TODAY'S Kl,1 TC2AV AIL-.-IIiIEIJTE i VOLLV ' VIII. ; , I . II ; Nobody ' ii Left Out "From the Cradle to the Crave." Is Up 'Today. For Trial Action in the House.- ', POSTAL CARDS TO PE 2 CENTS EACH Tar on Moving Picture Ad missions If Price Is Over 5 Cents, i Letter Postage Will Be 3 Cents. .'- ' . Washington, OcL; 1. The wir tax bill which 4 up for filial action lu the Hooar ."'retrbea" alum everybody from the cradle to the grave, and. for fowl measure, levies a few new taxes n the betrs, r " '' ' : The ladles first flash af uicnm powder will with 2 per rent mano . factory tai on cosmetic help Uncle Ha m carry 4 war, and after till Federal collectora wiU be an band to net the Inberitauce tax. Between . birth and ' death nuaat of man' actlvitlea woo Id be taxed, voting a proxy at a meeting of a cemetery association, tietng one of few specifically exempted. ; . Tlie person who writes a porta) rani will be caught, for cards will well for 2eeuta aach by the provisions of the bill, tetter wilt be 3 cent, thte will be tax . ed when he goes to a moving picture show. If the admission I oTer 5 cento, one-teuth the price of the ticket BESl'MB WORK ON' .J . a WAS LEGISLATION House Prepared to Take final Actlen " aa Redrafted in Cenfcreaca. .4 -1- A ? The awih4 rrmy 3 udiliigtou. Oct 1. TV Senate - end tieune resumed work today ou an -v liup.utiit war leglHlatkiii, with the , adjouruiueiit of the scshIoh tcutatlrely .. set for not later than next week.. . The House was prepared to take fin al action on the war tax bill as redraft ed lu couferem. Tlie SS.OI)u.OOO,000 deficiency appropriation bill - now , In . , conference, and tlie soldiers' and sall ... ors". Insuraiice bill are the only -other measures demanding - disposal before -. the end 6f the session, t (, SITREMK rontT TOMTtNttS'.'" FOB THE W INTKB TERM N Dselutsaw Many Imparsaat Cases . '. jr tMisHwasrVrmi' ; Washington.' Pet." 1. Tlie Supreme Court convened tmlay for the regular winter terur, with prospects that ' no decisions on any of the many Important cae pending will lie forthconilug ini " ; mediately. After a brief., perfniictorr . session, member of the court, beaded by Chief . Justice White, arrangetl to - pay the customary call on President Wilson; Argnmeut will start tomorrow. C.EN. Gl'BKO HAS BEEN 'v EXPELLED FROM RUSSIA - BecaiiW'of Letter He Wrote 'to Far mer Ctar Expressing Disloyalty; (BrmssMHslnl rMM.1- ; Petrograd. tlct. I. flen. Ourko, for i mer commander oiheUrtnthWer .- front, bos Iteen expelled from Russia . by way of Archangel, because of the letter be wrote to the former Emperor . expressing disloyalty. A telegram from Archangel announced the General's ar , rival and says he- boarded a British .. vessel, '. ;i ft" AIX FOREIGNERS MAY BE ?"X:s REMOVED FROM GERMANY Step Necessary en Account of tbe Scar- . - lty f.FtNkL;.k; -v- (Br Tk JtssoC1at4 Pras.) , , Amsterdam, "Oct. .L The Telegraat says a bill 1 lielng prepared in Berlin. , authorizing tbe (ermau Government, : In view of the scarcity, of food, to re : move from tbe country all foreigners, wit employed in war- industries. The bill probably will lie enforce within a month. BaJUeshlp Which Ran Aground Floated . tBr The Aaaaetatml Frw.) " . At Atlantic Port, Oct. L The battle : ship of . the ITnlted States Navy which . went aground In home waters on Bep .;, ; temher 28. was floated today. The sea was smooth, and a large fleet o ves ' - sels pulled the warship off at : high i :tlde. , . - Women are taking the place of men in the Northern '-Minnesota lumber camps. , t . . ' .