cacaaoaBaoBn H K TODAT'I NEUI IDD1I " ' IIIIlIKlIIfll IE' I - - utfinr"-: j a 3 AJBLT BUMS CONCORD, N. C, SATURDAY, MAY) 25, 1918.! VOLL ..I. PriceFive Ccntt. r V - . NO. 213 ' V,: is'- ' 4; n THE RED CROSS FUD OlimpM More Than Two - and One Half Times the Minimum i Amount Set Out to So- cure. r;; REPORTS MADE: ' ; TODAY AT NOON Amid the. Greatest Enthusi asm" the" Final Reports Were Made. Calf. Sold :for'$i5omf:'-s:;vj: Cabarrus Comity, with an allotment of 110.000 on the Bed Craw fund, ha ' already- Passed the $20,000 mark, ac - eordttijir to reporta mada by the cm- - ssslh' teams at today's noon luncheon given 67 tbe ladle it the t, M. C. A. building.. -. - - Since, the -last report Which .Was ' given In at noon on Thursday, .tbe fot '. lowing wera the subscrf Ions secured during .the part two days by the varl ', om. teama, wbtcbtotal 111,000.02: - ; Ho. 1 .". -'w-f " 228.00 ' KL - ... - i- ,' M3 No.;8 v W34W " Na4..:iirtr. ' 6,8.11.96 ;Na.5..,J.. - .''. wa-8S :no. r....iv;.i...-s 1boo Na. v -, - .- mf ;' No. 0. - - . v' r" No, 10 - - u - . r , - . .241.75 " No. 11 -.; . 24855 Thla brings the grand total of alt , teama for the entire week's work up to 125,220.33. and the various teama have the following grand totals to their ere. " it! - , -' No. 1.'... . '.'' .... 12578.62 No. 3 ...... . No. 4 , . fc . . , , 1.678.60 1,018.93 7.!M2.6S Roi 5-i 2.886.05 . a a No. 2,018.50 No. 7 a s a 4 :-No. . No. 10 1.502.14 6.r0.75 189,25 .. '' j Np. If - 1,823.30 1 ? - The total of the alxwe amounts Is si, : vouly 12401.83. However one calf and i2--siila were : dstted. its. imm ..of jJie. . - iteotttf astaibscrlptlona, gnd these; were - auctioned off at tlW meeting it nooii today. From (he sai'of.the calf SIM i i - waa realized while the pig iterated 35 i r5. 'ja two and one-half dollar gold -piece ;-SiiiLln. anetkm Jiroueht the sum of $57.50 Besides this, tlie eleven teams plle 1 themselves for " . $485.00 - alutnons,i. fefei-Vwhl lirollght the grand tots) to $25, ' ' 220.33. Lottie of ; the subscription', 1 have not yef been turned in, and wjll V : be heard iroffi IllteV, 'W-zA- It MO PASS AROUND A .W PLEDGE CARDS TOMORROW yC'fnoiti Urged to p .fUav'MaV ZvWi-timttfnt Popular Canvass Moo Sii&h&t Atlailfs,? GA Ha 08,;-' Chapters v i hvM fit t.ii triedare afis tnroitsn- '6ut au'rtti 'ctnreyfttlolu BUnday, the ? yhiL and. it b& Uminf, tile 27th.. a r.. i nnhsii ennvafiij Of every " ..coinmniiity 1h tije ehapfers jurisdlc- tlon. with collection hootns erectea in re stores" and at strutctelcnl points, with ... -h TPt'lHtpm on street eitrners bear- ' W al-unin "pHSr hipfl finB for I Ked'Crofs period In personlfyiiig : high ldesta.' The Aihricjn Red Cross southern ; - division officii! is have wciarca Mon S day, May 2Cth ns Robert a Lee day g In th division. cr-if "$ Ui the ;Crayof the eunklssed South, As you m'Hit on .the fields of France, ; ; May the-splrlt of Ie be with you all ,'-As the-sons of tne omn Aavance. WICKERS WAMBOLDT, Division Campaign Director. 1 ;i?'::'r-.'1it,'1 THE $109,Ofl.C MARK. .Ci.Ft--'.vT.Tr. il L rtthntd Tlia. tlM AmoOlit Will 5vBe DouMeel Before Cle Drive Ends .;v:'"";';;-;-. t"r TU AsssslM-- totm.-' wVshlhsf-)'-'- Ma ' 2'Sv-Tlie' - Bed Li J -:6ss Wiir ftiiid todsy readied iud iMss. r.-A?-r...-ed-t-e $lOo'.0(IO,OOu miiiimhm total :.y- mark, and teiegrituii announcing sub--v5i J;, -i scrlntlons eonthiued to flow Into Na- i V 1 . tlonftl lieadnuarters st the Mte thai j-'i'y. swamped compilers.' The exact figures y" ,i could not"be retermlued by. the officers '. " . Who exnresa the hone that the funds er&i4 minimum would be doubled before- the ,-'- '; '; ' time end. , - , jt Irv ? ,?' 1 .-v. i -v - 'or Vf Vlrfims. . : ; . New York. May 25.--Cliurch ' lead : 'i': .i era of maiiy dcuomliiatloiis have Joined ;-!'' in an appeal for tbe observance tomor '."! row of a day of prayer lor the men, y :. .: ' who have fallen In the present war. . ' The form of service urffd Is that of the Lord's Supper -or loly Comniim 4011. " It. s . argued that jnen at the v.; P. -'front are most Impressea by this ser- .'