I ... I i. J . ... J L, . j 1 alU.. fODAYo "k 3 ClT D BAM 3IME Tez VOLUME XVIII. c:.:'::t.t;:::ofa : ; i;e7i:atio::.'.lpty Conference Today in Chica- po of Prohibitionists. Pro-'"" gresslves. Social" Demo crats and others. NO NAME FOR v. - PARTY AS YET ITT 1920 This Crowd Says They Will March Upon Washington i to "Take ' Possession of Government" - ? Tho Aaaartala - ' Chicago, "Oct- S. The organisation of a new national political party la the announced purpose of conference here - today of a number of prohibitionists, progressive, nodal democrats, and single tax adherents. - The party la yet onuamed. Jmt It ! proponed to elect half a doaen Cnlted Htate senator aud between twenty and forty members "of the House of itcpreaeutatives In 1018 according to announceaieiit of the- leader. In 1020. the prospects of the party say, a march upon Washington wlU lie male to "take "ntKsessfon of the government" . A tentative draft of the platform, which la lo be submitted Xft eonfreev la said to hare been written for the moat part by John Hpargo. formerly a socialist, and approve uneVersal suf frage, the Initiative and referendum, the recall and the ahort ballot. Nation al prohibition la demanded in a decla ration that all tralHc In liquor innst be outlawed. - , SEEK TO KLEVATU PERSHING r. TO RANK WITH WASHINGTON ; ; - Head a' Overseas Troops Should ttt Given. Grade CamnenMinite With ' V , " Importance of tha PesltUm. t, , .'- B Tha AaaaelateS Freaa.) ':.-.' '" ' 1 ; ' Washington, Oct. 9. The elevation v -. of Major General Joint i. Pendilnie to - tlie rank of tieneral, a HtleTield only . by. Washington. Grant. Sherman and i Sheridan, la sought by Heeretary Baker ' recommendation before the Senate Military Committee today. The secre- tary urges the revival of the rank" of . General for Pershing, and the ar" . chief of staff and Went General for : vln corps commanders with the expedk . tlonary Smc,-The onjency of Perah- " ' inr'a Drom.KiiHi wa exn'uined by the ir i ir i f f I ,t r - ttt tlx nvemenN triHiH Hlxmld lie nlveti v. grade comtneuenrate with. the impor- .tance of his position. 200.800 MEN ON WAV - T TO THE CANTONMENTS ., - ' - , Representing the. Third Imrement of the National Army. . (By The Aaaaelae4 fww. V Waahtnirton, Oct. 8. Altout 200.000 ', ineu repreMFiitlnK the third increment to the National' Army today are on is .their way to the sixteen cantomnentM where- already luilf of the 0S7.000 ca.ll- edto the colors by the President are! ; niohlliwMl. r AlthpUKh ; tisiay'a quota - slwuld he 40 per cent tinder refrulatlous 5 ' promnleated by Prtivost Marshal Gen " eral Crowder, Jocal 'coii(tltons In Vari-' ona states' hAve reiliicvd the getieral '. averaxa of Incromenta to 20 or 25 per : r cent. : .-. Efforts to Form Coalition Cabinet . - (llrTk Aawlateal rml . Stockholm." Oct. 3.WAfter the rest- irinUon of tlie cabinet yesterday, King G-irt.tve . summoned the. leaders of . : the chief parties In the Riksdaa; to .- urge them to use their best efforts to for a coalition cabinet.' " ' ' For CoUthm Government in Rttsais (By Tfce AMHMlnt4 Prem.t v Petroganl, Oct. S. -The democratic eonKress by.' a vote of 700 against 683 todar declared In favor of a coalition Korernment. ; j .f - ce V: AT THE ?. .. ''I HEW - EASTIMEis OiotoiPirst m , 5K -IK m ' m m ' m m " ' Beinsa newmtcrcst in cur Savings Department; 4 per centi interest ccmpoisnded : every three : ias0ntl"!3 . 13wpOvt3 . mixdo en . cr bo fere Octcbcr Kill bear interest freni uu"u v.- " .J ' ' :' "'.-' -v " : TicoricciDriATiohALDAr;:;; J. B. Shcrrill, Editor and Publisher. mrs king t -.-rua IN " - fc.uu:r bomb stout Mn. I'araker Resorts TWft U Am. shUnt District Attarae? MUc. New Slock Journal. 