TODAY'S NFJTS TODAY 1RIBUME' ! I f I 11 li J VOLUME XVtH-- f J. B. Sherrill, Editor tnd Publisher- . - CONCORD; N.-C, FRIDAY,'SEPTMBER 28, 1917. . Price Five Cent. NUMBER 11. ASSOCIATED PRESS DISPATCHES. II AGAIIiST GOVERIiWEMT Five Members of the Avia : .tion Corps at San Francis co Are Taken Into Custody ; . On This Charge. JHE DISCLOSURE CAME LAST NIGHT Authorities1 Refuse to Di- vulge the Nature of the Al- leged Participation of Offi ' cers in the Plot 7 Tfce AMM-Ulr4 riwaa.) San Francisco, (!.. Sept. 28. Five i members of the I'uited Wales avla- tiou corps an army recruiting officer -anil two naval ensigns, are raid by federal officials to lie involved In nlot against the Kovernraeiit alleved to Frederick rVhnelder. of the German UHV.V, and Theodore Kasiugcr, a depart nieut store employee, both of whom were taken Into custody here recently. This disclosure came last night aa tl e'L'" L, V, hV kJI result of an order from the iW-partnient I t " JZ.L N' of JHstlce. providing for the tinmed- i."r "l"0". B; lute removal of Schneider and Kasin ger from the county jail to mi intern' ment camp on Angel Island, whicli contained Fran llnpp, former Oerman consul general here, mid his aide Hu ron R. II. von Schack. former vice consul. . The authorities refused to divulge the nature of the alleged participation of the army and uavy officers in the llot. They snid all Information on the case had been sent to Han liego and Low Angeles, where it was understood the conspiracy centered. f RESIDENT SAYS THE r MATTER IS ADJUSTED Impossible Now to Break Off Reatloas - With Germany. (By Tha Aaaaeutea Press.) Bueuos Aires, Sept. -28. The Presl .dent ia preparing a messnge In reply . to the request made by i'ongresa that the diplomatic relations lietween Ar gentina and tiermauy Is? Vokeih The I'resldent, It Is understood,, contends it ia" impossible to break off relations with (Germany because of the Count von Luxburg Incident, the government considering this affair to have Iteeu ad justed by the tieiinuu foreign office's explanation t - JOHN LONG SURRENDERS Armed of Shootitu; Mist Nellie Ball Week Ago. (Rr Tki AiMrllnl FrtM.) Durham, Sept, 2S. Jolin Long, the white nmn who Is alleged to have shot and seriously wounded Miss Nellie Bull, of Bahama, Due 'week ago, walk-, eil into Durham this morning ami sur rendered to the county authorities, and was locked up in the Durham county Jail long has been searched for by the county officers and armed citixeus ci linens wince the shooting occurred. THEATORIUM TODAY f ALLEN HOI BAR And LOUSE LOVELY. "THE REKIt CASFA , A thrilling detective story and romance; with -: pretty love X story. . A Butterfly Plrture of Merit 6 . ACTS S October First Begins a new interest quarter in our Savings Department; 4 per cent interest- compounded every three months. Deposits made on or be fore October 10th bear interest from IK the first4 The CONCORD Concird, N. C ttKaTTEMTT DECISION . NOT .. RENDERED BY it DC WEBB lie Win Render Formal Derlalaa a Charlotte Measiay.- W. T. Root. In (;reenhrd Newa. ' C.aatonla. Kept. 17.1'umtoakaMy leaning tn the view that there la not ing now befure hla In the lateat am f the (Sastoa Meaus euoaael to wreat Judge Jamea I. Webb beard a rf um nit here today touching the dismissal of .New York witnesses, whose attach pauera and documents from the state. ment for rontempt la sought and ears ried over, until Monday, hi decision. Solicitor llayden t'lement and John T. Doollng. first assistant ht-llatrict Attorney Hwann'a otnee In New York. comedown with a rborua of newspaper uhhi to prcNeut tha defense of t hit New lork lawyer and other witness. Sol icitor Clement desired above everything now nerore mm to tree air. Doollng who haa work In New York ttty. The solicitor appeared In the role of de fendants counsel and Judge Frank Os borne Luther T. liartsell and E. T. ( 'Busier were present to reply to the argument of Mr. Clcmeut. Mr. Cana- ler wna Kkeaman for the defenae tn tlie alcana ease and the prosecution In the rontempt proceedings. The Meana attorney had moved to attach thew New York wltupaara and the assistant district attorney who are alleged to have, the papera that tiastou Means owned when hla apartments in Aew 1,,rK were rairteO. Judge Webb .ew ork were raided. ". Judge Webb witnesses and defemlants to produce tlfe papers and to