- 'vice, and some tit In r wt hehed by Jf ' "It. oik! mny wed be the service Lfor the coni'"t t . er than the i.-u;.l I Ktmday, roth- u or (iratlou. lit t ef Ken r V,. :'' V r - fZf I'- ' V.'; ' 1 IIH'II li' t (HI t 'iY l.-.'pirtiin t ( 1 ? -..A i: t of th .(Via r "' tied ly t- '.y " 1. A soon as 11 can m prepHreo . veii. pl, it .wi.l be umde U V WAX BUfMAKT.' . Weather Changes far Wans and Rata ,- General aa War Freata, - ... (rttt t n i . . There haa beea no changes in the sltuatioa In the battlefields of north ern France. Both skies eontlniM their raiding operations with the Germane paying most attention to the line be en the itetnae and Albert Else. where on the front between Xpres and Rhelme the British and Wench patrols have captured art ers The weather haa changed for worse,- and ram is re ported In general an the Boo me and Picardy fronts. This Imposes addition al hard ships on the Germans who oc cupy shell torn lowlands, where the allies hold the high ground most of which is aascarred by war. If th Ger mane were not gs spared tc-attek when the weather was most favorable. U la likely tbey will essay a new offense opera (lot) wbllsi the rain and mod re tard their morewents, - American airmen now oatroi the sector northwest of f otfl, and a squad ron la acting aa the eyes fur tbe pro tection of the American troops m thla front Recent activity of Anwnean alrflmla the region of 8t ktlhiel waa carried, on by this squadron, which also la aided By other American avia tors. Two American ' machines have fallen, while at least six Germans nave been brought down by the Amer icans. The sector northwest of Tool now la all American. " ; ir ; THIKTEEN GERMAN SAILORS - AKE SENTENCED TO DEATH. Far Attempting- Treason fa Ceoneetiea With British Naval SaUl ea 8obeaa rine Bases. London- May" 25. Fishermen - re tortuig to port today brought reports that thirteen German sailors have been sentenced to death and two to imprisonment for twenty years, by German court martial for an attemp ted treason in connection with the re cent British naval rahls against the German submarine bases at Oaten d and Zeebrugge. These reports . are -based on Information said to have came from Bruges, Belgium, v - : AMERICAN AERIAL SQUADRON OPERATING IN TOUL SECTOR The Squadron la Flying fa Ntaqsart, : fusing MsehiMe. ." 4 v-s - By The AssMtalad FSssrt'f, With the American Army In France, Jiay 24 (By The Associated Press)-i- An AnJerlCan serial pursuir sqnaoron la now ontfatifur over the American iuui tiArthwexr Vrf timl. it Is uow permittra. to ' annoftnes. AUi, pilots whose air MpVrtt fcav Vseu received np to this Hme belOWg to this .80soV w, hlcltlw4iplaf tMSIgnl.r TBe. squadron, is flying ii Niellltert, chnS; ing, machines, y -f.'-ji c GERMAN ARTILLERY 1'"??$ if INCIWSINGLVACmF British Caviare NdntefsttS Prisoners to RaldTn0s4rallm vc i :-t--' (By Ths nett4 rVSMl ::- London, Jday 25. The Geltoll-r- tlllery aa Increasingly , active wsf night OH the west side 01 tne is sa lient In Flanders In the neighnnrhoo'.l of Strsseeie. the war ofl)ce anitounce.' todayV.Tfce district east of lthnne was agaid su(jeel to a gas bombard. mant Th Rririsn esinureu nuimToim prisoners and .two ntarlrtu onui -in the, raiding operations. tis. Parents to Notify Quarantine Office. '-JTsecveV-M anaii oe me uuiy u cry parent guardian, or householder. in the ffder namea, 10 wHiiy : tu county qttsttintlne officer of the name. address,- Hicmaing tne name t. i .iinni diff fer nt anv nersen In their fsmlly or nousenow aooui wnom w Lou...., . .1 . ,byslclnb b com , others hat were Jiey have reason to suspect 01 oemgj'" ... . compared with .mlrted with whooping cough, Beas- 0. (tinhthprla. scarlet fever, small pox Infantile paralysis, typhoid fever or other diseases' declared by the North Carolina State Board of ueaitn t db Infectious or contagious." '- - if - The State Board of Health at a meeting held on April 17, at Plnehurst, imwi resoluUon.