TODAY'S NETS TODAY pjd -Daily Tribime - -VOLUME XVIII.' J. B. SherrilL Editor and Publisher. CONCORD. N. C, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1017 Price Five Cents. NUMBER & ASSOCIATED PRESS DISPATCHES A 11 Pj nnmnii bill WW w YESTERDAY COMPLETE r . in . tniire . r0SSClUll ui Diseussiona-Intarestinf V.toddonU .-Ground Won on Six Mac''StftJ " T7.. a. .J A.a Csa11 t)saC ' Miaa Mar Lewis Harris. . rroni nu mc cum r iw. ing the Germans Hard. HAS TAKEN HARD V BATTLING, HOWEVER The Germans Returned Re :' peatedly to the Attacks but Were Turned Back at all ;' Points by British. r i ri ) . Testerday's victory of the British in Flanders appear t have Iwii about a complete aa any they hare gained In thla year'a operations., today fuuml ' them not only in entire possession of - tba ground they bad won on a nix mile front from Tower Hamlet to St. Jullcn "tent pressing the Gerniau bard after -' repulsing tlielr numerous counter attacks. ..It bad taken hard battling, never ; fhelesto malnfain the mill of from one-half a mile to two-thirdH of a mile which they accomplished in Wednes- day'a drive. The Germans returnel : repeatedly to I lie attack yenterday. af ternoon and evening. assaulting the , new British line with large force. They were turned hark at all pointM " however, the British war office reports . today, and the fiKhtiiiK dieil dowu In the evening, leaving Field Ma rutin I Haig's forces in possession of their gains. The German losses throughout had lieen extremely heavy. New fighting develoiieil today south east of Polygon wood, the Australians there are giving the hard pressed Ger ... ' mans no rent. On the British front 1 right heavy fighting aim continued for elevation northwest of Zonneneke. i: The' French on the Alone front met ' j German offensive movement last 1 night. They met it successfully, re ptislug with heavy losses the crown : prince's troop who twice attacked the French positions on the Ohcinlii-des-Mlnins. GERMANS PLANS TO WRECK MACHINERY DEFEATED Arrests of About 100 German and German Sympathizer in New York. ' (By Tb, Aaasrlatei Press.) New York. Kept, 27. -Plan to wreck machinery in .munitions making shop -"m America nt the. bidding of German agents in Kuropo are Hollered hy the police to hnve lieen defeated through tlie arrest .of about 100 Germans and German sympathisers In raids which Iwgnn here In wt night, and continued today. ' Thla morning the alien were each guarded hy n detective, and were placed In niitoiiioliile van at police headquarters, ami left for Kills Is- . land, where it was announced they will : lie Interned probably for the duration of the war. Nearly all the men arrested are mechanicians. A numlier are employed In munition plants, and on navy con-for : tracts. ITALIAN VESSELS SI NK One Steamship and Six Sailing Yes seds Sunk Last Week. (By The Associated Press.) . Rome Sept. 26. Delayed One steam ship of- more .than l.flOO tons, and six wiiling ships of less than 100 tons each were sunk last week by mines or auli maruiea according to the -weekly re port of the Italian admiralty. The steamer stink waa outside Italian ter ritorial waters. One steamship and one Milling vessel were damaged but were able to reach port." ' " sn4 ! pasMsri roi.prr rare THEAT0RIUM TODAY "JUNGLE TREACHERY" "101" Bison Feature. : -Western Drama : "BUSTING INTO SOCIETY"; : Gale Henry Tomorrow -BUTTERFLY PICTURE )K 31? JIS m , m . - IK m - m m m m m m Oetotsr First Begins a new interest quarter in ,,v ... , - our Savings Department; 4 per cent interest compounded every three months. ; Deposits made on or be . fore October ICth bear interest from the first. ' The CONCORD NATIONAL BANK 'J-; 5;.i;f: Ccnccrd,. N. C4" K : CABABBL'8 BLACK gOYS Prorrsa of MnIIii far the W ltll-lIU . The fallowing is enftut of the 'meetings of tb Cabarrus Black Bojpi I Chapter of tba IX A. R. far 117-18: Proaeat Oar Hies-rj October 17. Hoatasa Mrs. A. a Odell. - . . - Asserbra, p,,. MKten w.rfawMl Mar- riaon King. . Song Star Spangled Banaar. - November 14 th. Hostess Miss Jania Patterson. France. '. Paper: Ths World 'a Debt to France Mrs. R. K. Black. Diacuaaioa: Military - Leaders