deposit them with Cabarrus county clerk of the court. This ease la of more than passing interest' solicitor t'lement aaid. "I Means a number of wit Beanos, most of them experts. We desired to have the evidence continued In these papers. We caused a notice to he served on Gas ton Mcuns to produce -pupers. cancelled checks, etc.. signed by Mrs. Maude .. King. That order was not olieyed. "I am ready to turn owr for In spection by counsel for the defense these liners but I do not wish to have it go out that men who came here to testify for the atate shall be harassed nrd humllluted. . v "If such a rule Is to be served on men who have some here at my sug gest Ion. then I cannot get these wit nesses to oine tack here to give testi mony. They came here Voluntarily In the Interest of public justice and to give testimony In a case In which a citizen of New Y'ork has been brutally mur dered," Ma, Canslcr declared that the Judge ('line order is void ami that fie and his assoclutes hoped to show Judge Boyd the error In Ills own. tFhe Means at torneys-had praceeded (li'-fh wlUf courts. But If I am Informed correctly by the New TorE". ,ueVqMipers, wueii the county officers of Cabarrus went ro i lie risim or me nisrrivi attorney a i assistant and demanded the surrender of these pupcrs which your honor had .! i red turned aver to the sheriff for ordered turned over to the sheriff for ciurt. these private detectives ot tilt district nttoruey of New York back il themselves up against the wall , and said they were armed,, Thcjr were vio lating the statute ugnlnst, carrying concealed weapons;. "These papers were unlawfully sela ed In New York and held. When un der your honor's order we went to the room nt 'the assistant' district attor ney under the advice' of the solicitor and the attorney general they told the officers that they were armed and refused to olsy that order. "We only asked that we. might lie given the privilege of refuting the vile slanders of these newspapers which seem to lie the only people who nave been given . any -consideration, i- We think the solicitor and the attorney general gave bad advice." Mirhaeiii Spouts Some More. a)r The Aaaaelated rreaa.) Amsterdam, Sept, 28. Dr. Micbae- lis, the German Imperial chancellor, in a speech today to the main commit tee of relchstng said Pope Benedict's peace proposals were Inspired by-moral seriousness, a purpose of justice and Neutrality, which were lacking In the reply made by President Wilson to the pope. : : , ; .:. One of Our Battleships Aground in Home Waierit. - .' aahlugtou, Sept; 28-The Navy De partment at ncsin. today authorized an parti announcement that a battleship of the fleet Is agrennd In home waters, but Is resting easily and probably will be floated soon. ', , ' ' ' ' : a NATIONAL BANK GEOIATIMS Futile Attempts to Break In to the New Ground Won By British in the Flanders Offensive. . T BRITISH FIRE TOO - MUCH FOR THEM Russian v Democratic Cong ress Begins Its Sessions at Petrograd With 1200 Dele- gates Present. j 4 (y Tk'AaseiatatPMa,) : Efforts to break Into the new ground won hv the British in the renewal of the Flanders offensive on Wednesday are being continued- by the Germans. Falling to shake the British anywhere last night they tried It out at Zene lieke. where the British have pushed far along the road to Routers. The British artillery machine gun and rifle Are was too much for them, however an the attack was broken tip, f Zenebeke is an Important point for the British and the previous efforts to reach and maintain a bold of It has been desperately resisted by the Ger mans. Their present position in the village places them In half a dozen miles of the Important northern ' and southern railroad lines connecting Mile with Ostend on the coast, the cut ting of which, or its domination at even a medium range artillery , are would seriously handicap the Germans in Flanders operations. In the Tower of Hamlets and Poly gon wood regions towards the British Jright flank, the clearing up process widen roiiowea yesrernay a name. was carried not further last night east and the Germans were driven from isolat ed positions to which strong parties of them were clinging. ..