-.. ., IK IK . ,ff S m m 35 J u u v JL Dc 1tS a new interest qartci cur Savings PcporUncnt; 4 percent. I'T' cc.wilJ PVPItr llw.s'-' fcro Octcj lCl!i sbcnir iniw4cci f rc i i ' ; . :, '-.;' ' ' i.' - j ,'. ' W Was)W J A i BalaV A v -aat - x rfa ' j.Q.S nil. ;::3r:-l Publisher. 1 r t CrOsn CojCrt Baf. We tiihlib the fulluvuw h liMinK-of til II J Sotnv mwrd "To the Bed fnw Fwietv, (W eord, N, 4'. , . - ..' , Th on great wrrft of aianr of Onr live U that e tab express but i a aniall measure w.'tst reallv .". one wrote J.-ha Charles Hf- fteil. This, savior hi so pc-nlsnivl l mto mv raa tlist 1 noote it in the bemnninr of . , this "note, of thanks" for the Riarvekms and most complete omfort lis" I received from your Ninety tods v. KhermM iTobably had good iiiea of war at It waa ta hia Qv, but I attribute the pessimistic, attitude of this lien tral more to the fart that (hen there ere do Red Crass See'etiea than . ir.e real norrora of aetual Warfare. "I omfort Ban" are gives ,prJ. maruv ior material benetlta to bt derived, are thev nolf And vl truly hope the member of the Red l roaa in oneord will feel donblv warnea ior we one seat me. I sure you ibe spirit tbat prompted its maaing ana petivery to me mean a nmcn aa the comfort and oaeTnlnMs I "nil ret from it. "Somewhere in France" is an pressioa that, brings to the mind of nuinv ot Us hardalima. rianavr nii unioia norrors. 1 shall carry the Be uiih me there, and I am sure jts very nrest-nee and the remeicbranre (hat ft is from the Coneord 'hunter wiU make life more full, and it will be to ie then "a gbimnsr lieht.amonir all m cnaos ana ruin." t , , I SV "thank van', varv hnnU. out i asmire yon with a heart over. nowing with good wishes foe- the success, of the Wed Cross of Conf ord WILLIAM SHF.RRILL ' , Mesdouarten Compsnv, lsf.'N.r. Inf- Canton, N. C Auz. 24. 1817 - - - r .. , - w-- TOO UAKT MEN ABB7; ' REJECTED AT CAMP Over 800 Have Been Bent Home Ob Account or Physical Ccnditioa. Columbia. S. C. Smif xx vtl. farolina sent fifty-four men of the AHtionni. armv to I aoop Jaekson to. dava.The arrivals for the dav from the two Carolina and Florid 154; Rejevtiona for physieaC reasons are auoRetner too hien, according to tiieuienani iolonl James M, Ora ham. chief mus'erimr oflieer. Over eight, hundred, men- have, been sent home, approximately 10 , per eent Colonel Graham declares tht the men should hsjve been) so carefullv ex amined before arivins that not one in one hundred' would have-been sent home . after reporting. . . ; t . BBTTISa DESTROY TWOl. '."i r--iS AIRPLANES Aawtker Brought PowniAtt -Crlttkh ''Machines Safe. -' , lii,.iiais lAnAm, Oct 1. British naval air patrols destroyed two enemy machines and Itrnnght down another, ssrs an offi. clal annonncement. A Ootha also waa brought down, and it Is believed to have been damaged. All Rrltish ins-' chines are safe. Weeding Out Saloons la New York. New York Oct. l.The beeinniiiv of tbe final quarter oft he year today siiuinu ue recoraea as a red-letter day by the prohibition forces, since It finds the number of .salooos' decreased m New. York by many hundreds. Several causes bare contributed to tbe decrease in the number of retail liquor estab lishments, but the most, potent Is the, new law- effectlvetoday which provides that in cities of the third class there shult not lie more than one saloon to every live 'hundred populatlou. In ad dition to the number of saloons auto matically closed by this law a large uumner oi otners are voluntarily going out of business on account of decrees- eti consumption due to tbe high prices. ' - - rr7 TT - - V, - inurv w un w uotnao. , New York, Oct 1. The New York flat-dwelleri whether he lives in an up town apartment or a downtown tene ment. Is likely to receive another strong