2ad. Hikr -atrrrl the a part ami of lira. Iwnik U. Korakrr, Jr.. daughter-In-law tl the one-llme lulled Htilm Hcnati. from tlUki, and atule papers hearlne aivai fluanetal aValiiuni " " - bowu ku acrordlBC' to a report aMile by Mr. Fonrker la John T. Itootluc Ami ant IMxtrkt Attorney, In ehara of the InrrstlicatUiit of the death of ' Mm kluc at t'oiicord. X. C. Chief iniuoK the papera atitlen fnaa Mrs. Foraker'a apartment waa a diary In nhtrh she narrated her AnancUl tranMetiona with Mra. KIiik, for whose, aliened - alayhur Gaston B. Means. Mra.. Kin' eonnilenUai ad viser, la bow in Jll at Coneord. ilr.. Pooling refnsed to tell when or how Mrs. Foraker'a apartment was entered or where the apartments in lo cated. He declared. nfliwetefT" that bla invest lm Hon had proved the truth of her assertion that the apartment had been entered and declared that many papera of importance in relation to the Kins ease had been stolen. . Mrs. Foraker proved an Interesting witness for Mr. Doollng. He ques tioned . her for several boars yester day and last night, and said site had given blra much valnahle Information regarding not only Mrs. King's hahlt of life hat regarding financial tranx actlons in which she had been con cerned. Mrs. Foraker will he ques tioned again1 later In the week. Infectives . from Chicago arrived yesterday with much important docu mentary evidence regarding transac tions that occurred In connection with Mrs. King's estate, . The hiformatloii received from the. ditcago authorities were especially comprehensive in con nection with the so-called second will. or James t. rung, .ursjunira aecono. husband.. Mr. Pooling said. . ; Mr. Doollng held a long conference last night With handwriting and type writing experts, who examined this second will. - He refused to discuss thp statements made to him by the ex perts.,. a DISCl'RS HOLLAND AS i y THE "IHJSIPING GROCND r'. Food far .'Cermany. Prateat Agminst Stieh Canrlualana. " V (Br Vtf AawlilH rrrmm.) The HaKue. Oct.' 3. The reported statement by members of the American cabinet to the effect tluit they had come to the conclusion that Holland waa the ihimphiK ftrouud for contraband bound for Ueromuy waa mane the subject of dlflcuaslon in the second chamber yes terday by Deputy Van Ijeeuwen. Dr. toudnn. the former mlniater, replied tlmt intitrnctlniia had ., Iieen Kent to Mtnlwtfr'an Rappari at Waakmrton, to Make? a pWent'-aKnlnrt nuct. un founded jconcluaiona of the Amerlcau olBclala If thej wer.i rejproted forreet- 1 1 1 M.v.,, THIRD OFFICERS' TRAINING , CAMP -TO BE OPENED. Wilt Start January S, 1918, to Run - .TiH April I. (By Tk AaMTlatMl ItM,) AVashington, Oct. 3. A third -series ofolDcers' t mining camps,, to be open ed January 5th, will run "until April ith. the War Department, announced today, primarily for the' education of enlisted men of the regular army, na tional guard and national army ' for commissions; ' ! ' lit additions, however, 2,400 graduat es;,, or undergraduates from Oil specified schools and colleges ;wlll be. admitted. A camp will be loonted In era h I the ngular army, national jctiard, iiid nnttoual army jrilvlxon. . .. THE COTTON MARKET. ' Renewed 1 Activity - and " Excitement Shown Early Today. -- - (By The Associated PrMa.) New York. Oct.' St. The" cotton mar ket showed renewed activity and ex citement today on over night consider ation of yesterday's government reports and after opening 30 to 48 points net higher, the .market soon sold, 113 'to 127 point above last night's closing figures. " . '-: -. -i . -x ( otton fntures opened steady. Octo ber, 20.87 ; December, 2S.62 ; January, 23.10 ; March, 20.23 ; May, 25.37. : : Second Trial t W, C. Nebam (Saeelal to Tke Trikua) Wlson. N. C- Oct.