- ; Tliere-bas been little other nUitarjr aactivltyof a nature to calf for tion in official statements except, in the Argonne region on the French front. The' Crown - Prlnce'a forces made an attempt last night to break Into the French lines In this sector, attacking- three times. V These assault were repulsed three Ftmea wrrylosevraya-Jari ports today " ' ' In the Caucasus front the Russians are showing renewed aggressiveness In engagements with the Kurds, detach ments of these hostile forces have been driven back in the Russian region where the Russians today reported the capture ot tbe town of Oromaru, 24 miles west or Men The Russian admiralty reports the loss in the Baltic of a Russian destroy er which struck a mine, h .1 vt. The Russian democratic congressjiaa begun its sessions In Petrograd with 1.201 delegates In attendance, prem ier Kerensky met with a mixed recep tion when lie addressed the body, the principal applause for htn coming from the less radical delegates. The cimservatles taunted the extremists. who have great strength in the: con gress, with friendliness to the Ger mans. , SAYS NAME WAS FORGED. To Receipts Acknowledging Sum of $5,- 000 From German Embassy. (By The Awrlalnl Preaa.) New York, Sept. 28. James F. J. Archibald, a" writer, made public yes terday a letter he had written' to George Creel, chairman of the com mittee on public Information at Wash ington -charging that his signature had been forged to a receipt acknowl edging the sum of $5,000 from the Germau embassy, in payment for prop aganda work. A eopy of the receipt was made public last week by the committee- on- Dublic- information In - con nection with other- revelations dealing with German plots and , Intrigue - in America.- v - "I have never signed any such receipt,"- Archibald wrote f Emden's Skipper Escapes From Prison. Washington, gent 27. (According to news received here today, Captain. Mul ler. who contained the Emden,' and twenty-two associates, Including Lieu tenant Tbelan, tunnelled their ' way from a British prison, camp in "Eng land. Nine of the prisoners were recaptur ed, including Captain Muller'and Lieu tenant Tbelan. The latter maue inree previous escapes. With Lieutenant Emu xneimann anotner or. ine recap tured prisoners, he fled from 'the de tention barracks at Chelmsford last May. The Geemans made dummy locks on the cell doors. Dummy figures to deceive the sentry were made .from bedclothes and-some of their -own gar ments To make these figures the more realistic they were decorated with shocks of hair from their mat- tresses j Vv-r:: -i "-'i " Dr. G. T. Howe will preach at Cen tral Church this evening at 7:H0. This will be the last sermon of a series of very strong sermons which Dr. Rowe has preached, aud all who can do so should go out to near nun.. -. .- Mr. J. ' E, Love has returned from Greensboro, .where he .spent several day with his wife, who ia In a hos pital there for treatment. Mrs. W. A. Holman, wife of the pre mier of .New South Wales, is pro mlnent leader of tbe woman's asove - v me crur STORM Strast Va Traffte SMMauM at Cuir - pavt-Worat Storm ka Yeara.' , (futfpurtf Miss, Kept. The bar ometer hero at IV: 10 this mondug had dropped to 20:oA and Ja falling, ami the wind was blowing fraaa an to t ml Ira an hoar. Street ear and other traffio In the city haa baea practically auspended. ' i ; r Warat Storaa' Ip jftean ' Blloxl,- Mis., 8ept. A--The worst atorm in years is appronehuig this port and the Mississippi coast according to Cant- J. VUlrrishe, tn a? ha rue of the lighthouse on Ship latitjid. where the wind Is blowing at a Velocity of 75 miles an hour.- ' ' v. Five flsbtng schooner are reported out with their crewa, au& the steamer IxHilsiana has-been. awd. in aearch of the vessels. . 1: .. - I - Ship Island la reported to Ih almost covered with tbe high sfks. Preparations are beliik aiade 'for the coming storm here, and water shippers and packers are egge4 in removing goods from canning factories to places of safety. . ' i The wind was , blowing from 30 to 40 miles per hour with ancreasing ve locity. , -: , DOES NOT INDICATE AN EARIA PEACE Collection Pat yt raee Being ' -w Mada by CoL Honse.' , (jPW The' Asaelatad,PmM.) AVashlngton. 