of of France Miaa Coltrmne. , Kong U Maraeillaiae. December 12th, Hoe teas Mr. J. P. Allison. r Enflaiid. Roll Call: Current Events in Eng land. Paper: Lloyd George Mrs. D. G. CaldwelL Song The British Natonal An them. - January 9th. Hot ten Mrs. J no. Wadswortb. Belgium. Reading Belgium's Paat and Pres ent with Illustrations Mrs. Morrison Caldwell. - Roll Call Antwerp,. The Tempor ary Capital of Belgium. " ' - Song The Belgium National. An them. February 6th. Hostess Mrs. Mor rison King. . " Patriotic Day Address (Speaker to -be provided) March 6th. Hostess Mrs. M. H. Caldwell. Italy RoH Call Current Events in Italy Paper Pope Benedict Mrs. J. P. Cook. National Song of Italy. April 30th Hostess Mrs. D. G. Caldwell. Russia Paper Kerensky Mrs. Arthur Odell. Discussion: The Future of Russia Led by Mrs. G. H. Richmond. The Hymn ox f ree Russia. May 1st Hostess Mrs. S. J. Enrin. Red Cross Day June 6th. Hostess Miss Coltrane , Roumania ' Paper: Roumania. The Pivotal State Miss Clam Harria. - . Report of National Congress. The Roumania National Hymn. Slection of Officers. The Japanese National Anthem. Miss Patterson GERMANY AGREES TO EVUACUATE BELGH'M. Must Hare Right to Develop Her Ea terprises Freely Ther-4' Laauoa. rieotr. OT.--eTmaiiT us agreed to evacUaW Belgium certain i nuiilltlons. It Is declared in a German official statement, according to a dis patch from Berne today, Germany miiMt have the right to develop her enterprises freely in Belgium, especi ally was made " In a supplementary note to the Vatican. Civic League to Help Merchants At a recent meting of the Civic Lea gue the members voted to awdat the local merchants as far as possible in cutting down their expenses by carry ing home their bundles when possible. when this is not practlceable, by or dering long enough in advance to en able to make reguler deliveries. Some of the merchants have lieen Interview ed on thesnbject and all agree that It would lie a great saving and conven ience to them and" of ultimate benefit to the consumer. One grocer, for In stance, was most enthusiastic, ana said that If he could make only two de liveries a day. one leaving the store at Dl.tu. and the other at 3 p. m. It would actually reduce the cost of mer chandise. : ' This is being done in most of the cities of the I'nlted States, and just now when all patriotic Americans are doing everything in their power to con "( tt"e and effort and to reduce the high cost of living It seems a very small sacrifice to ask. The Civic League appeals to the pat riotic women Tf Concord not only to fall in with this plan themselves, but to-talk of it to others. We feel sure that this effort will commend itself to all right-thinking citlsens, that It will be'of ultimate benefit both to the mer chant and to the customer, and that the ladies of Concord will be glad, to In this way. to "do their bit." SECRETARY. Miss Mary narrls, who has been spending several months In Concord, returned yesterday to her home In Harrlshurg. : ,. , Be not arrogant when fortnne smiles, nor dejected when she frowns. 3K ii 51 3K )K ?K JK ?K Jfc ?K 3K ? m RETORT OF DISTRICT BOARD . v Oil AlTK.iL CASES. DerUea a Ueal Beard Reversed I . . Onty 1 Cases. -, Tbo Diotrkt Kxessptlosi - beard ai fttaeasriUe aa asade report to the to es! eimpttoa board at its darUtoa la a atber M appeal esses apoa wbics) JndgBMM haa heva passed. Tb Provost Marshal Oeaeral throne Its eoaaaei. haa takea appeals Is ta rases at asea that had beea exempted by the local board. Ia Ha review at these esses, the District Board affirmed the drctsioai of the lo cal board la exempting ZM awa thai had appeared before It. and reversed fae decistna of the local board In the csea of 19 men, who had beea exempt- The men whose exemptioa was aot allowed by the District Board were: rloyrt T. Propst. ArdeU Parka. Wade R. Fowler, J. V. Johnson, Clarence M. Ritchie. Luther le I .a II. Charlea T. Uorgaa, Jamea A. McClamrock, Cltf ford T. Beaver Fletcher Dry, Isaac ( Hwarlngen. William Ivey Link, Henry U. Buckwekler, William J. Conine, Walter J. McEacbern. A siumher of appeals from men cer tified by the local exemption board, has also