- a The second trial of W..C Nelson who Is charged with having killed P. B. Rlggnn and M, R. -Gwatnoy, policemen,' and with seriously wounding mayor J. P. Keech, all of Tarboro, wbeu the ofilcera weut to Nelsons home to-search for whis key' several : months ago, waa -openel here, this morning. The selection of a Jury was completed shortly after noon and, taking of testimony will begin this evenlnir., 1he esse belli" frleil lsforr Judge F. S. Daniels in Wilson County court. . . ;.' 'kU-' T There are about 320,000 miles of euble in alt at toe bottom of the sea CONCORD. N. - ASSOCLUiQJ HkwED Cabarrus County Branch Or ganized at the Court House Last Night With Member- ; ship of Forty-Four. GEO. L: PATTERSON : IS PRESIDENT o Meet Every Tuesday Ev ening. Pathfinders to. Se lect- Route -'-Will- Come Here About November 1. The Cabarrus county branch of the Raukhead Highway Association per fected an organisation last evening at the court bouse, with aa origiual mem bership of forty-four memliera. This body of citiaena, which will meet each Tuesday evening -at 0 o'clock at the same place, aaa for its purpose the rousing or a sentiment of co-operation among our people, with the object of securing for tbia section the proposed Bankbead Highway, which will con nect Maine with California 4.000 miles of concrete pared road.; -" A fair number of interested persons were present when the meeting waa called to order, and Mr. L, A. Wedding- ton was elected temporary chairman, with Mr. J. O. Hcherf aa temporary secretary. The latter read a letter from the Preshlent of the Bankhead Association, asking that all counties organise. .. ; Mr. C. TV. Bwlnk, who was present In Lynchburg at the meeting some weeks ago, stated what waa planned hy those at the head of the movement. The pathfinders will soon lie coming through this section, and it la np to ns snow tnem what we Dave here. There are several routes nroooxed. he said.; One of them, kaowa as the Capital mute, would run from Rich mond to Raleigh, and then to Columbia..- Another ronte would rua from Richmond,' Greensboro and" to Char lotte, - A third one would -come from aahington, through DanrTTte.' Greens boro and Charlotte, known astlte Pied mont route, - --','- i r : Almnt the first of December, said Mr. Rwlnk, the engineers will be going over the proposed routes, There will tie en gineers from the American Automobile Association, from the Bankhead High way Association, and from the Nation- Government. . There will be twenty or more persons In that party. There was some discussion here as to whether the pathfinders would want pt go over eAch of The different -routes. trom tnts city to t;narlntte. several men -who had talked with Mr. Roun tree when he waa here a short time ago, said that It waa their impression that the local branch is to decide which the best route for these pntbfindcrs and recommend It to them. , The object of the trip of the pathfinders in sim ply to look over the country along the section of country they propose to pass through, and not for the location of any special route, - That part will be left to the engineering party. Mr: vLS T.-HartselL "who waff fllso'l present at the Lynchburg meeting, and waa there eleded a director of the Association, waa called on to tell those present ,what, was expected of -them. no saia inai tne nrancnes tnat are be ing organised all over the country are to further the building of teh highway. in order to do tbia, we mast have mem bers. -Towns all over the country, even where the highway will not pass, are organising and paying their member snip fee of one dollar. " . v '"vf.. At present there has been no appro priation made by Congress for this purpose, aald Mr. HartselL However, there Is a hill, allowing each State a certain amount which is to be used on State highways, and each State can say where this money Is to be spent Congress does not appropriate