 hem was by order from Judge Webb restraining them from taking papers from state. The or- . der demands all papers, documents etc, to be turned over to the sheriff. The sheriff served the papers aud the demand was refused, saying the pa prcs were in charge or solicitor aud attorney general, ou accoiiui of fhese conditions the defendant asks to Im? placed ill custody of sheriff anil held without ball. The attorney general stated thut tbe locutii'.'uis would Is held, mid that when Judge Webb asked for a reck oning be would receive it. TWO .MEN KILLED IN IN EXPLOSION. Explosion Occurred in Oil Tanker at Kirhmond Early This Morning. (Br The Aaaortatnl Presa.1 . Richmond. Cnl Sept. 25. Two men were killed curly bsluy in an ex plosion wbi -Ii tore 1111 t '' ( fwurj works and suimtsivhciOi of the Standard oil Tanker A. AlolTett as she lay at her pier 'ice. The explosion, .uvi-ltng to Mr. Brooks, siiperihtenilciir in. iticMi'iHtd for the Standard 0 Co.etan, whs probably caused by 1111 explosion of gas while the men were clemiliij: tl.e bold. Mi re than ductal guMon of oil which bad la-en pumped nlaiurd, was damaged. FIGHT BOMBS DROPPED IN LONDON LAST NIGHT London. Sept. 25. Reports from . Keiitiscb town snid that nhout eight linnilis were dropped in last night's raid. According to n telegram from the. Kssex coast town the first informa tion of the raid came alaiut 7:.'!0 when the initi air gnus opemil fire and tbe groiiiiings of the airplane's motors 11111I1I be heard. IREDELL COCNTY NEGRO IS ELECTROCl'TED TODAY Charley Williams, Who hilled Deputy Sheriff, Executed in Strtie Prison. ltaleigh. Sept. 25. -Char. .,- Wil liams, a negro eo.ivlciti.- of having killed a deputy sheriff wilo ntt-wipted to arrest him at M resviilc, Iiedell cm 1 ii last June, wm executed 11; the s iK'uiteiitiiiry fiiw in n;. The electriH-utioii of Williams wns to have take place yesterday, but owing to Itis death chair lieing out of order G iv. Bickett respited him uto'l toduy. Germans I'se Liquid Fire. I Br The Associated Preaaf Paris. Sept. 25. Liquid fire wan used by the Germans in an attack on the French lines in the Beuiimont reg ion north of Verdun last night. The French, however, repelled the assault with heavy losses to the German, the war office announced ttalny. Thirty Belgians Put to Death. (By The Associated Preaa.1 Amsterdam. Sept. 25. Advices have ' been received from the frontier hy th Teh-gran f to the effect tbat alnmt thirty residents of Ghent, lielgium, have been put tn death Iu the Inst, three weeks on charges of cspninngc.. Fxperienre is the father of wisdom and memory the mother. JOHN FOX, Cashier, A. r. GOODMAN, AM't Cashier. 7n TTs 7H T 7f TTi TIT 7f 7T 71s K .. ... a m. ... a ... a ... . '-a a 11

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