been passed on by the District Board. The men who were granted exemptioa on their appeals were: Al bert I-ee Trnntman, Hugh J. Hendrix, Eugene F. Brown, Lawrence . Park er, Benjamin Van Dnke Lewis K Wallace, Raymond Clay, Hawley B. Troutman, J. H. Smith. Noah Fink. Marvin W. Fnrr, Charles W. Robln on and Oscar W. Litaker. Walter Forest wa( exempted until Deoemlier I, while Carl M. Castor was riven ex emption until January 1, 11118. , . Tbo men who were certified, and whose appeals for exemption were not allowed are: Baxter Long, Price Big ger', John C. ' Baucom, Iewls Uul- lett. Keal H. Chester Frank Robin son. John White. Whitfield A. Bar rier, Jacob A. ('snhle, David Weisner, J. R. Stratford Carl P. Alexander, K. 8. Uoodman. Those marked with star are colored. LEGAL CONTEST FOR POSSESSION OF PAPERS Counsel for Means Claim That They are Vital for His Adequate- Defense. ('lis riot te Observer. She situattou in connection with the Means case has now narrowed it self down to a legal contest for pos-1 session of the documents and paper said to have been found iu Means apartment in Xew York and the will of the late J. C King. Counsel for Means claim that they are vital to his adequate defense. It ' Is understood that they doubt that these papers have actually been delivered Into the bands of the North Carolina -officials, specifi cally Solicitor Clement and Attorney General Manning. They do not believe, at any rate, that they had been turned over to the North Carolina state au thorities prior to the order requiring (that they, be delivered to the Cabarrus autnorttMH. , . - . . i . lotte Wednesday night through per sons from Concord who have been In close touch with the proceedings tliU week. It is given only for what It Is worth, and may or may not contain an element of truth. It Is said that there is a strong belief in certain cir cles at Concord that the papers and diHMiments alleged to have been brought In the four trunks from New York by Assistant District Attorney Dooling have 'never been brouht to North Carolina at all, but that the four trunks ,contain only newspapers and photographic copies of the pa pers In question. - It begins to appear that a sort of "Who's got the thimble ?' la being play ed. thus it appears, but appearances may be deceptive. At any. rate. It ap pears certain that Means and those representing htm are not sure of the present whereabouts of all-Important documents, and possession of them is now the crux nit the fight At The Theatres. Carl Armstrong's Musical Shows at The Strand this week, Including-Arm strong's trio of all the latest songs, dancing specialties and funny comed ians. Night prices, 15 and 25 cents. A two-reel animal picture, "Jungle Treachery " Is the stellar feature- at the Theatorium today. It is a dramatic production staring Eileen Sedwlck and Fred Church, and Criticisms indicate that It is a great picture, -i Showing with It on today's program win ue a comedy scream, "Busting Into Society," with dale Henry ana aniton Hims in the title roles. The latest Universal Screen Magasine Will also be shown, nicturlstns the world's leading news. Viola liana at tne new rasiime 10- day In "Aladdln'a Other Lamp" play that weaves the strands of fancy Into the hard fabric of facts. - !' Rally Day at Soger's Chirrrh. Rnree Reformed Church will have a 1 Rally 1 Day , In the Sunday School Oltober 7 it 10 A. M. Rally Day buttons will be given to those pres- Bnt. A definite number will . ne on band and will be given as tne peopie enter the church. . The nrst Harvest Home Service win be new ,ii n'elnek.' i Dinner will be served on tne - In the arternoon ine inuurcu m. Masareth Ornhans' Home under the direction of Mrs. W. B. Werner lll render their program 01 music ana recitation, The program is-new, t ' Harvest Heme Service. The Annual Harvest Home Service of Bear Creek Reformed Churcn win be held Sunday September du, at 11 o'clock.