a sum for the construction of this high way, the plan then -would be to have itch State to designate that its part of the money shall be spent on the route designated by the - Bankhead people. However, there la a movement on foot to have the government build this road for a military highway, since tlie pro posed routes carry it past twelve, of the cantonment camps, x-t; h I si As to the routes proposed, Mr. Hart- ll said that Mr. Rountree had stated that the route was practicaly settled from Atlanta to Gaffney, 8. C The natural way from there to Greensboro would be through this section. : From Greensboro, some want the route to ro via Raleigh-and Richmond,, while ithers want It by Danville, Lynchburg ind Washington.-- The object of an irganlsation would be to get all the people to pnll together,- and see- that the highway comes here. Mr. L. D. 'Coltrane aald that he was nformed by members of the Bankhead Vssociatlon that the government had ilready appropriated 175,000,000 , on his highway, and that It would be no rouble to - secure thla amount each ear on the project." Each. county along he mute accepted will be called upon 'o pay ten per cent of the cost of con struction or tne nignway witnin its nor Several other persona present express- id their Views and their strong desire to hare the highway secured for Ca barrus county and Coucord, and much enthusiasm was manifest. A motion waa made and unanimous y passed that an organisation be per ecfert, and that the temporary aecre- ary solicit funds. - All those present vho desired to do so, were lnvitel to ive in their names as members, and o pay the fee 'of one dollar.! In hort time, forty-four had been. enroll- id, and the memtiershlp fees were turn ad into the secretary so rapidly that he was forced to call for time. The election of officers waa next tak en np, with the following elections President, O. L. Patterson ) vice pres ident. Dr. w. C, Houston; secretary, John G. Scherf ; treasurer, L D, Col trane, t A motion waa made and passed that he Board of County Commissioners recommend to- the psthflnders when hey reach Concord, one of the three , wles from tills city to Chariot's, C, LDNESDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1917, EEL LS FOR THE G "We J Shall - Bombard, Cer ma, y With Gmpound In terest,' "Lloyd George Is . Quoted As Saying. CAMPAIGN SOON TO BE LAUNCHED French Reprisals, Already Un 'erway, Were Continu- ed Last Night Seven Tons Of. Bombs Dropped. . ..V "' - UPt T A clal4 Prcaa.) "We ' shall bomfiard Germany with Compound Interest,'' Premier Lloyd George: la quoted In the Iindnn press, as declaring to a' IjoiiiIihi crowd ' In proulxiiig It that Great Britain would soou I,-, im-a reprisals Tor Ine many t'ennaS air raids on Rngland. - Tlie KreiK-h reprisals, already un der wily, were continued last night. French airmen dropped bombs on the town of Baden, some miles beyond the French frontier. More than sev en ton of bomlw were dropped also on pactum military objectives In (Jer- msn-hnd territory. -A long the French front the artillery duels ere vigorous at many points. Actlvitf was eHiieciully marked north of Verlinir here the French were ap pareurr preparing an attack to recov er a few trench elements' which the Crown (Prince's troops retained when the nuriu attacking force was thrown hack mM-th- of hill 1144 yeKterday. A German attempt to attack eact of Rheliml was broken up by the French artllleiy. ' Field Marshal Ilnigs dispatches from 'landers front hare again be come laeonle otlicially, the recent break "in their terseness and brevity having) been in the messages 'describ ing tlirt furious German counter which failed in break British hold on ground . I.. 1. . .. . won urn n-WK. .. Todav the British rommanier mere, ly reuerts the continuation of recip rocal aVtillery ac'ivities east of Ypres. Latestjidvieeg frou.