I GOIiCOSD rt i u ' VOLUME XV1IL "Concord, n. c Tuesday, june 11. 191s. Price Five Cents. NO. 227. x b. f"rr.-nx. rd s4 mnish r n c i ra I l I U La i. .mm! MM'. U i- U La U Li U -; lay of the . HEWS TODAY II Germans Seem'To Be Mov ing Steadily in Spite of the . Most Frightful Losses In . flicted.on Them. GREATEST. ADVANCE r ' IS AT VIGNEMONT Present Operations Consti- . tuted Serious Blow at the Allied Lines From the Oise totheMarne. . THANKS FROM ltTH F. A, , BAND, SENT FROM FRANCE Bxproaa Front Over There Thsak to Tht People of C teed d Km- (By The AaaartafJj Picas.) . . (Moving with steadiness In spite of I the frightful losses Inflicted on them, ' - the German- In planges on the line from Noyon to Montdidler, continue to gain here and there in the center of .' the line where the greatest efforts - have been exerted, and where the - French resistance might have been ex v pected to have been the most stub born. The enemy's greatest advance Is at Glgnemont, six miles from the line as it stood last Saturday. : The French have launched counter attacks on the left of their line, which mar be an Indication that they have reached the front where they will make their final stand,' This line seems to be along the Aroudex river, a small stream flowing west and north ' west from tbeOlse, and roughly paral leling the Hue of the advance. , The Germans according to the ofll- qui) statement Issued by the French war office, reached the "vicinity" of this stream. This marked the finish of their advance, however, as. the French Immediately attacked and drove - the enemy back to- a line - passing through Belloy., south tf Bt. - Maur, south of Marqiiegllse and Vandeilcourt The village of Mery west of Belloy was ..retaken., by. the:, French Monday night. . This Dart of the battle-front, how ever, apparently is nit most menacing ' to the trench.: It is further oast that the Hermans seem to be making their ' jinost telling gains. Here,' along . tl . right bank of the Olse, they have reach . eil Antoval, a village which lies on a ; crest of hills above the important town -..-'of Itiltccourtj lying on the . tow flat iaml vwt-ot thaWse.'ThfrFfsnclriKl mil that, their -lilies have resisted to the west and south f'Tlbeconrt-have lieeu withdrawn inveonneanence.-- . This movement has not .resulted a yet according to reports, In wfthdrawal ' of the' French lines oast of the - Olsc from Ourseuuip' and -Curlepoiit. forest, ..the strong positions from which the ' - - French defended their positions In the e.irller attempts of the Germans ta - crow the "Ok south of f omnlzny, ' The battle in the new area constd ered as having entered its critical stage ... as In the Soinme, Flanders and Aisne combats, the third or fourth days, of thte offensive were most menacing to the allies." It now .seems certulusthe - present operation . constitutes a very ! serious blow at;the,aUled lines from the Oise to the Marnc, as well, a i threatening the level country behind the present ; -battle-- Hues. .Before $nii " can be reaeheiU- hawever. the German! t mar encounter evenrneater reslstnnci " ... than they have (Overcome dnee their unVimtveiimran. '. The onlv other operatloit f stgiiifl -.-, ranee' rcoorted was carried out .by the Australians on the British front st Morlancoiut ease of Amiens. Here vtho Iirltlnh advsnwd to - a dentil of half mult over a front if n mllo and ' a hstf. Mirn hu'OO prisoners ivere captured by the British,, . - . ' ,v - N - The Tribune this morning received the following, which It gladly publish- . "Over- Here." , To The People of Concord and Ean . napolls: - '. . Upon our safe arrival over here, we wish to express our gratitude for the hospitality shown us during our brief visits to Concord and Kannapolla, N. 0. Thanks are also due you for the success attending our concerts played la' your cities daring the month - of March. ... . On our - trip ' across our thoughts often drifted back to you people; this was evidenced by the fact that the conversation on the entire trip con sisted, to a great extent, of a review of our good ; times spent with . you. These memories, will, we are sure, carry us v through many trying hours on this side. It Is 'the fact- that a man knows he is. fighting for a just cause and noble people that makes him unbeatable. ' Of our trip across we can tell yon but little, owing to the strict eensor- shln. 