8-pt. 28.1-The collec- tiou of data on-peace, tiov Mug made for President Wilson. la- his close friends and adviser. C'oL rl M House, it was explained at the Rtnte lMmrt- ment today, does not Imlirnte that the United Kittles U looking fnrwiril to an early peace Neither IIin-s tlr gov ernment plan to p&rticiiNite In I lie re adjustment of hmiudnrlo or po ltk-al affairs in F.uropc when -ik ace is de clared. -,t The interests of the United States, 11 wns reiterated, continued to have no direct connect ion with tbe war aims of the entente allies, and remains un changed. ' ) - j ; BENNETT STILL LEAI)S JWITCHEIX IN RACE. Lateat Figures; Give HlnJ a Majority of 4 to 31 Polirts. (Br The JlmfkHrt fHM.) e6S;eJftf'2?f-Wlllinm M. Benuett, candidate for the Republican nomination for mayor continued to maintain his lead over John Purroy Mitchell In the unodlcial recount of the ballots cast in lust week's primary when a recess waa taken early today. The latest figure gave Buuuett u majority-over the" mayor-rtfrS't'otes. The inspection of the ballots is expect ed to lie completed by Saturday night. THE COTTON MARKET. Prices 9 to S3 Points tawer During Early Trading. (By Th Associate Press.) New York, Sept. 28. The action of the cotton market early today suggest ed that the. development of the tropicul storm had been pretty well discounted. The market opened easy at an advance of 1- points to u decline of '.13 points, and sold about U to J.! points net low- l-er during the early trading today. Cotton futures opened easy. October, 24.KI;, December, IKS.SH); Januury, 2:.7tt ; Marcr, 2.1.77 ; May, 23.83. 12,000 Men to Go on Strike Saturday Seattle. Sept. 2-". A strike at 1 o'clock Saturday mornin? of 12,000 members of the 1 metal trades un ions employed in Seattle ' shipyards and allied contract shops, was or. di4'ed today 'by the Seattle moUil trades council, the central organize. tion of tbe li unions. The atn cull, it was said, is the result of the insistent demand ot the rank and file di the shipyard workers tor a "show down" on the lon pending waso increase controversy. Turkey and Bulgaria Answer Vactican With Demands Copenhagen. Sept. 24. The corres pondent at Vienna of the liarlinger Tae-eblatt says, under date of yes- "The replies oi Turkey ana -Bul garia will be forwarded to the Pope to-day. Turkey ucmunas max ner territory shall not be violated. Bui . " ., . , a srana demands mat ner ironuers snaii bf, regulated in accordance with the principles of nationality." V Boat Toll Is Smallest Since Febru- :;..,.:. .. . My. . ',. London. Sept. 27. Thirteen British merchantmen of 1,1100 tons and over, and two' vessels of less than 1,0000 tons were sunk by mines or submarines last week, according to the weekly ad miralty statement Issued 'today. In the aggregate tuts is tne smallest number of vessels sunk during any one week itlnce Germany began her Intensified submarine warfare , last February. Two fishing vessels "also were sung last week. " Two Congressmen Fight. ' ' v: (By Tfc AaaMlatef mm) Washington, Sept. 28. A fight broke out on the floor ot the house this morning between Representative Ileflin of Alabama, and Representative Nor ton, of -North Dakota. Friends soon separated them. "i ,r Selling Hints for1 Business Farmers. One of tha greatest aide to suc cessful marketing ta the- telephone. Have one installed in your home and then use it to ketip ill touch With lo cal marxeis: . Representative' Jeanette Rankin, of Montana, has been invited to apeak ',at the Aedlcatton of the new women's 1 building at tbe North Carolina -State 150INDILTMENTS AGAINST THE i. W. W. Found By the Grand Jury in Chicago Investigating Ac tivities on Evidence Secur ed in Recent Raid. MAY BE MORE INDICTMENTS YET Evidence Shows Conspiracies And Plots to Hamper the Government in Its War Ac tivities. (By Th A rtslga Pnvi Washington. Kept. 2a More than iriO indictments have lieen found lv the federal grand jury in Chicago, In vestigating the Industrial Workers of tbe World activities on evidence se cured in a recent federal raid. Indictments which actually mav ex ceed, this number, huve been drawn and voted upon, it is understood, and nil that remains is to report them to tne court which may lie done at anv time. The evidence upon which the lurv has acted is said to slmy conspiracies and plots to hamper the government in Its war activities and to show con nect ions with German sources. H Is understNMl that the Indictments will he formally reported to the Fed eral court In Chicago sometime today. charging seditious conspiracy against -the government. The evidence laid before the grand Jury which was of such volume as ac tually to weigh a ton or more. Is said to show a nationwide ciHisuiracv to hamper the government almost every conceivable way, with ramifications in to practically every State. REWARD OF FIFTY DOLLARS FOR EACH DESERTER Drive Begun to Round l'p ail Drafted Men Who Have Not Reported. (Br The Aamrlatl Prrsa.) Washington, Sept. 2S.