- the front, howev er, iniicates that the British l)om bhrdmdnt is beins kept up with the srea' oat intensity, hundreds of me delusinif the (ierman post. ith high explosive shells and ering every approach .to Ger- ea bv their fires. iussian democratic congress ot Petrop-ad which the government has ant rw. sanlaed, .asan omcial body after adopting resolutions favoring a coali tion government, virtually reversetl It self by Voting the exclusion of the bonr- goise element of the- population: The head of the KornilotT revolution und the ciinstltutinnal democratic, party were especially insistent for exclusion. PROTRACTED WRANGLE ' OVER HEFLIN'S CHARGES That Certain Members of Cenrregg i s- Have Acted Suspiciously. , , (Br Th Associated Press.) .. h Washington, Oct. 3. Tlie. protracted wrangle over (he; charges lis-- Repre sentutivn Hellirt, of iAlnUnuia, that cer tain imemliers of CuUgress have.vactetl suspiciously" in the present war, flared upagnin in the House today when Rep resentative Mason, of Illinuis, made n speech contending that Heflin had in fercntially charged Mason with trea son and "linked him up with Einmu Gotdman." i i Representative Heflin requested the consent of the House for time to reply to. Mason's remarks and to name the men "he thought had. acted suspicious ly"' but objection was made by Repre sentative Gardner, of Texas, and the row for a time was brought to an end. j-The House evidently is sick of the row, and groaned when Heflin asked unanimous consent to reply to aiason, and applauded when Gardner objected. Despite the fact that lie nas opposed war, Mason now ueciarcu ne supports it-. He denied the charges of German Influence and denounced Herman au tocracy. ; ,;..,'-;:.;... .' ' ... BRYAN SPENDS HALF AN HOUR WITH THE PRESIDENT Said He Expected to Take Part in tlie ;: - Prohibition Campaigns, i - ' (By The Aaaaetate Pm.i Washincton. Oct. 3. Win. J. 'Brync spent-a half hour with v President Wilson today on what he nescnneji aa.,fl"iersouul visit: Mr. Bryan told tb President-Jie, jpxpecma ,Ut tak.e part this fall in the proliliutiou cam paigns in Iowa sud Ohio and in the antfrage compalgn in New lork. Air, Bryan also'talked to. Secretary Baker and Secretary Daniels. Further Sensational Rise in Cotton I By Th AsjMMrtata Praa pectlve short cotton crop etaolnoinin -New. York, tk't. 3. The country's prospective' short cotton crop - as in dicated by tne government cnuseu a further sensational rise in prkvs on cotton market here this morning. -J. Venesuela his - what is called dlvl-dli plant. - That must he .one of those fifty-tlfty grafts. I'bllaoeipniu Inquirer. . - local branch of , the' Association, will he named today by tlie President, and the aim of the organisation la to have is large a number of members as la possible. Membership can be held ny persons living In the county, aa well as In the city in fact, it la more to the advantage of farmers to belong to tne association. In-order to know what Is being done about this big highway, and where It is most likely to be lo cated. 1. '''': "-; i;-:'...;.' 'isV''' ' ITrxm motion, It was decideti that tne local branch of the Bankhead Highway Association meet every Tuesday even ing at 8 o'clock in the court house. On ly a few more weeks remain until the pathfinders .will lie passing" through Concord, and It is time that everything iii.i, ulile be done to secure a favorable Lnins are tiimr are efr man Ith The 3 ::u:;ityfa!rat KA!;"AP0LiS THE 6TH Next Saturday Will Be Ob served By the Cannon . Cabarrus Cotton Mills As A Big Holiday. GREAT DISPLAY WILL BE MADE Parade at 9:00 O'clock to Have 3,000 People In It. $10 For Best Float. Don't Miss It. The big Community Fair