'but when the jRlouds of battle have cleared and ma Is. allowed once more to take his way in peace, we can ensure you that your hospitality will again be put to the tests At that rime we will no doubt have much to tell yon. DntU that i time we will strive, with every ounce of energy to do our bit: continue to hope, for the best and keen a fond memory of our friends "back there.". ' - Hoping yonr cities meet with great success and prosperity during the years to come, we beg to remain; Htncereiy xours,--' ' - 16TH F. A. BANP, t American Exp, Forces. The German Drive Between Montdidier and Noyon Continued Unremittingly Last Night " . . - V. 8. MARINES GET ONE OF -" THE FIGHTING CALD WELLS FREIiCH RECAPTURE iEMGEOFflY GERMAN. EFFORT - . AGAINST CENTER French Re-Establish Their Line South of Belloy and St. Maur South' of Mar- queglise and Vandolicourt. 1 . -; mtm (Br Tk AsssristM rimV Paris, June 11. The German drive between Montdidier and Noyon con tinned unremittingly last night, says today's official' report On their left the French offered affective resist ance. They recaptnrea the village oi Mory. " The principal German effort was asalnst the center. Attacking with heavy .forces the enemy drove back French as far aa'region of Arondo riv er, but by .brilliant counter attack the French - hurled back the enemy ' an along the front, and . re-established, their line south of Belloy and Bt. Manr south of Marnuegllse and Vandolicourt On the right the French engaged in violent combats with large forces con centrated by the enemy, who was able to win ground. The French withdrew their line to the west and south of Rlbecourt James M. Caldwell Joins Undo Sam's Scrappy "Soldiers of the Sen." ' (Special to ,The Tribune.) Richmond. Va- June 8. A service flan with three stars may now proud ly wave at .the residence of Mr. and Mrs M H. Caldwell, of Concord, N. First Lieutenant Morrison B. Cald well, Jr., their eldest son, is a mem ber of Uncle Bern's flying corps; Lieu tenant Kenneth Earaes Caldwell, of the regular army, already J is over there facliur the Huns, and few days ago the youngest son James McCorklej Caldwell,, enlisted in the -united niaies Marines, which In view or recent, ac tUltlps on the' western front, 'are -log :aasd. the'-Hnn-KUUnr Mkrinek. He enlisted at the Charlotts i recruit ing station. ; ( 'V.4 The young Marine comes rrom a- long line of fighting ancestors. The Caldwells. Morrisons and McCorkles, his forbesrs. were among the first ' of the famous 8cotch-Iriah settlers of Ute Carolina and have played a con suIcuouh Dart In the natloU's military nrd civil siralrs. 1 He Is a direct de- nd9nt of tlie v hlstor c ' Cabarrus Black Boys and ft sou of the American revolution. His father . is a well known attorney of Concord and. his mother Is a leader In the religious ana war work, activities of the community, PASSENGER RATES INCREASED BRITISIIADVANCE THEIR :.; v LINE HALF A MILE South of Mallnfourt oir a Front of a 5Ule And nTlalf. (By Ths Asteelatea rmckV ; London. June 11. The British last nieht carried out an oneratlon in the region ast of Amiens, by which their l ucjioutb of Morlancourt was advane- a half, the war office announces today Two hundred and thirty-three prison ers were taken.. n , :., ,- PRESIDENTS ADDRESS TO MEXICAN EDITORS : Will Be Regarded as One of His Most Iicportant Ut-i terances."' . GERHSUBI1IIE AHJiCnE RESOLUTIONS Passe4 By the Concert M. ' i ibraiT A.MrfmdL Jm 1ft. 11 Blw Whereas : There . Is evideur of drunkenness and illegal liquor selling In Cabarrus county, A. C sua -pedally in and around Concord, with their attendant evils; ami Whereas: The soldiers from Camp ninn Truiiinn n inn British Steamship from Eu- Greene about twenty-five miles away, I . . I are often found nu(kr Um Influence of rODe bunday Morning rir-l Uquor, bemg driven out of other pUTJs ed a Single Shot at the Sub- this eviu especiauy chaxiottt; there- marine 150 Yards Away. Resolved: By the Ministerial As- i social um, iuu witcn tuai wc ifiamvc Putting Forth Every Effort to That ' End, Throwing Division After Division In to the Melting Pot - ' Wsshueton, June 1L President Wilson's address here last Friday to a party of Mexican newspaper editors I is expected to be recognised as one of I bis must Important utterances. It dealt almost wholly with pan-Americanism I by agreement among the pan-Americans I -" - ' I . . K M...M n . m . ty to send back to the Mexican people SAIL) 1 MA 1 . through 90 newspaper editors a mes-I .-. vNvlreltet ,or tne protection of our young sage to emphasise the disinterested-1 HIT W AS MADb people, and especlaUy In behalf of our ness of the United mates in ail its I . I soldier boys. part of the fight for world democracy. I . . The above was signed by a numner i c . , orj c - t tft , m The address was ptiutefl in Mexico I WO UeStrOVerS Accompany-1 of ministers and uymen ana otuers i w.uvwv ...... . . . , , I l. .1 I " 1 . . . I i. I . V.1. . .1 . 1 . n namA I . . uuy yesrerusy morunin. iuu ii wb iuc i t , wwa ui nipi iu ntiumiu"" Intention of officials here today not ioi mg- ine Oieamcr uroppcu until the others sign. I irtviaTVDIir. A this matter before tne leacrai aumon-1 . lrvcr. rv a Oir ties, and demand an Investigation and IMUCU Oi n NUMBER OF TANKS aive It out for publication In Ameri can newspapers, but to let It come back here from Mexico. This decision, however, was reversed. snd the whole text was given out by the committee on public Information. sThe most important portions were cabled to the United States from Ha vana. MINISTERIAL ASSOCIATION Depth Bombs Where Sub marine Had Disappeared. (By The AaaeeiatceV Press.) An Atlantic Port. June 1L A Ger man submarine was attacked and ap parently sunk by a British steamer s week bito Sunday morning off the British coast according to pas sengers on -the vessel, which arrived I manufacture and sale of liquors. A e... nr.. win tui Thai Rule of nere today. A United States army of-f year or more ago the bureaus of ln Bays nar vtiu jeacu I fl hn MW th(, .inci. hot fired it umd rniu illamntlnned the nrac- Force Must He Keeuiea .very . tt. hont. which was only 150 yards h of navlne a fee to luformers who SECRETARY DANIELS AT CHARLOTTESVILLE TODjii SIMMONS MICH CONCERNED over iLUcrr uquor Inclined to Feet That It Would Be Wise to Restore Old Method of Pay ing Informers. Washington, June 10. Senator Slm- Days of Fighting in Carry ing Forward His Line a Distance of Six Miles. ... (y Tks Assstats Fiawl - - Tarts. June 1L All the advices, from the battle front show that Um. enemy Is putting forth every possible effort in his design to push toward mona has felt much concern over re-1 1 r :."r. ports from the state, as to. the Illicit V -r succeeded in two days of fighting, in carrying forward his line at a maxi mum point of advance, at VlgnemoMV s distance of six miles. In this he has been materially aided by a considerable Cost. , v - I away, expressed the opinion that alwould give Information to revenue! . Tk. ii .. Pwm.1 . 1 clean hit was maae. I offloers as to tue locauou oi inicii u.