ASSOCIATED PRISS DISPATCHES ITT.' TODAY'S NETS TODAY TV COE BIJNE Go DAILY VOLUME XVIII. :.!E ;. THEIR BIG DRIVE . Launched Their Attack on a ; Wide Front Northwest and ";. East of Ypres Early This s Morning. y TO DRIVE THE ; WEDGE IN DEEPER j Enlarging of. the Ypres Sal ' ient is Having the Effect : of Endangering the Ger- man Lines Jo the North. iUr Tk A rim) ; With lesa than week's wait aftei t delivering kwlI smashing blow at tlu (iermau lines In Klaudera, the Britbui .-rave resumed their drive, launching ; I Mr attack on' a whle front northeast . ami rant f Yprea early this morning. . The trend of tlie battle was only -briefly indicated In lite early state ment from field Marshall Halg. rcport , lhg Ilia troop were making .good pro- ', Apparently the effort is aimed at , driving in deeier tlie wedge already In the Ueriuan front aMride the Ypres Menln road and northward lieyotid the Ypres-Houlers raltway line. IjiBt ThurNday' thraat pushed this wedge approximately a mile further Into toe enemy's territory where the ground gained wan well consolidated .and held firmly agaimit numerous desperate counterattack. 4 The point tif tlie wedge ha now nl I moat reached a line extending direct . ly northward from the great city of " Mile, the envelopment of which I as : mimed to lie the great objective of the Flauilers attack in connection with the lrlre below Mile, carrleil out lu battle BRITISH RESU of Arras earlier this year. r Th enlargement of the Ypres m (lent is likewise baring the effect of endangering the Oertuan line to tlie " north nvtiktul ( . ... u I I Heemlngly It la now the pnrpoxe of the .. British to concentrate their offensive moves here, and by repeating the tac tic pursued laxt year ou the Nomine. compel a uernian retirement on-a wide - front to the north' anil aniitti . TBeTw "Brltnm hW!VatriJeKl today Jnat aa the Herman a were stag gering from the effect of the sanguln ary repulse thov sustained yesterday In the henry. attack which they de . Ilvered on the ridee east of Ynre. The German h(d made their way into the ItritlKh Nile at two point on a nar row front but were forced out later by British romiterefforK Simultaneously the British are con tinuing their aerhil and naval attacks on the Belgium coast. Another bom bardment of Ostentl. one of the Her man naval bases, wn carried out yes terdny by the British warships. The flermnn evidently confempiated an aerhtl attack on the fleet, for the Brit ish admiralty reports that air patrols over the warship encountered six hostile machine, two of which were brought down. On the French front there has lieen only artillery activity and raiding op eration. The artillery fire was intense j last night In the Verdun region. ImmU wa raided again last night ?nz2r . :ssr ,r' oi.i.i w...,J Zll.t . Pinsfliam, who belore her marriage to 1 limnM report I Mt,,h f f Uuisvi, Ky.t tZZX "ril'alrr.?.,?Yi K.f-' .. Mrs. Henry M. Flakier. per- pnrtnnt part - In meeting and driving off the German. Ufe rnderwTlteri' Convention. Vv O.Iuiu T.a (lonf MI Ttnol. nea, iiatriotlwn and pleasure are to lie combined In the three-tlay program ! prepared for the annual convention of the National Association of Mfe Un- derwriters, which met Jn thl city to- 'day with a largo attendance of proml- uent Insurance men from all sections of 'the country. ' Kcnnomlc and social preparedness wll) be the principal topic of discussion at the convention. lie' who would rest must work. ,. ............ : ik October First Begins a new interest quarter in our Savings Department; 4 per cent, interest compounded every three months. Deposits made on or be fore October 10th bear interest from 2 1 lid tUlLUKU IN -. - oncora. in. k,. . . - J. B. Sherrill, Editor nd Publisher.. want solicitor to appear rot contempt or coirr. Mesas AtUmey G U Caataals to Aaks!4xa Wet far Hark m Or- te, X. C, . Meutemlwr, 4 Judge rrank I. (Wmm ami Attor ney E. T. fan.ler. counsel fur Uaatua B. Mean', who U In the (sbarrna (Vmnty jail charged with the murder of Mr. Maude A. King, today went ta ilastiaila. where they will aak Judge Weldt to IsMie an order riling KolM tor Haydea Cleawnt to appear before Jndge E. B, (lUie, In RalbJtary Or Mier Hth. to ahow nu why he should not , lie held In contempt of court In refusing to comply with a re straining order which demanded that certain paper of (lastoti B. Means he ilelirered Jo the authorities of Calwr rna County. OrTICIALS IN CONFERENCE .' AT SALISBI'BV TODAY Assistant Attorney Dooling Will Lmtc Far New Vtrk Tonight. By Th Aaaarlate Praa.) Rallshury. Hept SO. Federal and state officials of Xcw York and North rolma who joined In the uroxecuilou of tiaston B. Means, charged with the muriier or Mrs. Maude A. King. , at Conconl. remalneil In conference here today at the otlice of Solicitor tJleiueut where they camo hist night. ... It was understood they were going inro me ocvelopmentn of the case, but no announcement of future pinna was mane. .. . Assistant District Attorney Iloollng, or .New ork. planned to leave tonight tor mar city. It had been cx-ted that further sn-iis migni ne la ken ny Means coun ncI to get possession of document aiez eil In Means' Xetv York apartmcnta. .nr. leiueni. in wnose poseslon do cuments were sahl Ut lie. said today he nan not neon notillml of further action. SAYS ADDITIONAL -ARRESTS ' PROBABLY WILL BE MADE " In the Case Arising From the Death of Mrs. Maude A, King. : Salislmry. Sept. 2V Assistant Dis trict Attorney John Dmiling. of New York, announced liere toniirht that additional arrests "probably will be made" in connection with the case ristnsi from tlie death pf Mrs. Mnnde Lii 'n?''ai!".?i .!eril?n.'5l- erai isfiTmunff from Concord, Where (iaston Means tmlay was ImiiiiiiI over. to tiro irrnnd jttrv charaed with the murder of Mrs. Maude A. Kin'j: Mr. Pooling nindo his statement alter he had been in conference with -the two Nfrth-Carolina olllcials. Two New York dotectivs also cnire to Salis bnry with the party. Mr. Pooling said he niisilit leave for New York late tomorrow. P. C. McPullie. counsel for Mrs. Anna L. liobinson. mother of. Mrs. Kinsr, announced, .he, ., would -tro to Greensboro tomorrow, where pro. cecdinirs instituted ajrninst Qaston Sfenns. Alton Means and Mrs. Mary C. Melvin are due to be taken in in federar district conrt McPuHie is seekin? to ohtntn for Mrs. Robinson oronertv of Mrs. Kimr which he al tee'es is in tlie hands of those named in the order. Vital Organs. Artf Being Subjected ToRigid Test K y k g , 25 Ti)e t xuy r th. body 4 m. Robert woVth formed at Wilmington. N. C, by Dr. Charles Norris. head of the Bullevme Laboratories in this city it was stated it Pellevue hospital toniirht Vital ovyans taken from Mrs. Bingham's fv are ueimr suojcciea 10 icsis at the laboratories. t - r mil results of the tests will not be known lor several days; it was stated, as the chemical nature of the .examinations make Mietn necessarily of 1'ik duration. , ' . Economical housewives have discov. ered that a sunple way to solve a great deal of tlie valuable potato is to re verse the familar cookbook formula, "peel and boil." and boil the potato first. - ... -u 5R - A 1 AL, tSAIXiV Z CONCORD, H GASTOH B. HEAHS "ASKS TO BEHELD . In Jail Without Bail Until' the Gxtober Term of Court and Order is Signed by Justice C A. Pitts. NEXT COURT IS HERE