-y-Wlth a re ward of S.DI for the delivery of each deserter, the provost marshal gener- uls ofllce today began a drive, to round up at once air drafted men who haxc not reported to their local hoards as directed, and all who have not report ed to the adjutant general of their re spective states when ordered. All such are considered deserters. Where delinquency is shown to be not wilful they will only lie delivered to proper camps. Wilful deserters will ls taken l?fore court martinis. Liberty Bonds Make New High Record. (By The Associated Press.) New York, Sept. 28. Liberty Itonds made another ner high record at the outset of today's trading, selling at 100.10 two points above high mark reached yesterday. t y)i::i(:K i : This big little means much. word It leads in effort and is f willing for the test. It is first in peace and! r ... - T ioremosi in war. Like a thief in the night the test may come. Many tests are MONEY TROUBLES. . . . , Carrying Building and Loan is the CURE. In a place like tbe Ca barrus County Building and Loan Association money KEEPS GROW-' ING, WAITING, READY for the-time of TEST. If its YOURS, you are i KLAUl ' it not, wnu 40th .Series '..Opens October 6th. II7. , S iCarrestely B,l,& Office in The Concord , : National Bank. , ' READY? KENANS TO FIGHT I3.M.M -. . CODICIL TO BLNGHA WILL Proceed bag to Wrest Fraaa Jadg Moaey Bequeathed to Hiss by Wife to Bo Bcfua la Kcaaurky Cowrie This Week. Lexington, Kj Kept. 21 The codi cil to tbe will of tbe late Mrs. Hubert Worth Hlngbam bequeathing f5.0UU.U0tt to ber bualMUid. Judge Blngbam. will he attacked In the Kentucky courts tula week. It is understood that the attorneys employed by the Kenen family to con test the codicil have about completed their study of the case and that the salt will lie filed in a few days. Relatives of Mrs. it Ingham, It la un derstood, are on their way to Kentucky now, presumably to begin tbe legal fight. It is believed a few daya ago mat tne contest would be dropped and the codicil allowed to go into elect. The Louisville Post, a leading new. paM-r. publishes, tbe following editor ial: "It should be said at this time tn view of the wicked, dastardly and in human course of a gang of character assassins, that Judge ft Ingham la a man alaive reproach, whom tbe Cltv of Ioiiisvllle delights to honor. He has rendered the public great service by his political career and by ins personal conduct. "When Mrs, Flagcr engaged to mar- ry Judge Bingham. Judge Bingham,! of his own miirinn rmto ...rf .loii-. F of his own volition, wrote aud deliv ered to hee and her guardian actual and seir-constituted, an ante-nuptial contract, divesting himself of all in terest in or control of what had then come to ls considered the Kenan for tune. It was an act beyond the reach of these assassins of character, and when the wife of her own free will nniW. took to give to her hnshnfid one year's income from her vast estate, spies. burglars and grave snatchers were employed In an attempt to show that the codicil Is void, either bemuse of Die 'undue Influence' of the husband or because Mrs. Bingham was mental ly unable to make a new will, or per haps to reaffirm the old one. !. In any event, the processes of the law have been prostituted In the very beginning of the diabolical campaign to destroy the character of a man whose self-abnegation deserved tlie re spect of his assailants." Attempt is Made to Poison and Injure Horses at IT. 8. Camp. Newport News, Sept. 27.' Reports that an attempt to poison and other wise injure horses ami mules In the government corral at Camp Hill early this morning were unofficially' con firmed today.. General MroteSntchtri son. in command here, stated that he had heard of the attempt but had ro eeived no official report regarding the affair. Other officers declined to dis cuss the matter. It was learned, however, on good authority that early this morning during n heavy fog a guard at Camp Mill fired on a civilian