- ------ I ... - . .i . . . a . I niimnpr or uuu. wuivw - Charlottesville, June 1L Speaking Two destroyers which aocompaniea tlllerles. it nas appeareu io r,7le ,. .t . nnaDie to demolish. here today at the commencement exer- the " British liner droppea aeptn Simmons, especially in view to --- -- enem fnrtner gu(!Ceeded ; la rises of the University of Virginia, I cnarges wnere me suumariue uiir Secretary Daniels said that good would I peered. eome out of the world war, and thatlgers. It would teach .the lesson that the "rule of force must, be resisted ;, and I DESCRIBE THE SINKING will be resisted successfully at every nn titr PTNAR RIO cost and at the supremest sacriflce." I , ' The writings of Thomas Jefferson, s,.Uni-. R.. rtat After Thev Abaci- founder of the University, were I . . . .1. - .r 1 niuw Cn, . Tor. . i a . . i . i I . anncu UH vobbvi . turi www ww ooint that the temnorary victory of Other Ships Sunk. the Germans ou the western front does! .Washington, June 10. Germany's that have come to mm, mat u imam I -"-r; . nf th( wed b- to me revenue i ;""""""; Ma,nn. , th mards officers In the proper enforcement oi .-rr-ti The liner carried 176 passen-1 be of some assistance to the revenue he law If the practice of paying a n0TrwncTrlnKi? fee to Informers could be restored. h'uP "ftnreaThe vll. He had a conference today witn who, kruri and Belloy. mlssloner of Internal wevenue tioyer. r . hlnd which he - iiiuml the matter. Tne com-1 - k : and discussed tne matter, xue .-. ----- - .. ototnrt thai- he ih eivine se-it HArdPratlon to ways and means observation by the rrencn of increasing the efficiency of the I M the aanger to "- revenue force. The senator ieeis tnat hi, o-nnsn New Order Effective on All Railroads Hits Washington. Washington Post t . ' New passenger rates on all railroads of the country went Into effect at mm nlcbt These rates are made up of in creased mllease. Pullman rates and wat tax assessments. In geArat railroad fare is raised to .three cents, a mile. The Pullman charges add hall a cent a mile, and the war tax Is 8 per cent of the total cost of the ticket ' At the senerat ticket office at Union Station last night the foUowing Wash ington .rates were ItalrinHU-e. old., ra 11.80. Pnan rttr$L6T; vto lWw York,. olVte,-5:B, new rate, 7.rc, Pullman rate. 98.04, plus bertn, exu; td Philadelphia, old rate, $3.40 ne rate, $4.41, ' Pullman rate $5.14, plus berth, $1.05; to Chicago, ol drate, $1, new ' rate, $25, Pullman rate, $a.lu, plus berth, $48; to Pittsburg, old rate, $8, new rate, Baltimore and Olito, $0.82, PpmiHvlvaula. S1U.3T. ruuman raic. " . " . . m i lu . 1HUIL' AIU $11.47 and $w w, Ptn,cot." Howard, on Guy street, in Concord. tne uerinaua ou me weaieru xruui uun , yvasmugiuu, duuc j. " " mot onrt aslt-1 In which to manoeuver '" not mean a permanent German sue- submarine raiders, which some sixteen all Possible enf?"' no Lprll lies In the human stage that ie cess. . . I days ago first made their appearance! ance should be Z fn nroeress. Balances seem to be in inAmPrin waters since the declara- now constitute the revenue tore . APPK I. rOR.FniUTR TO - ' .1 Hntt of war. annarentlv still are ran- North Carolina. BE SENT" TO RUSSIA I ing off the Atlantic coast though no . . inrRP ., . . reoorts of additional sinkings had been GOV. BICKETT TO BE HERE. Transmitted to the United States To. received at the- navjr department late r M1 jh; N.rt fur- j , jir D.,- STmhuuiv tOIllgnt lO aao IO Uie UUKiai iuh ui niu 0n -- day by the Kusslan Embassy. I . . h hottnm I ..j ruwni on Sundav. CIIIIXU vans. ,- WJ w sIIVa la- annAnnnomnnv mm rla npl "' ni.l.nti flmt- Washington, June ll. An appeal to LJ.r,T he ooeratlons of iJ1"" -.1! the United 8ta and the allies to f Werg wte ta8t nlght and Tr8Dh Kls community, one send an expeditionary force to Russia Lu of tne mklng m AmerlcannnuX, ind the crther on to repel the German Invaders, forward- 8tAnil- Plna - Del Rio i Saturdayi 2".5!5.. rAl 7Lv ffprnon or . . . . I nBUUIJ.!