- The Sunday scnooi meet ai 0:45. A large attendance Is expect ed. --V..1 Dinner will be on the ground. - In the afternoon a programme of music and recitations will be given by the Woman1 Missionary Society and the . Mission Band. The adresa will be given by Kev. Jonn a. noons 01 Bockweli. Tne u fieri ng in me ai ternoon will be for the Woman's So ciety. ' ' Adjustment Board to Take up Strike Situation. . (By Tbo AsaaelaMd Pnss.) t, Washington. Sept. 27. The govern ment shin bulhllng labor adjustment board will leave-next Wednesday for Seattle to take np at nrst hand the pacifie- coast strike situation. .The board wui Visit aura romun ana Ban Franclacv . ' .-' MUM Passage of MessagesThrough Swedish Legation Had Ex tended as Far Back as Early Part of 1916. SO INVESTIGATION IN MEXICO SHOWS. Messages in Part were Trans mitted Through the Swed ish Legation at, Mexico City to Von Eckhardt. (By Tb asssristod Prnw.) Mexico City, Sept 27. It is stated on good authority that an Investiga tion here shows that the passage of message in the flerman code hetn-een the (iennan legation and Merlin via the Swedish legation and rUockholm. as revealed recently by Secretary of State lansing, extended as for hack aa the early part of 10161 It Is also atated that these message were not confined to dispatches from Enrich vm Eckhardt. the German minister to Mexico, bnt that they consisted lu part of messages from the Berlin foriegn office which were transmitted through the Swedish legation to von Eckhitrdt and were answered by thejunne route. t BENNETT IS NOW 314 i VOTES AHEAD FOR MAYOR Recount of the Votes for (he Republi can Nomination in New York. (Br The Associated fVea Xew York. Sept.' 27. William XI. Bennett trained 63 votes anil .Minor Mitchell lost 91. and the former took the lead in the contest for Republican mayoralty nomination early today when the Investigation of 'the votes in the seventcuth district weie completed Mr. Bennett is now 04 votes ahead. The recounts in three more districts added 20 more votes in favor of Mr. Bennett, bringing his majority up to 814. In one election district where the mayor had been credited with 2.'l ballots, and Mr. Benuett none. It Was found that each received eleven. WEST INDIA HURRICANE Moving in Northwesterly Direction Storm Warnings on Coast. (By Tb. Associated SKss.) Washington. Sept. 27,-Whe . West frnlla,, hurricane. sweepbtro8s lhi nir or Mexico was loo miles south east of the mouth of the Mississippi river this morning, the weather bureau announced, and Is moving In a north westerly direction. It is expected that the storm will strike tlie. American mainland between Pensacnln and the eastern loulsiana coast near New Orleans. Xo Information ns to its Intensity has come, but storm warnings have been ordered on the const. THE COTTON MARKET' Opening Steady at an Advance of From ' 13 to 33 Points. (Br The Asanrlated Prcss. New York, Sept. 27. Reports of cold rains In the western belt and ap prehension- flint the tropical storm might reach the middle of the Gulf coast, encouraged buyers in the cotton market early today. The opening was steady at an advance of 13 to 33 points in consequence, with October and Jan uary selling up to about 21 to 30 points net higher. Cotton futures opened stendv. Octo ber, 24.27 ; December. 23.65 : January, 23.05; March. 23.72: May, 23.82. Negro Shot and Killed. (By Tb. AsM-lae4 Pens.) . Wendell, X. ('.. Seit. 27. Will Mc Lean, a negro was shot and killed here early this morning when he Is said to have attempted to enter the home of a prominent resident of this place. The negro Is alleged to have made s statement lust night of his iutention of going to the residence and making an attack on the wife or tne occupant. The husband, liearini; a noise about the "house, secreted himself iu the rear of the dwelling and when the negro attempted to gain- entrance through a window, Mi l-ean was shot. Two Hundred Alien Enemies Rounded i (By Tb. Aswn-imed Pwsal Washington, Sept. 27. Allen enemies numbering .approximately 200, were rounded up in Xew lorn yesterday for the violation of President Wilson's proclamation requiring them to remain awav from the restricted areas, pro bably will be turned over to the War Department ' i 1 1 ' , S Capt ; L. A. Brown, after spending several days here, returned thla morn lug to Camp Sevier, at Greenville. He was accompained by Mrs, u