OCTOBER 29th. Papers Found in Means' Apartments in New York Turned Over by New York Authorities to Solicitor The last edition of The Tribnne m. terday oontalued an account of the nneipected turn in the case against UaMton B. gleans. At the ooenliif of theafternonn mm. lou, K. T. Chaualer chief xwuuael for tne oereuaaut. apiieared before the magistrate with a Rtatemeut tn the court. He aid that Monday night a writ had been humed by Judge Webb at Uatonla restraining the Assistant IMs- trtrt Attorney of New York .IHtv. nr hi agent from taking out of the state ot norm Carolina, the paper belong ing to Gaston B. Means and found in ills apartment In New York fit v. While making service of these pap- i-r, ji wa milieu ny some of the offi cers from Xew York that extradition ! per would he asked for tiaston B. juiins. raking him to that city to an swer to charges, tlie nature of which wa not made known. If any action were to come or It would be essential that these paper or copies of some of inem ne in the hands of the defendant. in onier to make Ma defense. ' AVhen the writ wa served on the New York officials, they stated that tne paper were not now In their no session, but had lieen turned over to ine solicitor and the attorner treneral of this state. When the last tw o num. ed officials were demanded to surren der the paper, they refused to comply with the order. On account of these conHit defendant throni'h his counsel naked that he be placed in the custody of the sheriff and held without bail un til the next term of Kmierihp I'nnrt An order to thl etriiCf wa presented by the connael for the defendant, em- liodyiiig the reasons for his request. The wording of the order was objected to by the solicitor, and he in turn pre sented one worded In accordance with tlie regular statute.-The argument and discussion which followed was Indulged In by Attorneys Hart sell. Oxlwrne. Cunslor and Williams for the 'defend-, ant and hy the. solicitor and attorney general for the state. Another ordet in different form was presented- by I the attorney general, but this did not nfeet the approval of the defense. Mori discussion ensued, until a compromise order, submitted tn the court by Solid tor Clement wa accepted by both side as soon a it was read. The order ws properly signed by Justice Pitts. " ; The court order also was in tm form of a ik Injuuctton to prevent thi locument being taken from Jurisdic tion of the court and set a hearing for October 8, "at Salisbury,. before Judge E. B. Cline, of the fifteenth Judicial district, at which time the defendants are directed tn show cause why the order should not lie permanent. We are going to keep the papers in our possession until the eighth of October, when the writ is returnable, and then If the -court orders us to turn them over, we will do so," 80- clicitor Clement said later in answer to a question as to what action would result from the servlni or the writ. The New York officials,' tn company with Solicitor Hayden Clement, At torney Oenerul Manning, Attorney P. Bc-McDiiffie and C. B. Ambrose, spe cial agent of the department of jus tice, left here late Tuesday afternoon In automobiles for Salisbury . for a further conference. Before leaving John Cuniff, de tective from District Attorney Swann's office In New York, made the follow ing statement, which he said was for publication: "You may tell your paper that 1 will return to Concord. In a few .days. My mission then will be a very sad one, for 1 will have to take away with me, to answer the charges, a woman whose name has been frequently men tioned in connection with the case. Steel Prices In United States Are Cut - v Half in Tw. Washington. Sept. 24. Steel iprices in the United States were cut in half today wljen President Wilson approv ed a scale of fixing prices in vol untary agreement made by producers with the war industries Doara. ine general public si well as the Ameri- 11 J .Ill -u.