-hVU' favor of the French. GERMANS PUSH DEEPER INTO THE ALLIED rwwi Fighting Yesterday Afcnost CnDFeted : cntod in Fury. , (By ' The Associate Press.) French Headquarters in France,- via rmatr. Jnn ll. The enemy succeed-; ed at an immense cost in pushing Ms KUtwln'ii embassy. It Is asked, that, the expedition if sent, be put. under international con eaS to r.o. gvlnt. -ZSS Apeak" t KjJ?. 1 lomii MS Jto Sues from hU tartlng VO sent, be piit.uiwcr luternationai cou- . . American transport open will he ivcelved with the The ngnting wi troitogunu; rht the foUowing Wash- i b th ivntral mmittee of the !r"TLAL.-".T. snnaar.i-.w ere given officially : To ptv in HnsslaJwa. transmit- JTl si?.' Wenlng, the exact hour to oe thtohe allied front yesterday. had sighted asubmarine una motnmg --V , the Chautauqua tent The P. ?jr"VtrZ 7r - 75 miles off the New Jersey coast ana nncem ent that Gov. Blckett is top"""- ". nnl ... , , , t.v. .1.-1 '1 IIP UKUL1UK w.o wMMv-.- -"- A Family Reunion. Ou Saturday evening, June 8th, 1918, several hours ! were pleasantly spent In an Informal manner at the hospi table home of Mr. and Mrs, J. P. T$E COTTON MARKET. ment late tonight tt was said that no " arBe.an(iience on both occasions. Wialirillll"ll.' "A (.Ilia - cuvvuniyi uu iHpn received. DnLmHH tha Pinal rial KtA HP- riving at Norfolk said after they ab ut- irregularities Early Today I JHvretaken ta? a h.i .hin thow aav the snhnia-l.. i.-i i ta iin lim. I ouently ; retaxen Dy uhs in . UVHW LUC-lBi au.r -,t r rlne which sank the Rio send down an vessel and a scnoon- known their crews pact masses were mowed down by the allied gun Ore. Wave succeeds wave in Mi. attack ana wnen a vwuuuu v taken bv the enemy, rc irw. -Market 14 to u rouns x-oww. """1;.. the French in I (Br Tk AwMclt PraM New York. June 11. The . cotton variably find the ground littered with German dead. landed and the na- mv "uu" 1"""" "ZZTV.ZA The Germans, it is eaum. Fad no reports Tn.rL .ahsed between twenty and thirty dlvta- m st . . . t1...,t Uat-lns ami I - . . a. a. ' I IV Hicauj a - I lnna 11 n nnril IHKI. UlaCIlt. . iilv oaaawT m imad tickets are now 'cteadfted A aw. t0 nnrm L1" PA 1 July but generally 14 to 19 points low- ; aMe to brlnB aau war in, n.j " r ' - - . i onni. Mrs. rannie t-arKer. n wuuuuiu, i .kin Thov iwiipven ratner. mat n . . ....... in i,ni w.re.j ... . ''C10,':; armies is almost equal, aitnougn ine tne raiuer uau . ububuic 1 ,-n,,CT to within range of Its' guns withavlew XM'closeV to replenishing its stores at leisure ik- i " ,,t,M ateadv: Vn.l-uH lutHi v-t7 w.v w July SAILOR DESCRIBES ONE THE LARGE U-BOATS Blows T Beat up Huns TkugM to U S. Soldiers, . . , i Wnihington'Post Corhett, DesfC ? Greenville, June W. M. Corbett a destertcr from Camp Sevier, was killed last night at tne home of W. H. Corbett his fathdr, about nine miles east of here. The sheriff , and a posse went to arrest him and hsd to break Uito tne nouse. , "-p' " tartedTto all were invited to the fining room where lt wouW be In imminent danger : Nmle7ToaayrL' bett, senior, young Corbett' atarted I to v ftn4w,nnterlnlI the swift destroyers I ConUlns ??,t J;yCt enter the room witn a guu. -. . -.. lth temtia . iMnai. -irin , . oi "" " .x... . ffl.r ' i inure ----. T'l-."l,,u lu" "O"" " biiui ut wj , ... i thinaa to eat After nraver uy tne pan-1 th IT-hoats. He had made threats tnat "wrtook 0f the bounties. The! Other friends present were Mr.' and Mrs. B. W. Query, and Miss Margaret 1 1 ranlenishins I . m w S M Tl I Mr Query ana uer. ana .m vf.ifor sinking the craft ; s woher 24Mt December 23.92; xweuiy uiue iirrwiun jioiiv cujujv-. iieQ Dy a - moiner snip, .... . - this occasion. . . I the latter vessel would naraiy maxei citai.tv LIST After spending sometime in a pciai jg appearance In the shipping lanes I . . . -Twenty- Held Prisoner, Several Day After the Ship Was funk S50 Feet Lang and Carries 7S Men. IrA; ; :-.K:V " Newport . News. "Van June' 10.;One of the Germnn U-boats, operating off the Atlantic, coasta ls 350 feet long, carries two six-inch alms and 75 men . and is protected with a heavy. belt. of ' -armor above the water, line; according to a seaman from the sailing ship Ed na,' which whs sunk by a submarine . recently, who was held prisoner on the underwater, craft several .days- after ' - his shin was sunk -- The seaman, Rwede, skjS lie talked with a member of- tlie crew whof could talk-Swedish ' and was informed thst the U-boat had - Iieen lu iliese wnters about 10 days be- !. fore the Kilim was sunk.;. The German also told h in. he said., that the sub- 'inerslble would", be relieved by anotlier t ; U-lHtat after it had operated .off the ,': coaMt three weeks; ; . i, , ,'. he seaman says be asked about a - . submnrlne baso and the Ciormnn mnde ; - an evasive answer,- trying to lead film to lielieve that - the-. Germans had , worked out a plan of sending! the U-boats all the Way across the Atlan , ; -, tic often enoni;h . to keep a flwt of thfiu coiiHtautly on this slile, relieving i them every three weeks., was Issued yesterday.by the commis- rVT ir. had to be knocke.1 ?89 zLZZL . f dlaeaae 7: wounded i" ' vXIth rroilna to nolnts In the slon on-training .camp activities,, .for 1 1 vln(t s head wound. e oe wn der. imdete '"wSt to conform "with the re. aunng tue imni six wuuuii Vi--"j i , t. now held -in jail tur nnruun", i - . k.nn- ,nin I r.'". ' i . i. 1 ,ii 19 . , f every blue Jacket h?. .rned bal Uig rj , He wUl Pba- - 'r r.CT.t"1 Z, SoAilSl The list Includes, .killed ui action ?! ".""L1, .. A Thilhly be given, a trmi io v- - ONE PRESENT. I h Rev. John F. Criirter. pastor of 8t. Concord. N. C . June lwtn, wio. I Mark's Lutheran church. The burial I U. rrelarrhouS a ot I W. T. WhHorf Funeral Was Largely T fc. ul,,ln. ailll TnH If- 1 v; " . , - . wwwn W.. "Jf.i.. - - 'tK- ..unw I ,ruu ... ' T. i. . This was a happy occasion as u I nharintto Observer. T'LJSrS ..rtK":TI taH portholes at seven,, Hrmieht toaether the brothers and sis- RlanoD Howard Rondthaler. of Win Action. (By The A nela PnM.1. . Waahlntrton. Junell.-The army cas ualty list today contained 130 names. divided as follows ; lve, because the French are more ta mUlar with the ground. Tte fierce ness of the fighting and the Inflexible determination with which the enemy accepts his shocking losses tadktr that he is determine to continue unia complete victory or ioomplete exhana- ; Hon ensues in tne oeeusw iu , the year.. '...:;'. -y':" ''P'X - To Increase Freight Rate Totatea. (By Tfcs AsseeUta Pre ' Washington, June 1L The railroads .nthnrlCMl today by the IntBT- . Kiiinrt tn action 26: died of wound. I ... rmmprce Commission to increase n . ma f dlnease ( accident V and other I fha .tPa on manufactured tobacco the Leach Cross left hook and theaf.t miB8i0ner tomorrow. An -In- right -croM to the stomach. ,-V; Innest was held and the verdict was . . . .i.ii.i.... AwMM nr ma mom . . . . i.iii.i .m.-i ? u auumuii, na " I that young twoett was icu now knows -how to wrestle He has I . tn discharge of their duty. - become proficient in the headlock and I x n.hinn, atlll an doutflt was breakVthe strangle now ana tne nying i fe d m noURe. mare. the. waist hold and the doublet""". JL wrist lock and the Jlu jltsy leg and arm break. :" . !---" - Every one .'