at Kan nn polls will lie beld next Katurday. Octolier . given by the Caunou aud ('a ha mis Mills, and a general holiday w(U lie observed. A great display will lie made In the big tent by the people of tlie community. The parade : will start promptly at IMS) o'clock a. ni and It is expected to hare .1000 in this parade. A $10 cash prlie wll he given for the best decorated Float, aud $3 for the best decorated Automobile. - A free pass - to the night enter tainment will be given to tlie em ployes of theroom who have the lar gest percentage In- the parade. The big tent will be opened to the public at 8 a. in. The parade will start promptly at 9 a. m. from the Y. M. C, A. . 10 o'clock Band Concert and Pat riotic Address by Rx-Congressinsn J. Britt of Asheville. Dinner from 12 to 1 o'clock. The Catoca Girls' Club will serve refresh ments on the grounds. 1 to 1 :.1U p. m. Band Concert. 1:80 to 2. Address to Mothers on The Care of the Baby." by Dr. J. P. Monroe of Charlotte. All mothers slionld bring their babies. 3 years old and under. - - 3 to 4 o'clock. Awarding of Prizes. 4 to 5:30, Lyceum Kntertalnmeiit. Music and Magic, hy the "Dletrlc's" Y. M. C. A. , ;' 7 a'clock night. Great War Pictures taken on the battle lines in France, At the Front With the Allies". In five reels, and 13th Episode of "Pearl of the Army.'' at Y M. C. A. . Lay aside your cares for one day, go out and get acquainted, and enjoy yourself. Prises wll be given for the liest of everything on display. The big tent will lie spread on the vaeanth lot -next to the X, M.. C. A. bullying. N. ;sr-54t.i Vi,-.,v INTER-MOUNTAIN t ' CASE IS REOPENED. For the Consideration of New Tariffs Proposed, iJtr Tke Aaasplalnl Pre.V Washington, Oct. 3. By an order of the Interstate Commerce Commis sion the celebrated , inter-mountain rate case was. today practically re opened for the consideration of new tariffs proposed by the railroads which would effect Increases ranging from 10 to 00 per cent ou about 70 per cent. o the present schedules. ; Hickory 1'rfea Impeachment ' of La ; r ollette. ' '. (SScial a The Trlbaar) Hickory. X. C- Oct. 3. The Hickory Chamber of Commerce last night pass ed resolution unanimously urging the impeachment of Senator La Follette, and urging Senators Overman and Sim mons to do their ntmost toward this end. ' . IS YOUR MORTGAGE DUE? o o ; ! Did yon reduce your loan last year? "Building and Loan" loans are reduced a small amount every week or month and doz ens oJ these small amounts will Acily, liquidate your debt.1 i: i i o : : O i Does yonr i' STRAIGHT" loan help yon to make progress T It probably costs yon mora than a "BUILDING and LOAN" loan would cost yon, bat neverthe- Imi Kjimim at Ka nA ikt aurv W year, as large as ever. The Building and Loan plan of HOME OWNING was origin ated for YOU AND EVERY GOOD CITIZEN. It enables any WAGE EARNER TO PAY FOR HIS HOME JUST as ha otherwise would pay rent. ; . s o ; u- if o i" The INTEREST Y0TJ PAY 13 i: o r i E o : t i per cent, amu inn riuv. ILEGES ARE MANY AND VALUABLE. COME IN TO. DAY AND TALK THE MAT. TER OVER WITH VS. 4TII .SERIES IS NOW - OPEN. r Ct!::rn:s Cc"::ly L 1 Office in Tha Concord National Bank. Price Fixe euuli afX.k0li ,.ntP' AT UIEMLVCHAM KONDAY Aftee a Te nnii Tee of Brtwea ft . tartl m TW TrtaaMri Hiraiingham. AU, Urt, 3. Mr. J. A. Rountree. Scrretary of the Hank, bead National Hitiev Aaauriaiioa arrived at ' headquarters Monday ajmiajf after a two, week's tour in aa automofile eeeortd bv eeamitteea from various towns between Atlanta end Washington inspecting the Sao proponed routes of the Bankhead Highway betceen those two cities. Secretary Kountree has traveled ner 144NJ miles, visited tMI odd towns and cities, delivered addresses in 4H towns, consulted with mayors, com. mil l