-under authority of Chapter 263. - Section 8,. Public Laws. -1917;. declaring the "following named diseases also reportable, via: Measles (both Undej. v. Chicken pox. 7 4 m Septic sore Ihroat. " - ' Graham-NsaL Invitations as follows have been re ceived here s y . - Mrs. Katbenne no?i requests the honor of i your, presence at the marriage or ner uuubuivc Laura-OalWwajr ? ':i -.y"- jto . Ur. Hardin Cox Oraham ' on Tuesdsy the eleventh of.. June at two p'clock. ' -V dalloway Memorial Church ; C ' Elkln, florth Carolina, - fa Face Federal Conrt for Uapairtotle j "lain. '.- RaliHbury, May - 24. Commissioner Hnhanit hna Kent tWO men UP tO ItH ami court. ' One of then Was talking nnnstriotlcallr and was ssked to give a $1,000 bond which he did. Another mmiu anme verv uncomDuineniary mnrVi about the Bed Cross in tne presence of a committee which was nrlrliiff in tne lieu jross campaiKo Being unable to furnlHh a bopd .this man is being held in JnlL ieclal Session ef Cr" I'-Sf:. By Tk AaoselatcS Pw WuHhliii.'ton. Mar 25. A'.;U ,h con hna Krciared to pas 1? rev1 mm i,,i ! iiHiii.u before, adioun ent. afveiiml ( 1 Koii.l I ft Kiel t i t s cnlled r'"r ' t:at sn I to ..iil F t i tne f-'"' It. I. Gilmer of V t-'niey general, bns 1 c!h! sttmi' -V tu t i i ( : t ' " -a I L w r:Dcico;.::DCUBA SEVER RELATIOHS Mexican Charge de : Affairs at Havana, and Cuban Mio-1 Ister Have Been Recalled From TheirPosts. ; X DUE TO MEASURES , DICTATED BY CUBA I Who is Now at Warv-Cubah Minister Has Not Arrived in Mexica City, As He Was Only Recently Appointed bt 1 Mexico City, Friday, May 24. Mexi co haa 'Severed . diplomatic relatione with Cuba. Thla was learned officially lata today after a report that Mexican charge de affairs at Havana and the Cuban minister here had been recalled from their respective postsv had been confirmed at the foreign office. The recall of the Mexican represeir- tative to Cuba and the suspending for Indefinite time of sending of a new representative Is explained officially aa due to the fact that because of ttte war in which Cuba is involved, that government has been oblige to dictate that affect the interests 'or the Mexican government is many: In-1 stances - i. ' I For this reason. It is declared, thej making or representations that - tbe I Mexican representative wouw De roroea k. 1. ....1 liK.. I ZZ'Z? . ZrZlt "..Xt I la now in an afflicted situation. . ,- - The Cuban minister to Mexico. Dr. Eseaniel Garcta Ensenat, haa hot yet h. Moin cut h-vlnir heen annotated only recently. During inter val. Dr. Louis Santamarls Calvo -has been acting as charge. It has been re, ported recently that be would leave for Cuba on a vacation, and would, return with the new mininter. The Mexican charge at Havana .! Alberto C. .Franco. v - v -Washington Dfficials f uxxled. . j Washington, , Msy . 25. WasliWon officials were frankly' puzxied; : todir over circumstances- surrounding vMexr- co's -Reported break - In relation" .with frflKrS, , ,rr LrrnSLtand8 today In, France, .officers here Cubs.-The Stated Dedartnnt Jearned I . that -the GerinanposIUoii throutlr-its own smrces of !amrtkr wks1rWVair recall 6f her charge de affairs: at' Ha vana.' but had no details. ' , 7 :r- r There was little explanation here ou the reasons prompting the Mexican tnnve. and It wss not clear to officials Just what Mexic hopes to accomplish. COLORED MAN GIVES v:;v:i $54.09 JOJTHE RED CROSS Aa losfanMhi This County Which De- sWves Special Mention, w The Bed Cross drive is about at an end, and everybody has given nobly, to the support of, this great cause. Many of the contributions hi : this county have been large, and these helped to swell the total to well beyond the; ap portionment made for this county. For their handsome. contributions - many Anarva medal, mention and thanks. but their gifts were not made in order to draw attention, but for the good that thd range will accomplish. However, titer is one instance which we cannot pass without making special mention in these columns the dona tion of a colored cltiaen of oar county. tTiua itramMon This donation, although- not as-iaw the means at the disposal of this citl wn. and "would make the contribution of some of