reminder "of the high cost of living wlimi be pays his October rent today.' Keuts lu - hundreds of apart ment houses throughout the city have been raised from 8 to IS. per cent, be ginning with the present month, -and In some cases the 'Increase will mount as high as 25 per cent. Tbe high price of coal and greatly increased cost of apartment house maintenance are giv en as the answer. " v " 1 1, - nonr Dropped 40 Cents a Barrel in , 7 Chicago. (Chicago. Iil Sept. 20. Standard family flour dropped 40 cents to $11.40 a barrel today, the first r hangs. it was said since the fixing of wheat price dv. the government, it. was snid to be due to a freer movement of wheat to market. ,- .. i " Pray for your corn crop, but keep the hoe busy during your, supplies, tion. . $ - m us in ccncc id, ! EIIG.E5LID Damage Done in -the Gty. of - Pcruacola By ihe Recent . Storm Will Be More Than! HJ i t- . 1 undred Tousand Dollars.' NO LOSS OF LIFE v- REPORTED THERE Student Aviators Rescued Number of Residents from Flooded Portions ofvWar rington During Storm. ,1 ' -. Sr The Aaasslatea riiii.) Pensacouu TUuOct. Estimates tonay or the damage done ia the Ht of IVnsacola by the tropical hnrrlcane w. riuay piaceo ine property mes at more than $1)10,000. The damas waa confined prlcl pally to wires, window glass, the water fronts roofa and frame structures. No report of loss of life or injury to persons lu thir vicinity has been received. ', .; .r ,-. Htndeiit s via tors from - the . .naval aerouantical station near here resniMt a number of residents from the flood ed portions of Warrington during the storm. Ten Ashing schooners and oth er small vessels are aground. In the harbor and one large steamer was agrouud in Ave feet of water. A few other merchant vessels were driven ashore but were not dsmsged. Authorities at the navy yard' stated the loss there would ann-emr lion. 000, Including an unroofed building, stores and supplies and airplanes. The wreckage caused by the. storm is rap- !. 1 1 ... I . . r w . jt-iuK removeo. ana normal eon. ditlons are being restored. . , .., , "4 V " -- EEWABD OP $50 OrrXBED . t ijrOB EACH DESERTER One Who Tails to Report to , Local JBoom ror sorriea to Soaertor. Mr.. J. J. MacKiv! Jr : Ji.n. r , w VI wo miiiMry enroUmens for: NiV-th (. srolma has sent the fnllnw;. i,. the local hnanl. ' - .. I QUOte below - tAloin-sih tK i rovost , Marshal - lleneral ; which should be driven wide, publicity,: The Uovernor direeta tbai. urge eaeh uoard to personally request tlie local pteaa to publish this telegram in full together with the Local. Boards for tha mlAium. anu privat eimena. n provision is made for payment In swa printing, but it is; thought har every news- ice. aside from the fact. that is is an item or real news value. . .Number 821.1, A reward or fifty Hilars is payable for the delivery at the nearest armv eamn nr nnot nf deserter. This reward is in full sat. faction of all expenses incurred ir, said delivery.- A person wbo fails to r9Mrt' to his Local Board for military semice, at the tima n. eified in his order to report, is a de serter.. A person who fails to re port for military service to the AdL' jutant Oeneral of the State;1 by the oate specined in the order ' of the Adjutant General to said person, is a deserter. It is highly desirable from every standpoint that an effort now be made to round h all Demons .who are dclinuent in reportintr for mili. tsrv service. It is thought that if the fact of reward is given the widest publicity, we shall hava a crest force of police oflrers and even of indivi duals intern ted in bringing sneh de- LDnnuents under VHlitarv control; If "er ueh persons are brought to a military authority, it appears to the military authority that their de linquency is notwilful, thev wil be forwarded to a mobilusation and their Local Board will be given credit. U it appears that the de limtuency was wilful, .they'.wilL be presecuted before court martial as deserters. In either ease the f to ward is payable. . 