-.-t can ana aiiiea Boveruineiiva wm nwc in the reductions, which go into im mediate effect, and the agreement pro vides that producers shall not reduce wages. ,v ,' " ' The prices will obtain until Janu ary 1, 1918, to be revised then if in vestigation snows , wey are) inequitable....- : r:,. a K Peru Gives Germany Eight Days. v . (Br Tlia AaaaelateS fum ; Xlma, Pern, ' Sept.' 26. The govern menrhas Instructed the Peruvian mln1 later at Berltti to present to the Ger man government a demand that satis faction be given within eight days for the sinking of the Peruvian bark Ior- ron. if the demand is not met, flip- lomatio relations will be broken off. N.C. WEDNESDAY. SEPT. cosna-xm raw at KAXNATwUH OCTOBFJl To B Glrea ky . the ft rmmrrw MBta of Thai fUre. - The CMBiuilty Pair at KannapilU wiu no nrK notaroay. (Mutter. Old. Tbui fair U arraflao.1 by the Cannon I and fMharrma Miiia ,r ik.t ..i. ....i rU,1, ,'""t b I The onimittee ha sent A great diaplar wtll I made In I lie hlg tent by the profile of ne roniuiiini ty. The para (to will Mart promptly at ocTi a. m. ajnu we etmt to hare .11100 la tola Mamie. A $10 raHh prlao wll be given for tlie neat decorated Floaty and ."i for tlie beat decorated Aotwaolille. A free paaa to the night entertain ment will be given to the employe of the mom who have ike Urgent percen tage lu the parade, i The big tent will ft ieneri to the public at ft a. m. Theiarade will tart promptly at A a. m. from the Y. M. 10 o'clock Band (.Wert and Patrio tic Addresses by eomr of the kw speaker In the count v. IHuner from 12 to 1 o'rlo-k. The Ca toca liirlM Club Willi serve refresh ment on the ground 1 to 1 :30 p. m. Bailil Concert. 1 :30 to 2 p. m. Adlress to Mothers on "The Care of the Rahy." All moth er should bring thell hahies. .1 y(,ir old and under. , 1 3 to 4 o'clock, awarding of prizes. 4 to 5:.T0. Lyceum Kntertalunient. Music and Magic, b the "IHetrlco." 7 o'clock night. Orelf War Pictures taken on the battle Hues in France. "At the Front With the Allies." in mr reeis. ana rearitor the Army. Jjiy aside your rarfs for one day, come out and get acquainted, and en Joy yourself. Price will is- given for best of everything i jllsplay. COI NTV TEACHERS' MEET1M; To Be held at the Cour House on Sat urday, Ortooer 6. The following a .program of the county teacher meeting to Is- held at tlie court house here on Sntnrilar Uctdbnr -: 1 Conference-New iltcailcrs ami .New Methmls of Teaching lU-uiling. -Announcements: ' lal lirnding ami HcpHnt Caiils. (In Heading Course.f () Kilucntional IViluiiin. id 1 Iteport Blanks, tjtc. 1- :4."i Adjournment, -i, ., Among the valuable: acnort lilnnks anil patter of instructink to lie eiven out at our teachers' riieetlinr 011 Salnr- "fmff'wllj' he of"'gem?raT hiterestl' 'no doubt, and one that deserves the 01 re fill consideration of even conuiiittiH- inan and patron, is the following: My Ambition for My School. 1. A painted school house properly lighted and ventilated. 2. An ample play ground. 3. A good well or spring. 4. Individual drinking cups. 5. Two well ordered out -houses, fl. A wood house. 7. A front yard of grns and flowers. 8. Good sand or cement walk to eliool house door. 0. Good desks. 10. Maps. 11. Globes. 12. A library. 1 A good stove or Wrtterbury hent ng system. 