a. iirown and Mr. J. Leonard itrowiy ,i. - ' Mrs, T. D. Maness Is visiting home folk In AllwMiiarle. A STATEMENT,. - Rev. George Cienier, tlie traveling evangelist wbo made such broad invi tation to any and all ministers to cnai. lenge him on any subject in the Bible, was going along very well until a few daya ago. Mr. Clemmer was holding a series of meetings at ivannapoiis, N. C. during which he preached a ser mon on the tongues of tho Bible. He waa challenged by Rev. W. M. Stalling on the sermon, who wrote h leter nK- Ing Mr. Clemmer to name n piace to meet him. If Mr. Clemmer did not name a place, Mr Stalling said that he would name one. But somehow or oth er Mr. Clemmer failed" to show his col ore when the test came, and in pUi of meeting Pastor Sailings, to debute the subject, as he bad offered to do with any minister, be left town. ad JAMES A. STALLING 3. CLEMENT AND DOOUVG ' I "N ABLE TO AITEAR Briar J ode Webb to Shew Cause Why Thry KaovU Not be Hold for T Ta aiilsl4 r,,mm Uastnnla. Sept. 27. HolMtur Har dest ileeseat f Sallsbary. and John T. Dooling. of the office of the District Atturaey Kwanaof New York, beoanar of interrapted railroad arhedulea were naable to appear berebia aanrnhig be fore Hnperlor Court Judge Webb, to show cause why they and their as- sisiaiea anooiu not lie be I In con tempt of court. It was expected that the healing would lie held thla after. noon. J id ire Webbs order citing Solicitor dement and Mr. Dooling to appear be- lore mm was issued at the reoneat of counsel for Caston Means, charged with the murder of Mrs. King, for their failure to surrender to Cabarrus county court officials certain documents said to have lsen seised in the New Vorr apartments of Means. MR. FRANK ARFDZLD TO MOVE TO CONCORD. Haa Formed a Law Partnership with Mr. T. D. Manes. . The news that Attorney Frank A nn Held, of Monroe, will move his family to Concord and soou make his residence here will be heard with much Interest by bis many friends here. Aiiiioucemeut was made today by attorney T. IK Maness that he and Mr. Armneld had formed a law part nership, which will liecome effective on October 1st. The two lawyers were for aliont seven years In the law Arm of Adams. Armfleld. Jerome A Maness. which firm was dissolved iu 1010. Since that time. Mr. Arnifleld had been a part t r of Judlie H. B. Adams. of Monroe, until the death of the lat ter, which (Kvurred about two years ago. The family of Mr. Armfleld will more to Concord as early as possible, and will lire In the residence of the late Judge W. J. Montgomery on North 1'nloii Street. Mr. Annfield will divide his time lietween Concord and Monroe for about thirty days, closing his business in the latter place: and will then spend his entire time in this city. ROLL WEEVIL DANGER IN TEXAS OBVIATED Cotton I 'proofed and Burned in Half Mile from Oil Mill Whirh Had Re reived Cotton Seed from Mexico. (Br The Ass4lstl Press. I Washington. Sept. 27. After two weeks work by 25 entnnioligists of the Department of Agriculture and Texas institutions, it is believed there Is no longer any danger that the pink boll worui will liecome established near Heame. Texas, where It was discov ered! In a cotton field. Tlie Departmeue .ArtMiltiira .msilA that ..snnnnneO. ment toriax and said the eutoiiKHOriiJnaMeiis and Afon Means. f piaX-rTongTtf'Tefv MT mills 'III "ft .in which received cotton seed from Mexl co prior to the enforcement of the quar antine Xovemlwr 1, lftlft. The cotton was uprooted and burned from 10. acres, within a half-mile of the Ilea rue fill Mill from which the worm is sup Itoscd to hare escaied from sol ton will brought from Mexico. ' Roy Probably Fatally Hurl. (Special The Trlknae) Hickory, Sept. 27. Dave Uttle of Conover. tislay ran over 1) year old (Jlenii Harris, probably fatally injur ing him.' -The accident occurred lie tween Hickory and East Hickory. It seems that I.lttle turned out of his way to run down the boy. who was riding a bicycle. He has left for parts unknown. Petrograd, Sept. 25. The treasurer announced today that the amount of the I,lls?rty Ioan to have reached three billion and nine million rubles. a(a()i(yy ! HABIT! "W are creatnrei of l habit. We succeed or j I we fail at we acquire' ; ; good habits or bad j; ones; and we acquire ; ; good habits as easily as ; ; bad ones. Most people ; don't believe this; only those who find it out succeed in life." ACQUIRE A GOOD HABIT Sit isn't : genius- alone i that wins in. the long $ run. Neither is u supe-1 i rior (RAINS or BRAWN 1 but it is the men with I the BULL DOG GRIP and FIRM DETERMINA TION to WIN that at tains the GOAL TAKE OUT SHARES WITH US, CARRY t Si YOUR STOCK TO MATURITY, REAP THE DIVIDENDS and WIN. ' 40th .Series Opens October 6th, 1911. $ Cebzmis Ccunly B., 1.