.has beenUaugbt the crawl stroke of swinnnlng, . which. x Death of .Mr. James McDonald. - Mr. James McDonald, who has been 111 at the Concord Hospital for several ,ir. with tvnhold fever, died last night about ten o'clock from the disease. He B A..3 .. av a -Motner enip bww j--. :,"-: ;. nf am. .rfiv v.. Jnna 10. Survivors oi "tlV., v k, . . - . v.. . l .mil m.rrlMl . rlia coiiuiutm uu uw,. the American freighter w wsy r . h t d,yg, and swimming,, wnicn, from Manteo, N critical ror tne .P" needless to say. is the Stroke most "r."!!:" i,.. which thetw was practically no noi ue.u productive of -v-V miA nwnnam nasi noon fHtrnsnci nnr . . . , i f -i iih imm i v wuh lk ivxtii v a,uv - at ail 'TrratalnTitW T7.h. rfZ Zn7 an fata "father; Mr. D. C. Mcuild at the tlie direction of Walter Camp, dean of -V.. annanied by a large Norcott Mill, anu tne luuer.. wm -. v.i- tt rviatm aout, was aocompaniea- Dy ,5"llloM trn,n thBr(, tomorrow morning at . ' i whiph thev nenevea to me ". " . . .m n.v....... .. . - - . , ... in n'Aiv.u -rfip liirprmnir nut w "mother" ship. , Whey also asserteu - '. ' ,-terv. where he Will that after their vessel wss sent . oown - . het- th. Mut.moraimp nana mu ..... . . , . , uy guu tuv, ------ ; - i hla father, ne is surviveu uy American sailing vessels. x v ;. v - daUEnter, about Much MaU Lost When tl Carolina twoa - .- i t r. ......... .T Attria itr AiiaiiRta. xiu - The elevators In the "Waldorf-Astor ia hotel In New York are now manned by fifteen youn,' women curators. ' , ' ; Expense Accounts Missing. WsshTiigton. Jmie 10. Charles h. Aliernethy and Walter Murphy, de feated candidates in the Third and :iirhth districts, reKpectively, have not turned in their expeiine accounts yet W: T. Dortch. the succesnful candidate in the Third, turned In an account lor !)1 on MiTv 20. Mr. Dou-ht-m, of tne KlRlith, $154; rtepr('iiUa Small, Kltt lilii. ' Pou. . Steilnmu. . i'.oblnson. U'mvKr. Godwin and Webb were at nolaacks of Da reel port and 370 register exnense,-' . .'- ; . ler artitles, mailed from throughout p i ijj i,,- or j i ma:. i:- Washington. June iu.-" l." Atlanta, and Jeter now whoii the Porto Rlcan liner Carolina was sunk by a German submarine off the rew jersey ounm. inuuucu iuiwu lottpra. 42 sacks of newsnapers, 64 In France with the American Expedl tlonary Forces. ,; ; , . Germans at a Dlsadvantoge. (By Tk. AsMete rm) With the French Army . In France, Mark's Lutheran church. The burial w.a in F.lmwood cemetery. The pan- hMin were W. W. Konaras, r. d. Rmlth. E. R. 8mlth. John M. Scott, Geo, Davtm.nn and f! Vslaer. Th aervices were largely attenaen .nrf mint hesutlful floral tributes showed the high estemm in wnicn nr. wnhifnmi waa held by a -wrong ox friends in this section of the country He died Sunday .morning at ; w .i" o'clock, after a long Ulness. , Sergeant Fred Conine Severely Wound- . ;:,'.---r-.-. eo m rmra -.q- ?- lfM TtMaiA Wlshorn has Just" re ceived a message from the war depart ment saying that , her rotner. .er- ra.nt Vnut rorslnei nas been severely wounded in action In Frsnce. and that further Information regarding nis con iiiiinn wnnM tie nromotiy reportea. . 'Rerant Corstne Is a txincora noy ml a member of Co. M. 2Bth Infant- ry. Besides Mrs. wisnorn ne nas two other sisters,. Mrs. Jos jDennls, and Mrs , Samuel Craven, . i Tne list hii'iuwot, - Edwin C. Pitt, of Rocky Mount, N. cent Increases in the rates from Vir ginia. Van Buren Hair, of Eleasc, N. C.. Henry W. Morrow, , Ainemarie, iv v.. and John w. Tritt.ot i i ' - " : Keynote If Cooperation. ii ,u rit. an 3.. June 11. One thousand prominent manufacturers oi New York, New jersey, reiiiwyi-'. MassachusetU.. Connecticut anu . - a mnAt notvk rnmnrniw lira as ware mrc w - ; , - . I even a u&a raruucui w , V. TT . war mventton ;iTbe xhlefjiblect of true tnat ParlUnjent f.lle. the meeting will be to jrormnlstoa tne lo0d question butit program wheKjythe ,Tt remains the only ptatform for free atlon win oe given w i " I noeech, and the oniy piacw - . ... hnM.timri a mi .k. iuiun.l hutfvpoit Xtav 2.1 to 2H ill "' Tuf nir al th nsii-iinia.''' l.inx .nil .t Kan Juan. Msv 29. thellnnn 11. The difficulties confronting ,,.