5 " U;'--; i v. , CHOWDER" '- racta of World's Bsries That Talk. The National Baseball Comtnis. sion took charge of -thr ' World's Scries, in v 1905, formulated ' rules for it and has been in charge of it ever since. 1 ;-: .v;- -. Twelve aerie have been played s:nee that time, of which" the Am erican League has on - seven and the National League live. , Sixtv-six cames have been nlaved. of which the American Leaaue has won thirty-three and the National League thirty-one. , There have been two tie games.. The length of a series 'has ' . averaged Ave- and - one-lislf games. . The - National League has' scored 2?:i run), and the American League S1. TTiis is a total of . 445- runs, wh'ch gives an average of about 6 8-1 1 runs per game. The winning clubs have scored' 273 runs, or an average of- a little over 4 runs per game, . The losing clubs neve scored 172 runs, or an average 1 . A K n . . ui .anoui e u-o runs per game. , V-' ' ' ' '. r-i ' ; - filbson MU1 Day Nursery. The Board of Governors of the Gib son Mill Day Nursery held their regular-meeting at the, 'borne of the' chair man, Mrs; G. L. Patterson, '. Friday momlng. The report from the Nurs ery was encouraging in every respect The mntmn linils the story hour grow ing in favor. The attendance for the month was 374 children, representing 14 families and a dally attendance of 18. S, A number of Improvements have been made during the month, such as remodeling and painting and -an In door play room-4s now being fltted np. Quite a numlier of good pn-tures and story bonks hare been given, (which adds very much to the pleasure of onr little folks. . .. . , ., M. e I:"' 1 eM 45 I-Hred ia 'Last n. c. mon; y. October KETTEVa AT Leel Prmrh i' Xirislio. , X : Mtetlug of purlaiire has w night at M 'ck was a local- br Highway AanmHs Osseard waa Tv : KT H 0181 (ORKOW NIGHT tUaUkmd Hie way lie ArraagedL ; ' thaa suuMil las railed flic tuasorrav a the fmirt Hwuae, of the Itaakhead will be formed. mbudastle weeas sge whesi a ,my of euihnsUsi tlreeushora aad cities visited this place and laid bef. se aome of ear Hti. r " aimruawiit re-; peopowd highway, it i ""w " f'cthim umiertakliu I tuac auy city ror. mate emiugh to lie' on ine nmte Jlertrt hy the highway ummuswai may veil enugratntate It sen, - - - . . -A party of patlifla.lers will go over ine proposed Mni'r within the nex few-eks. It betnt Scheduled to make ica surf shout tbe first of the coming month. If Conenrrf t t he considered n tbe route ar,!! for this paved highway, it Is op to bur dtiseua to tie- stlr.tnemeselVM anf get busy, before oae ether widest Juke section gets ine preierence. It to urged, therefore tnat ail the public! spirited cltisen who can- possibly 14 so, meet at the court house on Tuewrny evening at the appointed hour, ami f do their bit" to ward organising gits Association. THE COTTGi MARKET. , Quiet Today. WUb Traders Waiting - ror TonMrroirt Report. (r Tfce A sma.) New York. Oct. l.