& t : SavqsAsscci-tica 9iC - Offlca in iu voncoxo National Bn. . ONLY TWO SLACKERS IN CABAUl'8 CALL Thrar are Mack aaal Cy Fsrwey, of No. ITiwaislp. Ko far oaly two atactrrs la fb draft regtstratkai haw been npumil rrosa Cauarnia (louaty. They are Mack aad Cy rsruey, colored, at Xo. S towoadUp. Warrants fur ihrss am were IsMWd ayaae time aan aad yesterday were served hy Deputy Culled Htatea Mar shal, McKensle. of Salisbury, wbo was acenmpanled by MberiAT Howard Cald welL The alleged slackers were placed In Jail here yesterday, and were given a bearing this morn Dig before (1. Kd TTvesler. I'nlted Htatea Commissioner. under the federal laws coveiiuc the draft act. After the hearing before Mr.Kestler. the two men were remanded to Jail to await tlie next session of tlie Federal Court, which will meat lu Charlotte uexf month. WOMEN TO HELP SECOND LIBERTY LOAN ISSl'E Mrs. W. G. Mr Ado Is Chalraian of the Conference, (Br Tb. AsMrtatcd frl .) Washington. Sept. 27. Women from the twelve Federal Reserve Districts, representing women's lllierty loan committees met lie re today to discuss a program for advancing the forthcom ing second lilierty bond Issue. The con ference, of which Mrs. W. (J. McAdoo, wife of the Secretary of the Treasury, is chairman, will last two days. Mrs. Means, and Afton Enjoined By Judge Boyd Oreenshoro, Sept. 2(1. Federal Judge James E. Boyd today signed a decree directing that Mrs. Julia A. Means and Afton Means turn over to the Central Bank & Trust company, of Asheville. any .and all property which they may have in their possession, custody or control belonging to the estate of the late Mrs. Mamie A. King. Judge Boyd also enjoined and restrained Mrs. Means and Afton Means from dispos ing of or interfering with any of the property and assets of. the estate of Mrs. Maude King. Judge Boyd last week issued an or der at the request of counsel . for Mrs. Anna L. Robinson directing Mrs. Inlia Means and Afton Means, to ap pear here today and show cause why they should not Is? Included iu a pre vious order directed agaiust (iastnn Means to restrain them from- dispos ing of any of the property or assets of Mrs. Maude King. Neither Mrs. Means nor Afton Means apiieured to day; licit her were they represented by counsel. Frank I. Oslsirne. of counsel for Gaston Means, sent a telegraph mes iii tie asking that any hearing necessary be set for sext Montiy. Phil Mc DultierTcprcseutlng Mrs. Robinson was in court and in resimnse to' his request Jndge Boyd signed- the v re straining order directe against Mrs. Dennett' Goes Te ashmg- ton City. (ireciishoro. Sept. 2(1. Rev. J. II. Iteunett, former pastor of Centenary M. E. church, who was removed from his charge by the presiing elder last week on account of alleged immoral practices, left lust night for Wash ington city, and will probably engage iiilccture work. He stilted that he A-oulil not enter the ministry again. While here yesterday he made public the fact that iilsiiit two weeks be fore he was removed from his charge lie was forced to pay $400 oil account of black-mull threats made against him by two men of the city. The names of these men were furnished the officers, but it is not certain that Mr. Bennett will return, to prosecute them: The deposed preacher was ac companied to Washington by his wife, Far Western Championships. Fresno, Cat. Sept. 27. Star athletes from a dozen or more states arrived in Fresno today In readiness to com pete in the far western track and field championships which are to take place here tomorrow. The