14. A clean floor t! hours in the dayt 15. Window shades and curtains. IB. Copies of the world's best pic tures. '17. Good blackboards. IS. Newspapers ami magazines. .10. An enthusiastic County Life Chili composed of every man. woman him child tn ro.v district, that has for Its object the upbuilding of my school's physical, Intellectual and moral envir onment 20, An enthusiastic teacher, who--a. Is neat and clean, h. Keeps things in their proper places. - c. Reads. d. Attends teachers' meetings. e. Knows the life and environment of her pnpils. f. Follows daily a systematic pro gramme. .. g. Keep a. neat and accurate reg ister. - " . h. Inspires her pupils with so much respect for public proiiertv that they scorn to deface school .furniture or building or grounds. Japanese to Visit New York. New York, Sept. 2tl. New York has completed delnlHirale preparations for the reception and enlertuliimenr of the memliers of the Japanese mission, headed hy Viscoum lslill, who are to be the guests of this city during the eusnlng two or three days.: The pro gram provides for u municipal banquet and public reception and trips to West Polnf and othef places lu the vicinity. Dentists to Discuss War Work. Worcester, alass.. Sept. 28. The duty which the dental profession owes the nation In connection witlTthe war la to lie the principal topic of discus sion at that twenty-third annual con vention of the Northeastern Dental Association. In this city. The conven tion had Its formal oienlng tmlay and will continue in session over tomor row. The convention has attracted leaders of the dental profession from all parts of New England. , Mr.. Oliri C. Hoover,- of Blchmond. Va I s visiting at the home of his mother, Mr. D. K. Hoover. ., When woman, In doubt, Jumps at a conclusion, the result Is a fleet-winged rumor. Toledo Blade. ; . .. . i. He who does not rise early never does s good day's wort.; 26. 1917. T E To SendTa Congressional Del egation to Europe on the Invitation of the Allied Parliamentary Leaders. SUCH A TRIP, IS INOPPORTUNE Absence of so Many Leaders From Washington and Their Exposure to Sub marine Attacks T Tfc Aawlatra l-ma.l Wasliiiigton. Sent. 2ILSemite hii.I House Foreign Affairs Cominiii.v met In Joint session tisluy to consider al lied parliamentary leaders invitation to send a cougreHsioiiar delegation to Europe and lu view of President Wil son's failure to endorse the proposal It was thought iirolmlilc that iu-,..'it- ance" of invitation would r- i-.iovis able at this time. The meeting was advised by a sniti committee which the' Whit, House yesterday Unit the President neneves such a trip inopportune. The absence of so uiaiiy Congress lender iiimii misinngion anil inelr exposure to siuinuirlne attacks were among tlie reasons assigned. The President was also said to feci that this nation K not involved so far in the war t tin t legislature co-oH-ratlnii is nilvisalile. tlppositien to any entering wedge to- wnrd format! f "entangling Enro- liin alliances" also was said to lie a factor. DEATH OF AMERICAN AIRMAN Douglass MarMonugle, of San Fran cisco, l.ost His Life in Fight With Eight German Machines. llr The AssiM-taled rrriM.I Willi I ji Fayette Siiuiiilion, Mondav. Hiepl. 24.-The death of Iinuglass .Mac-' Monagle. of San Francisco iiiIi.t of I lie IjiFayetle squadron., occurred duiiin! a patrol n iIit with two other Americans. Lieutenant I.uflmry mil Sergeant Kockwoll. They were attack ed in' ladong to the" "Tango scirrriH. SrKoaiit Rockwell went to the rescue, but was fisi late to save his comrade. After a short fight, however, he down ed one German, who fell crashing into a wood, MacMonagle's body was recov ered. ' Manufacturers to Co-operate. Newark, X. J.. Sept. 2ti. In re sponse to a call issued by Governor