who refused to halt when challenged. The strang er disapieared In the direction of the James River. Later on, a nnmlier of horses and mules were found dead In the corrals. Soldiers stationed at the camp stated that some of the animals had died of poisoning and one was found with Its neck broken. Large Deficiency - Expected in Con- scripts. Washington. Sept. 27. There is little doubt now that a large deficiency of men will he shown when the first In crement of the National Army 087,-J issi men nas neen motiiuzea. Seventeen National Guard divisions must brought up to full war strength and, several forces organised out of this reservoir, spHhe number of draft ed men remaining at the cantonments hardly will he sufficient to organise the sixteen National Army divisions at full war strength basis. Whether Incomplete divisions will be formed or whether a call for more men will be issued has not been Indicated. Mrs Gales Plckard and son. Master John A., left today for Brown's Sum mit nnd Danville to visit friends for several weeks. New Interest Quarter In our Savings Department will begin October 1 ' All Deposits made before the 10th, bear interest from the 1st ''l ':. v7::v -':.:.' f-h v Call at Bank and get particulars regarding Safes displayed in our window. m C(liZEn$ BO. MID TfM COOT CHAIR, a WAGONER, President, M. U MARSH, Vice Frealdenk -. CARD INDEX 0F l Hi si libnii OULUlEflS nmuiluR Every Man in the Army, Offi cer And Private, Will Be Indexed By Name And In Alphabetical Order. EACH SOLDIER TO HAVE A TAG To Be Worn Around Neck. The Plan of Giving Each Man a Number Virtually Abandoned. (By Th AMwtatft Fraaa.) Washington. Sept. 28. A card index of all American soldiers at home aud abroad is to Is? complied by the War uepartmeut. Congress haa aDnronriat- ed money for this purpose in tbe gen- deflclency bllL , , - Every man in tbe army, whether ofhV- cer or private, will he indexed by name and tbe record filed In alphabetical or der for Immediate reference, should be appear In army orders or casualty lists. nn me uescnptlon or each soldier will be given the name of his next kin and emergency address. The plau of giving each man a num- lier virtually has lieen abandoned, and it is understood that each soldier in stead will be supplied with a small aluminum tag, bearing his name and company. It will be worn around the neck. MR. A. a SCOGGIN SI CCl MBS AT 67 YEARS Drops Dead While Working In Ware- bouse in Roxboro. Durham Sun. 20th. Mr. A. B. Scoggin, age3 67. promi nent tobacco dealer of Roxboro, wide ly known throughout Durham county, dropped dead at a Roxboro tobacco warehouse yesterday morning He died while weighing a pile of tobacco. Plac ing his hand to his throat he comput ed of feeling queer aud fell to the - Door, lie was dead before friends could assist him. For a number of years the deceased conducted a tobacco warehouse in Dur- itam and be pad many friends in this city. He is survived by his wife, two daughters aud six sons, as follows: Misses Alice and Mattle Scoggin, of itoxhoro: Messrs. J. A., of Concord;. 1). if., of Winston-Salem; J. L, of Pulaski, Vn.; O. W.. of Lynchburg'; Rolicrt, of South Boston, Va., and In gram, who is with the Person county drafted boys at Camp Jackson. ... tair, Mcoggin was the father of. Mr. J. A. Scoggiu, of Concord. The lot-' ter returned this morning from Rox-'' boro, where he went to attend the fun eral.) REFl'SE TO ACT ON H ELFIN'S CHARGES That a Number of Members of Con- ' gress Had Acted Suspiciously, (By The Aaaaelate Press.) Washington, " Sept 28. After a heated session today the House Rules Committee refused to act on resoln-. Hons proposing Congressional inves tigation of Representative Heflln' ' charges that a nnmlier of the members of Congress "had acted suspiciously" about the time Count von BernstorIT asked his government for authority to spend $50,000 to influence Congress on the submarine warfare Issued. At the Elysee Madame Poincare, ; wife of the French president, occupies the, suite of the Empress Josephine, the same in which Marie Louise liv ed for a brief period. It was from these very ropme that Eugenie de Montljo went to Notre Paine to be married to Napoleon III. ; JOHN FOX. Cashier. A. F. GOODMAN, Asst Cashier. ment In Australia. ' - . I Fair, iiK)Ka)Kyil

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