- i. ri...i.n..iKi nfflp ilpiiHrtraent todav annouuc-lthn eiiemv are very great lu the na- i ue iirt ituiii... i in. . . ... , ....... ; ,;- - i . .. . i ...... .PH....W1H he held this afU-rnoon fttied. i , ; ,? i - , ,. tnre ot inn country 4:()0 ocliM-k. There will be a lecture hv the suncrlntendent. and also a dia- rt bv the Kerry tUncprs. TonlKht at 8 o'clock the Kerry v pi-k wlil al-" r've a c""',rt, and ths 1 he a i -line by It. ( urolyn GcisrL on "MIkS Colun n, M. V Dr. Of' 1 will have a us r 1 'intrta.tt nif HiihO fr you. M'hen the c'oU'l I M. l-.v" in rl',e l'i - rl. 1 tkVHf Ml I f l in hla new drive. The terrain com,- Tt is recalled that In the Insurance prises, sharp hills, deep valleys, anu tnvMtiesHim Mr. Hushes shows that thick. woods v, t ... .i,.u.MAUa mmipv rmilf - nriKlrloii or Influence not deterring him Tor an ll uwilli uasoia sunrana hii r Ktant. This Is pleimant reading for tho I press thenitlves as well pleased with i,im oiiilw holt Hie ot hur fi'lloxw 1 tli olltloolt lor tne auouuou ui u iiw.i . .t it emml miffragfl amendment lu v that btnte at trie next eiecuon. A of t twa . ,iosal is pilule to eii'i t In front I e turh'ln "iifry Irnih!'- ? at Ot. a i: H-H !.' Cl- l t' 1 ivos an "I VI " 1 r -'1. f i or thrift, r 1 ia e! . J 0 f Name of New Berlin Is Now Changed .-..... - to Pershing. : Rockv Mount June 0. It Is under stood that the local offices of the At i.ntip Vtvmt Line Its liroad company hava-received notice that the name of New Berlin, a town on this roaa near Wilmington, on the w umiiiRTon- lor- ence branch, has been chanRod to "Fershlng." The cltisens of M'W uer- lln recently raised a howl because hecanxe some were prone to loon on the place,, especially its name, as un patriotic At T.s Ttr -'res. Manwry VT. In ''The Hard Rock rreed." at Tn.-,vow, tli New l'l r -:St ' I; flm'mt tol !1 Declares Treason Rampant Ih Austria. Amsterdam, June 10. The Jtenna correspondent of the Weser Zeltung a radical newspaper of Bremen, says that In a sensational speech Dr. Wels. klrchner, Burgomaster of Vienna de- v "High treason and ingratitude are , rampant and the Government hM Prov ed weak and unsteady. In the present Prions flme we need .PariUment tor , liad parliament w - 1. th, fnrnlBhlnir nf War SUDPllOS. Hi ."c , - " .t. Among the men ot proiuiuwiw: nled to address the gatnenun r wr- rnor Samul W."'Mccaii or-masiwcuu-setts. Senator Joseph 8. Frellnghuy sen of New Jersey, Charles A. Otis, of the War Industries. Boarq. ana Tracy, the English inoveHst. now a member of the untisn war niwiuu.w the United 8tates.' .' - ' ' : . u-j Germans' T..J f. the bureaucracy and he numerous military j"""'" can be discussed. The supreme and the most urgent duty of the par Hes now is to show a united front to Slav treachery." ' ! ' Death of a Sallsbnry Policeman. . (9selal te The TrttMia) V t,. 11 1 Cant. : J. : A. paiinuuij, - reaaing. with th French Army In France, June 10 By the Associated Press.! Every foot the enemy advances now h-inira him farther Into territory which is thoroughly well known to tne iiib and nrenared for defense. Therefore hi. tak necomes momentarily mui Hlfflpnlt -" Tha all ed staffs are preparea to meet every eventuality and display the mint nerfpct continence in tne out come. - " ' New Enclnnd C ''on- M'.'.U Increase . f .owpll. MnsK.. "June 1 Fcveu oo1 ton- rslllH cn;v.loyl!tn - . ''v' i.-.'-i inHM.a (!iy i r ' t ' ... .. i , , , aia tM. mnrntnff V I IOI in." . . : ... . t,.tffht'a dlKease. He Zl wVaVs oi age. He wss a native of Mecklenburg .county. , . , FtXIUENCE LA BADIS '-rr ; ,,IN ; "Wet tv.i t! :j AVc : i In Five Parts. " " , . ' ATT"":