res of Chamber of Commerce, An mobile and Oood Road clubs in re, KSrd to -the Bankhead Highway snd arranged details with then in regard to the olHeia) path finding party tha; a ill start from Washington en Orto. berKth to officially designate the bankhed Highway. . Secretary Rountree ia ouite uleaa. ed over bis preliminary inspection ot the Bankhead Hignwav and speaks in the moat glowing terms of the en. thuniasm and interest nanifested by tlie people along the route. He was many ' courtesies, being escorted bv sterial committees from city to city. Six banquets were given in his honor, besides being entertained by mayors snd leading citizens of different towns. Secretary Kountree will pro. reed to prepare a report of bis in spection and forward to Washington and will also commence to arrange details of the Pathfinding partv which will officially designate the bankhead Highway! " , The tentative plan is for the'nartv to leave the eapitol steps at Wash. ington on Tuesday mornin?, October, 30th at o'clock. Before departing is expected that President Wilson. Secretary of War Baker. Secretary of Agriculture,. Houston, will make short talks and extend messages of itoood wishes for the uecess of the l athfinding party which will con sist of two government ensnneerl. two distinguished citizens livintr east f Washington,' a 'representative of tle AtrerirAn V Automobile 'Associa tion. ex-ConsTressmAn T. S, Plowman, President And J. A. Kountree, Sec retary of the -.Bankhead National Hichway -Association.. As guests ot partv will lie . Senators Bankhead of Alabama. Martin of Virsina. Overman of North Carolina, . Smith of South ( arolina. Hoke lburnth of Ueonria, members of ConirreRs whose districts are traversed bv the Bankhead High way. There will also be in the party a number of road experts and newspaper- correspondents representing some of the leading metroplitan dail ies and magazines It will probably he the inost, distinguished partv of Pathfinders that '; ever, traversed a I'rooosed National Hichwav. 1 The Pathfinders will inspect the viinniH. t'lisniin. uinmyn rrearrt.-wi- hurjr, RirliBiond, Petersbnra; and Clarkesvflle. Virsina: Oxford, Hills, boro. Durham. Ralcisrh, - Henderson, flreenaboro, Hijfh Point. Lexinirton Concord. Spencer, Salisbiiry, Char b.tte. flastonia. North "Carolina; Spnrtanlnirq:, (Jaffneyi Greenville. Anderson, South Csrolina; Jlartwell. Rovster.. Athens, Winder. Lawrence, ville on to Atlanta. The Pathfinding pnrtv will stop at all these cities en route, make short speeches and be en. Vrtained at tuanv of these places with' banquets: and luncheons. ' After , tlie party . reaches Atlanta, thev will return ' to Greensboro, North Carolina, starting on an in spection trip of the Westm' route, hdr passes throiis-h Reidsville, Norh Cevolina; Danville." Monte Vis. ta. Lynchburg. Oak Ridee. Charlottes, ville Ornntr ntnepoer.- Msnswas, Alexandria, Virginia, on to Washing. ton, ' ALL LIGHTS TO BE DARKENED AT NIGHT German Military Authorities . Take This PreeautkM. : By The Aaaactotaa PmaaV Amsterdani.T Oct. 3. The German milltarv authorities have Issued or ders that . all lights In the city of Dnsseldorf and a great portion of, Mailings, running irom - pencer 10 Westphalia must be darkened at night. ! Oreenvllle, H C was killed today on accortllng to the Central Antelger. of l'np Greenville yards by a swl chlng r.iMon HlmflBi nrecfliitions SffnlnHr air raids are being taken at s other , - - - ,-- , r- - places In Western Germany, French Aviators Drop Bombs en Baden. . (Br The Aaaaelatct Prcaa.) Paris. Oct. 3. Continuing their re- prisals for the attacks of the German airmen on French cities, French avla- tors last night dropped bombs on the German town of Baden the war office announces.; '. , fv'sv Interest Qiffiric: In our Savings Department will begin October 1 All Deposits made before the ICth, bear inter i from the 1st , , '.;.