large num lier and high standing of the entrants give promise of a successful meeting. Cut-Over Land Conference. New Orleans, Sept. 27. A large at tendance marked the conference held here today by the Southern Cut-over I .a nil Association. Means for Stimula ting- and increusing the nation's meat production was one of tlie principal subjects of discussion. Cotton today on the local market Is minted nt 22 1-4 cents uormnlnil: cot ton semi ins tiiken n rise to IN cents per bushed. Kevv Interest Quarter In our Savings Department will begin October 1 All Deposits made before the 10th, bear-interest from the 1st. , y Call at Bank and gtt particulars regarding Safes - displayed in our window. CITIZENS BAQ AND TflUSI . CHAS. a WAGONER, President, M. L. MARSIL Vice President : IHEPRICEOFBREAD Federal Trade Commission Will Complete Soon In quiring Into Cost of Bread -Making and Distribution. TO CO-OPERATE WITH BAKERS. Also With Retailers and Con sumers. The Inquiry Will Probably Be Completed This Week. (By Tb Aasela4 Press.') s Washington, Hept. 27. Measures of Co-operation to reduce tlie price ot bread will lie recommended by tlie food administration within a short time to bakers, retailers and consum ers. The Federal Trade Commission" will complete probably this week au inquiry into the cost of bread baking and distribution. As soon as its report is gone over, the fixal administration will announce Its views as to the com position of bread. At the same time it will make public its recnniendatlon as to co-operation to reduce prices. Today's announcement was the first indication that the Federal Trade Com mission had the bread question under its immediate consideration. THKEAT OF INTERNAL REVOLT IS ALLEGED Secession of Southern Part of Empire fur Alignment with Austria Talked or. Washington, Sept. 2fi. Information of a growing spirit of unrest lu south ern Germany which bids likely to seri iously enibarrras the Herman Imperial Government, interested official Wash ington to-day. These advices, which have lieen re ceived from The Hague, say that Aus tria lias gone so far as to call upon the Kaiser to agree to ieace on terms which the Entente may dictate. Austria is understood to have the hacking of liulgariu and Turkey in this surprising reported demand, and The Hugue informant is quote as announcing Unit Germany's refusal to acquiesce is likely to precipitate a new group of States within the em prie's domains. The Austrian position is said to have the moral support - of Bavaria anil Wuerttemburg. .... ; The Ielpaigcr:YoHc8-'Zeltungrf the calling -.minority y sselsllst paper. uiakesThe TSiM sTSfe-mcliriTlaTTrmewr the (jeruian Government accepts President Wilson's terms regarding iloiuiM-ratization no peace is possible. No Charges Brought Yet. Derlares Lawyer Kenan. Wilmington, X. ('., Sept. 25. Gra ham Kenan, the Wilmington . lawyer who came forward yesterday as spokes man for the relatives of Mrs. Hubert Worth liinnliiiin responsible for the disinterment of her boy., said to-day that no charge bad been brought again st any one, and that no intimation had been made by himself or any member of the Kenan family that would re flect upon any one. Me ' refused . to discuss the matter further. Guards continue to watch over the grave of Mrs. lUnhum Oakdale. Ceuieter. War Appropriation Bill Calls for Eight Billion Dollars Washington. Sept. 2d. The war bill as passed by the Senate appropriates money and nuthorizes exiienditures exceeding the amount provided in the House bill bv $S50.(HK).000. It appro priates outright $.-.(StHi,000,000, and the executive department to enter into contracts to the extent of $2 HWi.OOO.OOO. Of the cash appropriations the Army will receive $4.:i.VJ.(KKI,(KHI. mid the Navy. $u7:l.(HK),000. The remainder of the appropriations are divided auioiiK viirious other departments. With Our Advertisers. Many new imslels for young men at Hoovers. New arrivals In Schoblo hats and Isiys' suits. Concord is on the iniip and. "The More Mill l KUiisui-s. lias in goods. kee new ail JOHN FOX. Cashier. , A. V. GOODMAN, Ass't Cashier.

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