--Thc cotton mar. set'wss comparattrely quiet early today-with trailers waiting for tomor row's report. The opening was steady i neciine oi it points on OctiMVr. but generally S to 11 -points higher on renewed covering. -The prospects for generally lair and warmer weather in cceaseu tne renoeocjv to even up on long commitment.: however, and Ite. cemner and January declined aliont or 4 points under Saturday's closing iisiires uuring early (trading. Uotton futures ooened stendr. fW toner, Z4:ir Deceoilier, Sl.TO: Janii- aryv 23.5(5; March, 2S; May. 211.77, - - ' I f W i PETITIONS FOB EXPULSION : :V OF SENATOR 'LA FOLLETTE FernaJly Presented la the Senate To- . . .day By Senator Wadsworth. i-:-,' Br Th Asaoclajlea Tnwm A ' Washington. Oct- 1.1-Petltioil frnm New York Organ isai (ins seeking the expulsion from the tietiate of Senators I Fotlette, of Wisconsin; (iroiinn. of Minn lMkota, and Stone, of Missouri, were formalLr presented In the today by Benntor AVadsworth, of Now York, ami referred jflthont action to the Hi'nate Privileges and KItions twmmlttee. BOY BITTEN BY At MAD DOG Marvm Long rittent Oa Am-Uoc night Marvin Lonr.. . son of Prof. J. W. .B. iJing. while- nlarW wirn nis iog, was nitten on the right sim by the animal. This mornliur it was decided that the dog was "mad" and it was promptly killed by a po liceman snmmoned for that nut-nose. The head of the animal was sent nt onoe to the Pastrar institute at Ral eigh for examination to see if the dog had hydrophobia. Tlie dog bit several other dogs In the neighborhood before it was killed. I . .. : Dusenbery4iooe Wedding. ' ""i; Charlotte Observer. ii..m-. MVs Merle thwe. of, Darlilson: slid Lieut. Oawaa Diisenliery, 4r.v of Clou- con! .were quietly wedded hi this city Thursday evening, at tlie home -of Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Ksisitt. tbe latter a sister trf tbe bride, on Sunnyside ave nue Piedmont Purk. Rev. Rr. Av A. McGeachy, pastor of the Second Pres byterian church, officiated. .2, There were no attendants and the wedding was quiet. Tlie bride was Strikingly handsome In a tailored suit of brown cloah with accessories to match.- She i wore a corsage of bride roses. , ' Immediately " after the.": ceremonV Lieutennat Diisenliery and . bride left for Camp Hevler, Ht Greenville, S. t lileutenant Duseiiliery ia an officer In Battery F, field artillery. . : : - The bride is a dn lighter of Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Booe, of Davidson, and is a beautiful young woman with attrac tive winning . personality.' Nhe was graduated from Queens college in tills city and .was voted the prettiest girl In school. v ' - v.v"1- ': " Lieutenant Dpsenliery Is the only child of Mr. and Mrs. Gowan Duscn- bery, of Concord. He was educated at the Episcopal high school-at Alex andria. Va- and at. Sewanee univer sity, at Nashville. Tenn, He is a young man. of handsome personality and is exceedingly popular. ' . The-jroung couple had expected to be married October 15 but recently changed their plans. The announce ment of tbe marriage will come as s surprise to their host of friends.' Patrol Beat Rammed and Sunk. (Br The Associate FreaM.) ';" Washington, Oct. 1. An American patrol ship on duty off' tbe Atlantic port was rammed and sunk early today by an unknown craft. t - .'Man wants but little hero below nwtil he sees some 'other fellow get tin" more. '''' ' - ' " -""' ' TIIEATORIULI Toonv :"4 i D0BTHY PEILUPS C In "A DOLL'S HOUSBn -?t'; five-reel -BLTJEBISD It is too story of a Doll Wo-, wan and her intensely selfish hnxband. It ia of fi'ii,l in t t to every wo i in Con- i. 1917. SEVRELyco::DE;;:iu Chattanooga Bar Meeting, Attended By Nearly Every Lawyer in City, Denounces Ur ii' . a., , rOUette and HlS Crowd ENDORSE COURSE OF COL ROOSEVELT The Expulsion of La Follette Gronna, Reed, Hardwick, Stone And Vardaman from the Senate is Demanded. - T T AasMtaiea- Pmb.) Chattauonea, Tenn. Oct. 1. A meet lug of the t'hattauuoga Bar Associa tion, attended by practically every lawyer in the city, admit