the wealthier wniie cuici" of tbis community pale into inslgnlfl in onmiwrlaon. We refer to a voluntary contribution of $50 to thelpioyment by the supreme commander, hv Rhen Harris, oi no. x iwwu - V u.n J . . . . ahln who lives on rouie ' uu Newells.:'-;v ? -'-S'M . - 's Funeral tf Mrs. F. A. Awhllaw.i .. n.i ,rii over the remains lis - - -: ..... of Mrs. F. A. ArchlbalU was npiu th home this morning at-11. a chick, conducted by her pastor, Iter. I)r J. W . rsrler. assist ea oy irv. Smith. -The aiany beautiful floral of ferings which- covered, the bier and filled the room; were silent evidences of the love and esteem In which this good woman was new ny su wuu her. After the impressive service at the home the boay vwas tarn i" ' In the family burying grounu kv. vhk wood cemetery. the pallbearers i - r W a. Bingnsm, o. ." W. Morris, B. K Black, C; W. Swlnk, J.. p. Goodman. , ".',. s "Death ef Mrs. C. 8. Miller. ' - if r. rl s. Miller, of Ann street,' died m,,,,! nieht st the Concord Hos- pltal, as the result oi rupture oia oioou vessel. She had recently unuergiue . nnontinn for anneiidlcltls. and ler condition had so greatly improved that she was' preparing to return yi uw home; when the end came tnost- uncx pectetW; her death occurring ? only about hall aa noar ( vessel burst.. ' Mra. Miller, who was anout so ye:ir of age. Is survived by her hnsbaiHl, four sons and two uaugnters. xne mu eral will be conducted this afternoon from the rarest Hill uctnoaisi vuurcn bv Bev. B. M. Tsytor, ana tne iuiui n'nt will take place at Otikwood m- e.,ry.-'; I. , ." r.a Cross c"J Broticht $:o,s2.;- ,r iil1 rs among tbe three thonw nd ns alio attended the auction lie f t A ' n (iuernacy t attm ; no Mgo. gave ,; J tr ! will be tnr!:' I 0,'e1' u L TO DOUBLE AdlERlCWl FORCES 1 FRAIICE By. Midsurnmer,the Number ; That Secretary Baker An- nounced as Having Sent Abroad. I , Been 500,000 SOLDIERS ALREMjY THERE And ByrEnd df'1918 They Will Be ThreeTimes Laxg- er, Is Statement Issued to French Soldiers. k ' . (By Thai Aasatat Ficaa) - Paris. Friday, May 24. The Ameri. can forces In France; will be doubted by midsummer, the number that Secre tary of War Bakes-recently announced as having been sent here, and by the, end of 1918 theyi win be three time lareer. said Andre Tardleu, Frencb high commissioner... In1 a statement is sued to. the French ieople on his ar rival from the United- States today. Secretary Baker Announced on May 67 that more . than- 500,000 American soldiers already have been sent to France. ' " f". . '. WASHINGTON ABSOLUTELY t CONFIDENT OF THE OUTCOME ' ; Gernuvi Position - Fa Weaker Than Wbeit March Drive Was Launched. Washington. ifay( 24. Renewal of the German drive in France, indicated by Zmt imm neut, flndsAmerlcan m"ry opinion here, absolntelj- confident of the outcome. There is not a doubt in the minds of' high officers familiar with the situation that the enemy will be reoelled with losses and the of fensive power of Germany finally broken. : - There are those who believe that the end of the war may come this year as a result Others, however,; foresee a long defensive struggle ly the. German army while efforts to .secure peace on the best possible term's are; made, by the Berlin dlDlomats; In assessing 'the-Situation Z as it TffasJ when the drive was utunclie(ktu March. Their lines are "now. shaped so that there is constant danger, of flank at tacit fronv'several points that might mean dlseaster. To guard those points a mole reserves must be held, .whatever the call, for more men may be . made from-the. front attack, f. , - Belbre the German army stands force that has been largely rehabilitat ed since the shock of tbe drive fell up on the British and French fronts and bent them, back byweight of numbers. Losses in men and material have been made good. IThe armies are keyed to a high pitch Of enthusiasm. : r American- man power, sufficient to replace by far the larger portion of the losses of the British and the British and French in the bitter flght ing'jrhich ' stopped ' the first Germaii rush, has been carried -to tbe fighting tones, supplementing tne consiueraoie American force which already was In France., Except for the finer points of trenclt warfare, the iew American units are' ready for the .battle.;-Tbey are recorded as fully prepared for the form of action in which they will be . In additJou many thousands of train. ed Italian -troops have reached ; the front in France.