lvlnc. many of the niaiiiil'iicturers of Xew Jersey assembled here today to discuss flie organization of a Stale association for effective co-operation in dealing with industrial problems arising from the war. Wise men,, thotnrli all laws were n holished. would lead the same lives. ' I The World s Best PLAN (or the saving of money originated with the first BUILDING AND , LOAN ASSOCIATION T Have YOU tried this I modern, UP-TO-DATE, 4 f..l iL J f SUV.CCJS1U1 U1CIUWU ut i accamnlating money ? Your neighbor has, and i is more than pleased with the results. For Full Informa tion How to Save in the Building and I Loan. See Us Now! 40th .Series .Opens October I 6th, 1917. 4 i ' Cabarrus County B., I. & I Cavinirc AccnriatiAn i Sayings Association V- UHiiiiu nwvviuuvip LL Office In The Concord J f National Bank. I ENTDOES NO Library Price Five Cents. MFETINO or THE N'EYT "PATH ULIVD r.iRTV Tlroili Kaj. th Hufcoaarlaw Warfaj k "fnaajiyVljTal Big." T hnii , Ilerliu via Lundiai. Kept. 2U. The new (tuuiii Kaihrrlaud nartr ht-l.l Hie first meeting in Berlin last night. and the crowd lu PhllharuunU; hall a u mmhtoiou that au uverfhm mcellug wa held nearby. Ni g.verii-1 nnnt officlaU attended either meeting. I 1. .i, , . .. .. nii.rTT-iii iifimi man meetiliK. and Admiral v. Tirnita was the i.rln. cipal ieaker al each. Admiral vimi Iirpua p.dute.1 out that the submarine warfare is l.iniiiiiiTii knnti riii, that Belgium now has her Just deserts. Hcluiuui. the sneaker .l.. l.wl always England l.rldg..head. and that tieruiauy lnnt do her uIiiiimI in pre- venting England frmii Isvoihinit lu-l giiims proteitor. Admiral v.m Tlrpiu uixi iis-iarci unit Maee without a heavy war indemnity meant Ger many' defeat ami the rli torr of th Anglo AiiH-rican capitalism. Admirn! von Tiriiitu whs gn-cted enlliiislastical- . i.v ny the audiences. Among oilier MiciiKcrs was ir. von Wolfgang Kupp tir.R.MAN NAVAL BASK ! AT OSTEND BOMBARDED j British Aerial Patrols Bring Down Two (rerman Airplanes. I Br The Anoelaied Praa.l IjiiiiIoii. Sept. 2.I. The German na val base of (Mend on the Belgium coast, was iHiiuliurded yesterday by Mie British naval fords. The British aerial patrols over the fleet encount ered six hostile airiilaues and downed two of them. SIX KILLED IN LONDON AIR RHP LAST NHiHT Also Sixteen Injured Occurred on Outskirts of London. fBT The AMelat4 Pm.) London.- Hept. 2tl. Klx persons were killed and sixteen injured in the south east outskirts of London in last nights air raid. Would Legally Put The Aged To j Death. Cliii-niro ..,.t ); r i- i i nicairo. eiit. '(. Ijeirah.ed euth. amisia enlargement of Dr Osier's1 theory, was urged at the 'sivtl', ... I ninil convention of the America As soiialion of Prngrcsaive M l e e lr. W.'A. (iuil.1 of U HIoines'i; minie iliu nta (i. . i.1' I - i. aite the pica lor the esnihlislmient , ot reilera or State COHKl'lSsions .I nu. iii nine ioer to tniiKe leg- , ..1... I 1 - . 1 y.!V nMiiiiiiisicrinir ot an casv 1 or whom there IS no '' AXrTfrlll mrtcliiiies AVIuithor ut,,. nt .i. ho desire dentil and where no re. ; poiisihle person objects. "There ore 20(l.oi)0 persons in the nitcd States pravinir for death. Theinv' which was coming toward Ion- iininniiarinn who uegs the no ice. n.iin to shoot the horse lying on the street suncring with a broken li".' loi'ccs lit eon to these people. What is humane lor the horse is humane I'or tin- human heitci." said Dr. Ouild. THE COTTON MARKET Trade Nervous Over Tropical Storm and Prices Firmed l"p. tn.v The AMnrlalet l'ress. New York. Sept. 20. The cotton market showed renewed irregularity early today. The first prices were 2S isiints higher to 7 isiints lower, with the near months relatively firm on covering, and with the trade nervous over tlie tropical storm outlook the market firmed up several isiints from the lowest on covering. Cotton futures opened steady. Octo le. 2l.:."i: December. 