- . . , : v - '. . '. , 4 . t ' ;; - . ' ; ' ri . ;'' -"Vrr ' ' .::'-''- Call at Bank and get particulars regarding C displayed in our window. - . j . .- "-'.--'';..-1-. -f.-.i-i v ..y"- :v'f- - CiTIZCiS 2!3 v . .... ".. ' v. V. , '.', CnAS. B. W0T.X President, M. la M.:....I..Vire rresiJent, NUMBER 1! Timer! OF (ML' On Shipments of Almost Ev erything to Sweden, Nor- way, Denmark and Neth erlands Tightens Cordon. INCLUDES ALL EXCEPT PRINTED MATTER This Coming Close on United States' Embargo is Slowly But Surely Killing Ger Germany's Military Power. 4Br Tha Aaaartataw fnaa. I Washington, Dct. 3. Great Britain'a new embargo ua shipments of practi cally everything to Kweden, Norway, Denmark and the Netherlands la re ran led here as the most Important move In tightening the cordon which slowly but surely ia killing the mili tary power of Germany. ' Conilug close ou the export embar go of the Culled State which is be ing administered to keep from the Eip ropean neutrals everything -that might supply the Central Powers, Great Britain's action is regarded aa one of the most important of the war. As the embargo excludes everything except printed matter, about the only thing that will be permitted to go to the German people by way of neutrals wilt be expressions of the world's opin ion that they should reorganise their system of government aud do-away with military autocracy. GERMANY HAS MADE NO PROPOSAL FOR SEPARATE PEACE Dr. Keuhlmann, German Foreign Sec retary, Makes This Announcement. ' (By Th Aaaartata FtMO Amsterdam, Oct. 8. Germany has made no proposals whatever for separ ate peace either to France or Great Britain. Dr. Keuhlmann, the German Foreign Secretary, makes this " an nouncement, according to an official statement received here today from Berlin in answering the speech made . hy (Jen. Verhovsky. the Russian min ister of war before the democratic Congress iu Petrograd. , -. Last -month's report was circulated In Russian that France and Great Brit ain had received offers from Germany to make peace at the expense of Rus sia. They became so insistent that the Rustuaa government obtained from France and Great Britain formal de nials that flie? woutiT male peacSVRh Germany to the detriment of Russia. - APPEAL TO SENATE TO " EXPEL SEN. LAFOLLETTE For Treasonable and Seditious Utter ances and For Dislopalty to Govern mmt. (Sly The Aaaaetataa rraaat Z Wausau, Wis., Oct. S. Senator La Follette's expulsion from the Senate for treasonable and seditious utter ances and disloyalty to our government was asked in an appeal to the United States Senate, sent iu telegrams last -night by W. B. Henneman, chairman of the executive committee of the Wis consin Republican State Central Com mittee to the President of the United States Senate, aud Senator Pomerene chairman of the Committee on'Privil- - eges and Elections. - ..' The telegrams are Identical, - and state that all the members of the com mittee concurred except two who had enlisted, and wose addresses were un known. ENGINEER STALLINGS KILLED. Was Struck By Switch Engine On the Greenville Yards Today. ( Special The Trlhaaw) Salisbury, Oct. 3. Engineer E. E. " - .'for the past eight or ten years. i . 1. $2.O06,0e0,M More to BcJrium. . (By Tha Aaaaelae4 Praa. r V!hhigton, Oct.- 8. The govern ment today advanced Belgium anoth- er two million iu addition to the re vious loans of . Ji00,000 afnontli for six months and a special lonn made some time ago of $4,900,000. .. . Smm ta -.it iin,naarr rfi, ID TGST CC:.. A. F. ( A n--:. ' - c ' ( (.? five, consliloratlon 1nii the route is sc- tit i ) 1 s 1 f t

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