- Tbey came without equipment beyond their uniforms, -it is understood, but have now been' fully supplied, and are available tor em 1 uenerai rocn. - I . ,. - , 1 V.. . i - iz is reitBnieu an mvuavns, w buiu lP the man power situation, that the 1 effective ngntmg screngin ox mwj, aiues I and thfe- Americans in France i today I shows a considerable net gain - over M .i . .v. n . aiiuarcu a, hmu iuo smwuuM uhu 1 was weauu. v ; i v MAY OUTPUT OF SHIPS: a --.,.. MAY BE WORLD '. RECORD Steel Vessels Completed Thua Far Ex eeed the' Number In Any. Previous : Month. -i i ' 1 ' : , 5.-A f; - Washington, May 54. Steel V shiin completed thus far in May exceed thu Tim' following wereiootP11 of any previous month in the: output, up to and including May 23, Was 29 vessels, of 174,601 tons. Four, steel steamships; totaling 2800 tons. were delivered yesterday. - , : With the showing of the first three weeks, officials believe that tbe output for the month, together with tbe ships, built in the yards of tbe allies, again I wl MCeed tne tonnage lost In the race with the submarines, lu begins to appear that tbe lead taken by the allies In April, as revealed in Pre mier Llody George's speech of today at Edinburgh is certain to be maintained and Increased from now on. Only somo unforeseen and disastrous interruption of work can retard tbe output of hulls. Workmen in the American yards a re I giving their best efforts and leading thej world lu work done. Shortage of ma-J terlal is Doing overcome. lck tu en-; tines ami boilers apparently will be remedied by the survey of manufacture Ing resources being made at Chicago. -- It Is hoped also that the American output of ships In Itfsy will set a new worlds record. Of the 29 vessels de livered, ready for sea, 24 had been niilNitloned on tbe stocks and.ftva w.ire built on contract. The average daily output tf computed snips hsaa been T,W1 tops, . - .,.-.--, j..-d'.J'Ll,: UsLuiilJLlillLI L i ' ' ' 1 " z.,.-! GEM EFFORTS JO - FOIHT REVOLUTION - ' ' ( In Ireland, With Aid of Sinn Fein, Are Laid- Bare Were Blocked By; America Entering War. i UPRISING PLANNED t FOR THIS YEAR i ; . ' After German Offensive ' in West Was Successful, and When .Great Britain would Be Stripped of iTroops. j r (By Tb a swlated rswsV London, May 25. Germany's untir ing efforts to f saKnt revolution hi Ire land with tbe: aid of the Sun Fein are laid bare in a statement from the affi- ctal press bureaa, reviewing this phase of Irish political situation,' since the I beginning of the war.' After tbe alwrtlre rebellion of Eas ter week, 191(fr plans were made for a- remote one In 1917, but this miscar ried because of-America's entry Into the war, and Germany a - Inability to- send taroops to Ireland. Uprising In Ireland waa planned for this year af ter the German offensive in the west had been unsuccessful, and when Great Britain presumably would be stripped of troops. -, Concerning recent arrests In Ireland, tbe statement says that facts snd docu-l nts for obvious reasons cannot be disclosed at this time. . nor can means of communication between German and: Ireland. . . s r. One phase of the plan called for the establishment of the submarine base in Ireland. In the' presence circum stances, it is added, no other coarse was open to the government "If ustuess bloodshed was to be avoided, and Un ties to tbe allies fulfilled, but -to in tern the authors and . abettors of, this criminal Intrigue." . ' . ... - . .1 CASUALTY LIST TODAY ' CONTAINS 23 NAMES. Four Killed in Action; Four Died ef 5 Wounds, Four Severely Wounded, ','' Four Slightly Wounded. ( , - (Br Th AwSlM riMW) ; , . ' srmv cas. - writVMet today eeutelnasViiSMaaKti uivuiea as imiowsr v . v ,.j. j Killed la action 4; died of wounds! 