ed rmohitinni today denouncing the obstructionist ana eudorslng the course of CoL Knosevett's attitude toward the nm. ecutiun of the war. The resolutions declared: "We condemn. In unmeasured Harms. the action of Senators La Follette. Gronna. Heed. Hardwick, Stone. Vard aman ami others acting with them in tue present congress in olistructinv lev. tslation for the prosecution of the war suit the protection of our countrv. "We went heartily to endorse the conrse of ex-President Roosevelt and other prominent Americans in denounc ing treasonable utterances of Senator iji Follette and his associates, and de manding their expulsion from the American senate. v , The resolutions were adnnted with miiy luree dissenting rotes. . LID CLAMPED ON NEWS FK0M THE WESTERN FRONT Official Statementa Afford No Cine to tha Mystery, At a late hour the ban on nfess dis patches from the Franco-Belgian front, which became effective Kridav apparently naa not been raised and the world was left to guess whether tlie interdiction was intended to coju eoal some military movement of prime importance or whether there was a relatively inconsertuAntinl res- son for it .f v ; . uie olficial statement nffonled nn cine to the mystery. Field Marshal Ham's report in the forenoon, for in: stance, was of,tlie routine character that ordinarily excites no comment merely announcing - recmroeal ar. tillerv fire. The Berlin statement -was similnrlv linillnrainatin! . ".'' 'niiunn rrencn iront tnere was an absence of anv'.interest.iita- news. except innt violent artillery activity nas reported east of the Meuse in the Verdun region. , - At The Theatres. Wm. Dnncan antl Carol Hollnwnr In 'the second episode of '-The 'Fight ing Trail" at the New" Pastime todnv. Thh is "The Story of Ybarra.'; This Is a marvelous adventure serial of the great out doors. . A Doll's .House. " nt- The Thentor- linn Theatre today with. Dorothy Phil- ipsj its. a Hlnelilrd. too.. In Chnnev and Wm. Stowell HDuear with Miss 'hlllliM. . '"', 1 V:- - ' ' ''''-''I'H " V White Sox Close Schedule. s Nev. York,: Oct.' 1. The Chicsim White Sox. clinmDion of A mericsn league C.lssed their schedule here tn dav at Polo Orouds vs New Yor ankees. The Chicairo Dlavers will leave here tonight on their way home. IS YOUR MORTGAGE! ii DUE? Did yon reduce your loan last year? ,-" . .-. :.. "Building and Loan "'loans are reduced a -small amount every week or month and dot. ens oil theao small amounts will quickly liquidate your debt.' Does your "STRAIGHT" loan help yon to make progress? It probaMy costs yon more than a "BUILDING and LOAN" loan would cost yon, , but neverthe less remains at tha end of ovary year, as large as oyer. Tha Building and Loan plan of HOME OWNING was origin ated for YOU AND EVERY GOOD CITIZEN. It enables any WAGE EARNER TO PAY FOR HIS HOME JUST as ha otherwlat would pay rant.. Tha INTEREST YOU PAY IS per cant. AND THE PRIV ILEGES ARE MANY AND VALUABLE. COME IN TO. DAT AND TALK THE MAT. TER OVER WITH US. 40TH" RERIES IS NOW - OPEN. ::Ctl.::iTsCc::.!yB.,l.&K , . .. -.c- I -''' , i i 1 1 .; ' wt. ,J I I " "' ; - In T' e Concord Kational Lai.i. - . . , OBSTRUCTIO Price Five Cents JWOZ J. L WXEB j Datfl afetwUy. October ttk, ItTtit Cheriotie. Oct l.