2.".0'l: January, ri.m; March, 2.1.(15: .May. 23.7.1. Blankets In Baltimore Seized By Government. Haiti more. Md., Sept. 2(i. (invern- iicnt scents have commandeered thousands of comforts and blankets i.liii h, were in the stock of local wholesale bouses and several large department stores fur the use of the oriuv. New Interest Quarter In our Savings Department will begin October 1 AU Deposits made before the 10th, bear interest from the 1st. Call at Bank and get particulars regarding Safes ' displayed in our window. , CITIZENS BANK AND TMIST COMPANY rilAS B. WAGONER, President, M. I. MARSH, VIC4L, President. NUMBER 8. j ' ' I T FLEET ' With in I IftU H, V ! W L,rt,e Ver a Yeif the United States Will Have More Than 1600 Ships of 9,200,000 Tons. SHIPPING BOARD i j ANNOUNCES TODAY At Present We Have a Ton nage of Only 3,500,000 and Ships Available for Service Only 458. ij Tke Aawtrlated Pma.) Washington. Sent. 2ft Within little more than a year the I'lilted States will have an ocean going mer chant fleet of more than l.tklO ships, of M.2INI.IIIN) tons, the shipping hoard announce! tisluy in a statement giv ing details of tlie government ship building programme. 0 This a mount compares with a pres ent tonnage of a..Mi.HMi of which 70",- . ism. ions represents (ierman and Aus I triun shops under oHratlon by the I I'lilted states. The American ships j available for service overseas number 4."i.X with n tonnage of 2.STl.tKS). 1 There are 117 Ormiin and Austrlnn sliiiis with a tonnage of 7HMO0. The euiergency fleet corporation has coiumnnilecrcd in American shipyards nearly 4IM) steel slips of more than 2. ."(K).(lO(i tons, and has contracted for li-'Hi ships with tonnage of '1.124,71)0. REPORT OF BIG AERIAL BATTLE LAST NIGHT 0nn,8h of an Fleet Stopped by the British Machines. (Br Tfce AiuMM-lal Premi. , ., . . .. ""'I"- .innougn details n.r,, y"'! :.. ls is PtH that a T "" between Brit- "Vl. :,"?.."!r.,i,., ?.fw' ml,e8 "" ,r'V ' " ''"""'Vy in Him nisi nigiii s air raia resulted in so little damage 1.. th. liietr.iiu.liv Tl,.. i:..,.. ...... .i though they crosseil the coast at dif- feriMjt-..iwt-. i raiders wen1 brotiirht iloWir hits not been learned, but according to early reports, the formation of tlie German don nt a great height and nt great sliced, was completely broken un b.v ,1,p Brlt,sl fliers, the raiders separat ing iimi nn oil i one inruiiiK nncK, lie ing pursued. So effective were the measures taken to intercept this lone intruder that he was unable to pene trale licynud the ouskirts of London.. "Much Nearer Peace," Says M. P.: London Paper Disagrees London. Sept. 4. J. H. Thomas, M. P.. Labor representative for Derby speaking at a meeting of railway men at Newport, said that he believed "we are much nearer peace than some people imagine." On the other hand, the London Ob server foresees another year of the world struggle. This paper says: "Premature peace talk, by its ten dency to divide public opinion, con only prolong tke horrors and misery of the struggle. "Germany and her partners want the Allies more and morp to indulge, like Russia, in a demoralizing impo tence of floods of talk about peace, in stead of concentrating on definite ac tion that will finish the war." Messrs. A. P. Park hurst. E. K. Meade and Alva Johnston, newspaper' representatives who have been here several days, left tmlay for their res IMH'tive homes. JOHN FOX, Cashier, A. V. GtMIDMAN, Aas't Caalilrr,