4 ; died of , disease a ; wounded sever lyj 4 ; wounded slightly 8., 0 The lit Includes: . . Wounded! severely : ' , Privates Charlie MeCury, of Candler, N. C and. Zeh V, Pleanmons,-540 W. Haywood afreet, Asheville N. C, Stores fa Oose Thuraday, May 30th. V By tbe proclamaUon of the President of the United States, neat Thursday, May 30th, haa been set aside as a day of prayer and fasting for the success of the Allied : cause. In accordance with the full spirit of this movement, the stores) of the down town district of this city have agreed to close their places of, business for the whole day. The drug stores will observe the usual Sunday hours, which are as follows: Will be open from 8 to 10:30 a.m., and from 3 to 0 a. in. The restaurants ana cafes will be qtosed from 8 to 11 a. m.. and from 1 to 0 a. nt. The garages will be closed frond 10 a. au, to 5 p. m. The meat markets! will observe the usual Sunday hours. - - - j Inasmuch as! the factories consider it a patriotic duty to run on that day, being so erowaea witn government or ders, the stores! hi the factory districts will be closed 'only from 11 a. m. to 5 n. m. i - ' -, The, hearty co-operation oi tne gen eral nnhlle is reanested. i -' -. B. E. KARRIS Secretary Merchants association. . -, ;. Xi'cf-;.:: Take Ptoison Befert Being- Led to -i.ii in, Dallas. Dallas Texas, May 24. Leonard Dodd and Walter 8-; Stevenson were hanged In) the county Uati yard at noon today for; their assault on a - young woman in June, 1017.;' Dodd, in a final effort tor defeat the 'hangman, took poison during religious services held fur, tbe 'condemned men.: He was dis covered and pronfpt action or ijhyst clans prolonged his life until be! paid the penalty of his crime; - - 1 Reduction af Ten Cents a Tea In Price Washington. May . 24. A reduction of ten cents a ton in government-fixed nrlces for bituminous coal was-1 an nonnced touignt -oy tne ruei aumiuis- tratlon, as a result of the agreement under which the .railroads will pay the fixed price for coal and .'abandon tbe practice of giving preferential car service to mines 'furnishing; railroad fuel. ,i"A.Vi. ;-:' ;'? : ''- "i T. C. Linn, Jr.. 8sJIbury Gaea te New York Times,,- Salisbury, May 24, Tom; O. ; Unn, Jr.. of thla city, wno nas just niusnca a course -in journalism at' Columbia university, going to that institution after graduating irom ine wonn (Caro lina university,, baa taken op his new work.- Mr,: Linn . won v hM. position throua a competlve examination, -the Times each year taking tna first tnaii out of the class. - ' At The Theatrea. "Coyotes of the Desert." the tenth episode of "The Bull's Eye.' at tbe New Pastime 'today. Also ' Charlie re - H Cbanlln In "Charlie's Hard, Ludt." . Wm.- 8. Bart as "The Two-Gu i Msn" in big sU reel feature. Tbe Bargain," , at the New piedmont; to- THE ELECTION OF MOOSE '. . OFF1CXKS LAST NIGHT Abeea Fsrty CaodkbUea Aitte4 lata the Mysteries ef the Order. Concord Lodge of the Loyal Order of Moose became a reality at the meet ing last night la the armory asM. whea It waa duly Instituted,' and efflcera were elected for the t""'ag year. About forty candidates were pres ent to be initiated, and ware admit ted Into tbe mysteries ef the order by the temporary officers la charge, as sisted by J. 8. Adeoek, district super visor. " Following the initiation, tbe elec tion of officers waa held: with the fol lowing mulls : Dictator, A. B. Palmer; vice dicta tor, ' 1. Walter Darnell! past dicta tor, Texas A. B. Ritchie; prelate, a W. Preslar; secretary Car one year, B, F. Litaker; treasured A. T. Good man ; trnstees for one year. John Pox, ! L. D. Coltrsne. W. B. Moorhead. A. B. Palmer, J. W: Darnell, E. O. Sber-j rill and Texas A. B, Ritchie were constituted the committee on building I Tne censor committee is composed of a S. Ritchie and J. O. Moose. The appointive officers and tbe stand ing committees for this year will be named by the dictator at the next reg ular meeting of the lodge. At the meeting last night It was an nounced