-Jadre WeLh il wilbhoid his derw oa naiil Mo dav, Otouer 8th in iliest brought tx-fore him ia Gastonui huat week bv attoraeva. of O. B. Means, who ia held la Conenrd nnder harM mardenng Mrs. Maude A. Kiaar. Aa. 1H. when thev annearad Mnrm kim imna utra mat Jofc- T. Hooting as- iean distrw altomev of New Vork ana his associates be cited in eoa tempt for not delivering papers ia Ibeir- po"Vnn tskaa . from airt. aieats of Gaston Means in New York and tha,' had been ordered bv Judge Webb delivered into f irnlodv of court omeiala of Cabarrus Ciwmty. irrw post orncE btstem v- 18 INAUGURATED TODAY Ta Coneord Offloe Earoaftar to Ba Kaows as the "Central Aecooat- iaf Offioa for Cabairna County.' A new svstem ia heinir inmaaanmiaA or tlie font Uflice Deiiertment. where. by sxaller post o dices all over the country are under the supervision of larger olhres in thst district in mat. ters of auditing, and reeeivimr sun- Plies. In accordance with the new nlsn. the Coneord Post OiHre has: been notitied that beginning October 1st.. wnien is toosv. this oflice will he known as the Central Accounting vmce tor Lahamis ( ountv. '. The other offices in this district. mrn wn lie known aa the II - trict Offices, are; Kannapolis, Mount r.'easant. rlarnsbun' (lenivavillo. Hosts Mill. Mid and. Cshsmi. nd Glass. , v.. . The District Offices will send their reports to the Central Accoiintinu- otnee here each quarter will also be sent to the Concord office. - ' . in making this change, the Deoart- mept at Washington is eliminating trom its books the accounts whinli have been keot with each., of,.. the eight offices which are j now-. niade District offices, and evrrtthimi for Caburrns County is carrved .on the account with tlie Central Accounting Office at Coneord. -jj. GERMANY SHAKEN .i'M1--'- , BUT , STIIX POWEKFLX This is Evidence of Her Defensive Strength en Western FrotnV ' - Hy The Asaeelatea rrcaa.1t "','' Washington, Oct. 1. Shaken. ' but still powerful, is the estimate of Ger many's defensive strength on the west ern front, given in this week' official communication, Issued by. the War De partment; V-' ..: ' The superiority of thi4- British over 1 nas conclusively .neert proven, hy the lust week's fighting, while It has 'de monstrated thst the flehttnv ' stumliia nf the" fftnnansnse'terToVaftngf " ii tiie activity of the American force In Eurotie, the commnnicaatioii gars ahsnlutely nothing. Of the forces at home It reports mohtllsation of tlie Ns- iiuiiiii uiiurii ana Aarioiiai Army pro ceeding satisfactorily. DRIVE FOR THE SECOND LIBERTY BOND ISSl'E Began Today Throughout Country to Last Four Weeks. ..' f Br The Asaaele Press) Washington, Oct. 1 The big drive for the-second Issue of Liberty 'Loan Bonds began at noon-today througb (Hit the-eoiiutry with a multitude of activities that will last four weeks.' The campaign ts planned to raise at least fcl.000.ontl in .subscriptions and treasury officials have set the "amount expected" at $.1,000,000. Half again as large as the first Liberty Loan, the second npering is the largest the peo ple oi tne united mate have ever been called upon to absorb. -; : " : Four Reasons Why Women Should - Bar Fashionable Sroes. Berkley.' Cal..' Octi 1. Here are reasons why women ought to aband on tawioHhble footwear, fiwordinir to Dr. K. R. flompertz of the Uni versity of California : hie shoe of today makes women ibulge, slink, slouch and become in- It causes pronated feet, overted feet and simulated flat feet, what, ever all those are. . It bruigs -en weakness of the back. of the knees, of the abdominal wals. It destroys the posture demanded bv nature for perfect health, and makes a woman suffer from what she thinks is rhnmatispi. The .doctor has .no idea that his words of wisdom wil be taken ser iously. : -. .' r .