that beginning with today I the local Lodge was holding a campaign week, tbe purpose of which is to se cure 1,000 members for Concord Lodge. White badges were distributed to .the members present last night, snd are being worn by the local Moose for this coming week. All tbe members are working to have a large class present to be initiated at the meeting next. Friday night. : , Arrangements have been made for the local lodge to meet temporarily , In the armory hail, and the meetings will be held each Friday evening at 8:30 o'clock In the armory halt Next Fri day stations- will be arranged, a de gree team will be selected, and, regu lar drill and team work will be begun. WEEK OF PRAYER TO BE , OBSERVED AT KANAPOUS ' w: i " - i Services to Be Held Every 'Day In the Mills at 12.45 Beginning, Monday. , .The Ministerial Association of Kan- napoliS met at the T. M.C. A. yesterday.- afternoon to arrange for the ob servance of the day of ; fasting and prayer next Thursday. . Eighteen meetings will be-held each day with the ministers and laymen In charge,' with a view to encourage, the people to prayer. These meetings will be held in the different departments of the mills at the noon hour , at 12.45 Thursday there wlH be a union pray- e -rservlce at the Methodist -Chtirch at -tfrfdOh.'r5 Mijicr3-!'''v . QChe following -IB the programme Isl the week with those' in-charge: l Rev. G. W. Vlck and assistants.' at the office, spinning room No, 1, and weave room- No. 1. '', Itev.. W. M. Hunter and assistants at the Cabarrus mill. ; . rltev, J. F. Black and assistants at the No. 2 mill and No.-l, card, room'. Rev, Neil Mclnnis and aseistants at cutting room,, finishing room aad sew ing room. - ' Kev. u. H. (J. farK at no. s weave room. No. 3 card and . spinning and No. 4 card and spinning. . H. W, Owen and assistants No. 4 weave room, No. 5 card and 'spinning ana no. o weave room. . . MUST GIVE GOOD EXCUSE OR GO INTO WAR SERVICE '- - All of Draft Age Will Be Called From These-Jobs to tbe V. S.'Army. 1 After July 1 all persons ot draft age engaged In the following occupations, which are held by Pro vost Marshal General Crowder to be tyonusefal, must furnish a satisfactory explanation or "be Inducted into tbe military aeiwtce of the United States:"; ? ' Persons engaged in the setvwe of food ana unnk' or either,' ta public places, including noteia an tel clubs Passenser, elevator oaerators snd st. tendants, doormen,, tootiaen, and other attendants of clubs, hotels, stores and apartment houses, ettce buildings, and bath -bouses. , f' ; , . i; r Persons, lncludh)j ushers and other attendants engaged and occupied In connection .with games, sports and amusements, ejtcept actual performers In legitimate, concerts, operas, or tbe atrical perfrirmances. Persona employed in domestic serv- lu ..... . . . ,.! . Sales clerks ami other clerks employ ed in stores and other, mercantile es tablishments. : - The,: list may be further extended, THE COTTON MARKET. 1. apd,,. Openings-Market Quickly Firmed JJa, However. . (By The Aaasulaiil rrssal New York, May 25. The cotton mar ket 'was Irregular at opening, the first prices being 20 points ; higher, to 8 points tower. . Near months were rel atively ' firm, while there .was. selling of lntvr deliveries, owing to favorable weather, bearish weekly crop reviews, and the. bearish week end figures. The saarket quickly firmed up. however. with July and October advancing be fore tbe end of the first hour about 40 to 45 points net higher. Cotton futures opened steady.- Juty. 23.U0; October, -23.00; December, 22.- 85; January. 22.70; March, 22.72- Cotton closed firm. July:. 24.45 : Oc tober, 23.42;- December, ,23.34; - Jan uary, 23.24 ; March. 23.24, . Negra Eleetracuted at Raleigh, (By The AsMclatsa Prwia) , Balelgh, May 25-Heibert Terry, negro, convicted In GranviUe county on a charge of criminal assault upon a young white woman, was electrocuted at the state prison Here tIJs morning. x Ten- minutes before; his execution ;as to have tskeu Pisco today. Gov- rnor-Bltkftt eonimui'Kl to llfo lm- in!