- f'2y . Interest fcriej In our Savings Department will begin October 1 r All Deposits made before the; 10th, bear interest from the 1st" - s . : 'f i ' :J A X' '. - . -Call at Bank and get particulars regarding Safe. displayed U our window. cmn;;s Pr NUMBER 13. ' " iiitaulc;:; Attacks Delivered Last Night Both East And West of the Meuse Are Repulsed By the French Forces. PREPARATION FOR ANOTHER OFFENSIVE On the Italian Front Gen. Cordona is Again Pushing Out Again East of Isonzo. Captures 1,400 Prisoners. bile tbe fighting front In Flanders apparently hi witnessing preparattomi of another offensive stroke by Field Marshal Haig whloh tbe Uermans are trying to anticipate by counterattacks aud retaliatory fire, tbe German Crown Prince's army is again attempting to narrass tbe French lu Verdun region. Attacks by the Hermans were deliv ered test night both esst and west of the Mense bi tbe Verdun Sector where the artillery fire has been Intense for ' several days past. Tbe blows were re pulsed by tbe French defenders, Paris announces. After yesterday's three futile attempts to drive the British back from high ground they occupy on both sides of the Tpres-Menln road in Flanders, the Germans , contented themselves with keeninr artillery fire during the night. Ixmdou'a "inoai report today records this hos tile demonstration, but is silent as to tbe British resnonse whLnh iuiin , from past experience, la hIiih German battle sone with thousands of high explosive sheila. News from the Italian front is that Gen. Cadorna Is nushina- out inln east of the I soma, driving forward on - tne itainzisza plateau near the-south- ' east edge of which he hss almost -reached the Chaipovano vallev. The ', capture of more than 1.400 prisoners In Saturday's thrust Indicates the force Of the Italian blow, which, there Is every Indication, will be followed up as new ground has been firmly held against Austrlans reaction. ' Interest also attaches to he Mesopo- ' tsmla war theatre, from which -the ; news of brilliant victory by the British was telegraphed yesterday. Several thousand prisoners are In the Britlth hands as a result of sudden and well ' executed stroke, which, resulted 1n sur- . rounding of the entire Turkish srmy - in the, Remadle region northwest of -Bacdad. . .- ,v4ai4aahtrodns oftwttexittmt, "SBin uispiaying aggresstvenesN. Petrograd today announces m attai-v In which the Germans were driven hack .the Riga froiit. rrom rm ro l.isw yards in a section on The casualties In last ntirhr's raid on England total nine killed and 42 In jured. One of the German machines, engaged In the attack, was brought down off Dover. . Berlin claims l he bombing of the center of London, Mar- gate and Dover hy the raiders. -, The statement issued by the British -admiralty telling of Saturday night's raid by British naval aircraft' over ' Belgium, reports the destruction of two tierman machines and the driving' ' ' down of two, ether in air battle thrft "''"ft occurred during patrol activities.. . U i ARGENTINE WILL NOT - BREAK WITH GERMANY All Expectations to That End Are Dis - polled. (By The Aaalate4 Press.) . Washington, Oct. 1. All ' expecta tions that Argentine might follow the v lead of neighbors and break with Ger many have been dispelled here with', announcement of President lroygen is determined not to heed action of the Argentine congress and popular de mand for action, and will contlnne -a neutral course. His suggestion that all of South America' determine her war course by a Joint conference is not expected to bear fruit, because a similar proposal was rejected hy all the other Important governments some time ago:; . , - A fiv-swatting commi'tee savs that flies cause more , deaths than war. But at least the eampnigners against them don't have to. fight fly-pacifists also. : .- ; If! your heart is 1 right don't timorous about your accent. ' he tot c i r n t A. I . t n. u :

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