(imi t,f th deat'i illiM"a nf Iiar- ner, iho a nctr iiyimm y 1 1 1 i il(.. J OF THE TROOP Sill? With tkt Exception of the S3 American Soldiers All on Board the Moldavia Were Saved. . ,- -' 1 " -: : l ALL THE TROOPS ' v WERE SLEEPING The Men Assembled on Deck in Perfect Order. As the' Ship Sank the Survivors Gave Three Cheers. , V rmr tm Amt ri . Lsndon. Msy 25. With tbe excep tion of 03 American soldiers, all tbe nersons ou board the British troop ship Moldavia which waa torpedoed and sunk Thursday morning were saved, and have been landed at a southern British port. No officers nam ed are among the list of missing, and it contains names of only two non commissioned officers. - , - . Cantaln Johnson, an American omcer. Who waa on board tbe Moldavia,, gave the DaUy Telegraph representative this account of tbe sinking: ' : . , -. "The ship was struck Just lorwaro. of the engine on tbe port side. AU troops were In there bunas Sleeping . In uniforms. There was a loud explo- . slon and then the ship's whistle was blown which was the signal for every body to come on deck. The men had , been assigned to particular boats, and boat drill had been held every oay. The men assembled In perfect order. Descipline was splendid, the best I ever saw" ,-' " ' . -.:' ; "The Moldavia listed to porfcbtrt righted self and ran on about fifteen minutes to avoid being hit again. The she began to sink rapidly. Order were given to lower boats and tafts and wo gOt Oft. ':" '''' .,. -- "Destroyers bad been circling around us an-the time, and as soon as the Moldavia was struck they dropped several,' depth charges. No second tor pedo was fired, and. we saw nothing of the ,faubmarine We remained to the lifeboats until the ship sank, when we . ... were taken on board the destroyera. ""As eoon. as the men got aboard the boats aad rafts they began laugh- : 1ng atmrtnav-and when the sh'P sanw-.-WV thu" heai' "L; J "Of the 54 I50T1 Jessing, iww- w.j corporals and the .others privares. x believe all were kilted by the explo- , sion." ' . . ' V t - Two of the Mlssuig men. Waahtaeton. Tvlav 25. The War De- partmentteftay gave out names of mem bers- of va. XtJowu u. o. iBimui. - dMsloa. missing from tne lorpeuuw. merchimt ateamer Moldavia.. . . -.'"The list Includes the nsme of Clyde K Undsey. of Clarksburg, Miss, and BVank Odell, of BlythevUle. Ark. x,i. o.n ... nrtvntea. The Molda- via carried 480 American soldiers, ot the 58th Infantry. Aiireporwd wi, longed to Company B. THE JOHNSON .TRIAL. , r The Doctor Says e;d Not diva , Hh Wife Palsan. (Br a Aaaseiats P ' iini,.A Va Mav 25. When the trial 'oi Dr. Lemuel J. Johnson, charg ed 'Wi wife murder, was resumed in this Busang's Court this morning, iuo defendant, wha.begaa testifying yes terday in his awn behalf , looked some- what fatigue, ana am to btou buoyant as when he began the narra tion of his life-story. ? .' Johnson heard a series oi aeuww today in' regard to the alleged purch ase and disposition of-poison by him. He was cautious in refuting certain testimony about visits to urug sw and buying certain poisons. , - . ; "I did not give my wife any pol&ro on the night of December. TO, or any other, night.! said ; tne oeienuuui shortly - after he resumed the stand. .Johnson told tne -jury mav ueiev tlve John F. Wiley kept after him to tell where he bought the "poison tliut killed Mrs. Johnson.' He said, he had never - purchased poison from, any ona except a weak liquid solution to be used in cleaning deutal instrument The poison that killed Mrs. Johnsou was In powoereq torm in - ' Costa Rlea Dedarea ari ; sta limn Del Sur.- Nicaragua, M y 24 The government of Costa Bica bos declared war on the centsal powers, according to advices received here. P. A. P. CAMPAIGN . WEEK. -L.0.0. It BOOST-, ; F0U :f . -'i f f - as:: Tin I; I 6 f A t t - Hi c: i t flay, Also a two reel feature. vlfc-ted In Nortnuniiifoi is:iuny (f be r--: ;ort at 4 i i evert P I. A' f f s J 0 avnool was a m)' itr f pmu (i!iin, ' IhT. AlMHt H Cm I I 'V,t 1, I M i f'.Jl-liiirV . sl.lo! i. r iiWlllft I'lOl 1, 1 UVI' K'.'v.